THURSDAY, MAY I1TH-, 1939 Mirs. M. White, Oshawa, visited surprise Party for Mrs. D. Brough. Mrs.Murel Dnn.Clarles and Lof tus Papineau, Mr. and Mrs, A. Chatterson, Torônto, spent the weekend at Oronovlsited Mr. John and Miss thefr grandfather's, Mr. H. La- Lulb. thrope. 1fr. and Mrs. Barney Read Mr. Joe Sisson, Port Perry, M» S t Monday wth their daughtçr, Mue Edwards, Misn LillanEd- Harold Wakelin. wards, anid Mr. Harold Jones, To- Mr. and Mrs. Whitford McKen- ronto, visited Mrs. Harold Wake- zie and Douglas, Winnipeg, Mani., lin. at Ut. M. Comstock's. Mr. Rhys D. Fairbairn, Toronto, Mr%. and Mrs. Howard Bickle visited his sister, Miss Falrbairn, aMd children spent Sunday in befbre leaving for Footes Bay, Oshawa wîth her parents. Muskoka, where he wiil spend the, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Layman S d Mr. . . cTgg. hàve arrived'from Florida and are M.adMs ,E eagr spending the summer here.. and Don, Toronto, and Mr. John McClintock, Myrtie, visited Mr. Mr. B. J. Sutherland, Toronto, and Mrs. Geo. A. McTaggart over J had been visiting his sister, Mis. the weekend. Wm. Tennant, Queen Street. We have been informed by Mr. George Lunney, Colling- Overseer W. J. Martyn that the1 wood, is* visiting his daughter, open season for pickerel and pike Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Horsey St. trsoth16 adn nte Bey. C. H. and Mrs. Ferguson 14th as has been rumoured. and daughter Maryllis, Bethany, The Salvation Arniy will hold vlslted at Mr. W. C. Ferguson's. a tag day on Saturday, May 13th,4 Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dumas, Ruth in aid of the annual Seif-Denial and Romaine, spent the weekend Appeal. Please buy a tag, andj wthLieut. Col. H. Sauva, Hilton. speed the wheels of service. e Mrs. Rose Coppin and Mrs. H. Miss Agnes Haddy, Mr. Jack1 Ha1ýman, Toronto, attended the Haddy and Mr. Jack Kennedy,1 I. ON M«OTHER'S DAY. 4* Sunday, -May- 14 "6Nothing can make Mother feel as Young as Flowers" *Sbe'll be expecting that you remember ber. Don't disappoint her on her day of days - Show your love thle way mieecx- pecta, with beautiful Flowers. Our prîces for Motiler's Day are the sani as the whole year round for %Il kinds of Cut. Flowers and Potted Plants freui from the '~ KINGSWAY GREENHOUSES ~ws4~X4,eWE DELIVR ANYWEBERE Phlone 2632 - Flower Sliop 772 - Sundays and Holldays 2633 THE CNADIA STATSMAN - BOMPNVGLE, OTARI Toronto, visited la town on Sat- urday. Mrs. H. W. Foster return- ed wli theni for a short vimit. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fergumon and Bey. F. M. and Mrs. Ferguson- and daughter Helen aie viiting Mr. Boy Ferguson and Mrs. C. Hill and famnilies ut Blackstock. Bowmanville Hospital Nurses' Graduation Exerciaes will be held Tuesday, May 30th. Bey. Sidney Lambert, Chaplala Ô&,Christie St. Military Hospital, will be gucat speaker. Mrs. J. C. Bell,.Iy!s. Geo. Prit-î chard, Mrs. Wm. %oerts, Miss Nina Neads and Mra. Geo. W. James attended Uic convention of9 the Ontario Liberal Women's As-4 sociation at Niagara Falls last Dr. Vargas, Lima, Penu, Sou Axtierica, Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Pi terson, Mn. and Mrs. Fred- W liais, Miss H. M. Bantie'1t, M Dawmon, Toronto, were Sund guests of Mn. John and Miss E H1ellyan. Bey. F. G. MacTavish, Trini United Church, Omenice, har ceived a cail front Uic congneg tion of the United Church la Su derland. Rev. R. M. Pattenson, Suhdenluld ha been calied Omenice. Misa Jean Logan, Don McIlvee Byron Crawford and Don Car eron attended Uic Glcnmohr Can Reunion held ut St. Andrem Pncsbyterian Church, Cobourg,( Suturday. They were accompu: ied by Mima Floru Galbraith ur Mrs. F. O. Mc]lveen. Carten's Bakery hua been lu pnoved with a coat of paint whi( covers aven Uic top windov which before wene aomewhat w sightly. Leland Berry has ,ahi been doing aome art wonk on h father's book store aid maé quite a good job with black- an wvhite. Mrs. T. H. Lockhart, Churc Street, huas eturned home from. T'oronto hospital where she wi receiving surgical treatient. Sb is now convalescing moat satii 'actony. For al Uic kindly ci ressions of good wiIl from neigt. >ars and frienda she is sincenel grateful. Frank Jamieson toid aur n< porter that hia adyt. in last week' Stateaman centainly made th people prick up their cars un get in Uic buying mood. Sa thi week Frank is putting on a sale c mced tirea, almost eveny aize an riake, frai 50c up. Caîl early bE fore the beat are picked aven. On account of Uic visit of th King and Qucen to Toronto oi Nonday, May 22nd, Uic Goodyca 'actoy and Factony Office wiil b ýosed ta permit all who wimh V ttend thia gala event. Ail opera aons will be reaumed on Tuesda: morning, May 23rd; and Uic Fac ory and Factony Office.will worl :n May 24Ui. Major aid Mrs. -W. Parsons roronta, will conduct a specia Wother's Day service la the S. A Rail, Division Street, Sunday a 1p.m. Major and Mrm. Parson c f. p b% 9 c. a ti M. oc Y CI 7t GARDEN TOOLS Long Handie Digging Shavels --89c Bpading Forlms-- .98o Good Steel Garden Hees - - - - 65e Curved Tooth Rakes - - - - 65e AUI garden equipmeut at reasonable pnices. Lawu Mowcrs Coleman Gasollue Stoves Perfection 0il Stoves MASON & DALE th lat- vu- nxs.' lay Cva ty re- ga- of to 'p o- id- a- 1- iso le nd a Ojwn ifles of Toronto wfloserveci Harmonica Baud as overseas with the C.E.F. Harmonica playing, being more he of a pastime than a serious musi- i: MU IETV L cal performnance, cannt bejudged h- doubt that this pocket-edition in- ly <Contlnued from Page 1) strument fulfilis a great office to Muchhasbee tod i pat yarsthose who enjoy it - then let them Muhhaeen-odinps yasemploy it! C' of thc general excellence of these Soprano Solo e classes. Suffice it to say that The beautiful solo "Nocturne" 1d standards of previaus years have by Pearl Curran, chosen for so- s flot in any measure lost their peak prano solo, gave the young en- Of --cp o h -d- a record which demonstrates so trants marvellousscefoth econvincingly the high order of expression of their artistry. As it * happened, however, nerves gen- their train,,ng. The judge must erally interfered with good inten- ie have found himself in an extreme- tion, and the renderings were )n ly peculiar position in attempting marred. Bad intonation was ever Je to grade these choirs., Only a present, and weakness of breath to hairsbreadth separated them at control encouraged lack of confij- - tixes and dt would appear as dence. Lillian Hoskin of Port iy thh only the tipping of a coin HuSi ope was the best of a mediocre c- would determine definitely the group. Unfortunately the stand- <k ultimate winner:, As Dr. Fricker al'd of soprano singing has lapsed aptly remarked, "These are good in the last year. choirs - they have been well and . Contralto Solo Scarefully trained, and they are A lack of understanding of the 1approachixig thc period of 'artis- composer's meaning, and disre- at try.' Ail teachers can not but feel galrd of the markings of the song, highly complimented on hearing "«Ara", gave it a poor send-off. is such words of praise generously TWW.-strange composition, in Uic ineted out ta 'them by one who miinor. key, is not Rubenstein's knows. The two teachers who usual style, but with a littie ut- covered theniselves with glory tention to the words, and proper last. year, Mms. Donald Robb of study as to how to pass over the Orono, and Mrs. Switker of Black- story to the audience, the singers stock, were once more 'on top." would have made an impression. Their choirs always sustained a As it was, there was no one on fine quality and excelled in fine the liat sufflciently talented to do ]expression. Mr. Murray Holmes this, and thc whole group feil de- of Manvera also created a splen- pressingly flat. The winner was did impression. His singera gave Mary Taylor of Port Hope, a performance of particular menit, singer who with practice will Urban snd Public School Choirs greatly improve. Dorothy NichaIs lài Uic Urban and Public School 0f Bowmanville ought to hava groupa Uic work was on a 'lvery given a much better showing as high level. Mirs. Robb'a choirs she has definite abilîty and has again gave wonderfuily efficient donc very successful work in thc performances.' Dr. Fricker said, past. The kindcst rcmark we can "The singing is always intercst- make is, that thc sang was quite ing." Beautiful tone - especialîy unsuitable for the singer. head-voicc tone - was alwaya Up- Music Festival Resuits permost to swectcn Uic quality. Following are* the results of Uic Mrs. Switzer's choira again gave a first two days' activities of Dur- good acçount of themscîves, es- hamn Music Festival at Port Hope: pecially 'in Uie rcndering of "0 Class 44 - Rural Unison Chorus Spirit Sweet of Summeýrtime.,(n, om):Poiene8 Ms The adjudicator expressed ane ( one room) roence9 80 (rs.i i admiration of Mr. S ntewR's b); Caesarea 78 <rsb.Si- work. Bowmanville Public- zr)SCwnvhe7o(ob) sang, in Uic open cas, anid ticd Clasa 47 - Rural, no previous with Port Hope school in Uifrd winncr: S. S. No. 1 Cartwright place. There was very close coin- 80 (Switzer); S. S. No. 8 Manvers petition herc, and only three 78 (Murray Holmes); Kirby 75 marks between Uic third place (Rabb). and Uic winnera. Dr. Fricker Clasa 46 - Rural Part Song (two Uiought that Bowmanville Choir roam) : Courtice 80 (Robb); Or- didn't uite get Uic spirit of Uic ana 75 (Robb); Hampton 74 (Miss Music, iogh he said Uiat he ad- E. Sykes). nuired Ui style of Uic singing. Clasa 45 - Rural Part Song <anc Port Hope Choir, he said, made room)>: Caesarca 80 <Switzer); an i.mfortunate lapse in intonation Providence 78 (Robb); Blackstock la one place, but again he spoke 77 (Switzer). la Uic highest of ternis of this Clama 48 - Urban School Part choir'a work. Song: Port Hope 80 (T. W. Stan- Boys' Open Chorus and ley); Bowmanville 80 (F. Sutton); Mlxed Chorus B.T.S., Bowmanville, 72 (Gco. L. Partlcularly praiseworthy was Davidte),. the performance given by Uic Class 50 -. Boys' Chorus: Black- Boys' Training School la these stock and Caarca 80 (Switzcr); two groups. In grading, one must Port Hope 79 (Stanley); Orono 78 take into consideration the fact (Robb) and Bowmanville 78 (Sut- that whcreas la Uic Boys' Train- tan) . ing School, there is a definite Clama 49 - Public School, open change in Uic members twicc a clas' Providence 80 (R o b b); year - a change which. necessitates Starkville 78 (Robb); Port Hope a golng over, of old ground, wli- 77 (Stanley), and Bowmanville out any chance of cntering new 77 (Sutton). pasturcs, Uic regular school choira Class 51 - Mixed Chorus, chang- go on for ever! Neyer before have the Training School boys reflect- îng voices: Cartwright Schools 78 ed so much credit on their indefat- (Switzer); S. S. No. 7 Manvers 73 igable trainers. To Mr. George (Hommes). Davidge, Uic Conductor, one can Clasa 1 1 - Harmonica B a nd: only utter a weil merited "Bravo!", Boys' Training School 80 (Day- In Uic song "The Minstrel Boy", idge). Port Hope schoolboys sang beau- Class 19 - Soprano Solo: Lillian ifully. The quality of tone was Hosking, Port Hope, 75; Dorothy nothing short of superb. TITis is Nichols, Bowmanville, 74. alovely choir and one of whicfi Clama 30 - Mixed Duet: Pauline Mrn. Stanley should be wdll matis- Deline and Robert Jarvis, New- fed. Other teachers deserving castle, 74. great credit for their work are Cls21 -ConrloSl:Mr Misas Elior Sykes, 1fr. Francis Tasr R 1,ortopeol72;Mary Sutton, whose expert direction ai- theaylor, R. R. 1, Port Hope,Es ways la a pleasure, and M. A. R te ay .R ,Pr oe Vlngin of Uic Training School. 70.éas24 Bs Solo: David Bowmanviljc Scores Davis, B.T.S. 72. In clasa 48, Urban Public School Clasa 28 - Ladies' Duet: Mrs. G. Choirs, EýoWmariv1Ie made their Pritchard and Mrs. V. A r g u e, [st score. Wlth such a lovely Bowmanvlle, 70. number as "Drink ta me only"l, Class 22 - Tenon Solo : R o y Ur. Sutton found an apportunity Haine, Port Hope, 80; William to demonatrute his powen as a Watkls Canton, 74. ,ondtactor. Always la Uic front Clama à9 - Boy's Solo, 9 yrs. and rnk ut festivals with his adult under: Russel Aldread, Bowman- .hoira, he promises with tinie to ville, 80; Ells Wilson, Port Hope, icompliah similai standards with 78; Rosa Metcalf, Bawmanville, '77. niors. Mr.- Stanley's choir, Port Clas 53 - Rhythm Band: Cant- Eo e, alao cxcclled; there was no wright 80. 2a1difféence in Uic quality of Cluas 42 - Girl's Solo, 15 yrs. je two choirs. Both were excel- and under: Jean Malcolmi, Nea- ent, and tlcd wli 80 marks. tleton, 80; Ruth Stevens, Bow- du 11 are pleasing speakers, and possess musical ability, and Uieir meetings are interestlag and helpful. Don't fuil to hear these visitors. Every- Vbody is welcome. Mr. Tom Rehder îotored ta Montreal last week and brought home hlm broUier Ned who .is a- third year student in îetallurgy at McGill University. After spend- ing a few daqs with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder, Neci left for Flin-Flon, Manitoba, where he has been engaged for, thc lat three suminers lan e- search work in Uic minlng camps. 1The grandstand and jund gem' stand at Uic Millbirook: Exhibition Grounds were completely dcstray- cd by lire May 6Ui; about 10 a.m. Thc fire sprcad very rapidly and although Uic volunteer firemen were called there wàË nothlag they could do to save Uic framne structure. Thc grandstand was built several years ago at a cemt of $1l,500. The origin of Uic fire is unknown and some inaurance was carried. Tuesday evening about twenty guemts asmembléd at Uic home of Muriel Dunn, Divimion St., and had a surprise party for mrs. D. Brough prior to hçr departure for her new home in Taronto. An en- joyable evcnlag was spent lam pro- gressive cuchre. Before luncheon was scrved Mra. Brough was pre- mented with a dainty silver creani and sugar- set, also silver tray. Thc addrema was read by Mrs. John Humphrey. At Uic invitation of Uic Rector and Wardena of St. John's Church thc Canadian Legion wil attend Divine Service on Sunday, May 14Ui, ut 7 p.m. Accompanying Uic Legion wiil be Uic Boy Scouts and Cubs and a campany of the Mid- land Regiment. This> special ser- vice -is to commemorate the ai- rival of Ticir Majesties Uic King and Qucen la Canada. Thc prea- cher will bç Major Bey. Canoni Bethesa Home and School Club concludçd its year's activities with an intenesting pragrani. President Mrs. Wright took change, after which Mrs. Rundle pnesided for election of these officens: Presi- dent - J. -Cook; Vice Pres. - Mra. D. Cale; Sec'y. - Alma Rundle; Treas. - Cranston Scott; Corr. Sec.À - Effa Stuinton; Press Corr. - Mar- ion Wenry; Pianiat - Helen Wcr- ny; Ass't. - Mnm. W. Millen. Devo- tion was in change of Mrs. R. Glas- peUl. Prograi inciuded: Musical selectiona by Tom Allen; chorus by the achool; piana duets by Helen and Marion Werry; Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Bowmunvilie, gave an intereating description of her cruise to the West Indies and South Amxenica. Mn. Cook moved a vote of thanka ta Mrs. Cawker for hen splendid tulk. Lunch was served by Uic group in charge. Courtice Sunday Schooi had a splendid attendance Sunday, with Superin- tendent Clarence Penfound in charge. Sunbeam Missian Band met MOl ATHER'S0DY SUNAY, MAT 14 You will agree with us that every day should be Mother's Day but on this one day in each year we specially honour aur Prices mothers or their memory. 1 - Make next Sunday a happy day by giving her a 'FRUIspecial gift. If you are net able to vWat her this Suxiday j we shail b. glad 10, wrap, and mail your gift for you. 810peALaE Mother's Day Chocolutes Page & Shaw - Neilsoni - Moir" SIZE SOc - $1.00 - 51.25 - 51.50 - $2.00 Her Favourite Perfume .... SOC t, 55.00 - M other's Day Carda.. Se - 10e - 15e - 25e 79 Bath Sats, Gitt Sets, Etc. O t h e r S i z e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gin PUlls P LS Two Sises CASHMERE TISSUE Soft Pum White ýto the roill 13for25e UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENOY I Phon. 792 DRU4S Bowmanviîî. New Low Prices on I.D.A. Items 25e Epsom Salta - - - i1lb. 49o Idasal Tabs. - lors - 49e MineraI 011 - - - - 25e Fiaxseed, 1 lb. - - - 25e Mercurochrome - . . 25e. Ti. lodine, 1 oz. - . 20e Spt. Caniphor, 1 oz. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McCregor Remove CausesNot symptouis Nova-Kelp Tablets MIS. - 79c 3MOIS $1.39 750'. - $2.79nte Clearance Sale LADIES' COATS And SPRING* DRESSES 20 per cent off .~ With sumnmer aimait here, we find ourselveo overstocked with Spring j Coats and Dresses. Ail are new styles and must be cleared. -q Coats - Reduced 20% -TO ELL AS* LOW AS - - $4.95 Dresses - Reduced 33 1-3% TO 1BELL AS LOW AS - - '$2.95 OILDTREN'S COATS -- $1.95 up SPECIAL DISPLAY 0F CURTAINS Xhe newest tinlnl bedroon aud living room Curtalus go ou dbipay til weck at our -À"ng Street Store. There you wlf sec matohed curtalus or curtain zagteriai of marvellous qàuality and dcllghtful appearance #ud color. Thc materlals sol at 19c t. 51.25 while thc madc-up Curtalus m»Il from 95e t. 54.75 Coud,, John ston & Cryderman Phone 836 LIMTED Bowmanville 21 BowmanvIlo Nursery Next to Hospital South side iJ. LARMOUR (Prop.> Phone 462 Box 1855 -,Place your order with us for thie following plants and you wilI flot be dlsappointed: ASTERS, separate colors and mixed ALYSSUM, white and new violet AGERATUM, bIne and new fafry Pink AMARANTHUS CARNATIONS, mlxed CALENDULA PHLOX, mixed LOBELIA, bine and bine and white LARKSPUR, mlxed MARIGOLD, Fr'ch Harmony MARIGOLD, New African NEMESIA, mixed NIEMJBERGIA PETUNIA, Double Mixed PETUNIA, Fiuffy Rut! les PETUNIA, Rose of Heaven PETUNIA, Blood Red PETUNIA, Baicony Blue PORTULACA, double mlxed RUDBECKIA SALVIAS STOCKS SALPIGLOSSIS SCHIZANTHUS TAGETES, URSINIA VERBENAS ZINNIA GERANIUMS Also Roses, Perennials, Ever- geens, Frui Trees, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Peppers, etc. Best Quality Plants ... ...At Lowest Prices -- T e y n i n g w o n e n f u g i W w i h B a d L a t h e I n a l e - - -an c o -a - - C e n e O n î s o l e Boys' - Sizes 1 to 51/2 - - - - $1.49 to $2.19 Youths' - Sizes il to 131/2- -- '$1.29 to $1.49 Mens' - Sizes 6 to il - - - - $1.69 to $2.49 Brown - Tan - Black Sec the New Elkskln Barge with double thiek eushioned erepe sole. They are as coni- fortable as a alipper and cool as a sandal., Sizes 6 to Il. Pair - - - $Z.98 Complete Line of Children's Sandals Brown, black, e1k, and whit. Sizes 5 to 2. Ail sizes of Tennis Shoes to fit anyone xin the family. 5H01 STORE EXTRA VALUES FOR LESS Shoe Pouash, 2 in 1........* per tin 10e Handy Ammonia ........ 2 pkgs for 9c Boy 1 large Rinso and get 1 regular size for only lec Both for......................... 24c Quaker Corn Flakes....... 2 pkgs. 15e Fresh Pineapples 10c, 2 for 25c, 15c, 19e E. LUNN theni in music, killed craftsman- ship, needlewonk and other limes and are ready to be of service to Canada. We have an oppartunity to show an exanipie ta the reat of Uic wonld by living with Uiem in peace and haimony, hie concluded. His text cavered the stary of the "Good Samaritan." Tic speaker was obtained fan the annuai missionany service la charge of the Woman's Missionary Society, whose membcrs occupied the centre section of the church. Girl Guides in uniform took Up the cllection. M. S. Dale sang a solo, "lIt Was for Me," and the chair nendered the "Cherubini Song" which nui- ber they are ta sing at the Music Festival. Bey. S. Davison, pastor, con- ducted the service and introduced Bey. Mn. Mackay. manville, 76; Annie Watt, Port Mrs. Clarence Penfound and Mimas Succema la usually due to hold- Hope, 75. Ann Wilkins. President Doreen ing on and falure to Ictting go. Clasa 40 - Boy's Solo, unchang- Phair presided. R sa W ilson rcad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d vices: Armand Hollingsworth, Uic minutes. Treasurer Josephine Orno, 80; Richard Bowles, Nes Coutice gave her report. Offer - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tleton, 78; Lloyd Kellogg, Wel- ing was taken by Raymnond M- came, 77. Kay and Harold Wilkins. Mrs. SO Clasa 13 - Violin, open:* Regin- Penfound gave a prayen for the lri n ad Bolton, Newtonville, 75. mssionary adopted as the Band's SO V NR Clus -L di s Qarete:own. Betty Marie Taylor enter- Commemorating Clas - ad ie ' Qarett :tained with a piano solo. Watch Baptiat Church, Part Hope, 80. Towen Heralda were read by Aud- THE ROYAL VISIT Clasa 23 - Baritone Solo : Wil- ne y Grahami, and the study book Rogers Silver M lium Fulford, Part Hope, 75; Joe wa~s taken by Mrs. Penfound. THAR SON Lacey, B.T.S. 70. Congratulations ta M. and Mrs. THAR P N-.,0 Class 4 - Mmced Quartette : St. Robet Barber on the birth of a Charm $1 .00 John's, Peterboro, 80; Ba p t ist son in Oshawa hospital. BRACELETS -------- Pont Hope, 78; Perrytown 75. Congratulations are again due Rhinestane $1 .00 Clama 20 - Mezzo-Soprano: Ruth Miss Jean Antil for winning 2nd CROWNS (Brooehes)- James, Bowmanville, 80; Margaret pnize an Apnil 28th ut Bethany Specially decorated Bon Bon McLellan, Port Hope, 75; Lillian whene 45 amateurs campeted, and Dishes, Cups and Saucera, Naylon, Bowmanville, 72. for winning 2nd prize ut Solina Mugs, Plates, etc. Mae Quartette : Peterboro 80- Home and School Club's amateur TiabvSoenrwud Peterbao 75; Bwmanville 75 (T' contest on the 27th. Miss Jean en- Th bvSoenrwul Davison, H. Longworth, K. SIc-* tertained at the Union Hall, Osh- be quite appropriate for mon, W. Hutchison). awa, May 8U. Mothers Day Gifts. Where marks are below 80, Mrs. Clarence Penfound's Sun- there is na finat prize winner or day School class of intenmediate d r' Je ly gold medalit. Only gold medal girls met May rd t her home. Phn43 Bo avie iwinnes wiîî paticipate la con-. Young Men's Club did 1nt Poe43 Bw cet Fiday vening. ponsor the dance held Apil 4th. (Continued next weck) TRINITY CHURCH (Contnued from Page 1)D ante ruptruhth te.CAMPA SHOES but aften a short tume Uey bastFO SU M R W R their prejudices and entered thro'FO U M R W A anc door withaut question. 1 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,.BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO a tg CI A BowmanviUe 1 Phone 792 ýDRu« Phone 596 GROCER Nova Keip Tablets Bowmanville