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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1939, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY î1TH~, 1939 The Newcastle PHONE CLA Mr. Kenneth Pearoe, Oakville,1 visited Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce., Miss Jean Rickard, Oakville,1 visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rick-1 ard. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Colwill and1 Roy, Toronto, were guests ôf Mrs.1 W. H. Pearoe. Mrs. P. O'Neil was taken to 'Toronto for ari operation for a cancerous growth. Everyone is glad to see Mr. George Gray home from Christie St.. Hospital, Toronto. Newcastle Girls' Softbafl team began training under the expert coaching of Manager Geo. Crow- ther. Mrs. H. A. Fishet and Missi Marion, Belleville, were guests of Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard and Mrs. Harold Toms.z Weekend guests with Mrs. Jno. 'sIT'S1 FLOWERS Petunlas - Snapdragons - Asters Stocks - Phlox - Ageratum Salvia, and many other varleties. Raspberry Bushes- Phone 710 Geo,. Bu ISALE FAI% ii Pi Fancy woven patterns, thes A number of farmers bave fln- ished seeding; there bas fl been InaI~n*se.~'~n4 a break in fixe good weatber sinoe iuiunwi iil the land became workable. On B ind prn ent mai' a field last week fixe d ,ARKE 1114 could be seen flying while bar- rowing or some other operation was in progress. Douglas and Mrs. Ed. Brittain Mn. Carl Seibi' and sister, Mrs. were their niece, Miss Mabel Sam Powell, and Mrs. Bruce Cot- Brown, and Mrs. Brittain's daugb- ter drove ta Pickering Sundai' to ter, Mrs. Gowdy. see Mn. Isaac SeIbi'. Tbey report Mrs. J. H. Gibson bas sold bier him much weaker. Mn. and Mrs. bouse at Newcastle-on-tbe-Lake F. B. Lovekin also called to sec to Mn. E. E. Patterson, Orono him at the home of bis daugbten, menehant, and gone to Oshawa to Mrs. Norman Gartsbore.. keep bouse for bier son Balph. Mr. Pete Holubenko and John- Measies are veny prevalent and nie motoned to Manvers May 3rd, some children run a temperature ta see some friends. Nortbeast of as higix as 104 and 105. This week Pontypool tbey got stuck in tbe the attendance in Miss Oncband's snow on the road and had ta get noom of the public scbool was a farmer and bis team 10 pull down fnom the maximum of 27 to them out. Pete estimates tbe 12. bmnks bie saw must bave been 15 feet deep in their prime. Mn. Fred Treleaven bas rented Last Sunday at St. George's the Mill St. cottage on bis "Trel- Chunch Bei'. D. R. Dewdney, Bec- wood" estate ta Mn. Ennigbt, an ton, publisbed the bans of mar- employee of the J. Anderson niage between Donald E. Gibson, Smith Ca. Mn. and Mrs. Enigbt son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gibson, and family of four daugbtes mnd amd Salome MacLeanx-H o w anr d, one son moved in last week. daugbter of Mns. MacLean-How- ard mnd the late Bey. J. Scott MacLean-Howand of Newcastle. SThe Live Wines S. S. Class of I PLANT he United Cbunch, Mn. Stanley T 1 IdE TO P A T ikr teacher, took charge of the entire service at Clarke Youl'11Rave A Cbunch Sunday aftennoon, keep- ing tbe neligiaus fines bunning BUTE, GADERwbile Bey. R. E. Marton was can- If You See ducting annivensani' services at the Lake Sbone Sunday School. OUI BOX PLANTS Mn. Garnet Bickard, Président of Newcastle Y.P.U., and bis mo- ýwers & Vegetables then, Mns. W. J. S. Rickard,en tentained the casl of tbe 'Y.P.U. VEGECTABLES play, "Black Gold', at thein home, Tomaees- C.ulfloers Meadow Lank Farm, Friday even- Tomaoes Cauifloers ing. Each membe of ftxe cast mnd -Cabbuge - Sweet Peppers of tbe "pnops" was asked to inx- Celery uni others. vite a friend. Mn. E. W. Fisher was pnesented witb a pair of -$2.00 per hundred book-ends in appreciation of bis services as play direclor, mnd Mns. Pency Hane wilb a bouse p1ii-st in iUDplag grateful recognition of ber wonk Me eS. ot as costumer and make-up artist. DukeSt. outh A beautiful basket of flowers, nases mnd carnations, stood on the _______________________communion table befane ftxe pul- pit of the United Churcb, Sunday, Splaced tlxene by members ofth Colwill Family in loving memori' T of the late Mn. mnd Mns. A. A. Col- ïC Y N ITwill. Among those attending thxe services wene Mns. Wm. Hamna, Jean mnd Gardon, of Corbett's 5 PVW 'Point, Wbitby, *ad Mrn. d M ANY1IESt E. G. Clemence, Oshawa. Tbey wene guests of Mn. mnd Mns. J. L. Cryderman. After thxe evening service baUfixhe flowers wene tak- PAIRen ta Miss. Thompson and Miss 2 5 c PAIRSwimm, and on Monday Mns. Hmnna and Mrs. Clemence toak ii wlth guy floral uni strlped the nest ta Pickering fan Mn. Isaac se brlefs are Just tie thlng. Selby. fi, l ffl -:1. - m !5WStock Up flow and Save. Repeat. Special Full Fashioned Hose 55c PAIR We were fortunate lu gettlga- other amali lot of tht.s meclal trit went over »e big a few weeks ugo. New Sprlng colora <WAKERSTORES, £JMITED Phone 451 Bowmanville 44e FRÈE PITCHER OR SUGAR BOWL with 2 Packages Kellogg's 'Ali-Wheat 2 for - -* - - - 25c Tasty Crlsp Sodas..................... box loc Large Pkg. Rinso, plus 1 regular pkg. Both for 25c Karbol Antiseptie Soap ........ 3 cakes for Sc Emalfrt - Domestle Picake Shortenlng.............. lb. 12e Minute Tapioca....................pkg. 10e Cooklnt Potatoca .................... bag 1.40 New Potatoes ............... 4 Ibo. 25c ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Miss Sally MacLean-Howard, daughter of Mrs. J. Scott Mac- Lean-Howard and the late Bey. J. Scott MacLean-Howard, to Mr. Donald E. Gibson, youngest sdn of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gibson, Newcastle, Ont., thxe marriage to takre place June 3rd, at 730 p.m., at St. George's Church, Newcastle. BIRTII DOWNEY - At the Private Pat- ients' Pavilion, Toronto Western Hospital. on May 7tb, 1939. to Mr. and Mrs. George S. Downey, 121 Humbercrest Blvd., Toronto, a daughter. DEATHIS COOKMAN - In Darlington, on Tbursdav. May 4tb, 1939. Tane Cookman, daugber of. late Mrs. Frederick Grif fin and late William Cookman. Interment Hampton Cemeteri' on Sundai'. FICE - At North Oshawa, Mai' 6. 1939, Emmia Grace Gai'. widow of the late Jobn Fice, in ber 9tb year. Intenment Nestleton Cenib teri'. LUTTRELL - At Toronto General Hospital. Mai' 9th. 193.9, Arthur Luttrell. beloved busband of Ella Petbick,. 88 Bain Avenue, Toronto, and father of Edwin and Gui', in MOSES - In Toronto. on Satur- day, Mai' 6th. 1939, Ada Sarah Allen, wife of the late W. P. Moses. in ber 85th year. Inter- ment at Bownianville Cemeteri'. ROENIGK - In Lindsay, on Sun- day. Mai' 7th, 1939, Anne Jane Darch. wîfe of the late William H. Roenigzk. Sister of Mrs. W. F. Dale. Bownianvillc. Interment in Riverside Cemneteri', Lindsay. STEEN - At the Wellesley Hos- pital. Toronto. Mai' 4, 1939.* Eliza Margaret Brown, beloved wife of Samuel Steen. in ber.*82nd year. Interment at Bond Head Cenieteri', Newcastle. FLORISTS Kingsway FL.OWER SHOP F L ORA L CREATIONS - Baskets Wreaths and Sprays. artisticaly and Indivlduaily arranged by expert de- signers. Flowers or ail occasions. Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 Bowmanville IN MEMORIAM ARMISTEAD - In lovinft mcm- ory of Thomas Hcnry Arraistçad, who passcd awav May 9b 1936: His memorv is as dear to-day, As in the hour he passed awqy. -Ever remembered by *Sister Annie and Brother-in-law. ARMISTEAD - In loving menmorv of our brother. Thomas Henry Armistead, who passed te bis rcst May' 9th. 1936- You're net forgotten, You're nanie we oft recal,. As lonz as life and mer*' last, We shaîl remember tbee -David and Maud. PURDY - In loving memory of Our dear wifc and mother, Harriett Purdi', passed away May' 12, 1938: Often our thoughts do wander To a erave not f ar away, Where we laid our dear mother Just one year ago to-day We always tbink of youdear mother. No eye May sec us weep, But mani' a silent tear we shed Whcn others are àslecp. -Sadly missed Husband and Family. COMNG EVENTS Annual meetingr of the Nationial Conservative Association of Bow- manville will be beld on Friday. May l2tb, at 8 p.m. D.S.T. in thp Council Chamber. Town Hall. Reserve May 26tb for Iltilstrated Lecture on Spode China hi' Iati Davcy. Toronto, in St. Andrew's Church. at 3 p.m. Afternoon, tea. Admission 25c. Real .Estate For Sale FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. 7 roonis. one-baîf acre Iland, small barn. fruit trees. 2 miles north of Bowmanville, on middle road. Appli' B. McDonald, Manvers Rd.. Bowmanville.19* FOR SALE -~ HOUSE AND LOT on King Street, residence of the late J. B. Martyn. Apply C. A. Martyn, Bowmanville. 19-1* FOR SALE - BUNGALOW brick veneer, 5 roonis. hardwood floors. furnace, gus. electric, 3- piece bath. ideal .location. Owner, Forrest Dilling, Qucen St., Bow- manville. ,19-1* HOUSES FOR SALE- - ONE bouse on Qucen St., 6-roomed with 3-piece bath, garage, small garden; solid brick cottage in South Ward on Ontario St. Botb will be sold cheap as estate must be settled; also brick bouse on Wellington St. T. H. Knight, Phones: Office 565, Res. 768. Bowmanville. ' PROPERTY FOR SALE-HOUSE and lot. Queen St.. residence 'of the late Wm. Brock. Apply Wal- ter Hafely. Queen St., or R. L. Mitchell. Canadian Bank of Com- merce. Bowmanville. 5-tf Lost LOST - FRIDAY. MALE IRISH terrier, white and grey with tan on cars, answers to the namne of Mike. Phone 5r16, Orono. 19-1 WATCH LOST - PLATINUM ladies' wrist watch, heavi' brace- let' style. Between Liberty' and Silver Streets. Reward. Finder please return to Mrs. M. Breslin, Arcade Store. Phone 854. 19-1 Mowers Sharpened WEST END GARAGE A ND' Machine Sbop - Lawn. Mowers sharpened. J. L. Demerling, Bow- manville, proprietor, Phone 781. 17-tf Auction Sale Saturdai'. Mai' 2th.-The under- signcd bas received instructions f rom Laurence Wood to selI bi public auction 'on the premnises near the C.P.R. overhcad bridge west of Bow- manville, a large cluantiti' of bouse- old furniture, utensils, etc. Sale 1.30 D.S.T. Ternis cash, W. J. Challis. Auctioneer. 19-1 For Sale FOR SALE - LIGHT WOOD. also cedar posts, delivered, or ini the yard. Stephen jeffery, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 2179. 19-1 FOR SALE - TWO LUGGAGE trailers. one with spare tire, cheap for cash. H. Gould, King Stréýt, West. 19.1* FOR SALE- SECOND-HAND ice refrigerator, good condition, Phone 2518. .19-1 FOR SALE-ELECTRIC, RANGE Gurney 4-burner and low oven. Two cane seated chairs. Phone 492. Bowmanville. 19-1* FOR SALE - VACUUM CLEAN- er, like new, complete with at- tachn&ents. sacrifice fork cash. AD- ply J. W. c/o Statesman Of fice, Bowmanville. 19-1* STOVE FOR SALE-COLEMAN gasoline stove, built in aven, cost $106. Scîl for 50, good as new. George Reid, Phone Oshawa 2104. 66 Bond St., West, Oshawa. 19-1 FOR SALE-GAS RANGE WITH annex, 4-humner and oven. $5.()0. 22 Carlisle Ave.- or Phone 404, Bowmanville. 18-2* FOR SALE - HANDSOME TOI- let set witb extra slop basin, band painted 10 match, suitable for country home or sumnier cottage; sewingz machine, bcd spnings' etc. Mrs. J. G. Garrett, Qucen St., Bownianville. 82 FOR SALE - BICYCLES, ALL kinds from $10.00 un). Trade-ins accepted. Repairs, welding, keys made. Open evenings. Victor'% 34 Kinir Street, West, Oshawa. 16-4 FOR. SALE - AWNINGS FOR store or residence; Venetian blinds, wood or metal siots; largest selec- tion at lowest prices. Estimates given without obligzation. Appli' Northcutt & Smith, Bowmanvillc. 14-8 FOR SALE - NATURAL ICE, tested Grade A, for any use; 15C for 25 lbs. 25c for 50 lbs. Prompt deliveri'. C. Raby, Phone 310. 14-8* BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE - At haîf uonce. General Electric Re- frigerator, Monitor top. capaciti' 6.7 cubic f cet, excellent condition, like new. $125.00. Phone Oshawa 78. 19-2 Remember 'Mother' This Week-End Bee our cards and appropriate gift. COMMEMMORATE The Royal Visit with a sultuble Souvenir lu China, Books, Portraits ani Badges. Docorate your homes, cursaund business places, We hiave flags pennants, streamers, uni flag holdera, lc and up Buy before the supply t. exhausted. J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 - owmanvlib j "There aren't any Ieft- overs when Mom serves 1Phone 890 * Corbett's cakes are sa isllolous uni wholesome thut they prove irresistîble ... to both grown -ups uni youngsters allke. There t. no waate through îeft-overs whlch musat be thrown awuy after lyhig ln the pantry for daysý Serve Corbett's cake to-night und sec them gobble It up! It is the per- fect meul "flnlsher"! The f ami' of the late Mrs. Grace Allin wish to thank tbeir friends and neighbours for their kindnes& and ~ sympathi' during their sad bereave- ment. The sisters and brother of the late Miss J. Coolcnan wisb to thank tbcir friends and neigbhbours, also Dr. Austin, for their kindness during ber illness and at tbe time of fier death. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Joncs, New- tonville. wish ta thank their f riends and relatives for the radio presented to theni. tbe flowers, telephone mpess- agzes and correspondence sent ta theni and uni' assistance wbich beloed make thein Fifty-Fifth Wedd- ing Anniversan, a Pleasuruble event. To Rent TO RENT - VHREE LARGE clean, airy rooms. suitable for storing furniture and houschold cf fccts. Apply Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, King St. 19.1 FOR RENT-TWO UNFURNISH- cd rooms and one bcd sitting room. Apply Mrs. C. W.. Jacobs, Church St., Bowmanville. 19-1* HOUSE TO RENT - ON KING Street. hardwOod floors and gar- age. Phone 838. 18-tf PASTURE TO RENT - FOR limited number of cattle on Bel- mont Farm, running stream through pasture. Fred Graham, Newcastle. 18-2 TO RENT - FURNISHED) BED- roorn suitable for gentleman. Ap- ply Mrs. J. G. Garrett, Qucen St.. Bowmanville. 18-2* APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE rooms. Apply Statesman Office. 49-tf APARTMENt FOR RENT - 3 rooms. hardwood f loors. large pantry and store roomn, 3-piece bath, $15 per month. which in- cludes water and garbage collec- tion. Apply H. V. Batenian. Victor Manor Apartments.. 17-tf HOUSE TO RENT-7-ROOMED house in good repair, in village of Hampton; good garage; hydro; sanie fruit. Possession at once. Appli' to Edgar Horn, Phone 2144. 18-tf Seed For Sale POTATOES FOR SALE - A ouantiti' of Irish Cobblcrs and Snow Flakes. Appli' to Hugb Murphy. halé mile east of Long Sault Church., one and a haîf miles north.191 FOR SALE - SEED POTATOES, Doolcys. $1.00 a bag, f ield run; also two young cattle. Apply Mrs. E. Mountjoy, Haydon, Phone 2505. 19-1 FOR SALE - SPRING RYE, 60c bushel, Bert Rice, R.R. 1. Tyrone haîf mile nortb of Long Sault Church. . 18-2 FOR SALE - SOYA BEANS, $1.50 bushel; also bai'. John Jacks, Lot 22, Con. 4, Darlington. .R.R. 1, Hampton. Phonie 2360. 17-3* FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F mangolds. Clarence Woodley, Ty- rone. Phone 2414. 19-1 Alterations HAVE YOUR LAST YEAR'S coats or dresses altered to bring theni up-to-date. Evlyn Shop AI- terations Dept. will do your work for you at reasonable prices. Phone 594. 16-tf Mortgages MORTGAGES - FIRST AND second mortgages, agreements for, sale on f arm, citi'and lakeshore properties purcbased. North Shore Realti' Company, Limited, Alger Building, Osbawa, Phone 3130. il-tf Chlcks For Sale FOR SALE - WHITE LEG- bons and Barred Plymouth Rock Baby' Chielrs from Government culled and blood-tested stock. Write for vrnce list. H. J. Brooks, R.R. 3. Bowmanville Phone 2M3. 8-tf Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - 1 GOOD HORSE, middle age; seven young pure- bred Berkshire pigzs. Appli' Pete Stackaruk, Lot 18, B.F.. R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 19-1* FOR SALE - 9 -YORKSHIRE white pigzs; also Dunkirk Straw- berri' plants. Appli' F. Aldsworth, near Solina Station. Phone Osh- awa 1652r5. 19-1* FOR SALE - 9 YOUNG PIGS. Appli' Leslie Coombes. R. R. 4. Bowmanville, Phone 2123. 19-1 Plants For Sale FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY plants, Improved Senator Dunlop, 75c a bundred or $4.00 a thousand. H. J. Stacci', R.R. 4, Bownianville. Phone 2112. 18-3* FOR SALE-COLUMBIA BERRY sets. guaranteed to grow, priced rigbt. Appli' Taylor & Hall, R.R. 5. Bowmanville, Phone 2402. 18-2* FOR SALE STRAWBERRY Plants, Dorset, Premier and O.A.C., 60C per bundred, $5 a tbousand. J. R. Knox, Con. 4, Scugog Road, Phone 2432. 18-3 FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY Plants. Senator Dunlop, 65c per bundrcd. $2.50 f ive hundred, and $4.00 thousand. T. Butter', Scu-. zoig Street, Bownianvillc, Phone 2190. 18-4 FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY plants, 10 best varieties to choose froni. Price $4.00 per 1,000 and up. Ivan M. Law, Whitby, Ontario, Phone 911, 17-4* FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY plants, Mari' Washington (extra carl'). Brandi' Wine, Senator Dunlop, O.A.C.. Kellogg's Beauti', Glen Mary, 75c for 100, of $5 a 1000; also Rasvberri bushes, Vik- ing and Latham, 2c per cane. Appli' Mrs. Ivan Farrow. Clarke 3921. 17-3 FOR SALE - PREMIER AND Dorsett Strawbenry plants, $1.00 per 100, A. Laird, Maple Grove, Phone, 2109. 17-3 HeIp Wanted DOMESTIC HELP WANTED- A capable, honest girl, general housework. one child, good home. Apply to 216 Clendenan Avenue, Toronto. 19-1 A SURE LIVING TO EVERY active Familex dealer for selling 200 dailv necessities in reserved district of 8 00 famnilies. Money- back guarantee. Low prices. Quick sales. Big orders. Repeats I H We help you. No risk. Real opportun- ity for worker. Free catalogue and particulars. Familex, 570 St. CIe- ment. Montreal. 19-1 HELP WANTED-EXPERIENC- ed girl for housework. Phone 505. 19-1* Wanted MASON WORK WANTED - Brick work. stone work-and plas- terinz. Phone Breck Stbre, Burk- eton. Bowmanville 23341 Port Perry 193-3-2. A. G. Skoyles. 19-3 WANTED - USED METRON- ornes. Anvone having a used met- ronomes for sale in good condition, reply to "«A. B. C." c/o Statesman Office. Bowmanville. 19-1 WANTED-CATTLE FOR PAS- turc. lots of spring water. Apply to George Allin, Bowtnapyille Lake Shore. 19-1 WANTED-SOME SMALL PIGS. Preferably chunks fromn 60 to 100 lbs. Phone 2198, S. C. Allin% R.R. 4. Bowmanville.19* Want'a Work EXPERIEN4CED HOUSEKEEPER wants job in town or in zood fanm home. For particulars wyite Box "X. Z.'" c/o Statesnian Office. 19-l* Readings MRS. BRANTON. O S HA W A, will be in Bowmanville, on Fr'- day, Mai' l9tb. For ap)pointrnent Phone 574. 19-2 Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS baving any, daim against the Estate of William B. Mutton, late of the Town of Bow- manville. who died on qr about April 2lsf, 1939, are requircd to file the same witb proof thereof witb the undersigzned not later than June lSth. 1939. and aIll daims not received by that date will be barred airainst the Administrator of the Estate. Datcd this 6th day of May. 1939. M. G. V. Goi4d. Bowmanville, Ontario. Solicitor for William B. Mutton Estate. 19-3 Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Sarah Minerva Tole, Dcceased. Ail persois baving any clîims agzainst the Estate of Sarah..Minerva Tole, late of Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham., deceased, who dicd on or about the 27th day of Februari'. 1939. are hereby noti- f ied to file witb the undersigned. on or before the 22nd day of Mai'. 1939, f ull particulars of their dlaims. Ini- mediateli' aiter said date. the assets of the dcceased will be distributcd amongst those entitled thereto, hav- ring regard onli' to dlaims so filed. t Dated at Oshawa this lst day of May. 1939. Conant & Annis, Barristers, &C., Oshawa. Ontario, Solicitors for -the Administrator. "19-2 [ISE WANITuADS by ALFRED SANTEU. Serein POF oe15.producad br Mar Cm ...po - "0 o- Plmy hv Mgo.M e&a dBina Mou.. I tbiEdwadSedugw * P2oFe b,ýHj Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. MAY 1 6 Double Feature 'The Cowboy & The Lady 71 Starring Gary Cooper, mer le Oberon David.Niven, Waltere Brennan, Patay Kelly - A"d - 'Spring Madnoess' with Manreena O'Sullivan and* Lew Ayres Matineu IfMonda.y 4 p.m.. Wednesday 2.30 p.m.- j SMILES 'N CI-UCKLES CHOCOLATES r,4%e" i. FOR MOTHER 1This Week. - End The Pinest For Only 50c lb. '~1 1 - Pq 111 - 1 - Cars Simonlzed CARS SIMONIZED -,GEISUINE Simpnize products used, prices reasonable. J. G. Buner, Wel.- ingzton St, Bokwlnanvilte, Phone 584 'p 19-1 ITHEATRE BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. MAY 1- 12 -13 Aà stage 1 tlU1 Ithe SOU PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 11TIL 19» 1

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