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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1939, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TSMN BWMN ILý NAROTHURSDAY, MAY 4TH, 193 nerest ToRural Readers ~~ Inoculation Pays In Legume S..d Leguminous crops, sucli as al- falfa, red claver, awect tiover, al- sike, peas, soyabeans, vetches, etc., have long been known, under cer- tain conditions, ta leave Uic land an which Uiey were grown in a riclier conditian Uian it was in befare the crop. The necesaXy conditions are, lu addition ta Uic sail being lu good tilUi, and well draincd, ha there should be lu Uic soil oetalu nspecies ai bacteria known as Legume Bacteria. These legunie bacteria penetrate Uic young roots ai Uic legumes wherc they produce little swellings ar nodules, singly or lu bunches. On clovers these nadules are very smo]] but numerous, while on peas and beans they are compara- tivcly large and fcw lu number. The bacteria in these nodules f ix thc fÊree nitrogen ai thc atmas- phere so that Uic plant can use it as food. Without Uic aid ai Uic bacteria theciplants cannat do lits and no plant other lian thc leg- unies can do it, even with thc bac- tenia lu thc soul. On aId souls, or where clovers or olier legumes arc successully grown lu crop rotation, thc bac- teria are usually present. In ne* sails, howevcr, or whcu new leg- unie crops, as ai! aI!a or sayabeans anc grown lu aid sail, thc appro- priate bacteria are apt not ta be present and lu such cases sainie mehad ai inoculation should be adopted ta supply thc bacteria. Nunicrous experiments and pro- longed experienoe have shown Uiat Uic best way ta do this is to luoculate Uic seed with Uic neces- sary bacteria. For such seed inoculation, ati- ficially grown cultures ai thc bac- tea, origina]ly securcd froni Uic noduls on Uic roats oi thc sanie species ai plant which is ta be sawn, anc applied ta sced short- ly bcfore it is sown. By lhis me- Uiod Uic bacteria are carried mnto thc soil with Uic secd, and lu ample nuniber ta practically in- sure infection aifUiceroots, with consequeiit increased growth af thc crop. Claver seed and cspecialy al- falfa are very expensîve and as an extra lusurance it wl] quite possibly pay you ta use culture ts year. For your accommodation your Agricultural Representative, E. A. Why write letters and send manev orders? Order yaur Bray Chichi throuzh nme - Personal attention. Prompt delivery. F. L. BYAM Tyrone, Ont. J. E. NICHOLSON PontypêS1, Ont, SPRING SIGNS Therc's mildness lu Uic atmno- spiiere Sometimes along 'baut now; There's action on Uic farn be- cause The land now cals Uic plaw. The snowdrlfts are ail shrluking fat, They'l soon be quite away; Yau hear the notes ai roblu'asang, He pipes his evenuhg lay. Along its wnding lcngth; The iver's ice is breaking, too, Thcre's janis and flaods that grind and test The mil dam's holding strcngth. The banks now feel Uic pressure, too, 0f watcr lu Uic raoe, While geese and ducks are flylug north To fid their nesting place. Each morninig las an carlier sun It did Uic morn before, And twilight lingers longer when The day is almost o'er. The buds on oak and elm trees Pep ough on every limb; Whilepttrln sap lu sugar bush, Filis buckets to Uic brim. What joy and happiness af heart, These Uings ta people bring; Because we know that they are sure And certain sigus af spring. -Ralph Gardon. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. Sumnmers has a supply ai cultures at Uic Departmcnt of Agriculture Office, Bawmanviile. A culture will treat one bushel af seed, but if you have less than a bushel Uic entirc culture may be used wiUi- aut harm. Cultures for alfalfa, red claver, alsilce and sweet claver are twenty-five oents, while Peas and soyabean cultures are two for twenty-five cents. If it is not con- venient for you ta cal at Uic De- partment Office, cultures wil be sent by mail. LEADERS IN BARLEY Canada S ic heleadlug banley exporting country lu lie Britishi Empire, alliauglin l kecping wiUi Uic reduction lu Uic world grass exporta ai barley, Canadien cx- parts dcUned froni an average lu Uic first 5-year period, 1927-31, ai 22,607,260 bushels ta 10,053,473 bushels average for Uic second 5- year priod ai 1932-36. Oi foicigu countrie eatig banlcy, Rou- mania stillrees first place as Uic largeat but with decUining cx- parts ai banlcy. BROOD 80W DISTRIBUTION The 1938-39 Brood Sow Distri- bution Policy ai tic Dominion Deptirtuient af 'Aigricultre- lias been kecnly iollowcd in Saskat- chewan and Alberta. In Alberta, up ta January 31, 1939, there werc 564 farmera, oranxzcd 0to56 groupa, wha took advantge af thc Palicy and a total ai 1,361 gîlts was distributcd. lu Saskatchewan, 1,400 gilta were placed under tis palicy. "The habituai atruggle ta bç al- ways gaod is unccasing prayer."- Mary Baker Eddy. Holiday Plans Altered As Faimu Entertains Folks From The City Our oid friend, Hi Hinkledam younger folk. We were golng ta closs te wek itha pt pevehave a wanderful breakfast, tbWi closs te wek itha pt peveaway ta the city. But, alas, all obr against some afi us city friends. plans~ were ini vain. When Itt We give it ta you, says "Hank" in back ta, the house fram doln Ie st. Thomas Times-Jaurnal, just as chores, la and bchald, who sol Hi sends it ta us in his latest let- be there but two carloada of folks ter: fram the city. They had decided "Last fail, when me and the ta came aut and niake us happy missus sold the pigs ta pay the an tiie haliday and anl that sort of taxes, we kept the best ane for aur stuif. I tel you, my chin dropped9 awn use. After curing the hams an rny chest when I saw that gang1 and shaulders, we put theni away there.1 for spring and summer use. Last "And could thase city folks eat. Friday we -f igured it wauld be They ate up ail chema and nice ta have same af aur own bacan the missus had preparcd, anl home-cured haen, alang with eggs the maple syrup and anl those and hat cross buns and maple wonderful biscuits - and f o u r sp. We planned ta make a real dozen cggs in addition. Cen you da i.Iwas ta get thc chores imiagine that? Dan't you %olk dFogod and carly and then far ever énjoy a gaod square meal lu a change we'd ail pile inta the tic city? jalappy and go ta the city and see "After breakfast they ail had ta wrhat arrangements we could make head for Uic barn ta pet thc calves for meeting the King and Quecu and colts and disturb thc other when they visit Canada. livestock as much as 'fflIblc. "I was real happy while I was Then we went back ta Ulic house doing the chores, just thinking eand of course the nilssus -had -the what a wonderful day was in stare dishes anl washed by Uiat ýtime for me and Uic missus and Uic and Uic roonis straightened. out, Hydro ExtensonFacitisIniW. Dra A iew years ago many city folk Company made ciectricityr aval]- Maximum estimatcd custamers is thouglit ai farming as a wonderful able ta Bowmanvile citizens, and about 900, and maximum mileage occupation durlug daytime, but a a ycar later extended lie service about 400 miles. nightmare whcn darkness idl and ta Newcastle and Orono. NO fur- Div'lded inta twa sections, Uic coal ail lanips, lanterna and tallow Uier extension was made . until candles becanie Uic anly source ai 1921-22, four years after thc Hy- Newcastle section had about 135 illumination. dra Commission purchascd Uic miles ai wiring and Bo'wiian'ville Farmers, Uicmselves, werc not systeni from Seymour Power. Ini 110. The former has 235 custani- too happy about Uic poor ligliting that year, anc Uine was cxtcnded ers and Uic latter 300. Estimated facilities lu their homes and bans, ta Glen Bac Dairy, near Maple cost ai wiring for anc mile is cspeciaily wcre Uiey unliappy Grave, and electricity was also about $950.00. whcn Uicy saw poorer urban istalled lu R. R. Stevens' and Rates anc reasonable and are friends with homes made brilliant Rosa Stevens' homes. set according ta cast ai power. In by elcctric liglits and work made Seven years elapsed bei are Uic Bowmianviile arca* where milcage casier by electrical appliances. sweeping rural prograiniai Hydra is. lower than Newcastle'area, but Same f armers visualized the extension was announced lu 1929. Uic number ai custamens is higli- day when every farm would have Since then, Uines have been built er, Uic net service charge ai $1.00 Uic sanie convemiences - when ta Hampton, Enniskilen, Burkc- S ic hesanie, but thc first rate thc danger ai thc prise Hostein tan, and neanly ta Enfield, wcst ta charge is 5c kilowatt hour as kicking aver Uic lantern and Maple Grave and Baby Head, aganist 6c lu Newcastle. Subse- Some dainies inaist Uiat farmera use an elcctric cooler with wbich nillk may be kept at a uni! ornily cool temperature. Abave is a diagran showing how Uic macrhine onerates. burning Uic baun would be nil - whcn little Nel Would be .free froni burna received when she played with lie ail lanip. Many have lived ta realize and take ad- vantage ai Uiat dreani. Iu 1929 Hydro Elcctnic Power Commission ai Ontaria, realizing lie tremendous advantage it would be in increasing markets for appliances, fixtures and power outiet, launched a pragrani ai power extension inta rural corn- munities and ferma. The result has been that lu Durhiam section alone, over 500 rural customers have been added ta thc list ai power usera. Develpment ai clectric power extension lias truly been plienoni- enal lu ic h past decade as coni- pared with previaus ycars. It was lu 1911-12 liat Seymour Power norli ta Tyrone on Uic Manvers Road, eat on Uic highway ta ane- hall mile wiliin Hope Township and along lic Lake Shore lune. Anolier Uine was cxtended norli froni Newcastle and Orono ta Pontypool, Leskard and cast on 8li Uine. Olier extensions includ- cd SaUina and vlcinity, Haydan, section nean Bradley's School, and a dozen and anc olier localities. This year will sec Uic main ex- tensions completed wli the in- clusion ai K endal, possibly En- field, DarUingtan station section, and a piece on Uic 8thliUne Clarke. Wlien Uicy are completed, anly a few ai Uic more remote ferma will be wiliaut possibllity ai power. At Uic end ai Uic year, it s expccted there wiil be about 250 miles ai rural hydro Uines in ts division and about 550 customers. quent rates anc approxliately, Uic sanie. Farmers who desire installation ai power are requircd ta aigu a five year contract and at Uic end ai that time must give Hydro anc year's notice if Uiey wish ta dis- continue. Hydro will cansider extension if only twa ferma wih- lu a mile become custamers or i five hamlet custamers are signcd. The number ai custamers is in- creasing evcry monli, seid Gea. E. Chase, local manager for Hydro Electric Power Commission, lu a recent interview, and lu practical- ly evcry case installations are belug made lu barna as wcll as homes. Use ai clectric niflking machines, coolers, choppers, wash- ing and sewing machines, radios, refrigerators and olier appli- ances is alsa increasing, lie sald. Many fermera are instellinig this type ai electrically apcrated grluding rm enabling theni ta do 'thein own mllling wlthaut leaving thc premises. The above is a saniple ai Uic machine being installed. WoodvilII.To De S«»n.of District FIower Show The District Flower Show for District> No. 4, comprislug Uic counties a o tuiclnDr ham PeterouhVlctariaand Haliburtan, wilb hela this year at Waodvie, Victoria County, the second week lu August. AUl nem- bers ai horticultural sacieties ln Uic district are cntitled ta exhibit. Newcastle Horticultural Society las nstructed Uic Secretary, Miss E. M. Blackburn, ta orward ta Uic Woodville Society. Uic usual dona- tion af $3.00. Newcastle wMl prob- ably again enter a teain in Uic junior judging contest. Boys and girls should beglu paying special attention ta flawers and Uic art ai floral arrangement. and was starting 'ta get dinner. "'All during Uic dinner perlad, aur visitara tald us about their new cars and how mucli a manth thcy wauld have th raise until Uic cars wcrc paid for. Then Uiey talked about their sickncss. This one liad had Uic flu, another Uic whooping caugh or measles, and anather anc Uic znmps. Thcy even tald Uic mussus shc loaked terrible and nccded a rest. Imag- ine thati Our radio didn't suit theni. Wc should have anc ai Uic new models, while -their gencral remnarks ludicated that Uicy didn't think aur old car should. be alow- cd on Uic roads. "Thcy staycd for supper. Theu thcy packcd up and started for home lu Uiefr new cars-nat be- fore begglng sanie ai Uiat "ldeic- iotas bacon and cggs"' for Sunday breakfast Saturday I spent mast ai Uic day rcpairing: Uic daniage their kids had donc araund Uic farm. Usuafly on Saturday we go to Uic market wiUi aur eggs, but those city visitars saved us Uic trouble. Thcy hadn't leit a n y eggs. "I havre camne ta Uic conclusion Uiat Hitler and Mussalini aren't thc on]y people lu Uic world who can be annoying." Those who can, do; thase wha tcan't ta]k.-Gcorgc Bernard Shaw AgulaMinister Bui. t Newcastle People ai every denomination in Newcastle throngèd the St. George's Churcli April 18Ui, for Uic funcral af Rev. J. Scatt Mac- Lean-Howard, a citizen of New-' castle since 1901 and Rector ai St. *George's for eleven years. Rcv. D. R. Dewdney conducted Uic service with Uic ful choir assisting. Rev. Canon Sawers, Rectar ai St. Matthew's Church, Toranto,' which Rev. J. S. Howard built lu Uic initial period of lits priesthaod, read Uic scriptures. Itev. F. H. Mason of St. Momica's, Toront, and Rectar of St. George's for six years, paid warxn tribute otae Uic fe and character ai de- oeased lu a short funeral address, basd on Uic words af scripturc, Lift up your heart and rejoice. Bey. Mason convycd ta Uic re- latives Uic sympathies of Ris Grace, Archbishôp Dcrwyn T. Owen: together with bis deep re- grets Uiat, owing ta duties lu To- ronto, lie was unable ta be pres- cnt. In tic passlug ai Bey. J. S. 1 R-ij MULfl-W6 -- A =CD& 1fowlu, 4 qikdryjmhig bighgosa -elthat Winl ad spakllfl besul ta yOUf home. For Wood or meta surace imiMe or =biude. 26 gotiauscoa tgocboosef-- à tI!U.GI.OS-A wasbbl< eml=14M ema lta beautif Y - 0fWAfls-fril "'9 ture ,wodwork.]rasy toapply; drie quckly; as Da unple5ft odor. in awidetKoÏb<SutiipeSw *&$ bl - OUY 140 FOR FUTURE NEEDO TAUC ADVANTAGE OF THESI THRIFTY LOW PRICES R, R.Reynolds Hamptong Ont. Howard Uic Archbishop said he feit a sense ai personal loss, thc loss ai a chose and'dean friend, a failiful servant and pricst. Previaus ta thc public service at Uic church a short service was held at Uic house where by Uic bier ai a beloved husband and father a nurber ai intimate fri- ends and relatives frai Ottawa, Toronto, and other points jained Mrs. Howand, their son, Mr. Allen Howard, and daugliter, Miss Sal- orne Howard, Toronto, aniidst al Uic beautiful floral tributes. Aniang thase attendlug Uic ob- sequies were several ai dcceascd's former parishioners frai St. Mat- Uicw's Church, Toronto. 0. W. Rolph Orono, Ont. In thc enormnous agricultural area pi lie Prairie Provinces, there arc 55,700,000 acres ai Cen- ada's 74,000,000 acres ai cultivât- cd land. Fuly 54,600,000 acres arc lu grain and falaow, 13,000,000 acres being fallawcd annuaily. Furtiier, fuily 33,000,000 acres ai Canada's 40,000,000 acres ai range and unimnpraved land anc in Uic prairie Provinces. Swing bands in ts country lu Uic ycar 1938 did a business amounting ta $90,000,000, no t counting repaira ta Uic rug.-.Chl- caga Daily News. For sie By ert Parker, Plumber Fo Ul.B>P1hone 2684 Bowvmanvfll- e u mPIEBIs rMF. 00. IMITED-London. Hammilo, Troito, Sudbury, Winnlp.q, Vncoù vr - .--- T~ , 77 -IM 7q le- mr MWM' PAGE POUR - 11 IMPROVE MORSE INDUSTRY Under Uic horse breeding policy laugurated by Uic Dominion De- pan t n 0aiAgriculture lu 1935, Ui Departent has placcd for servie lu 1939 at Uic Dominion Exprienta1 Farms a number of higl-class outstanding stalions ai lic draft brecds ta assist lu Uic poducton ai a supply. ai sires thogout Can'ada for Uicimi- provement ai Uic horse industry. ! k ugoum

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