-PG ORTH AAIN TTSA, OMNI*E NAI 'i E' f 1; il i stusv robut.esjoyng tobemi al weee odta. A practicul displa>' i Hanse- RedC00 es ae o ur oâ7 g -e acta wlt etians on Uic pianoI= stu re Ieqikv eaoome h ld Science was given b>' the 1 r'~ tLf : accondian, sud between the sec- *kmn mal- anaeilcon>fdWtonla 15b> une of Dr. iris in Miss Archer's clasa. Frax gn eo dees. Four lkidzsyi he ond sud third the management hama SNerve Food,. eSse ths genouut= xgta'îo 8 B~>»~~mi wl lown0'mYOur provided extra entent a i n m e nt. hlm. fo= the lveie s uswbcb uari>' ten, tea sud sandwhe- .. - Laurence Mvorton faveurcM w.....aRO I H L E@ lias b~te Mel autiuil>' 10 r'-w Tuining intis ubjethegan larst Wba In epm ed l D.WUas >lsolo and Pauline Deline sud C utc o m ni 1i5O, ~ e~ >d=weTsrain dinta all Uijc visi a. heewordausVW W mk aUËl>' Purd>' with a vocal duet. fui. , maeM young ladies were quite FO NW EP The entire show wus ver>' inter- tbe o'7111W1,fIDS5 bko f khii their costumes ai estig, and showec theicparents get Dr.u- r f il hqle I7 toiigshr ti Dr., Chasés Il ADE .RG and visitora the mun>' advantuges tiuprv bloond.àd.rI pier yesiirtsansd tunlc blouses, lu whlch af the new curriculum. isaci Four pop. cm. z... a. T. ru.j i la- L the>' had carlier appeared ut the I£* *j A entrance doors where they stood , s O THE ANAIANSTAESMN, OWMNVILEONTRIO decoratively and passedl out pro- A ui o Ce~ h raet In The Editor's Mail Jasper Park Lodge Prepares for Roy gas ealltyr.Y L)K O grams thpayacor ers o h 01f Mothers In Ail The World in the haillcitchen ta the cast and ElN W q. artiats DURHLAM OLD BOYTr laeo Clark occupied the Br Alpha Plnch 'yown mother, said the SPrAKS RMS MI"Nbofofe itnand f[ilke cthelw Mother's Day *i a TorontaSun-d, and a that triurnphant ans- oMtedrttres and l the Perss da0SholZane.eas un-th wer the whole schol burst into un-1 32 Glencairn Ave., of the MdsadtePrin leayS o as ortingus the n ia- Athe r ias e o temotToronto, Ontario, which neyer charged the institu- tes - an tnah mahe aiMai- A inte s onedod tharge: April 28, 1939 tion of ticket-taker functioned as thr anh ohrO a-batfl-bings o ever made Dea, FrîndGer: usual i the persan of T. William uel, mother of Moses, and Mary, and means.sa much ta mankindJakorndthrftehr- mnother of Jesus, was studied. The that the world must pay hamage Your welcame namper camne ta band Jaekstnrlet hi <LeaRiv thes" -s spaker who addressed the school ta her. All mothers are different and. as uoual. was iileased as 1 ai- Audstre ran.eaRvr"-Ms ase the question: Who la the in their own private ways, but the ways arn ta wet it and see what theAuryBon greatest of ail mothers? instinct of maternai lave is uni- Durham people are doinz including Instantly a sinail boy ln the versai i the heurt of motherhood. Hiram and bis box stave cbums. UlE vIira 'front seat ralsed an enthusiastie To whom do we take aur troubi- I naticed in this issue you were M E VSTR liand. Well then, who is she? ask- les and tribulations, no matter f indin& f ault witb the Anglicans for (Mr. and Mrs. Robin) cd the speaker, supposing the am- how smail? Frein whom do we haviniz bazaars and ather entertain-Arebasbrdiauadrtee wer would lie Mary, mother cf asic advice, who can it be butmo ment tAris mne fr el as bi ber sunider omee ___________________ther? Even the word mather carry on their work. 1 am q.uite Of straw and niud, is shape is like stûrs te high ideals, ta samething in isympatby with your idea for A small inverted donie; a little better than comnian, for a churches to be kept up by freewill It had just one round living roam, ~.'.\Uf [IIl,. true mcither's heart is as pure gcld of fermaRs. But in the same issue you And nursery-raom ccmliined, ,S é~/ ~ - and the furrows an ber crinkled are congratulating United Church in Sa comfy were is wafls and flcar, Sbrow are sacred. lier hair streak- havinz secured the services of a With aid dried grasses lined. ed with silver threads is respect i prominent Jew of Toronto for one iself; for anxiety and care for her of their services. It is sco easy tu Then one day Mrs. Rabi laid children have caused t h a s e u3ee the faults of others. A wee, hlue avalled bail, trasaogtegl.And each day laid another one, w.r o r alduoib OSHAWA Gv e oeadfinlns rsm h epeo omn 'Til there were four in ail; hn o Ghivee r love wi ancs. fiendoolae ville are aiot any different ta the Then an these four lilue availed e mnt Phione 1011 - Free Parking after she is gone. Memaries af maioritv of ochers. They go around epertAtiec teCri**'air to we n oeand gather up money which isquih alls, if She liraoded twa short weeks, L .Ascain tmyb ayu ____________________bimot er r e o s et ts ud aie- proper and build a nice church and When four small birdies broke the avnaet ieM r tetv Thurs. - fr1. - Sat. tunefesltooa bitter taf orge twn - ehave an oneninz and an array of the sheils e irg MÂY il- 13 er ulte i u w we hiRherups at the service and dedicate With wide and yawniing beaks. He not onrepeêt xec X Y 1-13Ta thase wearig a white flow- the whole building includinz the pul- Te r ai,(b o assrzga f nuatecmaae <i j~, g~jer whase mother, like mine, has Dit ta the building up of God's Upn MtheRoian wr or ate, irn t oduth laaoath . "The to>Of Vernon gane watli a smile ta that home- Kingdom, and as sanie do afterwards Woldtsena mrrrouelaehei tandh.isrnecut land that lies beyond the glary af have a persan ta f iii the pulpit that T cheing er ry i roung ela)ougy amrtri ai ep o An rn a i" the sunset - you, who like me, ms apposed ta aur Christianity and *TWitherRhin sti arte ) out .. A dIeeCsi haeonly tbeautiof pat Jesus asthe Saviaur of the world. To thr bby fatouth~orpoie fsfgad Strityears - isn't Ahtw en a been pesecutd andblas With which te fMI the t'iny crops your futturadthtcyu aziy have e many af thase distant nia- »hemed by these very same people O hi e aiybod -GINGER ROGERS ther days, when she was here with front the begininz of time and they hen Their Malesties, King This la of legs in keeplng with 0fternwfniyrod RED ATALMR us and these shauld f111 aur heurts are stili at it. It would seeni as if WY George VI and Quen E,1- the Alpin«' surraundlngs and lias Then scon the yaungsters were *I UR 1 WUA T OLVERN with thankfulness. thev were encouraged by sanie of zabeth, visit Jasper National Park been redecarated sud refltted for a-fledged UII!L fU Ad WaltRBReNNarn-. eo'sMte the United Churches. ln June, they will f ld luzurious the occasion. Frein tail te wde iled muth, AdId WltDine CrtonA elows oterIf You went ta an Anglican service appintmnent and the mecegran- Recreational facilities of the And mlgrated w4th Dad sud Mam "«UgIy Duculine A fellow's iather, said Fred the vou would not be in danger af run- deur of the Canadlil Rockles Lodg~e will b. la readinens and Ta somne place "'way down REVIVAL ~wise,su ning againmt any Tom. Dick or comblned wlth absalute prlvae>' will lie reserved excluslvely for south lM mcm et ii uii sua ]Frlday at 10.45 -p.i. eyes, rs that is opposed ta Christianitv. Their during thelr Jaurney eaatward members of their retinue. Only spring Knaws what ta do if a feicw gets pulpit is kept f or what it was n- over the Canadian NationalRi-tercurmnso h oal asfflrenogtatedta Adri fuir'ather lhome d, _ONE___OF ___THE________________GREAT____W £<The Buccaneer bhurt tended f or and not stunts. In case ways. None cillers tban: tss. Party willi le retained at Jasper In their inverted dame.______________________________ In clinshing a tree or a f ail froni of this kind what are they Roing ta attending the Royal Couple Wffi Park Lodge durlng the visit, Juno -Ralph Gordon. Stnring a fence. do with aur Saviaur while the ser- b. permitted ln the environs Of 1 and June 2. Thse Ladge will be 628 Crawford St., Toronto. May 15th. PEEDERJOMAECH Afellow' niothe hua haa and.vce is zoiniz on? I supposse scrap Jasper Park Lodge where prepar- open ta the public on Juneý 3.__________ .Sqa'srptio asn I NCSAGAstigHini for the tume being and then ations for the visit bave been TIse upper picture shows the Mr.tstaig foodexeutivones FRNISAGALstrangautnsadloso afterwards bring Hini out af the carrîed out by an efficient staff living roani of Outlook Cottage usadnfodecti ors ______________________sd basement or where He is put or of workmen. wbere Their Malesties willI b. ac- New ExOcutive Fer frirom is long association with SeneRLHG DOte Mo.-T e. e. N atr h usy, she wilal- shoved aside. He certainly will not Ildwers of royal colon, uaOw comrodated and (beîow) the new aea trs hcorgarnis- wne,îyvraieenter Mon - ues We. aya to be in the front rank. It might be in- growiulg lu greenhauses o!f thedri1e froin Jasper Parck Dominonndters tie berved irntWin aipe orHeiat MAY 15 - 17 To aee bow well yau can spin yaur teresting ta know the hynins used LUdge, are ta be tranpanta todirect ta the famous Caluimbia Anucmn a aethis ndaterly lu in. lilaa tneoryrnetntta- Lovetop.irobethese occasions. For it wauld not border paths îeadlng ta tIse tem - Icefield wbîchIs one of the fea- week iy Mr. J. W liorsey, Presi-native-boi Canwo adian. e nt lutaei rua re Loe ffirbein keepingz with etiquette ta hurt parary residence of the King and tures of tIse Park wbich tIse King dent af Daminion Stores Limited, Dominion Stores ou an arrange- Trne She does net care, not much I the feelinos of their iuest speaker. Queen, overlooking Lac Beauvert. n'n4ieen wlll see. that L. D. Squair will join the nient for tbree moutha, bas re- starringmean, These are mv views and as long as Dominion Stores organizatian au turued ta the United States. - IRENE DUNNE- If a fellaw'a face la net always I ]ive1arn ging ta respect my CHABLES DOTER clean, Saviaur aone hundred per cent. and for nothing. It must be realized, Added-d Eg- KenndyrndKiennredyusAsnge iafatoememer heuadesyingebidstoeroeverathtrneapaeresacehe ___________________________of______________________________________________ Baby Daze. the knee a feather flî<ck together" W ~ lh r . the puhlisber'a stock-in-trade and She can put on a patch that you The Canadian Club meetings are ULt teIW. % y t the disposal ai this lie must can't aee. abu vrfo hssasnadw ook for the incame necded ta COMING Aîdliow's mother la neyer cross, ab.ot hve o this eas fan an w carry on bunsinessansd provide a D R A M 1 0S Thr.-Fi a. Btol a fyuare liad, vau. I have been in the hanse for TmisAvne living. But MIl tell you this, if you are about twa weehuo with the f lu orThsnwperi la la- MAY 18 - 20 only true whatever name it has. I hope yau Recently Bowmanville bas had ed ta asalati any worth-whilc StgeCoC She will always forgive yau whut- and al vour care are weîî. a seriaus epidemic ai messies, and conimunity, endeavaur, but la Stg ~ anever you do. Sincerely yaurs, The Statesman wondera if the epi- obliged ta draw the line when Starrinth wi anse a ulaad rdspread if Bowmauville biha bad ater5 into the transaction. Such CLAIRE TEEVOR tewa town nurse. Tinins bas neyer- policy la not liased on suy selfish JO13N WAYNE With a laughing look in bis axil- had a serions epidemie & motive but upon that weil recog- AI»I>TDEVINE jgee,-P N H U E ku idsue(iht e izedprie that"the labarer l'Il mid niy mother quick cvery -exceptS . indon isase(t te nleoi'4"rit- worthy ai bis hireý." SPol 1Nesr ai A Wilderness infested With day, ebreaktonafthes wol-id e ur es lwysspt r.AinR Danger- Nine People Eager A fellow's a fool thut doesn't obey. (Continued tram Page 1) ugo)esuTh munns for som wi en-ar For Lite. Dajoe ondtise roadforoe.uae .1 hl 1 To the millions ai mothers ita a high standard. Action sicet- ty years bas had one or mare yPC I ., ~ ~ î aur land ta-day we give thla tri- cheswere very weil dane. On the tawn nurses. It may lie argued NEWCAoSTLE lislngfafia ________________bute oi reverenoe sud love as a wulls could be seen posters depict- thtti1an oeta utD-Olcnepae.D.Dl.l feehle expression ai motherbaod ing the food values of different Tfiins basuiwuysPerbaps, but LN HI RSshnheewtlasieo13 r sud sacreduess ai mather's tie. vegetahles. Iu one roaxu wus a ta assure that luck inpeuta littie Fmu la rsntd display entitled "The Ideai Break-iir n ieutsu AFaouPi>Peeteb'a MUSIC ~fast." licre, if one wus doubtful r tci sdsm ohrNwCs as ta what taeut in the mernngmutters. Apurt, however, froin Ani impcsing cast af thirteen "'Among the hitunetuiie a e the betntiie autenatter ai epidemics, Tinmins dramatic urtisis presented the of love sud peuoe, surely there one couid learu just whb t wauld bsfudtemnyaetfrpluy "aaRvr" dpe r can be no sweeter, setter, mare be 1,cst. tawu nurses ancei h mofpo the maouosuter saro- h effective voice than thut ai geutie Aohrseewsulusnfitable invcstments- thut auy tawn Ch oulotyHlln sFri hen peuoe-hreathing music. -ElhuBu»Ot. Doeluatcne was Hdsncauld make. ing, April 28th. "Lena Rivera" ai Bii~uioy i nia laas euut- aniael o suIndan divig acourse takes is naine froini the l«Hrmoy i ma isas eaui-slcigb, puiled hy two dags.* Cor- FREE PUBLICITY REQUESTS swect, aitagether attractive you>ig fui as iunimusic, sud discord la un-rugutcd cardliaard wus used ta <Tilsonburg News) hc sneofhhery tiors t suapElu natural, unreai." - Mary Baker depict the log hauses, wbile evcry- Tofda ha pparna real i ey ratctrat su h at Eddy. Ttehingthtthutas pertulnedielyartaocatihan dis-t "It ompoes m thoglit, de plu wusdonctainte tsculis-prctty gencrally that newspuper aunt sud ber higb taned duugbter lItscompscaryrecreate s ymid-Pa, a dn emnuesel. space la a cammodity alwways free Caroline anuliansuander Lana fills my heurt with pure, sud use-h Then there wcre the "food for the askiug la ruther rcmark- sud use ber liudiy; but she lias- ful thaughts; wheu music sounds aouses." These are b e c o mn i n g able. When people require su>' ler frieudsansd iu the end it la the sweetliest i my cars, truth quite popular now. Everything other kind ai gaada or services revealcd that she la not oui>' flos te cearstint mymin."framn the chimneys ta the flowers they expeet ta puy for thcm, but swect, gentle sud adorable, but flawsheercs ita md in the garden was composcd ai assume a ver>' different attitudelalso rich sud as weil born as ber ...-Bshp Bveide.food staffs. The roofs werc made wben it camnes ta the matter Oi detructars. Then the>' execute a MAIE and SIE-QIARTEl frein biscuits. The iandscape de- wbat the>' require frein the local sbailow right about face ta the sigus varicd frein rice, prunes ncwspaper. This mu>' le partiflly> amusement ai Lea's truc fricnds. For Round Trip 1MrphyPait. sud asparagus, to raisins, saga due ta the fact that no other camn- Tecs ldd aaRvr SndN A RVO sud celer>'. Undoubtcdiy such a munit>' institution gives se Tuh e- udcy Bron; ud:LnNa is wilmak. your home project serves two purpases. That ________________Aud_ b rbeyovw;old ah ioc rn-JolsdCewitMtr eusCec u strcugthiening the imagination. mother - Josephine Browu; John Iu the amaller grades scrup- Livingstane, Lcnu's uncle - Alex books wcre quite nunierous. In Prout; Mrs. Livingstanc, Lanuasf ,~.* o... . nc wc noticed a girl had given N T C ut-EnRthrodCaliehe "Little D lTalces Dweaa Sm. u.y, May 201b -illustrations ai different kinds oaiLidigte - V suerN il uneLv GoingnoonFrida', My 19 ARVOscwiug stitches, such as hcmmiug, du1~ I gstae ber d a iernntediv- until 200 P.M. (E-S.T.) Sunda>', a s aeu FMI, cd uctual drawlugs ai birds, the t(J sister - Jean Prout; John L. Jun-- Gigno rdyMa19C)cahle stitch, etc. Another contain- ee b u hig utertrc- --M Ma>' 21. Returu Leave desti- COER I ON CATbeing moat interestiug as it iorgt ho s. Bctn; inFeiruukGae «"na pte aomidaght Monda>', MUSERS NONE COTLY o et~e da birdhouse. Stili an- lihm souhem greetnemank - a -' Majstis'vist as uit po- exalaM.Br-u; ur.rdBeln-nt Ma> 22 199. onuiud pctuesrcirrig ËGhsul n. G r ablan-bistfe