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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1939, p. 3

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TEURSDAY, MAY llTH, 1939 fnders, and will thus be able to Y0 UR W OR LD A ND MINE tobenoat'erheshat theh o u t Br JOHN C.r KWOOD Baby whales at birth may weigh "M NN N Y NA Y up to twenty tons and measure up..-s 4 . - to 25 feet long, and will increase .in ae meaticalekhole business was a dyIninte arwate o nther Perusing "The U n i t e d ond mu e to entertain, Another timé Cole dressed him- am g ital h Ie agn thaed Church Observer," the nev h ansdifInvethe me, and self up as the Sultan of Zanzibar, be needed to Increase the hables, church semi-monthly publi Satsman iesteaders of ýe and was conducted with great weight by a total of 1000 lbs. a cation, the above heading ptagesconaietey what this ceremony over his own college at dayl "Mining in the Hymnarye saenained o tpey may find the Cambridge., There are some scientists who attracted our attention. In- O lasure which was Another Cole bit of fooler rs declare that whales and giraffes fact we stopped and won- One sotie odo ne Wearing a mackits eso, are of the same species. dered just what it meant. hibtins r iem ol o a e- ped a youn man in London's West There is room in a whaestaing aon efoundan. 1940 iof be held in London ln End, sayn that he was a sur- stomach for 25 full-grown men - antersigacunth o f hi . statedothPostage stamps. It was veyor, and making certain import- so there was plenty of room for iand itutre hich Ise- of td at stamps worth millions ant measurements. He said that Jonah. But Jonah was not proper nfetrdieahsseo- ofpunds wil be shown - the he had been rushed to the Job whale's food. Whales live on The Observer. An o the r largestcllection of stamDs ever without an assistant, and request- planton, a minute form of sea- pleasant surprise, we found aeni London. This exhibition ed the young man to hold one end life• that Rev. Stanley L. Os.. of t commemorate the centenary of the tape, and the man was Trout eating whalesl At a cer- borne, who writes "Mining of te first adhesive postage obliging. Then Cole went round tain research hatchery station in in the Hlymnary," was born stamp. .a corner, where he repeated his Hampshire, it was discovered that in Clarke Township, Dur- Another news item told of the story and act, this time a young : a diet of powdered whale made ham'County, being son of completion of a great new suspen- woman being requestedi to hold young trout grow an inch fastei. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Osborne. son rideoe h abz h ae hn fe e iue m a year than trout fed on other Educated in Providence pub-II River. It will be known as the without any reappearance of the fodhhc ugssta fw ic school, a n BowmaVile Ottobeit Bridge, and will form a surveyor, the young man went humans fed on elephant meat, we hg col eetrdVc shortcut between the two capitals roundc the corner to investigate, would grow taller and buler - if toria University in 1925, A of .Southern and Northern Rho. he found the young woman pa-' this should be our ambition. from which institution he o desla, and entailed the building tiently waiting for the surveyorl At Capetown some years ago graduated in arts in 1929 of hndrds o mies f ne Antherjokr ci eda lrgethree hundred whales dashed and in theology in 1932. Mr. B id roads. The material for sale, and mongrel dog wþich he owned, and atmselves t dea a g ai n fstdsorn tsevesmi ss aSn no longer necessary for the work entered it as an oyster hound at cheostl rocks nThe lheap ed verfedsthe est wa es a of construction - plant, e q it i p. a dog show. The judges awarded theotrrcson hdtrse tntPami nitedatElvrs-See to ment, bungalows and furniture - this dog of unknownbeeq themselves to death on the inner to PraUiedCurh waDlltkeeroengadadail u spe- rocks. Their bodies either were and after ordination by the L sbreBA.v.D, Aga* LI Canada Painto tw oral tkwas doin engby anritish Adcted h floated back to sea at high tide, Bay of Quinte Conference .S.L.Obone .A, ..,b n enie ring on b aBr tis eetedsub was the adver- or were thrown up high on the' spent a year in Alberta be- Mus.a".RU er tBrse A small-spaceiadver tisement nppr o ubicatoaunews- beach. The same sort of whale fore coming back to Ontario. In To members and adherents of Had thi ae ispaau tinenes tout. "Deaths"rasufllcos• te tragedy happenied two years later 1936 he received his Bachelor of thé United Church we might say ardWood Flooring S p le This beage botisnessely Dtlad- STAR -On Àgst a at the same spot, when 50 whales Music degree. He was also for this is just one of many new and vTis ed n rae t Brtaninvey KeSingT On Ae dauter destroyed themselves. In each in- several years chairman of the i nteresting features of The Ob- BC e ea vexcieln adet rtisin-The ofJens tuArte, dghte stance it was seen that the sea was Committee of Religious Educa- server which makes it a welcome, ihtesato e uligsao t9NB incallen advertismngTssgn oButJsmebodyuarth at joker n e asphorescent. In 1927 a tion. Mr. Osborne is now assist- Informative and inspiring visitol.Wt h tr fanwbidigsao tsNB ht ea gool dr te rento , Ginness Bu- modunc g - oueranoke- ucde odity he s c0aom emor u rcr a io to.Eaton t æahome which, appreciates good to know in Bowmanville you can obtain almost RogersCm n god orth bewC K fGurms U n-tde harths" h neadng tp- d and 1 00h0ears agot s everything you need in dependable material from LumberotHkn On f h mi rtcesi nounce ntLon ed ngme si nth htl00ands n shr hePPard & Gill. We are ready to start you &ff with haad ,fae yoanariceso wi TeTo Georgina, me variles ofag h r T a h r U g d To S rvssS ftthe supplies you want-and at lowest prices. WhetherTieadPp medor "Hesfaous hoax n ETUO T eso rdasri. tuo a - ndsr -fihsh. Thesfgt shave y you're building a home, repairing or remodelling-TorontoAphl Pranks. Thus, one story is about "0. C. Testudo" was none otheSodfbee winesdo by halejrs.Coehr a man named Cole, a notorious than the male tortoise at Oxford!Swrdfsh can dton mucheinur. ooin On hsprantclj k w as he exa-nnd1ow3orsomthigCaou er of a sword-fish's thrust, there Minister of Education Asks For The minister of education said his aOn of a hol ink Pich caly wAles. o smth aot is, ma London museum, the Accident Decrease By School dePartment would ive every nos- S e p r i l L me Coleindanme of isrieds A ema whales broken-off snout of a sword-fish, Children sible cooperation to the plan. He drelead ana ier iried A lnstoutan autatin c rad i hu t one dgpierced the oak- felt sure every Ontario teacher would Phone 715an poughn farend poceedeous thor- baco onth whaless ships through copper sheating, feltan Toronto., May 3-"'Ontario school forextra carefulness durn tebs In thfaeeeinan erns ee hungwalue- have b eum e de 13½% inches of Oak. children will long remember the his- time of the Royal visit whentrffi abou the arricg ae. Thwe policea toake etenpm flotinup wit Whales are a source of glycer- tory-miaking events of the next two would be gzreatly increasedenta a s s is t e d t h e b e x c av a t s b y i cedire t - a t u 11 h e n l a t n . T i mi e , w h i ch is u s e d in t h e m a n u - m o n th s i n C a n a d a ,"' - s a id O n ta r io H u g s e h o l w n o n s L n o , T r n o n r . F o - G l . E t r n h e v c f t eW e aige traffle!It as ot unir etsialrts w leriodically emit facture of high explosives. Four Minister of Education Dr. LJ. J- iah e uggesed tfo lng oins inton. ToontoandMrs.oF. Hos- OGarit.BEnring tserviceofgthen hew-e lc h oceyo u day tat te athoitidicoer- ickaup whith ther adio dec owi ears ago a gro.up of Nórgewian Simpson in an interview today. He mihtbeempaszeEt.chlden S onacasterof Oshabr-OtroBnkaweebruhanflo-ewetk.euei pin hl r man it a5 , d o supreferredatohevnflun cehiden snc land accident preventoneveFonrsaany The funeral was held Fridaw atat selgod a ethoi fraetha of nialwthutalay whale-oil, at g10 per ton. nection with the forthcoming Can- years he has served as patron and 23 rsrn' u-bn a ae vrb hB elsgb h hne-Fbe Bigfis strie! Wllyouve din tur f TeirMajstis KngPresident of safety organizations in eral Home,. Oshawa. Interment of Montreal. He continued to serve had afew. Gie!Weyo' e aorod Quen Eliaeth. Kn England. was made in the family Plot at as manager of the branch at Col- -------------"The strengthening of the ties of 2. Anl accident during the visit of Melyr n cery. R t ev.-J. o ont.2 whng hea Empire is noticeable in the class- the King and Queen will spoil the vices. wa i are f he ser ved osToro to.kDurng te Cand n aren rooms." said Dr. Simpson. -The pleasure of their Canadian tour. a· wamphe srde. ed s ak anAge- Canadan Grdon broadening of the school curriculum ,3. Help the smaller children to a CapBda e er wastan An- affords teachers the opportunity of be careful. James Morris, Toronto glicnofande amemberof the OF EN WARNIN Se'rvIce combiningr classroom subjects with 4. Be sure to obey all traffic signs •ae Chus etrd ak n rh ofnh e dheemr. JSurviv- current events. and the interest of and instructions. They are made for JfM amrgri, reied Bnmgay.Hrergne a eth a o M By Gordon Lindsay Smith children in Canadia. evour safetyofot rel ange, ie My. CMHrtbrindon.snEd- rnk eg t h gte va or.Inrapnte 5 Lok both waysuniler atfis home, 29BernardAvenuemunbM.Moris.7 tt Extendingofeasonest n aadia n rediti h isoyno car coming. b ntlth aeHe was 76 years of age and was It is a safe guess that the man ' efA tmt l Canada's gardenmng season can, is beinz developed as children realize 6 ee tpotqiky itosonofteloweM.anle, t e dshopokes fun at adwomaun fr il(-arv"r al ath .be lengthened considerably by the importance and significance- of thq, street f rom behind parked cars mund Monat. e an r s. îEd- ishopping iall day and.-notryngrmeyeri using started, plants and spread- the Royal tour." oete bsrcin.duca isatD. Trse' cdhiosayhigis'tmrre.-Moteak ng atios oveneen. May Ontaro schoos he d D.. not stand in the street· aina r asesShoSa. o d Kd e il ble with vegetables. n t idsof werchidren tolan ta ons eethous rad i n-co ng side f ..-.. ~~the seed can be sown at the earli- they would be able to se Th.teire sn ieak est possible date outside, one third Maiesties and join in the celebre 8.athi sngrs.on trucs o at the normal time, and one thirdt Erai. aombessdngouAvdth "Hw ar yu? .two to three weeks later than us- 0onsr.bveey cca i al oasti ing foolish practice and don't let othe • "Believe It or not, 1'm lookdns for a Swe ai uadl. it practce isPerectly local in. charge of ar- chDreSmn a it. tace vegetables like corn, carrots, beetsrneet oesreta h hl-andpatsnadethtecer and it ensures the very fr eses ren would be safely cared for in childre s mi t e 1 gtiv.ethruc- vegétables, just reaching mau- travelling, away fromn home .and tions whichvother afey itrulc-l ity, all through late summerad back again. condition oudrrang plyntos lca SWEET CAPORAL CIGAR ETTES With early vegetables like peas chance.,blieved D. Simcome to th e osrarnemt. "Thepuret fom i whih rodeco b -and leaf lettu e, however, where an active part in the plans. He ap-Obt "'Te urst ominwhk tbacocan be smohed," first growth i the cool'part of pealed to all teachers and parents O iu r the season is essential, it is best to urge uPon children the need for to sow all seed first thing mn the care and safety to assure that no Mrs. Grace Allin, Clarke spring. Harvesting season in this accidents would mar the occasion of case is spread out by using at the Royal visit. Every Possible pre- Mrs. Grace Allin passed away least one early, one medium, and caution was being made, he pointed suddenly at h e daughte', Mrs. one late variety. out by highway traffic exper,tsomn is, Nf tewltove, pi Tc add still further to the sea- police. civic officiais, ex-servicemen 21s. idow of the lwateor Thomas son it ls possible to bring in just and volunteer organizaztions tolndindecased w a ondinteg before the first severe frost next guard against the possibilit i lnda nd camo fi e t a nada aspt he fall tomatoes, vines and all, cel- cidents. but could not hopefor a c- aelolfefie eas. h e dspentther ery, conwith the stalks attached, record without the help of eor aWYc ar arl e Shaw dstic andtn nlcelkegragetorcerweri e o n il hogotte province. Ville. She was blessed with good thecos rauit willonatur Dr. Simpson commended the ef- health and exceptional activity ing lowy fr weks fte frst orts of Minister of Highways Hon. right up to the hour of hierpas has blackened everything left out- T. B., McQuesten to pay tribute to ing. She had a cheerful greeting doors. the King and Queen by greatly re- for everyone and was a kind and Waksducing the number of highway ac- smncere frie'nd to all who knew Intesalkade hr cidents duringr the nexp womnts her. She isnuvvdbytodu Thirteen years before this, an "'experiment" of manl.He soebfOhw'sBL6A another nature took place--the launching of Canada's s"a ioen .the morne ar t FREE °der resident" and attende he The more carefu -ou ineect this stunnin, new car, the .,..NEBANKNGpNoE first life assurance company, the Canada Life. In a trees often main roots are cut and aw..oopmbm Mnday.1 innerhheon st mor ndwill 0 agree: " uick's theBeauty--uicsthl ye Bu" *PLzN.iN hitoy f92yer i hspad ooracuultehor w 'shoc ssevee. Han piof iDo'a _. adfrom a heajrt conditon for over a through the neral Moto n convenentPmnthypyens.oa Its policyholdears and -eneficiaries more than much for such biq things, and the = «.5 year eah was nexpeced. s almen Plan $659 000-over $50,000,00 more than it has Iwatering should De repeated two " rteaau1AIstHe18 bornHem rono one ay recvedn pemims., , me* a week, If a quick bok' oAnes Gibson in that illage and -reervd i pemisi t r inryan nuals andnper-then moved to Bowmanville where Th °"""' """"'als n" per- t° he was employed for many years a ibead sheternfrom hsot3 with the D. 0. & P. Co. Later he 0 Pickup in the way of quickly i ied 1D embfer 30, 933. e re d . sun f oeri fe da . Soermoed to ishaewas. oaser wilhel tthsc m eeya bero gStre nted a u'Å cutiROY NICHOLS c dplants or asters, and perha p p ork untuan a cearme chrcill.l Canad s Olest Lfe Asurane Comanyco°u"le of handful for shus He is survived by two daugh-Bomnle oCaresom d e eeken inthethaerntois eth o cate rs o

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