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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1939, p. 8

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-~ - '~' ~ PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MA Y Long Sault Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith, Toronto. at Mr. D. B. Farreli's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Bow- manville. Mrs. Jack Cook. Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser with f riends in Toronto. Miss Mabel McRoberts, Oshawa, at home. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Hooper. Orono. and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kennedy, Oak Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Kennedy and Helen with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. Severai neople attended the basket social at New Park Thursday nigzht. Miss Helen Kincaid's many friends will be pleased to know that she Passed with higzh marks at the To- ronto Bible Colege and is home now for a visit. Tyrone Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford. Nestie- ton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brookiniz, Wes- leyville. Mrs. E. Brooking. Bowman- ville. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Siemon. Mr. Cecil Taylor, Keswick. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens and family, Mount Pleasant. at Mr. W. TayLor's. Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks. Mr. SPECIAL LOW FARES Botween &Il pointa ln Canada and ta certain destination@ ln IUnited Stateu FARE AND 01<-QUARTER FOR TH1E ROUND TRIP KING'S BIRTHDAY Saturday, May 2O»l IGOING: noon lday, May 19, until 2.00 p.m. Bunday, May 21. PRETUItNING: Leave destinatian up ta mldnlght Mon. May 22, 1989. VICTORIA DAY Wedn.sday, May 24th fOIGany tim uday, My 8, Ilntil 2.00 P.m. Wedne~dayMay 24.I IRETUItNING: Leave destltionI Times ahown are "Standard" MINIMM SPECIAL PARE - 250 FuU parlkiulors rom any aqmt. Canadien Pacifie ELEOTRIC DEMONSTRATION 'WEEK Modernfre your kitchen the electrie way durlng Electric Demonstra- tion Week May 15-20. See appilaces at The Hydro Shop. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks, Miss Winnie and Master Glenn Brooks at Mr. Fred Brooks', Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. H. Findley and family. Unionville, at Mr. T. Rich- ards'.1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mutton, Miss-1 es Marion and Bernice Mutton. Mr.1 Dougr Carter. Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Phiilips and family,' Hampton. at Mr. B. F. Gar- diner's. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. March and familv with relatives in Detroit. Mrs. Purcey. Mrs. March's mother re- turned home with themn. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper oft Orono. at Mr. R. Hodgson's andt Mrs. J. Storie's. Mrs. Thos. Scott, Raglan. is visit- ingz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott. Mr. James Hodgzson. Orono. at Mr. R. Hodgson's. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lilli- crapp. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clemens caîl- ed on f riends havinr returned f rom a pleasant winter in the sunny sotth.i A izoodlv number attended Mr. A. W. Clemens' furniture sale Satur- day. Arbour day was observed at the school Friday. The morning was spent in cleaninir up Yards. Planting trees, etc. In the afternoon the chiid- ren enioyed a hike to Mr. Lu-ke's woods. Younk People's Union met Thurs- dav evenîng. Program in charge of Miss Marion Werry and Mrs. R. Virtue: reading. Miss Marion Werry; scripture. Mr. Jack Cooke; solo, Mr. Gordon Brent; piano duet. Mrs. H. Brent and Mrs. R. Pooley; reading. Mr. Percy Werry; conteat by Mr. L. Mortson. Wamen's Institute will meet at Uic home of Mrs. Goodman May 17, at 2.30 p.m. Draw on Uic quilt will bc made. A.11 ladies invited. Nestieton Nesîleton W.A. and M.S. will meet in basement of church May l6th at 2.30. meeting in charge of Mrs. S. Malcolm's group. Nestleton W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Harry Philp. May 3rd. There were 22 ladies present. These officers were elected: Pres-Mrs. G. Thompson: lst Vice-Pres.--Mrs. H. Pbiip; 2nd Vice-Pres-Mrs. M. Emerson; Sec.-Mrs. H. Taylor; Ass't. Sec.-Mrs. L. Joblin; Pianist --Mrs. S. Malcolm. Hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs. Philp) and the ladies in charge of the meeting. The service in the United Church was weil attended. Ail enjoyed hear- ing Rev. D. M. Stinson, Oakwood. Mr. H. Atkinson's solo "Green Pas- tures" was much appreciated. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. P. Philp) on the arrivai of a Young son. Mrs. Bella Johns is improving slowvlY and gone to stay with her daugbter. Mrs. Herb McGil'i. Janet- ville. 'Mrs. Peter Wright who bas been sick at ber daugbter's, Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton. is able to be around again. Recént Visitors: Mrs. George Nesbitt and Mr. and Mrs. B. Morrison. Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Nesbitt. Mr. Charlie Henry, Enfield, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry. Mrs. L. loblin with ber uncie, Mr. S. Jeffery. Biackstock. Miss Rubv Veaie. Toronto, with Mr. A. H. Veale. Mr. Clifford Hyland and f riend. Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hy- land. Miss Genevieve Ferguson, Toronto, Iwith ber sister. Mrs. Percy Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phiip, Bobby and Bryce with Mr. and Mrs. H. Shef field. Mr. Harry Atkinson, Belleville. with f riends at Nestieton. Mr. Cecil Hubbard, Enfieid, witîh Mr. Taimagze Henry's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey with their son. Mr. Reid Dickey. Mr. and Mrs. GeorRe Johns and Billy with friends in Port Perry. Cadnius* Young People's League met on Thursday evening, with President Mr. 0. Anderson ini charge- In- stead of the usual Bible Study a contest was conducted bàsed on Bible questions on the Old Testa- ment. A very worthwhilc and in- teresting topic on Nellie Mc- Clung's book "In Times Like These" was given by M.r. McMul- len. This was followed by a rcad- ing, "Get Samebady Else"' by Miss Helen Fowler. The hav- ing an attendance contest for the next five or six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson and Billy spent the weekend at their cottage "Lakcvicw." They wcrc joined an Sunday by their daugh- ter and her husband. Mr. and Mis. Isaac Whittield, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and Lloyd, together with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown and Rosa of To- ranto, motored ta Cobourg Satur- day evening ta attend tic ailver wedding celebratian of, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hanna have returncd ta their home here, after an absence of several months. Mr. Philip Geal has returncd fram Toronto ta "Dahlia Del" where he will spend bis Urne mak- ing the place the bcauty spot which bas attractcd numerous visitars for several years. Mis. A. Wolfe has returned ta Toranto and Mr. and Mrs. Thompsort are occupying the cottage for a couple af wceks. Mi. Keith Brown, Toronto, was knocked down while riding to work an bis bicycle. He was rush- cd ta the hospital and the cuts on bis face rcquiréd tan stitches. He lu stillin he ichospital. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and her mother, Taronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Cook. Mr. C. Rogers, Toronto, spent Uic wcekend at his cottage bere. Rev. D. M. Stinson, Oakwood, deivered an inspiring message on "The Inescapable God.Y A good congregation cnjoyed Uic sermon and Uic choir sang Uic anthemn "Praise Hlm." Sale1m PHONE 467 BOWXMANVILLE L. Squair; violin scîcetion, Mr. C. Collacutt; mouUiorgan solo, Mr. B. Darcb. A trac contest was con- ducted by Mis. Barrie. Attendance 21. Rev. Mr. Rogers af Oxford, NS., Mr. H. Rogers Jr., Toronto, -Mr. and Mrs. K. Squair, Town, Mr. and MIrs. W. Mofat, and Mrs. Mof- fat, Sr., Orono, were Sunday gucsts at Uic Squair home. Mliss I. Stephens, Town, visited Mrs. G. A. Stephens on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. F. Hurst, Toronto, and Mr. M. Johnson, Burks Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Gaud. ZMon ______C.G.I.T. girls wera cntertained "Flinging Uic mantlc" was the Monday evchning by Uic Hampton subject af Rev. A. W. March's C.G.I.T. fine sermon on Sunday. Rev. H. W. Foley, Bowmanville, Y. P. U. meeting May 3rd was took Sunday service, Rev. W. opened by Uic President. Program Rackham bcing ill. Service next in charge of Mis. H. Barrie in- Sunday at 10.30 a.m. Baptismal cludcd: Bible reudings, Mis. Bar- service and Mother's Day. rie, Mr. W. Taylor, Mis. P. ýCann; Master George Fisher has been tapic, Mi. E. Doidge; readjlnga on Uic sick list. Mi. L. Cain, Mis. S. ur~. VIsitais: Mr. and Mis. 'Rlph Glaspel, Tyranie, at Mr. F. B. Glas- pel.s... Mr. and Mis. Pcrcy Lang- maid and Bernioe, Oshawa, at Mr. Russell Rabbins'... Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lander, Oshawa, at Mr. Rus- sell Stainton's. . . Mr. Jas. Mc- Master, Miss Jean McMastcr, Miss E. Ingram, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. McMaster's. . . Mr. and Mis. S. Covcrly and Lloyd, ,Ebenezar, at Mr. Wesley Cameron s... Mr. and Mis. Hrry Hughes and sons, Bow- manville, at Mr. J. Cruickshank's. . .Mi. and Mis. W. Cockram, Woodstock, ut Mr. A. T. Stain- ton's... Mi. and Mis. Edgar Horn and Acy, Mi. and Mrs. Harry Wîl- cox and Madlyn, Hampton, ut Mi. Alf. Ayr's. .. Mr. and Mis. H. Colins and Dorcen, Toronto, at Mi. Fred Cameron's. Obituaries mms Emma Grace Fiee, Oshawa In the ' death of Mrs. Emma Grace Fice. at the home of ber son-in-law. Edwàrd Fice, North Oshawa. May 6th, the district loses ane of its oldeat residents, and a' daughter of a pioncer f amily. Mrs. Fice. formerly Emma Grace Gay. was in ber 9th ycar. Born in Darlington Township on January 3. 1850, Miss Gay, who later married John Fice. spent ber entire life in Darlington and East Whitby Townships and was widely known and highiy respected by a large circle of fricnds and acquaint- ances. She was a member of Coi- umbus United Cburch and was a regular attendant up to the. time f aiiing heaith ovcrtaak ber. Mr. Fice predeceased ber in 1915. Besides one daughter. Mrs. Edward Fice. North Oshawa. she is sur- vived by two sisters. Mrs. Fred NichaIs. Oshawa, Mrs. Laura Hare. Midiand: one brother. W. H. Gay, Hampton, nine gZrand children and 29 gireat gzrandchildren. The f unerai was held Monday, service beingz conducted by Rcv. J. S. I. Wilson. Oshawa. owiniz ta the iliness of Rev. Mr. Wylie, Colum- bus. Interment in the Nestieton Cemnetcrv. KING & BILVECR STREETS 's -GETTINGU A TOOTHe VOUR BABY must"gI oo B" ut ho neednot Set afevef wtbJIU ab'muthef la ise ha won't. Here la what one wise mother1 Mrs. Archie Beible, of Çonsecon, bas to aa: IWe have net Ioet one uîght's reat throug teethlng as 1 alwey. use my old sanadhy, Bahy'a Own Tail. They are worth their weight iu gold." And Mrs. B. A. Seblue. of Gait, Ont., saya: "I have given Bahy'a Owu Tablets to my baZ girl since she was du"e weeka aid and, altbou se cut ber teeth rapidly (ail four molars at once) ýshe bas neyer yet wakened us at nlght. d woldfot ha withnut theae tabit."1 Give these salee aweet-tastlug tahlets et thse first sigu of teethling f ever. Easy to take, prompt iu action yet safe. Aualyst's oertifi- cate iu every paciie. Also effective in Coustipation, Simple Fever, Diarrhoea Upset Stomach, Cuhic, Simple Croup and 'retfuIness. Get a box todzy. Sick- nesso ofteu atrikea lunlthe ulght. 25 cents. Mîouey baçk if you are flot satisfed. Happiness is the natural flower of duty.-Brooks. t b 1 - ---- ------ - 4q 1IN*9.fft dmus Via.. RAM 30% Rêducton O 1938 ME REFRIGERATORS SAMPIE SAVINOS! FOR THE FIST TIME 50 INDIRECT TRI-LIONT FLOOR LAMPS indirect tri-lite floar iamp; new styles. Your chalce of Ivory. Bronze or Venetian fin- tUb. shades assrteci homespuns at Each $3915 50 INDIRECT FLOOR LAMPS WIT1I SHADE Rogular $12.96 Va"u Each $9 20 ONLYI ELECTRIC WASHERS 1Good Valua at $6900. AlvruySaes 39.50 Gomng into our SIXTH YEAR we again say thank you for your splendid support, which has made aur business possible! Now will be your opportunity to save maRy dollars during this sale! The. merchandise bas been carefully j>urchased land arranged for months aliead and aur prices are the lowest ever offered in Canada! Profits are forgotten for aur Anniversary Sale! Check our prices anywhere, we guarante tey are dollars lower. Save 20.00 to 50.00 en 1938 Haotpomt Stove Simples! (TEN ONL Y) ELECTRJC RANGEITFES 10 O N L Y!1 HOTPOINT Regu!ar quality 2-burner with CONSOLE RANGES. Reg. heavily insulated, aven. lvory 129.00 value.. Demnonatratoir finish. 1938 mnodal. Reg. modal690 27.50.I79 EACH ............6 ,0 SALE ........ 79 10 ONLY, 1938 MODEL OLARZI JEWEL, 4 burner, 10w aven ]Mec- * * ELECTRIC GRILLETIES, trie Ranges. Rg. 115.00. Anni- e , nickle.plated.19 versary Sale590 Reduced pricea on Frigidaire and Westinghouse, Kelvinator, Norge, Crossley Refrigerators. 2BURNER HOT PLATES, amortd. 1ni5h SALE .......... Late Modal MIXMASTER Re.29.50. 19 SAL-E............ 1 9 MODEL KITOHEN CVPBOARDS HAL? PICE Hundreda of Sanail Electric Ap- pliance at lawer ta= Wbalesale Primo ELECTRIC SIMCOE STREET NORTHI OSHAWA BULBS - 30 and 60 Watt, Canadian lO Made ........ 6 for 4Vis E.LECTRIO IRONS, standard 6 lb., nickel plated, guarantaad. fl Reg. 1.50 value .. -8 TURNlOVERTOASTERS, nickel Reg, 1.25 value ........98 MRON CORDS i Standard ..............I, MME PLUOS........g8for 250 RADIO BARGAINS' CONSOLE -RADIOS BRA ND NEW Automatic all wave, natonl known make. These 1939 Radios soli idaFali at 89.50. Entire balance é,f marnfacturer's stock toý (NO TRADE-INS) TRADLIN - DEMONSTRtATORS and 1938 MODELS! New 1939 Bater 29 Radios, cosuplata ...WU95 -PORTABLE RADIOS, com- pl4with bateieas............ 39.50 Brand Naw 1939 Mantal Radio, 4-Tuba Ganeral, 49 vElctric............. 49 Philco Car Radio* 9 Used ...........9 Victor Car Radio..1 o Ud..10......0. Brmnd new 1938, 5-tuba CAR RADIOS to l clear ..............1 9 STROMBERG-CARLSON 5-Tubè Mantd.395 R.g. 69.00. SALE......................................39 0 MAJESTIC, 7 tube performance, ail vave Console. Loake like new. .ae.......... 49.00 LOS IKE NERWI ROGERS. 12-tube. Custom-built 1937 madal. AUl wave. Was7u D 295.00. SALE ..... 90 MAJESTIC, il-tube Al-wave con- sole. Wua 275.00. SALE .....&............ 75.00 PHONE 84-744 GENERIAL ELCTRIC Console Radia and granlaphane. Was. 189.00119A0E Brand New 1938 CAR RADIO. 5 tube,- maufctre ......19.95 mANELRfm Oe new. Bust nlake....... tube, brand PHILCO Console Radia, 5 ROGERS 7 tube Consol, tube, 1936, 9 t1984 modal. 29.00f ail wave....... V60 wu 109.00.. ~ V GENERAL EETRIC 1989 SPARTON 9 tube 1938 ~ 29.50modal, ail wave Console. 'tncoMe=-Aeuetor" 2.6 w STROMBEAn '19tube ai wave Console. Store simple. 185.00 .......5 00 STROMBERO Console, 1937 lwaa ll235., S,,ale 9 .00. w- 1~--- llTH, 1939 Ge Fo JAMIESON Vuloazmn n ti EeonitonnTires .mdem service Dept, Duzgdum Electric RANGES, rnstalled ...10.00 BASE PLUGS ...................... 1.98 RANGE ELEMENTS .........ea. 2.95 WRINGER ROLLERS ... ... pr. 1.25 1 1

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