THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, MAY 18TH, 1939 Nestieton Mrp.R.C. Jackson has gone to Haicyburyta visit her daughter, Mrs.1rche*Moffatt. Mrs. Peter Wright is home from Yelverton. Glad she is better again. Mr. George Marlow, who has been in Bowmanville Hospital, 15 home. Misses Doris and Iva Wiliams called on friends at Nestieton. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thonipsan and jean visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelis. Mrs. Louise Milligan, who has returncd from Scotland, visited Miss Mary Malcolm, and has now gone ta ber home in Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McColl visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor. Miss Guelda Johnston spent the weckend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Cadmus. Miss Eva Williams visited her sister, Mrs. T . Periga. Miss Nora Porteous, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous. Mrs. Jas. Willlamson, Mr. Ar- thur Jackman and his father, Mr. Frank Jackmnan, visited friends at Janetville. Mr. Wm. Lamb has bought the Edgerton farm and engaged Mr. and mrs. Stanley Hodgson, Ty- rone, to work for him. BOY SOLOIBTB I UHMBNR Burketon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Len Van Voken- burg, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Curren. Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Enficld. Mrs. Russell Smith with iriends in Chatham. Mrs. Ed. Coughill in Toronto with Mr. Coughiil at Christie St. Hospital, and atfcnded Uic funcral af ber cousin, Mrs. Mary Huggett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and Joan, Osbawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Murray and Ailyn, Ty- rone, with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin. Congratulations ta Miss Ailcen Devif t and pupils li winning Uic shield at Part Hope Fesgival. Rev. H. Lackcy paid fine tribute ta mothers in his Mother's Day service on Sunday mornixig. The churcli was beaufiuly decoratcd with plants and ilowers. Special music by Uic choir, accompanied by Mr. M. Tbompson at Uic argan. Cadmus Mr. Meredith Thompson, who bas been scriously il with pneu- mania, is stcadily improvig. Miss Birdie Fallis and Mr. Frank Walters, Oshawa, spent Uic wcckend at Mrs. C. H. Fallis'. Miss BeUi McQuade bas ob- tained a position in Bowmanville. Mr. Glen Gibson let an bis motarcycle for Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fais and famldly, Toronto, motared down ta fheir cottage on Sunday wbcre Uiey *Rilremain. We trust Clare wiIl make a specdy recavery from bis recent il]ness. Rev. J. Tistram ai north ai' Beleville canducted a very in- spiing Rally Day service liere an Suxiday morning. His forceful gos- pel sermon was well received by a gaod congregatian. Mr. Frank Walters af Courtice sang "He Liited Me." The beautiful flawcrs at Uic alter were quite xi kecping with Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Stinson attendcd the f uneral af hem aunt, Mrs. Fice, at North Osbawa an Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Alan anid Douglas, Toronto, spent Sunday under Uic parental oof. Mr. Ed Hanna let for Vancou- ver wberc bis son Donald is ser- iausly 111 with pneumania. Mrs. Hanna a svlsiting fricnds li Wbit- by during lis absence. Excitement ran higli for a icw minutes on Saturday morning when a high spiited harsc tied ta thc veanda post ai Uic store rared and jerked and pullcd f111 wvith a laud crash Uiehorse gallop- cd across Uic street wi4Ui Uic ver- anda post, jumpcd Uic wlrc fence, lit on bis head but rcgained bis feef and galloped around Uic field wlithUice post. The owner bow- WUETERN CANADA EPECIALM RGI EXCURSION FR011 ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA Coing Delly May 16 - May 27, 1939 inclusive Return LIMit - 45 Dais Tickets Good In - * Coaches at fares approximteli 1%~c per mile. Tourlat Sleeping Cars ai fares approximateli 1%c per mile. Standard Sleeping Cars at farces approxhnatelY 1%e per mile. Cost of Accommodation ln Sleeping Cams Aiditional. * Baggage checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and West. Similar Excursions froni Western to Eastern Canada During Sune Period Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and ail information from any Agent. Ask for Handbill. T117 CANADIAN -If- ATIONAL SPàRING SALE of GoId Cross Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Etc. EXTENDED To encourage the use ai Gold Cospromects 1 am instructed to sil thec above line at the follow- ingcash prices until May l5tb. 0 Ail Colora and White Gidions--------- - - $3.10 Pintas ------- 45e This le a hlgh grade paint. J. H. ADERNETHY concuusion St. - Bowmanvile Phone 481 1S41ek.chess- zKidiney Poins u'ikidqu sa a usuato a *Pil ever got thc beast quieted dowxi and the post removed and Uic horse was unhurt. Young People's League Thurs- day night was in charge of M~r. C. McMilpn who also conducted a unique contest consisting oi pas- sages ironi Uic Bible and irom Shakespeare and Uic members were required ta tel from which book Uiey wcre taken. A reading, "The Heart oi a Cbild" was given by Mrs. Gordon Stinson; Miss Muriel Fallis read an article en- titled "To Their Majesties"; Ger- aid Stinson rendered a vioui solo; and Miss Helen Fowler gave a reading "How ta Address Their Majesties."l Ways To Stop Mosqultees Biting WihUtceappraach ai warmer weather, Uic tbougbts ai young and ald alike turn with pleasant anticipation otahUicjays ai out- doors. Unfortunatcly, these joys may aiten be marred ta a cansid- erable extent by Uic bloodthirsty attentions ai biting flics, especial- ly mosquitoes, except i localities where effective contrai has been carricd ouf or where there are no breedlng places. The larvae and pupae ai masquitoca develop only ini stagnant water bodies, and Uic application of a thin film af petro- leum oai on such places i May and carly June wil destroy count- less numnibers af Uicm. To be reaily satisfactory such wark should be properly planxicd and carried out an a community scale. For protection froni mosquitoes once Uiey,are an Uic wing, vari- ous repellexits are in general use, aniong whicb, ta name anly a few are ail o aintronela, spirits ai caniphor, ail ai lavender and ail ai cedar. As a resuit ai recent experiments carried outi Ot- tawa under Uic direction ai Uic Dominion Entamolagist a repel- lent mixture has been developed wbichb las praved mare satisfac- tory and more lastig i effcct hhnan itherta ipopular use. T 1 rplet la easy ta mix and tic frula la quite simple. It la as follows: OÙ ai thyme, 1 fluid ounce; con- centrated kerosene extract af pyrctlirum, 2 fluid ounces; castor aol, or olive ail, 5 fluid ounces. Each ounice ai Uic pyrethrurn cxtract sbauld be equivalent in strength ta anc-iifth ai a pound af gaod grade pyrethrum powdcr. This mixture wben applied ta cx- psed parts af Uic skihas been fudta give protection fromn masquitacs and aUier biting flics for periods varying from Uiree ta five hours. A copy of Uic pam- phlet entitlcd "Protective Mgeas- ures Against Blaod Sucking Flics in Uic Forest" may be obtained by writing ta Uic Publicity and Ex- tension Division, Dominion De- partment af Agriculture, Ottawa. Hog Carcass Gradlng i .Useful Information: The annual Durham County and under, left to right: (1) Rus- Music Festival held last week in sel Aldred, Bowmanvile, (2) El- Port Hope attracted widespread lis Wilson, Port Hope, and (3) interest. The above pictures show Ross Metcali, R. R. 2 Bowmanville. the winners in Boy's Solo, 9 years *Carcass.' or rail grading means there arc-some wbo wa-ul-d expeet that, instead of grading the hogs that Uhs important featume be glv- alive. hogs may be graded as carcass- en free. Can you obtain a goosi es aiter slaugbter in paçking planti. workman ta do bis work free? Hags mnay naw be carcass graded at- (ta be confinuesi) any packing Plant in Canada at the _________________ option ai the buyer and seller. Wbei. hogs are ai lered forcarcass grading, tbey may be bought or sold on either a live weigbt or a dressed weight buyer and seller. Carcass gradinR provides a maore accurate system ai deemnnzvalue and quality. ic S oe the exact carcass weigbt is knwn Also the general type and conform- A 7ation. proportion aif faftat lean. back A fat thickness. and quality ai belly, COST can be mare accurately determined LOW by gradinR the carcass than by TO zradinz a hog alive. O The system af carcass RradinR and iO sale an carcass weight is designed sa Another shipmcnt af fine shoes that it daes flot disturb any of the and god wark boots bas luit establisbed metbods ai marketinj. It been recelved. Sce thesa to- can be apfflied whetber bopis are de- day and be ainazed at their 10w livered by truck or railroad. and 0o09L wbether they are SQId an the live' basis or the dressed basis. Fui! in- JOHN LENZ formation for farmers 'on the carcass Shoe Repalring Rrading boig~ bas been issued by the King Street - Bawinanviile Marketing Service, Dominion Depart -_________l_______ ment ai Agriculture, Ottawa, and may be abtained f ree in pamphlet form en application from the Pub- licitv and Extension Division ai the A K C E Department. There is information on identification af the bogs, carcass A C K C E RradinR certificates. statement ai Kidacys that are flot eliminatin, at settlement. deferred settlement. erice flatter au they ahould vil! ~YOU dii ferentiabs between grades settle- fed miurable -ac -tred a>. ment according ta carcass weigbt, prmodl If sue rom rs bcts. accurate carcass weiRbts. "aId U ftlret, che painls, YO5DU weiRbts. and corresponding carcass the a mefic in tgeInsa arin. weights for variaus weigblu aio ie ahsp o-to ie. t box ofbaGin. hogs and other useful infarmatian. *a"gton. e bxaiGs 11 Wiltshire sides ai desirable weight - 55 ta 65 lb. - are made fram carcasses weigbing. 143 ta 168 lb. Ali other carcaiss weigbts are undesirable for expart. A reasanably sale weigbt range for live hags af average yield is 190 ta 210 lb. Close attention ta the weight ai bis market bags will yield the producer many extra dol- lars in imniediate returns. and also ta the imoravement af Uhc position ai Canadian bacon an tbe Britiisb market. iia> Iyorluck isn't wbat if abould 0WORISes« - - « eg MO be, put a p" befame if, and con- NOw XEonomy BiZe - Ti tinue ta try. (Double the Quantiti) Litte Tailka on Advertlslng by JOHN C. KIRKWOOD (copyright) So years and y'ears later, When grey bairs abound ._ Botb on my punkin' head sud the Editor's crown I bow my acceptance of credit tbat's ~red As an 'bonrarzy' member of staff --so I learned. And sa The Pearce crown 1 ac- cept with a bow And really I wonder what 1 should do now Sbould 1 blusb so embarrasscd witb glory unearned Or qpntinue ta, write - and ta have my blurbs burned 111 Three, cheers and a <tiger' to George and the boys May the bonour you've carned bring you joy unalloyed And inspire ta things, greater and honours as well To Bowmanvlle too WvbercIn you do dwdll. O spring, glorious s pring, With the birds on the wing, Why, tel me why Did 'Dan D' write tis thing?? Peterboro, May 3, 1939. Wben a mani flattera himself that be understands a woman he flatters biniself. Eyesight Educatioi And Efficiency optometrlst Eyeught Specist Dlsney Bldg. 9 (opp. P. O.) osHAWA, PHONE,1510 Number 81 A case of severe nature jusi came ta my attention to-day. It is my object ta, relieve the patient's mind and correct the errao4iai ail possible. The first step '%>be taken is ta find out wbat tie patient is complaining of. Ini some cases this may be a long bis. tory of ailments - some of theni deeply seated and then on tlie other hand it may be the case of thc patient not comp laining enough ta give a proper interpre- tation of thc trouble. Even though tis may at timies appear tediaus and to the impatient mind un- necessary, it is nevertheless a veryv important thimg. Having heard Uic patient's history of the case and aiter listening, one should in a general way be li a position ta, estixnate their significance and by foilowing with the necessary ob- jective examinations as c ert ai n any special significance afImli- portanice. lI spite ai thc value that may be placed upon thc ex- aminatiorp wbatever its purpose, there still are those who wish ta measure it li dollars and cents and even at this advanced stage sevare sliock she was Uiought ta be impraving, according ta letters mcceived bere two weeks aga. CELEBRATE 5STH ANNIVERS-ARY On May 7, 1884, in Port Hope, Mr. S. IR. Joncs, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Joncs Sr. ai Newton- ville, took as bis bride Clara Trus- ' 'ttdaughtr afMm. and Mrs. Lewi muct, Port Hope. Since Uiat time their home bas radiated a welcome toalal and their uxlim- itesi klndxiess oi bcamt and gener- osity bave endcared theni toaa hast af friends. For ovar 40 years Mrs. Joncs was a member oiflice Mcthodist choir and taught a clas in Uic Sunday school, retiring only fa asalaf lier busband in Uic patient and lovig care ai bis agcd par- ents. Saturday and Sunday congrat- ulatary expressions took the iorm ai telepbone cals, carrespondence, flowcrs, personal cals, and Uic git ai a radia from their frlends and relatives. Saturday aternoon Uic calers were welcamed by Mrs. Willis Joncs, and aiter signixig Uic regla- ter wbich, was in charge ai Mrs. W. D. Joncs, passed into Uic living ,room wbcre Uiey werc reccivesi by Uic bride and groom ai 55 years1 ago, assisted by Mrs. G. W. Jonescs andi Mr. C. M. Joncs. A dainty lunch was served. in Uic dining room, with Mrs. A. T. Joncs Uic main hostess, assistcd by Mrs.1 Trenouth and Mrs. Bates. Those from a distance who cal- cd.were: Chas. Truscott'and mo- ther, Mrs. E. Bates, ai LeRoy; Mrs. H. Logan, Scatsville, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. L . Truscott, Mrs. M. Armstrong, Mr. E. H-. Joncs, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. George, Mrs. Hawkins, Mra. Cornthwaitc, Mms. Trcnouth, Port Hope; Mr. J. Kennedy and daugbter, Vrs. C. Grahamn, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Giddus Joncs, Clifford and Eileen, Orono; Mm. John Bradley, New- castle. WORLDLMNSS «Set flot your lieart upon thc world, since God bath nat made it youm portion.'-Rutheriord. "Paul and John bad a clear ap- prebension that, as mortal man achieves no worldly lionors ,ex- oept by sacrifice, so lic must gain beavenly riches by iorsàking al worldliness."ý-Mary Baker Eddy. "Christiaxis should live li the world, but flot be iilled with if."- D. L. Moody. .'The anly truc method ai ac- tion lin Uhs world, la fo be init, but flot af it." - Madame Swet- chine. I'it thyseli up, look 4round and see something -higher and brighter than earthi."--Jean Pajul Ritcher. ENTERTAINER Secure IRALPE GORD)ON, the wonderfully versatile en t er- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated circular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. SIGNS &'POSTERS - AUTOS - TRUCKS - WAGONS - ETC. PAINTED AND LETTRED - Also - Baby Carilages - Bicycles Furniture - Refrigerators Wlcker Work - Be. For Better Paintlng Phone 441 J. H. NEEDHAM Centre Street - Bowmanvlle ti Talk No. 17 Advartisig la Uic commun- ication af information ta masses af personé about pro- u ducts, services, causes, faiths, prajccts and. enterprises. If was Uic communication ai in- formation. ta retailers about his upbolstemy and curtain fabrics wblcli explains Uic mc- ? markable succesa ai a certain salesman. 'II am a great man ta show my goods," was bis way ai putting if. This sales- [f man - put no pressure on buy- crsn. His big effort was fa make buyems sec bis fabrics as lie saw Uiem. Ail sellers should be en- thusiastic demonstratars or sbawers af wbaf thcy are try- ing fa sel; Uiey auglit fa use burnixig words in tfe11i n g about their goosis. If la not necessary always ta apply licavy sales pressure on Uic buyer. One's cnfbusiasm, iaith or eamnstness will pass into Uic buyem, anid will get an order fran im. The story la told ai a man wbo was telling a buyer about a lathe. His talk was s0 carn- est, s0 convincing, Uiat Uic buyer said, "If your lathe la as good as you say it ls, we've just got ta have if. Send us a nc." Astonishesi Uic sales- S man said, "But you dan't 3 know Uic price!" Said Uic t buyer "The price doesn't mat- f! er. If your lathe will do a11 B that you guaranfee ifta do, ýl we can't affard not ta bave *if." The priée was $14,000! Newspapers and magazines 1 f and trade and class periodi- calsbaye fa be Uic carriers of *information in Uic case ai many praducts; for if would be bath a practical and econ- omic impossibllity ta use men r ta give buycrs Uic informa- i tion dcsired by Uicm, by word of mouth - tis inthe case of 1 many products. Advcrtising ) n* newspapcrs and magazines r a ic heeconomical way ai com- municating information about 1 mostf Uimgs wanfed and need- cd by us. Baptist Mlsslonary Mr*. M. B. MeLaurin PasssIn IndU. Word reachesi Mrs. J. H. H. Jury 1May l0Ui af Uic death at Coonoor, India, aoflier mother, Mrs. Mary Bates McLaurin, wba with ber father, Uic late- Rev. Dr. John Mc- Laurin, was a, pianeer Canadian Baptist missionary in India. Mrs. McLaurin celebrated ber ninety- third blthday last November. She bad given more than bh aa century ai active missianary ser- vice. Born in Ireland, flic daugli- fer ai a home missionary, Mrs. MeLaurin camne as a girl ta Uic United States, and later movesi fa Canada, graduating from the Ca- nadian Literary Institute, Wood- stock. Following ber marriage ta Dr. McLaurin she went with bim fa India in 1869 and spent same years at Nellore, associated with Uic Axieican BaptiSt Mission Board. In 1874 Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Laumin opened Uic Canadian Bap- flat mission work at Cocanada, India. During iurloughs spent in Toronto, Mrs. McLaurin served as honorary president ai Uic Ontaria Womcn's Bapt sf Missionary Sa- ciety. Although she bad rctired, Mrs. McLaurin let Toronto in 1923 and rctumne<l ta India ta be with Uic People she liad spent s0 many yeams in dcvoted service. Up ta Uic time ai ber deatb she retainesi a remarkable alctness af ind and a keen intemest in missionary womk, and was an inspiration ta Uic youngem genemations ai mis- sionarles on Uic field. Miss K. F. MeLaurin, a daugb- ter, was wlth lier mother iCao- noor when she waa stricken.'Rev. Dr. John B. MeLaurin, general SeCretay ct ai Uic Canadian BEaptltForegn Missions la a son. Alsa survlvlng la a dauglifer, Mmm. Gordon Jury aio Rangoon, Burma. It will be recalled that Miss ICat(e McLaurin, following hem me- Uiremenf from active -misslanary wark i ndia, spent Uic past twa or Uiree yeams i Bwmanvllle wli Mrs. Jury, anid only lefti .December ta be wlihber mother because Dr. Jaohn MeLaurin and Uns. Gardon Jury wcme bath me- tumnlng ta this country. WblIe Miss ~ ~ ~ sil Mcanwss11on lier way, lier mother fell an Uic floor ai ber maam and dislocated ber hlp. Thougb abe auftered froni Courtice ROY NICHOLS Bowmanvillîe mil Ali* g- mlmlgif, REFLECTED GLORT Holding head hlgh, 1 accept the acciaim That resaunds 'cross Ontarlo's towns The word is received and Je takcn as truc The STATESMAN has carn-ed a crown I11 ! For twcnty-iive years 1 have look-ed ta sec The indirect glory a'comin' ta me To write for a paper that got the acclaim I knew was deserved ta, JAMiES as a name. To write editorlals ne'er wasI granted And many's thc word - as itis - 1 displanted But still I dld write and wus pub- lished - I ween If only for things that 1 really ha& scen. Lff THURSDAY, MAY 18TII, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IN SALES THROUGHOUT CANADA,) PERFORMANCE!faster on the get- a way a.. 0 it's stronger on hiIs... it's a much botter ail-round performer thon other cars in its field ... and it saves y@u money every day on gas, oil and upkeep. VALUE! Dollar for'do1llar, it gives you more for your money thon any other car in its price range. That's why the new Chevrolet is the blggest- selling 1939 model automobile in Canada! Beos tsFRTi Stesrlng Column Gear-shift with -sTU ES "Vacuuni Assist" * Chevrolet's Faimo 'us Valve-mn. Head Six New Styline, New Bodies, b1 Fisher a Perfect.d Quadro-Action Hydraiulic Brakes e New "Observation Car" Visibllity e Advanced Knee-Action Ridlng Systenm wlth Shockproof Dual Cr088 Steerlng (on Master De Luxe Modela) '0 Tiptoe-matlc Clutch 0 Saf.ty Glaist. L.w dIW ymfhryus m e.O emw m.oa hmmgpie. C-I4 CHEVROLET- The only low-pdoced car combllm "AIL THAT'S lEST AT LOWEST (051 1"