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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1939, p. 11

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- - THURSDAY, MAY 11TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,'BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO News' of CIar Our pastor was taking anniver- say services at Lake Shore on Sun9day sa the 'Live Wires"' Clas from Newcastle, nder the leader- ship of Mr. Stan. Rickard, took the service at Clarke Church. About twenty young men, with Lawrence Morton at the organ, formed the choir and rendered two delightful negro spirituals. The quartette alsa sang. The text was from Luke.2:52, "And Jesus increased in wisdom," taken by Carl Fisher, class president, who conducted the service; "Wisdam," taken by Chas. Clemence, vice- presîdent; "and in favor wiith God and man" taken by Stan Rickard. [t is sincerely hoped that the «"Live Wires" will visit Clarke again, as the entire service was much enjoyed and appreciated. W.A. met at Mrs. Westol String- er's and was well attended. Mr. Morton gave a short address. It was decided ta have a social "'Get- together" for the congregation on Monday evening next, with pro- gram and refreshments. A small charge will be made. RI.1J.VT 1a . lE ------ORONO ro REMAIN ON STANDARD TIME rke Township DESPITE PETITION ________________________ "To be - ar not ta be"' that is the question - whethén it is bat. Netn1eter to advance timean ien bed Uwth th chickens - or ta keep Mr. and Mrs'. Dainard, Cobourg, an "God's time."' are living in Mr. W. Hancock's This question vas sttledafa housa which he purchased fram as the Orono Cabro Com- Miss Lorraine Miligan. merce was concerned, Monday Rev. Mr. McLachlan, Seagrava, night - in favour of Standard who was preaching for a cailOc- Tinie, in spite of a petitian for cupied the puipit here Sunday D.S.T. baing signed by many pao- evening. ple. Y. P. U. visited Orono Y.P.U. Annauncement of completed Monday evening. plans for the Clarke residents go- Visitars: Miss Wilma Farrow, ing ta Toronta ta see the King Newcastle, with Miss H elen and Queen on the 22nd, by the Couch. . . M1r. and Mrs. Harve ClamnieiN chPrger H. A.l Porteaus, Ross and Allan, Pr lre .F Porter .W op Hope, at Mrs. Fred Smith's... and J. C. Gamey) was made, re- Mrs. J. Jackson and Mrs. Lang- ports being given by Messrs. staff with Mrs. Lamne Paeden, Clarke and Porter. Starkvilia. . . Mrs. J. Jackson is Orono is observing only the spanding the summer maonths with 22nd, stores being kept open on Mrs. Willis Jones. .. Inspector A. the 2th and 24th. It is altogather A. Martin, wife and4-amily, Brigh- likely Orono Band will favour ton, with Mr. and Mrs. George J. with a concert the evening af the Stapleton... Mr. Victar Ledbetter 2th. of London, Eng., is enjaying a This industrial cammittea, Wm. visit with bis cousins, the Lane Armstrong, W. J. Riddall and O. family. .. Mns. Hoskin and Rena W. Ralph, is ta sae about contact- with Garden Hill friands. ing industries with a view ta la- cating here. About 65 citizens attended the PRESS CONVENTION meeting. (Continued tfram Page 1) dom otf thepnres.but somtetimes. latJLLZIvJ.J.----J_.. .. .- . laad, were describad. Incidentai-1 Electricians are in the naighbor- ly, the mousetrap won the cantest hoad wiring bouses. and a $5.00 pnize for Ted Hudson, .Miss Neilia Shutka bas obtain- Haspeler Harald's youthful editar. ed a position in Toronto. Wa ware told haw ta make adi- Our school is taking part in the tarials pay, how ta canduct the Music Festival at Port Hope. front office portion of a nawspaper Rav.' McLaughlin of Seagrava establishment, how .ta sail and Preacbad at Sbiloh Sunday. prapare display advartising and Mn. Thos. Kinsman is on the the details of newsgatharing. sick list. 0f course, the nead for susten-i Visitons: Miss Alice Hailowel ance caugbt up with us at fre-1 bas raturnad ta the city after vis- quant intarvais and was takan( iting ban parants. .. Inspector and cara of by two banquets, thé first1 Mrs. A. A. Martin, Brighiton, cail- at noon when the speaker wasc ed on Mrs. John McKay on Sun- Grattan O'Leany, brillant aditor% day. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mike Timbla of the Ottawa Journal, whose sub-E and famnily, Oshawa, visited at ject was "Freedam of the Press."r Mr. and Mns. M. Shutka's... Miss Ha criticisad soundly those pa-r Norma Hailoweil was ta Rose- pers wbich had ramained silent neath on Sunday. duntng the past faw years whitea gavrnamants passed negulations1 decneasing the freedom of Cana-1 Kendal dians, and lntimated that whan1 _____Canadtans hava lost freedom, thea Viston: n. en Batok, o-nawspapens wiil also be cunbed. A1 Vis' iors Mr Bet Bstok, o-racent qxaniple of suppression ofe nonto, with friands. . . Mr. and free speech was the attampt ofI Mns. Milton Robinson ta Toronto. Ontarto's Premier ta bava univer- S Mn. Thos. Twaddia and family, sity professons dismissed becauseb Toronto, at thair f...... Mr. Ar- they spoke as they saw fit. thur Thampson with the Misses Seans, Bailieboro. .. Mns. George Several editons must bhav e Quantriil witbhane daughter, Mm squinmed a little wben Mn. Milton Plunkett, Toronto. . . Mn. O'Laary launcbed into a wbole- and Mr.A Ellioth and Douglas bhearted defense of the two party s Toronto, undayed witb Mn. and1 system of government in Canada1 Mns. W. 'Elliott. .. Mn. and Nin. and supparted tha long sessions of1 L. D. Bell, Clarence and Hilda, in parliamentary d e b a t e. A oaa 51 Wlcome... Mn. and Mrs. Milton Party system would soon find '& Boyd and family, Toronto, wtth cause ta, suppness any opinion y Mn. Fred Bayd. whicb dîd nat confonin with its Mn. and Mrs. Milton Robinson Own ancgi admo nti attended the funeral of Mn.A. dual and people would be threat- ci King in Petenbora on Tuasday. ened, ha thouglit. Thera la need Rev. Mn. McLaughlin of Sea- for vigilance by ail the press in grava accupiad the pulpit bera on maintaining freedom of the people d Sunday. and itself. Cý A social everfing was heid at Mr. O'Leaay is not a large man, the Y.P.U. Thursday evenmng This physically, but it was evident in-S pnagram was in charge of Arthur deed that bis mentality is ana ofS Thompson and Leonard Falls: the finest places of mechanism in Raadings by Mns. R. Mencer ancd operatian in Canada to-day. Need w Leonard Falls; instrumentais by wa mentian that ha is Irish. W Wilma Carson and Mytie Falls; The evening banquet was an- scripture neading by Mns. Reg. El- ather bright spot on wbat was f liott; a splendid topic was takan beginning ta be for me a rathan tc by Arthur Thompsan haggand horizan. Food, proven- dan on whatever you wish ta cal it, was titivated so that you dîdn't « know what it was and cauldn't tellb the French menu. Withal - ît tasted fine and everyone enjay- k ed eveny hast mouthful. That is, averyone but this humble soul who spent most of the meal try- ing ta control a fit of knea knock ing, fonk dropping and bnow wP The' reasan for my condition was that Sir Genald Campbell, British High Cammissioner in ...... Canada, was ta give the address duce him, due to the absence of my esteemed editon uncle, Who Swas nat 50 estaamed at that MO- L'UN. T ua~IUN ment. Thara was aiso a raply ta MM rnwiiienbarmade wlen the Peance EdiorE Stesman thnougb me, its sole ne- pa presantativa at the conventian. av 0 You can't go out and win if con-J You undenstand, I'm sure, why eir etipation pulls your punches. It's the meai was not enjayed taa Ol what you don't eat that hurta you. heantily. Ordinary dicta often failta supply IHawever, the crises came and "bulk" cf the kiad youn bowels passed, the same as thay seem ta need for regulan movemnents. Adopt do once a week in Europe, and an eaay-to-fahhow habit that foeu when Sir Gerald& was an his feet st habts:RatKeloggs AL-I settlad back in my chaik vary dewy fnom the perspiratian show-c BRAN every dey; drink plenty of an wbich accompanied my brief water. ALL-BRAN heps in the nemarks. formation of the soft "bulky" mass Sir Genald la definitely suprame required for goad elinulnation. And as a speaker on antertainar. His ALL-B3RAN lea aso a rich source cf style is like nothing you hava aven Nature'. intestinal tanc, Vitamiia 1 beard and those wbo had not Di. Wbea your system ta runalng on heard hum befare spent the first- uchedule yau are ready ta go plce. fîve minutes wandering if they should give vent to pent up hil-- arity and the rast of the speech doubled aven wlth laugbter. Ha fh'A uviuriT rambles on mixing subtie humor ITlJIIDDIM with prafound wisdom-all with- ifF7~b U5IIW out any apparent effart. Ha couldn't sea why Genmany spent s0 mucb money on propa- ganda wben Hitler undoas it al with the sound of bis own. voice. Ohe bad only ta sea the looks of disgust and antagonism on the an faces of thosa wbo listened ta this M, country to H-emr Hitler ta realize jo that any good prapaganda might an h ave accomplsbed was a failuna, bc ~'iha said. foi ..>\ \ît~ The British people realize the GE seriousness of the present situa- ha tion and thaugh they want peace, " they were pneparing agalnst al eventualties, ha continued. TheyI wena against tbose who braira their word and deadly seiaus in* ÀL BR44 orgLanizing ta combat any danger., Comaientlng on freedom of the sicI~Keiq l trn.. Smeiaivet, Sir Gerald made the frit e ncmank that ha believed in free- ORON is t- n p y d 9 e r r L-b ear orme acty saaut U, as she J'l'is clever orain cnua of Mvar- gives away ber crime and Mac- garet's, which went aven big and ,as bath's crime by talking in han was much anjoyed by ail praseat, id slaep and by rubbing han hands bnought a delightful pnagnam ta [k ta try and get the blood spots off. a close. an it -e rig SOCIAL AND-PERSONAL of y e- Gerald Ramneyý bas been iM. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. nt n e al Tnno iie C. Bruton an the birth of a dau- e, Mn. and Mns. Joseph W. Hall.Pulccoohaahoi 9s Mn. and Mns. Archie McDonald, OnonoPulcSho aahli d Hannby vlaited Mns. Neil Smith.' day Tuesday to ailow the students te go ta the Durham Music Fes- Miss Edith Dent, R.N., visited tival. er Mn. and Mns. L. A. Dent. mnr Miss M~arion Bannon, R.N, vis- A aumber froin here attended b- ited Mns. Bannon. the No. 9 H. & S. Club Wednes- DrClihews ae t o day of hast week, some assisting - ronto Ganeral Hospital Friday. oteparm a; Miss Margaret Milsan vlaitad in Mrs. Gea. Seymour toak Mns. eTononto. A. H. Keane's place at Mn. W. Stutt's for a faw days, the latter We hear the bank is taklng bath bclng cailed home. i- May 20 and 24 as a holiday. ~'Misses Tounjee, Toronto, visited M.W .SewnlftFia d, Mns. McPherson. fon Ottawa whana hae will doctor .1- wltb Dr. E. F. Johnson for the n, Mns. E. Porter, Conestoga,' vlait- summaer months. ed bier father, Mn. W. E. Davay. ~.Giad ta see Mrs. Evans araund Mrs. H. H. McDonald who bas r. agxa. ttý the past two years with - Mn. and Mns. A. A. Dnummond Aoot. Hnyla eundt visited in Toronto. Tnao Mn. Allison Cowan, Taranto, Mn. and Mrs. J. Eagleson, Mrs. visited Mn. and Mns. F. Cawan. 'C. Moon, Mn. and Mns. R. Sharwin > enjoyad a trip to Part Hope and ie Mn. Alec Henry la assisting Mn. Petenbor rdy a J. Stewart on the eth lina.anFidy - Soft bail sesn*is opaning bene Mn. W. J. Stutt is much im- shortly. pravad ta health. Mrs. Harry Ly- cett, R.N, is naw taking cane af 9 Mn. S. Bnuton visited lits me- bim. -thar. Mn. and Mns. H. Lycatt are now Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, -occupying Mn. W. J. Stutt's bouse. Hampton, and Mrs. H. Rundle, Bawmanvilla, visited at Mn. R. H. - Mn. W. H. Rowe bas bean on Wood's. ythe sicir list. Hon. Gardon Conant, Attorney- ~ En Det ws te lckywtnaer Genenal of Ontario, and bis son -of a radia hast week. Eric, Montreal, called on Mn. -Mn. Gea. Smith, Tamnworth, Orme Gamsby on Sunday. visited liera. Sympathy is extanded ta the Miss Viola Nodea visited ber relatives of Wm. Braugh wha died àmather, Mns. J. Noden. in Toonto on Tuesday. Funaral Miss Margaret Millson visited today from bhis nesidence, Con. 4, Mn. and Mns. Douglas Carruthars Clarke. in Gait. Receat visitons with Mn. and Mn. and Mns. Wm. Irwin, Mi- Mrs. E. Evans wene: Mr. and Mrs. mica, visitad ber mother, Mrs. i. Fred Robinson, Mn. and Mns. IWinter. Hinds, Miss Barnica Robinsan and Messrs. Cliff Barrett, Napanea, Mn. H. Cameran, Toronto. Iand George Rowa, Toronto, visit- A meeting is planned for Fni- Ied Mn. and Mns. W. H. Rowe. day night at F. O. Caaper's ta Miss Rena Doncaster and Miss plan for the caming bahl season. Iva Linton, Toronto, visited Mn. Plan ta attend and iet's get at it and Mns. G. M. Linton. befora the weather is toa bat. The tulip bed at the tawn hall The Badminton Club held a la ahl a-blossomn with vari-colored, social eveatng with gamnes and tulps. ýlunch Wednesday. Guasts wr Dr. Neil Coiville was operatad prseaforoeein shwa Te st- J on successfully on Tuesday morn- es orhe va asMs .J ing. 1 Messrs. Louie Brown and Har- Messrs. Bob and John Keane, aid Duncan of Bank of Comn- Toronto, visited Mn. and Mns. A. merce staff, Oshawa, were in tawa H. Keane.Thursday where they pickad up Mn. Jack Cobbladick, Toronto, Orme Ganisby ta hike to a trout visîted Mn. and Mrs. N. Cobble- scelle were thay mat with gaod dick. success, Orme landing ana 141/2" LeRoy Brown was i8th in a long and waigbing 1%½ paunds. 1class of 140 in bis course at Guelph Mn. and Mrs. Giddus Jones, O.A.C. Congratulations. Eilean and Clifford, attended the Mn. and Mrs. Garnat Gamsby 55th wadding annivarsany of bis and son, Kingston, vlaited rela- cousins, Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Jones, tives liera and at Ktrby. Newtonville, on May 6th, when Miss Viola Gilfillan, Hamailton, the.cauple wane preseated with a ivisitad Mn. and Mns. John J. Gil- radio. fillan.1 Park St. W. A. met Tuesday, Mn. L. B. Tapson and family, with Mns. S. Littlawood in charge. Bowmnvile, hve tkdnup re'i Mrs. J. Dicirson, Fin. Sac., Miss L. danca ta Onono.- Allia, Traasurar, and Mrs. N. Por- iter, Conr. Sec., gave reports. Pre-' Don't fonget ta waar a flower at sideat Mns. W. Stutt presided and cliurcb aext Sunday. It's Mothar's Miss L. Allan played for the Day. hymns. A number fram bene attended a A citizen wants to know what dance at Nawtonville Fn i day advantage it la ta anyona ta spend night. Sunday on sparts, gardealng, or Mn. and Mns. J. J. Melan ara haviag bon fines. The sinake froin boarding at Mn. F. Duncan's wbile the latter is a naminder that wa theirnaew bouse la being built. are fast losing hold of the 7th Dr. Manning and family wiil day that the Lard set apart for shantly mova fato oaa of the rest and wanship. apartments at the hotel. Among the naines of those who Mn. J. J. Mehhor's aaw bouse wihi nieet the King and Queen wa was started this week wtth Mn. notice the names of Mn. and Mns. Percy Cbapmnan in charge. W. F. Rlcirard and Mn. and Mns. Court day was beld liera May Percy Rowa. These four area 3nd, with Judge O'Connor tryin ng tha 1200 selected far this two casas. horiaur at Ottawa. A number Of I.O.O.F. mambar Among the many attanding the warein oborg atantngDlv funenal of Chas. Doncaster, Fni- serv iC ouraymoningDivne day, wana: Mn. and Mns. Taylor servce Sndaymornng.and sister Gladys; Miss Bertha A numben of aur citizeas are Doncaster and Dalla (Mns. MiUls) attending the Durhamn Music Fes- daugbtans of Mn. Doncaster, To- tival at Pont Hope thia waak. ronto; Mn. and Mns. E. P. Donc as- Savenal from banc attcndcd the tar, Oshawa; Mr. Elgin Wight Mn. funralofCliarles Doncaster on and Mns. Gordon Wight, Bow;imn Friday. ville. h ie if 91 M Newtonville Union were guests of Orono Union Monday night and pravided a splendid varied pro- gram. Following wards of welcome by the Orana presîdent, Miss K. Stark, which were replied ta by Miss Rena Haskin, president of Newtonville branch, the warship committee took charge. Scripture was read by Miss Betty Stapletan, expianatian given by Mrs, Laur- ence Savery; vocal solo by Miss Hazel Raid; paem "A Pleasant Sniile" by Miss Wanda McKay. Under chairmanshîp of Miss R. Haskin the fallawing items of pro- gram ware enjoyed by close ta ana hundred people: Reading, Lamaa Pearce; guitar solo, Alfred Red- knapp; reading, Jack Kimbaîl; vo- cal solo, Miss Mary Lane; tapîc, "Paderewski", by Mrs. E. Beach; piano solo, Miss Margaret Dan- ault; two violin solos, Ronald Bur- ley. A period of lively recreatian followed, led by Miss Lais Wood and Mr. Elvin Blewett af Orono, after which lunch was served. A few words of appreciation by Rev. E. L. Beech, replied ta by Miss K. Stark, and a friendship circle braught the evening toaa close. The world is in a turmoil. Hitler to most of the men there is noa and bis gang are ai forgotten for pflace like home ta stay away froîn. the time beinz and the war scares Hiramn was flot q uick enough. The female zeneral swooped down upon don't f izz ofl us iust low. him too ouickly and handed hinm a The women are on the war path beater and several large carpets. and they are armed with brooms, While he was beatiniz, bis thoughts mnops. pails and dusters. For uni- were flot for print. But he whipped forms thev have large aprons and the carpet ànd satisfied the powers some kind of a raz around their that be. heads. It's house-cleaning time agaiiî Here is a resuit of bis thinking. and that's the cause of ail the ex- Fire ail the army generals, and put citement, and it aiso explains the those women in charge with the scarcitv of men. If you search bard armaments of house-cleaning. and enougb you will find a lot of them Hitler. Mussolini and ail those dis- holding fishiniz rodsý in secluded turbers will soon run for a hide-out places. others in back rooms in semi- and the worid will soon be at darkness, with other deserters play- peace azain. They sure can kcick un inz some pencil Rames. Just now la dust. Lady Macbeth Scores Big lit Orno ddtllwsT 'At Final MeetingLiterary Society Anglican Churci 1 ~st. Saviour's Anglican Churci. Helen Case as Lady Macbeth Coloured slides of the Canadian w;asocrowýded Sunday evening ar scored a big bit at the last Liter- Rockies, prepared by the C.N.R. te ccasion of the I.O.O.F. churci ary meetng of Orono Continua- were shown by Mr. R. Widdis, prade. About 75 members, head. ton Schoo for the achool year, With Mr. R. C. Rosborough giving ed by W. J. Riddeil, Orono, march. held Wednesday night. This meet- explanatians. These were 'greatly ed ta the church, attended by thE ing was in charge of Group 4 wlth efljoyed. Orono Band. Representatives oJ Helen Case as leader. It opened As an antidote ta the bloody Pontypool, Port Hope, Cobourg, with "0 Canada", and the min- gruesomne "Macbeth", a humorous Oshawa and Bowmanville iodges utes and treasurer's report were sklt, written by Margaret Roy, ioîned with Orono members to presented by Adele Morton. was presented. Mr. and Mrs celebrate the l20th year of the Djck ~ Morton, Editor, read the Theodore Vanderbilt <W il1 f r e d founding of the lodge. "QaCIS' which was splendid, the Froste and Margaret Roy) were Rev. D. R. Dewdney, rector, poetry being especially good.' having a party with Ciare Wal- weicomed the gathering and gave The next part of the program lace (Helen Case) giving tidbits an appropriate message. Taking was the presenting of two scenes about each guest as annaunced by as his text "And God sa, loved", from Macbeth which were excep- the butier (George Walters). The the speaker intimnated that love tionally well presented. guests included: Mrs. J. A. Koof- was best expressed by zealous The first was Act II, Scene XII ries (Marion Cooper); Mr. and service, and, after telling the story Part 1, the soiiloquy of the porter Mrs. Jones (Patricia Yeo and Au-- of the good Samaritan, mentioned as he, grumbling and sleepte brey Jordan); Dixie Dean (Doris the fact that the middle link ln makes slow preparations for thé Whyte); Miss Smithers (Eiieen the I.O.O.F. chain signified "love.' apening of the door ta Macduff Morgan); Jackie Smith (E dn a Two splendid quartette selec- and Lennox. The porter (Wilfred Myles); Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown tians were rendered by Messrs. Froste) was very natural in this (Ruth Lunn and Bob Coatham); Wyven Reid, W. C. H. Mitchell, role. We cauid readily imagine Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Van Tut- C. Taylor and R. Sutton. that he "hates ta get Up in the tie (Mildred Allen and Bill Bayd), Following service, the brethren marning" ta quota an aid sang. and Joie Judkins (Jeanne Farres- marched ta the lodge roomns where The second scene was Act V, ter). they were entertained by the Or- Scene I, (cammaniy called "the During the party variaus guests ana iadge. sieep-walking gcene") wherein a performed giving the fahlowing doctor (Bill Boyd) and a lady ser- programn: Piano sala, Patricia Yea; vant (Eileen Morgan) discuss the reading, Bill Bayd; dance by eight Newtonville Union habit of Lady Macbeth of walking of the party; two accordion salas in her sleep. Helen Case, as Lady by Doris Whyte; vocal solo, Mil- Entertaind By Macbeth, made an instant hit, and dred Allen, with Eileen Morgan at Ooo Y .U made the guilt and the "charged" the piano; three charuses by ail. O____ Y.P._U ha wîshed they wouldn't. Needless ta say, his address wa raceived with loud applauseam much appreciation. He could tal] his way out of anything and is ai exceptianal. example of fine Bni ish intelligence and diplamacy. At the banquet prizes were pre sented for various cantests, amorl them the Joseph T. Clark Mama' ial Trophy for the best ail-rounr weekly in a town or village o 1,500 or less population. Gregaiý Çlark presented the trophy on be half of J. E. Atkinson, presiden of the Toronto Star, and it wa: won by the Stouftville Tribune edited by A. V. Nolan. Mr. Clarký' remarks were well worded anc most entertaining. We conclude this waek's letti with a list of afficers elected foi 1939: Han. President - A. E. Dol. bia, Sniithi Falls Record-Néws President - R. A. Giles, Lachute Que., Watchman; Vice Prasident. Andre* Hebb, Newmarket Ena Sec'y.-Treas. - Frank Macintyre Dundalk EHeraid. Directors: Walter Legge, Grar. by Leader-Mail; *C. P. Pearce Simcoe Reformer; C. 'E. Band New Liskeard Speaker; L. B. Cal. naen, Picton Gazette; A. V. Nolan Stouffville Tribune; E. W. John- ston, Fort Enie Tinies-Review; C B. Smith, Creemore« Star; L. H Logan, Pembroke Standard-01- oerver. The fellow who thinks his sec- rat society is a substitute for the. church, neyer had mucli ofa church ta be cancarned about.- Guelph Mercury. Death of a New York jitterbug lancer while dancing was attribut- ed ta a hemarrhaga of the brain. So they have gat brains, eh? - Stratford Beacon-Herald. A card ta a friand fram a co- workar vacationing in the balmy south reads: "Having a perfectly wonderful time; wish 1 could af- 'ord it."ý-Christian Science Mont- tor. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Yeo, anc M&iss Doris Wannan visited Mrs. J. Wannan who is in the hospital. IPECIALBDA RG0A if TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERNCANADA Golng tDates DAILY MAY 16 TO 27, 1939 Return Limît: 45 days. Tickets Good To Travel lu Coaches Excursion tickets good In Tourlut, Panar and Standard sleeping cars also Ivailable on paymet Vslghtyhlg h. Ipassage trs plus price of parlor )sleeping car accommodation. autes - Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, Ii., or Sault Ste. Marie, returning via saine route and line only. Generous optional routinga. ýtopoVera - within limit of ticket, bath gaing and returning - at Port Arthur Ont., and weet; aIsa at Chii- caga, ill., Sault Ste. Marie. Mich., and weat, In accordance with tariffa of United States Iunes. Full partictlars from aey agent. Canadian Pacifie SORE FRET THIS WAY Rub in Minard's Uiment gen'oroualy, and feel the relief steel aver the aching muscles and joints. For ail muscle and jnt pains, aches and atiffness, sprained akies, twieted limbe-Minard'. bas been famous for over 60 years. Good mr dandruff and skia disorders, too. Get a bottle today; keep it handy. MA R DS A NEw sTAR is EC>1U! Pontiac values have shat sky-high ... Pontiac salas are soaring! AJI Canada is "catching an" that Pontiac is now pnicad with dia lowest ... down as nuuch as $100 comparad with last year ... and discoverad that Pontiac offers motoring advantages and iniprovements, unmaicbed by any other car in irs field! Pontiac providas evarything you want ia a motor car ... at dia priceyou want ta pay. You'll rida with pride in Pontiac ... as you navet rode before. Here's styling as radiant and appealing as a june bride ... bigness diat means sure-footedness . .. wide doors, levai floots ... incraased vision for evaryone ... luxurious inteniars. And spaca abouads! Six husky passengars loaf and relax ia downy comfort ... for "Newrest" rida g means gliding, aven whare "dia gaing looks toughest". Bafore you decide an any car, see and drive dia two great Poatiacs, the «Arrow" and dia "Chieftain". Ona of thase Iwo is dia car for you! Coavanient ternis on dia General Matons Instamment Plan. P1296 "UO~W. UTANDAD EMOMENT includes such plus festures as: 6.00 x 16 Tiresý .. . Dual 'rai LauPO - - m Contiolled No-.Drsft ventilation . .. Automstic Voltage Remulator .. . Hast Indicater ..d Iadependent YuUy ]Rubbe-Ca- ered Runalng Bord... Orsyci Deflecto . . .. Sedan.Type Front Sat (in coua) . .. Qiove Com- Partment Lock . . . pecdal Tool Compsrtment. Handi- Geow- SNt (optlonsl-Monuy$13 extra). PONTIAC "OHIEFTAIN"-com. Panian car tc, the Pontiac "-AroW'q --4ntduçes ridlng commert ae belote offered la the uow-price Sid, Provided by Most Advanced Knee-Action Front Whelas ad Newi ear cou Springing. - ROT NICHOLS EourtIce Bowmanvllle Y-OU s 1I( DE LE DI s * T £PF YO ER A E T nd W I PA(W I~'TPU~M Nnws and Priced Right Down with the Lowest SCOUT NEWS ton and Gwen Gibson (who are 1 repnasanting No. 9 in the Music Only three were absent a t the 1 Festival); piano duet by Mrs. M. Boy Scouts meeting at the .Arm-i H. Staples and Mrs. W. Lynch, re- aunies Thunsday night. U s u a 1 aot f Home & School Easter games were participatad in and convention by delegate, Miss Bas- finst aid instruction dealing with sie Blackburn; vacal solo, The fractures and splints given by Mr. Veterans' Sang, by Mr. M. H. Sta- A. Saunders. plas; guitar solo by Gardon Bru- An investiture of six bays wiîî toný; and lastly, a spacial hymn be hald May l8th. written by George Kingston hon- Plans ara also baing made' tao uring thair Majesties, sung by hold a church parade sametime Mr. R. E. Logan. in June. Presidant Charles Glennay ex- pressed bis thanks ta the Club for the support ha had raceivad dur- No. H. S. lub ing bis tarm of office. No. H. S. lubMr. Chrîs Barchard presidad for EIects OfficerS elaction of these officars: Presi- dent - Mary Bowen; Vioe Pres. - Miss Mary Bowen New Presîdent Mrs. Wallace Gibson; Sec'y. - Bes- sie Blackburn; Treas. - Chris Bar- No: 9 Home and School Club chard; Corr. Sec'y. - Mrs. H. Dean; met May 3rd, with Mrs. Harold Executiva - C. Glenney, Mrs. F. Dean as convenor of the prograin W. Bowen, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mrs. C. cammittee. Malaey, R. Osbarne, A. Turner. The club decided ta assist in Miss Bowen thanked the club fnancmng the trip of the school for the honour and bespoka the children ta Tcranto on May 22. usual haarty coaperatian of ail The teacher was authorized ta membars. A sacial hour was an- draw an the club traasury for 50% joyed at the close. of the fare for each pupil wha o-__in-_____ tends ta go ta Toronto. Ahl adults wbo wish ta go are asked ta notify Mission Band T.a the teachar by the end of this____ week. Train leavas Newcastle at Pr t iso adhl 12.43 p.m. - arrives Toronto Park- Pr t iso adhl daha station (5 minutas wahk fram delightful tea Saturday afternoon. Duffarin street antranca to Exhi- At tablas, cantred with bouquets bitian Park) 2.50 p.m. Train of lovely daftod.tls, a datnty' tea leaves for return trip at 7.30 p.m. was sanvad by the young hostesses, All times mantionad ara standard. consisting of lettuce, salad, Pickles, Annual picnic wiil ba held June jeily, davillad aggs, cake, tea, lOth. bnead and butter. Durtng the tea The usual donation from the hour, Betty Linton favoned wlth H. & S. Club was vated for the a piano sala, "Waltz in A Fiat" Music Festival. which she later playad again, A mast interesting program w as Mariante McLaren with a nacita- presented: Reading by Mienin tion "If", and Anina Staples with Keane; vacal duet by Patsy Fan- a piano sala "Summer Skies." PAGE ELEVEN

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