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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1939, p. 10

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s'. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTnF ONTÂ1nn ------lever was faunti in a lot down by panieti by Reita Coake; a redita- North St. and it was thaught that tian, Ho Fell Among Thievelby this was Uic toal wli which the Kcith Banton, winner >of e gald The ew c stl Ind pen ent thieves pricd apen thc door. metial for reciting this seilection Mr. Alfred Brown, son of Mr. at thc Music Festival; fn PHONE CLARKE 1114 and Mrs. Hammonti Brown, Port solo, The Rogary, an4 *cr Granby, and Miss Betty Lake, Handel's Largo, by- Dora 9-Mtn' daughter of Mrs. W. C. LaIeadaptitdicdn yRuby Gib- Mrs AlnCaburg vsitti erRayai reception at Uic parliament the late Mr. Lakte, Newcastle, 1 on., daughtcr, Mrs. W. J. Ciemence. buildings, given by Uic Province wcre marricd in St. George's Rcfrcshmcnts wcrc served, ai- Mr. W. Van Dusen has starteti of Ontario for Uic King and Uic Church by Rev, D. R. Dcwdncy, ter which staff andi students wcnt rebuildlng thrcc chimneys on Uic Qucen. May 22nd, after Their Majesties, on a hike ta Jose's woas. Unitedi Church building. Mr. Jack Hare rcccived thc re- King George arld Qucen Elizabeth Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Caiwili suits of his second year's cxam- had passcd thrdugh Newcastle. anti Miss Jean were Sunday guests inations in medicine at Queen's Miss Salome MacLean-HaIward OVER 900 ENTRAIN, A* NgiW of Mrs. W. H. Pearce anti sons. University and was very pleaseti britic-elcct, wan tendereti a mis CASTLE TO SEE THE KING Mrs. John Scott is home franý ta learn Uiat hie had passeti ail cellaneaus shower Friday aftcr- AND QUEEN Kansas, U.S.A., whcrc she han papers wiUi hanaurs. faon at Uic home of Miss B. M c- been visiting with relatives staoe Principal J. D. Coomba of Uic Intosh. A lawn umbreila, pret- Over 900 People, adulsa and lant fail. High Schoai and Principal Thos. tily decorateti, wan set up in Uic chiltiren, board tei speclal train Mr. anti Mrs. Myres, Rochester, A. Ratiger of Uic Public School bouse, in anticipation of an im- for Toronta at Newcastle C.P.R. N.Y., wcrc weekcnti visitors with wcnt ta Toranto an Manday with pending shower andthUi gift arti- station Mantiay afternoon. Whcn Mr. anti Mrs. Percy Brown andtihUi school chiltiren andi atints ta cles werc placeti bencath it. A the train of twclvc coach«~ anti Mr. T. W. Jackson. se Uie King anti Qucen. lovcly saciai time was spont aver anc box car arrivoti at Uic Station The ParochiaI Cammitteo of St. Visitars wiUi Mr. anti Mrs. P. F rcfrcshmcnts. about hall an hour late, it was George's Church helti a ton at Le Gresloy werc hcer br ot h er Amnong Uic oltierly persans Who running light, nobody on board. "Greenfioltis", uptown homo of Archtieacon Balfour, of Ft. Wil- wcnt ta Toronto on Montiay ta sec When it pulleti ont eight coaches Mr. anti Mrs. C. S. Horracks. liam, hier sistor, Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Uic King anti Qucen was Mrfs. andi part of Uic ninth were fWleti Miss Dora Martin was in To- anti Miss Evelyn Grubbe, Wcston, George Eilbeck who motoreti nç with ClarkeTo Twnship and New- ronta wîih er sister, Miss Aresta anti Miss Reitiheati, R.N., North wiUi Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck castlc people on Uicir wày to To- Martin, taking inalal phases of Uic Bay. anti son. Besides Uic nine hun- ronto to sec thoir King and Qileen. King anti Quoon's visit ta Toronto. Mr. Eti. Burchard han rcntec i reti anti marc wha wcnt on Uic The box car heldtheUi aftenoon's M4r. anti Mrs. Roy Douglas anti the Matthews proporty with bouse special train an Mantiay quite a rcfrcshmcnts which were PSlict. Patsy, Hailoybury, anti Mr. anti anti orcharti on Uic corner of Uic number of Newcastle people mo- Although many tickets wero Mrs. J. H. Ragen, Toronto, visiteti Thirti Lino anti Nowcastle-Orono toredt t Toronto an Saturtiay or solti ahoati by Mr. Percy Hame at Mrs. Jno. Douglas anti Mrs. Eti. bighway. Mr. anti Mrs. MatUiows Sunday or went on buses. Same the C.N.R. station anti by Mr. Brittain, Suntiay. wiil be moving back ta Toronto in took In Uic Wootibine races on Uic Preston at Uic C.P.R., Mr. Preston Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Hay anti Miss July. sitie. was kcpt busy right ta thc iast Madeline wcre at their cottage at Hon. Gardon D. Canant, K.C., Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. S. Rickarti minute an Montiay afternoon, Beij- thc ladre and attend tei niscel- Attorney Gonoral for Ontario, anti anti H. R. Pearce wcnt ta Oshawa ing tickcts evcn alter Uic train laneaus shawcr far Mrs. Hay's Mr. Rager Canant were gucsts of Saturday ta attend Uic fumerai of hati pullet int, ta some persans cousn, issBety Lite Dr W. . Wlto-Bal a Haristheir cousin, Mrs. Frankt Brantan wha hati na intention of making Messrs. Harry anti Joseph Tcb- Lotige. Mr. Russell Gardon, To- wodcit saact optltetpt iybcm nett bic anti sister, Mrs. Arthur Nich- ronto, was also a gucst at the aftcr sufforing a strake. She ils with Uic spirit of Uic crowti. colas, recciveti word on Sunntay of Lotige. survived by bier husband, Mr. Uic ticath of thoir, sistcr-in-law, Congrogatian of St. George's Frank Branton, formerly af Sa- Mrs. Wm. Tcbble, of Orillia. Church was somewhat tiepleteti lina, their two tiaughtcrs, Mms. Blackstock Mrs. Gea. Famncamb anti Miss Sunday owing ta tho fact that a Arthur Slyfield (Evelyn) whose Constance, Hamptan, were ta number of Uic congregation hati busband is Uic Librarian at Uic Newcastle Fritiay ai ternoon at- gone ta Toronto in anticipation Of Oshawa Coilegiate Institute, anti Recent Visitors:ý tcndlng a pre-nuptial shawer for sccing Uic King anti Qucen on Muriel at home, anti anc san Or- Mrs. Geo. Wells, Detroit, with ber Misn Salome MacLean-Howard. Mantiay. ville at home, anti anc grantichilti, sister. Mrs. Jabez Wright. . . Miss Dr. anti Mrs. W. H. Walton-Ball Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Petiweil Pbilip Slyfielti. Mabel Van Camp, Toronto, at haome. anti Miss Eleanar attendedtheUi anti san motoroti ta Thornbury ta. At Cowanville L. 0. L. May 16, . . Mm. anti Mrs. Tom Smith, Mr. _______________________attenti the funeral of his brother- Gardon Hill L. O. L. canferod Uic andi Mrs. A. L. Baiîcy at Mm. Fred in-law, Joseph Parks, anc of the Royal Arch Dcgroe on tbrcc New- Waldan's. Toronto. .. Mrs., Plett, lcatiing membors of anti a gener- castle members ta the Cauncil Bawmanviîîe, witb bier daug>inçr, ans contributar ta Tharnbury Un- Chamber af Uic Community Hall. Mrs. Mervin Grabam. ' hMrp. Har- itei hnch f hih Rv.R.E.Orangeen werc present from risan, Oshawa, with be daughter, v Morton, Newcastle, was pastar. Bemnil, Orona, Part Hope, Mrs. O. V. Shaw. .. Miss Hazel in Rev. H. A. Meilow, B.A., Gare's Bewtiley anti Nowtanville. On Uic EnRlisb with. Mrs. O. Wight. Landing, will conciuct S. S. .nni- altar was a bible 100 ycars alti, Anglican W.A. met at Mrs. E. I! versary services at Uic Unitedi baving been in use since 1839. Darcy', May 18th witb Pres'eî [ E1 Church Suntiay, May 28. There The inscription on Uic fly leaf Mrs. Wod presitiing. Mms. Fred - wiil be a Uiree way exchangc of indicateti that it hati been pre- WilIan anti Mrs. J. A. Mc-Arthur pulpits, Rev. R. E. Morton, New- sentedti taone, Robert Montgom- gave splendid reports an theW.A.- ________________ castle, gaing to Orana, anti Rev. ery, Kilkenny, Irelanti, by his Pas- Annual Convention in Torontoi This S. Littlewooti, Orono, ta Gore's tom. It la3' on the altar Tuesday pragram was given in charge ofL Our Examiner WMl be at Landing. nigbt besidtei bible rcglrym r.MArhrDaigo "hr Mrs. Rickarti joinot iehebus- use by Cowanville L..L., New- itn " by Caeirter;"Creai- Alex MeOregor, ~bandi, Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., at castle. .,Ne-iy*b MsJonCrr;eangc Druge- Ottawa, andt Uey wcre presenteti The Uniteti Church wan pro- bY Mrs. Wm. Van Camp. Lunch A Domavlle Ot. ta Their 'Maestios at Uic parla- fusely tiecomateti with f lags anti was serveti. Bowmnvie, nt. mentary dinner Saturday even- bunting Sunday in bonaur of Uic W.M.S. of Uniteti Chnrch met at XVEBRY MO0NDAY tag. In Uic aiternoon Miss Evolyn King anti Queen's visit anti hanti- Mrs. Jas. G. Marlaw's, Mayr i7th.- il a.m. to 2 p.rn. Rickard attend the i gardien par- some pictures- of their graciaus President Mrs. Jabez Wright was in F Glas At Prîes Y<,u ty with Mr. anti Mrs. Rickarti at Majesties stoot int a suitable set- charge. Progranm was in cbamge of Can Afford. Rideau Hal. ting before Uic pulpit. Rev. R. E. Mrs. H. J. Bell's zraup. Mms, Elliott F( Mr. Hcrb. Toms' barber sbap Morton preacheti a splendid pat- toak the Temperance talk; Peace talk ALLIED OPTIcIANS wan again brokon itt Wednestia riatic sermon tram Uic text, Fear by Mrs. J. G. Marlow; Studv BQok, 169 Yonge Street night. T ntpieati a rg Goti, Horiour the King, 1 Peter 2: chapter tbree by Mrs. N. Monntjoy: iootof amount of tabacco, cigarettes anti 17. The choir sang a special ar:- radinz « "By thc Side of thc* Road.": cbhewing gumn was stolen. A-tire rangement of Uic National An- bv Mrs. T. Samelis; violiji tiet by- _____________________________________________ Uem anti as a second anthem, Misses Kathleen anti Dara t h vF Rejoice that Uic Lord is King, in Wrigbt. Lunch was serveti. Society which Miss Isobel Clemence anti planneti for quilting of tbmee quilts hMm. W. J. S. Rickarti tock sala for the bale ta be belti May 25th. p arts. The congregation was nat- Miss Aileen Mauntjay was amiong- SPRING SALE ioeabiY smnaflr thami usual an ac- the nurses gatinating at the% Fc counit of sa, many people baving onta Géneral Hospital. of a]rcatiy gane ta Toronto ta be an Anniversary services weme blI.: hanti for Uic Royal visit. *teUieiCnc nta ihev. GoI Crss ainsNewcastie wan rigbt royally W. W. Scott af Roseneath, 1preach- Varnishes, Stains, Etc. ticcoratet int honour of Uic King iniz. The cbiltiren's chair was untier F7r anti Qucen's Passage tbraugh Uic the direction af Mrs. Ada Joncs- EXTENDED village. Although the Royal party Satiler. Regular chair with the as- j ~To encourage thse use of GoId waulti not sec tbesc manifestations sistance of Mrs. Gea. WeII uple i. Cross Produets 1 arn instmucted to of interest anti loyaity, their jour- sic-in.the evening qseli the above lme at the foliow- ney by rail taking Uicmn througb ui nth vnig lng cash prices until May 3lst. the northcmn autskirts of Uic vil- F Ail Coîors aad ~ lage, yet perchance Uicy migbt H . C U AU Colorsand Whitelearn of Uic flags anti bunting anti-CL Bc Gallons --------------$3.10 Pictures anti emblemns dispinyctim 0Quarts------------- 85e in Uiir bonaur anti be pleaseti <Continued from page 1) Pinta ---- 45e with their Newcastie subjects, FO This la a high grade paint. hundretis of wham gathereti at Uic favoreti with a vialin duet, ac- I a ~~C. P. R. station cariy M on da y campanicti an Uic piano by Mns.J J.nH. AioSBowRNanvile eoyal gtrain thePiltberain a do nd A M ason t JonsGran O A] jthemoyningtaseico .thetrain atioGant.A as tet onsGrahgmofAR AdPhone 431 other, a nmanti eprtrsa d dred two vocal numbers, aecM.-P mdsame of the trains' crcws anti offi- panicti by Miss Helen Williams at $ ______________________________________cials, but nane of Uic Royal party the Piano, Miss Williamis also B at this early hour. playeti a piano solo. ___________________________________________Mrs. Robert Davies gave an in_ FC ........2 for Peas, Corn, Tomatoes ....... 3 tins 1 Large and 1 Regalar Size Rinso ........................ for Maple Leaf Lard .....................2b. Schick Injector'Razor, 8 genuine Schick Blades and one tube Palmolive Shaving Cream . . . . . . . . . . l0e 25c 25e 19C 0gi1Me Flakes - Blended Cereal Buy two packaes and rececve a ipioture of tIhe Royal Faauily. ewth fer ........................... 2C. lul.04p E« Mah and ChialE Starter BMm u.fflomS BedCora la thse followlag vani- 06n;O14ea Glow, Birly Leaau, Wlsoonin No. 7, Lnsalto, Voptons Eair, Early 1Rooh1ester. auvle m CLOSING MEETING 0F THE B. S. L. S. Lant meeting of the year of Newcastle High School Litcmary Society wan belti May 19Ui, with President Reita Cooke in thc chair. Miss-EdiUi Hentiry, Editor, rend thc latest edition of Uic school paper "The Buzzer," parts of which werc bighly divcrting anti parts truly cdifying. Succeeding numbers were a piano duel, Rub- enstein's Mciotyiynt F, by Laur- ence H. Marton anti Reita Cooke, anti encore, Twa Guitars; a vocal duet, "Deep Purple" by Pauline Deline anti Doily Purdy, accom- I i T i Ph NEW GLASSWARE Floral Water quases - tractlvely de- corated in i varlety cf col- ed flowers P>AINTED WIRE RACKS 6 Glas Size - 40o bey make ideal Shower Glfts. For lune showers and wed- dings we have a new Une of Glass, China, Pottery anmd Piotures. Se. our window dlsplay. LENDING LIRR New fiction Se a daY. J. W. JEWELL ýone 556 - - flowmanvlille tcresting report on the O. E. A. convention whicb, she attendeti ln Toronto an Home anti School ticie- gate. Mms. Purdy won Uic prize for mOst moUicrs present anti this went by reversion ta Principal Thompson. Mrs. Purdy's room also won Uic prize for Uic year for mast mathers present. Mrs. Ross Stevens atidressetheUi meeting ta regard ta sentiing Uic graduating dlass annuily ta visit Uic muscum in Toronto. A mo- tion ws passçdti Uat Uic Associa- tion finance such a trip. 'Mrs. Hutchinson maveti a vote Of thanks ta Miss Marris for ber untiring efforts as leader of Uic nome anti School Chair. Miss Wickett readtihUi list of new afficers anti group leaders, after which she suggested a hearty vote of Uianks otahUicrctiring President for hem work in Uic As- sociation tiuring the past two ycars. Mms. Hutchinson in turn thanjc- eti the members for their support anti askedti Uat Uicy stand behinti Foulowmng are thc afficers for Montreal.- - 21-1i 1939-40: Past President - Mrs. M. Cburcb service was withdrawn on J. Hutchinson; President - MrsC. Sunday in favour af' Tyronc S. S. Robinson; lst Vice Pres. -Mrs. J. Anniversary wbere several Salemi Chlcks For Sale H. Johnston; 2nd Vice Pres. - Mr5: folk were in attendance. Davies; Rcc. Sec. - Mrs. S. Grant; Y.P.U. meting May 17th openeti FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS, Treas. - Mrs. F. Dilling; Carr. Sec. witb the President Mr.-W. Iirlor in ýWhite Leghorns andi Rocks. sexed - Mrs. T. Buttery; Roil Cali - Mrs the chair. Rev. A. W. March Led in or mixeti. blooti testet f lack, sjred F. Jackman; Pianist - Mrs. Miuiel prayer; Miss J. Newman. Citizen- by R.O.P. Cockereîs. started pul- Symons; Graup Leaders - Mrs. M. shi») Vice, had chargze of program lets. Albin Clemens, Bawmanville, Tamblyn, Mrs. G. James, Mrs. R. and read the bible referenc5; Rev. Phone 2433. 21-tf Quinrl, Mrs. W. J. Richards,?M. Màrch led the tapic disgussion; M. Tuerk, Mrs. J. Abernethy, Mm.' readingzs 1w Mrs. L. Richards, Mr. Seed For Sale F. Tighe; Mrs. F. C. Crowe, Mnt. G. Barrie. Ruth Newman, Alvin _____________ E. L. Marjerrlson. Ellis and Miss M. Collacott; violin FOR SALE - DOOLEY POTA- selectian, Mr. W. Taylor; moutb tocs, $1.00 bag, f ield rmn. Apply Hitler may flot think s0 m"ichorizan music. Mr. B. Damch. Attend- Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Haydon, Phane of Uic Unitedi States but he dOgO ince 21.0. 21-1 see hvea arisMrs. W. Cann is visitini f riends 205 .eem ta av apatity fo in Toronto. FOR SALE - KATAHDIN PO- Young attractive American danC. Mm. E. Cator was among the sol- tatoes, gzrawn f ram certif içti seed. ers. - Brockviile Recorder agt4 diers who weme in attendanhce on Appîy O. Miller, R.R. 3, Panty'- TIoe gm isu adhe uard as the Royal Train werpt f ram pool.- Phone Orano 62m11. 21-1* I oner tookmythemissuarania5 lingston ta Toronto. Therudta se the Nigar Fw , Mrs. and Miss Moody, birs. F. SEED CORN The guide aandksods Tcronto.wosited H if Uiey'd stop talking and let th use adsns ooto iit tM Y SEED CORN IS LOWER IN thcr visitors hear thc roar of Cýe r. and Mrs. H. Gaud's. ofte pi ainhsYarndsRu- wvater. - Max Nuiler, in Londôn Two women took ativantagqvof te prieaan hs eraL O'In isgua- Sunday Dispatch. 1foir Monday night at 11.30 tp viit NOe1i ALL G O R N, ixeCT- New York achool girls Say a Mr. R. Shiore's barn, but awing ta DN.iSE ONoite waman can tires.s martly for & the aire of anc of theni, tiey were varioties ta choose fram. Order year on $111.80. Retiuccd ta scaj, allowed ta escape after beingz given vours earîy and avaiti disppoint- this should bring the maie clatIss a bad scare. but next tume the said met budget ta about $1.80.-St. Loat parties wilI nat be 96 forttunate in SlSwort'aS S.d Store Star-Timnes.1 makinir a getaway. Phone 577 Dowmaaville BIRTIl PROUT- In Bowmanville1 pital 'n Monday, May 15.- 193 Mr. anti Mrs. M~aurice Prou daugbhter. Joyce Dorcen. DEATHS BROWN - Sndtienly, in Ottawa Satnrday. May 2th, 1939. Tho Allen Brown. belaveti busband Kate Hill, in bis 75tb year. In ment Bowmanville Ccmeitey. COUCH - In Newcastle. on 1 ncsday. May 24th, 1939, Wi Parsons Concb, belaveti wvift Mr. Henry Couch, age 56 y Funemai fmoma the Unitedi Chi Newcastle. an Satnmday, May at 2.30 p.m., D.S.T. Intermen Bondi Headi Cemetery. GODDARD - In Bowmanviîîc Snnday. May 2lst, 1939. Fledt W. Goddtard. age 62 yeams. Iri ment Bawmanville Cemctcry. IN MEMORIAM PEARCE - In Iaving menlqry dear busband anti father, Will Henry Pearce, who passet a- May 26th. 1934: Calm anti peaceful he is âleep Swcetest rest that follows pi We wbo loveti hima sactlv miss But trust in Godti t meet ag -Wifc anti family. FLOW~TS Kingsway ?'rets and Rys mtstca ndivdually a _angd by expert ig n er . P lfor om ail lo ccasi n i Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 BowmanvHIe COMING EVENT Reserve May 26tb for Illustra L.ecture an Spode China by 1 )avey, Toranta. in St. Andrei bhurch. at 3 p.m. Afternoan t Admission 25c. For Sale 0OR SALE - SMALL PET DO Phono 2456. 21 FOR SALE- BICYCLES, AI kintis f rom $10.00 np. Tratie-i accepteti. Repairs. weltiing, ke made.- Open eyenings. Victam's. King Street West, Oshawa. 9- -OR SALE - WILTON RU 9 x 12 also'*large mattress. Ba gain for quick sale. Mrs. J. Mitchell. King St. 21 ýOR SALE - CHEAP, li H. Lanti engine, circular rip sa ontfit; hay tetider. Wanted-wi pump. C. Mitchell, Newca,5tle. 21-: 'OR SALE-1928 CHEV. COAC cheap. Apply Fred Smith, sani of Wilkins' Garage, Bawrnanvll e-] ,R SALE - 1929 PONTIA cabriolet. first class shage. 1 Waodward., King St. West, Bo,% manville. 21-1 JR SALE- FORD COACE, 1929. gooti condition, Apply Wn J. Martyn Bowmanville. 21-1 ,TICLES FOR SALE - TAKI mdvantagc of retinceti summe prices for Quiît Patches, 10 pounti $1.00 postage extra. Town Hal Button Sap, Witby. 21-l' OR SALE - AWNINGS FOI stare or mésidience; Venetian blintis wooti or metal siats; lamgest selec. ion at Iawest prices. Estimate, given without obligation. Aiel Northcutt & Smith, Bowmanville 14-1 'R SALE - NATURAL ICE tsted Gmadie A, for any use; 15c for 25 Ibs, 25c for 50 lbs. Prompt deivery. C. Raby, Phone 310. 14-84 Wants Work 1NTED-POSITION BY GIRL :f 18, bousework, farm or town. References if requirei. Consider- ab exverience. Apely "V.B.," Drono Post Office. 211* Radios Servlced* DIOS SERVICED - $2 FOR work plus cost of replaceti parts. Phone Bowmanville 604. 7-8 p.m. mmes Sisson. 21-1* st i FOI t' fo de E ab 01 RAI W( Pt Ja THURSDAY, MAY 2STH, 19~9 Auction Sale The untersigneti bas receLveti in- structions fromn the Executrs of the Estate of the late William Bmok ta selI at biis .late residence, Qucen S, Bawmanville. is campîte ouse- hoîti of furnitume. Sec detaileti list of arUces next week. Sale at 1.30 P.m., D.S.T., Satumday, une 3d. Temns cash. Wm. J. Challis, Ac- Hos- 9, ta ,t, a ra, on imas id of .ntcr- Inna eof cars. urcb,1 27th it at ,on- crick iter- ofa liam ýway )ing, ain. hmF eta and de- Lted an- 'S FR tea. F( ..L TC ins t -Ys 34 -4* ýG, H( ir- a B. .P xw a j* r LbAI c.h rg 1* C c; R. ti I* W. - fa rB. Is ïï MA SBi -tei Set( IT:1 fea Gii $3. soi 35' Irî GETI nia pri asu ling anc suî inR FOR. SALE STRAWbE: Plants, Maryr Washington, per 1,000. Dooiey potataes. Stone Lodize Orchard Farm, ner of Simpson Ave. and Line, Bowmanvillç, Phone .241 FOR SALE - STRAWBE] plants, Senator Dunlop, 65c hundred. $2.50 f ive *hundred, $4.00 thausand. T. Buttery, gog Street' Bowmanvilie, P 2190. Real Estate For -Sa FOR SALE - SOLID BR cottage on Ontario St. T. Knight bas it for sale anc thinks its cheap. It mult be F'OR SALE - HOUSE -A garden. 7-raomed frame house 1 acre of land, half mil-e f Lake Ontario. 3 miles south-i of Bowmanviile. House in fi condition, newly painted water side and out. garage, large gai pianted, raspberry and &trawb vatch and several fruit trees.. ply to Box "K- H." c/o Sta man of fice. 2 FOR SALE. - BUNGAL( brick veneer, 5 rooms, hardii floors. furnace, iras. electric, piede bath, ideal location.% 0wi Forrest Dilling, Queen St., Bc manivilie. 21 HOUSES FOR SALE - O' hanse on Queen St., 6-roomed m 3-piece bath., garage, small gcard solid brick cottage in South W on Ontario St. Both wiil bes cheap as estate must be setti also brick bouse on Wellington T. H. Knight. Phones: Office5 Res. 768. Ilowmanville. id ,To Rent -R RENT - THREE ROOIV Mrs. H. Conners, Churcb Bawmanville. 21. rR RENT - 4 ROOMS. wat ligbt garage and gardet. Boustead, Duke St., Bowmanvil '0 LET - 5-ROOMED APAR' ment, electric liglit, 3-pce. bal and Ras, opposite Town Hall. A Ply W. T. Symons. Phone 2251. 2. [USE TO RF-NT - 5 ROOX and 3-piece bath, garage, ne Central School. Phone 742. 20- [USE TO RENT - ON iIN Street. hardwood floors and ga age. Phone 838. 18- >ARTMENT TO RENT - FIV roms Apply Statesmn Offli 49. PARTMENT FOR RENT - 'oams. bardwood f loors, lars Pantry and store room, 3-pie4 bath. $15 per month. which i Inudes water and garbage collet ion. Apoly H. V. Bateman, Victe ,fanor Apartments,- 17-1 Wanted A.NTED FOR CASH- OLr fshioned dishes, china, gzlasswar( vses ornaments, etc. C.C., Drawe B.Bowmanville. 1 21-1 ,SON WORK WANT-ED - 3rick work stane work and plas ring. Phone Breck Stare, Burkh ton. Bowmanville 2334; Por rrv 193-3-2. A. G. Skoyies. Beauty Culture [S TIME TO RENEW YOUR ermanent wave for the holiday ison. We have the beat value Dr the least money. Special Scbool 'rIrs' Wave, $1,95; others $2,95, .50, $5.00. Try one of aur Per- rrality Finger Waves for only c. Phone 2601 for ap43intment. s Beanty Salon, J.- Stevens, perator. 21-1* tltve Men Wanted TIN ON THIS BIG MONEY Lkingz opportunity ntow with nat- >ally known concern. Excellent rposition for sincere, dependable an. No experience necessary. We iist in selling. Finest fast selling ne of necessities eveayone - rich nd poor - must have. 900 men icceed actuaily ta make gooti liv- 1. For details andi caatague Plante Air Sale Public Stenogrospher 1 , and Bookkeeper FOR PART T1IME GENERAL office work inclnding stenography, bookkeevingz and typingz. Contact Donald Cameron at the Statespian Office. Reasonable rates. 20-tf Mowers Sharpeiîed WEST END GARAGE A N4 D Machine Shap - Lawn Mowers sharpeneti. J. L. Demerling, Bow- ;RR) $4.01 Appl 106. 21-11 ýRR aW Sct- ?hone dle UCI soIt. 21-tf ýNI Sand fron -West good rin- Lrder )erry Ap* tes- i-il rood ý,3. ner, 0W- [1-1* )NE with fen; old et; St. 565, -tf us. St., ler, A. le. .1* Tp- ;-tf us ar -tf a- VE ce. 4tf 3 'Re c e -tf c, * rt .3 I - 0 y ér d i- -4 1. ie a. ;t d D~,surtment 0f Public Wor ~ May 10, 1939. 'a We Invite you te corne te car Rexail Drug Store to-day and take advmntate cf thse seelal pnices oifered la car End of May Sale cf Drug Values. W.e Ist here only a few Items. There are dozens more on display la our store, ail for sale at prices LZarvex Spray ................ 16-oz. bottle- SU Liniment................... 33e 63e Minnerai Anacin Tablets .................. 22C - 69C Dayeri, Aspirin ...................I100 990 Wampoils Hydroten Lyon's Tooth Powder............... Ige.39 Fitch's SYhampooà ............ .... ...... î 9 Blood Bitters.................... eSc Moh ue rsta ...1's.Un» For Better Photographie Resuits Bring Youm, Prise Photos To Un Unique Art Studios, who handle our photo workr, bave a superb reputation for quality but are ne nmore expenaïve than others. One enlargement with every roll developed for only 10o additlonaL We are Headquarters for Eastmau Kodak lUm and cameras. 9f your eyes tire easily - If you suifer froni head. aches - visit our Optical Department where your oye, wi be tested by modern method sand wit& up-to-date equIpment. May years saluftW optical service stands behind, every exaàlbationl JURY C& LOVELL Phono 778 Bowmanvgl, M SPAGE TEN -i '4 r4¶ -I '4 .1 j t 1,-I ~ ~. t 't t.; * J (i aI ALLIN'S FOR QUALITY Six Flavors Jell-A-Milk Ail for .................. Tasty Crisp Sodas................. box Fruit Juice.............. 8-oz. tin 10e ~TALLIN At Jury Lovell's tian er.S eca WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - 3 Grain Scratch (crackedcdora, wheat and buckwheat) $1.35 per cwt. Offer Rooti until Jijne Ist. F. C. Vansone, Phone 777. 21-1 Cýarpenter Work CARPENTER WORK - HAVE you a building problem? Cofsaît us at once for prices on your job) witbout obligzation. Ask about the Home Improvement Plan. Chas. L. Warren, Hampton. 21-4* Mortgages MORTGAGES - FIRST AND second mortgaizes, agreements for sale on farn, city and akeshore properties purchasei. North Shore Reaty CompanY, Limited, Alger Building, Oshawa, Phone 3130. "M 1 Vet. Surgeon J. H. LESLIE, V.S.,Bf.V.Sc. Veterlnary Surgeon Orono - Ontario Phones: Office 92ri6 Residence 55r. Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having any dlaim against the Estate af William B. Muttan. late of the Town of Bow- manville. who died on or about April 21st. 1939, are requireti to file the same with vroof thereof with the undersigneti not later than june lSth. 1939. andi ail dlaims flotreceiveti by that date wili be barret izaainst the Administrator of the Estate. Dated tis 6th day of, May. 1 939. M. G. V. Goulti, Bawrhnilk Ontario. Solicitor for William B. MUttOn Estate. 19-3 Court of Revisiôn and Appeal TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON Notice is hereby given that the first sittinizs of the Court of Revis- ian for the Township af Darlington will be helti in the Town Hall. in thc Villagze af« Hampton, an Saur- day June 3rd. 193e, at the boum of 2 p.m. Standard Time, ta hear anti deterniine the several camplaints anti omnissions in the Assessment Rol for the said Municipality -for the vear 1939. Al- persans havingz business aI the Court are requestedti t attend.j J. D. HOGARTH, Clemk af the Township Datei atHamp ofthis it Dated at ampton t is 1 ton day of Mayr. 1939. 20-2 m 1 ,. 1 1 THURSDAY, MAY 25T", 19à THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 19C 49e Ise »C i TENDERS FOR COAL AND CQKE SEIALD Tenders addresed te the underslgned and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will bo rocelved until 12 o'olook noo idylihtsavlng) Monday, .Dun 12 19 9,d8YIiGhthe suppîy of osi and Cake forthe Domin on Buldlings thraughont the Province of Ontsario. Forme of tender with sefcifloation@ and conditions attached can be ob- talned tram the Purchaslng Agent, Departent Ot Publie Worke, Ottawa nadthe ýuPervling Architeot, 36 Adielalde St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should ho meade on thbe farmns supplied by the Department ad in accardance wlth departmental apecficatlons and conditions attaoh- ed theroto. When the amount of a tender ex- ceeds theo sneof $5,000.00-whetheit ho for onie building only or -mro.-the tenderers mnst, attaoh te their tender a certfled ahe ne on a chartered batik ln C aa ed payable ta the arder at theo nourable the lnlster of Publc orks, e Ual ta 10 per- cent of the mount of te tender, or Bearex. Bnds of the Doini o tCanada or ot the Cndian National Railway Corn ny 'nd its constituent compati- les, pnoonditiotlalîy guaasteed as te mrinci and Intemest 'by the Domin- Ion of Canada, or the aforementianed hondsMand a certitled ehoque, If me- qulred te malte up an odd amount. form cof a cortlfied chpque or bond as above, equal ta 10 pom cen~t of the amount of hi. bld, te guarantee thxe proper tulfilment of the contruct By arde~ J. . buRVL earv

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