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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1939, p. 11

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- . -rerpom ,-mÇiM-W ýh4 siPM--M- nf THURSDAY, MAY 18TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN THil Cowanville Mr. Thos. Kinsman bas been very ill with a beat attack and must remain in bcd for a month. Congratulations ta Armiand Hol- lingswonth an winning a gold medal at the Music Festival. Miss Dontby Sinmpsont bas ne- turned home froni Oshawa where she was training for a nurse. IM. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer accompanied Mn. and Mrs. Wes- toi Stringer ta Peterboro Sunday.' Milss Danothy Holllngs wornt h very luckily escaped seiaus la- jury when tee teani she was driv- ing taok frigbt at a bonfire. She was thnawn off thee ake and a wheel passed over ber cheat. A very successful gathering was beld Monday night at Clake Church. The pragram was excel- lent and included piano duets by Lawrence Morton and Reita Cook; sang by Velma Cowan; accordion solos by Mary and Anne Getlick; violin solos by Mn. Beaudenie, ac- companied by Mn. Morton; vocal duet by Bert Jarvis and Miss P. Deline; Miss Langler sang, ac- companying herseli an tee piano; Sang by Armand Hollingswonth (gold medalist); recitation by Keite Branton, also a gald medal- ist; the children's chair, under the direction af Miss M. Simipson, sang two numbers. Mn. Morton made an excellent chairman, and tee entire evening including thee refreshment period of course, was mujeh enjoyed. Newtanville, visited Mn. and Mns. C. Turner. Mrs. Freeman Eddy visited Mrs. Ray Branch. Newtonville Recent Visitons: Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Lunna and family, and Mn. and Mns. Hibbard and Jayce, Ta- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. . . Mn. and Mrs. Bert McCullough, Zion, Hope, wîth Mns Nanman Samis. . . Mn. and Mns. Arthur Bell, Bowmanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. George J. Stapletan. Mn. and Mrs. George Smith, Starkville, and Mrs. J. G. Jackson with Mns. Thos. Stapleton... Miss Deane Slemon, Toronto, with Miss Laurna Pearce. . . Mns. Carlaw, Warkworth, with Mns. Willis Jones. .. Mn. Ledbetter, Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Lane and Mn. Cleland Lane at Niagara. .. Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Alexander, Markbam, wlth Mn. and Mns. W. C. L...... Mns. Mary Armxstrong, Taranto, and Mrs. Henry Jones with Mns. J. Milison, Pont Hope. . . Mn. and Mns. Wallace Marlaw, Blackstock,à with Mn. and Mrs. WillisJones... Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Nap- ance, wîth Mn. and Mns. Brock. Peteick. . . MnIs. Hamiltan, Co- bourg, with Mns. J. Anderson.. Mn. H. Moore, Castletan, with bis sister, Mrs. J. Stark. Mrs. T. J. Ballagb, wha is in pon healte, bas gone ta make ber home with ber daughter, Mns. Wm. Hallowell, Starkville., Mrs. Sam Smith Sr. nas been quite il with congestion of the Bromm"Slungs. . ________Girls' Softball Team held a Brown's Home and School Club meeting Thursday night. met on May 9th, wîth President Mri. Armstrong, who has been Fred Couch ini the chair. The pro- visiting Mrs. Henry Jones, has gram was in charge of 2nd Vioe gone ta visit her sister, Mrs. Bragg, President Sidney Brown. T his Newcastle. program was greatly enjoyed by Regular Mother's Day progrgm ail: A musical select ion by the was followed at the United Sun- brass quartette, Messrs. Rickard, day School last Sunday. Mrs. L. Clemence, Alun and Hoar, ac- Savery read the story; solo, Mar- companied by Miss Gilbank; solo guerite Adamis; reading, by June by Wanda McKay; an accordion Ware; a short play by five boys, solo by Miss Margaret Bruce; Elgin Savery, Ray Lott, Gordon piano solo by Miss Lorna Pearce; McKay, Bud Jones, Alfred Red- duet by Jane and Tolly Tkatch; knapp. reading by Mrs. Chas. Alldred. Mr. Cecil Burley is adding a Mr. Sid Brown thanked the en- sun parlor to his bouse. tertainers, after which lunch was served. Misses Joan Reid and Ellen Ail- Sak il dred visited friends here. Sak il There is another new pupil at school, making a total of fourteen, Mr. Howard Farrow is on the the largest attendance in several sîck llst. yearg. %.., . Miss Ilege Todd is lmpraving Most S the farmers have their froni throat trouble. 6 spring work done, the weather Fred Todd and Gordon Trim being fine causing no delay. have had work done by tractor. Congratulations ta Mrs. Jerry Mr. Warren Carson is building Brown and Mr. Archie Brown on some new improvements to his playing their parts so well in the home. play "Lena Rivers."- Mrs. John White is on the sick Mr. Gardon Barrabaîl is staying list at her daughter's, Mrs. I. at Mr. Walter Farrow's and work- Stark. ing in the Forestry, Orono. - rîh Bougen. Bert Trimm and Miss Wylma Farrow visited H. L. Trimni each had sick horses, Misss Adre andFer Weber but aîl are getting better. MserAe and FernTomWeb * Ik Mos t farmers in this district are and Douglas visited Mrs. J. Brown finished seeding. Faîl grain and and Archie. hay crop have a good appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick, Some from Shiloh attended a _________________________special Board meeting of our cir- cuit, in Newtoriville Church Tues- ______________________day evening. Some froni here attended Sun- ~ilII//I,, day School at Crooked Creelç on Sunday. Mr. J. J. Mellor,, Orono, was the speaker. Rev. E. Beech preached a good sermon at Shiloh on "Mother" and pointed out some of the best wages a mother should receive for her OSHAWA sacrifices. Phon 101 Fre Paring Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paedon,. Phon 101 - Fre ParingFlint, Mich., have moved into aur neighborhood and are working the Thurs. Fri. - Sat. late Elijah Bullied farm. Mrs. Paedon is the only daughter of XA.' 18 - 20 Mr. Bulled. C nnth l Visitors: r.JcbH owl Stage«bUaW visited Mrs. Chas.RedNwtn -CLAIR$ TREVOR- ville. . . Miss Beulah Hallowell JOHN WAYNE was home from, Toronto. . . Mr. -ANDY DEVINE - Raymond Farrow was home from, Added - Cartoon Peterboro. . . Mrs. Geo. Morton, Sixth Line, with Mrs. John Mc- Customer'. Wanted - Popeye Kay. .. Mrs. Silver, Miss M. Fox and Mr. Geo. Etwell with friends. RIEVIVAL . . Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Falls and faznily at Mr. Thos. Falls... Mr. Friday at 10.45 p.m. and Mrs. Ross Hallawell with Mr. yy adMrs. E. White, Ellzabethville. Vivacieus Lady .. rs . ei adMiss ae Starint ' - eid Netonvlle atMr. Silas GI tG R ROnGER Hallowell's. . . Miss Myrtle Far- JAGINER ROERT. raw and friend, Port Hope, at Mrs. JAME STEART. Victor Farrow's. .. Miss Beulah Hallowell arid Miss Hazel Reid Monday - Tuesday visited Mr. and Mrs. Sld Hallowell XAY 2 - 23at Elzabethville... Mr. and Mrs. XAY -Harold Barrowclough, Wesley- "Hound of the ille, at Mrs. John McKay's.. . Mr. IlHoundof theand Mrs., John Davey, Toronto, Baskervilles" called on Mrs. JcbHloel Starrlng BASIIL RATHBONE RICHARD GREENE ANiTA ]LOUISE. Wednes. - Thursday MAY 24 - 25 'The Story et Alexander GrahamBeli' , Starrlnt DON AMECHE LORETTA YOUNG HENRY FONDA. COMING May 26 - 27 "The Adventures of Huckleborry Finn Starrlng MICKEY ROONEY. Obituary Rev. Willils, Medina, N.Y. The deatb of Rev. Willls took place in Medina, U.S.A., May hth, after a lengthy illness. Deceased was well knawn hene as bis wife was tee former Miss Carscadden, adopted daughter of the late Mn. and Mrs. B. J. Carscadden. The funeral taok place here on Satur- day and was la charge of Mn. J. J. Mellor. Rev. Willis was a Baptist minister and had preached lathee States for some yeas. Sunviving are thnee children, Eric, John and Alitha, aai fBuffalo, and 'his sonnowing widow. The sympatby of tee community gaes out ta those beneaved af a loved one. Many a woman bas shattercd ber ideal by marnying bum. Tbrlft is a wonderful virtue - epedially in an ancestor. Gallons of trouble may come out af a plat flask. ,ORONO NBwWs W. M.S. TEA Plans For Plcnic Boy SCOUT NEWS THE LITTLE LABEL ON YOUR ______ AtNEWSPAPER Ideal weather brought 42 ladies A . D cdd A Boy Scout meeting Thursday in Tis question you sa fafrly ask, omtteenof rs. . WitestMa ltheSO I AL AND PERSONAL ArNewtonville Club the Armouries was attended by ail Does flot impose on us a task homeof rs.I. intr, My 1thpHOZ,4rl6the boys. Mr. J. J. Mellor was ab- Too hard ta do, and yet perchanoe Group 2 of the W.M.S. being in POUln Newtonville Men's Club met in sent, as hie was indisposed. The We fail ta take this upward charge. Interspersing the social the Orange Hall May 1Oth, wîth usual games were enjayed, and glance. chat were four much enjoyed solos a good attendance. It was decided Mr. Saunders continued first aid by Mrs. A. A. Drummond and a Mr. Roy Colville is home for Ilargest number of candidates for ta hold a club picnic Saturday, instructions. This label, without doubts or fears reading by Mrs. W. H. Rowe. A holidays.eeao. June 24th, and the choosîng of a To-night (Thursday) an inves- Sa kindly tells af our arrears; lavely lunch was seirved. Sorry ta hear Lawrence Lutin Major Dudley of Tyrane con- suitable place was left ta a com- titure will be held. And yet samehow, by haok or is ggain on the sick îîst. ducted military manoeuvres here mittee. A repart was made on croak, Vêea uiinMs .JoMlo iie r n n Sunday, after which the sold- thei annual banquet and the fln- We at this label fail ta look. Vétern Muicla Mrs.J. J Melor viitedMr. iid paraded at Bowmanville. anc al standing was found gaod. Cha.Éie Mrs. Syd Rutherford. Anme rmhr aki h A lang debate on matters of local 'ba.M le gain I taok this look the other night, Gives Impressions$ r . .GlflA i nertefn onert rof eeo the DuhmM nterest was enjoyed by ail, and Elected Presîdent And la, behold, I got a fright, Of Music Festival doctor's care. sical Festival at Part Hope Friday it was finally decided ta set aside Sfbl To find the year had fled a gait, dioTeOrnNes-Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are moving next few meetings for some S fbl ege Adwt yde a oe special matters ta be discussed in what late. Edtr h rooNes-to Toronto this week. The forestry men have been which the club is interested. The A largely attended meeting of The Durham Caunty Music Fes- Mr. H. G. McDonald is having planting trees in the land recently meeting closed with the serving saftball enthusiasts was held at F. Sa naw, kind friends, if you, like tival, field last week in Part Hope, a double garage built. bought for the purpose, formerly of coffee and sandwiches. O. Cooper's Friday evening. Chas. Me, was a revelation of the growing Mr. Will Davidson. Markhani, part of the Fagg farm.__________ Miller was re-elected président, Ignored this label sent ta thee; place which music is filling in the vstdM.adMs .J tr. M.adMs adnSgit~ and Percy Winter, secretary-treas- Just take a glance at it tonight, lives of the people of this county. viie r n Ms .J tr. r n r.GodnSgitW C.T.U. E LECTS uirer. There are ta be four teams, at once what seemneth Since its inception, the Festival Miss Agnes Waddell, who has and Nancy, Toronto, visited Mrs. has each year taken a wider been 11l, resumed wark Monday. George Seymour and Mr. and Mrs. - NEW OFFICERS each captain ta pick their own right. scpand the wide range of com- Mrs. J. J. Mellarvstdi T-W Syor, ncy er (J.)The A Wes (rnaH . r Til cause the printlng staff ta spe, in hsyabrnighn ot. Congratulations ta D. C. Davey At the annual meeting of the Wood (Farestr) and .L. Lowery smile, peiiasthsyer bigighu-rat.who has been given his degree at W.C.T.U. Tuesday these a O y, yKrby And carry an for yet a while; drdsofmuiiasvoalad n- MisRuh ognBwmnvllthe Veterinary Callege at Guelph. were elected by apen ballot. Pre- PryWneséaeti a- To knaw we paid aur dues an strumental, of aillages, tagether was home Sunday. HPssfeigfo nuatsdn -Ms .Rie;ltVc ilseeWnt: tgveue; inn in friendly rivalry, is a tribute toHei ufrn rmudln iet-MsR.any;sVc-tme the mprtant work being done M. and Mrs. Porter and Shirley fever at the present time. Mrs. H. Walsh; 2nd Vice - Mrs. I. ilsae nt Accept the hint la this wee by thsqnprd e n oe visited in Babcaygeon. Mr.J .Rcad a h inter; Secretary - Mrs. R.Bet Receipti hye who are teaching and leading in Mr. Stan Payne was in Toronto lucky winner of a table cloth (of Corr. Sec. - Miss F. Cobbledick; Cash an hand----------------- $ 39.11 -A Subscriber. the development af musical cul- Thursday. which Mr. S. Paynes determined Treasurer - Mrs. A. Henry; Evan- Receipts League games. -- 35.35 _ _______ ture. Mrs. G. Janes will be hostess at the winner). She also won some gehistic Supt. - Mrs. H. Walsh; Receipts of playaffs.--------- 16.87 Muicisaelss s asshw ate hi atenon clspon.Fruit & Delicacies - Mrs. H. Rowe, - WAT OE~ CENT'S WORTH3 Muth fsicivaglessmpasiwasnsh Fown a ea tIs aftbenaan. coff t e ev.So. Ltlwo xhan Mrs. Wm. Seymour; Law enfarce- $ 91.33 OF HYDRO POWER ciln te festival campetitins Fram Mtrs I .bbedc i ude he Re.S.ittleodex. .Lcnes ment and Sabbath enfarcement - Expenses WILI..DO chilrennatyetin hei tees, a dcta s are pupitswit Re. H H.LaceyMrs J. J. Mellar. .Tyrell's Drug Store -----$ 18.88 (B eloAvreof1- gray-haired men and women, Don't forget next Manday is a Enniskillen, next Sunday evenig he« devotianal part was in BasBaalW. oneonAver4.0aereW- of 1% singers and musicians of ail ages, holiday. on the occasion of their anniver- charge af Mrs. H. Walsh who read Lunsé ardWaretn-.-----.40 per _____ joined in the presentation of the Perc Lunn and a party of ard- sary services.- h crpue Ms .Her aeUmpires- re----------------15.0 NEC Twllckaca- finest af mUsic. This study af ent fishermen went fishing tlhjs Already decoratians are up in the treasurer's report and Mrs. W. Donation ta Orono plete dinner for two people... music means much ta the cultural ekwtfarscs. cities, and soldiers are training, H. Rowe a rprt o frui ad Hce lb---------- life of those engaged in it. But aweekopewaethlnfagixodésrt cess. , A ea r o uisn Hoky lb5.00curncotwhamde Ee- even more daes it mean a great lM'r. and Mrs. Henry Dicksonan pepleareplnnig t deertdeicaies Aoettrrrom Mis ____ deal ta the llves of the communi- Toronto, visited Mr. and rn n at oo to t see Katerson was read by Miss F. tcRnei eata k e ties from which they came. Music Hesper Dean. the King and Queen, May 22nd. Cabbledick. An addîtional $5 wiîî 45.78 persan, per meal! Maser rue Mles sn o M. b set a haduarers Ms. . alace n and-- ---$ O NE CENT will llght a 60-watt doesplayalay ge a rlargeildnpartumbinatbuildteingr AManumbBrcr yatteso ofded ethet tchurcharers drsR.Balaceo_____--------------p$far5 lmoreo m thantan ennhuh' a happy and healthy cammunity parade in -Bowmnanville Sundayan Mrs. Calvin Myles, had his Rainey and Mrs. W. H. Rawe werem ie. It has a mellawing influence nigt.nase braken, necessitating hospital appamnted ta look after the me- ONE CENT wilI heat aven 5 andhels a bin soethngof Mears Bo ad JhnKeaetreatment, by falling while at marial service in connection with Spray Thoroughly gais. af steaming hot waten adhlst rn oehn of Msr.BbadJh enplay. the conventian at Part Hope onspc beauty and culture into the busy Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. CnrtliosF rA p.SCale sécal low fiat rates apply on wark-a-day warld. Wilhaut it, the H. Keane. Coheratulatinsta Mr. W. W. May 31st, when the five silver ForAppl Hyro current used for water 1Sewnworeceived honaurs inimedahists from this district wîll heating. world would be a dull and dreary Mr. Jack< Cobbîedick, Toranto, hi 3rd year at the Veterinary campete with athers frcut ti ihyooal ht eoe OECN r a for current pae . visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Cobbl- 'ge Gelh.Wifrdwas also hoo "s.Thsewa ta o oare ti su f Te Sttsa ooeaean lcreRfiéa 0f particular interest and im- dick Colle, .ue f p é ial e, ours. wanrs.Betn o ti su i Te Saemn aaeae j.eLî enea portance is the wark being done 1h me faseilpie nt pl oMs et reaches vou. apple zrowers of this tan twelve haurs an mare! in giving ta children a true ap- Miss Florence Hanrs, R.N, is parasitalogy. district will have com:)1eted their ONE CENT wiil openate the preciation of gaod music. Ail are quarantined with chickenpax at Mrs. Delbert Flintaif, Mn. Clif- Plans for app1yinz the 'delayed dor- faniily radio fan six hours! flot gifted with musical talents, Cobourg. fond Flintoif, Mn. Percy Fliataif, Park St. Union mant' spray. Wise grawers wilt have ONE CENT will run your EIec- but ail can be trained ta neally - Major. J. C. Gamey was dawn Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. George Ar-____ reflectcd on some of lait season's tric Cleaner 112 hours! enjay and appreciate the wark of east Sunday canducting military mour, Hamptan, and Mr. and Mr5. Mr. J. J. Mellor took the tapic errors' and omissions and witl have ONE CENT pays the cosl of the great music masters of the manaeuvres. Herb Rundle and daughters Aima at Union Manday night, taking as adi usted their programs to, remedy daing an hour's washing in the wanld. Special mention should lie Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. and Florence, Bowmanville, spent subject "«Layalty."1 First tall<ing those conditions.- modern Electric Washer! made of the work being done in Roy Cornish on the birth of a Sunday at Mn. R. H. Wods of the coming visit of the - King The primary thouRht in the mninds this regard by Mrs. Donald Robb son on May l3th. Congratulations ta Mn. A. J. 'and Queen, the speaker gave a of apple growers in this area wil be eiahteen days f rom the time a spore of Orono and Mns. L. Switzer. of Chlldren rather upset villagers Tamblyn whase Holstein cow, bnief autline af the Queen's life protection aRainst apple scab. A tights an a leai untit it can be seen Blackstack, who are devating Saturday night by having fire- Cedar Dale frene Posch Pabst, and character, mentianing lier more COMpiete understandjng ai the with the naked eye. their time ta teaching vacal and instrumental music in the schools works on Main street. wan first place in the twa-year persanality, hier lavely dispositian peculiarities oi this irisidious funais The onlv successful spray programi af Darlingtan, Clarke and Cart- Group two of the W.M.S. had a ciassil a 305-day test, making 360 and hier retentive memany. The wiII help) the zrower to more fully is one designed ta "pratect." Laxity wright townships, In another ve ry enjoyable tea at Mns. I. Win.. pound of fat fnam 10,876 pounda remainden af his talli was on thé realize the necessity of timeliness and in applying a Pratective covering wili fild ha f om uit harde- ter's hast Wednesday afternooin. of milk., four layalties we should have - thoroughness in sprayinR if this dis- eventually force a Rrower to adoPt a vef mniM. eeCmbed, ns.GergeButef ha neur- Anewwa ofccmhongrus- loyalty ta friends, ta self, ta God, case ils ta be cantrolied. With this "ýcurative" pragram, which is bath of Newtanville deserves a tribute ed from a visit wîth friends in ness with pleasure was sean Wed- and ta cauntry - an each part of thouzht in mind we ai fer here a costly and inefficient at its best. of praise. There are thnaughout Oshawa and Taronta. nesday afternoan when a little which lhe spoke bniefly telling sketchy outline ai the habits oi this Any spray whjch is applied ta bura thecanty mny thrs ong a Mn an Ms. acy Mulongirl, out roller-skating fan pleas- what was meant and what was in- funRus which casts the apple graw- out scab after it bas been allowed ta th ony ayohr on r n r.McyMutnune, skated up the main street valved. ers ai Ontario thousaîîds and thou- start. reduces thse efficiency of thse siinilar service ta their commuai- and Miss Joan Moulton, Toronta, psjshing lier baby brother in a Other items on the pragranisnsa olr vr er alaeadteat asbersi ties in bringing ta their fellow- were-guests of Mr. and Mns. M. binggy when looklng after him ta enjayed were: Scripture, etsadofolrsvryer.oig ndhenyPsibeeut citizens, ail tee wealth Of music Chatterton. ift 14p, hermathen. - - Rawe; piano solo, Elleen Riddell; h ouc fthis-year's scaàis n- irom a proRram aif this kind will be joymt of alfe. addf thenma' Mn. Laverne Cooper and sister, The funeral taok place here an and twa accordion salas by Doris fection is in the aid. scabby teaves a reductian of crovs and Çsénce'a ne-' centres, lacking the garish enter- Ms .Msal ootvstdStra fRv îls eiaWye on the zround. In the fat! these duction in profits. taiients ta be faund in the big their father, Mn. George Cooper New.York, husband of the former. It was decided ta enter a tearniteaves fait from the tree and evçnt- Keep this in rnid: cities, people have ta make their an Sunday. Miss Carscadden, adapted daugh- i the softball cantest at the Pres- ualiy die - but the scab an the 1. It is cheaper ta pratect than lown pleasures. Ia them music We welcome Dr. Leslie, veten- ter of the late Mn. and Mns. B. j. bi'tery picnic on June 3rd at leaves does flot die. Throughout the ta cure. plays a large part, and does much miary, ta aur 'village. He is a bro- Carscadden of Leskard. Hamipton, and Jîm Powers and winter it continues ta graw thraugh 2. OnIy complete caverage can to create a wholesome commuaity ther of Dr. Leslie who was here The softball executive met Mon- Betty Rawe were put la charge. the leai in much the same manner efficiently pratect. 935 da as ecied o hve The chaosîng of delegates for as brcad mouud grows through bread. 3. Only the most thorough op- 935 . daynigt. t ws ecied a hvethe Oak Lake summen achool an In tate winter it farms into "f ruitinR eratar attains complete caver- Durham Caunty Musical Festi- Mn. and Mns. Nelson Couvier the gaines stant at 7 p.m. standard Jl 4ht ltwslf atebde"~di shgt rbbe ae val has naw became an lestablish- and baby visited Mrs. George Cou- tirne, and if a team was nat ready exul2tve. s aslet thatbodsmany a s,000 my pble r- T tai cb-eoetm n ed featuiie la the /'life of the vier whom they found somne bet- by then that team would farfeit e eeti g ws inchareaofcd n y sne000eai. be m- Tothrogh. b n ie n coutyandan whchfrm yar en th gae.Lyal Lwey, anaerthe missionary canveners, Olive, In each individuat "fruiting body," This column again invites your ta yean, will help to develop tee Anyone contemplating mati- of Kirby team, was delegated ta Bro nividual and collective talents mony can now secure marriage interview people in Pantypoal ne- ron and Menvyn Keane, the if it wcre examnined under a micro- camments and yaur questians. of tee musically-minded people of licenses at the Township Clerk's garding entering a team. Things lte presiding. scope, wou!d be found about f iity _______________ th cuny.ofic. il sonbestarting naw. Thene will be na meeting of tee smalî seed sacks in chains, much like tee eel cont.ofie.wllsonb Union next week, btee follow- sausazes. and in each chain woutd be Sincerey yours Orono school pupils made a ing week will be a special closing found exactiy eight seeds. which are Or amb.very creditable showing at Port Whasoever is afnaid af submit- night, as that will be the last the scab spores. Hape Musical Festival. See pnize ting any question, civil an relig- meeting until September. Fottowînz this ut it wilt be seen 1I~i t list for names. ius, ta te test of free discussion, C-operation, like charity, must Congratulations ta Orno 1.0.0. is mre in lve with his wn opn hat f rm nc ver-wintering scabby begin at home.F. o wi ig th shed frte inta wth ru . - D IM AN D D ISTA N T leai it is possible ta have nc million,lu P. n inin te hildfo te, onthn it tut. Wtsn.HAPPENINGS six hundred thousand (1,600,000) O H W spores. O H W In cariv springz the glucose tike - _______________ u~* gpFnom Thse Orono News of materiat in the base ai each "iruiting WM C le o e br fteR ya P rt uigT r May 14, 1914 body"~ turfis ta sugar. which absorbs The ome's nsttut me inwater. and continues ta, absorb watcr Thurs. -Ffl. - Sat. The omens Intitue me launtit the Pressure in the iruitîng body Society Hall on Fniday, May 8th. beconses so great that it exptodes Gail Patrick and Lloyd This being thehast meeting of tee and in this way the spores. in count- Nolan in year tee officens for tee ensig less thousands, are shot into the air. year ere lectd, reultlg as It is estimated that these spores » fallaws: President, Mns. Mitchell; ilsho af nichI hear ingOfAcara - hst Vice President, Miss Florawl ho afanic notear Cobbledick; 2ad Vice, Mns. Gilfil- where the air currents pick them up lan; Directars, Mns. Henry, Mrs. and carry themn thraugh the orchard.- Also - Alfred Chapman, Mrs. L. Buckley I these spores should light an any Mns. Foster, Mrs. Richards; Dis- part ai a green teaf and any mois- Joy Hodges and Wm. trict Director, Mns. L. Buckley; turc whatsoever ils Present. tlhe spore Galgn Rep. ta District Annual meeting, immediatclv takes root and grows Mrs. F. Hall, Mrs. A. A. Rolp h; into the teaf. "Persn l ecetry Auditors, Mrs. G. Cornish, Miss Not ail spores are shot at one time, *EUII~ UVI E. Wood; Sec.-Treas. Mrs. J. R. howevcr. They may. dcpending on with Aàkid DqVine Cooper. thse weather, continue ta shoot f rom Mr. Gannet Hall of Chicago, Ill., the dclayed dormant stage right ________________ is expected hene tels week on a through untit aiter blossom time. visit ta his people. If, however, the spores should land Mns. W. T. Andrus bas returned on an area which is protectcd by a SUNDAT NIDNIE M hame fnom Washington whene she - suiphur or capper f ungicide, thcy spent the past tea montes with- immediatety die. Frons this it can be lier brother. readily undcrstood how important it Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Miss Ida Gamsby and brother, i5 ta keci)aiat the vutnerabtc teai arca ~~ ~ Mn. Fred Gamsby, left yesterday poetdi h eidio h ie Bi ahoe osKr for Stratton, Rainey River dlis- prthectirst mall, gree nai theaf ap- l a Bêla LuBol in PAGE ELEVEN ý, M'i

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