PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 18TH, 1M3 The Newcastle Independent PHONE CLARKE 1114 Miss Jean Clemence visited hem Harris Lodge Estate, assisting Mn. sister, Miss Mary Clemence, To- Herman Perrin, head gardener ronto. and bedger. Mrs. E. Duncan and son Erskine, Mr. Carl Selby and Mr. H. R. Toronto, wcrc at their summer Pearce went te Pickcring Sunday cottage ut Uic lake; te sec Mm. Isaac Scelby, taking Miss Louise Hedges has been with theni some of thc Mothcr's quite unwell at "The Tewers," Day flowers Uiat had ademned Uic home of Mrs. T. M. Gibson. United Church Sunday morning. Miss Hattie Mason, wbo spent Mrs. P. O'Neil wrîtes fnomn 23 the winter at "«The Newcastle McGill St., Toronto, that our cor- Arms", has returncd te hem home responidcnt was incorrect lant on George St. week in stating that she was "hav- Miss Joan Mary Brown has ing an operation for a cancemous been vîsiting hem gandmnothcr gowth." We sincerely regret Uis Mrs. M. Brown and assisfing writih eror. the gandening. May 22nd the special plot traint Mn. Jack Hame has finîshcd his on the C.P.R. is duc te pas New-1 second year in medicine at Queens castle station at 8.40 D.S.T., and( University, Kingston, and was the Royal train half an hour laten homefor he weken. at9.10 D.S.T. It is expcctcd a homeforthe eeknd.large crowd wili be ut Uic C.P.R. Miss Anne Cryderman visited station te sec the trains go by. hem uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mns. E. G. Clemence, Oshawa. They Mmr Milton Brown, Lake Shore,c brought hem home Sunday. took a numben of young Hcrefordt cattle up to Fred Graham's newç Mr. Jack Hare will agais be in1 farm on Monday ta pasture forE service of Ontario Depatient cf Uic suriner in Belmont flats.t Forestry this summer at Chulk Quite a number of Hoisteins andv River, doing first aid work. other cattie have aise been taken f Officens and Directors cf New- in.t castle Hoticultumal Society are On Sunday, May 7, knowing0 equested te attend a district that thein brother, M. Jas. Tcb-0 meeting in Milbrook on Thurs- bic, was very low and unlikeiy te day, May 25. live og ess oahn ar ofr. A. W. nne he ldraand Joseph Tebbic motored toe sip o r.A .Genyhl Toronto wiUi Mr. Albert Naylom to f successfui sale cf home inde ceok- sec hlm. He died before Uic, weekC ig ut Uic community hall on Sut- was eut.h urday afternoon. NwateOceta r tn Mrs. Geo. H. Carveth accoi- ewRcartlearcesr, Mm. tan-e panied Mr. and Mrs. Hudson lyRcadlaehl hi Stowe and children frcm Toronto .weekly practice Friday evening at f te spend Uic weekend at ber sum- - Ui oec r.W .Parce t mer cottage, «"Dam'ole". by special invitation. Mms. Peac Miss pauline Deline, Mm. Laur- assisted by Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard i ence Morton and Miss Reita Cooke and Mrs. J. H. Jase, served e- I accompanicd Rev. R. E. Morton freshients.n te Clarke Monday cvening te take Mr. and Mms. Fred Thomas and E part in a chumcb entertaiment. hem mother, Mms. CampbclL, cf Mms. M. Brcwn cf Gicnwood Cobourg, wcnt te Toronto Sunday cottage had a beautiful basket cf te sec Mm. ,Campbell, fermer Ce-E flowems on Uic memonial table in bourg poultry fancier and exhibi-b the Libary aven Mother's Day to, who is very rn mi the General I weekesd in honour cf nîl methers. Hospital. Mr. and Mms. Fred LakeV Miss Kathleen Toms ieft for wcnt te Toronto Uic previeus Sun-S Mentreal Saturday evcning te day ta sec ber father, taking Mrs.V visit hem sistcr, Miss Frances Toms, Campbell with theni. and perchance sec Uic King and Mother's Day visitors witb Mm.S Queen befone Uiey get this far and Mms. Edmund Thackmay wçmea west. her daugbtems, Mrs. R. W. WltonT We are sorry te report Uic mn- and Miss Pearl Abar, Toronto; ther seieus illness of Mr. Frank Mms. Enilaw and Mr. and Mms. Gibson at bis home in Newcastle, Arthur Grundy and daugbter and 0 aise the illness cf Mr. J. C. Han- son, Toronto. Mrs. Tuackmay is t ceck wbich confincs hbu te bis slowVly reccvering fom Uic cf-S home. fects cf ber f all in which she frac- N Mm. H. E. Hancock metorcd Mr. tured severaJi ribs, but she is stilr and Mms. Arthur Nichelas te Te- confined to the bouse. r rento Sunday evcning te attend a Word was reccived. by Mm. Carl jr service for Uic late James Tebble Selby and Mms. Sai Powell cfT ut Uic home of bis nicce, Mrs. Mc- Uic death cf their father, Mm.q Kenzie. Isaac Sclby, May 16, at Uic home ti Shipients of yeung forest trees cf bis daugbter Marie (Mrs. Nom- k freni Uic Orono nurseries are still man Gurtshore), Pickering. Tuey 0 going out daily fom Uice C.N.R. drove te Pickering shortiy ufter station by express. A box car lead getting Uic message. Since Sun- c went eut Saturday and another on day, May 7, Mrs. Eric Wicks (Min-i Monday. nie), Terenth, bas aise been utE Congratulations te KciUi Bran- Pickering with ber father and sis-% ton on winning a gld medal for ter.0 reciting t Uic Music Festival in Mm. E. A. Walten, Fruit, Vege- I Port Hpe. Kith ha aready wen table and Heney Inspecter, bas l quite a collection of medala for been rendering irivaluable service ç elocution. te furmers and othems by demon-v M. Chas. Donkin, Toronto, is strating free of charge methodsh agamn eîpleyed fer tUic sping of repairing mice damagcd trees I scason on Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball's and belping in Uic work of bridge o DRESSES MADE OVER FOR 1939 Dozens of customers havé been taking advantage of Evlyn Slaop's reasonably priced aiteration department. You too eam have your-last year's dress or coat made over se that 1t.wiil appear to be the latest style. Corne lu to-day se you wil be prepared for the Royal Vl4it. Phone 594 Mrm.ClilNord Caverly CHANGES IN TRAIN SERVICE Visit 0f Their Mjesties The King And (lueen Aceount the above, certain trains are being CANCELLED on specific days, and the scheçlules of other trains are being ohanged. Extra Train Service is also being arranged. For Full Particulars Apply to Ticket Agent. CANADIAN T153 NATIONAL PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY On the Occasion of the Royal Visit to Toronto on MONDAY, MAT 22nd, 1939 1 hereby proclaisa Monday, May 22nd, 1939; a Civie Holiday for Uic Town of Dewman- ville sud request ail citizens te observe Uic same ssucis snd govern thensselves acmordi- Insuy. Signed, Reginald O. Jones, Mayor. G013 SAVE THE KING United Chureis W. A. W. A. cf Uniited Churchi held May 11, with President b J. H. Jose in Uic chair. Tued -atiens artistically nrrangcd Mms. J. A. Butler comùbincd honour mothem cof Uic land i King George and Queen Elizabd Mms. C. A. Cowan favorcd wit piano soloe, Mendelssehn's Spr Sang, and Mr. Laurence- Mor with a piano solo, a Waltz Chopin. Mms. J. A. Butler gave intemesting triple theme talk Sprmng, Motber's Day, and Visit of Royalty te Canada. b Harold Toms contributed a vi solo, Dear Little Mether, acec panied by Mrs. C. A. Cowun,g Mms. Harold Aluin a reading,( ening aum eyes otahUicwandcrs Nature. and Op- ns f Russell Osborne Elected President Newcastle Beef Ring Another specimen was added to Russell Osbomne's collection cf presidencies and past presidencies when on Monday evcning in the community hall he was elected president of Newcastle Beef Ring for 1939. Gordon Martin was re- elected secretary-treasurer, an d Mlec Prout was appointed butcher- manager at $4.50 per beef. The price cf beef put in or taken out was set at 12 cents a pound which is 2 cts a pound higher than the Shaw's Ring price. Beeves will be slaughtered Friday evenings at Mrs. J. F. Osborne's abbatoir, and farmers will get their meat Satur- day momnîngs. The ring will op- enate for 20 weeks, frai June 17 te Oct. 28. Mother's Day at the United Church The United Church and the Sunday School combined te hold a Mother's Day service in the church auditorium Sundny momn- ing. The church was beautiful wîth baskets and vases of flowers arrangcd by Mns. J. A. Butler. Aniong the donons were Miss Hat- tic Mason, Mns. C. R. Carveth and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. The or- chestra under the leadership of Mm. Stanley Rickamd played for the congregational singing, and other special music. Mn. Thos. A. Rodger conducted the service. Rcl"v. R. E. Morton in his talk kept te Uic thcme, A Parents' Day in Uic Church Scbool, and sounded a warsing rcgardig Uiche pnsi- bilities cf parents for tCâen eome life cf their children , I these tumes. In Uic evening Rev. IL. 2. Mon- ton spoke on Uic subjcct, Shail we have another world war? Re con- sidercd Uic question from sevemal angles and convinced bis hearers that Uic answer is No. Choir leader W. J. S. Rickard sn solo in Uic anUieni, The Lor is my Light and my Salvation. Obituaries gmafting or in arching them,no only apple and other fruit trees but garden shrubs as well. The Ontario Goverment sponsors this work. A prenuptial shower for the bride-to-be, Miss Betty Lake, fi1- ancee of Mn. Alfred Brown, was held, at the home cf Mrs. Geo. Spningham, Friday evening. Many of Miss Betty's girl friends, in- ciuding a number of the youngcr married ladies, were present te shower their gifts upon tic popu- lar bride-elect. Refreshments Were served and a pleasant social even- ing was enjoyed. Mr. Geo. Meadows, Vice Presi- dent of thc Bownianville Branch of thc Canadian Legion, is en- trusted with thc duty cf having al C.P.R. railway-crossmngs in Clarke Tp. and Newcastle pnoperly guard- cd on May 22, whcn the Royal trainniakes its journcy frcm Cc- bourg to Toronto. Constable John Garrod has reccivcd officiai notice te have police protection at thc Newcastle C.P.R. station. Officers and Directors of Uic Horticultural Socicty made a tour of Uic different community flower bcds on Monday evcning with Uic vicw of observing the condition of each, and dcciding how each could be improved. Mr. Arthur Nicholas was engaged to dlean up aiid dig the beds in front of Uie park and Uic oe uthUicV ut the junction of Mill and Manvers Bts. in front of Mr. Fred Couch's new house. Mr. Harold Gibson sold 4 acres of Uic land he bougbt at Uic north end of Uic former D. J. Galbraith farm te his ncighbor, Mr. Russel Osborne who for lack of fencing lias had Uic use of it for ten ycars anyway. It is a picce ut Uic souUi end of Mr. Osborne's but cut off from Uic land at Uic souUi by Uic C.P.R. which ran diagonally Uiro' the Galbraith f arm. Mr. Osborne's arm will now extend te Uic rail- way and ne extra fencing will be needed. Mr. Mark Blackburn and Miss Bessic, Miss E. M. Blackburn, Mms. W. H. Pcarcc and H. R. Pearce joincd friends from Bowmanville, Ebcnezer, and oUicr points at Uic burial cf the late Mrs. Ross Shet-4 .er of Shannonville i Bowman-1 ville Ccmctery on May 10Ui. Mrs.' Shetler was a daughtcr cf Mrs.9 Wm. Jcnnings and Uic late Mr.j Jcnnings of Darllngtcn station,j Shannonville and Newcastle, and1 a sister cf Mrs. Frcd Blackburn,j Town Lmne.1 Four meetings of different kindsi wcrc hcld in Uic comniunity halli on Monday evening. -There was the meeting cf Uic Honticultumalj Society; a meeting of Oreno and1 Necwcastle people under Uic chair-1 mansbip cf Reeve C. R. CarveUi arrangemcnts for tak- ing school children and adults te roronto te sec Uic King andi Queen on May 22; a meeting ofq bhe Newcastle Beef Ring in thec kitchen; and a meeting (third call)1 of Uic Newcastle Basebail Club. Former Ncwcastlc folk who ac- companièd Uic remains of the late. Jamcs Tebble from Toronto -te Bond Head Cemetery, May 15,1 wcre his daughtcr, Mms. Turner1 of Brown City, Mich., formerly Miss Ettie Tebblc; lbis grandson,1 M4r. Jas. Tcbble Jr., Toronto,; whosc faUier dicd in Newcastle1 when Uic faniily lived here; Mrs.1 McKenzie, Toronto, formcriy Miss Dawson, and Mr. Seymour Sums of Collingwood who was accom- panicd by his son. Mr. Jas. Tebble Jr. was also accempanied by his wife, Mrs. Tebble.1 The United Church has with- d.rawn its cvening servicc for next Susday, May 2lst, to enable al who wish te attend Uic service in thse community hall to be sponsor- ed by Ontario District Masons, Wor. Bro. Howard J. Toms being District Deputy Grand Master. The preacher fpr this -special ser- vice will be Rev. S. L. W. Harten, Grand Chaplain for Ontario. This bcing Uic Sunday preccding King George's and Queen Elizabeth's visit te, Toronte Rv. R. E. Mer- ton will hold a patriotic service at Uic United Church in the morn- ing. Auction Sale Saturdav. May 2th - The unden- signed bas neceived instructions fromn Laurence Wood ta selI by public auction on the premises near the C.P.R. Ovenbead Bridge west o! Bowmanville, the followingiz ist cf household aticles- 2 washstands, 1 swing rocker, 2 nocking chairs, 1 ceaI oul stove. 3 mron beds, springs and mattresses. 2 dressers, 3 oak chairs, 1 dining noorn suite, oak, walnut extension table. kitchen chairs, china cabinet, kitchen cabinet, coucb. Congoleum rumg. 14 vds. by tbnee and tbree-quanten yards, bal! runner Axministen, curtains. dishes, cookinz utensils. f Ion mats, hall rack and seat, piano, ll-tube electic radio. Mavtag electric washer in good shape, dininz nom chairs and a pYortion o! anothen housebold's f urniture. Sale at 1.30 p.xn., D.S.T. Terms cash. W. J. Challis Auction- eer. 20-1 Show your ioyaity by decorat- ing your home, place of busi- ness, your car or -bicycle for The Royal Visit and Victoria Day Buy now before supply Is depleted. We have Scotch, Dominion and Union Jack flags, fromt le to $5.50 Flag Holders, Weicome Peu- nants, Streamers, Badges and Flag Poles. Buy a Iasting Souvenir cf this> "once in a lifetime"l occasion. We have China, Pictures and Books. Good selectIon of Flreworks for Victoria Day. J. W. JE WELL Phone 556SO Bowmanvllle DEATHS McLAUGHLIN - In Toronto, on Tuesday. May 16, 1939, George Henrv McLaughlin. axe 77 years. Service in St. John's Anglican Church. Blackstock, on Thursday, May I8th. at 2 o'clock. Interment ini St. John's Anglican Cemetery. SELBY - At Pickering, on Tues- day. May l6th, 1939, Isaac Newton Selby age 75 years. Th~e late Mr. Selby is resting at Morris Co. Chapel, Bowmanville, unil Thurs- day at 3 p.m.. then at his late re- sidence, Newcastle. Service on Fni- day. May' l9th, at 3 o'clock, D.S. T. Interment at Bowmanville Cemeter. TAYLOR - At the residence of ber sister. Mrs. Lena Brodie. 36 Grant St.. Toronto, May 12, 1939. Matilda (Tillie) Montgomery Tay- lor of Newcastle. widow of the late J. C. Taylor, in her M9h year. Interment St. James' Cemetery, Toronto. WASHINGTON - At Nkbholls Hospital. Peterborough, May llth, 1939, Miss L. M. Washington, daughter of the late Mr. -and Mrs. Robent Washington of Darlington, Durham County. in her 72nd year. Interment at. Bowmanville Cerne-: tery.1 IN MEMORIAM James Tcbble, Toronto The remains of the late James Tebble wbo died in Toronto ut Uic home of bis niece, Mrs. Me- Kenzie, May 12, were bought te Bond Head Ccmetery, Newcastle, for burial May l5tb. Rev. R. E. Morton cf Uic United Church ad- ministercd Uic buial rites. Ameng Uic relatives frcm this neigbborbood in attendance wce deccascd's brothers, Mr. Jonathan Tebbie, Kimby, and Messrs. Hummy and Joseph Tebble, Newcastle, bis brother-in-iaw, Mr. Arthur Nich- olas, Newcastle, aise Mms. Harny Tebble and Miss Leone Tebble, Mm. Jas. Murray, Newcastle, and deccased's nephcw and niece, Mr. and Mms. Stepir/ens, and son, Bew- manville. The late Jas. Tcbble was bons in Uic Kirby neigbborbood wheme he farmed for sanie years. Laten he livcd in Newcastle where he workcd on Uic railway. He lost bis wqfe and bis only son James by death. Ini Toronto be hutu an Ontario gevemniment position. He was in bis 80Ui ycar. A number cf fricnds of Uic fam- ily joincd Uic relatives ut thc bun- ial service ut Bond Head. Mrs. M. Taylor, Newcastle An aged Newcastle lady, Mrs. Matilda (Tillie) Taylor, was found dead in ber mccin May 13Ui, ut Uic home cf ber sister, Mms. Brodie, Toronto, wbom she was visiting. Of inte ycars she bas been resid- ing on Baldwin St., Newcastle, in a bouse she rcnted from Mrs. S. R. Bonathan, and all ber effects are bere. When bier brothers, the lute William and John Montgom- ery, came frai Ward's Island, To- onte, te Newcastle-on-Uie-Lake and transfrred their fishing busi- ness heme befome Uic Great Wam began, Mrs. Taylor came with them and contiucd te keep heuse for Ueîn until their death. Tue Tte Mm. (Captain) Jchn Goldring was a sister and before ber illness and death Uic two were eftcn in eacb other's company and regu- lariy attended Uic St. George's Church. Ini ber youth she was well acquuintcd with Miss Sophia Shaw, fiancee cf GencraI Sir Isaac Breck and owner of 1200 acres of land aleng Uic luke shore in Clarke Tp. and stretching froni Uic lake ta Newtcnvillc. After Uic dcuth cf Bnock, ber betrothed lever, Miss Shaw neyer mnrried, and Mms. Taylor uacd te spenIk of bow she uscd te sit and rend te ber when she was un elderly lady. Mms. Taylor was buried in St. James Ccictery, Toronto. She was n kindly,, affectionate and gentie. souled lady and- many i Newcastle, especially Uic neigh- bora on Baldwin St., will miss hem. Many finies the eading of a book bas inde Uic fortune cf man - bas decidcd bis wny in 111e. - Emerson. Chicks For Sale FOR SALE - WHITE LEG- horns and Barred Plymouth Roik Baby Chicks f nom Government culled and blood-tested stock. Write for vrnce list. H. J. Brooks, R.R. 3. Bowmanville. Phone 2636. 8-tf For Sale IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE - Reconditioned Manure Spreaders, Impenial Junior Gang 1elows, Ver- ity No. 21 Walking Plow. Quebec Sulky, Alfalfa Plow. No:* 8 Nat- ional Gang, No. 15 One-Honse Garden Plow, No. 8 Two-Horse Corn Cultivator; Cream Sepan- ators. These are aIl Massey-Hannis machines and in good condition. W. S. Staples. Massey - Harris dealer. Bowmanville. Phone 781. 20-1* FOR SALE - AWNINGS FOR store or residence; Venetian blinds, wood or metal slots; largest selec- tion at lowest pnices. Estimietes given without obligation. Apply Northcutt & Smith, Bowmanvilie. 14-8 FOR SALE - NATURAL ICE, tested Grade A, for any use; 15c for 25 lbs. 25c for 50 lbs. Prompt delivery. C. Raby, Phone 310. 14-8* BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE- At bal! orice. Genenal Electric Re- figerator, Monitor top, capacity 6.7 cubic f eet, excellent condition, like new. $125.00. Phone Oshawa 78. 19-2 Court of Revision' and Appeal TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT Niotice is hereby given that the first sittinna of the Court of Revis- ion, for the Township of Cartwnigbt, will be held in the Community Hall, in the Village of Blackstock. on Mon- day, June tb, 1939, at the bouZ of 2 o'clock .m., to hear and detenmine complaints and omissions in the As- scssment Rolcf the said Municipal- ity for the year 1939. AIl pensons having business at the said Court are reQuested to attend. Dated at Nestleton this 13th day cf Mav. 1939. WM. BEACOCK, Clenlç. 20-1 Court of Revision and Appeal TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Notice is heneby given that the f irst sittiniza o! the Court of Revis- ion fan the Township of Darlington will be held in the Town Hall, in thé Village of Hampton, on SUur- day June 3nd. 1939, ut the heur o! 2 .m. Standard Tume, ta heur and determine the sevenal complaints and omissions in the Assess.meLnt Ral fer the said Municipality for the veun 1939. AIl pensons huving business ut the Court are requested te attend. J. D. HOGARTHI Clenk o! the Township cf Dgrliqgton. Dated ut Hampton this l6th day cf May, 1939. 20-2 CQMING IÉVENT Barn Dance at Pine Grove Gas Station. Burketon. Friday night, May l9th. Good orchestra. Admission: ladies, 15C., gents, 25c. Raymond Davey. Proprietor. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. 7 rooms. one-haîf acre land, small barn. fruit trees. 2 miles nçrth of Bowmanville, on middle road. Apply B. McDonald. Manvers Rd., Bowmanville. 20-1* FOR SALE - BUNGALOW brick veneer. 5 rooms, hardwood f loors. furnace, gzas. electric. 3- piece bath, ideal location. Owner, Forrest Dilling, Queen St., Bow- manville. 20-1 HOUSES FOR SALE - ONE house on Queen St., 6-roomed with 3-piece bath, gZarage, small garden. solid brick cottage in South Ward on Ontario St. Both will be sold cheap as. estate must be settled; also brick house on Wellington St. T. H. Knight, Phones: Office 565, Res. 768. Bowmanville. 16-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE-HOUSE and lot Queen St.. residence cf the late Wmn. Brock. Apply Wal- ter Hately. Queen St., or R. L Mitchell. Canadian Bank of Com- merce. Bowmanville.. 5-tf LivestockFor Sale FOR SALE - 2 YOUNG SOWS.- Yorkshire. 7 months old, eligible to register. Apply Werry Bros. Phone 2471. 20-1 FOR SALE - 7 YORKSHIRE white pigzs, 6 weeks old. Apply Michael Bunr ns. Bowmanviile, Phone 2159. 20-1* FOR SALE - PIGS. 6 WEEKS old. Fred Cowling, Burketon. 20-1* Plants For Sale FOR SALE - LAST CALL FOR Gladioli bulbs. mixed bulbs. flow- eringz size, $1.00 Per 100; Pick- ardys. 25c a doz, Senator Dunlop strawber plants, 65c per 100. J. H. Jose, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1121. 20-1* FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY Plants, Improved Senator Dunlop, 75c a hundred or $4.00 a thousand. H. J. Stacey. R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2112. 18-3* FOR SAhE - STRAWBERÉY plants, Dorset, Premier and O.A.C., 60c per hundmed, $5 a thousand. J. R. Knox, Con. 4, Scugog Road, Phone 2432.' 18-3 FOR SALE - STRAWBERR plants, Senator Dunlop, 65C per bundred. $2.50 f ive hundned, and $4.00 thousand. T. Buttery, Scu- gzoz Street, Bowmanville, Phone 2190. 18-4 FOR SALE- STRAWBERRY plants, 10 best varieties to choosc from. Price $4.00 per 1,000 and up. Ivan M. 'Law, Whitby. Ontario, Phone 911. 17-4* Seed For Sale MANGOLD SEED. T UR N IP seed. seed corn sorgum, Sudan grass, nape. millets. and aIl field and ganden seeds. AIl No. 1. Place youn order now at our present 10w prnces and avoid disappointment. Stewart's Seed Store. Bowmanville. Phone 577. 20-1 FOR SALE - DOOLEY AND Cobbler potatoes f nom certif ied seed. Apoly Johnson Bros., Lot 16, Con. 7. Darlington, Moore Fanm. 20-1* FOR SALE - DOOLEY POTA- toes, $1.00 a bag, field mun. Apply Gordon Martin. Haydon. Phone 2505. 20-1 To Rent TO LET - 5-ROOMED APART- ment, electnic ligbt, 3-pce. bath, and gas, opposite Town Hall. Ap- ply W. T. Symons. Phone 2251. 2.-tf HOUSE TO -RENT - 5 ROOMS and 3-piece bath, garage. nean Central Scbool. Phone -742. 20-tf HOUSE TO RENT - ON KING Street, bardwood floors and gar- age. Phone 838. 18-tf APARTMENT TO RENT P IVE roorns. Apply Statesman Office. 49-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT -3" roonis. bardwood floons, large pantry and store room, 3-piece bath. $15 per mcnth. wbich in-. cludes water and garbage collec- tion. Apply H. V. Bateman, Victon Manon Apartments- 17-tf HOUSE TO RENT-7-ROOMED bouse in izood repair, in village o! Hampton; good garage; bydro; sorme fruit. Possession at once. Apply to Edgar Horn. Phone 2144. 18-tf For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - HOUSE witb barn. hen bouse aud garage: hydre; two and a quarter acres of land; possession at once. Apply J..- Cowling, Hampton. 20-1* Agents Wanted CALLING GOOD SALESMEN only I Sel! Familex spices, extracts, alimentaries. medicines. stock and other farm Products. Monthly f ree irifts open every door. Every per- son a user. Good protected tprntor- ies open. Try and succeed or give up wthout isk. Steady, pleasant and profitable wonk for honest bard worker. Free plan and cata- logue. Familex, 570 St. Çlement, Montreal. 20-1 Public Stenokrapller and Bookkeeper, FOR PART TIMÉ GENERAL office wonk 'including stenognaphy, bookkeepingz and typing. Contact Donald Camenon at the Statesman Office. Reasonable rates. 20-tf - Wanted WANTED - SOME SECOND band 8-grallon milk cans. Phone 2198. 20-1* MASON WORK WANTED - Brick work. stene work and plus- tering. Phone Bneck Store, Bumk- eton. Bowmanville 23341 Pont Penry. 193-3-2. A. G. Skoyles. 19-33 .Wants Work WANTED-POSITION BY GIRL o! 18. housework, town preferred. References 'if reciuired. Consider- able exi)erience. Applv "V. B.", Orono Post Office. 20-1* EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER wants job in town home. Phone 877, Mrs. Braund. 20-1* .Help Wanted GIRL WANTED - SLEEP OUT, Marioram's, Laundry, Kiniz St. E., Bowmanville. 20-1 HELP WANTED - EXPER- ienced middle aged woman to work on fanm, no outside work. Apply "M.K"' Statesman. 20-1* Lost LOST - BROWN LEATHER purse with glass rings, bas about seven dollars. Reward. Returtr to Statesman Office. 20-1 Fçed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL. - Shur-Gain 16% Hog rw, $1.75 per cwt. A balanced ration and a complete feed. Offer good until May 25th. F. C. Vanstone. Phone 777. 20-1 Cars Simonized CARS SIMONIZED - GENUINE Simonize products used, prices reasonable. J. G. Bunner. Well- ington St, Bowznanviite. Phone 584. 20-1 Beauty Culture IT IS TIME TO RENEW YOUR permanent wave for the holiday season. We have the best value for the least money. Special School Girls' Wave, $1.95; others. $2.95, $3.50, $5.00. Try one cf our Per- * sonality Finger Waves for only 35c. Phone 2601 for appointment. Iris Beauty Salon. J. Stevens,i Openator. 20-1 Mortgages MORTGAGES - FIRST AND second mortgag7es, agreements for sale on farm, city and lakeshore propenties purchased. North Shore Realty Company, Limited, Alger Building, Oshawa, Phone 3130. il-tf Readings MRS. IBRANTON. O SH A WA, will be in Bowîanville, on Fni- day. May l9th. For appointrnent Phone 574. i9-2 Mowers Sharpened WEST END GARAGE A N D Machine 'Shon - Lawn Mowers sharpened. J. L. Demerling, Bow- manville. proprietor, Phone 781- 17-tf Personal - MEN PAST 401 - FEEL LIKE whole body mun down? Try Ostrex Tablets of 2 stimulants f rom raw oysters plus 4 blood nerve, bodY tonics. If not delighted with re- sults first package. niaker reftinds its low r>rice. You don't risk a penny. Caîl, write Jury& Loveil, and ail good druggists. Vet. Surgeon J. H. LESLIE, V.S., B.VSe. Veterinary Surgeon Orono - Ontario Phones. Office 92r16 Residenice 55r1. 20, Notice to, Creditors, ALL PERSONS having any dlaim against the Estate of William B. Mutton, late of the Town of Bow- manville. who died on or about April 2lst. 1939, are required to file the same with proof thereof with the undersigned not laten than June 15th, 1939. and ail cdaims not received by that date will V~ barred against the 4dministrator cf the Estate. Dated this 6th day of May. 1939. M. G. V. Gould. Bowmanville, Ontario. Solicitor for William B. Mutton Estate. 19-3 Notice To'Créditors In the matter of the Estate of Sarah Minerva Tole, Deceased. Ail pensons having any dlaims against the Estate of, SaraIMiner .va Tole. late of Town of Bowmanville, in the County of 'Durham., deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of Februanv. 1939. are hereby noti- f ied to file with the undersigned. on or before the 22nd day of May. 1939, full p)articulars of their dlaims. Im- mediately after said date. the assets Sf the deceased will be distributed mongat those entitled theneto, hav- ingr regard only to dlaims so f iled. Dated at Oshawa this lst day of May. 1939. Conant ,& Annis, Barristers. &c., Oshawa. Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 19-2 TENDERS FOR GOAL AND COKE SEALED Tenders addrcased te the undensigned snd.endensed "Tender for Coal,"' will be rcccivcd untul 12 o'cIock noon (daylight savlng), Monday, J'une 12 1939, for the ýsupply of 008.1and coke for-th e Dominion Buildings thrcughout the Province of Ontario. Forme of tender Mlhseiiations and conditions atta'Ced ee be ob- tained f nom Ilhe Purchaa Agent, Depatmnt of Pubie Wor , Otta md the Sue ervising Anchiteot 36 Adelaide St. est, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forme suppILd by the Department j med ln aoordance with departmental speifications and condi i ns attach- ed theneto. ý When the amount of a tender ex- ceda thc sum of $5,000.O-whether It be for ue building only or mnore-the tendenens muet attach te their tender a certified cheque on a chartcred bank ln Canada made payable te the order cf the ÏÏonourable the Minister cf Publiec Wonks, equal ta 10 per cent cf the ameunt of the tender or Beare Bnonds of the DominIon cCanada on 0f the Canadien National RLallway Company and its constituent coompan- les, unoondltlonaily guarmteed as to principal and Interest .by the Domnin- Ion of Canada, on the afoncmcntloned bonda aind a certif led cheque, If mc- quined te make up an odd ameunt. The Dcpartment aIse eserves the ight te demand from any suocesaful tenderen a security deposit ln the forni cf. a certlfied cheque or bond as above, equal te 10 per cent cf the ameunt of hMs bld, te guarantee thie proper fuifilment of the contrant.. By arder, * .M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Publie Wonka, Ottawa, May 10, 1939. 20-2 j- Photo lime Is Here Plan now to record your summer activities with snapshots. We carry Kodak cameras and film to meet« every requirement. - LeaVe your films -here for superior developing and printing. Eiilargemeuts are reasonably priced. GRIEY HA[R? Palm olive Soap Speclal Ask for order blank te receive one souvenir Quint Tçaspoon with Pur- $100 ehase of Palmolive. HE'S A REGULAR FELLOW NOW H is new glas- ses gave hlm a new outlook on sehoolwork oecause t he y ellminated the eyestrain and made reading a pleaaus'e. Have your eyes tested to-day. 2c-39e JURY B LOVELL e.YXtor lPhonoe 78 B3owmanvMle k s-. j u r"" e il 21 . 1!!2 1 1 1 . IRE DCI/Id- USE î/li .7WANTeAusi - Il ý 1 - . 1 ARMISTEAD - In lovingz memory of Elizabeth Emma Armistead, wbo passed away May 20, 1937: Not iust today, but every day. In silence we remember. -Lovinizly nemembened by Annie and Son-in-law. ARMISTEAD - In loving memony o! our beloved mother. Elizabeth Emma Armistead, who passed to her well earned rest.May 20, 1937: The one we loved was called away God took her home, it was His will. But in our hearts she liveth still. -From ber lovingz Son and Daugbter, David and Maud. FLORISTS FL*Kingsway FLOWER SHOP P L0 RA LCREATIONS - Baskets Wreaths and Sprays arttaticailyai individuaily arrange<l by expert de- stgners. Flowers for ail occasions. Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 Dowmanvilie p d s m ti e 'V v c b c v tg 1 M6dMMMMM3tMUe