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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1939, p. 2

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* f ~V ~'¶f ,%.~r w>r.« "$r-**--~-*-* * . -- «PAGE TWO THE CNADIN STTESMA. BOMAMVTT v lMTAlTv- Establiihed 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted ta the Intereste of the town af Uawmanvilie and surraunding country, [esued at King Street, Bowmanviie, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sono, awners and publishers. The Canadian Statesman is a men*er of the Canadian Wookly Noepapers Association, aima the Clama "A" WookiIes of Canada. * GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere ln Canada $2.00 a year when pald ln ad- vance; 50c extra ln United States to cover postage. Single copies, 5r. THURSDAY. MAY 25TH. 1939 Canada Permanently Enriched Many complimentary remarks have been made about the visit of the King and Queen to Canada. We like the. comments so appropriately expressed by The States- man 's feature writer, J. C. Kirkwood, wlien he wrote: "There has been a vast quickening and enlargement of the spirit of loyalty; there has been a brand new consciousness of our unity with Britain. There lias been a mca- sureless outpouring of love for the Royal family as represented by King George and Queen Elizabeth, and for British institu- tions; and a fresh expression of devotion j to the principles of dexnocracy, so finely j typified in Great Britain. "Also, the Royal visit lias fastened the eyes of the whole world on Canada, with a new quality of intensity and inquisitiveness. Not on only part of Canada, but on its whole breadth. The moving picture coin- panies will show, in al countries, their liar- vestings of the Royal Visit. In Britain, where Canada needs so mucli to be better understood and better advertised, Canada will be publicized, by text and picture, in the editorial columns of a thousand news- papers and periodicals, and the favour sliown by the King and Quecln will, it can be confidently predicted, put Canada into the favour of Britain's higli and low in new degree. "It has therefore, been altogether riglit for our Canadian newspapers and period- ica5 to make the Royal Visit the occasion for quite extraordinary presentations and interpretations of it. Not quickly witl pass the memory and the influences of the Royal Visit. Canada lias been permanently en- riched, flot alone in terms of xnoney and trade, but also spiritually, by this un- exampled gesture of good will and favour on the part of King George and Qucen Elizabeth." Rural Co-operation Essential Last Sunday started the open season for * rural Sunday School Anniversaries in Dar- lington Township whieh continue until the ï *first Sunday in July. These local celebra- * tions have been the outstanding event of the year for well over haif a century. It therefore seenied quite approprlate that "The United Church Observer" should pub- lish its Rural Lif e Issue this month. t is a remarkable edition in which the new edi- tor, Rei. A. J. Wilson, clearly demonstrates he i» familiar with rural people and condi- tions. Considerable prominence is given to * various aspedts of work in the rural areas of our country. Here is one paragraph from tlic leading editorial on "Rural Co- operation Essential :" "In the rural areas, adaptation of insti- tutions to new and clianging conditions cornes 'more slowly. The fariner is more or lcss an individualist. Bc works alone, plows his own fields, takes care of his own stock, manages his own farm. He la slow to or- ganize- and co-operate witli others. This individualism is reflccted in the economie lfe of the farmlng community. The farin- er lias little or nothing to say with respect to the final distribution of lis crops; par- tieularly is this true of mixed farming. The fariner deals li perishables. He must dis- pose of them. at once. If lie keeps lis milk>@ it sours; if lie keeps lis fruit, it spo ils. He lias f0 imarket the crop when ripe and lias litfle, if any, bargaining power. Therefore, i tlie realm of economics, the farmer is at the mercy of others." If you are not already a subscriber to The Observer do so at once as you find lu eaeh issue wliolesome and lielpful reading. New School Courses Going Fine Sooner or later local rat epayers will again be asked to vote on thc question of providing facilit.ics at the Higli School ,for thc practical courses of shop training and home economies. The vote was clcvcrly rail- Ncvertlieless, an increasing number of ' hinking people are becoming anxious. .bey know f lis polificai unadness canneoFi ýon forever. The vital quesfion las cati 7e reforin ourselves or must disintegraioui E f flic body politie continue unfil finally nemi 'der la brougît ouf of chaos by flic strong sPS and of sanie political. despot? Mn -The Parner 's Advocate a j THEY'VE GOT GERTIE GUESSING BTf SCRIBE G fIe Province etands ready f0 give generous financial support f0, sudh projeefs. "Thc faet fhat xnany municipalifies are liard put ta if fa meef fleir 1o43a1 costs of governmenf aftIch present fime is bringing, empliasis f0 flic present unsatisfacfary way of financing educafion whicî la clargcd up mosfly to real estate in flie province. In thc inferesf of a fair distribution of the fax burden, as well as equalizafion of opportun- ity of urban and rural pupils if is desirable that a new method be dcviscd. Somie strug- gling municipalities arc suggesfingfliaf flic Province pay one liundrcd per cent. of the ecosf. But on thc oflier liand if is point cd out fIat sudh a practice would remove flic cont roi of fli c hools froin fli local centres. In oflier wordi, flic Provincial piper would insist on calling flic fune. Furflermore, if is poinfed ouf that our financial difficulties in Canada foday arc parfly duc ta flic fact thaf flic provinces are going bcyond ftle spirit of flhc B. N. A. Act and faking on výast responsibilifies whidli in -many cases nxcrely duplicate federal services. AftIch present time Ontario pays only 11%o of Ëchool costs, compared f0 50% in flic Old Land, and as higli as 60%é in oflier Canadian provinces. It appears thaf flic financing of our schools miglif be more effcctively donc by a largèr, grant froin the Province, witl some co-oper- ation by flic Dominion Governinent. "The cost of education presses rafler heaviiy in some commiunities. But affer al if is abouf fhe most important responsibil- ity fIat a community las. TIe necd is not to lessen flic expendifure, but f0 divide if fairly. If would be unseemly to single ouf for complaint our educational cosf s at a fime wlien we arc spending vasfly more for liquor and many items of public expendi- turc which are sccondary in importance fo education. " Apple Blossom Festival lisue Aftf lis season of tIc ycar TIc Advcrtiser of Kenfviiie, N.S., issues an annual Apple Blossom Festival Number. This year»' is- sue, more elaborafe flan ever, links flic visit of Tîcir Majesties to Canada wif I fIe Land of Evangeline wlere was, foundcd flic firsf European sefflement on fhe North Ameni- can continent. The Advcrtiser 's Festival Issue is replete witli fhe lore and hisfory of flic province, wifl articles on fruit and oflier industries, and with stories 'of wooden slips and oflier relies of flic past Special attention is given to tIc appie indusfry, wif h empliasis on quaiity and extent, and on -marketing chief- ly in fIe Brifish Isies. Thc Annapolis Valley Blossom Festival will be leld at Kcnfville on June 2 f0, 5- four days of beaufy, music and pageanfry, whcn fthc flousands of visitors wil be royaliy weicomed witli open arins. Among flic events -wiil be a grand parade of floats and fthc Qucen's Bail at flic Cornwakis Inn, a -modern Canadi'an Patific Hotl., Among- flic visifors will be a 'young lady from Hcet- fordshire, England, sent by the National Farmers' Union of Engiand f0 represent flic Engiisl apple industry. Again we re'mark when wiil Durham County orchardists wake up fo flic tremend- ous possibilities wit h their proximity f0 Toronito, of holding an Apple Biossom Fes- tival here? In another week fthc blossouns will be ouf in ail their grandeur and beauty. Be sure to drive fîrougli fIe orclard dis- tricts. Bound in. a four-eolor cover, whidli de- picts Evangeline and lier lover af flic old Frendch weil at Grand Pre, set in a back- ground of apple blossosus; profuseiy ilus- trated witl excellent hlf-tane cngravings flirouglout, and well printe d on good paper stock, fhis Festival Issue is a credif fo The Adverfiser and fo ail wlo lad to do witî ifs compilation and workmanship. FIow Much Cao We Take? A sinaîl percenfage of fIe population are beginning fo wondcr jusf liow mucli gov- erninent inefficiency and wanton extrava- gance this, country cau really stand before we admit we arc ready for a dictator, a despot or a polifical bruiser wlo will run the ent ire show wifî a semblance of loncsty and thrift. The people of Canada cherisli tIc Jiberties for whidli our forefathers fouglit and died. We are consclous of al tIat, but cati we retain those liberfies as a s evcniniz wben about 25 of thieir frn- ends conzregatcd there tg elebrate tbe tentb anniversary of their wed- ding. Courtîce: James Clark's eldest rdaugbter bias appendicitis. . . E .F. 1 Willougb, wbo was somewbat bet- Ster after a severe aperation. is not imProvinK as fast as boped. . . He tis now in Toronto General Hospital. t Hampton: Walter Kellar is im- ProvingR bis residence witb a coat of paint. .. The new fence around tbe cburcb grounds is comPleted and *everybody says it looks swetl. Men started to work on the new 1 Alex Taylor bas purchased Mrs. 1John Potter's residence on Kîngz St. rEast. D. Morrison, Jr., bas accepted a tPosition in the Dunlop Laboratory, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James are visiting their daughters iq New York City and their son in Cleveland. Every passerby admires the fine dispflay of tulips, narcissi, etc. in F. H. Mason's Rarden. It is seldomn that such a wealth of bloom is seen at one time in one izarden. Chief Wm. Edizer and bis fine fiabhters held a Practice Monday ev- eniniz connectjpg witb the bydrants on KinR St. > Mrs. Tbos. Coulter lias a veny fine cactus in bloom in bier winçtow tbat bias been mucb admined. Mrs. Van Dyke, who bias been ser- iously ilI in the bospital, expects to return home in a few days. Roy Rickard, wbo lias completed bis third vear in Arts at Victoria University. Toronto, is visiting Mn. Jas. G. Rickard. pncvious to Aeaving for a trio throuKh England witb the Victoria Glee Club. Linemen on the Fri fIh desperately against wlnd suc 3/freezing eleet and biinding tr them f0 keep the lUnes dlear, bec 3 3/,ý % cati must o through, la our h over thte voice-ways of Onuario uai IeAlop ivoement for Trust Funds UncondiîU@ndIy Guernted STECRLING TRUST RNMILAS CORPORATIONFRN ILNZ gnaLffl TwanagRer *Gertie can't Ret it. She bas been was disatmointed. Business was«bad. readingz the 1939 World Alsnanac, hie said, and then he added, "I'm no whicb states definitely tbat the lii e Pessimist. Mrs. Ford, but if I was expectancy of a goose is 2W0 years. You I'd save the tait feather, f rom Gertie is four years old berself. now on . . . ust inl case quili pens She bas always been circumspect corne back." about Randers. She bas laid a lot of One morning wben Gertie liad fertile eRgs and sat on tbem. One gatbered the- RoslinRs ini the yard near time she sat on tbem so still the the bouse, she beard music confing wbole ten came out..1 from the radio. lt was the Goose- Ail bier life sbe bas seen lier sons step Military Marcb. Gertie listened and dauRbters murdered ... ail very to tbe snaD of tbe soldier's sboes as Young . .. mere babes. Cut rigbt tbey marcbed to the mnusic of tbe off just as she badl Rot tbem padd- band - . . 75 Daces to' the minute. linx around in the Pond properîy. Her ancestors did the goose-step in Only last Suniday tbey bad a gaSling's the first place . . . 18 paces tio the obituaryj notice in tbe Cinin 1 mute. Wlien they went any'faster Bill of Fare. It was bier littie *Bon than that. tbere was trouble. Gertie George.* wondered if there was trouble. Gertie does not see any seaue in Yesterday Mrs. Ford Rot a poultry tbe sayingz "silly as a goose." Every book from tbe Cbecker-Board Coin- act of bier life seems serlous enough, oany. Ir- said tbat tbe liver of a fat G<d kows. oose was lai-ger than the other 'in- Sine lstfat se bs benwory-nards!' And by special feeding the inc labt tbe ese taa e own y liver can lbe iade to grow abnor- ini abut he ees tht ae dwnmally large., In France tbey use soutb. There was a piece in tbe Win- poose liver for makoing tbe famousi nipegr papers Jast faîl about the wild "pate de foie gras". wbicb is an ex-i geee oiniz south from James Bay. Pensive appetiser served at cocktaili Sbe often wonders wbat it would be parties. Tbe ooultry book said tbati like to. be"wild. And the Papér said People are Roing cocktail crazy in tbis tbere were bardly any young Reese country. Mliicb explains the inçreas- in tbe f lock flyinq soutb last fqll. ingz demand for goose liver to be A farmer narned Ford lceePs served at cocktail Parties. Gertie. Mrs. Ford feeds bier. Last So Mrs. Ford is sending to. the t year Mrs. Ford Plucked the 1 lock poultry company for a bit of tiver1 two or tbree tirnes. Tbey Rot to be deveoper. like it says in tbe book, so scared of beinjr plUCkcd, tbey She is Roingz to feed it to Gertie'st WoUldn't corne out of the coup. flock. Gertie 'can't get it out of lierc Gertie bas got to know a lot of mmnd tluat there will b.e some sort ofs people wbo corne to sec tbe Fords. discomfort wben the liver is biggert She belps tbe gander biss at them. in Proportion to the gaît than it1 One day tbe mati. Who Owns the sboutld be. . She w.onders if anytbingQ furniture store drove in. Ahl hands will break. Ohi welt . .. . it wift ait li hissed as usual. He waxted twO bags be over in ten weeks or so. l Of down to Put in some bedding for Tbe thiing tbat Rails Gertie most b a bride. Mrs. Ford said the next . .. getting back to Rail again . . . ii time she plucked the ftock it wouldln't is that a Roose bas a natural cbance i! be down. And sbe didht't bave anY to tive for* 200 years. Tbat's tbe tl do"n now. Tbe furniture store man thingZ that sticks in Gertie's crop. 0 I ti BY THE OLD BOX STOVE c UTHIAM a Baek Ou flic Scventh Conession' a Don't get flhe impression fIat from him but we belleve 'if was«, thc old Box Stove gang hais gone. just Plain cussedincss. He does not to the dogs because this tirne we Rire dogs because lie does not lilce a, anything,, perhaps le does not like arc going f0 falli about dogs. Thc hiraself. gang semcnd to bc ail worked up One of fthc gang said lie lad about a man kicking a dog. You hearti a speaker say long ycars fu know wc arc ail oid hands lit ago "Show me a 'man that dogs le farnÙng and no reai fariner is shun and Illilslow you a mean Y( withouf a dog. If docs not seem man." That may be truc or not f0 maffer f0 us about Uic dog's but hils is frue - only a coward parentage or pedigree. He's our wiil kick or abuse a dumb animal. flf dog and Uiat's ail wc care. A far- He would not dare f0 do if f0 in mer and a dog seem to complete some one who would resent if, so fc Uic picture. lie takes if ouf on Uic innocent. Si Wdil, here's Uic story. one of As for myseif, Hiram, I like 'dogs.- thc gang saw a nman kick viciously I like flici beffer flan lots of a dog. He was a nicc friecdly dog, people. I likc Uicm because Uiey intelligent and erybody's fri- are faithful, willing - weil, be- end. When flic kieker was chided cause Uiey arc dogs. I've licard about hits action lic let out a gw ople callcd dogs, but believe and a howl fIat would scare any- me, fIat's vcry offen an insult f0 body flot a fariner. Somnething Uic dogs. had liappencd. Pcrbaps his wifc Thec dog kieker does not rate was housecleanmng or else some very high in flhc estimation of flic one lad borrowcd some moncy gang by Uic old box stove. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST 1l: PROM TRE STATESMAN FIES A 'mat isl a person who makes rn of lis wlfe's rouge utfil sîc laves if off, and then says, "Are eou sick today? you look awful." -Roberf Quillen. We told one smartf kid he'd iever find a job while spceding flice car. If anly cncouraged hM * kecp on speeding. ' Brandon v Lin. NVIICWAL TaITimes l DORICOURT Thc following table shows the ppultionaseciedvaluatIontotal acreage, and persons per- acr i tnmuiciltes in this district, as issued by Departinent of Municipal Aftalrs for 1937: Assessed- 'opulation Valuation 3850 $2,242,000 4577 2,548,470 690 .318,300 704 286,900 Spirit of 'Canada Close to beingz one cf the f inest examples of tbe Printer's art pro- duced in Canada fan many a longz yean, "The Spirit of Canada," pub- lisbed bv the Canadian Pacifie Rail- way as "A Souvenir of Wehcorqe., to H. M% Kingz George VI. and H. M. iQueen Elizabeth." is a volume of 60 kpages. written by 12 of the Domin- ion's outstandinir authors and poets and itustrated witb sketches of the Federat and Provincial Panliament Buildings by Charles W. Simpson, &.C.A. Thene is a forewond? by Sir Edward Beatty. G.B.E., The States- mani is anioniz the fontunate ne- cipients of a complimenta-v copy. To interpret t_4e spirit of Canada the editors - catled upoui Duncan Campbell Scott. C.M.G., Clara Den- nbl. L M. Montgomery, O.B.E., Sir Chai-les G. D. Raberts, Rjert Cho- quette. Kaflienine Hale, W. T. Ahli- son, Mai-y Weekes, Robent J. C. Stead. Nellie L McCtung,_Mns. Geo. Black, M.P., and Phuiip H. Godsell to write upon Ottawa, the nine Pro- vinces. Yukon and the North-West Territories. Raniiz~ as one of the nlost im- portant collections of essays on Canada the contributions of this im- vressive list of writers foi-m a composite description of the Domin- ion historical, izeogzraphical and in- dustrial. that fully justifies the titie "'The Spirit of Canada." Cha-les W. Simpson's colourful illustrations are in the vein of wbich this, weil-knovgju Canadian artist is famous. A fuît-pagZe naturat cojour photogzraph of Their Maiesties, in theiri Cononation Robes faces a *-el- corne to the Kinz and Quecti wbicb synoosizes the histo-y of ýUyq'l visits to Canada from fthe ai-nial of H. R' H. -The Duke of Kent. .gÉeat-g-eat Rrandfatber of His Majesty. to the landiniz from the Canadian Pacific lier "Enress of Australia" at Que- bec, May lSth, 1939 The book is set n a modern face type and ecdhpage s set off by gold bonder rules. In the decorative treatment of the Ai-ms of the Provinces with which caci bhapten isembellisbed. gold dust bas bcen emoyed. The Simpson illus- rations are in seven colours. A fuît colour mai) of tic Royal Itincrary and reproduction of the Royal Train Lt the end of the book adds to ifs value as a souvenir of the visit of Their Maiesties. Altogzether, fi-on every stqp.dpoint "The Spirit of Canada" is a notable addition f0 Canadian literature rontier Ad wenther, rme. Aiding ecause your îole mrgan- ians, plant eral staff. oeilUs travel id Queber, But ail calis must go through at Split-second speed. This. requires the higiet -standard of telephone plant, a highly-trained personnel and never-ending researchi. Your Telephone organization, ike your firet~ Vpartment, is prepared for anything-anytirne. it mobilizes men and resources for emergencies like blizzards, storrns and floode. Special tecli. nicians qtuckly arrange telephone conférenceai trafflo surveys, international hook-ups. Andno matter what tlic situation, thereis always instant attention frorn "the voice with a Smile."I Municipality PC Bownianviile . - Port Hope -- Newcastle..-. -- Millbrook -- ------ Darlington Clarke -....~- Cartirghit ---- - - Manvers .-- -- FIFTY YEARS AGO Prom The Canadian Statesman, May 22, 1889 Long Sault: Jas. Coulter has been under fie doctor's cane. .. Stanley Staples shot an owt wbici neasu-ed 4 ft. 6 ins. Tyrone: R. Branton bad a slighl stroke of tiaralysis..- Drover Wight for cattle. . . 0. Stock bas treated bis house te a coat cf paint. Hampton- Mn. and Mns. Samuel Ashton are impi-ovinz 4ni healih... Chai-les Hooper, Jr.. is goiniz to Manitoba. Solina: Thos. Baker is building -a rlew drivinz bouse. . . E. Reynolds' wife presented him with twins -May 18th. Ail ai-e doinz well. Enfield: Beni. Powell, Jr., sold a fine mare f0 W. Cann, Bowmanville, at a higi figure. Kirby: R. P. Linton bast bis most valuable "Cheneau" colt - killed in aftempting to, lump a fence. Kendal: Ino. Hodge bais rented the sate Alex Henry fai-n..-. Jno. Car- son is ei-ectinz an addition. to bis house. Robent Peacock. agcd 70, a ne- pectable farmer of Hope, was killed in Port Hope, Fnîday b.y a. wagon uaded with plaster passing ovei- bim. lis *horses wene frightened by fie blowing of a whistlc. Percy and Young bust a valuabie Young stallion Crown Ruby' by inflammation._ A stalk of rye whicb we got in ai ield norti of Jacob Gaud's yester- lay mcasurcd 3'6". A Cyclîngz Club was oi-ganized in :wn last week with these officers: res.-A. R. Dobson, Vice-Pi-es.- I. Haggiith, Sec.-A. Elliott, Treas. -J. H. Kenner, Capt.-C. Fe. Kent, st Lieut.-W. Souch. 2nd Lieut.- L. Nichols. The club starts witli membersbip of 15 wieehnien and il! moin tie Canadian Whêelmen's usociaf ion. Several choice niants were stolen rom D. Moi-ris' gardri Monday iht- Otier flower thefts ai-e i- i-ted. J. Higginbotbam & Son, druggists, ie nioved into, their newly refitted id enlared corner store which is one fite handsomest siops iin fown. TWENTY-PJVE YEARS AGO ýrom The Canaian Statesman, May 21, 1914 Enfield: Edwin Ormiston sports a wbuggy..*'. Dr. W. E. Titley in- -ted oui- scioi. olina: 1 The home of Mr. and r.W. C. Weri( was the scene of genuine surpride part y Monday 1755 Hope- 1~541,515 2194 63,801 36 2,081,935 63,739 29 3718 2868 1298 2199 1 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTn ,"ZTT713clrAxr IrAlr ligrtr lný 2,390,936 1,980,435 1,074,732 1,131,645 TotpÀ, Persons Acrep Pèr Acre 2680 1.0 1137 4. 1910 . 372 1.9 Acres Per- Peu-son 68,971 .18 68,771 24 38,539 29 69,771 32 the Dover Cliffs"'- e"Isn')t it grad ... just tbink . . . we're i Old '~England ... lots of time to see everytbing. money to pay our way. "tAnd we can. spend every last cent . . . for another cheque will corne along next month ... cvery month . .,. as long as we live". Ask the man or woman who lias a Canada Life icm... its glorious, when you close the desk for good and get right d9wn to the business of really enjoymng ie . .. secure i the knowledge that month i, month out, income cheques wifl corne to you. It's surprising how many "'future dollars" your quarters will make. Why flot drop us a liùe? The Canada Life Assurance Company, 830 University Ave., Toronto, Ont. V W/rItbout oblgtononmypart pleasetellme owl:can get a guaranteed, Canada Life Income $50 [3 *100 El $200 ci*3000[3a month at age 53 [:]600[:]65E[ Âddres ............ ........................... .... Born .......... Day of .................... .......1...... Canada's Oldest Ilfe Assurance Company -.0 -Rb t 1 "Look! Mother, . a

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