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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1939, p. 6

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PAdGESIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 18TH, 1939 I - ________________________________________________ en Circle met at the home of Miss Blanche Beecb May llth. Nert meet- ing May 26yth at Miss Marie Oke's. Recent Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. ,. Mother's Day was observed Sun- Earl Luke. Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. day marning at Sunday School. Clarence Bradley, Mr. Carl Bradley, Glad to see Miss E. Souch back Hampton, Miss Noreen Lang, To- again after her recent illne3s. ronto. Miss Mildred Bradlcv. Osh- Sunday eveninz service was large- r. nd rs. . Badly's lyattended. Rev. H. Lackey's subi ect a. M.adMrads. . eBTronto,'sbeing "The Home." A special selec- Mr. aMr rs. EtAPage. T ro nation was sung bhy the choir. Miss Mri iza rs igE t andage.. . M. dElva Orchard presiding nt tile organ. Wm. Oke at Mn. W. E. SandersgQn's. As vie look at Uic springtime -.Mn. and Mrs. E. O. Petbick, Miss beauty of our church raounds we Bernice Philips, Mr. Floyd Petbick, are ever gratef ultota ur generous M. S RPethck'...benefactor. Mn. Wilber Hutchinson, Mrs. Charlotte Stephens. Hampton, _______________ Mn. Robent Stephens. Bill and Maur- ice. Bowmanville, with Mrs. BMrg- qt..... Mn. and Mrs. 1. Herod, a p o Weston. Mrs. Mary Grif fin Bow- -Ha p n manville. Mr. and Mrs. B. Quinny and f amuly. Providence. with Mr. and Recent Visitons: Mrs. W. Rahm. . . Mn. and Mns. L. Mrs. Myrtle Taylor spent thc HosIkin and family. Tyrone, at Mr. vieekend in Toronto witb ber sisten, M. Heard's. . . Miss June Asbton Miss Madeline Trul. . . Mrs. Cum- with ber sister. Mns. F. Travell of berland and Mr. and Mrs. McLean, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. David Toronto. -visited ber daughter. Mrs. Kav and Bill, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Geo. Farncomb.. Mns.'lhâfllips of Jack Cook, Mn. and Mns. James Toronto, visited ber daugbteýr. Mrs. Cook Oshawa, at Mr. A. Sharpe's. Wilbert Crag. . . Mr. and Mns. ..Mr. and Mn.. M. Heard witb Mn. Gilbert Wilkinson and Douglas. To- and Mrs. G. Marsball. Cannington. ronto. at C. E. Horn's. .. Mn. and ..Mr. and Mns. Rabi. Miss L. Mrs. Wilbun Burnett, Oshawa. witb 1 Hannab. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bradley relatives. .. Mrs. C. W. Spuch is and family. Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. visiting ber daughter, Mns. Ken N. Bradley, Whitby. at Mr. James Caverly. Toronto. .. Miss R. An-~ Bradley's. . . Mn. and Mn.. E. C. thistle. Brantford. spent the weekend1 Ashton at Mr. S. Rodman's, Port viitb ber Darents and sisten Jean.. 1 Perry.- Mrs. F. W. Allun visited at Mr. A.1 Mrs. H. J. Werry is mucb better Allîn's.. . Misses Gladys Chapman1 and able ta be aut agzain. -and Gertrude Pettit, Ebenezer, and The "Miss Simplicity" Sewing Misses Jovce and Dorotby Gibbs at COWLING SELLS THE BEIST And Serves You WeIl ART BORDER PICTURES Cost no more than ordinary pictures. Try our developing and printing PREVENT RAT FEVER PALMOLIIVE SHAVE CREAM WrfTl NOVA KELP WITH SCHICK 150 abi - -- -79cSCHICK ]INJECTOR RAZOR 300 tabs. ---$1.39 and 8 Blades 750. tabs.--- $2.79$ 'Ail for - 49e F R E arEeGlass Tumbler with39 1DMdd'm Pilla th Sat- --- 3c SPECIL PRICES FelIow's Syrup --87e 100 ASBA. Tabs. - 19e 3 1 lb. Moth Miler - 29c BANISH FOOT ODOR- Glant Kruschen - 69c SOOTHE TIRED ACHINO Iron & YeastTabm. 69c 1,BURNING FEET a poir 25c Bun fGogglu 1" lc.1.25 Arrid Cream - 39c-59c Camras - - - 98c-$9.00 Odorono Ice - - - 35e White Shoe Cleaners 15-25 Mum - - - - 33c-53o Bathing Caps - - 15c-69c Dew - - - - 33c-57e New GMlette Razor - 49c? Neet - - - - 54c-89c We Test Eyes and Fit Triisses To You-r Entire Satisfaction In Fit, Quality and Price. PNEP. R. COWLING, PhMB. W G Hopolat HI-Speed Range ON EASY TERME Liberal Trade-in Allowonce on your old stove OENERALSELEC'IRIC iIv*,eeîJ. Our Bargain Prices on Electric Refriger'ators are so low the manufacturer would not allow us to publish them as it would upsot the whole province. W. have th larg.tdisplay of Refrigorators and Ranges in the dieit - at the Iowest prices. hm t. 1y., CHRISTIAN.ù RHYTHM BAND STEALS SHOW AtNU$io FESTIVAL Those attending the Dunhamn ententainment by the introduction Mns. L. Switzer. They cneated onq County Music Festival at Part lof a Rhythnm Band from Cant- of Uic bits of Uie festival witi Hope last week wcre treated ta viright schools. Theyr hw thein miniature conductor an( an entinely new form of musical above vith their musiaspevior, vel instruments. Win. Cbapman's.. The Misses Mn.' Jack Balson, Zian at Mn. A, J. Knox. Toronto,- witb. -tbeir parents. . Balson's. S li Mn. Fred Billett, -Toronto, at A. E. Mn. George Millson left Fniday Billett's. .. Miss Dorcen Perrett, for Halifax vihere hie bas taken a Rev. A. W. March delivcred a Toronto. spent tbe weekend at borne. position, fine Mother's Day sermon at Uic ..Miss Vena Kersake viho bas been in Toronto duringz the winter is Commencing next Sunday morning evening service on "The Art of home.. . Mn. and Mrs. W.- Green- our Sunday Scbool viil ha held at Mathering." Mn.. Mardi gave a awav visited friends in Port Hope. 10 o'clock and churcb service at fine address ta Uic Sunday School Mn. nd n. ea. urt vî i i- 'clck.when a special Mother's Day pro- Mr. nd rs. eo.Burt viitedfri 11 'clck.gram was conducted by Superin- ends at Mankham. grhood congregation f illed the tendent L. Coombes. Mns. E. Mn. and Mrs. E. Trimble and fani- ch rcSunday afternoon for Math. Darch and Mms. F. Caton favorcd ily wbo bave been occupying the er:'s Day service. Many beautiful with a vqcal duet. A gaodly num- Wakelv bouse now reside witb Mn. bouquets added ta the beauty of the ber wene in attenxdance and Uic Frank Cowlingz east of the village, service. Rev. W. Rackham ba.ptized chuncb was beautifully decaratcd Lynn Oral, son ai Mn. and Mrs. with plants and floviens. Motber's Day printed prograi was Harold Pascoe - Barbara Ann, Y. P. U. meeting May TOkt op- aieolon. ThenstonheeS. H.o use ofauhten of -r. and Mns. Everett cned with prayer by President W. Gfeolt" i.. nielytold y Miss se Elliott. andi Glen Morris, -son of Mn. Taylor. The pnagram in charge of Haldden.and a sort y sths i and Mr. Edgar Pnescott. The print- M.EDoidgc was a Hobby Night Haddn. ad a hotaskthLwis cd eaflets were used andi Miss Fanny exhibition, of diffenent wonks of iven by StuartHathLwsSiales tolti the story "The Roo- oai art made by Uic members during TnulL Ped and Reg Kersey andi Golti." Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees .and thUi past winter, and numerousi Keith Petens. A beautiful bouse Masters Ray Pascoe, Clif fond Millen, and varicd kinds of work viere plant was Dresentedti t Mrs. C. Johns Roy Dewell andi Bruce Taylor pre- displaycd -and cxplaincd as part af she being the oltiest mother present senteti a short pageant. Mn. Rack- Uic pragram. Mrs. R. Wright, Ty-1 and a faithful attendent at the Sun- barn gave a short talk and the choir, rone, gave an interesting talk. day School. g ave a selection viith Misses Kath- Bible references vicre read by Uic We congratulate aur pastar, Rev. leen Baker anti Gladys Yellowlees leader; topic introduction, Mn. W. W. Rackham on being elect..ed chair- taling the duet. Mn. E. R. Taylbr, Taylor; bnief-addncss, Bey. A. W. man of the Oshawa Presbytery at the Supt. was in charge of tbèe service. March; piano selection, Mns. O. Presbyteny meeting at Brooklin. Congratulations ta, Miss Betty M. rnish. Amotendanolo,3Mis Smales on winningr a gzold medal for I'Crih tedne3. necitatians and a silver medal for 1 Salem Waman'sAssociation met Z ion piano selection and ta Masters EwantI May llth, at Uic home of Mns. J. ______and. Billy Leask wbo vian silven R. Knox. Mn.. L. Buttery presid- medals for necitations at the Musical ed. Mn.. E. Silver read Uich cnip Recent Visitons:- Festival. turc esson. Atter Uic busiess Mn. anti Mn. Sam French and Mn. S. E. Werry lost a valuable meeting Mns. Silver took charge Faye, Mns. French Sr., Miss Emma hanse Monday nigbt. This i. Mr. Darcth; rang olos. F .HoE. French. Toronto. Mrs. Lucv Bennett. Werry's second los. necemâtjy as lie 1Dpih ano dt, Msses F.anon and Newtonville, Miss Reta Bennett, hati a beifer die about two vieeks Hee Werry; Mn.. R. Langmaid Bowmanville. Mn. and Mn.. W. Hul-'aga. gv ae n"aigIf att and Victor. Oshawa, at Mn. __________ gv ae n"aigLt Russll Pnkis'. . M. ad Mr. ~Worth While"; piano solo, Mns. S. Shackelton. Douglas and Keith. Mnr. LOCAL BARRISTER Buttery; Rcv. A. W. March made Elwod Sacklton Whtby Mr.H. zlà a few nemarnka; Miss E. Sykes Elod backr.ed lton Wityn. H. ADDRESSES PORT- played a piano solo; Ronald Hall Balon at n. d.Fleny', N~gra OPE TORESgave a talk on "Democnacy." TheE Falls.. Mn. Jas. McMaster, To-HO ET R S clasing number was another piano ronto. at Mn. J. W. Mcllasten'.. .____ duet by Misses Wcnry. Mn.. SUl- Mn. nd n..Ivo Gar an Anhunver'. group senved lunch and a Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Ralph Glas- H. R. S. Ryan- Electeti President social hour wa. cnjoyed. pel, Tyrone, at Mn. F. B. Glaspel's. Port Hope Consenvativ.e Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. H. Gaud, ..Mn. and Mns. F. B. Glaspel at Association Mn. L. Gaud andi Mn. R. Simnpson1 Mns. Wmn. Stanley's, Pickering.. with Mn.. Gaud's mother, Mn..N Mn. and Mn.. ATIsQU Balson and Moody, Toronto. .. Doris Butterys daughters, Miss Jean Blason, Miss (From Pont Hope Guide) with ber little fricnd, Reta Cann. Mary Geisberger, Master Ronnie W. Ross Stnike of Bovimanvile, . . Mn. andi Mns. G. Carnish viith Poole. Miss B. Chapian, Mn. A. T. spoke at the annual meeting of the thein daughten, Mns. W. Fitze, Stainton attendeti the Music Festi- Pont Hope National Cans-ervative Janetvilie. . . Mrs. W. Willard,la val in Pont Hope. .. Mr. and Mns. Association. May llth. Toronto, wîth Mn. and Mns. W. G. J. W. Balson at Mný- Harvey Hag- Mn. Strike said that voter. were Werry, anti sent a beautiful plantt erman's. Oshawa. .. Mn. C. 4k. Lan- becominz more thougbtfuî and de- to Uic church in memnory of her tien, Oshawa, with bis, Mns. J. manding mare f nom their candiae mother, Mns. R. Collacott. .. Mn. Stainton.. Mn. and Mrs. j. North- and party arganizatians, requ,îigat ns .Ctnan oMs cott, Oshawia, at Mn. R. Stainton'.. higher ideal. and more practical B. Caten and Mn. Cain, Toronto, Misses jean and Pearl Leach, atom with Mn. and Mns. F. Cator.... Sohna.wit Mn an Mn Na a wa s The Conservative Party Mn.s. Marchant, Oshawa, with ber SoKuopsel, der.and omnw s.a position ta satisfy these son, MnS.Mrhnat n Leab. . n. nd n. . N paty houtitir up andi Mns. C. Pallard. . . Miss M. Mn. anti Mn. Christian Star. To- differences bctween chaises. Ail Claot saa issEab ronto. at Mn. Han. Gejîberger's.. . platforms baseti on the "soak theanDi Collacott, T ontoMisss Ell Miss Hiltia Stainton bas retujrned ta ich" pinciple mist inevitabhy fail. anti Dori Colacott, arante, with bier home at Blackwaten. . . Mn.. J. Stressink, the neeti for organlz- Mr.. G. C nollcttan oungat- Stainton with Mns. H. Henincount, atian and oarticularly organizationdaUiyilnjydnouigt Oshawia. Oshawia with her, and on Sunday of the iuniar membens, Mn. Strike Miss D. Bonnycastle and Mn. andti Thene vias a real Rood attendance saiti that the Conservative candidate Mn.. T. H. KCnight, tavin, joincti L at cburch Suntiay. Service next Sun- for the next federal election shouhd Uic Misses Collacott vihen UieyL day morning at 10 o'chock. bie chosen as soan as Passible and the entertained at a picnic luncheon Mn. Jack Cruickshanks bas c'y- parties sbould at once back him up- at their favorite picnic groundis. sipelas. % T.Mn. Strike mentioneti three ma- . . Mn.. Roach, Rochester, N.Y.,10 Mn.. A. . Stainton bas been ilI ion ProblemTs which the Conserva. with Mn. and Mrs. E. Daitige. with the f lu. tîve Partv mist tackle. namelv Messrs J. W. McMasten, Chas. Navlon and G. Trevail*have installed milk coolers. Solina Eldad Annivensary services wili be held Sunday and Montiay, May 28th and 29th. Full particulans next week. Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens., Mn. and Mns. R. C. ScÔtt at Mn. Burney Hooey's, Nestîcton. . . Mn. Isaac Knight, Myrtle, at Mn. Isaac Handy's.. . Mn. and Mn.. Neil Yel- lowhees, Bowmanville, at Mn. jack Yellowlees. .. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Whitnel. June and Loraine, Toronto. at Mn. Jack Reynolds'. .. Mr. and Airs. Evenett Elliott anti famihy, Oshawa. Mnr. and Mnr. lac Chap- ian. Hampton, at Mns. R. J. Mc- Kessock's. . . Mn. Alec Sheightbolm, Mn.. Bertha Sleigbtholm. WVhitby, Mn. Arthur Gornig, Oshawa. at Mn. Chas. Blancard's.'. . Mr. and Mn.. Will Quick anti Don, Bowmanvihle, at Mn. S. E. Werry's. .. Mn. and Mn.. Walter Parrinden and Evelyn at Mr. Frank Bray's, Enfielti, and Mn. Brummel's. Columbus. .. Mns. Chas. Allun. Mns. Clare Allin, Miss Annie Allun. Mn.. T. Powcns anti Mn. Albent Allin, Bowmanville, at Mn. Wesley Y.llowlecs'. . . 'Mns. WiJl Baker andi Miss Louise Baker with Mrs. John Penfaund. Oshawa. Mn.Ai. andi Mn. Chas. White andi family. Mn. andi Mns. McDonahd.- of Oshawa. at Mn. Gea. White's. . Mr. and Mns. Thos. Baker anti Miss Vera Baker at Airs, L. C. Snowden's, Maple Grave. . . Mn. anti Mr5. Isaac Hardy anti family at Mr. Wilbert Glaspel's. Uxbridge... Messrs El- mer Walterî and Mac Bell, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Pency Dewelh. Whitby. Mn. and Mn.. Clarence Tink' anti faîuly, Hampton, at Mn. H. E. Tink's. .. Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Oshawa. suent Sunday at.haie... *unemPlOYrnent, immigration, anti ne- lations bctwecn the Dominion and the Provinces. The present Govern- ment i. nat taking any steps ta salve any af these problems. This country must be vopulateti ant ili we do not encourage immigration ai the ighit sont. we may be swamptti by 'm- migrýation ai a chas. that we do not' want anti cannot assimilate. A lange population viaulti help ta salve the railway probîci and alsa heIn ta solve 'the unemploymcnt prabici. Native unitv must be achieveti, athen- wise thi. country will break up) inta nine weak states. 1 Refenrnior' ta a recént slogan, "Wake Up anti Live," Mn. Strike saiti that ic . necti of the houn -vas fan the peaple ta "Wake Up anti Vote" anti that if they titi Duham wouhd have a new memben. F. W. Bowen, Caniervative can- didate in the ast fedenal electian, saiti that a county convention would Probably be helti in June. andi that lie exp)ecteti a fedenal general clection ta be helti in- the faîl. -Milton J. Elliott, Consenvative- candidate il, the lait Provinciatlcc- tian. discusseti the failune af ilte GavennMent to make any effort ta deal with the unlemphoyment situa- tion, anti its effect on the yotîng p)eople af the community, These af iceri viere eecteti: Pre.- ident-H. R. S. Ryan; Past Pres- ident-Ralub Hotigson:; Paît Vice- President-JMf s. Lila E. Scsthorpe; ist Vice- President-. .sE. P. Sanî- tiers: 2nd Vice-President- William H. Burlcy: Secretary-Pency V. Et- cher: Assistant Secretary-Mrs. K. Phillipi: Treasuer-T. T. H-utch- ings: Executive Committee-Mrs. E. V. Brown. John Rowclif le. E. P. Sander,. "But al People can anti shoulti be iust, merciful: -they shoulti lever1 envy, elbow. slanden, hate, on trv to iniure, but always shouldti ty to bIcs. their fellovi-martals." -Mary Baker Eddyiy SPRAY SERVICE No. 2 A great number ai the growcrs in this arca have novi coijiteteti the finit spray application frm obth sities ai the trees. The butis are now wil inta the pnc-pink stage anti, consequently, the foiage bas ticvelop- cd sufficicntly ta pravide a large Icaf are. wbicb i5 vulnerable ta scab. The few cool tiays wbicb we have b.d have favoreti the growere ta the extent of holding the butis b&ck anti gziving them a chance to catch up viitb thein spnaying. Groiens shoulti take ativantaRe af thi, anuontunity anti caver thein trees immediately. as, in aIlnobability, it will be ncpces§ajýy ta 'spray again fan the Pinkç stage befone this colm appean, next vieek. To thase gnowens vibo have nat vet stanteti thein prc-pink spray we recammenti a fungicitie, useti accord- ingz ta the manufacturen's directions, in coibination with Arsenate ai Lead at the rate ai one anti anc-bal f lb.. ta 40 gallons. Extreme cane must be exerciseti in the application ai this spray ta make suye tbat the trees anti the fotiage are' thonougbly coveneti. Any risc in tempenatune during the latter Part of this vicek viill hasten the tievelopient ai but, inoathej pink stage: at wbicb tume more cane will ha reauireti in ortien ta get coi- plete cavenage. For the pink spray tbis column recoyiends the use ai a non-caustic fungîcitie in coibination witl An-1 senate of Lead at the rate qi 2 lb.. ta 40 gallons. The Pink spray is grenerally cansitiereti the foundation of a poison residue, designedti t con- trot the eanly-emenging codling math worm.. We must again stress the qeccssity of sprayinR fmoi the unden-sitie of the trees as vieIl as f nom the top, ke h id ROUND TRIP To TORONTO May 20 - 21 - 22 In Connectlon wlth thc VISIT 0F THEIR MAIE STIES THE ING & QUEEN Prom: Bowmanville- - - - -- $1.10 Newcastle -- - 1.20 Port Hope - - .- - 1.60 Oshawa--------------85 Also front ail intermediate poin~te. SPECIAL TRAIN MAT 22 12.58 p.m. Leave Bowmuanvilce Arrive 9.30 p.m. 3 p.m. Arrivai Exhibition Grounds Leave 7.30 p.m. Maklng Ail Stops. For train service detaQs, imnita, etc. Consult Agents - Procure Handbili C. B. KENT, Bowmanvlfle Canadien Pacifie througzhout thc Pink spray and in aIl subsequent applications. If. in tbis area, the vicather is such that the Pink stage develops before the aupearance of next vieek's column, we strongly advise the lat- ter growers that, if the Pink appli- cation is not completed by, the tinie the blossonis appear. tbey should continue to spray in the bloonm, bu~t the poison must be omitted. Any ençuiries regarding specific vroblenis may be addressed ta this column and they will be immediate- ly referred ta authorities on this subiect for vour convenience. We invite your comments. on how this column's service may be im- proved. EnLjfield Rece'nt Visitors: Miss Verna Ormiston, Osbawa. at Mr. Hoskin Smith's., . Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Lindsay, at Mr. W. Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. Prescott and family at Mr.AIf Pres- cott's. . . Mn. W. J. Ormiston at Raglan. .. Inspector Camion. Osh- awia. called dn aur scbool. .. Miss ePearl Taylor, Toronto, with her àparents. .. Dr. and Mrs. W. Mc- dCullocb, Orono. at Mrs. John Mc- Culloch's. . . Miss Corsina Samis, -Oshawia. with ber parents... Mr. Howard Ormiston viith bis parents at Bobcaygeon Congratulations ta Neil McCullocb on receiving a gold medal at the lMusic Festival at Port Hope. 1 Maple Grove Visitors: Miss Kathleen CIem- etTaranto, visiting at Mr. and Mr.Lloyd Snowden's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Misses Doris >and Greta Wilkins, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden.... Mrs. W. J. Snoviden, Mrs. L. C.' Snoviden, Miss Mildred Snoviden at Mr. Leslie Welsh's, Salem. .. . rMrs. Walter Foley is home atter a tpleasant visit with her daughter, EMrýs. Mark Blackburn, and grand- son, Mr. Farewiell Blackburn, at Sa. . . Miss Jean Coyne, Ta- ronto, with Miss Jean Stevens... Miss Evelyn Evans, Ontario Hos- pital, Newi Toronto, with Mrs. Harold Evans... Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird Sr. viith their son Jake at Caurtice. . . Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Baker and Miss Vera Baker,'-o- lina, with Mrs. L. C. Snowden... Mr. Vernon Trimble, Part Hope, spent Sunday at home.. . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Warden with Mr. WillI Warden, Tyrone. .. Misses Nellie Snowden, Scugog, Thelnia Free- man, Peterborough Normal, were home over thc weekend. . . Miss Greta Munday, Taranto, at home. .-Misses Helen, Mary, and Donna Snawden, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snoviden and Mr.,and Mrs. R. R. -Stevens. Donna ne- mained fdr a visit. . . Mrs. J. N. Thickson and daughter Kay, Osh- awia, and Miss Murphy, Reg.N., WeÊton, cailed at Mr. and Mrs. John Snoviden's. .. Mr. and Mns. Lawirence Staples, Bethany,. visit- cd thc latter's gnandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snowdcn an Sun- day. We are glad ta report Uiat Mr. Snowden is greatly inipraved. ..Miss Ruth Armstrong, Toronto Hospital, Weston, and Miss Emily Thampson, Toranto, spent the vieekend vith Mrs. R. H. Arm- strorng. Congratulations toa ai thase viho won meclals at the Music Festival at Port Hope, also those viho vian medals at thc final W.C.T.U. con- test in Oshavia. The contestba been under the capable leadership of Mrs. Bell, Oshavia. A full church greeted Uic pastor Sunday atternoan vihen Uic Mo- Uier's Day progran vas carnied out. Mns. W. C. Sùith, Uic guest speaker, gave an interesting and helpful addness on "The Glory of a Nation." The pastar alsa held baptismal service vihen these children viere baptized: Carolyn Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGregar; William George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Jake) Laird; Annie Dareen, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Aldread; Laurence Wayne, Lois Evelyn, and Flassie Elaine, son and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong; Elgin Charles, son of Mn. and Mns. Char- lie Greenhain. Mr. Bruce Lont- berry, Town, played a violin solo veny acceptably, accampanied an the argan by Mr. G. Morris. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Ray Snoviden, Toronto, on Uic ar- rival of a fine boy. "Base envy withers at another's ioy. and hates the excellence it can- riot reach. "-Thomson. "The truest mark of beingz born -Tips and Topics. LEAItN TO GET 80MB FUN OUT 0F LIFE Learn ta likc vhat dosn't cost much. Learn to like reading, conversa- tion, music. Learn ta like plain food, plain service, plain cooksng. Learn ta' like fields, trees, woods, brooks, fishing, rowing, swinxning, hiking . .. ail sports. Learn ta Uike lite for its ovin sake. Learn ta like ta bc alive. Learn ta like people, even though smre of thcm niay be as different from you as a Chinaman. Learn ta like work and enjoy the satisfaction of doing your job as vieil as it can bc donc. Learn ta get some laughs and fun-out of life. Lcarn ta appreciate kindness1 and rcviprd virtue. Phone 2338, Bowmanville. 20-1 DOLLAR DAYS Thursday - IPriday' Saturday j~ May 18-19-20 M 7elsadeira <fie PiIlow Cases g Not to be con- fused w ithb Madeira 'type'1 cases, they are genuine Ma- defra, 42 Inch- es, and a snap. 731" U ELRDSHEETING ~ Unbleached sheet- Ing Of good welght clear Cotton t ha t wil blcach weiLlAt to-diy's prlcç it lu worth 49e yard. 21/2 yds. ChIIds' Mesh Sweaters À few Childrcn's M es h Sweaters in colors Peach, Green and Blue, that wil flot last long ~~I at the prîce. j~j Size 4 - 6- 8. Frilled Curtains Here's a scasonable snap that you may neyer bave a chante to enJoy again. Size 28" x 214 yds. these curtains poda C$olc t III of RdGreen M IL or Gold trhn 2ML~ Linen i Towenlngý Linen Towelling i Gold check 'pat- tern that wUî l give lots of bard service. Was marked o4~I 25e yard. > L 6 yds. Bath Towels Size 20 x 38 Smart patterns, lovely color- .lngs added to good welght and absorbent qualities make these Towels very desir- able and. tic price lu much below reg- ular. Choose trom Stripes, Chccks, and 1 B o rde r-end desîgus. Pr. $1 PLAIN HEED PilIow Cases 1V.s truc that Pillow cases can otten be bought at 19e ech, but rarely cau such tlnely wo- y 1en ones be purchased at anyvihere near this price. 6 for DOLR AT RS f- MT 1-1 Phone 451 ~z~,oeR STORES, CIMITED .Bowmanville SiIk Panties Rayon Lait PantieI, tak- en froni stock at prîces mmch hlgber, qu"prlced te clear -- thcy are brok-' 3for i i 1, Non Run Celasuede Gowns Six only Govins that li the regular way mcli at $2.00. Wc have only amail size left, go are clearing them ont to the firat customera y Kitchen Towels Size 15 x 30 II Our regular Engllsh strlped kîtchen toviel h ii at a prîce that wlll pay you te stoc k upo.81 L 9 for I Grey Stripe Flannelette StaBdard quallty grcy atripe Flannelette that bas s0 many uses. Lay lu a muPPly now and 27 inoch 8 ds. for i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW-MAN'VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. MAY 18tI-1, 1939 MARRIAGE BROUGH - TENfANT - 1. St. John's Anglican Ch, Bovman- ville, on Wednesldya May 17tb, 1939, Elizabeth Florence. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wn. ennant, Bowmanville, and John. son of'f r. and Mrs. Daniel Brough. Toronto. Rev. Canon C. . SPencer offic- iated. DEATH WVILLIAMS - In Bbwmanville, o Wednesday, May 17t, 1939. James Edward Williams, in is Stb year. Funeral from is late pçsidence, Bradshaw St., on Saturday. 'May 2th, at 2.30 P.m. Interment Bow- manville Cenetery. Tro. Lat. To ."#lasslfy FOR SALE - 7 YOkKSHIRE piRs; also cattle wated to Pasture. 14 for Zowmanville . DOLUR DAYS m MY 18-19-20 Phone 451

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