PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESM.-N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSAMYIT,13 jr.. I 'i 1< j.; 1I a I. f. lu me localr ague. Tg7formerorrect tempo der -Fa>' Franks, Port Hope, 94; , c being sponsored b>' the Goodyear frtesn.Bath girls had ver>' Doreen Bowles, R. R. 1 Ida, 90; factery athletic association, sudprtyvcesuprbbyad-U N<i the latter la an organlzatian that feront selection would h a v e Mariyn BoRen, 1R. eR nd ___________ RInmmm. ~~Uflfl bai a very strong financial back-brMits etorreuud.Asltey ude -Nihla RsukB..S ig.2fthsetrksa, cul 85;sDulereeied2mrk. 5;w etLaiTune,8;Taunt!oSnD Y OR A E80Y; ANr EA 4 ! oe Woe V7added te the local three elevens it Men's Grand Challenge Solo thur McLaren, Orona, 78. os ib. Buwould make the beague interesting Jack Rowland, Part Hope, a reel Ginl's Reading, 10 years sud 4e'cb would include Deora, who teoai, camne farward in the bai- under - Marie Allin. Newcastle,IM KE V R & M TH have flot signified thein intention toue clan ta sing "An, Anm, Ye 81; Gwen Wilson, Nestleteu, 77; M K E E M T b>' letters aud the local board Brave" in fine oratenical style. It Donna West, Orono, 75. Poe6 awaits definite information, la indeed a ploasure te bear tins Choral Speaklug - S. S. Na. 7,Pon 61Tempro.tBomnie This would make a sîx-teani singer again, for we have follawed Hlope, Pine Grave School (Miss A. sae atro ry sDn illmbis inrk te PROXISMUG YOUNG VOOALIBTS J. Hawkins) 80; Boys' Training company nature work and he-Ipd the rYtidli:T eonrck e aeor ic hswrkkesSchool, Bownianvlfle, 7E. girls to understand Guide Laws more loi aualbr 00;too him on the move. Ted Bagneli works Boy's Reading 14 years and fufl. A itame was played and the the i rnso a iur nights every other week Alan Os-ude TaorPotmtngcodwiht1S g-p er ftxqrcr.oa S P O R T N E W Sdecide to cta> out of hiOsrne Gr-rispealnTyeorart meetng lo arritin. hmeunll one ina>' eident orhe out ofdbi Hope, 89; Leslie Gibson, Newcas- Plans were made for a hike on f00 nfurpacXi a n S PR Eâ c one va reiremet. or he may de-tle, 86; Arnold Bregrnan, B.T.S. 81. Saturda>' and many of the compan>' S o S i e te p s T av lville and Bill Bagell for tw.o of the Betty Stevens, R R. 3 Bowman- EMPLOYÉE RETIRES- flowes three Posts and Bob Kent, Scotty ville, 80. A1K 5 Y A S _______________ Cou t M ' à e M I u c e aeronand Mickey ac h b ar e Newcastle, 89. WITH ONE FIRM Dow ma vilies Das bail uddle ay hw~.hi pla . eiaYelttarSolo Polk Dance - M a rgare t (Collngwood Bulletin-Enterprise) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is loaded with «'ifs." Scotty Camneron. RoweBwavle, 80; Margaret Tume truly p aises on and one By Nelson E. Osborne Mr. Oliver, who runs the Sundtr- the smartest basebaîl man in the Flintoif, Orono 79; Georgina Glb- realîzes that fact when out old land baIl club and is on the O.B.A. league is coach. snBowanv1lle, 72. (First and busineus associate decides to re- The question asked most often in executive endeavoured to explain * *tid prize wlnners are pupils of tire It la flfty-flve years sincç Bowmanville is: "Are we going to what harnened at the Association Tngtteei egemeig Mrs. H. B. Poster, Bowmanvllle). , r.Geo. Lunne>' entered the em- * ** *cided not to allow an>' Oshawa play-~ two Junior teams. Oshawa and Co- MisH.G orris ectins ping omany o! thEteprierntR____________ As this is written the answer is ers to line up with the Rovals. How- bouriz. willî e taken in to play an Festival, hai requoited that the of tia'scompany. During all the ye.But that old adage "many a slip ever. Mr. Oliver. being at heart a interlockiniz -schedule with the Inter- Durhami Music Festival la brri- mcd1st ing Il slo 1 foflowing corrections be made in intervenlng yars Mr. Lunney bai tittecup and the liî," wsnvrknl ol ett n ftebge the resulti ai publisbed in lait been a aithfuntand ecent o!t- twxtte a nye înl' ou.wettoon f h bgmedîates ail gamnes to count as ing to the surface many proM2Sing a=d under; (rlgbt). Ruth Stevens, ek'osse r as s u l antnd ecent them- truer. A short two weeks ago, muckies after the wieeting and said, league f itie. Young musicians. Two outstand- Bowmanville, second pi1ze wumer Cas47-RrlShonpo-cncldert ntnd iseeI things looked ver>' brigzht f or .Bow- "now Bowmanville had three players* ** ing onos are sbown bore, (loft itesaiedis aui47w-nnera S. s. , no p>tretary foder omenyeas stoecn-**O M N I manville. A executive had last year, so why not let them bave Snelnwt r lvr îîJoan Malcolmi, Nestloton. inthesdin. 78 .terrsnnin opn.I been elected, three players had core the saine three thil year ?" Weil. if Suplande ppiti .O lifor.owman- 80 (ios witer);S. S. 1, Manrsih mayfrsmey so h n down from base ball-less ~Oshawa a competitor in the saine eague of- sville nt Wdyeenînppatition, foradan Gnerl z 80ihth (o e);, 76 (Syks).7â t la erly inyeman.snc asldn2 if they could plav with us. f ers to hein our team like thaL why 6pmDSTatteHgGcol oetltc noterloal rt-oam t ee thteroaganeb th o i- Clas50 - Boys' Chorus: Black- the newspapers were amalgamnat- Thr.-F1-St the ball f ield was being fixed up and shouldn't the O.B.A. pat him on the 6Pn.DST, theHgsco onA lti ateroaler eet, adcan obserete great stock and Caesarea, 80 (Swtzer); ed and ho continued giving every the sun was shining. back say "that is the spirit we like" campus. Tickets are beinoe sold for whicb hai not docided te the name difféence in hts Performance. Ho port Hope, 79 (Stanley); Bow- satisfaction te the executiveofo the IT 1-19-2 ****and grant the request. this Rame and there will be a lucky it 5hall play under, Oshawa, Bow- now bai poise, good intorpreta- manville P. S., 78 (Sutton). new organization.. Then the sua disappeared. At the**** draw. Since the calibre and .makeup manville and Deora. tion, excellent production, a splen- Clais 21 - Contralto Solo: 3rd, Outside of his profession Mr. schdue eein. te eauereus Ofcors M. livrwh i olyof the team is decidedly uncertain. Tho players' registration wmll be did tonor quahity and fine singing Mary Taylor, R. R. 1 Port HOPe, Lunney bas been a good citizen, CEMAEGUF1 E1 schdue legu reus 0fcorseMr Olve, wo s olythe support of the fans is nieeded. twenty-five cents, wbich WMf be style. Ho la a great credit not only 72. taking a part in both cburch work ed the Rovals permission to use an>' on the O.B.A. executive, had no way ****Obtained froni the Ontario Foot- to humsoif but to bts toacher. We and'town aftairs generailly. Sinoe Oshawa Players, and since it looked of knowingz that Pollard. one of the Bowmanville is defending the ball Association in Toronto. Tis wisbh hm every sucoess in bts con- te death of bis wifo, ho bai no verv much as if the locals were be- players had been transfedohe league title and is out to-make that will ceirtify that the players are tiuiued efforts. Here is a singer H y o immediate tios in Collingwoo n iwdiscriminated against, the Bow- North country, and that- Petre, a dees ucsfloe orfuli>' rogistered under organized witb a realftueHo qva wlIsen_ orin o tsand- mavileexcuiv dciedtowih-grndplye ad rad elow bs ersonal support can do much to afflation. corded 80 marks for a very ad- mer witb bts daughter, Mns. J. H. draw f rom the league. stating how- supposedl>' retired. And if he has help the team. __________ mirable piece o! work. Recent Visitors: Jobnston, in Bowmanviile. ever. that if the players wished to flot hunz np bis spikes, be cannot Mae r.__________ enter a team. the>' could do so. Oust Slemon. a local boy, from the Ml uret r .Grad oota r * ** intil sck Inoter ors.theSO H WA D WN PIGEONS FLY "Laisie 0' Mine" was Sung by C. Garrards.. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Manv rumors bave been f lyfing big-hearted Mr. Oliver bad vlaced F A E NROM Djivu little piece and requires vor ei Clinton and Beryl. Oshawa, at Mr s. , around towDRaboutfour quartette teusns.cItela aedaidthe eGraham.iMr.Oand MrsCAN. HallyCOURISEUD N NATURE aroud ton aout hattranpire ussecuelvbebid th eiht bil.cate troatment. The most artistie D. Grabam's. .. Mrs. Cyrus Ashton STUPa .m , at that fateful meeting last Wednes-*** SOFTBALL GAME renditions wero given by Groups 1 Burketo n. is at Mrs. L.- Graham'a:. FOR SAT., MAY 27 day, so maybe a few printed words The samne Sunderland gentleman Bowmanville Racing Pige on and 2 o! St. John's Cburch, Peter- . . Mrs. E. Mountloy witb ber sister____ will clear un the situation. Bowman- sobbed out a star>' about how bard Club flew its third old bird race boro, wblle Trnimty Cburch and in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. An oppqrtunity to join inanot WIèe' vile ske fr to layr~f rom un be is for talent thi5 vear and Mayor R. 0. Joncs Throws Finit May 1Mt froni Drumbo, 105 miles St. Paul's Cburcb, bath a! Bow- EI!iott. Cadmus. Mrs. R, Gilbert, inig to the fields and woods to Ob-'..<~* Oshawa. Normyle a catcher, and finished un b>' offering to vote that BaUl, But Retires Due To air lino, with these rosuits: manvmle, took 3rd and 4th places. Miss Jean McLean, EnnjLikilleu, at sev n td ird S d: o 1r Dalton an infielder. That started the Bowmanville gtteto lyrPoo oto . Bottreil - 2 hrs, 51 mina, 2 sec. Local singers taking part were, Mr. M. Slemon's. and other subi ects of 'natlal histor>' ACOLU 6BIAPITURE discussion. tbev want if Bowmanville would give F. Bottreil - 2 brs, 51 mina, 58 sec; Donald Mason, Jobn Graham, Svrlo h uis swl sitrs lb foddayn L. Richards - 3 brs, 6 mina, 10 soc. Owen Fagan, and Bill Brown in - Ando - uplaswl s neet ilbeafredayn Sic llnBowte egehim Phillics. No doubt the O.B.A. Men's Softball League baci rather W. Woolner 3 hrs, 20 mins, 30 sec. one, and T. Davtson, H. Long- tbe' school. competed in the Music intered on Saturda>',_Ma>' 27th. Scea Brkn w the ate as would also Pat bim on thçe back for an auspicions start on Monda>' night E. Hunt - - - 3 hrs, 54 inins, 48 sec. worth, K. Slemon and B. Hutchin- Festival at Port Hope. Tergoa fteiRwjhwl be routar up at the meeting, be badthat igenerons of fer. with Ma>'or R. 0. Jones açting as son in the other. WA.met Tusdyat the he reioa ather inhCog icb wi * *rugitu*atth*metng le adpichrof the first bal! and J. J. WAAhrdlhmeme tPtrorubCleit writen o th O..Athseîg hw Atlon îas, ater îî utLhedr-esLionQDitricetotrnrote M SIC ESTVAL adis' uarttteofnMs.t.hMoab-ir.1n.t0 a- 1.0 p StaSandrdr imeis rga AIS SF WO AI the>' stood in the matter. Their an'rs-etln astiv a beeneilndu te t-ro wn rs ae. nfoisrtGnat or__he__ MUSICIsonFESptTtIVALc sence of the President, Mrs. Mount- ized under the auspices of the Fed- wer was short and to the point the room, the vote was made and it Jones was not in too good condition (Continued from page 5) Ladies' Quartette wai. the onîy ivto hre il edn a rto fOtrpNtrlss "Wé will back up an>' decision made was four to tbree against Bowman- and failed to put the bail anywhere one ta sing "The Nigbt Has A given b>' Mrs. E. Stephenson and Anyone interested is cordiall>' in- b>' the league." ville' The two local represenutatives near the plate. Eventuall>', be cbang- aratel>' were quite good. A ver>' Tbousand Eyes,"1 a îoveîy pec the devotional b>' Mrs. W. Thomp- vited ta take part iiq this onting. plus'one man from Port Hope voted ed places with batter Brown who pretty contralto tono was produc- given by very good singera, wbo son. Business was conducted after whether he or she bas an>' knowledge _____________________for and two from Cobourg and the had better control and the gamne was ed by a singer in nurnber three - made a fine impression. Ligbtness wbich Mrs. E. Bradley' had charge of natural history or not. This is an two romSundrlad wee aains. uder ay.we do not know the lady's naine, o! treatment and beauty o! ex- of the Proizram. Several poems were opportunity to be introduced to the tOefPrtompnnerman diwere avint e a. but we were very favourably im- pression were apparent through- read b>' Mrs. A. W. Marcb; vocal ioys of the ont-of-doors b>' compet- On PrtHoe andi nt ot. The opener was between Front pressed. Her icbnesa of tone and Out. 80 marks were awarded. duet by-Misses Ma>' Trewin and ent leaders in the varions branches The league Vice-President. Sid Lit- Street and South Ward with the lat- the case displayed in the singing Mlxed Qu artettes Audrey' Thompson; a paner on of natural bistor>'. Parents, teachers, also did not vote. He"MatheanroMthrs" was given by Mrs. A. Boy Scout and Girl Guide leaders tIc f Bo manvlle b w s p ese er aggregat an d traunc ing the s o r o claie et al be o no ! th e t "Lass Ho v n y Father R Iad. eand 'a reading bv M rs. S. and others interested in, Young peopleI ailo dbnt von ei h ekepers 1-7 anddeservng her o h fsia sllt t hswaisung by three teanis. St. 1 Littie wo u n ergd-vcoy point. It la regrettable that tish n',Pr oe opisod Trein: music was grivenb>' Misses sbould encouarge those under their mandile loud andprmlon tayo Led b>' the husky Bill Dunlop, who competitor did not enter a sala Joey McMahon, Leslie Groom- Blanche and Meta Degeer. Lunch direction ta loin in this field day. sevralOsawaplyer. Te atualcollected two bornera andg double.,goup feel confident that.she bridge, Arthur Bannes and Roy asevdAul wlb Renteaieel qstieras sa plyers. Tbeintrlthe gang f rom the Sauth End leaned wauld bhave given a moat enjo>'- Pithork, and diecdby F. came as voung people. Qesin sed i sWby id ittfar on the afferinga of Slingin' Sam able. performance. Mns. G. Pritch- Man 'eeteprz-aes n For particulars write F. J. A. fremaintz nue sul>tie d ifa Slemon far 15 salid smashes. just ard and Mrs. V. Argue o! Bow- other toami, camxprsed o! Mrs. G. RANGER NEWS Marris, 694 Aylmer St.. Peterbaro. J% L M IA FIY E f rom eing anguetied.ta make sure Tommy Wil.son's crew manvile took first pIgtce in this FrieMr.WE1 eyR.Hns * * * wouldbe reurned inner. the ain das wit 70 maks.and R. Doggett, and directed b>' The Rangers were fortunate las& Not the ability you have, but Mai.Strdy23 p.n *However. the players bave vated Street nine danated 7 errors ta, the Maie Duet Mr. Milison, organist o! Porlt Hope week in baving representatives framT the ability you bning te bear, wil ale nth e hwatnpershar aailcase The maie duet wai ver>' Weil Bapttst Church, took second Plae the Boy Scouts ta help themn with ovorcome youn obstacle.M n abl. sd te easn oen hee nxt Meanwhile. Semple was tossiflg up Sung b>' James Hancock and and Perrytown Quartette took their second class worlç. Donald The best o! medicine la Borne- -T e.-W d Wedncsdav with a twilight gaine. an assortmient af stuf f that held Hub George Davidge, Bowanvile. third. The work was splendid Venton instructed those witb f lags in limes unpalatable. Truth la no  22-3- Since the factories are working on Hooper's hopef nîs ta 7 bits, and anl>' They caugbt the real spirit oal.the tbnoughout. Marks awarded wero signating and Bill Colville taugbt the-exception. the 24tb. a twilight ganir will give ail in the 6th frame. after the decision Sang and well merited the 1'~ 80, 78 and 75 respectivel>'. . What la The a chance ta attend. was salted away, were the "Merchant marks attnibuted te them. Another Next week we will canclude aur ****Princes" able ta caunt more than anc toarn, David Davis and Howard comnonts in whicb piano sud us look at aur player situation. For Wbat stat'ted ont as a pitchers' Schaol did net make sucb a fine ed. u a t ~the catcbiniz department, Tex Rick- battle, suddenly cbanged into a rant showing, but were greeted with Muic Festival Results o a u ch S p le U ~ M M ~ard of Newcastle, bas offercd ta in the third stanzs. Slemon had re- words o! encouragemeint b>' Dr. M 1 L K L came out witb the teamn along with tircd six men in order with four of Fricker wha advised theni ta keep <Continued from last week) W aeawd ait ftsysak ofns George Walton. an infielder. Bob tbem beingz strikeont victinis. The an trying and ta came back again Ginl'a Solo, il years and under Wehv ievreyoftsysak afns Bates may decide ta return altbougb, Storekeepers bad garneredJ anc mn next year. Mary Alldroad, Bowmanville, 80; off the lunoh basket you willb. taking ta Terou1to on It is:-wben this is written. be bas nat at- in the second on a doublc b>' Wise- Baritone Solo Marilyn Rundle, R. R. 2 Bowman- Monday. Don't depend on city restaurants for food that tended a ipractice. man and a singlc b>' Hub Haopcr. Teewin ia lc ao ville, sud Beryl Challis, Millbrook, Te iget uat hr anofrtpaetkntied, 76; Doris Stevens, R. R. 3 day. Take your own lunch hnd ddafwoarcoksliOeouTchlol. The Hghes Quaity ** * Butthon ame he the baritone solo group. 75 Bowmanville, and Betty Tbamp- ndcks At The Loweat Price. Tepicigsafedscas. acColstrditff iha marks were awarded to Wm. Fui- son, Port Hope, tied, 75. "Lcfty" Phillips and Ed. Witbcridgc single, Siemon and Richardson kick- fard, Port Hope, and 70 ta Joe Duet, Public Scboola - Gwen IU I f rom last scason are available along cd in witb errors on the ncxt twO Lacoy, Boys' Training School, bath Gibson sud Pats>' Fenton, Nw with Dave Osborne and Ed. Hopper. men. and Bates double. Little and o! whom were moat promising caitle, 80; ArlineNotctsd There willi be na bread or cake deliver>' on BOW flalviIe a ryThe infi*ld is mare of a 12rolileni. Osborne added bits ta the f ra>' wbile vocalista. Gog QotBwavle 8 Monda>' as our store ls coojperatlng with other ,âSU Siemon i set at first but the other Counter-hoppers kept the f ires burn- Teo Sl dnr Clact ndDri te-mrcatsI omeortngteRoa Vst Bervioe and Quality aur Motta. settled. Amnes is on terleigrn a rse h lt eoe The tenor solo was sung b>' ens, R. R. 3 Bawmanville, 76.GO SAETERM ETIS£OU 01omtrcst stf f the Bako omrefongruslatr wasentparie besopedh three young men. One of the moat Piano, 9 years sud undor - Ruth O SAETE MA ST S ttaefsummere and f ma rce>'fot Jlut te a so enrec had o beenbeautiful arias lt habs over been BellBlackstock, 80; Jobn Stutt, IIN l 1 TT L *» T.'UMaies on yad wnittthe it requand fmrst oaisaBwmsuvillo, 78;sharw tre line*had rLot' bD A ftLIY ____________________________a f Inke. the Ward boys fromn the rte i eursfrt lasB;nav1I,7;Prl rsi, singmng sud beauty o! phrasing. Bowmanville, 76. CO R BETT'S B,,Wenesay'2.0 .m sunny sauth gatbcred a quartet Of The arranger o! this particular Violin, 1 1 years sud under -Bo anil CHRIST E'S DICUIT ~tallies in the fourtb, added tbrce edition unfortunatel>' altered the Carloneoe9 Bowmanville, 0 rn hn 9 C]à] T Z à CO U T S LRmore in the fifth. took it easy in the original cap>' sud thereby evaded B roks,R.. Bowm uvlle, 5; -n sixth and finisbed un with a Pair in thee points>' ta give the seventh. trouble ta the amateur. This dex- L Pio, Cyapbllaf 0 under -___________________________________________ Despite the lust>' clouting af Col- terous "Faking" ruined the soang. Pinl yar su ude- mer and Wiseman wba collected two Ho cangratulated Roy' Haines, Part Joan Greenfield, Bowmsuville, 80; bits each. the Merchants wcre onl>' Hope, on bis fine singing sud Betty Smalea, Selina, 75; Do'r la able ta score once in the faurtb and awarded hlm first place with 80) Stevens, R. R. 3 Bawmsuville, 72. fiftb. tbree times in the sixth and marks. William Watkins, Canton, Violin, 13 yoars sud under once in the seventb. who also sang well, earned 74, sud Robert Sheffield, Nestleton, 80; T W LPAY O Jack May'. Iatest addition ta the Howard McKechnie, Bowmsuvillo, Bruce Lonaberry>, Bowmanville, butcbering ooyo the onad was third with68 76; Isabelle Naylor, Bawmsuville, firat baseman for the Front Strecters, Bas Solo75 suffered a 'nainful sprained ankle in "The Roadside Fine" presented Piano, 13 years sud under- the f ifth when bis heel cangbt in m5aj>' difficulties for the two Gwen Brooks, R. R. 4 Bowman- the plate. young mon wbo tackled it. -TMe ville, 80; Fa>' Gilray, Salins, 75; Jobnny Semple wbiffed an even voices are as yet undevelope, Jean Malcolm, Nostîcton, 72. MAY te flkhalf dazen and walked thret wbile declared Dr. Fricker. "The sang Violin, 16 years sud under- Siemon faoled seven and grave two bas tee man>' pitfalls for the in- Noil McCulloch, R. R. 4 Oshawa, Rsn aHRMM'i HONEM M oeàuA4kbOR passes. If van think seven is a lucky expenlenced; it is a very difficuit 80; Keith Chute, Cainpbellcroft, es sW 13%O number take a loak at the Front sang ta sing, thaugh you nia>' not 75; John Wickett, Port Hope, 72. 'ÛJMA II X Am 1geStreet summar>': beli.zve it." Tbere wai ne primai'> Piano, 16 years sud under - H reAOibreC o ~ ~ H E aw- _g r nt-d b u t s e c o dpa c e. .n a h o m i n , l a c k t o c k 7 5 ni'