THURSDAY, MAY 25TH, 1939 V COWSLIP TIE g -: gEnniskillen Coup] --0- t's cowslip rne i England now, u Ineres b ..~ ~Reach 40 Years 1see the children running o'er VThe cawslip fields of gold; Forty.eight years aRo Mr. M.A. 0 And juiaty gatherlng ail James was travelling in England anc, Th ei li tle r m s w ill hold . as is th e m anner o f hedritors, he en d e Ai. t GavernmentfHouserandwwerehflotrahtels0 Roy l R cep io ~ apial ~i~Yaffir.Wehadflo r~isere Whle aiiesbrshthipin an. hich heined make bis travel articles învited but most of mv f-dýýoýtrýieed w Ther ildprofuson thank. Thr0 ou n uhitriw h ty Ivitd bt mot o myfrieds eremet a Young lady on a pleasure here so al 1 can do is tel you some The fragrance of the wall-flaW9 r jaunt. She reminded him of a nicci Described By Statesm an W riter ofthe thiirs thev have said. Thafrli an Canada and on a subsequent trip pGiaedand Qlookened t ias *Te ue eein ir eEneland Misses Efta an.d Sophia plae adloeda fthey 0eeTeea-rp f tefcsah James accompanied their father and BY Jessie Allen Brown Glebe Coliegiate Band at the station enioying themseives and nlot a par- In pansive beauty there. avstwsmd ateHlwrh The Rreat moment has cone and for their arrivai. Sa we had to lieticie bored. They stroiied about avstwsmd eteHlwrh Rafe.Wehav sentheKig ndup rondsixashehadtabeatseparateiy. and taiked tea great I see agaip a hast of frienda, home. A mutual spirit of fniendlii Que. The rws ene, ytKing an sehaol 7.15.asEven dt b tmany po1 ng) t~î s.d as nasamdly by ha eaiy.wewho peplie. Some of the ladies (My fancy brings them ng) fless deveioped. u e vTe ra e ne e lc colb7.5 v taeryw wh taiked ta the Queen ither were All gathered an the village green There is much in the story thal fiiled wth emotion. Several said, a liesse extited. or cisc the Queen was se hneentrecaefy oilows that would be too personal .I couldn'tf chempeeadr.tual tIt wast e ndail thrIcocouheidmryfor this co]umn, but an important aolntcer t a l ol rtinga ffasimplrte andMoturafthey fen or aAdtenteecrestemr' resuit of that holiday trip was an do ta keeD f ront crying.' Lilce mast -1p aoedcrsv os itewoe oea Position. Friends istreet lenth dresses and because ai Amadna, ofar introduction through Her Majesty's everyane cisc, aur day started eariy. hdivMailteAmidn h s ar The Young lad was 1'jin te a in vitthuet the cooler weather the lovely long "rivas cawslip tizne i Englaail Service, ai Miss Nora gines vaîg sec the arrivai - zarden partyish dress was flot in tisen, ln and J. A. Werr3', and faitli fuiiy did f romn their home- evidençe. There were mny beauti- Far sprig was in the air. 'H.M.M.S. perform the work assiRn- on the Driveway fut furs and fox capes worn. It was ed them. Men af intelligence and and it was a a very courteaus Party, with no shov- -Ralph Gordon. conviction have threshed out the re- perec plce in nr ostin no md rshng628 Crawford St., Toronto. lative value of the Pulpit and the _____ th about. The King and Queen maved Press. But take it from Cupid the S Pr i v i eRge af about £o much that everyane had an such subjects as a girl's relation Pen is utteriv weak compared te the v4 ~transportin1z a appaortunitv ta sce them. to berý family; lier respansibilities voice backed. up by a magnetic per- ga entliem an of The unveiling of the National War ta hier family; téwards herseif as sonality. And in 1896 Mn. Werry ' ~ ninety - anc and Memanial was a very calorful and a member of the famiiy and what was imvelled ta visit bis correspond- two ladies, bath basIe Allen imrsiesevc h she can expect from her family. cnt and Cupid was weil pleased with ovr e i g h t.y Brown compresie i.S eve - awse whoy There were talks on food, cloth- his work. at ean wehadta rie ad ~caud sc i. neer aw a mnying, social relationships, use of In 1898 Mr. Werry returned ta hat mantbe h e rie andak a peaple in my lii e and the crawd was leisure and reading for the fam- En-]n hr esettewne ha eb heeb ie 'lc sa huge that only a fraction of the ily. This latter subject was treat- nln hr esettewne fa cars were allawed thraugh. later.tepal ol e~W eeo ed i a mast interesting way by at a point net tao distant tram HaIs- We sa -th Royl tri nhe dis- hgh place and ta sec the soiidiy Miss Ethel Chapman of the Farm- warthy. On May 20th. 1899 in the tance, ail blue and silver. It changed packed streets and square was qute er's Magazine. church where shte had been arganist enginesý and tracks and we saw it a siRht. The King and Queen won W. R. Reek, Deputy Minister of and served in many capacities, Noa return. There was no doubt of Ot- more hearts as aiter the ceremany Agriculture for Ontario, was the Jane Bines, daughter ai Mr. and tawa's abiiity ta cheer. ThKin was aver. they spoke ta many ai principal speaker at the banquet Mrs. Wmn. Bines. Halsworthy., and Quen mad an u e ingtd p the veterans and did not get in their which cîased the conference. Devon, Engiand, became the bride ai pearance an the train iplalfq.m and car immediately but walked along JmArs. hilia Werry sna O. n- Ileverypoumdand we couid hear the chieers, blacks surraunded by the cheering throng. tan ilanada.,Soin. n hafrudpak away. Finallv they came. The Hus- Even when they did get in the car, Wtdag randaM. Wryai m th.e o lutnabi. . swgh herold heimets and red1 they stood up and waved,, ith the e d n coupons. Save uniorms o hi prancing harses~ a rwigaog an ssoi mediatelv for Canada and wîthin a those carefuly. and the King and Que-en in the as it was passible and yet mave. It year settled an their farm ance milei = ladau drawn b y four harses. The wvas a wonderful sight. Ottawa is ~ -win e and a Quarter north ai Enniskillen, ~ J' ,:~Wm. ]Rogers and camments were that the King laoked lfn a state ai exhaustion. Emnotion Temrig fMs lenweete are nascesu Wr son for re- Young and se sad. His façclgt is tiring and wc have been ful ai it Marjory' Glermie, daughter Of Mr. farm business until 1930 when they Thim os. e to un when he smiles but it is sad whenfo das Thi spnnesad and Mrs. John F. Glennie af Ta- retired ta their present home in To. J. Lipton in repose. The Qucen has sirnpiy natural ways have won every one's ronto, ta Mr. Herbert Stanley Enniskilien. imte, ipo'bowied everyane aven by hier beaàuty heart. Aside fron being Royalty, <Sandy) Blake, son of Rev. W. G.. On Saturday evening, May 20th, She is beautiful. There i5 fno word they are such attnactive loaking Blake and Mrs. Blake of Hamil- 1939. aven fifty relatives and a few 8010 for it. She is sa much lovelien than People that we ail feul in lave with tan, taok place Saturday after- iriends met at the homeste.1d, now lier pictures that people werc sur- themn. Their visit cannot heu» but lnon, May 20th, li St. Andrew's accupied bv their son, Ernest A. Prised and ternibly thrilled. It was make us a more united people and Presbyterian Church, Bowman- Werry and family, were hanour was a very satisfying day. The eight- quicken aur lave for the Empire, ville. The bridegraam's father of- paid Mr. and Mrs. Werry an this mile route chasen for the drive gave Crowds wene Present ta greet ficiated. the occasion ai thein Ruby Wedding raom for evcny anc ta sec themn comn- their Majesties an every cLccasion. Given in marriage by hier fath- Anniversary. * fontably. Old and Young Ioved themn We deçided tp stay at home and hear er, the bride ware a queens blue Rev. H. Lackey, pastar ai the for themnseives and 'the lave and the broadcast ai the Trooping ai-the gown with dubannet red accessor- bride and groom aif forty vears, pre- loyalty ta the Crawn has been inten- Colon and the laying afi b.e corner- ies; and was attended by hier sis- sented a Droizram cansisting ai: a sified. stane, aven the radio, as we wantel ter, Miss Mary Glennie, wearing a solo "My Bannie Lies Over the The garden Party was a very particulanlv te hear the Queen's grey frack with Suez accessaries. Ocean" bv Jean Werny; piano sala ____________________________________________ voîce. Ottatvans have been able ta Mr. Bill Whyte of Hamilton was by Mrs. M. Moi iatt, Oshawa-, piana sec rehearsais ai the trooping ai the 'best man. After a reception for duet by Mrs. H. McGiii aild Mrs.t colon and it was a veny colonful per- t edig pary nly, the bride E. A. Wcrry. An address ai ap-ç formance but realiy it was more in- adbridegraam Ift for Quebec, »î:eciation from the chiidren and 1 First Church of Christ., Scientlst teresting ta hear it described aven the an4 an their return will live in 'grandchildren was read by Mrs. H.a (4CleeStetEs)radio, by some anc who knîew what Hamniltan. McGili and accampanied the gift oai (4CiOHAWret Aat each part ai the ceremony mtant, an eectric stve.c O A WAthan it was ta actually sec it. Pro OnsentMs ana W c err reads an- Cprdlally Invites You and your frignms to attend » bably mast ai You heard the Queen's Kendal Institut sn bhisNoa oterr relative n 1e FR Z L ECoT UR E speech. and were thrilled bath by her Re..Jscts Officers ÈeIiôgistic address which was suie-C voice and what she said. I was sur- AtM "N eia ported by speeches by Messrs H.q onl prised ta hear such an English accent, AtM yMe tn Fletcher Werry, W. Chas. and S.g CH RISTIA N SCIENCE as somnehow I expected at east a Edgar Werry and A. L. Pascoe andn touch ai Scotch. Kendal Women's Institute met in Mn. Arthur Olde (cousin ai the by On Saturday aiternoon wc Iust the librarv May 1Oth with Mrs. R. bride). St. Thomas. Mrs. R. J. Luke 1 PAUL STARK SEELEY, C.S.B. happened ta drive aang the Aylmer Mercer in the chair and an attend- and Mrs. S. E. Werry. s of Portland, Oregon noad and when we came ta Island ance ai 28. The raIl caîl "salads" Mn. anid Mns. Werry graciously Mcmber of the Board of Lectureshlp of the Mother Church Park Drive a matarcycle ai ficer was did nat brine out se a ny nely dishes res»onded thankinR ail fan gits and The Firat Church of Christ, Scientlat tunning back the cars gaing in anc as might have been desired. Rood wishes and recalled many2 lu Boston, Massachusts. direction. We stapped ta îfind out Owing ta Mrs M. KeniLa's cx- marks ai orozress which have tLken a I thie what was happening and heard that pected depanture ta Orona, Mjs. R. place during the farty vears. e their Maiesties had gane out the Mercer, Mrs. Pattersan and Mrs. W. Cangnatuiatory messages from r ReetTheatre, Oshawa Aylmer raad a short time before Mercer wil blook aiten liiar » o Montreai, Toronto. Bowmanvilie andE 48 King Street East and wauld soon bc returning. In a Thrdyeennsatr în s. y other points were read. and h Aftrnon,193 fw mnues hee msthav ben ' rsdaR encns fer d eMr s te S ogfgaithe Daxology and God c Sunda.y Atro May 28th, 13 e iue hr uthv ena Ms .Mre n r.Pqtr Save The King canciuded a very q at 3.15 o'clock D.S.T. couple ai hundred people gathWyed. son were cammissianed ta sec aiter inspiring hour ai retraspection an W e were right whene they had ta Play which is being presented here outiook. inadS Islow down ta turiu the canner and by Kirby an May 26th. A real wedding lunch was served ec they were sa cuose we couid have The W. I. was delighted ta wei- inciudingr an especially fine three- -------- touched the car. Thene was nothing came Mrs. J. Thickson ta the meet- story wedding cake.B sad about the King's f ace then. He came Mrs. J. Thickson, Pres. ai Amongz those present were was smiling braadiv and it secmed West Durham Institutes, ta the meet- and Mrs. Francis Olde and Mary_ as if hie were sayink 'isn't this a loke ing, who gave a number ai helpfui ta meet unexpectedly ike this, and ideas on Institute work and also a I amRn gad ta' sec you.' The Qucen splendid papen an "Peace" bringing hadl her happy, giy smiie. vb.hich is out what an important bearing winnRn the hearts of her people. Christianitv has an peace. -They had gone out ta the country A delightiul sala was rendered by E H ! EfEor a drive and a short waîk befare Miss Wiîma Carson with zuitar ac- teGarden Party. It is unfgrtunate campaniment. their time dacs not allow fQr nMore Mrs. Wmn. Mercers paper on ASK ABOUT OUI 01TH11 impromptu trips. "Vitamin B ion Appetite" shawed Canadians have every right ta bie how foads especially vegetables and BIG HEES VALES.1proud ai their Capital in its gala fresh inuits and whale grain pro- dress for the King and Queen. Who- ducts hcip) tone up the systeqm. O LD &N S lb.ever Planned the deconatian is an Mrs. Patterson gave an interesting SPESLI ~artist with a feeling for the fitting. taik on current events. 'The exchange SPICII PLU CNt imumThe deconations are not% igarish and of plants, perenniials, etc. was well SPICALIPLAN OSPIMDIT gaudy but are diRniiied and designed patranîzed and a benefit ta the uad- 1 CC E SE ME" 2 4% lt5 cte enhance the architectural beauties ies. There were a great many dii- SMIIALI COLLEN .OI&eM &NTAM ai the mnany gavernment buildings. ferent vanieties. ~ . Ç1o. ~There has nlot been much bunting Officers were re-clected fan an- Eis F8c t O M « used but ilaRs have fieen- draped aven ather vear. SpECIAi. STANDA&D the doorwavs. The jewelleà crpwn Mrs. J. Patton's group sçved a 10 .A a NO. 4 SIIV f'%U o n the Peace Ta.- i ih tsylnhada iaattm a rr,.ur rsvr flAtfl rTNfl~ 1ATACLARA à-0MI.SZ » UNES 3 2c, SPECIALI SANTA CLARA 40-50 0000 SIZE PRUNESCioicu 2 IL 7c 'RED SALMON TI2R RIERANGOON,1 b lw 5 SPSIALI LIBBYS DREP DROWNED BEANS WITH PORK 2%. SPICIALU BUDGET SLEND BLACKC TEA lb. 35C SPECIALI "TNINSHELL" -b SODA CraSkers pko22< mR HIYL OUICKIt Sm - ~4ORN~aup21.le#, CIpSO ~ 9 DOMINO 'I4ÎR190 WAX li. 570 PANCY NT l 50SCOT WALN USb.35<TISSUE i2 Bons 250 .~~ fo *-Su 23e Rural Girls' Confence Proves Great Succesa 450 Farm Girls lI Reidcnce At O.A.C., For Tre. Days Discusa AU Appet 0f Faitly Lite lneludig Food,'Clothing, Social and Use of Lelmure What contributions can farm girls make ta the borne and family living? This, broadly, was the theme of the Rural Girls' Confer- ence hcld at the O.A.C. Guelph last week and attended by 450 girls from all aven the province icludig noveraI from Durham Caunty. The well-arranged* pro- gram was spansored by the Wam- cn's Institute Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, and the staff of Macdonald Institut., Guelph. One of the fMatures was the contribution of the girls them- selves ta the pragram, Includlng a demonstration of a typical Home- making Club meeting. Macdonald students put on a panel discussion "Wbat w.e et, We are", and an instructive and entertaining skit, "A Camedy of Erronsi Eating." Macdonald exhibita i n clu d cd "Prevention of Accidents in the ures", and "Hot Schaal Lunches." The girls were also itcrcsted i a revue "lWardrobe Suggestions." ThIe pragram taok up i detail It is futile ta attempt to liv. in sections, separsting business from religion and work from faith.- Hugh B ack. b I counsel the. if thau hast a trusty fiend go and sce him often; tbecause a road that is seldam trod gets chocked with brambles and light grass.-Canfucius. Beware of the chap wbo bon- rows a quarter and pays it bsck pramptly; he may strike you fan a dallas, next time. KISS, YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pt2ge« M Suifer Low Blood uount-And Don't Know It. nei baimUng tblag about 1ev blood Count inajo mua aIan. h about u much an YOU *veu di<- aven bo00bailli ad trous, yet Fo me oa fuel au If you ho adnu your w 0"Pa t jiepies havez't sot enough red biood corpruscbes. It la their vital amaaire the. Power ta turo lbhe'wb*ls. 80 lnereaslng the number and atrenstb of re 00 rusoles. Then wltlu your biool mount ais, a,, lb0terIkéibboundang up ltheatiaas il lpou 1w r!efloinn on 5. AsIc our druagist Pne ila today. Courtice le -Are Laudecl 0f Married Life ,AM. and Mrs. Jack Ode, St. Thamas; dMrs. W. Rowing, London, and Miss le N. Jôhns. Toronto. 1_ Mn. and Mrs. Werry's many fri- r- ends wish them much afioiy and lcontentment en route ta tfîeir Gold- een Weddiniz. le Hampton P Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Jna. ia Willis, Tornto, with ber father, d Mr. Jno. Colwill and sister Beat- ýrice. . . Mrs. Charlton McBride and Burton, Peterboro, with ber brother, Mr. Will White. . . Mr. -and Mrs. Raymond Burns and d baby, Oshawa, at Mrs. Jas. Burns'. It..Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn with nMn. and Mrs. J. B. Horn and famn- Sily at Dutton. . . Mn. and Mrs. Will Wilbur with Mr. and Mis. Wilbur Burnett, Oshawa, on Mon- day. . . Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, Toronto, and Mrs. R. Burgess, Ty- rane, with thir mother, Mrs. E. eStevens. .. Miss Mary Niddery of the nursing staff of Gravenhurst Sanitarium, spent a few days at ehome, t Many fram this cammunity f went ta Toronto Monday ta attend the celebrations in hanar of the King and Qucen. Others matoreds ta Kingston on Sunday for ch special dings there, wile af greater number af citizens had ta b. content ta go ta Bowmanville F ta at least see the Rayal train and v 1if possible get a glimpse of Their Majesties. n Church and Sunday School ser- vices an Sunday were of a pat- riatie nature. Next Sunday there will be fia preaching service on Mi. and Mis. R. Perrett, Garth and Harold, and Mis. Ludkin at- tended the Graduation Exercises at the Normal Scbool in Toronto an Friday where their daughter Doreen has been a student. W. were sorry ta learn of the death in Ottawa an Saturday of Mi. T. A. Brown and wish ta cx- tend shiccre sympathy ta Mis. Esther Stevens, sister, and ather relatives. Mi. Brown was always a welcome visitok here and had many warm friends' amang the Hampton people who regret ta bear of bis passig. Eldad Anniversary services will b. held on May 28 and 29. On Sunday at 2 a'clock Rev. J. V. McNeely, Oshawa, will preach, and at 7 a'clock Rev. T. H. P. An- derson, Oshawa, will preacb. Sp.- cial music by the Sunday Scbaol under the direction of Mis. John Baker, assisted by Mis. A. A. Crawle, Oshawa, and the male quartette. On Manday a league game of football, Tyran. versus Solina, will b. played on the com- munity grounds. At 8 a'clock Pickering Dramatic Club will pre- sent their play, "'Lena Rîvers." Mn. Stanley Rickard's Orchestra will pravide the nmusic. Adults 25c, cbfldren 15c. Our church was suitably decar- ated with buntig, flags and flow- ens Sunday morning for aur pat- riatic service in hanaur of aur King and Qucen. Rev. W. Rack- ham spoke an Patriotism. The choir sang an anthem and Mis. John Baker favaured witb a vocal solo "'Canada's Hynin of the Em- pire" which was mucb appreciat- ed. BCongratulations ta Mn. Walter lackburn an passing bis univer- sity exani. A number from here were m,: Toronto' Manday ta sec Their Majesties. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and Wesley, Mi. and Mis. A. L. Pas- coe, Mr. anid Mis. Harold Pascoe, attended a family gathering at Mr. Ernest Werry's, Enniskillen, on Saturday evening i honor of Mi. and Mis. James A. Werry's fortieth wedding anniversary. Mi. Thos. Baker, Mr. and Mis. John Baker, Mi. W. T. Baker and Miss Vera Baker attended the funeral 0f Mis. Frank Branton in Oshawa on Saturday. Several fram ber. attended En- niskillen Anniversary services and visited friends. Mi. Walter Parrinder had twa sheep killed with dags. Visitors: Mrs. Will Quick, Mrs. Howard Couch and Miss Marjory, Bowmanville, at Mn. John Bak- er's. .. Mn. and Mis. Arthur Mc- Donald and sons Gardon and Jack, and George Werry, Toronto, visited at Mi. S. E. Werry's... Mviss Helen Baker, Peterboro, is visiting at home. . . Mi. Russel Balson, Prt Peny, at home. Recent Visitars: Mn. Fred Stevens, Taronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. J. Brecki . . Mrs. Ed. Caughiil with nriends in Toronto. .. Mn. and Mns. JCurren and Mn. and Mrs. A. Wil- son with her brother, Mr. W. Rahm, Oshawa. .. Mrs. C. Sandensan withi friends in Toronta. A numben froni here saw the RayaI Train go througzh Bawmnan- A number f nom here attended En- iskillen Anniversary on Sunday. Cr.Heb amaihuserai the uadies ai Cadmus W.A. as welu as a number ai visitars Tuesday. Mrs. F. Dayes read the scriptune slessn and Rev. H. J. Bell led in :)prayer, aten which Ms. Cecil Fer- rguson red an inspirinjz leaflet n worship. Rail cail was answened by a p)assagfe ai scriptune. A committee was apanted ta arrange for the ne- decarating ai the church aund also 1the making ai the new curtains fon the basement. Mrs. A. E. McGill was ,in chargee ai the pnagram. Readings were alven by Mrs. Dayes and Mrs. Fergusan; Mrs. Bell. MZ5. Eiliott and Mn. Bell each gave a nunuben ai interesting items in connection with the lufe ai aur beioved King and Qucen which gave us a vivid Picture ai the home as wel as. public lii e ai aur esteemed royalty. An in- teresting contest foilowed which was won bv Mns. Gea. Fowuer and Mrs. J. E. Eiuiott. A deliciaus and cuabon- ate supper ioluowed which was a real social event. Mrs. F. Stinsan on behali ai the visitos and Ms. Euiottn behaf ai the members maved a hearty vote ai thanks ta Mrs. Galbraith fan ber genial bas- pitality. Mrs. Galbraith made a -suit- able nepily. The next meeti'ng wili be at Mrs. Eiliatt's when it is expected Yelvetn W.A. wil be entertaned. Mn. and Mns. Russell Brown, Lloyd and Phillip GeaI visited Ta- ronto Monday ta sec the King and Quçen. M. George Stat, Toronto, visited his daughter, Mrs. Gea. Black. A large representatian fnom Cad- mus attended t e Anniversany at Biackstock. Sunday. Miss Helen Fowler spent Sunday with Mrs. Gardon Strang. Mr. and Ms. J. E. Elliott, M. and Mrs. Ccil Ferguson and Syd- ney visited at Russell Mountjoy's an Sunday. Mns. Ferguson and Sydney leit in the aiternoon for Toronto on the Rayai visit. Yucannot separate -plitical qluestions from moral and relig- VlouaWAuVstians.sOf.Patrsn POM$f'arnom3 with Ponta! It's Piriced Righv DOWN wfth the! ~ONTIAC bas camplcteiy changed the picture in the lawcst- price field, for Pontdac Araw praces are rsgbt s in mt yaur pursc . dowu as much as $100 compared with last year. And what a "penny-pincher" lin whathng down your operating casts! Pontiac packs mare miles ini evcry galion of "gas . (s consumes very littie ail. It's the stawdou. economy champion ... built ta weather the. years. Here's a great big beaumy . with widc doors, 1ev.! floors *.and camfart oair-made for six, husky pasngers. les a t grand rae"..wfrh the "Nc4wrcst Ri de that kecps yau fsh as a daisy on a day-long drive. "< No mare "waggle-sticks"! Pontiac's gear shift* is off thxe flaar, right an the. steering coliwnn. Simplifies shifting . dlears the. front flor ... ends crowding when tire. ride «n front". Say good-bye to "grabby" clutches ... Pontiac'sas smooth as silk. And a touch ot the toc says «Whoa!" .. . Pcrfccted Hydraulic Brakes respond an a flash. Sec and drive the. Pontiac "Amw" . .. and its great com- panian car, the Pontiac «Chieftain". Convenient terms arrangcd tbraugh the Gencral Motars Instalment Plan. *HandJi.Gear.Sbift 1: s iasrd on, "Chie/luis"modal,, Optional on "ArroW" model, (only $13 extra). P19 ROY NICHOLS ROYA L ITHEATRE BOWMAN VILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. MAY 25 - 26-27 - And - Matine. Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. MAY 29 -30 -31 Di.*d by CLARENCE EROWUf Matinee Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 pan. Bowmanville * 'I i i i * I * e * e * s I S Choie. GRAPEFRUIT PAGE FIVE Golden Ripe BANANAS 3 Ibo. for 23c 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1:,Àr-im PTrr. , 'Il