TT4P rAsiTAN b'crATESMN, BOMAVI E ONARO HUS THE ANADAN rTrTZQAK n, JiVAk ViLLE ONAR Blackstock who are No. 1. Mrre Jas. Strong; No.Buk t nE fed~essear. asowilao 2,Mrs. Nranez Wrigt N o.4Mr. 3 T. ____e___tseae. aso wl as Mrs. JNoz rianMut; oyo.4 r. T 3, sEn ildhaebaptismial service. Recent Visitors: Samelis; No. 5. Mrs. Oscar Graham-, Recent Visitors: W WW RecentVsios:dy hn BtsterveseLorraune-:1 Miss Florence McLaughlin. To- No. 6, Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Executîve Mr. and Mrs. H. Rahm with Mr. air w R e Sitis. . . r . Nrrs. ay so. enreCoctt tn, Ldr raGen I G S L S T E B ront. wth ier arets. Mr. ob illmeetMay15t atMrs. Ho-M-Sardmg,. Toronto. at Mr. Smith. Mildred Metcalf, Daisy Gib- ~ V rot.ytee aret. .. M. B b wll m e a Sh a r 's r Clarence Rabm and Mrs. S. Pedlar, HoskIn t r o rs t o .L n r olc tA de ye Wiela.. Trono ib Mrs. W in, i zma Moun tjo ar rage s yar'sLaToron. .-.Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mc- O a Forest. Mr. and Mrs. H. W eir and ham were received into the church A d S r es Y u W l Stele .. r.and Mrs. Ivan Shook porm Seetrgaesmryîuhlîn Ohawa, with Mr. and.. OF B family, Ottawa. with Mr. -Thos. and Fred Wri2zht transfered from Wel- A dS re o with Mrs. John Marlow. .. Mrs. o year's activities and reported a Mrs. j.MLagli.. rs d Sims, Oshawa. with Mrs. W.Caw ood balance. J.ughiL ithlhund i ris- Ed Mr. G. Bowman's. .. Mr. and Mrs. land Ave.. St. Catharines; Charlie CoRhl wthlerhubndinCri-E. Ormiston. Bowmanville, at Mrs. Smith, from Tyrone; Mrs. Howard We Test Eyes and Vit Trussem e or n1r ford... Mr. George Crawfo r sat St. John's A.Y.P.A. met at the teSre optl ootwoi W. J. Ormiston's.. Mr. and Mrs. Foley, Londpn.SalftinnQuiyitndPie Dunsford foreman of a building job. Preceto ry, May tih2sembFrs iWnproving. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McCulloch, Columbus. Dr. and Final meeting of Y.P.U. till fal ..MsDli ioan redder esid aent Ms e ra F . or- Strutt and Phyllis with Mrs. lois Mrs. W. McCulloch., Orono. Mr. and terni was held May 5th when this PalmeRive REE with Vrs Florence Thomole h d inharager Rev. E. P. Whc ood Strutt. Enniskillen.. . Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bert McCulloch. Oshawa. at interesting rogram was Riven: solo, S aeCen icoinWmnsInstitute mefred Grace nfiel. Mr. and s Mrs. J. Mcýulioch's. Margzuaret Stewart; reading., H. R. at Mrs. Russel Mountioy's on May teffre abblclcLi. ehlfe'ments wereMr ndMs Fak ibrti udrth oly sl.ervedht;.edng it cic 3 fehet eesre.Mrs. Hope and Mrs. Murray, To- Dr's care.. H. Smith ,Town; duet, Orville - inliector Razor wlhCl1t' 3rd with President Mrs. Cecil Fer- Mrs. Fred WiIlan and Mrs. J.A. no ihM.adMs .Gt Arbor Day a beda h ore oadWgt on Rev. AND 8 BLADES TohPat gu sn i carg. PScrture wl s . McArthur attended W. A. Conven- chal.. Mrs. Russel Smith and sho rdy w e u br o .F aitr o m nilgv by M. Vallaitt. rogr am rs.: tion in Toronto. er home from Windsor. .. Misses trees were Planted. an interestingz and helpful address; Aiifor-49 W omen's Insitute Answers. bv Mrs. .MissJa W right. Grace Mount- Rela Swain. Dorothy Hoskin and w W. A. met at Mrs. L. Simpsoti's solo, Kay Lycett; solo, Howard_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T. Smith: Fruit and Vegetable De- "" - Ruby Toms and Irene Coates Ella Hoskin with Mr. and Mrs. oetdw May 2nd. Mrs. W. Ashton gave a Wight; accompanists. Eda Swallow »n' monayot;ateiinGublp Mrs.diNea tovnnTanylor;od ared.inniGuele. paattendow-nianaiconvention ' ndMarwooMr- Heard. TrEnnlskid dacen.elSY ODP' Histror y f se o at the Aizricultural College. e at monthly paoisrmnaadMs o-an sTuI wr ac.HlnPILLS Hitoy f cholSetinNo.1 Rev. Mr. Stinson. Oakwood, who Mrs. T. Breck and Mrs. T. Bailey paments T hà e lev Slemnon a reading. McDonald: bagrpipe music. Jim Mc- compiled bv Mr. J. H. Deitt and nece udvo ntdCuc are ntesc it Gregor; League paper "The Tattler" 27 circuiW.vas.mVhaapCamia.e-.Young People's meeting.wbues hoping for, by CifordSwallow. The raby Ms.W A a c:ireche uitwsnda on Uited.Cuc ntesikls. .a eld cha n c e . YOUvO a ed CifdWobr rianoistuenayb rojbe n Thursday evening with Ruby btanin a rhate a d nPresident Lloy'd Metcalf called Mr.1Lb Wright; a selection on "Friendship" Bailey in charge of program: topic Clare H ECL A and Mrs. Ernest Twist to the f ront ABSORBENT _ by Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. AIl last The only safe and sure way ta, by Betty Mof fat; scripture readinR Purnace Special Reet iitr:n i ss oredadrssanl d a VanTON Year's of ficers were re-elected with destroy an enemy is ta make him by Rev. H. Lackey, reading, HTazel offor made pos- Rcn iiosONcl oddadrs n a a thie exception of the group conveners your friend. Aldred: readings by Ruby Bailey sible by the tr- Mnt and Mrs. A. T. Morgan, Osh- Camp presented the bride andp.groom ~ U 29e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a n d M r . T h o m p s o n ; q u a r t e t t e w a s m e n ti o n s f a c ili t ie l a w a . a t M r . E . B r a d le y 's . . . M r . w it h a b e a u t i f u l e le c t r ic f lo o r la m p . LRE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ sunz by Betty M of fat, Viola Adam s, of Cana W a' largest m aufact urer and M rs. D. M oore, Oshawa, M rs. The bride and room thanked al G IA N T K l q b -MMMIl Dorothy and Ella Hoskin; Ruth AI- cf warm-alr furnace.. M. Moore. Miss X. Moore, Bowman- Present for the lovely izift and kind KRUSCHIEN 8 . dhred recited "Is Your Mother ville. Mrs. E. Brittain and Mrs. J. words. Fred Miller led in recreation. Home ," Eldoîî Hubbard read "The Douglas. Newcastle, Miss M. -Bow- Pot luck supper was served. Pro- 0eA DRESS UP OR SUM M ERBuilders" mK -nKK~an, Mrs. I. Goudy, Misses Ursul ceeds. $24.25. ~I~ £F RLfbo _______FO_____ HDBRT AR E an Ruth McNeil and Jean McNib- MOSBY 21 F ben. Messes Paul Stevenson, Doug- AN» SOA H m tnPLUMBER las Fontaine, Keith Wilson, To- ROTARY CLUB TO C __________ H1ptO1 Phone 2684 BowVMaVMle ronto. at Mr. A. McNeil's... Miss- $11 0 'OqCharuning Young Dresses_______________ es Lorna and Audrey Thompson, CnIudrmPae1 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond_______________ Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomp- (Cniudfo ae1 YoIl w eareeyheeti sum-er. Prised Burns and Barbara Ann, Oshawa, wr ape .~atmbl son. Bownianvigte at Mk Wtere, of course, refused. Using PRE VENT HAY lEVER - Dos c f t...... no two alike. Truli with Miss Hazel Wood, Or- days" was enjoyed. The affirma- Brooklin, with bier daughter, Mrs. anese army walked into the c ak ov ei abes o ono. . . Dr. and Airs. Davies and tive was taken by Mrs. PresbttEarl Stephenson..,. Mr. and Mrs. The hold of the Japanese li 150 - 79e - 30*0 - 51.39 - 70» 27 5 2.9 5 u p c~~~har y ld , o saw., a M r. and M rs. and M rs. Frank G ilbert, and the J. A ikenhead& M rs. C.' Pascoe, To- i a s much weaker37, th a ner_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Harr Wicoxs. . r. nd rs.negàtive by M rs. M aurice Baker ronto. Mrs. H. W erry, Ennislcillen4 i a ae i 97 h p a e b u e E. Wood and children, Bownian- and Mrs. Everett dryderman. 'Xhe at Mr. L. Ashton's. .. Mrs H. Ash- continued. And the loas of power1Lb Satin Stripe Slips ville, with Mr. and Mirs. S. Wil- judges, Mr. Ceci Robinson, Èev. tni oono.M.GrdnCw-l due mainl3r to the guerillas who Engljsh Keiajth Salta Motile liams... Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens tona adM. atr lc- inTorion to.. . Mr. odnd Ml- rs e ordînary men of the type who Dellghtful Slips In several paten and Mr. Geo. Reed, Enniskillen burm, gave the decision in favar R. McNeil at Mr. C. Soper's, Har'- citize9ns.Tey are highly organiz-Alfo -39Nw-29 l. an l Mrs. E. Stevens'... Miss Isobel of the affirmative. Young people many. edalionrildbyfeealr____ -____39 _________________ OnI Roer an Mis esse HgathofBradley's Home, and Sehool Church service next Sunday at Chiang-Kai-Shek in Chungking. Ony98e Bownianville, with their parents. Club presented their one act play 3 P.m. Termi nevu el ihAtB~,o ri~sO~ oMr bnOdnr Miss Eva Souch with Mr. and "Her Busy Day", which was much Miissionary Program was held at sabotage li destroying troop and Mrs. C. W. Souch.'. . Mr. and Mrs. enjoyed. An enjoyable lunch *as S.~ Sundav afternoon in charge of sup1y trains and in kiiling flot Pictures, Try Our Dev.loping anPi nig H seyA. E. Jennings, Oshawa, ait Mr. served.Chnswo iIoseryand Mrs. T. Wray's. . . Mr. and Miss Blanche Degeer. Poem by Mr. only Japanese, but PHONE imauamam We s ecilize hi hie ortcehl an Pea an rs. . W Hor, ~ ~ G President Mrs. S. E. W erry pre- G rdon Slemon: vocal duet by Miss- cooperate with the foreitn invad- i I i Hoslery ... at reasonable prices ..'. autwear Dode9 iss .adL sided for the annual meeigafe ure hmso n MyTe es 9 P. R. COFWVLIEN , Phi..DEIE ordinary hse... newest shades with friends ini Orono and attend- W .liteS S. room May 4th. win: missionary talk by Miss Annie Wrecking trains was one of the ed te Odfelows serices~-$5.00 was voted for the blind. Mountjoy.pescestoh prJanse ed he ddfllos' ervce un-Community singing was enjoyed. ptshmsthme aaee 59c - 69c - 79e - $ 1.00 day evening... Mr. and Mrs. Per- These officers were elected: Pres. - jump ahead of the Japs. They be- q7cy Cowling and twins, Bowman- with theEguerrillas alVays juat a àfville, at Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cowl Mr. . E Wrr; lt ice- rs gan by lifting a rail, but after a J 4 ~ I ing's. .. Miss Helen*Knox, Toron- Wil Leask; 2nd Vice- Mrs. Rs few trains were rcte have been possible except for the You niayfotbt laefr to thm..ýM.adMs isel Gilbert; Sec. -Tra.-Mrs. Roy _______ ws wer nreckas ed n ideso h aonr Phone 594 - - - Ms lifford Caverly Allen, son and daughter,anMi.rak ibetDrcor-Mrtathm..Mr and s x agad it ietr-M5 Recent Visitors: track crpe s wrecraoused an d ds sotaron. r wobigm orbtyuaet eaalytsottdBakhearobiousproidratraspotaton.0ftt; 2Dblme i yo pu -orh oly eJ. Wte BaeTrnto, visited Smales, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mrs. N. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto. Mr. and trickc. Then the guerrillas puiled cars used. 17 were supplied by Lion's ocre effort. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holwell on C. Yellowlees and Mrs. Russel Mrs.. Stanley Turner. Oshawa, Mr. out'spikes and that worked for a and Rotarians. Sunday. Gilbert; Pianists - Mrs. Isa ac and Mrs. Frank Dorland. Mr. and whlle until crews were again in- Mrs. G. Farncomb entertained Hardy and Miss Elva Orchard; Airs. Albert Oke at Mr. Wesley creased. Next, they pulled the ________________________________________an Oshawa Reading Club Monday Group Leaders - Mrs. Frank Gil- Oke's... Mr. Kenneth Pedlar at spiles and replaced themwt Lake Shore, Clarke afternoon. bert, Mfs. Russel Gilbert, ?in. Mr. Walter Rahm's. .. and Mtrs. wooden ones, covering them wit Rev. H. W. Foley, Bowmanville, Maurice Baker, Mrs. Jack Re*y- E. Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bran- sad*algi lotiiosbe Fn occupied the pulpit acceptably on nolds, ?&s. David Broome and ton. Miss Gladys Page, Oshawa, with Ja detect the change., Finally, the ViForiMrnndMs IMC==Ir ~Sunday evening in the absence of Mrs. M. Morgan. Next meeting Mrs. Etta Page. Mr. H. Wright Jpanese posted Chinese guards Recent Vstr:M.adMs every 100 yards with instructions Cecil Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- C.G. I. T. girls entertained St. ved by Mrs. Bruce Montgomery and Mrs. Ira Travell and Beth, Osh- Prahru cuain h hn n r.Citn....Ms Paouls, owa viei a Zion and lier group. awa, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's... Mr. ese solved this problem by invit- Annabelle Hendry, Ponty p oo , groua Mndayeveing Young people held an enjoyable and Mrs. Harry McComb, Gwen and ing the guards ta join with them. with Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry. At MohrsDay will be observed dance in the hall Friday evening Adele. Miss Irene Sharpe, Toronto, Sa the battle of wits continues. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris with COST at the S. S. and church services wt ag rw rsn. MadMs .Hnyad-os Give Mother a rest this wk-eld Mr. L. Trullisl with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Lindsay, Mrs. W. Trdif f and Dave, lrenes and anecdotes complet- dred, Maple Grove, with Mr. and T Buydeioou bkedgodsfrm acout f r.McMlln' sr'ou attended the funeral of Miss Ray- Stainton and Ray, Oshawa, Miss left his audience completely hap- Peters, Port Britain, with Mrs. C. YOU Bakery. illness. mond mn Toronto on Friday. Bernice Stainton, Cobourg. Mr. and py, flot only that he had consented J. Mitchell. .. Mrs. Chas. BedwinAohrs W E -N P IA Our school sang at the Music Mr. A. L. Pascoe and Mr E. R. Mrs. Stanley Hodgson. Gladys and ta substitute for Mr. Carlisle, but Mr. Arthur Bedwin, Brown's, Mr. Aohrsimn tfn he W EEK EN D PECI LS Fstial a Por Hop. -Taylor attended the Presbytery Keith, Mr. and Mrs. W mn. Staintn also that they were living in Can- Frank Parker, Cowanville, with and g ea ondb ot a Ji other's Layer Cakie .. F eal aorMssHooen. En meeting in Brooklin Tuesday. at Lamne Lamb's. ada where no invasion or guerrilla Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker.. Mrs. been recelvd u te a LyrCk .....niskillen, took place at Hampton Jack Baker's valuable sheep dog Friday afternoon from 3.30 ta 4.30 tactics have been experienced. SmPwl ~ dyaib mzda hi o Day Cake Srwe, Cemetery Sunday afternoon. died Monday and the same day a at Enniskillen Public School the A. M. Hardy, chairman of the Norman Gartahore, Pickering. . u. t 810157 hifonPi.......3O A number of young friends of stray dog got into bis flock and mothers and ladies of Enniskillen program committee, introduced Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gîbson and Spiny C ifo Pe ...... 0Ç M.and Mrs. Clarence Yeo gath- killed several sheep. schoal section were entertained at a the speaker, and Gea. W. James daughter, Courtland, U.S.A. and JOHN LN Dcrtd,5 Ç ered at their home Apiil 25th and Visitors:. Mr. and Mrs. jim daintyr afternoon tea. planned and expressed appreciation on behaîf Mr. and Mrs. Gien Pollard and Shoe earn 1Mother'a Day wrapped <J presented them with a wainut Reynolds and David, Hampton, at carried out bv the girls of Grade V of the gathering. fanuily, Lockhart's, with Mr. and King Stree- omnfl 4rtable n e fgaiewr.M.Jc enls...M.adt IIicuie o h ups Guests present included several Mrs. Wallace Holmes... Mr. and LIDcoaes.. .ean astb. raie -ar.Mrs. C ck eynols and Mrs. dt II cuivfrteproeemployees of 'the Goodyear Tire & Mrs. B. Whte, Olive and Gla- C hoc late .... .... ....'I'n e evening was spent in the us- r. O r i k h n s a d M s of disvayingz some of the work donc Rubber Co., as well as George W . dys, Port Granby, with M r. and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N elyRoyal Visit Checelate Coins ad Watches, flnlahed i ual way followed by refreshments. Ed. Wilcox, Peterboro, Mr. and durinz the vear by the boys and McLaughlin and Frank Jbhston, Mrs. W. Adamîs. REMgoOda d s - COKSe n 0- ETnr porm.i . .o Mrs. Percy Dewell, Whitby, at Mr. girls of aIl the grrades. Misses Ai L CRA ODB- OKDE T.Sunday afternoon was in charge H. E. Tink's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradley and Lamna Rahm recfived rontoa .J Stelad o The 48th anniversary. of Lake TH E CA TER F I~ILYof Miss Ruby Colwîl and consist.. Brooks and Arley, Mr. and Mrs. at the door. Frorn the prettily decor- PeietlSvn a nShoUnnwsuwlandSho e d ROAU EA TH A T R F M L udeadThelma Robbins, and Mr. S. E. Werry's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs and Mrs.J .Asi r-________ R. E. Morton, Newcastle, fl o' solo by Edith Rackham. Henry Hogarth, Mrs. Newton Sta- sided, Misses Merle Oke, Evelyn charge of the service. A Newcastle T Phone 855 Bakers for Tuo Generations The chool musical festival un- cey, Oshawa, Mr. George Hogarth, Virtue, June Ashton and Olive GIRL GUIDES quartette, Mr. and Mrs. Howard ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ _ d r t e upervision of M iss Elinor B .A., Toronto, w ith M iss M ary Stron gz assisted in the serving of A lln, M rs. C. R. Carveth and W il- TR T olast week, in the church, and Mr. and Mrs. Charleton McBride son and Lorraine Page helped t h pca ~oyfrteacs Mrs. Chas. Cowan, provided spe-O-21-2 proved a interesting event, a and family, Peterboro, at Mr. Geo. explain the exhibits of the pupils' io ilmsc uCnela ihti numbrwof col aigpr nWies r.L .Sodn work which included a furnished Mr. Davidge, Mr. Heyland and Dr. the Orono Forestry. VST0 HI chrswralso individual pu- ?,%ss Betty and Mr. Bob Snawden, ine losr cabin and PrOjects in Stare mad e ry itable nd inter-Tleu S CIL YM Rpila in solos and dueta , ta whom Maple Grove, at Mr. Thas. Bak neev e vat.soiarsude sue a interryViitrs M. n credi YLERt isduefrthe performance er's. . .Misses Helen Baker, Nan nelwr.arsca tuis elhesting addresses, stressing the i -M A es. oary Vlis, irs: Br.and- THE KIN QU N an'eC rhprr eo aly teSae eaRta e and junior construction work. The Portance of girls' work which de- burn 1' ~ A~Oshawa, acted as adjudicator. urboro, at 14Ir. Jack Baker's' girls and their teacher take this op-served the saine attention accorded garÏMisserestiaand Mr- T X T U I EMiss Katerson presided over the M'r. and Mrs. H. E. Tink- ' *r* portunity of tbankingf the ladies and ta boys'. work. These addresses were CBs oawt r.j>~U1l annual meeting of W.C.T.U. held Bruce Tink, Mrs. J. T. kMrx.xnl mothers who so kindly gave of their greatly Cnhe yspcaas and.C owaes. . . Mr. and M~rs. Newcaatl ---- .2 at Miss Lulu Reynolds' Tuesday lMrs. R. J. MceskMs Rule time to hein make the project such a g estsas ela by sethe grls and W: C.lemee .i.hMr. and Mrs. Peot oe ---- 1 afternoon when officera were ail McKessock and Mr. Walter Black- delightful succesa. their leaders. John Hendry. .. Mr. and Mrs. AI- O)S1hw a : LOW RICEre-elected. xIn absence Of Mrs. J. burn at Mr. Percy Dewell's, The svmpathy af the community District Comrnissioner Mrs. Purdy lan Martin, Brighton, at Mr. Robt. G. Burns, Misa Katerson conduct- whitby. is extended to the friends of the thanked the doniors on behaîf of the Martins. ARia tram alitreaepot. ed dev ot hena l erod. F ta nt p late Miss ane Cookman. Guides, Guiders and Local Co mn- Jo c M artin la 111 with the For trai servie dtis ic w as ,for the rulers w ho stan d ~W om en's M issionary S ciety m et m ittee, a l of w h am realize w hat m e s set . C n u l A n s - Pr c e for truth, justice and peace on Life wouldn't be worth living if Mmm3d.ursies.Ms.Havetc.ndrfl onriutonba be 1 1 earth. Hlatory of Canada -Temp- it weren't for the things beyond McGill conducted the business, after made to their orgaization. Mrs. took theaWM rac At a radbThe.G orre are aî.ays twa Rroup leader. Mrs. E. C. Purdy also took the opportunity of Those Who ty.a eComtig . B. KEINTBWaV AYTLMECR SALE or.e AissRreynds MrathG. ourre ahraeefo h isinraors idwepn a pytans- gettpinioes er .o ene . 4;n chapter in Study Book entitled on any subject - our own and the Ashton, took charge of an interesting thanking the Lions and Rotarians for nothing uaually succeed in Canadia Pa fi MA. RCE"A Few Words ta the Wise." The wrioil5 one. MntlyeA acantog"heUnteeprttintath GrlGudeRal N w«, clip sheet was given by Mr5. B. _______________ Stewardshii Council" was read by in ManIe LeafGadnanatry P L N.4SEITisFerguson and Mrs. A. Trenouith.MsJ.AWeratrwihanht Ij 'r ....cK ..s. D*,2se- 5e- 75e - $1 .0o0iu ritu Noormal- flame over f)our thousandTrontoGudesto Pearl Leach, Mrs. Harry Taylor, ____ Reweed anThe ragent, anideseverl l EXM ALM -;- EXTRA STRONG with an and Messrs. Wesley Werry and WON T N S 1... met on May 3rd with 14 thousand more Guides formed part YAJ MLV OOURED $1.00 or eris Francis Wotten favoured with a m ladies present. Bible reading and ex- of the largze audience. The progzram ReD ' Ï quartette. planation were gziven by Mrs. R. L. was most imp)ressive and an inspir- Ge Tw, fth . . rup el Worden and Mrs. I. Munday; Study ation ta every gzirl present. successful conundruma teasli the Book by Mrs. Swallaw, Mrs. C. H. The Bowmanville Guides ilwere Phone 2665aw anil lS. S. roomn May 3rd. Mrs. Arthur BOOK STORE Snowden: Mrs. Charles Rundle also well represented. since thev f led a 1IoMoore presided for the program]. Phone 651 B3owmanvllle gave a readling. block of nizuety seats. and enjoyed frA humorous debate, "Resolved Special Mother's Day prorarm will everv pminute ta the limit. They ap-1 that the horse and buggy days -mfl be held on Sunday. Mrs. Smith will preciate the fact that this would flot J '4' p -, ~T'~-'~ ~ v~siv 9