* -. - .. .**-,.~ - .. -. -. .3 -, .,.-.~. - ~ - - -~.... THURSDAY, MAY 4TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Tu.E .®RONO NEWS kemond Farrow, Poterboro, at Mr. Lae Shore, Clark and Mme. Victor Fros. r Recent Visitors: Mn. Wes. Herd, faznily were in Port Hope Satur- Bowmanville, and Mr. and IMrs. day. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Halo- Bone, Toronto, wlth Mn. and Mrs. well wlth Mr. and Mrs. Ed. White C. Clinton Brown. .. Mr. and Mrs. at Elizabethvlle. .. Miss Marion A. A. Holdaway, Port Britain, J. R. Green at Orono. .. Mr. Wlie With Mn. and Mrs. Sam Powell... Hallowell in Port.Hope. . . Mr. Mr. and Mms. John Hendry with Ewart Robinson and mother, Mns. frlfends in Osawa. .. . Maurice R. Bougon, at Mn. Geo. Morton's, Powell wlth Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sixth Lin.. . Miss Meda Halo- Holdaway, Port Britain.. . Mrs. wel witb Miss Ruth Savery. . Mr. C. J. Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Farrow and father Mr. H. Peters, Port Britain... Mr. and Victor Farrow, motored to fl'eten- Mrs. Leslie Alldread and Doreen, boro Sunday evening., Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. This beautiful Spring woather Leslie Allin. has caused farmers to get busy <In the land. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell CrookedCr k attended a wedding clbaino _______Mn. and Mrs. Cocil White at Wel- Mr. Lloyd Clysdale is improv- corne Fiday evening. ing romtheaccden heexpri- Miss Norma Hallowell, accom- ence fro Et aacceh. xp -panied by other mombers of the ence atEllitt' garge.comniittee, attended church ser- Suckers are up in the creeks vice at Seagrave, in view of sel- and the neighborhood youths have ecting a minister'for our circuit: been giving them a chase. We hear of diffenent homes Mn. Lionel Hughes was home around here are to be wired for ibis weekend. electric ligbts. The Turner famlly have al ne- Mn Wm. Savery happened with covered from their long seige of another accident which resulted in flu. a broken bone in his shoulden. Miss Lenore Simpson, Toronto, Be spont the weekend with Mr. and Re. E. Beech delivered a fine- Mmi. Sid Rutherford. sermon at Sioh -on Sunday, his Mn. Bob Hughes and Mm. and subject being "The Tree of Know- Mrs. Jack Reid spent Sunday in ledge and the Tree of Life." Milbrook. .Mn. and Mns. Sid Hughes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newtonville Hughes.____ Mr. and Mns. Bill Reid visited BentVsos:M.ad r. Mn. and Mns. W. Wood Sunday. Wm tVstos 'r ndMs Fair luck was reported at Ke, n- . Knox, Bowmanviie, with dal ibis week-end in the trout Mn. and Mns. Fred Nesbitt. .. Mn. flshing. and Mms. George Thompson with ______________ friends in Toronto... Mr. and Mms. Chas. Stapleton, Onono, with Mn. and me.Wm.Stapleton. .. Mn. Cla&rBe -Union and Mms. BReg. Woodham, Toronto, _____ with Mme. Norman Samis. .. Mn. A number of the farmers have Fred Woodham, Toronto, witb bis started seeding. parents, Mn. and Mns. Harry Mn. John Fogg has engaged Mn. Woodham. .. Mn. and Mms. George Gordon Power for the seeding. E. Stapleton with their daughten, Mns. H. J. Souch, Mn. and Mns. Mns. Alvin Jones, Port Hope.. Harry Bailey and Miss Eileen Mre. Pym, Oshawa, witb Mrs. Samn Souch spent the weekend in To- Jones... Mn5. Hoskin, Sybil, Mil- ronto. dred, Roýberta and Elwin, with Mns. Fred Blackburn is visiting hon mothen, Mrs. Liggett, Gardon hon asiter in Belleville who is inHill. .. Miss Audrey Burley, Port il health. Hope, with hon parents, Mn. and Mn. Bernard Quinney le wonk- Mns. Cecil Burley... Miss Isabel ing with Mm. Swinford for the Bruce, Toronto, wîth hon parents, season. Mm. and Mre. R. Bruce. Mn. Everett Cain bas returned Glad to uee Miss Elsie Wallace' fromi the city and wlll work with back at the switcbboard. bis grandlather, Mm. Geo. Cain. Mn. J. T. Pearce has returned to Mn. Harry Bailey bas secured a bis duties with the Hydro ai poition eo city. Mm. and n.Carleton Pa--.-. Baly w move to Toronto. League closed1 last- Tuesday A numben of thé boys eent niht.1 suckor fisbin one evenmng, but Messns. wiUlis Jones and John the catch was small. Mr. Wilfred Sherwin, Guelph Scott made a business trip to To- Agzicultunal College, was home. ronto. .M .SmJnswl A numben of the scholars of our Mr. andMn.amJnswl school will compete at the Music be 55 years married on Sunday, Festival at Port Hope. and on Saturday, May 6, thoy wlll receive their friends from 2 to 3430 p.m. StarkvilleBron isstaying Mn. John Scott started wonk at Visitons: Mr. and Mns. Geo. the Fonestry in Orono Monday. Morton and. family, Slxth Uine, Apnil 26th the W. A. met and wlth Mns. John McKay. ...Mr Bob. Farrow, Port Hope, visited made defmnite plans for thoir sup- bis sons, Victor and Howard.. . e. Mm. and Mme. Lew Hallowell and Apnil 28, Miss Mary Lane and faxnily, Mns. S. G. Hallowell, with Mns. Willis Jones went to Wesley- Mr. and Mrs. Sld Hallowell, Eliza- ville and saw the play "Meddle- bethville. .. Mn. Art McKay and some Maid.".1 Percy Farrow wero in Oshawa on Mm. Walter Coulten, Windsor, Saturday... Mn. and Mrs. Chas. was in the village on bis way to Cowan, Newcastle, at Mn. and Lindsay. Ho was. trylng to find Mrs. Henb. Gilmner's. .. Mm. Geo. out somnething about bis ances- Etwell and Mme. G. Silver motored tons. Older residents may necal to Uxbridge... Sunday visitons at bis grandfather, Mn. John Coulten Mme. John McKay's wene, Mre. wbo used to lbye wbere Mm. Wîl1-« Harold Barrowclough, Wesley- fred McKay now resides. ville, Mn. and Mns. Wilfned Mc- Kay, Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Lock- hart, Newtonville. . . Mn. Ray- Lockhart's School One of No. 9 section's oldeet Eyesiht E ucaton rsidets, Mn. Williami Brunt, Eyesight Eduation idthe home of Thes ...Efficion cy edt h members of the deceas- By ,ed'e family. Mn. Tucker, of Toronto, who C.II.Tuck bas purcbased the farm fonmerly Optometrist occupied by Mn. Frank O'Nell, spent Saturday looking ovrer bis Eyesight propenty and making some im- SPecia!isçt provements. Disney BIdg. Mn. and Mre. Austin Turner and ( p . .O.) Helen visited Mre. W. Cowan, Or- ono, on Sunday. OSHAWA, PHONE 1516 Mm. and Mns. Harold Gibson and Betty visited at Scarborougb over Number 82 the weekend. "Tue fact that more glasses are worn now than ovor befome doosRr flot signlfy that eyes are gnowing -,FVAS weakon. Ih means that science bas found a way to correct inbonn Mn. Geo. Stephenson la sponting defects and strengthon buman a new Chevrolet car. v iso . J n l eyes appa e itly Spring la h oe at last and a l the noe lso o the saine reason f armons of the communhty work-1 ith or o ing on the land.1 Crue sbjetiv tets oun Wewel-meMn.A dKns.TN * Wedding, Dlgelow-Wlan St. Thomas Cburch, Sbanty Bay, was the settlng for a pretty mili- tary weddlng April 29th, whon Nancy Colleyne Wilson, daughton of Mn. and Mrs. Edward Vomner Wilson, became bride of Thomas Wllfred Blgelow, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bigelow of Orono. Bey. R. Haughton offlciated with Angus Ross at the organ. The bride, giv- en in marriage by ber father,' wore a gown of lvory satin, and Lim- erick lace voil worn by the bride's grandmotber. Her flowers wore hules of the valloy. Misses Mary and Norah Wilson attended her in yellow chiffon frocks made with short trains. They wore matchmng turbans of chiffon and carried Japanese iris and white tulips. Best man was the groom's bro- ther, Philip Bigelow, and the ushers were Flight-Lieut. C. H. Greenaway and Capt. H. La- rocque. Fellow officers of the groom formed a guard of honor. A reception was held at "The Woods," home of the bride's par- ents. The couple left later on a motor trip south, the bride travel- ling in a modish coat of French toast with brown accessories. They will reàide in Kingston. The groom is a graduate of the Royal Mlitary college. A feature of the wedding was cutting of the cake b1j the bride, with ber husband's sword. Cowanville Bey. Clarence Fenguson of Bethany and our pastor, Rev. R. E. Morton, exchanged circuits on -unday. Mr. Ferguson gave a splendid sermon on the "Founda- tion of Christian Life." Mn. Stan Porteous accompanied Mr. Mon- ton to Bethany. Visitons: Mm. and Mme. H. Cook, Hanilton, and daugbtem, wîth Mr. and Mme. A. T. Perrin. .. Mm. and Mme. W. Stringen, Orono, with Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Hendeson... Mr. Les. Reid, Toronto, with friends. ..Mr. and Mme. B. Co'wan, and family with Mm. and Mme. M. Os- bonne, Morrisb. There seoms to be a splendid "cnop" of suckens this eprtog. Tuat's ail very interesting - if you like fisb. Plane are betog made to take the echool childnen to Toronto to see the Royal visitons. PARK ST. W.M.S. Park St. W.M.S. mot Tuesday, ' î' 4~otional part led .by MisM. Da '. Scriptune was read by Mme. H. Walsh. Brief reports of the discussion groupes ai the meeting of W.M.S. at Oehawa wero given by Mise M. Davy and Mme. George Mitchell. Vocal duet was nendened by Miss K. Stark'and Mme. C. Wood, with Mise L. Allin at the piano. Chapten of study book was given by Mire. M. H. Staples, entitied "Learning: to Live Together." Tue cloeing item was two dippinge on French and Irish sweepstakes read by Mme. H. Walsh. IPARK ST. UNION Union meeting Monday night was in charge of the devotional comnuttee, wlth Elsie Rowe pro- siding. Mm. A. J. Knox and Miss Efleen Riddoll favoured with two musical nuznbers. Mise Betty Rowe took the topic, givlng glean- toge from a talk given at the Lindsay Wintem School on "New Canadians." Tuis talk deait with the talents of ibese immigrants and the work of the Churcb of Ail Nations in T.oronto. Tue Ukirainians wene dealt with as the chief immigrants, and as we have Ukrainlans in oun midst it make the talk more interesting. Elvin Blewett conducted a livoly period of games. PRAYER "In the monning, prayer le the key that opens to us the treasuro of God's mercies and blessinge; in the evening, it la the key that shuts us up unden bis protection and, safeguard."ý-H. W. Beechen. "As my greateet business is for God, to serve hum, so my daily business is with God, to ask hlm for utrengih to do it."ý-Archibald Alexander. "Tue Lord's prayen contains the uum total of religion and moirais." -Wellington. "Ho prayeth bout wbo loveth best."-Coleidge. "Is not prayen a etudy of truth, a sally of the soul toto the un- found infinite? No man eveOr pnayod boartily without leanng somethlng."ý-Emerson. Before You Insure Consult Conféderation Life Association Orie of tile World's Great Life Insurance hiý,tltutlons. Renowned for Strefigth, Service (irici Security since 187!, ', Yi JOSEPH T. CLAIE TROPHY 'Gregory Clark, son of The Toronto Star's late editon after whom the Joseph T. Clark Trophy was named, la seen with the trophy just before the presentation at the Ottawa convention of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. A. V. Nolan of the Stoufiville Tribune was awardod the trophy for the best all-round weekly newepaper publlshed in a community of 1500 population or less. This handsome trophy la the gift to the prose association of Mn. J. E. Atkinson, Publieher of The Toronto Daily Star, and a wefl known Durham County boy. SOCIAL AND, PERS ONAL. PHONE 4Or16 Mm. Wm. Brunt was buried bore Friday. Suminer openations at the For- estny were etarted Tuursday. Mire. C. F. Awde visited in To- ronto. Mm. Stan Bruton, Toronto, visit- ed ai home. Mm. H. Goode bas bad the Cneamery office re-decorated. Mme. A. Clough is home from Toronto.1 bore. J. Noden bas returned Mr.Geo. Seymour is expected home ibis week from Toronto. Electric cooking school classes will be hold bore in June. Manley Litilewood bas beon laid up. Mme. Blewett and Marjonie, Osh- awa, visited friends bore. Mme. D. Noble bas retunned fnom Peterbono.. Mira. J. G. Taniblyn neturned ,from the bospital Sunday. Mm. and Mme. Stan Cbapman attended the funeral of hem father. Mn. George Rowe, Toron to, vis- ited Mm. and Mme. W. H. Bowe. Mme. G. Couvien, Port Union, formenly of Onono, feU mad hurt ber back.. Mm. and Mme. A. Walker and daughteru visited bon mother, Mme. A. Bradley. Mm. and Mme. Neala, Cobourg, vislted Mr. and Mire. William Sey- mour. Measles are stili going the rounds. Some citizens are quite bad with them. A number beard Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath at Bowmanville Sun- day night. Mme. Gnady, Bill and Pat, Ham- ilton, visited Mme. C. G. Arm- etrong. Mn. and Mme. Charles Miller have reiurned from epending the winter in the eunny South. Miss Freeda Wilson ie in To- ronto vieiting ber parents. Sorryý to hear Mire. Wilson la ill. May flowers are out, and echool childiren gathored huge bunches of them on Saturday. Mm. and Mire. Bond and Noneen, Tonon:to, visited Mn. and Mirs. Rowland Smith. Mn. W. W. Sbenwin bas finished this year's course at Veteninary College, Guelph, and la now home. Mn. Ed. Pinder and son Harry, Toronto, former residents of Or- ono, weme in town Sunday. Dr. D. E. Steckloy, Oshawa, busband of Hilda McCutcboon of Omono, la opening a dllnlc ini Co- bourg. Congratulations to Shirley Pon- ton and Dan Chmara wbo won clasa pins for proficlency in music at Omono Scbool for 1939. Betty Rowe and Bey. S. Little- wood attended a meeting of Osh- awa Prosbyteny Union executivo at Oshawa. A letton bas been neceived thanking Park St. congrogation for the money sont to aicr Chinese mefugeeu. Mise Stella Bout favoured with a vocal solo au a second numben at Park St. Churcb. service Sun- day night. Mn. and Mire. W. N. Hoskin and daugbtemu, Ella and Donothy, of Bunketon, epent Sunday at R. H. Wood's. Misses Mary and Blanche Stonk, daughtene of Warden Stonk of St. Catharines, wene guesta of Mn. and Mme. J. E. Richards. Mm. and Mme. J. P. Brîmacombe visited ber sister, Mme. J. G. Tam- blyn who was able to, neturn home f nom the bospital mucb lmproved. Mn. and Mire. Bill DeLine and family, and Mm. and Mme. DeLine Sir., Toronto, epent Sunday at Mm. and Mire. A. Clough's. Newtonvllle Young People's Un-i Ion have accepted an invitation to1 visit Park St. Union Monday, May 8th. Mm. and Mme. R. E. Logan and Mr. and Mire. O. W. Rolph wene in Bowmanville Friday evening attending the Royal Anch Masone "ýAt Home." Mother's Day wil ho likely ap- propriately obeerved at various chprch a week from next Sunday. Plan to attend and wear a flowen in memony of mother. Mesrs. Harny Mencen and Orme Gamsby, with Mme. Roy Mercer and Beatnice Thompson of Ken- dal, made a trip to Toronto on Thursday where the latter la tak- ing a 3-monthe' course in Domes- tic Science. Congratulations to Editor Geo. W. James of Tue Canadian States- man on again winning the Pearce Tropby for having the beet Edi- tonial page among weekly news- papens in Ontario and Quebec. A numnber fnom hene attended the I.O.O.F. parades at Bowman- ville and Pont Hope on Sunday, in connection with the 120th anniven- eany of the founding of the Odd- fellows Lodge. Next Sunday they marcb bore. Axnong the winnens ai the Hobby Show at Bowmanville weno: Anna Siaples (6), Lillian Fowlen (3), Greta Mencen (2), Juno Goode, Barbara Rolph, Ger- ald Bainey, Beverley Payne, Car- man Cornish, Tom Hobbs (2), Marjorie McLaren, Jim Pattenson. Rev. and Mme. S. Littlewood on- tertained the Executivo of the Park St. Union. A pleasant even- ing was spent in music and in talklng oven Union matiene, ai the conclusion of which a deliclous luncb.was eerved. Owing to cincumestances ovor which they had no control the O. C. S. were obliged to posipone their open Liienany meeting until May 3nd. An account of tbis wil appear if possible on another page, othenwise it will appean in next issue. The coming of the King and Queen la cneating quite a etin among Canadian people, and sou- venirs of sîl descriptions are flooding the markets. The latesi thing la "Buckingham" wallpapen. It has a design on ht of the palace itself and le very attractive. Sunday Scbool officers and tea- chers of Park St. Cbunch mot Fri- day nigbt. Il was decided to ask Bey. R. E. Morion of Newcastle to take change of the annivensary services nexi month, and to have a children's choir in the morning. The mnatter of cbanging the hour of Sunday School was left for a genenal meeting. The opening season for trout fishlng opened auapiciously on Saturday, with the usual pana- phemnalla consisting of rod, lino and ovoncoat. Our veteran fishor- man Ormne Gamesby accompaniod by Cal Myles carried off the hon- ore by landing 21 speckled beau- îles. Cal caught two at once while he had the two linos. Bil Riddell boasta of the biggeet trout, meas- Mn. Charles Miller spent a nlght ai the home of a former Clarke boy, Joe Pollard, while en route home. Joe was asking afier ahl the old boys. He himeelf is well and bas a happy family of a wlfe and two fine girls . Charle also spent a day in the place whene Rockfellem la having a new home built, but (unfortunately for Chanlie) Rockfeller waun'i thene. uring 13". First Four Winners In Each Group SCOprosEW U~ *U nt at theo Ngular Scout mootlng Chosen For r esivai At Port HopeThusday night. ______ _________________Scouts will meot im the Armour- les during tho sumnior months, as With twelve entrios in tho uni- porformed the dance "Black Mag", thore is more room thoro. son chorus elimmnation contost and after which five of the six win- There are six boys who have ten in tho duot contest, the judge, ners in Sr. boys at the Monday flnishod ail thoir tonderfoot tests Mr. Leslie Bell, Parkdalo Col- ohrmnation contest in vocal solos and are on their month's proba- legiate, Toronto, who is notod in sang "Killarney", and four out of tion. orchestra and radio work, assisted six in Sr. girls, plus Velma Cowan, Usual games and instructions by his charming wife, had a dilff- sang "Forget Me Not." These were held. cult task to pick tho first four in were the test piocos in vocal solos The intoroat must be growing oach contest at the concert Friday for the Sr. boys and Sr. girls, re- as thore is talk about forming a night in the Town Hall, Orono. spectively. patrol at Newtonviile and anothor However, the four schools chos- Mrs. D. Robb announced the at Kirby. on to compote at Port Hope were: wmnners of class pins for 1939, and Maple Grove - Mr. Wm. Lycett, Mr. C. F. Cannon, inspector for A delightful family gathering teacher; Ebenezer - Miss Arnold, this district, presented the pins was held at Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrod teacher; Leskard - Miss Gray, toa- anýd special prizes to the lucky W. Shorwin's for the christening cher; Kirby - Mr. Lorne Wannan, winners. Wnners were as follows: of their only child, Donald Alton, teacher. Each school was led by Class Pins - Courtice School, by Rev. S. Littlewood. its toacher, and Mrs. D. Robb was Russell McKay, Greta Wilkins; usc ahsawyfo te accompanist. Orono School, Shirley Porter, Dan "ui ahsaa ri h The four couples chosen to go to Chmara; Maple Grove School, soul the dust of everyday 111e. -_ Port Hope in the duet competition Dorothy Snowden; E b e n e z e r Auerbach. were: Lenora Collacutt and Doris School, John Pearce; Base Line Stevens, Maple Grove; Patsy Fen- School, Donald Motcalf; S a l e m ton and Gwen Gibson, No, 91 School, Murray Cowling; Bethesda [*i I1tk Clarke; Beatrice Quinney an d'School, Florence Rundle; Solina **M àU Dorothy Quinney, Providence; School, Charles Langmaid; Kirby Bobby Lockhart and Alvin Ells School, Audrey Billings; Enter- of Salem. prise School, Bill Lane; Leskard Mr. J. J. Mellor efficiently acted, School, Donald Tonnant; Clarke as chairman for the following Union School, Brenton Fog g, program: "0 Canada" by all the Lockhart's School, Gwen Gibson; schools; two selections by Stark- Cowanviile School, Mary Gettllck; ville school, "Three Merry Tra l- trville School, Eileen Todd; lors" and "The Fainies"; two sel- lendal School, Myrtlo Falls; Pro- ections by Courtice Jrs., "The vidence School, Mary Wight; Clapping Game" and "I See You"; Shaw's School, Arthur Clemence, Chorus competition, twelve en- Antioch School, Neil Moffatt. tries, test pioco "At the Clear Special Prizes - Annie Potter, Fountain"; Rhythm Band, "Pop Solina School; Evelyn Harness, Goes the Weasel" and "Charlie is Antioch School; Doreen Farrow, LI. my Danling" by Enterprise school Starkvillo School; Phyllis Gilmer, (seven pupils>. Starkville School. Mr. Bell gave his decision as Mr. Wm. Lycett paid worthy above, giving them hints which tribute to Mrs. D. Robb as the . ... wil hop tem t Prt opere-pioneer teacher of music in rural , garding tune, unison, pronuncia- shosadcle ntoltl tion, mnterpretation and tempo. Ho girls to corne fonward with a won- also paid tribute to Mrs. Robb derful basket of flowers which . whose work is noted in Toronto. they presented to her. . Margaret Flmntoff danced an.rs.Rbbgrciusy.ad.a...~ Irish Jig, appnopniately attired in brief speech of thanks, telling of green and white, and four girls the wonderful co-operation of theo ... from Shaw's school dressed -in teachers, and also givmng a few .. blue and white rendered "The words of encouragement to the Dutch ong."losers in the contests, ail of whom The duet competition, ton on- did wel. She paid tribute to the tries, test pieco "The Harp ýThat work of Miss Marion Green, tea- Once Through Taras Halls,, fol- cher at Starkville school who has lowed. been an especiaily big help in Eight.Ebenezer girls in Japan- music training, at that school ose costumes sang "The Japanese which is noted for its talent. Song," and this was foilowed by two selections by the Bethesda Rhythm Band, "«Andante" by Bee- "Would it thrill you if I gave thoven and "The British Grena- you an unexpected klss?" diers." "I'm afraid I won't be able neem fdsodrl ti nr Shirley Porter favored with a tell you."Aneeyofdsrr tiia. Welsh dance, after which Stark- "And why not?" ticulate valet. The top bar is for ville school gave two unaccomp- "Because now I'm expecting trousers and shirt. Below it la a anied three-part songs, "«Cradie one!" receptacle for buttons, watch or Song" by Schubert, and "The loose change. The coat lu hung as Shephord", both led by their tea- The new woman le at home shown., wlth the center bar for the cher, Miss Marion Green. , overywhero but at home.-Bran- extra pair of trouSers and the lower Six~ pupils of Kendal school don Sun. bar for shoes. F OR happy, came-fnee motoring, change over now t McLaughlin-Buick. le's time to end the worry and expense of driving an old car-time to stop outi a new Buick and enjoy life. Tlravel in smart style! Know the thrill of owning this beauty of a Buick. It has the look of tomorow-tho look cf action-i every trini lino and contour. T*avelinh luxurious comfore! You"ll find that Buick rides like a cloud. Rough moads are gently smocthed by the "fuil- float" action of Rear-Coil springing. Even the turns are banked for you Ly Buick's Knee-Action. And if you like action, just talc. the wheel of this new BuicIC. Feel the mighty sunge of power front its Dynaflash Straight Eight engin. as you breeze along ut an>' gait you choose. The. longer you own youn Bick the. more you will respect the. fine and honest craftmmanship beneuth its beautiful exter- ion. Drive a McLaughlin-Buick today-and discover how easy it is te own on the Genenal Metors Instalment Plan. ifcLilhI OLIRB ROY NICHOLS Courtice MBUICK M- 109B Bowmanvllle ST BLT *N S- B YF M YO RM aU H I-UC E L NO MTER CAR IN TUE WORLD BAS AU 11ESE FUTURES *DYNAFLASH VALV19-IN- UIEAD STRAIGI4T4 NGINE * TORQU@-PRUSREARg^. COUL SPOINCINO *NANDI. SUIFT TRANSMISSION *ROONIUR UNISTREL MODY SY PISHRR * TIPTO% HYDRAULI: URAKIS *TORQUE-TUDI DRIVE *PLASI-WAY DIRUCTION SIGNAL * SULP-EANKING KNER-ACTION FRONT SPINGING * "CATWALK- COOLINQ" * RMATER VISISILITY *CROWN SPRING CLUTCH 3- 9 e 9 EL r 9 1 9