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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1939, p. 1

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f -- -~*-* - r * ~ ~ *'"- g- ~ -----* Nte~in With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville NewS* >-The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO,0 rRSDAY, MAY l8th, 1939 NUMBER 20 Çowties Fini RazkmIlth Town Low Q Bowmanville Has Ont, .9% Pop'n. on Relie But Has Large Deb - Townships Makg Good Showing The fine financial standingc the United Counties of Northum berland and Durham and th~ municipalities comprising t he s counties is shown in the annus reprt of Municipal Statistica fo theyear 1937 copiedand r Departmnent of Municipal Aftair of which the Hon. Eric W. Cros s lahead. The Counties of Northumber Ua4 and Durham rank elevent] igest of the piovince's 38 cour ties in the matter of current ta: collections with 80.9 per ceni Prince Edward County leads wit] 93.3 per cent, while Oxford Cour ty Is second. with 90.4. At thi sanieUie Northumberland ani Durham are l4th lowest of a] counties i tax arrears at $8.56 pe capita, being led by Oxford Cour ty at $2.44, and Perth County a $2.95. Bowmanviile, however, does nc compare as favourably wrth othe towns in the province. Ini the 2 Ontario towns with a populatioe of 2,000 to 4,000, BowmanvilJ ranks l8th in the matter of ta collection, havig colected 81. per cent of the tax levy. Pictoi leads with 97.9 per cent, whil the average for the 29 townsi 83.8 per cent. Again in the matte (Oontinued on page 7) Town's Ex May< National Conser W. R. trilce Receives Hono At Meeting Friday. Misn 1P. M. XWabrith Presenta convention Report The annual meeting of Bow manville National~ Coiaaervativ Aaaociaà5n wai heldi the cOur cil chafl'bers on May l2th, wit] President T. A. Dustan in th, chair. Miss F. M. Galbraith, the dele gate ta the Provincial conventioi at which Colonel Geo. A. Drev was elected Conservative leade for Ontario, gave an interestinI and detailed account of the af aii Mrs. W. E. Gerry, the delegati to Ottawa, gave a report of thq convention at which Hon. Dr. R.J Manion was elected National Con * servative leader for the Dominioi of Canada.- The meeting was addressed b: F. W. Bowen and M. J. Elliott. These officers were el1ecete d Honorary Presidents - F. W. Bow en, M. J. Elliott, T. A. Dustan an( Dr. G. C. Bonnycasýtie; President W. R. Strike; lst Vice i Dr. J. C Devitt; 2ihd Vice - Mrs. J. Coyle Seciétary. - F. A. Dilling; Treas uirer - E. Byam. Four Pastors Ask For New Pastorates At Presbytery Meet Four requests for pa st or a changes ini the Oshawa Presbyter3 of the United Church of Canadi were received when the presby. tery held its quarterly meeting ai Brooklin United. Church last weeli In addition the presbytery receiv. ed one candidate for the mihistry The young man is Murray Keitl, Luke, of Prince Albert. The pastors seekig changes art Rev. H_. J. Bell of Blackstock, Rev H. H. Mutton of Greenwood, Rev W. E. Honey of Myrtle, and Re'v E. L. Beech of Newtonville. Thi latter requested a release from, ti Presbytery to accept a call tV Roseneath in the Cobourg Presby. tery. This was granted. The cal inces Are fine CHURCH 15 PACKED In Collections TO HEAR SERVICE 'FOR ROYAL PARTY à Relief Costs Ny EED MORE MEN To Scouts, Girl Guides, Vet- à1 Canadian Legion la meeting at t St. John's Hall Friday evening to St. John's Anglican Church was make final arrangements for rail- fmcâ dta the doors Sumday evening :way rsngadbie protec- for the special service commemnor- tion during the passage of the ating the arrival of Their Maies- Royal Train through Durham May ties the King and Queen in Can- 22nd. ada. Of Officiais of the Legion are grat- Members of the Canadian Leg- n- ified by the splendid response for ion, Boy Scouts, Town Council, ie volunteers. However tuis is a very and a company of the Mdland e large order and more help is Regiment paraded to the church, al needed, not -only for bridges and breceded by the Legion, Band. or croasings out of town but also to Girl Guides attended in a body e- assist Chief Constable S. Venton but didi not parade. Thene were 10 at tue C.P.R. station when Their also representatives from t h e rs Majesties pass through. Lions and Rotary Clubs. ,s The Canadian Leglon has un- Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer con- .dertaken guard duties at tue To- ducted the impreasive service, r- ronto Ex~hibition grounds, plans with the choir providing special th utilizing six battalions of a thous- music with Mns. J. A. Gunn at' a-, anid men each had been complet- the orgaw.ý Numbers included a ix ed. Bowmanviile contingent of duet, "DeN Land of Home," sung t. Leglonaires la hi L Company of by Miss Betty Emniett and Arthur th the lst Battalion. Cuily; an anthem "1Worship Hlm," a- Due ta a last minute decision ta witu Walter Goode taking the solo se seat aged people and others i part, the "Magnificat" and "Nunc d the grand stand at the Exhibition Dimittus." F. S. Philps wa1s the il Grounds the Canadian Legion la lay reader. er cafling for an additlonal 1000 vol- Major Rev. Canon Woodcock,.' i- unteers to egre for tue, extended Chaplain of tue Queen's Own at route of the Royal procession. Rifleso Toronto, addressed the The majorlty of Legion mem- large congregation, pointing out ot bers volunteering for duty at the tue political and historical signifi- r Exhibition Grou-nds will proceed cance of the Royal visit to Can- 9 to Toronto on the C.P.R. Special ada. He concluded by suggesting )n train at 1.58 p.m. D.S.T. A sec- that patriotism could neyer last le tion near the Princess Gate bas long without. religion. Totalitar- lx been reserved for the families of ian states make tue state their god .8 the Legion members. the same as the Romans did cen- )n An:y veteran who wishes to join turies ago and we must guard lee Legioft for guard in the Exhi- against it, he said. la bition Grounds la asked to be at _________ r tue Friday meeting or give tueir nm oR. M. Cotton, SecretaryArcl of the Legion. Concluding ril or New President On Press Convention vative Ass'n Here DescribesSeignory ii CLOau FORTausN PAYS B Article No. 3 _______ John 3. James The Post Office has recelv- Herein beginneth the tuird and ed instructions to close onI final article revealing hituerto un- Saturday, May 20th, Monday, told secrets of the Canadian May e2nd, and Wedncaday, Weekly Newspapers Associatio v-. May 24th. Wickets will be convention held receny h t "' open Saturday from 10.30 to tawa. àf~ #"am D.S.T ', - o4*d wy 'Last week's nanible le usint th from 8 a.m. ta 12 noo, D.S.T., tue business sessions and the ban- e and on Wedneaday from 10.30 qesweeottnigsekr a.m.unti 1130 am. Aove held forth. This concluding chap- e- times apply only to wickets; ter wil deal with subsequent en- )n Post Office doors will be open tertainment features and details w as usual.oftetp' mltin ar Banks also will be losed on ofteri'coptin kg Saturday, Monday and Wed- One of the most surprisîng feat- nesday, so merchants and ures of the convention was the te ed to conduct themselves aLc- behaviour of some of our most .e cordingîy.- dignified and hidebound editors. J. -You, of course, realize tuat at 1- -home a business man and his wife ýCURE' PROPAGATION must assume some semblance of BY MENTAL DEFECTIVEB dignity so tuat customers will mot y be shocked or offended. But at )y Delegates of Chldren's Aid conventions ail tue pent up merri- Socitie romcouny i ment, miachievousness and dcvii- 1: Sceis rm every onyu tryaZre released from the tics of i-Ontario, assembled in Toronta at orthodoxy and a different person ýd the annual convention of the As- emerges. The result la that al- *sociation of Childreni's Aid Socle- most everyone dnops about ten '; tcs f Onari, unnlmuslyap-years fromk his or her age, puts on 9proved a resolution urging tuat avoirdupois, end ejoys tue fes- immedigte measures be taken to v t tu te utmost. - cope witu tue problem created by It was s0 on tuis convention and tue' propagation of children by I have neyer seen a happier, more pensons of serious mental defeet. carefree group in my life. 110w Tuis resolution, supported by tue>r readjusted themnselves to tue163repesetatvesof 5 vn-routine on tueir return home, we'll ous Children's Aid Soclqties regis: n:v:r kno*. The process muat tered at the convention, read. have ' oltae s oevea dyt.W "«That tuis Association protests n'copeeyeovedet *wlth. ýil tue earnestness and vigon Saturday monning was a f air at its commiand tue rapldly grow- exaniple of uncontrolled enthus- ig and already intolerable bur- îasm. As tue train for tue Seignony dem upon tue Chlldremk's Aid Soc- Club near Montebello, Que., left 1 iety and the communlty of, child Ottawa at an early houn, late ris- ,y negleet and of problem ehildren ers scunnled ta tue cafeteria for a la aisig froni the propangation of bite of breakfast, but found tuem- rtueir kind by pensons of seriouis selves wituout time for proper t mental defeet and urgea tuat inm- nourishment. Not daunted in tue cmediate measures be taken to least, tuey took toast, milk, or- r- cope wltu this' overwhelming anges and whatever otuer susten-.t j. problem." ance tuey had ordered, on tue t h Women delegates took a train and fiislied tueir breakfast8 potat ndaciv art km-u i peace. Early plans for theÇ p onrtancan adtionopartiel-heSeignory trip included buses na-- e. patng hninuedisions, pa tuter than tue train, but tue pre-t . ramk .n vedicusinsous week tue Quebec govern- . decaned Hammond, K.C., Barrie, ment ruled ahl heavy traffic fromr ir delre hat tue work of child tue îiighways, mearly givlng Pre-t Le wefare ie nreasing year after sîdentGu Dobble, Sih Falls,c *yearan deploncd tuat the burden a bad case of heart failure. H1e, as N c f relief was so closely iterwoven usual, camne to tue rescue and an- 1 -wlth tue work of children's aidc soieis , (Continued on page 7) t t I i e E i f E p i s Intereitiug Taikies At Rotary Club Tell Story 0f Engineers' Progress International Harvester Co. Present Pictures of New Auto Trailers and Devel- opment of Atlantic Airport Intenesting and educatiomal movlng pictures etertalnéd. Ro- tanians at tue luncheon on Frlday, when tue International Hanvester Company presemted tuein talkiea. K. Mahood, Toronto, was lu charge of th* machine, and tue pîcturea wene obtained through local agent, L. R. Wood, who was also at tue meeting. Two films wore shown, descnib- lng i detail tue proparations for a Soutu Afican exploration trip. International Hanvester made tue. atreamlined trallera and tue rmany trucks which made up tue eom- pletely mechanized outfit. The second film depictod Camp Bon- dem and activities relating to air- planes, showing again how Inter- national trucks bocome valuable i sueh an institution. Botu films were wdil composcd and quito complote. Thanka of tue club werc ex- proased by President R. R. Stev- ens. Gueats included H. Leyman, Bradenton, Flonida, J. H. McKeev- or, Bowmanvllle, and Normani Davies, Toronta, Inspector of Ag-1 ricultural Classes.1 L. W. Digpell pnesented prizesq to the clu bowling champions1 for h1939, membens ineludlngF.C1 Hoan, W. P. Corbett, A. K. Chitty, T. A. Gartan and D. Morrison. las chanming portrait of the 1Genrald Richanason, Stan News- Lfaniily was taken on tue paper photographen, one of two m4a of Windsor Castle by mem who had the honor of being Music Encouraged By Festivals Nfeeded'lu Our Mechanical World Statesman Comnmentator Gives Purther Commenta on Pro- .gram . ,V op Wnltten SpecJaUly For The Canadian Stateman By Marie Clark Beil (Comtiued fnom last wcek) In a wonld tuat la becoming more and more mechanical, and more and more standarized as tume goca on, e*pressions of love- liness emanati from. tue living soul beeome more and more es- sential and desirable. The contin- uanoe of a musieal urge, tunough tue medium of festivals, is a mat- 'ter to be treasured and encottrag- cd, as it entails a real cultural in- fluence in our national existence. The festival movement is atml de- veloping and la havig a great salutary effeet on tue standard of present day amateur production. Music la a tasciating study, be- cause it entails mot only perform- ance, but abundant knowledge and a close study of tue essential factors tuat combine to create perfect resuits. This study lenda an added colour to life and makes tue world a better place i which to live. Steady Progreas Last week's Performances wene toc conclusive of thr. existence of qulte a lot of talent ta be consid- ered as a detached display. We feel tuat each. year has made a vast diffenence to commumity ef-' fort and results. It is true that of kmowledge, a lack of technique, and a multitude of errons, but technique is, after ahl, a craft, and the technician la an artisan. The stereotyped mecessities can be ac- quired, but tue essential soul of rMusic imeludes tue whole emo- tiomal range tuat cornes fnom the fabnic of tue mi. In oun pro- vincial festivals, great oppontuni- ties are offened. Thene is an ever- open doon for ail and sumdny, whetuen tuey be establlshed wonkens or young begimners, and opportunity is given to perform before an interested public, tuat talent may reap its reward. A steady progness has been a notice- ably -satisfactory constituent ini the trend of events affecting ul- timate fulfilment. Introduction'.f New Methods It la evident tuat musici Dur- hami Coumty iS traversing a peniodj .of readjustmemt. In schools ex- 1 MORTLOCK_ INDUCTED Blshop * Broughail Will Make Vort isn.i Editor Lay Reader at St. Paul's (Niagara FaUs Revlew) H15 Lordahip, Bishop W. L. D. Broughail of tue Anglican Diocese of Niagara w lll corn to Fort rie on Sunday eveng to officilly induet B . H . Mortock, associate editor of tue Fort Brie Times- Review as lay-readen of Saint Paul's Anglican Church. Prior to coming to Font Brie, Mr. Mortlock was very active i church affaira i St. John's Church, Bowman- ville, where ho was employed on The Canadian Statesman. DASEDAIL ON 24TE Bowmanv le's Intermediate !sebal, teal will open their season here May 24th against Sunderland who are consid- ered one of the titie contend- ers tuis year. Game will be- gin at 6 p.m. D.S.T., on the re- novated high school grounds. Tickets are now on sale for the game and whether you intend to go or flot buy a tic- ket which will give you a chance on the lucky draw. Be on hand if possible to cheer the local aggregation who have tinally solved their prob- lems and are ready to pro- duce the goods. perimental work is being practis- ed by teachers, under the direc- tion of Artist-Heads Who are un- afrald of new ideas and new methods. Leaders are rare in many districts, but in Durham we are fortunate in cornering several worthy Artist-Leaders of out- standing menit. They have proved themselves ready to confront new problemns and consider readjust- ment of old mnethods. This being so, something vital and progres- sive la bound to emerge and flour- ish to create "a tomorrow worth two yesterdays". A straight lime, like a profile, is uninteresting, and the day has corne when teachers must ignore stereotyped formas and work out their own interpre- tations. This is flot the traditional mode, but the new idea in music that makes performances accept- able to modemn listeners. Thus music, as well as musical instruc- tion, must be adapted to suit changing conditions and theories, and must of necessity be altened to meet the needs of a changed human absorption. Mlxed Chorus Wonderful demonstrations of the efficacy of these newer meth- ods of choir training, were given by Mrs. Lucille Switzer, Black- stock, and Mrs. V. Rowe, Whitby. With such a charming number as "My Lovely Celia", these two leaders eould find scope for their artiatic talents, and an almost pen- (Continued on page 5) ROYAL TRAIN TINE The Pilot Train and the Royal Train will pass through Bowmanville at 7.50 a.m. and 8.20 a.m. (Standard Time) re- spectively at the C.P.R. sta- tion. No intimatign has been given that either train will slow down for Bowmanville or that the King and Queen wil appear. Guards and ropes will take care of the crowds which are expected to be at the station ta see both trains. It is under- stood no one will be allowed nearer to the tracks than 8 feet. The Canadian Legion is taking charge of crossings and bridges in the vicinity c wlthi the local branch guard- mng from Newtomviile to witu- in a gew miles of Oshawa. 1 Two men will be stationed at c each bridge and crossing. 1 School Children Take Part Welco "n Their Majesties Local Veterans Guard Station PRETTY WEDDING Royal Train Passes By C.P.R. Station Early HELD WEDNESDAY Monday Morning - STATTHNSTIUIC ed To Cheer Them .Along___ Rev. canon C. R. Spencer Unites Bowmanville will do its part in Elizabeth Tennant and JOhn hoorn ThiMaetsee Brough - Reception Held oornThiMaetsvn Following Ceremony though that part be small corn- pared with larger municipalities. The Royal Train wil pass thro' A very pretty wedding Was Bowrnanville at the C.]P.R. station solemnized in St. John's Anglicanat.2am.DST)ModyMy Church, Bowrnanville, on Wed- a22d, preceDdSbyTheot ayna nesday, May 17th, by Rev. Ca n pecdd r C. R. Spencer, when Elizabeth a .0am rn i reports Florene Tenant, aughtr ver y ,able person in the town and FlornceTenant daghtr 0 Dr ditrit wiil be at the station ta and Mrs. Wm. Tennant, Bowman- cheer them along. The only regret ville, was united in marriage tO wil be that tinie will not permit Mr. John Brough, Bowmanviile, oa appearance of the beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brougl Royalcope of Toronto. a ope The bride, who was given in Over 300 public and high school marriag;e by her father, looked chiidren are eagerly waitlng ta lovely in a navy blue suit with visit Toronto on Monday via spe-' -japonica accessories. Her maid of cif train leavn C.P.R. station at homou was en ssterMissW .58- (DL.S.T.) . T-hcy will stand on n1fred freme Temnant, KitchenertebueadinteEhbto attired in a henna suit witu black groundsa while Their Majeaties accessories. wsatme pass by witliin a few yards. Tea- The groom wsatne by Mn. chers wiil accompany tue young- Alan Osborne, Bowmamville. sters Who wiil experience tue Durng tue signimg of tue regis- greatest tuilil in tueir lives. ten, Mn. John Kent officiated at the Many veterans will also leave ongan. town to stand as sentries on tue Foilowimg thie cenemomy, a ne- Toronto route. Thcy, too, will ception was held at the beautiful- corne home with heants fiiled, ly decorated home of the bnide's happy that tuey arc Canadians parents on Qucen Street. Guests and tuat Canada is part of tue Bri- were neceived by tue parents of- tish Empire, ruled by a personal the happy couple. Guests were King and Qucen. present from Toronto, Oshawa Let us be just as careful with and Bowmanville. oun cars over tue weekend. The Mn. and Mns. Bnough left laten highways will be jamnied with Itue finat Camadian photognaphens by motar for United States. *On trafic, but if evenyone exorcises even to take pictunes of the royal thein neturn tuey wil neside i cane and caution, aceidents could family by "royal command." Bowmanvlle. be kept to a minimum. FESTIVAL CLOSES WUTH FINE CONCElf1 Boys Leave For New York Four FRIDAYEVENING PitchHrehe gisol Acapacity audience gneeted tue eh_________________________ ______ closing concert of Durham Coumty Music Festival Friday night in WA HM XDui ' Tninity Church, Port Hope, whcn W'U Ai' aavaT Roy and Dean McLaugbli winnens fnom ahl groupa obtain- Hope for High Honora in ing 80 pen cent marks on over, George Cromble, propnietar Tournament. Granddads .wene succesaful in dernonstrating of a watch repa*~ shop, Was »1ityPed to tueir hearers the nesults of bruised badly-Saturday night ~ ~ t ru eminently superion training. lu whem a car collided wituhlm____ addition tuey put forth their beat near Hodgson's Garage. Fra- efforts to present a creditably cm- zen Bnadshaw, Toronto, was Grandpa James MeLaughlin of joyale rogam.driving east whem Mr. Crom- Burketan came into The States- Thoyabl rgram. hoouhl bic la said to have walked out. man office Wednesday morming Thechldre di tunouhly on the noad in tue path of tue wltu cyes a-beaniing and ail ex- merltonious wonk tunoughout and ear.Tergtfne aei ieet eitoue i 0 even tue most fastidious could mot cn.tct' ih thfendencme but eole n oinouee u 2- but have appneciated tueir efforts. cnatwt u itm u enodgadoRyMLuh The items pnesemted includcd medîcal examimation showcd lin who is leavmng tuis week ta schol hois, hytm bnds pino no broken bomes. The injurcd participate in a world senles of sehol hois, hytm bnda pino man was back at work carly barmyard golf, (commonly known and violi solos, vocal solos,' neci- tis week walking wltu a as pitching horse shoos>, at Wash- tetioes, cne ut sol uesua- limp, but mot showimg any igton, D.C., and at tue New York tetesandadut cora muben - otuer outwand sign of his nar- World's Fair. Who wouldn't be al in ahl, 40 pieces. Evcnything point- row escape from senlous in- aganjitratteuohs cd to tue high traditions o f pre- - ao n jueya tetogt vious yeans being maintained. jur. of such an expenience and trip? Mn. J. H. Joitnston, President of whoean d-dLaddy A.L.shascoe tue Festival, presented medals NEW DIST. GOVERNOR 1 - osolin la diy A .Pnod o u and shielda, and at the conclusion _of_______qalypou f i of tue concert, congratulated ail AtueRt Dtrtcnv- grandson, la going along too. Why whohadtaen artinthi feti AttheRoary Dsrc ovn shouldn't he? You remember hast who ad ake pat i tu feti-tion at Buffalo, N. Y., hast week, fail at tue Royal Winter Fair val - entrants, whetuen tuey wene J. Owen Herity, of Belleville, was young Dean carried off tue Cana- innrs nmotdeces,suer- elected District Govermor of tue dian chamipionship at heaving tue visons, mdaudeces. 11e diber-newly-fonmed 1 68th district which horse shoes. cd tuce ahnefessrivattre viuesicludes clubs from Belleville ta Four otuen horse shoe pitchers toe appsucaul fstl.heoit-d Toronto, tue Lake Huron district, of renown from Toronto wili com- teeforthesplndi sevic bengSudbury, Nontu Bay and Northern plete tue team to represent Can- acecorplthed by Mdisserisue Ontario. The appointmemt was ada at tuese wonld wide events. Secnetary. "11cr work la continu- unaninious, ail otuer candidates They ail leave by motor from To- oua," he said, "No sooner la one wîtudrawing. Mr. Herlty was for- ronta Friday. festival oven, tuan she starts to mcnly editar of The Daily Ontario Hene's hoping tue lads fnom tue a an motuen." A cordialex and in recent years has been In- Land of tue Maple will be suc- arasine tans a ex-r dustril Commiasionen for Belle- cessful in bringing home tue ba- to tue local press and to those who vle con, sllverware or a generous had so genenously co-openated by amount of golden currencyr on lending tue chunch for the oRoy ihs pmblised tohemd ue sion. oc PROCAIN Y which loy as miiscd tu enag e HO1D editon, a picture post card direct fnom tue Wonld's Fair Grounds Town Council decided at a spe- announcing tue results. Mn. and Mrs. Sheldon R. Petuick ciel meeting Fniday ight to pro-i wish to amounce tue engagement dlaimi Momday, May 22nd as a of their daughter, Venna, to Mn.!Civie Holiday. The meeting was E*f Wm. (Bnuce) Wood, son of Mrs. held to deal witu a petîtion signcd' Wodadtue late Mn. W. A. P. by a majority of the merchants in M l Bar Opens Wood of Toronto. The marriage town. No objection was naised to to take place quietly in June. declaring the holiday. - F auigM>hn Reckless Driving Charge Dismissed For HealthDrinks Conllicting Evidence Is Presented *"-We have tue most wonderful * machine," said Jack AlUn, who opened hia ncw Milk Bar tuls Jack Parker Acquitted By' ditch after bneaking a telephoemeiorning. "It la cailed tue Waring polo. The Hall car came to nest in Blendor and la used for maklng Magistrat.. Charge Was Laid tue soutu ditch. healtu drinks or for mixlng ai- Mfter Accident West Hal who was goimg to Wnitby mobt anyt*in, from icte cubes ta of Ohawallh t, canedt Pre carrots and spinach. You can even of shwaa otuhe, lag ie tuathean or make a turnlp milk shako if want- wasnte wneongh side fte nd cdand i20 secondas too, using A charge of reckless driving ant te inie -uo te ade rnt - n an', ordinary piece of turnip. againat Jack Parker, Bowman- ciai Trafic Officer Gilbert Robent- thsfnsugcltelkis ville youtu, was dismissed Thurs- son, Scarbono, who placed tue which whirh at a terrific rate of day mornng by Magistrate F. S point of impact on the nontu aide sPeed, chopping anytuing witu of tue road. which tuey come in contact, into Ebbs in Oshawa police court. His Gordon Mooreraft, B o w m a a-s mall pieces, finlly maig uem. Worship nuled tuat tuere was a ville, and Arthurn magTo- S mî htte eoelqi. consderbleamont o coflit- onto wh w Humpase ge, i te1To demomtrate , tue Statesman consdenale moun 0f onfiet-nono, wo woe pssenensInterepresentative was provided with ing evidence, and ho must there- Parker car, claimed that Halhhd la banana milk shako withim 20 fore give the accused tue benefit been drinking, and in this wero seconds and it truly was delicious of the doubt. The accused was ne- conrobonated by J. Robertson and witîiout one pîcce of undissolved presented by L. C. Mason, Bow- R. James, residents nean where banama floating aroumd. manville bannister. tue crash took place. Mn. Allin, whose Milk Bar is The change arose out of an ac- James claimed tuat the marks located opposite tue Balmioral Ho- cident last Apnil 23, when the car tuat ho saw on the highway i- tel, fonmerly openated a Nut Shop which Parker was driving alleg- dicated tue'impact took place on on tue promises. His nenovated edly sidc-swiped a car dniven by the soutu aide of tue noad ratuer pglace wlll also serve ice cream, Richard Hall, Whitby. The acci- tuan on tue north aide, as con- handle Glen Rae Dairy milk, dent took place noan the Union tended by tue traffic officer. cream and chocolate milk. Other Cometeny bctween Oshawa and "Thene la a considerable arnount Items for sale include ice cneam Whitby. Following tue impact tue of comflicting evidence, and I must gundaca, sodas, cigarettes, choco- Parker car turned oven and skid- give tue aecuaed tue bemefit of lates and ondinary eomfoctionery. ded on its top for some distance, the doubt," stated Magistrate Bbbs Be sure to sec tue new machine. finally coming to reat in the nortu lu dismissing tue charge. It is truly amazig. k"ffleêe.ýý 1 il SI a ti ti b 0

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