PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSAARL2T,13 Nestieton day was very well attended. Rev. J. J. W. Stringer, also Mr. and reading, Miss Winnie Brooks; solo, I- h on the circuit next Sunday. Master Armand Hollingsworth ton Blgelow; toplc, Mrs. Dudley; J1>I LII'JV V Ii1 R J4 I~f"«I Recent Visitors: Mrs. Rae Mal- Mrs. Bella Johns and Mr. Wm. and Norman Andrews qualified ta, piano solo, Douglas Barr. _________ colmvisied hr inther Mr.p Porterous are on the sick list. slng at Port Hope i May. MissesWoe'sIstt~f e Glad to welconie sprinz at last, the Kathleen Simipson and Velma with the President preslding for Followlng is a list of prize wmn- Stackaruk; (b) - N. Irwln. Wright... Miss Verna McNally, f roRs were heard Sunday night for Cowan will also sing.thbsiesprd.LtrsonrsttefrtLosClbHby .-Kte()-Jhnot Blcktok it is JanMa-the f irst time. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and tiiankÉ from the sick wete ro ea.Sow the ih wLions u Hobrcynt4. - iCUb col. Mr. Ralph Emierson with Miss Jean Alloway bas recovered sons, Ross and Lloyd, Long It was decided to hold a concert succese on Saturday. Over 1500 1 b o.Cl. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. .. Mr. f rom the f lu and able to be back Branch, spent Sunday with Mr~. as soon as the roads improve, also entries were recexved 1 b on oo. ond Mrs. L. Joblin with Mr. and at school. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. to hoid an antique demonstration Clas unes r iena g 2.- Knots and Sphices: (a) - Mrs. Geo. ....s... Mr. and Mrs. at the*May meetin. HOU 0811 W55 with expianations, but there may Gerald Cox; (b) - Don Venton. ILeo. Marlow...t Mr. and Mrs. h ..,a1 the paying of next yeurla f£008with be sorne dliffculty figuring what 3. - Scout Staff: (b) - Kelvine 0 Wi. lsow. .h Mr. and Mrs. AJthnr LewtonvllIe a splendid response. Rpot for the (a) and (b> sections mnean. Symons, Don Venton.T - Wilonacott. Mr. and Mrs. AFlIrd w ava ___the yer from the SeC..- Tsrer, (a) meons that- the competition 4. - Map of Viclnity: (b>) Don Hyond ith f .ri.end s Bwmn-dep ofgî the Cornlort Commlttee anld the was for junior entrants up to and« Venton. W. A. will meet May 3rd'at the over our communlty asat week- Park old lteWrOgvf.Mr.iculg 2yaso5ae b - Any Other Project: (b> - ville.hoeoteViePudetMs.ndwe twseredtee aol Skinner, group leader, means entrants were over 12 and Doný Venton. homeonWmns ntttewl etof Stre inge r s t f rond weow es lead ded. hreetook charge of thia program: Mrs. under 17 years of age. Vive prizesNomrdop pl Philo av3r. onend it wilWotTrontoere ouhofnom . wlmowfcle ad Bied. "O. u fdors";a &rt gpoemn, were awarded for each section, Clam S- Modellng omr opol ra ae rmteCl meet at the home of. Mrs. Harry Misses Ada and Viola Holings- are Mrs. T. Ai&Ifm s(Bey.) F.outuofey rad; a Ï10teua and where less than five naines 1. - Relief Mop: (a> - Jean Cross- Village Well, but man) oe tl eedo h new member. Miss M. Mc!Pherson, Cbug f.E inladhmru ~av"h appear theré were fewer than five man, Junior Boss, Shirley Alider, aniatdropup Servce i th Unied Curc Sun spetobnoayrit Mr. adMs h ElIJah Buflled wbo spent Peeklng Perklns" was wefl acted entries. Where 2nd or some other Edith Ruiter, Marjorle Stevens; Seric i th Uitd hurh un spntSuda wih r.andMr. hewlnter bore wltii bis sister, by Mrs. R. Giaspell, Mis. J. Cook, numberhla ndicated wlthout any (b> - Norman Blackle J u n ior It is back-breaking wr opm n ar Mrs. J. G. Jackson, passed awoy Misses Marlon Werry and Lorna lot prize appearlng, the entry was Neal, Bessie Stevens, ëlladys Fer- aetoheou iZ _________________________________________at Bowmanville Hosrital, April Hooper; solo by Mrs. T. Down. not conisidered of sulUclent menit guson, George Stackaruk.waet heosenaikndof eter Dn' 19th. His brlgbt jovil disposition Mrs. N. Woodley coducted the to warrant a lot prize. Classes 2. - Animal: (a> - Jean Cross- make your family Put p it suhotf-de rigbt to the last makes it bard to election of officers pord by where there were no entries are man, Bill Rundle, Eileen Farrow, Join the realize lie is gone, and leaves a the nominating commttie, Mrs. not listed. Bric Mcflveen, Don Qulck; (b> - methods any longer. An pt-ae opc vacant place bard to f111. Funeral Richards and Mrs. Smith., These Other details are covered i the Clifford Trewi, George Roberts, 1service was held in Newtonville officers were elected: President - story on page one of this issue. Ted Clarke, Junior Neal, Don Fer- U~ United Church on Saturday, and Mrs. L. Goodman; lst Viee - Mr. EUE 1 - Art guson KENW OOD intemn n OCen eeery.B.Hdsn d Vice Un. G. G. - Any Other Object: (a> - Duro WVWBWS5WiA7à Sineresymath gos ot t hi Roever;Se'y.-Treas.. J. 1. - Pencil Drawing - Persons Eobbie Henry; (b) - Bill Harri- daughter, Mrs. Lon adn n ok sitn e.Tes r.i Action: (a) - Betty Sissons, son, Don Robinson, Marlon Welsh. will furnlsh running waterudrpesr akthn to bis sister, Mrs. J. G. Jackson. R. McCullougb; Planlst - Mrs. R. Don Quick, Wlfrid Knox, Davi ld m7-Ifueodsine ahom anr n a CH-RI STM A4iS C LU B Frias morning, Aprîi21, lMrS. V .u; ssstant - Mr X Dud- Kilpatrick, Eileen Farrow; '(b>) ln oshl cec ahooludy&dfa11bidns Tho. lli, othr f rs.No- ly;Ditrit ireto -Mrs. Ga-TmRbs George Stakaruk 1. - Sample of Plain Needie- ungwae man Samis, was goig about bier peUl; Brancb Directors - Mis. An- James Southey, Bill Harrison, Bfl work: (a) - June Allin, EleenRuinwtr wrasusual et the home of Mli.n is, Mrs. Hughson, lirs. -Rooper; Harrison. FarW, Adey Farrow, liorre as permits the Smswhen bier cail came and in Pness Correspondent - lira. N. 2. - Pencil Drawig - Landscape* MLaen, Greta M e r c e r; (b) - installation of a ls hnan bour she had passed Woodley; Group Leaders - Mrs. (a> - Don Quick, Myrle Virtue Audrey Ada nNe Glie Prk Modern Emco on to lber heavenly home. lins. Ed. Cook, lirs. R. Wright, lir. H. BettySissonsGlen Thomponild teoJueooe Alfln bas spent most of bier 11e i Skiner, Mrs. T. Down; Comfort Lorrie Farrw; -(12) - BillHr . - KtedAicle: (a), - Beth Bathroom, a very the Newtonvi]le and Lake Shore Conuittee - lirs. C. Slemon and rison, Everett Aflin, Ruth Sey- ller, June Allin Isabelle Kelly, necessary con- setons and is well known for lins. R. Scott; Park Commlttee - mour, Norman Blackie, Will Ste- Audrey Farrow, evelyn Brooks; venience for the ber kidly nelgbborllness. She Mrs. A. W. Annis and Mrs. L. phen. (b> - Elleen Todd, John Burd, AILf health and well- bad a friendiy, affectionate dis-. Thompson; Auditors -lira. L. Pn Dnwg-(SllI Whtworth. positio that rdlat.d -rougb he floper and-rs(SN.Woodley e .,--Piece of Embroideny: (a) - being of your positity etenadied te ail wtheo n. kernsMgroNp *ered lnch Gnoup): (a) - Beth Miller, Don Elleen Farrow, Audrey Venton, family.Also, Mod- vosisalt e Senddwaslesedwh ______________________lunch.Quick, Lorraine Farrow, Bert Orma oerMaroie Rundle, cm Emco Kitchen viîtdbe. Stwsblsdrihe, Betty Stevens; (b> - Clif-~ Viola Rd b iEe Tod, I(ENWOou) good bealth and exceptional ac fndTnSnMojd; Klpt(b) lle Todd, Rt ucisn qimn aes tivity rlght up te, the bour of bier Jac;d Childa Gldys engusonri, Aura Prut, Yvonne Chala. e en tdrdess passig. Deepest sympathy is ex- Ted Clark. Club ~ ~tended te ber daughterslins.5 rse o:(>-Mr fhueok Norman Samis, Newtonville, and m 4. - Inlc Sketch - Person in Ac-' goret Stacey, Bevenley Su d d s, 11W Il lira. Fned Couch, Newcastle, and E tion: (a> - Arthur Stakaruk (2nd), An Staples, Gwen fooper; (b) Ernco fixtures and equipmetaemdrtl ILdMIte bier son, lir. Leslie Allin, Lake M Leonard Glover (4th); (b) - John Eileen Todd, Nefle Parker. 'piced. The Snaw-White 2"x4"eanle I~IShoe. unealsericewasbel M Cbaycbuck, Donis Glover. 6 Corkwark: (a) - Jas. Wege BLANK ET fb ChistS ore. nvillervcemetryR____________ Govr 4thonb)- Dri Gbve, pecalClag Blee Tdd bu s EW OD-t the home of lins.Semis on 0 L 5. - Ink Sketch - Landcape: Jean Gray, Don Peffens; (b) - Éo in on, ncludi.g.f.ucet..ea..for.installa-.$.97 li KN OO onday and iternmont was ini __________ (a) - Bille Vivian (3nd), Leonard bort Kyle, George Wbltefoot. toCSu....... BLaE frCn tmffiday, sbortly alter the sbock Mllarjorle Aflin. Doniothy Evans, Kathleen Vesna, SikadCbntwhfucaslusrtd$71 Buy olewarm flecy, oloufulOf lin. Allin's passing, came the àT t L 6. - Ink Sketch - St 111 Li fe liarion Welsh. (Tmp, Irlm pipe dftig xa KEN WarDinklects forf ris-d EWODblOLo -(Be> ofth s s aBacE graup): (a> - Leonard G1lo v e r Cimes - Domesio science The Dura Special pumphaacaciyf25 mas-f) at ous for Crs-your alsNWOODhe bl BK of mo ronbak. AlThog l. WalceW ANVILE(5t);() - Eileen Todd (4th) 1. - SmaU Plate Of Candy: (a)- gais. per haur; is supplied wt 5g ak M»fziesl. o rle th for*57W2 - pChristmarteAlDFln d lac Gee bas naltufferr frs. W l O M NV E7- .Water Colour - LandacaPe: Joyce Grant, en C arin e r on, 25 or 60 cycle matar. and cossol......$7O lace bas_____a_________for____ a Tom Word, Eleanon John- Mary Purdy, Ja by jiaig Of KNWOD yu~v neer issd ee ~long the message of honr death was ________________(a- Ubn Farrow, Betty Siason; ty Stevens; (b> - Ruth Seymour, by linit ou )RWOOI yove evermised te mey. indeod a orrowful one for usall. W aWrAln CHISTMAS CLUB. Inquire at our blanket dephrmEet Rev. lMr. Wallace was stationed on Thurs. - Fr. - %t. ()n o hn HosBtt h Smbe Eey Nor B enTo, lla Woord, AMe' Esh eeky e a smaif for full deails cf this simple, this circuit for thirteen years and netrd, ety2.ibb,- loNothu lt e o *pfer. (a weld dpoiLItisenerd n lesatpuchsig la.during that tume evenyone learn- APRML27 - 28- T29d8. -- Small Plate- of Toffoo:An(a) - 'v.s Eah e&iy d o.i setudi lesnprhsn ln ed to love lins. Wallace as well as 83.--Waen Cobou -(at)l-LJeoAneaGrapnes lin. allac witha dee abidng Dobi. Fatur. (Group): (a) - George Stakrk 3 oke:()-JyeGat ___________________Mr._____alnlacegi thosodepwb truoubely tre (lot), Eieen Farrow (5th); (b) - Gail Price, Jean Crossman, Reva moe n it. eret, tbe family o John Cbaychuck (lot). Bates, Myrle Virtue; (b) - BUboen ~J o tl aue wm she was justlyberoudil, èwof llfigMs9. - Crayon - Landacape: (a) - Todd, Ruth Hutchinaon..TeGornntHmIpovet Phono 451 Bowmanville up and it was indeed a real son- A28eua tcy,,$Betty Mutton, Keith Crago, Bye- arbraRos; (a ) - Efr oler, LoanAto ueFnnePa nbe Ihl 41Bvanfe .row when Bey. and lins. Wallace lyn Broookt, pumchasedEmco fixtures, fitting decided to beave Newtonvllle. Harold Hoopen; (b) - George StaTod.- aigPweBsct:an wondeWfuladispos ift addring (ta>(a)- Jean Crossman, June A]ln, .metpaovrapndofhreyas ber ong enio cf uffeing he 1. -Cao tiLe(ru Anna Staples; (b) - Lilhan Fowl- Enqiesgenpotatninad beaslongptin ad o sbnig hai (a) - Sally Colo, Don Quick, Bet- er. estiaesupdwtotchr. wb o, atk new b riarvlbedat ber ty Stevens, Dorothy Bedford, Ron 6. - Cake, Light: (a) - Audrey Christinwforitdeand ved honie Johnston; (b) - Margaret Rowe, Bird, Joan Living, Anna Staples, Cheismore forit. I e ra passd inr Bileen Crockett, Imono Mitchell,'Winona Clarke; (b) - liarjorie the ore or i. -n be PasingKilpatnick, Eileen Todd. Newtonvile feels a deep sense of .. Marjonie, Junior Neal' Ck, akB()-Ja. persoal los. Hertfel sympthyFay Found (lot); (b) - liargart Crossman, Louise Hlrcock; (b> - h is extended te lin. Wallace and MORRIS gaeMargaret Killen, Eileen Todd, Ar- Ouro.SpeelaI Poo28 o nil the family - lins. Herb. Alexan- [RPFUM WMB Killen, Clarence Higgina. de, arba, erg a Bll- ,'~,, lIA ouo 12. - Cartoon: (b) - Don Rob- lene Northcutt.EMIEBAS FGCO.LD ville, lis Harold Couch, New- DUSS§MEAlOT inson, Bileen Todd, B 1 w o o d Caa9-Poet cesieMis Biie f Nwtovlle, ivLivIamoe .ihdnfLt fm Thompsoni. . Section - Fathb r and Son: AIso supplled for Gasolîne non Hmln Tono Sdbr cslMisa Ruby of ot ey, nd Msa MelB' 13. - Greeting Card or Calondar: Fletcher and Son, Ericelicllveen Englnroporéflon WInig aneue Misab andPouglas, Geankis (a) - Dorothy Morris, Ethel Gil- and Father, B. Thompson and Fa- 9 I I n Duls Genak Funoral service was held in New- - and - ot athleen Cameron, Ruth thon, Lynesa Spry and Father. tonville United Church on lion- Cole Evolyn Brooks; (b) - Gilbert Section 2 - liothen and Daugh- day and interment was in New- lillfn dward Dickson, Bd- ter: Bileen Todd and liothen, Ber - ____________________ beid word Fargnoli, Tim Syluk, Car- nice Welch and liother, Morion WECIAL MILD rANADIAN Gu eeat in. J G ackson the i, ,. toa * lyle Lewiis. Welch and liother, Geongina Gib- Elmer Green, Archie H e ndry, Arenoigsra sal from a dirNADANGu stance who J.aG.tJndedm Ma. 14. - Amy Work not listed abovo: son and Mother. Helen Karas, Ros Adama-ek h aho ei eitne B. Bul4eds funrel ere: in. bUSh8.ea (a) - Howard Doner, Gledys Ker- Section 1 - Class Project: Grade Section 5, Grade 5 - Cyril Alder a h oloata ahl and E. rs. red urlie and . two - eflisey, Morion Calver, Murray Mc- 2 Bowrnanvillo Public S ech oo 1; îWilma Marsalel, June IcKnlgbti loyt aea h he hrc daughtens, lins. Aibont Wilson andKnight, Donothy Wright; (b) - Grade 7 Hampton Public School; Robert Bagshew Jean Fletcher. telicofhesra-wbcae lin. eyneds, psle; li. an Jerry Stubbs, Albert W ai1 te rns, Auxilary Classroom, Tr ai n i n g Section 6, EraA - Jean Brewov lons adcokdos lins. Herb. Buflied and son, Cee Gerald Egan, Bverett Af1in, Ar- Scbool; -Grade 4 Bowmanville Bemnice Brown, Doris Alldread ___________ TIRln adln.W.Hwis thur Dollock. Public School; Grade 8 Hanmpton Florence Rundie, Canoan Cornih._ __________ SPESIALI GREEN HAM£L Port Hope; Mr. and lira. Lorne Clama 2 - Collections Public Scbcol. Section 7, Grade 7 -Gro Paedn, lin, Mh.;Mr.andMrs 1. Potag Stmps- Cnadan*section 5 - Project wonked eut Thempson, olive Brown, Jac BOUE iva 1RIN Peeen, ant, idi. Mn.and lra. . - ostae Stapa -Canaian~by .Individual: John Virgin, Betty Brown, H elen Hooper,Bey 1GSPO T R DRESRNGRso Green and lins. Kelsey, (a) - Frondas Jose (lot). Sees lao ontn enTibe TorntoSail; M . and r. eog 3. - Postage Stamps - General* uhSees eto ,Gae8-A SCL MPELFSmitUt. rnsnlin. and ir. cla(a) - James Southey, Anna Sta: Crosoman, RtKSeen.Scto , radAte 8An, ne WN -~ Ct1.4Glas.Risoan M.and ir. C ilplEric lidiveon, Lillian Os- Clama 10 - Kemmm ic, ioalten ie, aeor i - p SNCIA u n.GMASCIS MI9E SEVLLEand M. Kandel bornsin 9 e, Ronald Jobnston; (b) - section 1, Grade 1 - Ted Ott, Lson.cleGoriaGi-~LEZE SMILIGLSSlsPUE EVwhoOME eda. unor Neal, Donald Venten, Bob Barbare Fry, Doris Buttery, Fran- Bton 9 rd 9-Ad lir. Win. Whittaker, wospent vanslMurray Young, Ken Adair. cia îoiian, Beatrico Brandi. Aas1etin , Grdo 9 -Alb rey BbyCrngs loe - the winter in Toronto, Hamiilten ~4. - Coins - Genoral: (b) - Doug. Betersnw2,kGrader2 - Barbar L'EA WIlhIfhF ~e23and Oshawa, bas returned berne. ShackletSetionJ2niGrde 2 - arradamHlnNUs ietWl untr engrti SPSCIAL! ~~~~We are very sorry to report that 5.* -.WU Sa Bok:(a)-n, Neaal.lin, %Pey pe I, BGeraledFyDte altn hn 4 F L . COCOA B~ev. B. Beech bas decided to H5. ScArey Bo: a) crhap ePaney.ElenAiBeeby People looking for ugly argu F I M M l..9leave Newtonvllee Jean Croman, Jean Gray, Ifolen Section 3, Grade 3 - Mary Ail- monts neyer feU te flnd them.At.H.M DH N SPUCIAL WNITE SATIN Miss I. Laing, Ira. W. C. Lane, ACox; (b) - Audrey Adm, dread, Geil Price, Mary Kennett, tie end of the day they have b- Cnr fe omnil $ A ITSAI24WMr. Cei Burley and lira. Willis of*,TeLJre,1 John Pearce, Bdword -Rlvett, Boy Bonald Powell, Audrey Bird. . ind them a trail of groucby hepa. t Jones attended the W.MS. Confer- Long, Arlene Nothcutt. Section 4, Grade 4 - Ruth Cale, PenilinIjurions te everybody. PASTIT FM URE 5E> 5 elira taa T adaDonna are grdy2.0p.m. ()-Miscellaiieous _______________________________________ oncePAN eIOT Ms J tsawkanThDonday.are I Sa(a)y 230No firat, Amie Staples, lme- KRAFT PAIN oe IMIENTOvislting brparntMn. and lira,____________bone Kelly, Greta liercer, Heu- m8~ li. and lins. Flood and infant aisVET Mon.reTCas.t-eton. bon t)-Woods: (b) -JoyenWTodd ~~., ~ ~ ~ ~~ *~~~~ daughter, Garden HI, were Sun- Mo.-Te.-W d Woa:a) JceW d aukR*ctday guests of lira. Houkin.(1t);()- y ole to: (a). ar ------i 2 a. .07 CARLADAnà kew(bt;(>-ien e lu) frionda athered et thebrneaoge. t.M~W*M iLc oz 7.- Hndy an '6fbEiI7.&W MEAS W 1 fWednesday evening a number A7.s-oe aesY PrDevi e:(b) - ~ ~..- %W& '-m26 MIATSMn& f aindsee theomofaewb W1LC0 Don Brooks, John Pearce, Edword t OFjJ UUCME APRIL 2M NTO MY UMr n H. Cameron and RivoIt.WodCvig (a-BI presented Miss Edna Q~meron 8.-WodCrig(a-Bl aUU~Dp~uI' nd Idr. Albort Wood with a M WeShr ibebVvnLoadGvr Aol #WW 7E M LW C'O/UIUMmiscellaneous sbower. adSlc.dswtsWoSleVivib)n, Lenr boeAnl Cars are 1etting stuck ithe Sep b bnVru.I E & Young Peopbe's Union met on 1. - Flylng Model: (b)>-Don Cou 'Iy IIouIuuaI Thursday evennwith roam W«IdiWSdy 2.80 p.i. Ventan, Don Aflin, Scott Densm UUC i charge ofMisdnCaeo Don Venton, George Kennedy. Phone 886mNIE a nd Mr. Gordon Broui. Scripture 2.-NnFyn edxa wes read by lira. canton Efgelow; John loaKliSanoAo