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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1939, p. 2

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PAGE TWO a1hee amabn fibttu Etablished 1854 AoWeekly Newspaper devoted ta the Interests of the t wfl 0 Bowmanvillie and aurroundin a country, lesu.d nt King Street, Bowmanvlile, evry Thuredoy, yM. A. James & Sono, owners and publishers. The Canadan Statesman la a member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, misa the Clos "A" Weeki les of Canada. GO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywtiere in, Canada $2.00 a year when pald in à vance; 50e extra in United States to cover posta. Singl. copies, Sc. THURSDAY, MAY ilTH, 1939 id.. Your Income Tax la Not Enough! The recently-completed annual task of compilîng a nefuru of incarne for fax pur- poses is not a joyful one. Computing the amounu of the fax andi then paying it are even lesg enjoVable. It requires a high order of publie spirit to pay any fax cheer- fully. What citizen pauses, in the process of cornpetillg ail income-tax retun, ta con- template wvhat the government accom- plîshes with the money neceived front in- carne taxes? Does lie realize that one item alone of national expense requires ail his contribution and that of eveny other in- carne-fax payer - plus $20.000,000 from other sources of revenue? Thaf item, which has ta bc paid ouf of the public treasumy, is the annual intemest charge an the debt of the~ Canadian National Railways. plus in- tenest on gavernment advances. Cunrent earning of the govemument rail- way system are inadequate for this purpose - in fact f hey have been insufficient eveny year since the day fhe Canadian National became organized. Sa, support from the public purse, ta the ftune of $100,000,000 an- nuallv, is needed te pay t he bill. Thus it is in onden that the cifizens shouid ponder these thîngs while prepaning fa pay his incarne fax. Let him also dwell on the t hought t hat the leading mnen in bath major political parties have flot anly failed ta ne- lieve the growing burden of taxation for ailway purpases they have flot even put fonward a single suggestion for the solution of fthc probiem. Their sale contribution has been persistent apposition ta any construc- tive recommendafian which has been advo- cated outside parliament. This negleet ta deai adequately with the situatidu pnesenfed by the naitonal railways may bie due, in part at, least, ta the faet that incrne-fax payens are nat ail politie- aliy uniteci; the vote of one may offset the vote of anothen in any genenal electian. But, in the mincis of the 132,000 emiployees of Canadian raiiways, lurks the suspicion thaf if will bie at their expense if any plan is put iuta effecfta relieve taxpayers of the railway burden. Politiciaus shrink froni advoeating the adoption of any piaf- fon whieh might alienate the vote of fthc railway worker - to say nofhing of the votes of has sisters and hs oulsins and his aunts.: ga, unies incarne-fax payers qnickly be- carne more vocal in demandig action in respect to the railway situation, they may again bie negiected at Ottawa until anather Apnil rails arouud - even though there are 200,000 of tliem. The Man Who SoId Hot Dogs Roy Nichais, Mayor of Courfice, who sells General Matons cars in his spane tirne, caîl- ed on -the edifor Monday andi tolci us if we wanted a stony wif h a real moral to if for aur prise editorial page thaf here was one: There was a man who iivcd by the aide of flic rond suddlie solci bof dogs. He was liard of liearing 50 lie had no radio. He liac trouble wifh bis cyca so he rend no daily newspapens. But lie sobd good hot dogs. He put signa up on flic higliway, felling how good they wcnc. He sf aod ou flic ide of flic roaci sud cricd, "Buy a bot dog, -misten?" And people bougli. He in- creaaed bis meat and bun orders. He bouglit a bigger stove, to take came of lis tmade. He finally gof bis son home from coliege ta liclp hlm. But then something liappened. His son said, "Father, liaven't you been listening ta flic radio? flaven 't you been readingflie newspàperst Thene 's a big depression on. The Eunopean situation is terrible. The domeatie situation is warae. Evemything-'s going ta pot." Whereupon tÇe faflier thonglif, "Weil, my aou's been ta coliege, lic rends the papena sud lie listens fa flic radio, sud lic onglit ta know. " Sa flic father ent down an bis meat aud bun anciens, fook down bis advertisiug signa, sud no longer bothereci ta stand ouf ounflie highway fa sell bis hiot dona. And bis hof dog sales feu aimost overniglf. . "You'rc iglit, so," flic fathen saici ta tlic boy. "We cerfainly anc in flic mididle of a greaf depression." The Enemy of Efficiency and Itapplness Milton MacKaye, in the current numben of ]Hyàgeia, lista licadachea as flic moa de- mocratie of diseamfomts. He says fliat aven ýalf, the people wha enfer doctors' offices 4dqb0 heaflache ns anc of flicir symptoms, *~.t~3retors of ndustry give if as lhe .auq~I ~Oto 25 per cent. of emplayec &i«e6W*nd that In homes, sehools andi ofL~es ~iduli flirobbing in flic akuil is M' at effieiency sud liapp incas. 404e Ud ta be freateci by shaving tie tlic scalp wifh mcd bof bJOqd..otting sud by magie. éperpefnate past errons JtAadaclie rathler flian by tryaffto r"sMit cause. There are hasts r capsules supposcd ta, isilia h *Some of theen will THE CANADIAN STATESMfAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO HRDYMAIli,13 "Collant Puts Crime. On Cash Basis.' might be a suitable hea~ding for the an- nouncement of 'the Attorney-Generai 's lat- est plan of stimulating public interest in crime prevention and the detection and apprehension of criminals by the offer ai cash~ and honorary rewards for outstanding services. But dosn 't it seeni too bad that loyal ÇCanadians must be bribed with filthy lucre ta fuifil what was once loaked upon as the ordinary duties of a public spirited citizen? 1 The editon of The Stafesman appreciafes dceply the 'mauy lettens of congratulations sud gooci wishea recciveci sud niso flic num- erous complimcntary editonial comments of the daily sud wcekly press au The States- man being awanded for the second cansc- utive year thie Peance Trophy for the best editonial page among flic wcckly uews- papens in thie provinces of Ontario sud Qucbec. Wc ahane gladly fliese kinci words with fliose contribnting regularly ta flua page and ta aur loyal editonial andi meclian- icai staff. We hope flua papen will mensure np ta flic expectations of aur well-wislimr and that the service rendereci flimugli flese coluns will lic fli means of making us nil better Canadians. Here 's a bit of sane 'advice Russell T. KeIley, President of flic Ontario Motor League,' gave reccntly fa a runal-umban audience: "Thene is no doubt that one of flic fincaf moves flic businessmen of any village, town on city eau make is fa ca- aperafe wifh flic farmers. My owu opinion is t bat wc wilb neyer have national pros- pcity in Canada until we gef flic farmema in a position where they arceni=king money. There are f wo ways by whicl i la ea be donc. - Firat, the urban population must lic willing ta psy flic rural population pice whieli wil give theni a profit. Sec- ond, flic fanmera must become beffen fanm- ers." femporariiy do the trick. None of themn cure. What are the causes, of headache? The wrifer referred ta above lists headaches as mechanical, foxic aud functional. If is a gooci classification. A mechanical hendache is due ta dise6aes af, or damage ta the head itself. It may be caused by a colci which pluga up the amnuses leading ta the nose. Free drainage is the solution. Eye headaches are due to same eye defect. The cure is obvions. Have your eyes cxamined by a competent oculist and the eyc defect corrected by proper glasses. Toxic hendache is produced by such pois- ons as to.bacco, aicohol, gases, and drugs or by internàl poisons mnufacfured by the body. These internai poisons arise. frani defective action of liven, kiducys, sfomacli and bowelis. Overeating, averdrnking and flie use of poisoned foods are frequeuf causes. Funefionai headaches mny be flie resuit af higli or low blood pressure, ansemia, mental strain and migraine. Mvigraine is a mysterions sort of disorder in which fthe patient complains of distortions of vision, flashes of light before flic cyca, nausea andi usuaily one-sided headache. Some persans are tortured by migraine. Certain. faads, known as allergic, heredity and nervons factors are ail blamed for the condition. A new drng, argatamine is said fa be effective for migraine. But do not take if without having your doctor firsf prescnibe if. Invisible Preparedness Readiug an article the oflier day bearing on flic preservation and fthc development of the way of life the nuthon stanted out by aayiug America has discavered ifs yauth f probleni' To millions of aur young people,' disillusioned by the posf-war penioi, flic depression denicci fhec pporfuuity ta earn a living and ta assume normal aduit ne- aponsibilities. When young men and young wornen lose their stake in flie existing soc- ial ancien, live in perpetual anxiety, aud regard themscives as flic victirna of in- justice, thie road lies open fa the brenkdown of aid layait ies, and fa political renctian and dicfatorship. Wheu young men sud young worncn grow aid wifhaut the exper- icuce of matnning uormaily, they lose the stabilizing sense of beionging ta a national social order. Emotional uplicavals, mob fears, aud fthe surrenden of power ta leaders who promise quick economie adjustmeuts, begin that "retreaf fromn reasan" whieli iucvitably leada ta a degradafion of flic hurnan spirit aud fthe graduai aurrenden of hitherfo accepted ethicai standards. Observations and Opinions One lady foid us wheu we wcre infonming aur readers last wcek there was a by-law i Bowmanvilie against riding bicycles on the sidewalks we shouici have aiso rcqueÊt.- eci paper boys aud delivery boys ta "kccp off flic grass. " Need mare be saici, boys? There are rny reasous why Bowmsn- ville shoulci have a Cliamben of Commerce or a Business Mcn's Association. One gooci reason right uow is flic muddlc sud eau- fusion being createci aven wliether a hol- iday will be observeci May. 22nd or May 24fh or bath days. The Statesman Office will be closcd May 22nd sud open May 24th. Friday, May 12f h, is National Hospital Day. Mauy liospitais observe thia occasion as a day of open hanse ta the citizens of their corninunity who wish ta visit the lias- pifai. Bowmanville Hospital Board aud Wromen 's Auxiliary rnight do weil ta foilow the example of other like institutionq and eclebrafe this evelit. By this means the public may see what a wondenfully effic- ient andi sy'mpathetic organization a hos- pifai rcally is.U FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canad"a Statesman, May S, 1889 Courtice: Mr. Pelton started tc make cheese Monday. .. Arbor da: * was celebrated by the scholars ir right royal style. Sauina: Quite a fashionable wed- ding took place at the residence ol Mr. Wm. Baker on April 25th, being the marriaRe of Mr. Robert Scgtt and Mise. Ella Baker. . . Miss E. Heatlie. who was visitinR ber par- ents. presided very capably at the organ Sunday. Tyrone: Mr. Robt. Davey has im- oroved his verandab with a coat af paint. .. By the number af livery riRs here Sunday, Bowmanville must have been- deserted. .. Tbe first stone of Mr. S. M. Clemens' new house was laid Monday. Maple Grave: Samuel Rundle lost a wheel off his buggy Saturday night . . Jacob Stevens is making im- provements ta his residence. New Haven: While Thos. Power was cuttinir apple trec limbe bis axe struck a clothes liue and glanced towards bis bead, striking it a little in front of the left ear wbere it apened a large zash. cutting two or tbree arteries. Dr. McLaughlin was summaned and dressed the waund.' Births: Mitchell-In Bawmanville, May 6tb, ta Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mitchell. a son. Meat-in Bowmanville, April 27. ta Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Meath, a son. Dr. S. C. Hillier and W. E. Pcth- ick bave been elected wardens of St. John's Church. Ira Whitney, tsailor of Wbitby, was fined $10 for knockinz down a marn in the Ruebottom House.. Oshawa bas a Bicycle Club. W. W. Tamblyn's family are quite recovered f rom diptheria. Mr. Tam- blyn expected ta be in school again Monday. The Central Banik depositors were uaid anather instalment an their de- posits last week of 20 per cent, mak:- ing in ail 86à Per cent. Mr. Dulittle, Columbus. sold a upan of mares at tbe fair bere for $400. and John Neshit sold a geld- Ping for $190. nTWENTy-FIVE YEARS AGO 1- rom The Canadlan Stateaman, 4 MWay 7, 1914 9 Maple Grave: Messrs C. H. Snow- 't den. T. Power and J. Snowden are busy fixingz their bouses..-. Mr. J. Vickerv Passed awav on Monday, eaged 75 years. Hampton: Mr. and Mrs. John El- - lot. Toronto, came herÇ Saturday f d will remain for an indefinute m... Mr. R. Avehy ptdrchaiied tishe bouse and groundis of the laie tMrs. F. Ellis.. . We congratulate vMr. Arthur Frost andi Mr. Reese Johns on oassing their Esser exams tai O.A.C.. Guelph. Tyrone: Mrs. T. Gardiner's many friends are gladti t see ber back ta tise village again. .. Miss Ethel Hooper is spentiing a f ew tisys in Bowmanville. Sauina: Mrs. H. G. Pascoe is at DraYton attentiing ber sfster, Mrs. McDougall, who is very ill. .. Mr. Carl Wilbur and Miss Margaret Hi- lis were uniteti in marriage on April 3Oib by Rev. C. W. Barreit at the resitience af ber f ather, Mr. Albert Hillis. Darlington: Mr. E. F. Wilbaugh- bv is verv ill in Toronto, baving ai dergone an aperaîron for appen- dicitis. .. Miss Leila Van Dyke is in Toronto. Salem: lames Veale attendedth te funeral of bis sister ai Hamilton.. Conffratulatiogs ta Mr. and Mrs. George Collacuît on the arrivaI of a daughter. Pupils of Miss Regina Percy gave a piano recital at ber home Satur- day. Mr. Conlin McLean, Erma. Alta., is visitinir bis father, Mr. James Mc- Lean. We congratulate David Morrison, Jr.. an Passiniz bis 4th year exams BOUQUETS'AND BRICK-BATS 1180ME PRIDE" NOT ENOUGHE GOOD, OLD-FASmIONED (Toronto Globe and Mail> DEMOCRACY "Wlthln an hour" one dày re- (Kingston Whig-Standard) into the ofice af The C an owmmnvlfe Statesman publish- Statesmnan i Bowmanvifle 'tbe re- ed an editorial Commient ta the new their l'oetw effeet that what Canada needed subcrptinand each ýlrplwst get back ta the good, aid- Editor George W. James to, con- fasined dernocracy. gratulate him an having wMn, for We were a bit puzzled at the the second year, the Pearce Tro- Urne as ta Just what the gaod, old- phy, awarded ta the weekiy paper fasl4aned democracy was, but we ini Ontario and Quebec with -the iiguted it was something which best editorial page. had the biessing af the sponsors This distinct honor is important; af the new league that is going ta but perhaps more gratly4ing , to save Canada, for this item from Editor James is the evlderiéeeof The Statesman was given public- personalinhterest i the sucega of itYi the officiai argan of the his paper. <'Ve may be excued," league, and quite evidentiy had saYs The Statesman, «if we take the blessig ai the leaguers. same pride i this award.1y The Apparentiy the gooci, ald-fash- Statesman may take a great, dealioined demacracy has some sort af af pride alsai the kidly interest kinship with Bawmanv'ille's aid. eviced by its readers. T h e ashioned harbor (Goci save the Statesman won the trophy, and mark), fori a late issue ai The the cammunity is weil pleaaed. Statesman, we fid if chuckling The Statesman lu right lai hi that the harbar is flot beig for- dlaim that this satisfaction ls "a gatten when the favars are being splendid example ai the close con- handed aut. The aversight is cam- tact weekly editors eniay with mented an as falaows: their readers."l There bas been Althaugh Bowmanviile har- consistent impravement in the bar was nat mentianed i the editarial and news sections of suppiementary e stim a t es, as weekiy newspapers i Canada. published in dispatches fram The deveiopment in e d itoar i a Ottawa, ta receive a grant, we comments bas been, perhaps, the are naw informed by a local outstanding feature. There seemns Liberai officer that Bawman- ta be somethig in the calm ai a ville wil not be forgatten when weekly newspaper office that pro- if cames ta handing out favors, mates seriaus thought an ail pub- as there is already a surniai lic issues, and the result hs weii- money set aside for use on the infarmed writing, with admirable harbor. lucidity ai expressian. The above item seems ta us ta Smailer cammunities look ta indicate the sanie demacracy - be their papers for guidance on local if aid or new - ta which we al affairs, and they are nat disap- adhere, i.e., gettig ail we can poited. The business ai the mun- irom governments, and then crit- icipality is cioseiy scrutinited, -and cisjng them for spending too much this has developed keener iterest maney. by ail citizens iu what elected re- presentatives are daig with their tax money. In turn this iterest undoubtedly has led ta iniprove- E d 1 t o r's Note - The Whig- ment in the financial status' ai Standard is ail wet when if accus- municipalities reparted with in- ed us ai chuckllng over the bar- Creasig frequency. bar grant. Here is the editar's In view ai ail this The Cana- view (April 27 issue): "We con- ,dian Statesman weil may "take sider such an expendifure an ab- some pride" i being awarded a sol*t waste ai the people's bard- traphy for the best editorial page earued mouey. Might just as weil in the weeklY Press ai two Pro- have the Minister ai Public Works vinces. It may take a lot ai pride throw 3700 one dollar bills into i this deserved tribute - espec- Lake Ontario." We believe in de- iaily when received i two can- macracy but not in the modern secutive years. - wasteiui patronage system. in cheniicai engineeringz. and Bruce iniz nicely from an operation for Rraduated from Roosevelt Hospital, Honeywell on passinR the first vear appendicitis which she underwent at New York City. exams in chemical engzineering at the Bowmanvil!e Hospital. School af Practicad Science, To- Secrets are like money - good ronto.Miss Minnie Hoar. daughter f for uothig unless placed in cir- Mism Chrissie Freeman is recover- Mr. W. H. Hoar. Providence, hasculation. a coersamins agoa coult an conersaCton.vThasi vas Sa vonderful, I cannot help writing a word lu pralse. It happened 11ke this (and aJ.most as quick as the writing aif it):-Callei C'ntral here. She called Barrie Long Dis- tance snd gave the nuimber. The Barrie Operatar called Mont real. Andi Montreal got Quebec. Ail this while I held the line, I vas speaking ta the party in about fiiteen seconds; much quioker than some local cails. Ai'ter using many ather means ai' communication once or'twioe daily foar some little time nov, I have nover lbei're ap- preojateci the.convenience ai' this service at sucb a littie cast, viz., $1.30. 0fiten bei'ore I have paid mare than this with three or tour hours wait- ing i'or replies, vhereas this call did the whole vorks at the one Jump. Hope this doesn't make you made 1 Yours truly, No, Mr. Cardian, we are flot mad. Thaugis [your estimate of thse elapsed terne may be somnewhat optirmsstie, we are proud of your letter - and of tise orgenization wlsiehI merita your wariu approvaL Mrai*ager. 9 1 *O I SOIL EL -E: i. sE -LS REIABL COW CHAMPIONS DY SCRIBE G The good are gettmng better, sud Hem stable diet is as foliows: the bad are gettlug worse. That's 28 lbs. cereal cakes the way if loks. 6 lbs. Bran A wold record bas been broken 2 lbs. Caoked wbeat twice tis year and msy be broken 2 lbs. Flabe maize agi ythe trne you ead th 1 ". 35 ta 38 gallons ai water <an agai by . odinary caw drinks from 15 ta Imnagine a cow with a bg1 enaugb ta take cane of 56 Imperi.d18gallons). da b Cherry pmoduced 56 quarts ai quarts s day ... Some dy a ag rkl n 4 ompmo is olu t bust.Thn te bysHen average was 44 quarts a day Wini be satisfied. for 12 montbs . . . about 41,250 Up til s few weeks aga the pounda. womid rnilking record was beid by During the week ai April 29th su American Holstein-F i es iasn the world record was sustcbed ca\v cailed Caruatiou-OrmesdaY from Cherry by Jobauna Hester Butter King . . . She gave about Priily, a Hoistei-Friesisu, owned 39,800 pouuds fanrl1W months. by Thomas M. Haas ai San Jase, This record was broben by an Califomnia. Two years ago be English Shonthomu withaut a pedi- bougbt hem for $80.00. She broke gree, lu fsct the stock breeders the record witb 41,414 pounds. Ac- do not bslow ber father. She is cordengta average consumption i owned by Messrs. Wort sud Wsy te ttes, this is enougb ta sup- of Amesbury, Wiltshire. Hem usme ply 55 Americaus >with milk, ice is Cherry. She is 9 years aid. She cresm, butter sud cbeese for s is bept i a baose bax staîl witb a year. iloon ai becided cbalk. She goes If we had a beast like this in ouf for a one mile walk every day every borougb, we wouldu't bave i witer. Fram May ta Septem- ta issue debeutunes ta keep thc ber she lives lu the fields. citizens on relief. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST FROM THE STATESMAN FIELES COMPleted mer y A few>minutes ago I

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