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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1939, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, ONTARIO TH-URSDAY,'bt.AY 4TH4, 1939 Enniskillen Recent Visitons: Mr. and Mms. J- Oke. Miss Majary Oke, Mr. Frank Mitchell. Clarke Unian, Miss Greta Oke, Bowmanvilie, Mr. Bill Fair- head. Bowmanville. visitcd Mrs, W. Okes... Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Wright with hem sister, Mrs. John Barrie, Newtanvilie. .. Mr. and Mns. Leslie Rabbins. Rochester, N.Y.. at Mr. Frank Roblin'... MiT. and Mrs. James Turnbul an.d Jimmy, Peter- bora.^at Mms. T. McGill's. .. Mrs. Milton Werry, Oshawa, and Mrs. Phillip Turner and baby, Toronto, at Mr. Russell Ormiston's. "What daest Uiau here Elijah ?" was Rey. H. Lackey's text Sunday evening. There was a good attend- suce. .Y.P.U. was brought ta a close for the summer montbs in the f orn of a pie social, April 26th. Rev. H. Lackey presided. The progmam was ini charge of the social convener Miss Alice Ashton: a maie quartette con- sistingz of G. Stevens. E. Wright. J. Slemon and B. Ashton favorcd with a humorous selection "The Bulldog on Uic Bank" and wcre cncored sing- ingz "The Doggy Sang ;" Miss Ruby MçLaugblin. piano solo; gzuitan duet by Ailan Wearn and Fred Stannard; piano duet. Misses Freda Bradley and Jessie Knox; a playette "T 'he Train ta Loontawn" was prcsented amid shouts of laughter, by the fol- lowing,. Ma sud Pa Wiggin-Marie Oke sud Gardon Stevens; Mary and Tom Wigin-La>rna Rahin and Ste- ward Preston; Miss Eagerly-Mrs. Jean Burr. (a nosy-parker) ; Mr. Tbornton. a mans of business-Keith Ormiston: conductor - Fred Stan- nard; p)arson-Bruce Ashton; brake-e man-Harold Ashton. Piano sla by Miss June Ashton; thc male quar-f ac te in lie tette gave another selection, "The Pie Sang" which was very appro- priate for the occassion. By request Mrs. C. Crossmian repcatcd an aId f avaurite piano solo the "Military March." After ail the pies were dis- tributed eacb onc found his partner and aIl partook of a piaus lunch. The "Miss Simplicity" sewing cir- cIe have held twa meetings recently tbe first at Mr. Leonard Bradley's. where the officers were eiected'. Pres.-Miss Gladys Bradley; Sem- Miss Maudie Simpson. The second circle was held at Mr. Lamne Simp- son's. This circle is a continuation of the "Cottons May Be Smart" class which was held at the Short Course in Blackstock. We think this a wonderful oppartunity for any girl Who wishes ta make ber awn clothes in the most economical fashion. Next meeting will be held at Mr. Aylmer Beech's at 2 o'clock, May llth, any girl wishing ta attend is welcome. Hampton Recent Visitors: 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Smirthwaite and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Hincklv and son. jack, Concord, with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. William- son. . . Mr. C. H. Burrows, Osh- awa, with bis sister, Mrs. M. Good- man on Sunday. . Mr. Frank Mason of Friendship. N.Y., witb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hastings. .. Mrs. Gea. Farncomb and Constance with frn- ends in Toronto. .. Miss Jessie Ho-. garth, Bowmanville. spent Sunday at home. .. Mr. Lorne Hastings, Osh- awa. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hastings. Saine of aur local men have been enjoying sucker fishing. The burial took place on Mondav forenoon at the Hampton north Cemetervy of Mr. Arthur Gibbons of Toronto. husband of Elizabeth Ar- Rue.. eldcst daughtLer of the late t HIarry Argue of Sauina. A number of Mrs. Gibbons' aId friends and a ccuintances in this communitye at- tended the f uneral wbich was in t bharge of Mr. Lamne Truli, Toranto. a Hampton members of the Oddfel- a lows Lodge attended the parade and e churcb service in Tninity United bhurch. Bowmanville, Sunday morn- rig. Quite a number of Hampton peopIe also took the, apportunity of n hearing Rabbi Eiscndrath in Bow- nanville Sunday evening. Blackstock Recent Visitons: Miss Mabel Van Camp, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mms. Wm. Van Camp.. . Mrs. Russel WiIlan and Mr. Robent WilIan, To- onta. with Mrs. Wm. Steele.. Mr. and Mrs. Harmy Van Camp and Glenn witb Mr. and Mrs. D. Heas- lip, Janctviile. .. Mrs. W. A. Daw- son and Katherine. Windsor. with Mn. and Mms. Fred Bailey. A vlav f rom Pickering "Lena Rivers" was vrcscnted in tbe Corn- munity Hall, Friday night which was splendid. W.A. of United Church met at Mms. O. Wright's Monday night. The Girls' Sewing cîass met at Mms. Mervin Grabain's Thumsday. The meeting -tbis week is at Miss Grace Mountioy's. A recent birthday in Doarn prompts the Uiought that the day may came when Hitler will be only an anniversany. - Guelph Mercury. COWLING SELIS THE BEST And Serves You Well FRCE 1.tnE«rgeglaastler ----a-390 Spetial PrIces 3 Ige. pkgs. Pninces Soap Flakes - - - 30c Pinkham's Comp. --87c 100 A.B.B.& C. - 9o Notjh Bags - - 15o 200 Velvetta Tissues - 9c Dodd's PiUs - - - 27c Pellow's Synup --87c Packard Elecrie Razon -$350 CASHMERE TISSUE SOfe l'UTSWIita 700 SII3ETS %to the ral ,31or251 'o.. Reduced Price Dec Tee Moth Killer 1 Mb. Palmolive Shave Cream wlth Schick Injector Razor AND 8 BLADES Nl for -49e 29e FREE King & Qucen Souvenir Book with Coigale'u T. Paste 33,c Giant Kruschen - 69 Larvex with Spra.yer - - - 1.26 Larvex Refila - 83-1.29 MaW Repatica 30-59-1.15 Eubble Bath and 2 Wash Clotha - 25e Llfebuoy Shave On. an.d10o Boap - - 30c CEREBAN<P d. kil]. grain umut lb. $100 - 5 lbo. $3.9b) FPORMAIN (Liquid) wet treatment lb. 25o - 2 lbo. 40c W. ýTut'eyus matiM $Trus $0 Your Entire Iawà muaityapi Prise. Umfau~~ ~p71Qaly Maple Grove Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley spent Sunday with their cousin. Mrs. Hcyd, Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank James, Osbawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Folcy.. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colwell and Ted- dy and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley witb friends in Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hal Lo Lndon, Mrs. S. T. Bartlctt. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Faley... Dr. 'and Mrs. Llyn H. Coates, son Danny, Brant- fard. visitcd with Mr. Thos. Snow- den. Mrs. L. C. Snowden returned home with thein for a visit. .. Mr. Wallace Munday, Mr. and Mms. Denis Pickard. two childmcn, Mary and Gary visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. Gormly. .. Miss Neilie Snowden, Scugog, at home. .. Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono. with Mrs. Walten Foley and Mrs. Ernest Twist. ..Misses Betty Snowdcn and Greta Munday in Brantford with relatives. Mrs. Snowden rcturncd home lwith thein. Mn. John Snowden is stili con- fincd ta his bed. Glad ta sec Mr. Alfred Laird, Sr.1 out Sundav after beiniz confined ta bis home ail wintcr.1 Sympathv of this community is1 extended ta Mrs. 0. Meredith and Miss Norab Meredith in the loss of the former's sister. Mrs. Teller. Another W. C. T. U. Temperance contest under the leadership of Mrs. Bell. Oshawa, when 21 contestants competed for bronze, silver and izold medais. was held last Thursday cv- ening in the basement. Bronze medal winners froin Maple Grave wcre lst, Betty Stevens, Domeen Jeffery; there was also twa bronze medal winncrs nrom Oshawa; silver medal winncrs, were Ist, Oshawa girl: 2nd, Mildred tietcalf. izold medal was won bv. two Oshawa boys. Tbe niedals won Lt the previaus contest beld at Osh- awa. were oresented ta the winners. While the iudgcs werc totalling up their marks Miss Ruth Cooper. Osh- awa. a former goid medalist wbo Ilso won a silver cup in Toronto, ave a selection ta Uic deligbt of l]. The final contcst is ta be bcld in Oshawa May lStb. Came ta Pot Luck Supper Friday night. Sec Comingz Events for details. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonaîd, Mfrs. Chas. White and Gertrude, Mr. Samn Snowdcn, aIl of Oshawa. at MIr. J. D. Stevens'. Mr. Stevens bas had another sct back. the third since he took sick in January, and is stilî onfined ta bis bed. Union, Darlington Mn. and Mms. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanv'ille. at Mr. Alymer Beech's. Mn. and Mrs. J. Adamns and fain- ily. Newtonville, Mn. and Mrs. Mal- colin Alfred. Bîackstock. at Mn. W. Ferguson's. Mr. Wiliam McLaughin. and Mn. Russel McLauRhlin attended the f unemal of Ross Bailey at Biackstock. Sihool puipîs attcnded Musical Festival at Hampton on Tuesday evening. Mn. Albert McClary with his par- ents. Toronto. Mrs. D. Burginaster, Enniskillen, and Mrs. C. Stephens. Hamptan, anc with their sister. Miss J. Cookinan, wbo still cantinues vcry ill. The farmers anc very busy seeding. Burketon Young People's Union met Thurs- dav with a goodly numben present. Miss Ella Hoskin had change of this progmam: reading. "Sinile" by Mable Avis; readingz by Dorothy Hoskin;, scriptume was given by Miss Betty Mof fat; Mrs. T. Bailey gave the tapic and Mi. H. Lackey led in prayer; Miss Hazel Aldred gave a reading "O Bread Crumb Recipe"; Misses Mav Adams and Betty Mof- fat sangz a duet "Mermy Melody," accompanied by Miss Ruby Bailey at the argzan; Mr. Eldon Hubband gave a eadingz. Members of Woinen's Association hcld a cuitingz bec at the church an Tuesday. About 75 fricnds and relajives were present at a shower at the homne of Mr. and Mms. Leonard Gat- cheil for Mr. and Mns. Arthur Dean <nec Hazel Gatchell). The bride and gzroomn thanked their -f i- ends for the many beautiful and useful gifts they eceived. The ev- eningz was spent in dancingr and lunch was served. Mn. Ed. COuRhill was taken ta Christie Street Hospital. Toronto. Mr. Howard Hoskin. Mr. Ccph Hoskin, Kedron, Master Elgin Heard of Enniskillen, and Miss Beatnice Mountioy, Kedron, with. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. ers. V. Gatchaîl was taken to To- onta Hospital on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. W. N. Haskin, and Misses Ella and Dorothy with Mn. and Mrs. R. H. Wood, Orono. Salem Recent Visitors: Mrs. F. Cator visited in Toronto and took a motor trip to Waterdown with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator to' visi a friend... Mrs. J. Storie and Mr. L. Mortsoii, Tyrone. were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge. .. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Taylor, Coiborne, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Taylor, Oshawa, and Miss Pegzgie Chatterson. ýTO-- ronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Cbt- terson. 7 Y.P.U. met April 24th. Programi in charge of Miss M. Collacutt, Social Vice included: bible reading. Mr. E. Doidgze; topic, Mr. Les. Combes. readings, Miss J. New- man. Miss R. Pollard. Mrs. H. Barrie. Mrs. L. Richards, Miss Thelma Werry and Mrs. E. Doîdge; mouth organ selection.. B. Darch; piano solo. Mrs. S. Butteky; vocal solo. Mrs. E. Darch. Attendance 20. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn on the arrivaI of a fine baby gzirl Sunday evening. Congratulations to Masters Bob- bie Lockhart and Alvin Ellis who wcre winners in a duet at Orono Musical contest. Glad ta sec Mr. R. Francis aradnd again after many weeks' ilîneas. .Friday evening a joîîy crawd of Salemn folk gathered at the home of Mr. Leslie Welsh ta cangratulate bim and his bride an their marriage and received a bcarty welcome frbin hast and hostpss. Rev. A. W. March caîled the Rathening tao rder and extended best wishes ta thec-bride and groom and asked Mrs. S. But- tenv ta read an addéess ta the'happ.y couple, which included. a cordial-wel- corne ta the bride who had 0=8 éta dwell amnong us. The prçeutation of a cabinet of silver was made by Mr. G. Barrie. The bride sudgroom tbaniked al Present. Then. folowed a short progzrain of speechet., esang led by Mr. Chas. Canruthers; read- iniz by Mn. H. Barrie, and pjiano solo by Miss M. Wilcox. The rest of Uic eveningz was spent in gaines and social intercaurse, and a dainty luncheon was servcd witb an abund- ance of ice creain. The Supremne Court now fallows Uic Treasury reports. Our finan- cial position has becomne sa des- perate Uiat even officeholders Must pay taxes.-The New Yorkcr. LIBERAL MEETING CContnuod tram Page 1) twa member present at the meet- ing. Mrs. Harry Mitchell afi* Port Hape brought Uic gaedwill af her association and i an informai. talk, camxnented on passing events in her district. Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. Raberts and thebLiberal choir gave great pleasune by rendering 'severai musical numbens. The 1lov e 1y flawerlng plants,' daffodils and tuips lent a savaur af spilng beauty ttheUic ene. Mrs. Clark Bell,'President, was i the chair. TOWN. COUNCIL eContinued tram Page,1) from Mr. Seymour*which was re- ferred ta Uic Public Property Cammittee. Both groupa were given pawer toacmt. The auditors' reports for 1938 wcrc presented. Deputy ReeVe Marris presented, the Finance Cammittce report fan accounts aniounting ta, $1606.83. 1 Fire Comniittec was instructedt ta take Uic matter af changingtheic 1929 Chevroiet Coach, black, equipped wtt passable tires aid fine appearace. This is a car that wilU sec maay miles more irivlng, but you can buy It for only 1 $60 OTHER USED CARS ON OUR LOT 1938 Ch.v. Coach, green Ch.vroet Coup., low mileage 1937 Ch.v. Coach, black Pontiac. Coach, grey Bulck Sedan, black WiIIys Coach, green DRIVE UT AWAY 1929 Chevrolet Tourlng la gooi condi- tion conai<lering its, age. Il Ibas been trealci welaid represcata eue of ouI- stading bargains. We are lryt.g t. clear the lot of eider modela and wifl sell this one at Uic reduced pnice et 1. $75. Courtice ILOT lire alarm wires up with tic Pub- lic Utilities, Commission, and that they <Fire Com.) be authorized ta niake thc changes suggested by thc Bell Telephone and P.U.C. at a cast of $50. Ini the future any changes ln Uic alan wlxAngwill be made under Uic supervision of the Public Utilities Commission. Howard Challis was appointed ta, the fine brigade iplace af Neil Taylor wha retlncd mter many years falthfui service. SPermission was given thc Rosds and Streets Cammission ta pûr- chase 30 tons. of calcium chioride at approximate cost af $840. The Harscy bridge sauth at Uic C.N.R. station wtT be repaircd at a coat af $40. ' P. F. Marris'*Ca. werc gven permission ta have "No Parig signs an Utheciirb autside Uiein premises whanevc-r a funerai is hedfrôm tileir-funerai chapel. .The matter af purchasing a lawn mowcr -and thc planting of flower beds for Uic cemctcry was left ta Uihe Cemetcry Comnmittec. P4 Chicago cat 21 years aid has given bIrth ta its twa, hundred and fartieUi kitten. That beats even Callander. -Brockvllle Re- corder. W.M.SI PRESENTS (Contin ued troff Page 1) tbcrhaod; Mrs. C W. Siemon - Eve; Mrs. J. Brown - Rachel; Mrs. Herb Babcock -Hannah; Miss H ele n Cryderman - Ruth - Mrs. W. H. Webb - MaUier ao? Jonathan-, Miss E. Weekcs - Jochebed; Mrs. John Allin - Salome; Mrs. D. Alidreaci - MoUicr af David; Miss Hlazel Rua- dle - Japan; Mrs. Hircock - China; _Mrs.. C. G.. Morris -India; Mr s. Muriel Symons - Mary. Music by Mrs. A. Cale.. Flôwers were presented by Miss Hfelen Crydeninan sud Mrs. Sym- ans ta twa af Uic aidest members, Mrs. -I. Tabb sud Mrs. J. Elford, alsa i; Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, me- ther of Uic onlyznissianary from Trlnity Church, sud ta President Mrs. S. Davisan. Mrs. Brown sang "Dear Little Mother." Mrs. B. M. Warnica, who is leaVring town, was called ta Uic platioarnsd Mrs. Frank Cryder- man read an addresîs expressing, the regret af Uic society at Uic iass of such a valued member. Mns. A. W. Pickard presented a gift af iorty silver dollars sud Mrs. C . G. Morris a bouquet ai ,roses. "God be with you till wc meet again" was sung. ILLUSTRATED -TALK GIVECIf -AT NiTITUTE Bowmanville Wdinei'a Institute met April 27Uhi n-Stgohn's Par- lsh Hall, wiUi Presidtnt Mrs. F. Baker in Uic chair. An interestlng ta]k was given by Mn. E. A. Sum- mers, Agricuiturai Representative, on "Canadian Homes fram Coast ta Coast." Borne fine 1lan ter n slides were shown and it was won- derful ta note tlic diffePence. a ew shrubs and flowers could, mfakeï, transformlng'a drab unlnteresting looking house into a home where love and contentment seemed ta dwell. Mrs. V. Argue and Mrs. G. Pritchard sang a fine duet, ac-' conmpanied at thc piano by Dr. T. A. Partridge. Mrs .H. B. Poster presented some af Uic uchool chU-. dren i a fcw p leasing numbers, Uic Highland Fling by Marjory Gibson, Uic ]Irish Jig by Helen Roach, and a fine réading by June Morris. They were further enter-, tained wiUi club swinglng by. Uic C.G.I.T. girls ai Trinity Church. The pragramn was in charge af Mrs. C. Robinson and group, who also served a v.ery excellent hfinch.. Rcad the advertisements and, buy from those who advcrtisc. HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU 1930 Pontiac Sedan, blue. Tires in go"i shape. Upholstery and generali nterlor ut about perfect. Motor ruas weil aid altogether the car looks much newer than It la. It's yours for only $125, 1935 ChOv. Coach, blu, Ford Coach, blaek 01de. Coup., blue 11ontlac Coach Chev. "Son, gmy NEW CARS ON DISPLAY Now la the Uime to trade in your used car OU a brand new 1939 General Motors Automobile. Sce the Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile ad Bulk M Iodela aid Generai Moeon Trucha Mdi have Our salesmen make an estimat. on yousr old car. You'Ul be suhprised at the gen- erous traie-la SllOwances. uy car for the Bflamer months aid orget about repaira. NICROL Phone 25 10 à9 a Rsi ..q Bownianvilie 1 PAGE SIX - M - j il Mothe's Day MAY 14TH Our wide varlety of Mother's Day rifta Ineludes appropriate Royal Visit Souvenirs ln china. Mlso frained mottoes, pictures and books. Be sure te send a card to your own or "somebody's" mother. Royal Visit Everyone should have a sou- venir, of this memorable occa- sion. See our seiection. The <emand for decorations will probably far exceed the supply avallabie. Buy now. Flags - Bolders - Pennanta le and up J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 - - Bowmanvillie NEW OR USED CARS FOR SUMMER WththeU Summier season comiag on, when ieflghiul drivt.g condi- lions make everyone wlsh for a car, there Ino need to ait aI home and watch. Drop ln aI Roy Nichola' Courtice or Bowmanville show- rooms aid buy for a amanl amount a tuaraaleed usai car. There's pienty of gooi drivlng t. every one of lhem. 1936 01de. Sedan, green Willy* Sedan, green Chev. Coach, black 1934 Ford Coupe, black CUu.v. Coach, maroon Ford Coach, black 1930 Pontine Sedan Ch.v. Coach 1932 Pontiac Sedan WIllys Coupe WillIy*-Knight Sedan 1931 Ch.v. Rdstr., rumbi. 1933 Chev. Sedan, black Frontenac Coach, blu. Pontiac Sedan (8),. blu. Dodg. Coup SPECIAL COUPE DROPS ON PRICE e95qudsent hruopegreThis la apweul 1985men tHuo ope, Thiseen, wpecfl automobile, beautifuliy flnised through- 7 out aid a give away ai------ ---- -_-3 7 REPAIR YOUR OLD MODEL We are e<uipped te make any kini of repair te your sew ér .11 car, front bumpt.g out fondiers aai repaaltto leadjustbthe b.mostit. tricate part ef a motor. Every mechanle la trained t. do bis Job woil and at reaaonabie cost t. Fou. For sny and ail repaisme Roy Nichohs, Courticeaid Bowmanville. 1 .

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