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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1939, p. 12

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-~ Y-- -~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLEL ONTARIO also coal dealers for Newcastle and vicinity. The new purchase ai former The Newcastle Independont Wilot ndlatrD. . Glbraith PHONE CLARE 1114and buildings, Belmont Mill and ___________________________________________site af the pond and ail thc lands between the aid road aid High- Mr. and Mrs. Pcrcy Haie spent- Langman and explanation by way No. 2 from Mrs. Robt. Gray's thc weekcnd with Jack at King- Louise Hancock. Young men's farm on thc east ta Kurv Inn on ston. quartette favored with a selection. the wcst, comprising parts of lots The last wcck of April was a Stan. Rickard rendcrcd a vialin 32, 33 and 34 and all thc old Fish- fair, anc for workmng on thc land solo, and Kay Toms a piano salo, cries site. and a good stait was made in Mrs. Dr. Cair, Oshawa, gave a The 400 acres is now dividcd seeding. talk on Temperaice. Lunch was among practical, progressive brcd Bey. R. E. Morton took the ser- served by the ladies af W.M.S. on thé land farmers as aows: vices on the Bethany circuit Sun- Mis. Gea. Gray wcnt ta Ta- Jas. T. Brown 170 acres, W. Har- day in an cichaige af wark with ronto Fiday with Reeve C. R. and aid Gibson 60 acres, Fred Grahani Bey. C. H. Ferguson. Mis. Carveth ta visit lier husband, and sons 170 acres. The sale af thc Misa Ruth McKessock, Solina, Mr. Gray, at the Christie St hos- final portion of the anc time big was in Newcastle Tuesday aid pita. Mir Gray la much improved faim ta Graham & Sons was ne- called on H. R. and Mis. Pearce in health asince the removal of anc gotiated by Howard V. D. Gîbson1 i a business capacity. lung by an operation and was on Friday. Rev. R. E. Morton la conductmng able ta walk upstairs and sec Mr. anniversary services at the Lake Edgar Kenefick, another fellaw Shore Union Sunday School next citizen and veteran of the Great NEWCASTLE SOHOOLS1 Sunday aiternoon at 2.30. War, who is at Christie St. for OBSERVE ARBOR DAY1 Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, Shaw's, treatmcnt.1 has rented 20 acres af land for this Y. P. U. met May lat in the a Friday, April 28, was obaerved I scasan from Mn. J. T. Brown oni form of a social gathcring. The a Arbar Day by the teachers andC thc former D. J. Galbraith farm. evening wasspt npa g pupils of Newcastle public andC Lake Shore Sunday Schaol An- gmscncted by GainnetRick- high achools aid the achool prem- r nivrsrywil e el Sndyard. A lunch of sandwiches, cake, lacs including thrce acres of lawn C May7, t 230 .m.S.T Spcil ie ceamaidcofee asand play grounds werc given a 1% Maysic. Re2.30pR. . Maron iallcookies, iecemad o ewsthorough clcaning up. Under thc y musac. Rv .E otnw servcd by thc losing graup led by direction af Principals J. D. Ij Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson Smith Evens in . Wrsipfenos Coamba and Thos. A. Rodger and ai ia aqein et nWd cnltigo ingmng led by Stai- the opeain fMses arC andisda JaforuewinYarkaiWd Uicley Rickard, acipture by Reta c-peaonaMiss ar< nesdy fr Nw Yrk ad te Pwel an expanaionby at-gai et Sanderson, Hattie Masora World's Fair. They will be away rcPoeaid exponlunatio e by Pa-,and Norma Orchard, the pupils j a week. iiParecocdeUiev- went to wark with a will. Rakes, Rcv. R. E. Morton visited Mi. ing. haca, shovels, whcelbarraws, cx- Isaac Selby at Pickerinag. Reeve St. George's Young People's As- press wagons, spades and matches C and Mis. Carveth also visited Mr sociation hcld their social evening were ail in use, alI aId rubbish Selby on their trip ta Toronto April 23rd. A short program con- was clcaned up aid burned, long with Mrs. Gray. slated of: Piano solo, Dora Mai- dricd grass was burncd, hales f111- The Parochial Committee of St. tin; vocal solo, K. Stephenson, ac-cd i and playirag grounds made c George's Church hcld a card party cocmpanied by D. Purdy; vocal level, raew flower beds dug aid T, and, social evcning i the P1arish duet by D. Purdy aid P. Deine, plaited aid new alirubs planted. Hall Apnil 26Ui. Refrcshmcnts accompanied by R. Cooke; selcc- The work and exercise was whole- wcre scrved and a good hune en- tion by G. Ketchum and his o- some for all and Uic hours spent E joyed. chestra. Dancing foilowed by a were some ai Uic most practical ai g A* load ai young forcat dainty lunch concluded Uic even- Uic wholc ycar. came of the moat E trees from Orono Forestry Station mrg. Several gucats fîom St. Sav- mentally and spiritually profit- la being shipped tram Newcastle îour s, ýOrono, honourcd the St. able. It was noted Uiat the 500 C.N.R. station cach day this week. George's branch. tulip bulbs, donatcd by thc New- The re-foreatation idea la gripping Mr. Chris Law has resigned as castle Horticultural Society aid people this season as neyer before. a member of the Comcmunihy Hall planted in the front bcd centred Bey. A. Mansell Irwin, a former Management Committcc anad Mr. by Uic Royal Oak, were coming pastar of Newcastle Mthodist Fred Cauch Si. has been appoint- alang fine. The Board af Educa- W Church, was clectcd Reeve of thc cd in bis place. Chris has been a tion la buying .$11,00 worth Of R, tawn af Whitby by acclamation member ai Uic comniittce for shrubs for achool plaitig aid April 27 ta fi11 thc vacaicy causcd same ycars anld has given afi us Mr. Coombsanad Miss Saradersonc by Uic death af Albert W. Jackson. time and Uiought unstinhingly. aie aiso buying and planting camrieéo Mra. W. F. Rickard and son You serve on Uieccomn-itte cither Spirca and Syrixlga. or came home tram Bawmanville for honor or from a sense of duty, d hoapital last weckcnd. Mis. Rose if you have Uic right kind ai pub- Dickinson aid son came home lic spirit, as you do on Uic council NEWCASTLE Y. P. U. in fram ber mother's, Mis. Fred or the school board or the Libraiy ANNIVERSAIT SERVICES s' Cawai, Toronto, Uic' previaus board or Uic hydro commission. Sunday. The.public pays nothing for your Rev. C. H. Ferguson, Bethany, tc OfficiaI Board ai Uic United services. Speclal Prçacher te Church has resolved ta reshingle Uic soüth ide ai Uic church and On the last Sunday ai April, fe ta rebuild Uic thrce chimneys. It GOLDEN RULE MISSION BAND) 1925, 14 ycars ago, Mr. C. H. Fer- vE la raow Uirty years iince -ic roof- guson, Bowmaiville, made hie ing was put on aid Uic chlmncys first pulpit effort when he spoke en were built. Owing ta Uic funcral ai Fred at thc moring service intheUi ro Mr. aid Mis. Thas. Woodlock Fligg Uic Golden Rule Mission United Church on Uic occasion ai ai havebougt an movd m Uich Band postponed its Easter hhank- Uic Young People's Annivcrsary. McLeod bouse at Newcastle an- f mrig service from Saturday ta This church welcomed him back br the-Lake. They have resided at Monday afternoon. Theîc w a a last Sunday when on Uic ýairai- tel Brawn's and Newcastle since com- quite a large attendance ai ladies. vcrsary af hie firet visit he was shý ing tram.Alberta over thrce yeara Marie Cotter read Uic scripture; agaira Uic speciai pîcacher for Uic . wiUi Mis. Woodlack's mother, Mary Margaret Bonathai led in Y.P.U. anrivrsaiy services. He s4~ Mis. Josephine Browna. prayer, aid Jean Gray 'read Uic is now Bey. Clarence H. Ferguson ta Mi. and Mis. Clarence Gaies, minutes. Mie. H. C. AlUn taught ai Bethany. He recallcd that on Cc Toronto, werc weekend guests of Uic mcmory verse, and Jean Gray his carlier appearance iNew- hie parents, Mr. aid MNs, eo cailed Uic rail. Keith aid Rodger castle as a student for thc minis- wî Gains. M. Ganesjoincd teMellow collccted Uic offcring. Neil ry his fîiend, William PointeraW! brethren ai Durham Lodge in Bitn prescntcd Uic trcasurcr's preachcd in Uic evening. paying fraternel honors to, th report. Miss Marjorie L yce tt, Mr. Garnet Rickard, Pies, a i mmr of Uic late Bro Fre Supt., addrcssed thc children Uic Y.P.U., conductcd bath ser- Cr' mcmory heO nra srvion~briefly aid then Uic Band pic- vices on Sunday and spoke ai his Fligg at iy urca serie snted Uic following progîam: aid other menibers' contacts with Ci aThu Recitation by Murray Wlhon; Rev. C. H. Ferguson at Uic Wintcr Ci The Municipals ouncitheNwastle Easter Drill by six girls, Claire ý;choal ta Lindaay for the past hi Forestiy Plats on Beaver St. ad Al Ellen Buttan, Marjorietrere yeais and af which he was Robert St., leading ta Uie c sohl Toms, Ruth Aflin, Mary Margaret Uic leader. Being impiessed with O. aid Mr. J. H. Jase aid Mr. Lwi Bonathai; violin solo by Francis hua itereat in yourag people aid ]PI Clark have aiea been planing Jose; recitations by Hazel Brown, his abilihies Uicy determicd ta trees on the roadaides in their Helen Aii, Mary Toms, Helen Al- invite hmi ta Newcastle whcn op- 1 reighborhaod, sccured tram Uic lin aid Ronnie Hackira; chorus by portunity offered. Hie aiea preach- 1 Newcastle plats. Senior Girls; sala by Olive Mc- cd at Clarke in Uic afternaan. Majo an Mrs H.W Ddley Manus. The members servedi r- In Uic morning he took for hie Maorne Said Mis. H. W Du freshraents. text, Isa. 28: 16, Behold, I lay in wiUi relatives in Toronto. Their tricd stra onai fstne, aprcas one cousin, Miss Gertrude Irish, came FORMER WILMCOT FAIMS 0F tiad tone, a ue oudaio. 1cowrnea dlown with Uiem aid Mr. Fred 1400 ACRES ALL SOL» itný,spir e ronatin.Ui fou n-g Dempsey for a short visit aid re- tuns i ausrmoChonth eligondai w hurncd ha Uic city with Mr. Demp- inofurCisanelgnofw sey an Sunday aiternoan. Mise Fred Grahani has purchascd Uic which Christ, Uic son ai God, la Pa Minnie Pearce accompanied Uiem. remainlng 170 acres a! Uicefor e Achaier aitenh-cghangh Aspecial traiwill stop at.h. icWilmot lands, Newcastle, vacated pApcoiloe lyed bW. J S.Ric aP C.P.e. station around 1.30 p.m. last fail by H. Litlcfield. Mr.Polie YM.W .S ikr r D.S.T., an May 22, ta take Clarke Grahanm has four sans - Alfred, with Mis. E. C. Fisher ah Uic or- ME aid Newcastle adultsanad childrcn ex-reeve of Newcastle, Wilbert' gai led in Uic congregahional al ta Uic C.N.E. park, Toronto, ta sec Stanlcy aid George. Besides their singing aid rcndcred two anth- uin their Majesties, King George aid own faim jush cash ai Uic residen- eMi.Frgsn nucd cshi 0 Qucen Elizabeth. Newcastle Mun- tUal section af Nhwcaatlc, Uiey rent Mr.v egusheme, h e d ainieBe-ol icipal Cauncil aid Uic Board aiofaid work Mies Thompson'a faim vngthmTeOdieR-th Education have been adviscd aif farther cash aid also work the 35 ligian, Is Ih Good Enaugh for Me, dai arrangements being made. acres ai Uic former Wm. AllUn Now? haklig as a text ta illustrate w! Y. P. U. met April 24th, wiUi faim acrass Uic highway tram hie rcaaoning, Luke 5 :37-38, And de] Wilbur Blackburn prcsiding. The Uiir home property, which Uicy nb anes ..uth new wine mnt bde ti seripture was rcad by Phyllie .bought a icw years ago. They arc put tatan.w Bttunes; andmtbath rc c preserved. If anc thinks ai the Sa] ___________________________________________heart aid essence ai truc religion, Pis ai honour and truth aid love and ke, righteousness, then Uic old tinie 1 religion lsaàa good raaw as ever. wa C re e h iewaysof interprcting do change as an( men ftransportation, methoda I î 1 P Ç ofagriculture, systems ai industiy Mr S1IP changze, and there lan eérié r aeuon'a better JJuatk a few Coats leit ina wa spent ta dancing. Refresh- cas. tIrdaho, socknwtashudb ments wcrc servcd In Uic mcn's Ir ~ jofvws i hi p- sold this week as they are chapel. Cat 00 tae evïUseMr. Read Budge, Port Hope, and pie pptiet fl drastically îcduced. Mi. Kcnneth Stephenson, New- Chr -jcastle, on behalf ai their socicties, groi Uianked Bowmanilllc A. Y.P. A. ectl, (Ifor their kind invitation. sr k"A fîlend ai mine named hie mm.Bownianville chlld Carol because she was bain Uic ~It* ~ .on Christmas." "She? I Uiaught ta J -a carol was a hymn."ý-Flex-Set. thal Township Counci ÇLARXE TOWNSHW' C6YN Clarke Council met 'l'uese with ail members prsejj a Reeve T. A. Reid presidlng.ý Nei F. Porter asked Cowicil: assistance in sending chlldren see the King and Queen ini ronto. $10 was granted. Delegations addressed coun regardg bridges, road s1ifl8,e Council will go over the roact ii mediately to see what conditi they are in. They will alsbIo over a 20-acre -plot for refor( tation. Council dec!Îded to Purchase Dominion Road Ca. 'maintain and are waiting for approval Provincial Dept. of. Highways. These bis were passed: Road Supt-------------- $416. Wilfred Sunday, relief acet. 35. ýWm. Blake, relief acct. 16. L. Wannan, relief acct. -8. C.G. Armistrong, rel'f acet. 2. C.H. Froste, relief acet. ...* 24.1 Dean's Bakery, relief acct. 5.1 Geo. Henderson, relief acet. 4.1 Mrs. Clydesdale, rel'f acct:. 12.1 Wim. Payne, shoot'g 2 doge 10.( Ira Thompson, 3 sheep kliled----- ----- 30.( Clarence J. AllUn, sheep valuator -------- ------ --5. J. Lyall Lowery, Assessor's salary --2------ Dog tags19 Orono Tines, stationery---10.1 R. E. Logan, repaire for TownHEfl -------- R. Hl. Wood, caretaker. 10. Canadian Engineer advt.. 6.1 ro E. L. MacNachtan,-maint. Jean Harnees 27.1 Martha Darch ------ 12.2 E.W. Fisher, relief---- 24.0 W . C. Lane, relief-------- 8.0 Board of Health ----------- 2.2 Council adjourned until June1 CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Coundil met MRay1 with members ail present ani *eeve C. Devitt presiding. Provincial Government inform id council they wiil pay %'/ mi] )n total valuation of Townshi] lue to increase lin gas tax. H. E. P. Uxbridge etated mete n hall is O.K., trouble being ii twitches. A. E. Patsey requested repair " a road in Caearea. Referre( " Road Supt. Council purchased 600 snav ence posta to be delivered ini Nc rmber. C. Parr conxplained. of differ tce of plough being broken ir vad . It was agreed to settle -b Sbitration. Bylaw permitting the Woodý Sidge & Vaughan Co. to erec, elephane pales and wire in town. Lip was rescinded. Mr. Browp requested Coundil t( ign petition urging governineni 0do work on No. 7A Highway 'uneil signed petition. J. Forder requested grant ta. vaids Co-operative Excperixnent. vith field crops. Laid on table. Clerk instructed to, advertige foi enders to operate the f9 'usher. The Reeve, on behalf Of tii ouncil, expressed syinpathy tc ,uncillor Heaslip ih the lass ol is father-in-law. Orders weý'e signed as follows: -Wright, roads--------- $878.32 -0ov. Treasurer, license Hall and Mrena ------6.0G Council adjourned to meet May 2ti, at 8 p.m. .W. Beacock, Clerk, MASOIC AT HOME <Contlnùed from Page 1) raciously acknowledged the gooc ishes and on requcet explainec articulars of the contest. The entertamnment committee ad prepaied a very excellent rogram. which was presented by iembers of the Ukramnian Nation. 1Youth Federation of Oshawa, nder the directionà of Bull Zalee* àook who contributed a violia f. The clever entertainers in iir national songs and folkE ances, including harvest, whurl- nd and Cossack sword dances, elighted their audience as they athusiastically applauded the ar- ts on each appearance. The or- iestra was composed of Jeroslaw ainers, piano; Joe Bezruchka, Lao, accordion, and Mike Your- vich, drums. The remainder of the - evening as devoted to, dancing with Fred rSnell of Oshawa at the piano, idcards. Lucky winners i dancing were rs. James Marr, Miss Hilda ron and Mrs. T. W. Cawker. n -inter-cedcing wit God, the iiholic does so through the ist, but here again the Jew and istian stand on c o m mn o n aund. They both intercede dir- ly with Him, and thus make onger the link between theqe 0Classes af people. Rabbi Eisendrath pronounced. benediction Most impressively Eebrew and English, He said t such a benediction was only %JIN T LIURb4JAY, MAY T I £, [CIL slay and for to One cent a word cash, eaeh Insertion (mininum charge il 25c). Charge of 25o extra la e. madRe when advertisement ie - not paid saine week asi nser- )"ton. Extra charge of 10e when k replies are directed to, a s- Statesman box number. flfrths, deathà and marriages a50e eaeh. In Memoriams, 50c rfor notice plus 10e per Hune for )f verse. Claisifled advertise- ments accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. ý7 o BIRTk ý5 BLACKBURN - In Bowmanvilie i4 Hospital, on Sunday. April 3th, i4 to Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Black-- IO burn (nec Lela Welsb) a daugh- 0 ter. Mary Grace. 0GOODMAN-In Bowmanville Hos- 0 pital, on Monday, Aprfl 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodman, 0 a daughter. Mary Judith. 0OSBORNE - In Bowmanville Hos- 0 pital, on Monday, May lst, to Mr. 5 and Mrs. Harry "Dutch"' Osborne (nec Lena Grace Gay), a son, D John William. DEATHS GIBBONS - On April 28th. at St.~ Michacl's Hospital. Toronto, Ar- thur William, dearly belovcd bus- band of Elizabeth May Gibbons of 312 Rhodes Ave., and father of Miss Vera E. Gibbons. Interment Hampton Cemetcny. DONCASTER - In Oshawa, May 2nd. 1939. Charles W. Doncaster, fanmcrly of Bowmanvillc. bcioved husband of the late Agnes Gibson, age 87 years. Interment Orono Cemeterv. Friday afternoan. Card of Thanka Mn. and Mns. Arthur L. Bailey, Blackstock wish ta extend their heartfcît thanks and appreciatian for the acts af kinducas. messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tri- butes extended ta them in the Ioss af thein dear san, Ross. The family of the late Mrs. Teller wish ta tharnk Mns'. Smyth and nurses af Bowmanville Hospital. alsa thein f iends and neighbours fan the kindness- and many expressions of sympathy extended ta them. IN MEMORIAM nt BROWN - In laving meniory of Y. a dear wif e and mother. Jeannie E. Brown. wba died May 3nd, 1936: 0- It's bard ta part witb tbose WC ts lave, And bold on earth sa dear, r A greater trial is not knawn *. No sorrow mare severe.-, -Sadly missed by husband and ae f amilv. DfKANE - In lavinirniemory. of James and Donald Kane, wha vassed away May Sth. 1938: Came ta My Heavenly Garden And sec in perfect bloom )0 The flawers you loved sa dearly iy And thought that I plucked too soon. k. Then vau will know My reasan, Though yau will knaw it not today Why in their pnamisinR manbood I taak vour sans awav. -Lovingliy remembered bv mother, d f ather and sisters. dTREWIN - In iovingz memary of le a dean husband and brother, Sulas kt Trewin, who Passed away an May y 8th. 1934: t- "Not iust today' but every day 1, In silence we remnember." I Even nemembened by wife. and n brothens and sisters. kWILKINS - In lovingz memany of Mn. and Mns. Morley Wilkins, who died on May 7, 1937. and Apnil y 24. 1936. respectively, The sun fadeth The shadows faîl vBut lave and memory live foneven. t, Ever remembered by the famuly. 9 Wanted 1WANTED - TWELVE GOOD ey saddle hanses and four panies, and e 12 saddles. cithen Western or En- gzlîsh. Give Particulars as ta age. * colon and price. Reply ta Box 'W. J. G.' c/o Statesman office. 18-l* FLORISTS Kingsway FLOWER SHOP FLORAL CREATIONS - Baskets Wreaths and Sprays artiatically and Bindividually arrangeâ by expert de. signera. Flawera for ail occasions. Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 Bowmanuile used by Jews on special occasions. Bev. S. Davison, pastor ai Trin- ihy United Church, who canduct- cd Uic service, tatroduced Uic speaker. Bey. W. P. Rogers, who assisted, thanked Rabbi Eisen- drath for hie taspirig message on behalf ai Uic congregation aid Triity BroUicrhood, under whose auspices he appcarcd. An organ recital by Dr. T. A. Partridgc, commcncig at 6.45, lncludcd Uic iailowing selectians which were beautifully rendcrcd: Scherzo by Lemare, Gavatt from. Mignon by Thomas, Spinnlng Sang by Mendelssohn, and A Tone Poem - Finlandia by Sibelius. During Uic evening, speclal mu- sic by Uic choir addcd ta Uiclmi- p ressivenes ai Uic service:, Maie Chorus, "HI-olding On" by Gabriel, aid an aithem by Uic choir, "O 110w Lovely Are Thy Dweilingsl' by Maker. Agardcntag expert warns hie readers that carly-sown pohataca need protection agapat Uic cold weather. We always plant ours wlihtheir jackets on.-Punch. Liventock For Sale FOR SALE - HÔRSE, AGE 4 years. AWpY H. Evans, Lot 2.3. Con. 3, R.R. 3 Bownianville, near Maple Grove. 18-l* FOR SALE - GOOD JERSEY cow. 3 vears old, due to renew in May, also trailer. gaod as new, and Daisy churn used very littie. Mrs. Jesse Hunt, Scugog St., Bowmanville. 18-1 FOR SALE - THREE YORK- sbire sows with 9 pigs each about 3 weeks old. Oliver McCullough, Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlington, Phone 2186, Bownianville. 18-1 For Sale FOR SALE-.--'29 BUICK ÇABRIO- let. six tires, new batteny, good condition: alsa wainut piano and bencb $30; other househald furni- ture, tools and garden implements. Apply Mrs. H. J. Davis. Middle Road. Bowmanville. .18-1* FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F corn ensilage. Apply 'Charles P. Smith, Enniskillen, Phone 2391. FOR SALE - A' QUANTITY 0F -good mangolds. Russell K. Bragg, R.R. 4. Bowmnanville, Phone 2105. 18-1* FOR SALE-GAS RANGE WITH annex. 4-bunner and oven, $5.00. 22 Carlisle Ave. or Phone 404, Bowmanville. 18-2* FOR SALE - ONE SET SINGLE used harness and bridle; also two, female Collie pups, 3 months aid. Write G. C.. Dnawer B., Bawman- ville. 18-1* FOR SALE - A,' GOOD HAND. washcr with wringer. cheap., Some real bargzains in used electric wash- ers and anc used gas engine wasbcn. Enquire at Mason & Dalc's Hard- ware. .18-1 FOR SALE - '27 CHEV. COUPE, in goad runningr condition. Apply Walter Murphy, c/o Fred Smith, Bowmanville. south of Wilkins' Gas Station. g* FOR SALE - HANDSOME TOI- let set with extra slop basin, band painted ta match, suitable for country home on summen cottage; sewing machine, bed springs, etc. Mrs. J. G. Garrett, Qucen St., FOR SALE - BICYCLES, ALL kinds frani $10-00 un. Trade-ins accepted. Repaira. weding. kes made. Open evenings. Victor's.34 King Street, West, Oshawa. 16-4 FOR SALE - AWNINGS FOR store or residence; Venetian blinda, waod or metal siots; largest selec- tion at lowest prices. Estimrites given witbout obligation. Apply Narthcutt & Smith, Bowmanville. 14-8 FOR SALE - 'NATURAL ICE, tested Grade A, foar any use; 15C for 25 lbs. 25c for 50 lbs. Prompt delivery. C. Raby, Phone 310. 14-8* To Rent HOUSE TO RENT - ON KING Street. hardwoad fiaars and gar- age. Phone 838. 18-tf TO LET - 5-ROOMED APART- ment, electric light, 3-pce. bath, and gas. opposite Tawn Hall. Ap- ply W. T; Symons. Phone 2251. f 18-1 PASTURE TO RENT - FOR limited number af cattle on Bel- mant Farm, running , streain through Pasture. Fred Grahami, Newcastle. 18-2 TO RENT - FURNISHED BED- room. suitable for gentleman. Ap- ply Mrs. J. G. Garrett, Qucen St., Bowmanville. 18-2* APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE rooms. Apply Statesman Office. p 49-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT - 3 roonis. hardwood floars, large Pantry and store roani, 3-p)iece bath. $15 Per month. which in- clpdes water and izarbage callec- tion. Apffly H. V. Bateman, Victor Manar Apartments,. 17-tf HOUSE TO RENT-7-ROOMED house in gaood repair, in village af Hampton; good garage; hydro; sanie fruit. Possession at once. Apply ta Edgar Horn. Phone 2144. 18-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - H-OUSE AND LOT an King Street, residence of the late J. B. Martyn. Apply C. A. Martyn, Bwmanville. 18-1 HOUSES FOR SALE - ONE bouse on Qucen St., 6-roonied with 3-piece bath, garage, amali garden; solid brick cottage in South Ward on Ontario St. Bath will be sald cheap as estate must be settled; also brick bouse on Wellington St. T. H. Knigbht, Phones: Office 565, Res. 768. Bwmanville. 16-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE-HOUSE and lot. Uueen St., reidence of the late Wm. Brock. Appiy Wal- ter Hately. Qucen St., or R. L. Mitchell Canadian Bank of Com- merce. Bowxanville. 5-tf FOR SALE - BUNGALOW brick veneer, 5 roama, bardwood f bons. furnace, gai, electric. 3- piece bath, ideal location. Owner, Freat Diling, Queen St., Bow- manvible. 18-1* "MueWe-la anc of the fairest and Most Iek'oua gifle af God, ta, whlch Satan la a bitter encmyý, for it remnovea from thc heaitthec wclght af sorrow, and thefacina- tion of evil thoughts."-Luther. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - HOUSE with barn. ben bouse and garage; bydro. two and a ciuarter acres of land: possession at once. Apply J. Cowling, Hampton. 17-2* Plants For Sle FOR SALE-COLUMBIA BERRY sets, guaranteed to gzrow. priced right. Apply Taylor & Hall. R.R. 5. Bowmanvilie. Phone 240Y2. 18-2* FOR SALE- STRAWBERRY pants, Improved Senator Dunlop, 75c a hundred or $4.180 a thousarad. H. J. Stacey, R.R. 4, Bowmnanville. Phone 2112. 18-3* FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY Plants. Dorset, Premier and O.A.C., 60c ner hundred, $5 a thousand. J. R. Knox, Con. 4, Scugogx Road, FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY plants, Senator Dunlop, 65c per hundred. $2.50 f ive hundred, and $4.00 thousand. T. Buttery, Scu- gagz Street, Bowmanvillc, Phonc 2190. 18-4 FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY plants, 10 beat varieties ta choose froni. Price $4.00 per 1,000 and up. Ivan M. Law, Whitby, Ontario, Phone 911. 17-4* FOR SALE-BARBERRY BUSH- es, for hedgcs, a goad size, 20c eacb. C. Bradlcy. -Jackman Rd., Bowmanviile. '17-2* FOR SALE -. STRAWBERRY plants, Mary Washington (extra carly), Brandy Winc. Senator Dunlop, O.A.C.. Kellogg's Bcauty, Glen Mary. 75c for 100, of $5 a 1000; alsce Rasaxberry bushes, Vik- ingz and Lathani, 2c per cane. Apply Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Clarkc 3921. FOR SALE. - PREMIER AND Dorsett Strawberry plants, $1_,00 per 100. A. Laird. Maple Grave, Phone 2109. 17-3 Seed For Sale FOR SALE - SPRING RYE, 60c bushel. Bert Rice. R.R. 1, Tyrane haîf mile north af Long Sault Churcb. 18-2 FOR SALE - BARLEY AND claver seed. Apply C. W. Dawney, R.R. 2. Bawmanville,: Phone 2590. 18-1 FOR SALE - RED CLO VER seed. No. 1. Government Graded, $8.50 bushel. S. A. Deviney. En- niskillen. 18-1* FOR SALE - SOYA BEANS, $1.50 bushel; alsa hay. John Jacks, Lot 22. Con. 4, Darlington, R.R. 1, Hampton. Phaixe 2360. 17.3* Chicks For Sale FOR SALE - BABY- CHICKS, White Legzhorns and Racks, sexed or-mixed. blaad tested f lock, eired by R.O.P. Cockerels. started pul- lets. Albin Clemnens, Bowmanville, Phone 2433. - 18-1 FOR SALE - WHITE LEG- bornsanad Barred Plymouth Rock Baby Chicks from Goveraiment culled and blood-tested stock. Write for onice liat. H.'J. Brooks. RR. 3 Bowmanvills. Phone 2636. 8-tf COMING EVENTS Corne ta the -dance at Enniskillen Orange Hall, Friday, May Sth. GiPod music. Lunch will be served. Ad- mission. Gents 25c. Ladies 15c.> *Corne to Maple Grove Variety} ProRram and Pot Luck Supper. Fni- day evening., May 5th, at 7.30 p.m. S.T., ili thie basement. Rev. W. F. Banister. Bowmanville. wil be guest speaker. Admission 25c. Ladies bring lunch. Aàucion sales The undersigned bas received in-~ structions f rom Mr. A. W. Clemens, Tyroue. to sell by public auction thxe followinir household effects: 6 bed- room suites. 1 dining-room suite, kit- chen furniture. large quantity of dishes' and kitchen utensils, odd chairs, rockers and small tabled. 1 new cook stove, piano, garden furniture. Sale at the farm form- envy owne d by A. W. Ciemens of Tyrone. baîf mile north of Byam's store, on Saturday. May 6th, at 1 p.xn. Standard Time. Ternis cash. W. J. Chailis. Auctioneer.. 18-1 Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Vanstone's Growing Maili for pouitry, $1.80 per cwt. Good until May 1 lth. F. C. Vanstone. Phone 777. 1 18-1 SPECIAL - FOR ONE WEEK anly, we are aI fering aur regular $5.00 Permanent wavcs fan only $3.50; aiso aur $3 :50 permanent waves for only $2,50. Due ta the fact Miss Martin is on holidays Miss J. Stevens will be in charge until ber retunn. For appointment Phone 2601.. Iris Beauty Salon. 2 doors east of Bawman House. 18-1 MoesShree WEST END GARAGE AN D Machine Shop - Lawn Mowers shanpëned. J. L. Demerling, Bow- nianvilie. proprietor, Phone 781. Ateratiope HAVE YOUR LAST YEAR'S caats or'dresses altered ta bring theni up-ta-date. Evlyn Sbop Al- terations Dept. will do your work fanr you at reasanable pnices. Phone 594. 16-tf Mortgages MORTGAGES - FIRST AND second mortgaees, a en$for sale on fanm, city Nflakeshore prqpenties purchased. North Shore Reàlty Campany, Limited, Alger Building, Oshawa, Phone 3130. hl-tf Personai MEN PAST 401 - FEEL LIKE whale body run down? Try Ostrex Tablets of 2 stimulants f ront raw aysters plus 4 blood, 'nerve, body tanics. If nat delighted with re- sults first package. maker refunds its low price. You dan't risk a Penny. Cal, write Jury & Loveli and alli oad druggists. THANKS FOR PATRONAGE Once more our sincere appreclatton goes out to customers who took advautage of the tremeudous savinga in merehaudise during our Rexail One Cent Sale lait week. - Tour purchases made thie sale a real suceess and we herewlth express our thauks. 13ARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK NEW SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR 8 GENUINE SCHICK BLADES and ONE TUBE PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM Ail For 49e Photo Finishing, Canmras and Supplies Our photo figlshing te doue by Unique Studios, uoted for fine workzuanship. They reeeutly developed a new style print which te meetini with popular approval. lu addition, tRacy take the bout print fromt every roll tof film, enlarge and mount It 411 x 611, for ouly 10c. Try aur service to-day. You'll have no more trouble with poor photo finlshing. KODAK CAMERAS -i ail standard sises may be purchaied tRrough our store. Mtauy ef teem are carried iu stock. We aise feature Kodak and Selochrome Film. Be sure yen have a geod camera and pleuty of film now that good Phsoto weather te9liere. - $1.00 JU',RY 0 Phone 778 CERI3SAN a dust disinieetant for wheat, oats aud barley S lb.- - *$1.0 FORMALIN wet treatint for rush -16o»s. - - auc 32 o». -40e M oth Flakes or Balla - lb. 7c ELKAY'S Moth Spray 16 oz. -bottle 75c wfth Special Sprayei.- -79o Larvex - -. - ELKAY'S Moth Crystals new low prîce 29 LOVEL L Bewmanflel PAGE TWEW4E 1 . 11 il - ý 1 'rMTPqnÀV IXAV AlrTi i9m 0

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