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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1939, p. 8

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'rgr' .e, . t s f se 't ~ ~ .. .s-, *~ ~... r t nhrtr,, a. - ..- t.;. PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN--STATESM AN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 4TH, 1939 SPORTNEWS Int--ermditeDaebal Club Elects onfcr For The -Coming Season Euthusiastic Groiip of Bnp- pertersPrent At meeting -Prpare For Big Yeur In Ba8ball Bowmanville Intarmediate Base- bail Club gat aff ta a gaod start at an enthusiasticanid wail at- tendad meeting Thursday night when these officers wera elected for the 1939 seasan: President - C. T. Ross ; Vice-Presidents - W. J. Bagneil, W. R. Strika, Dr. R. Cawie; Secrtary - Nelson E. Os- borne; Treasurer - W. H. Flaherty; Directors - F. Williamns, R. M. Ainslie, W. L. Elliott, W. J. Dud- ley, M. W. Camnstock, J. J. Brown, F. O. Mclvaan. The naining ai a manager was lait ta the diractars. They will alsa name the twa represantatives Bowmanviile wiil have at the league meetings. Allan Osborne mentianed ha thaught Nip Neadhani wauld act as trainer for the club if ha wara asked. President Ross stated that tic- kets were being sold for the show af May 1, 2 and 3, the procaeds ai wbich will go towards ranovating the bail field. Ha urged that cv- aryone turn out and help with thc work. The schedule is ta ba drawn up in Port Hope on May 1th, and EXCURSIONSI TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERNCANADA GolngDates DAMLY MAY 16 TO 27, 1939 leturu Limit:45 day.. Ticket. Goed To Travel Xà Coaches Excursion tickets gaod in Tult Parler and Standard sleeping car alto oriabeo paymnent of silrghtly hlgh frpssg arce, plus priceor parler or seping car acco.mmodation. Routes - Tickets gaad son« via. Port Arthur, Ont., Chcago,.121., or SauitC Ste. Mrie. returnlng via same route and line only. Generous optional Stopvers - wlthinIlimit af ticket. both galng and returning - at Port .Arthur Ofit, and weet; alto at Chi- of United States lunes. 4118 Ful articuJars from any agqent. Canadian Paciflc FUSHT KIDNEY ACIOS Ooggeld, inflamed kidneye prevent prope elimination of toxic wate mat- ter, reultina exoess acid accumula- tiosla in 12zys and blood. Gin FPH1 '" out the millions of tiay kridney tubes giving quick relief from bocké- ache, lumbago, rhematic peine. Lat Gin Pille help you as they have 00 mmy ctbers. Two asues - - - Reg. New Economiy aise - - (Double Uic Quantit,) teains are expecting ta go inta training varysmon. The club hapas for good support froin citizens as a lot ai hg wark is being put itot the organization tItis year ta keep Bowmanviile on thc basebal map. Lakeshore League EI.cte Offiem At Annual Meeting Sid Little, Bawmanville, was ra-alacted Vice Prasident ai thc Lakashare Intermediate Basebail Langue ntthUc ninual meeting held at Uce Bawman Hausa April 26Uh. Roy Dodga, Cobourg, and A. L. Brown, Part Hope, ware re-elact- cd prasidant anid sccrtary-traas- urer, respectively. Represantativas iroin Sunder- land, Cobourg, Bowmnv il1c anid Part Hope wara in atten- -dance. New- castle was not repres en te d and tUc langue dacided ta giva Unat club until May 10 ta de- cide whetherý It would enter a teani in the group ts year Bld Little or nat. On this date a meeting wiil ba hald at Uce Qucen's Hotel, Part Hope, at wih tune tUc schedule wiil be drawn up. Anothar important question ta ba discussed at that meeting wil ba whethar or natthUc langue wil alaow Oshawa players ta teani up with Uce Bawmanvilae club. Osh- awa, it is understaod, will not ba sponsorig an intermadiate ar senior team in any langue ts ycar. Young Mon'. Club To Sponsor MnuIs Sol tball League Something new in thc way ai competitive sport wiil ba intro- duced ta ts tawn as a, Men's Softba] Leangue was fornied for Ue camidng ycar at a wel-attend- cd meeting heMd in Uce roomns ai thc Young Man's Club on Fridny evening. The langue consists ai four tcams froin diffarent districts ai Uce tawn. Games will ba playad on Uce public schaol basebal field. A $3.00 antry fac is baing charged each team, anid al hard- bail players ara being aliminatad in ordar ta avaid any interierenca with tUc intarmediata langue. Tha four teanis are Goodyear, South Wnrd, Enarcos nnd Front Street. The Young Men's Club is ta sponsor tUc leagueannd wil offer a cup for competition. Thasa afficers werc aie cted: Presidant - Sid Little; Vice Presi- dent - C. Dean Hadgson; Sccretary Treasurer - Hubert Hoopar. The representativas for each teani were - Goodyear, Ross McKnight; South Ward, Sam Wilson; Enar- cas, B. Mutton; Front Street, H. Hooper. PIIGEONS ON THE FLY Bowmanviile Racing P igeao n Club flaw their first aid bird race ai 1939 season April 29th, froin Streetsvila Jct., Ont., with the ioilowing rasults: L. Richards - 1 hr, 43 mins, 46 sec. E. Hunt - - - 1lhr, 50mins, 3 sec. F. Bottreil - 1 hr, 50 mins, 35 sec. F. Battrail - 1 hr, 51 mins, 41 sec. E. I!unt - - - 1 hr,56 mins, 36 sec. W. Wooner - 2 hr, 8 mins, 32 sac. .C. T. Rom. who was elactad Prasidant afitUc Bownianviile Intermediate Base- bail Club. Mr. Ross has always been an ardent warker.and base- bail fan and this hanor is a iitting tributa for services rendered. MANY ATTEND DEANERY CARPET BALL BANQUET A large number f rom here et- tended the annual Deanery Carpet Bail League banquet at Newcastle, April 25th, at wbich St. George's Anglican Church Men's Club, New- castle were formally presented with the F. H. Mason Challenge Cup for winning the league this year. Nearly 100 were present f roin St. Peter's. Cobourg; St. John's. Bow- manville: St. Mark's and St. John's, Port Hope. and St. George's, New- castle. Rev. F. H. Mason of St. Monica's Anglican Church. Toronto, who pre- sented the cup ta the league when it was f irst started in1932. and yvho was at that ime rector at Newcastle, was present et the banquet and made the presentatian to Thomas Spenicer, President of St. George's Men's Club. When makcing the presentatibn Mr. Mason told the gathering bow pleased he was te see the league naking the strides it was, and wel- comed the addition cf St. Mark's, Part Hope. He declared that there had ta, be unitv in the home and church ta brinR about a oroper un- if ied Empire. The speaker criticized the governinents for allowing young men te be idle and painted out that these Young men in case of amer- gency. would be called upanta de- fend our liberty if the case arase. Mr. Masen paid higb tribute ta the British Prime Minister.. Neville Chamberlain, declaring__that he was a great man and n worthy successar of Earl Baldwin. The President, after receiving the cup. thanked Mr. Mason an behaîf of the Newcastle Men's Club. Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer, Bow- manvlile. eulogized Mr. Masoo for starting the Deanery Carpet Bail League, and ;stated that it had brought about a new sprit among thr men of the Deanery. He stated that in times, such as we are wit- nessing, it called for great sacrifice on the part of the people toward King, Countryanid God. Rev. J. M. Crisalof Port Hope, spoke on the wonderful wowk cf the men's clubs, as did Rev. Canon P. J. Dykes, Cobourg, and Rev. W. B. Jenningzs St. Mark's. Port Hope. J. Quigg. Newcastle, was made the recipient of the O'Neill Trophy, p)resented ta the best carpet bal player on the. Newcastle team each year, by Mrs. O'Neil in honor of ber. late husband who was a chart- ered member cf St. George's Club. Rev. D. R. Dewdley, rector et New- castle. made the presentation on Mrs. O'Neill's bebaîf. The program consisted of two songs by lames Thamas, Part Hope, "Thank, 'Virou For the Very Kind Attention" and "Elsie Schultzen- heim." Albert Brereton. Newcastle, rendered a vocal solo, and a guitar and vocal selection was presented by A. Ash. Newcastle. H. G. Ballard, Port Hope. secretary af the league, was paid high tribute by T. Spen- cer for Mr. Ballard's untiring ser- vices. The -evenýngz was acclaimed one of the most successful Deanery Carpet Bail League banquets beld in manv vears. During a brief busi- ness period it was decided to hold the Deanerv picnic et the Reforest- ation Park at Orono about the middle of luly. Sofball Schedule May )15-SouUh Ward vs Front St. 18-White Rose vs Goodyear 23-Goodyear vs South Ward 25-Front St. vs White Rose 29-White Rasa vs South Ward Juna 1-Front St. vs Goodyear 5-Front St. vs South Ward B-Goodyear vs White Rose 12-SauUh Ward vs Goodyear 15-Whitc Rase vs Front St. 19-SouUh Ward vs White Rose 22-Gaodyear vs Front St. 26-Front St. vs Goodyear 29-White Rosa vs South Ward July 3-Front St. vs White Rase O-Goodyear vs South Ward l0-White Rose vs Goadyear 13-SauUh Ward vs Front St. 17-Goadyear vs Front St. ci KIWANIS ARNI VAL ADUiWà&oN - FREE Here, Ther. end Everywhore B'Y D. MORRISON, sa. Our aid frlend, Coi. Edwy White af Coral Gables, Fiorada, seeks ta know if anyane remembers a Mr. Easton of some 60 years ago who kept a stationery store here at one Umne. We well remember uuch a citizen, who at one perlod of his lite was an employee af the -Upper Canada Furniture Co. This was some 75 years ago in J. P. Walters time as manager of this furniture works. We can remember Mr. Easton trudglng to wark meeting hlm, as we then worked at the McClung Carrnage Works. Aiter- wards he went inta some light mnanuiacturing business and be- came quite succesaful, and selling out, went into the book and sta- tionery business elther iurther west or in the aid town hall build- ing. We imagine he had a son aiterwards in this business. Thare was a younger son by the naine of Angus Eastan. Perhaps this namne night help in this matter. Where was axiother requast in the saine issue of The Statesman, about a - certain medical man of this tawn, Dr. G. Raid, and the whereabouts of his residence while here. The residance was that now occupied by Mrs. and the Misses Neads an Wellington St., west of Mr. Blake McMurtry's residence. There was a Dr. L. Reid an Well- ingtan Street, but a much Inter date, a brother we believe, and a sister, Miss Reid, wha for a time occupied the residenoe naw awn- ed by Mayar R. 0. Jones. Dr. L. Reid lived in residence where Dr. W. H. Birks now has his office and residence. This family of Raids belonged ta a sect cailed the Ply- mouth Brethren. Meetings ai this order were held in private mem- bers' houses, they having no church building. The brother af this medical man was a surveyor and lived for some time at corner of Wellngton and Ontario St. (Paul Wilson's resi- dence), where the writer of this column went several Urnes ta wit- ness signing af papers in connec- tion with land tities. This Mr. Reid was married ta one oit aur teachers in aur public schaôl , so perhaps ts will help in this case. Dr. Reid, who lived in the resi- dence built by W. S. Russell ofi the Organ works, was a great music laver and at one trne was a member ai a string quartette bafore camidng ta this tawn, who met and practised for the pleasure they totut ai this pastime. He asIr possessor ai a vary fine aiino which we had the pleas. ure of viewing at one time. Dr. Raid, ai wham information is requested as ta, where his office and residenca were situated, was« an outstanding medical authority in those early days. As was also1 Dr. Lowe, aiter which Lowe St. is narned and who built the resi- dence later owned by the late Dr. J. McLaughlin, Beech AvenUq~ Dr. Davldsan was a mbedàdl man of that periad, also Dr. All- son, wha was a relative ai the Calville iamily and whase resi- dence was ts side ai the C.P.R.g subway where Mrs. Sparga nawi lives.1 This will explain ta ane who wished ta, knaw haw many years1 aga the Upper Canada Furnîturej Ca. ws brnlt, and we alsa rememn- ber the iirst enginieer was a Mr. Fogg, father ai the Fogg boys, ana ai whom passad away a iaw weeksi ago.1 The First Troop is organizing a softball team. and are open to chal- lenges from surrounding Scout troops. Boy Scouts and Cubs who sold tags for the blind on Saturday, re- alized over $70. an increase of near- ly $16 from last year. Congratula- tions, boys. Boy Scouts and *Cubs will parade on Sundav evening. May l4th, ta St. .John's Anglican Church. Services will be held in cannection with the visit of the King and Queen. Scouters met at the home of Arthur Cully. Sunday afternoon.. Plans were made for the visit of the Oshawa Scouters Club on May 9th, with a social in the Parish Hall. BABY CHICKS Neuhauser 'Good Luck' Chicks NEW LOW PRICES LIGHT BREEDS3 $8.50 Per 100 ----------- ---- HEAVY BREEDS $9.75 Per 100 ---- -------- Order irom T. M. BLEMON & SON Ennlskililen - Phone 2573 G. A. BARRON & SON Hamipton - Phone 2420 S1GNS & POSTERS - AUTOS - T19UCKS - WAGONS - ETC. PAINTED AND LETfERED - Also - Baby Carrlagres - Bicycles Furnîture - Refrigerators Wlcker Work - Bed. For Detter Painting Phone M4 J. H. NEEDHAM Centre Street - Bowinanville aAyI4ROYALWL5! Sïwtire m"bulit. fRAO0 s.oa tops up to ncqulonw Zn 7w DLUXE WBIu',I 'ru" ]PROM4M, G. F. JAMIESON BO0WrMIB Vulcaniuing and ]Reconditioning Tires Willard Batteries Erîfield Mr. Frank Mason, Harmony, caîl- ed on same of his aId friends here Saturday. Mrs. Bovd and Miss Magzgie Vir- tue havingz been with Mr. and Mrs. G. Ormisten for two weeks have returned to, Enniskillen Mrs. T. Bawnxan has been visiting relatives at Mount Forest. Mr. T. Bawman Mr. and Mrs. G. Bawman and Mary Helen were at Maunt Forest Sunday. Mr. R. Stinsen, Toronto. bas been visiting eat Mrs. 'H. Stinson's. Mr. Ralp)h Ormiston, Zien, Miss Verna Ormiston, Oshawa, Mr. Keith Ormiston. Enniskillen, et Mr. H. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton, Osh.gwa, et Mr. L. C. Pascoc's.1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Niddery. Messrs Calvin Niddery and Eric Smith. Toronto were et their cottage.j Mr. Ida McCulloch. Mr. and Mrs.1 0. McCulloch were in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Langmaid and Miss Bernice. Oshawa, visited et Mr. Fred Smith's. The U.S. salis planas to Japan during e war anid makas a iuss avar sailing soeate France When sha isn't at war.-Brandon Sun. A rani test ofefRfciancy would ba Uce manufactura ai an atlas gunrantaad for, say, four ta fiva years.-Timmins Press. Nawadays n giddy girl wili rush inta marriage without knewing se much as haw ta manipulate a can opener.-Quebec Chronicie. As an eutcome cf the Group Com- mittee meeting on Tuesday plans are under way ta secure a leader for a Rover crew. Such an erganization is sadly Iacking in the group, Most boys who reech the age of seven- teen or over. having te drap scouting altogether because there is ne older troop they cen step into. I f juch a crew is formed it will give thase boys an opportunitv te become out- standing citizens. anid splendid leaders. Group Committee met Tuesday afternoon in the office cf W. R. Strike. It was decided ta accept the cf fer of the School Board and pay the rent as charged. there being no alternative. In the past the gm- nesium was cf fered ta the Scouts and Cubs f ree cf charge. Plans were discussed concerning the sending of Scouts and Cube te Toronto on May 22nd. but nothing definite decided. First Troop meeting wes held Tuesdav evening with e good attend- ence. Instruction was given in signalling and first aid. Plans were made for a hike on Saturdey, the first "officiai" hike cf the season. Meet at Public School et 10.30 and coma prepared te pass your sec- ond class coaking and f irelighting tests. They will also be allowed ta pess the axemanshin test. This will be an ideal chance ta put the scouting they have learned thraugh the winter into practice. j WRONG DOING "It is batter ta sufer wrong Uhni ta do it."-Johnsan. "dA wrang motivaihivolves de- Iet."ý-Mary Baker Eddy. "It is vain ta trust in wrong.- Hosea Bailau. "He wha comints a wrang wil bimsali inveltably sactUc writ- igs an tUc wall.-Tupper. "Wrong la wrong; no inllncy can hide it, no subterfuge, caver it."ý-Rlvaral. "The hlstary ai ail tUc world tells us that immoral means wil neyer intercapt good ends." - Coleridge. The ninc-year-ald has b e en handcd an ultimatum: ElUher im- rave h i dlng ar become a dia- r lteC.Detrolt News. SIr Henry Drayton AppeaU. To Laymen. To Support Church Toronto, May 3. - A strang np- peal toalal proiessing Anglicans ta redadicate their lives ta the service ai God anid tUcwork of Uder church was made ta-day by Sir Henry Draytan, chairman ai Uce laity committea appointed ta arrange for cclebrnting the cen- tenary oaitUc Church ai England's Toronto diacese. Sir Henry strassad tUc iact ta mambers oaitUc church wara now aznjoying tUc fruits ai labor ai men who hnd workad ta build up Uce church during th past hundrad years. "A century ago," ha said, "the aarly piancers t r av e11e d many miles ta obtain Uhe m*is- trations oaitUc church. Nowadnys, Uhe church has bean made acces- sible toalal, pe.rhnps ta such n de- gree Unat pçople do net iuily ap- precinta its service." Refarring ta Uce centenary thank-aifering ai $250,000 being raised tUroughout- Ucediocesa, Sir Henry dcclnrcd that Uce work ai Uce church was ioundcd on par- sonal sacrifice ai devotad mcm- bers, 'although many others cx- hibited n tandency ta druift along and neglact Uceir church work and raspansibilities. Ha daplorad tUc cry ai "bnd timas" so aitan heard whan the church needed heip. "'Timnes ara nat bad fer luxurias," ha painted out. "Figuras show tan ch yenr increasing revenues ara darivad from moving pietura admissions and liquar salas. Econemizing in church gifts and church work is a most short-sightcd pelicy. Wa arc ecanomizing at the wrong end -at n point whcra wa may hurt oursalves eternnlly." Sir Henry said Uce thnnk-oifar- ing fund would be used ta pny debts which are hnmpering Uce work oaitUe diocase, creanta n und ta pay tUc stipend oaitUc suffragan bishop, anid assist rural clergyman who ara burdcned with heavy travelling casts. In Uharse-and- buggy days, ha commantcd, thera was always a bng af enta wniting for Uce minfister's horse wheravar ha stapped on bis round ai cails, but in Uce présenteara ai mator- ing, Ucera was neyer a tankful ai free gasalina wnitinÉ for »'his sccond-hand automobile. RING & SILVECR STREETS GROCERY BARGAINS Pieapls .,..each 10e -2 for2e Oranges, deliejous and Iuicy . doz.%'10c Grapefruit, large........... 7 for 25e Heinz Baby Foods, strained ... 3. for 25c Heinz Chopped Foods ........ 2 for 19e lcy Wafer Biscuits ............. lb. 23e Quaker Oats ............. Ige. pkg. 19e Phone 596 E. LUNN GROCECR Bowmanville ELECTRIC REFRIQERATOR *DARQAN Robuilt, R.finish.d and Guarante.d 1 FRIGIDAIRE 40 5% Cubie Foot - --------$4 -0 1 K.ELVINATOR$50 5% ~Cuble Foot ------- ------ - ----$5 - 1 OOFFIELD $*59.00 5 Cubie Foot - ------- ---- ---- 1 UNIVERBAL $89-0 6 Cuble Foot----- - -------- iIMPERIAL$90 6 Cublc Foot --- ---------$ 9 0 1 G£N.-ELECTRIC *7.50 5 Cublo Foot-..---$7 New Guaranteed Mechanism, New Finish 1 GEN;'-ELEOTRIO 6 Cuble Foot ----- ------- 89 01 New Guaranteed Meehanissa, New Fini" 1 GEN.-ELZCTRIC $9900 i GEN.-ELECTRIO 290 7 Cuble Foot, New Finish,---------------- Was $700.00 - Sale .......... 5-0 New Guaranteed Mecha"lm 12 Cuble Foot, Double Door, Porcelaiu Finish, 1 GEN.-ELEOTEXOV2 500New Factory Guaranteed Mchanism. Was $545.00 - Sale - ----- -O--------------V$75OR New Finish, Brand New Mechanlsm, Factory 1COBE MLào Guaranteed, 10 Cuble Foot, Double Door. Sale ----- ------89-.----- Lowest Prices on Brand New ri cuble foot - - $13 9. 1938 01E. REFRIGERATORS S cubic foot - . $l7ýO LIMTED QUANTITY 7 cublc foot- - . ieb 50 ICE BOXES FROM $2.00 UP Prices Quoted are Cash Prices. Budget Plan Prices include S3mail Service Mharge. As Long as 36 Montha to pay. DON' CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC -OPEN EVENINGS - 38 Slmcoe St. North OSHAWA Phones 84 and 744 FUR STORAGE For safe storage, store your coata wlth HUDSON FUR Manufacturing Company Tour coat wlil be stores! ln Canada'. finest cold storage plant for ouy2 % of yoiir own valuation. Leave your coat at thc EVLYN SHOP PHONE 594 17-5 and It willI be taken care of. Along Boy Scout Trais PritOAY EVIENINC 1k 55 I. fr~ 's OSHAWA ARMOURIES Waiay, May 5,9 7.30 p.-. IFor theCame cf UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILOREN and the OIAWA SEA CADET CORP -Bingo - Favors NovMths - Prizes FPUN POR AU - a"Award At 14.30 p.m. s ~. J Oum"

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