Enfeldwîl bever upto at ':hencom En isklle aý Te Sun- uniform Of an Admiral af the before the next picture, and then pete __ ___ ___ ____ ______ ___under the direction of M r. E. 1--. dressed i pale blue ensem ble bothered m e and I fofowed the ' f SRecent Visitors: Recent Visitors: Staples and was supplimented --it1i with white fox epaulets and small Royal car al ver the park shoot- Mis______ l roo M. Ma l G o e Ray, Oshawa, ýdr. and Mrs. w.tette. àssisted by Miss Phvllis Chal- veil draped araund crown. (This film. Uniwitunately, the excite- A dS re o elfi ecito a enspl~jnetwstcgeto oehn Carl er uso n Osbwa.M srsn Hoskin. Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. J. S oiavle me by one of the sooiety writers was wrong, because most of them Cameraoisan Andew , M r.nd Recent Visitors: J. Brown. Mr. LeRoy and Miss ntharss rt) wr bak Jon ouibn.Omme, t M iss eanthe press M.pVr-aOiteBrow.wereo Misank.iceWhn We Tut Tour EeR YuAi m 1af,.. 8 l Ali. Prescott's.. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ms enMlsnadM.Vr lv rw.Ooo isBrieBASEBALL MY impression thus i:r is oe A rk hog n iea Cunninghamn and Miss Evelyn, Brus- nlon Trott. Toronto. with Mrs. E. Stainton. Cobourg. at Mr. W. J. ofnerestIpride h the rts r-vtrnsvr peopie ilinuecif InS ritai QU"s sels, at Mr. R. W. Pascoe's. Mr. Twist. .. Mr. Vernon Trimble and Stainton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. fgetpiei h rts r-vtrrs eea epesotd an rs lbr idey n essrs Bud Potter. Port Hope. with Mr. Olde. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olde, Mrs. <Continued from page 1) dition and ail that it represents; I but 1I turned my bat so they could Calvin and Allun Niddery, Toronto, and Mrs. R. D. Trimble. .. Mr. and F. Olde and Vivian, St. TÉhomas, huried the entire game for Osh- okdo h al aea h e h Sa"cr n hi pro- Obu8 at teir ottge hre.Mrs. Ivîson Munday, Ray, jack, Mrs. Editb Rowing, London, Mr. and awa, pllowrng oniy ise bits and King, a Young man with a great tests subsided. In aise spot, thse King - QuecoRen3cTne ste di y F te e p e a i n i n o w - J a nM u n d ay .tb M r. an d M .M . M . . fie D . s. M iss G r ce sse A n n- n . W t e id e s r c ut f v e i m s b y s p r e y a c n e c w th n a f o th e U c arS o v e n r E EB o o k P od e inanville Hospital. Lancaster. Newtonville.. Mr. and Butter.y. Bowmanville, with Mr. and Oshawans and'Phillps four, while ai the Most graciaus and reaiiy before mounted guards had them Mrs ElinMunayandson Blle Ms. . . Wrry .. M. nd rsthe latter gave up four paseb ta lovely young wamen it is possible under contrai. I cauld see the witls maeh tube Mr. and Mrs. Frank EBr&y, Miss ville. with Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday. R. J. Morrison and Kenneth, To- one by Witheridge. t mgn;bt nbie i h igssiclae aalook a ogt'hTooft.eY uGt 9 i Ida McCulloch. Mr. Murray Mc- . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden Fith rente. Miss Nora Johns, Tbornhill, Oshawa opened the scoring in hearts of their hundreds ofaimi- Worry corne over bis face. Hfe Ss33ore4 Cullacb. Ms .Bwin r n Mrs. EdTW.in.Osaa.MssEte Cl, ebed, Mr. an1 the fourth inning and it took the lions af subjccts. This Royal tour sPake ta, the Queen who scemed _____________ Mrs. Alif.Prescott and family bad MJu de HWleiM,Oan a s Mrss. F. LColmit nd loydEned, Rayals the iourth and filth ta ai Canada wiil salidify the Cana- ta reassure hlm that noise ai the the pleasre of seing the Kng and JdRe Hawly Mott, Trodrawhaeven. F.L.rtmitsindgLedydtanftart ddianevpeoplurtandnsledengthcn, dif peoat andildrenthwouid beatinhured. wTbeybeDinjred.PTis he easiuTronoofing te n andMr been secured for aur- anniversary, with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry.. Oshawa an their way and Kitchen be necessary, their love and devo- passed on up the bill ta Danforth D d" il Aluee n o~to on MheondayteMr. Sunday, June l8tb.' Miss E. M. Moore and Miss Elsie doubled ta left centre, Yourth tien ta the Thrane aioft1ýe Eipire. Avenue and the crawd began ta 27e Ai. recot a te onr o e Mission Band met May l9th in Moore, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. M. gamng ail the way home. Wilson Such demonstrations ai ioyalty disperse. A fleeting glimpsc later ane of tbe Guards. charge of Marion Folev's graup. Cryderman. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. drew a waik, Hraynyk beat out and affection as I have witnessed i the aiternoon was the anly Te Mrs. S. Bray bas neot been enjay- President Audrey Greenham taok the Lau Cryderman. Hanmpton, Miss L. an intended sacrifice and wen in less than twa days makes me ailier tinie I saw 2el Maeske ing the best of bealtb the last week. chair. Mrs. Ross Stevens and Mrs. Bell. Mr. J. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. MeMuilen drove a two and notb- praud ta be nuxnbered amongst Ohr h a ieetn x ot rse Mr. L. Beath is building a new L. C. Snowden each told tbe band a S~ McMurter. Bowmanville, Rev. S. inOîctatefnefoh obete5000,0 epeoe hc ercs whciudd mnemesi-89oh e s bar onth Montoy an whib tor. ittewod.Orno.an Mr Rgnald Phillips took up the pitching dut- His Majesty reigns, and especially The Statesman staff who were _____________________________________WeavinR, Hamptan. at Mr. Wm. les. Hraynyk was nippied at the te be a Canadian, for this çreat statianed near the PatHlament More's.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred AI- plate on Crombie's fielder's aice new land bas already demonswat- Buildings, and saw nlot only Their 2Pohlci lin. Bowmanville. Miss Jean Wright and two successive passes ta Frury ed ta the worid since yesterday Maje'stics, but thc Quints as they 2Pohlci and Miss Reta Swain, Blackstock. and Shestowski farced McMullen marising, that Canada does stand leit the building. Tooth Brushes Messrs Frank Smith and Frank home with the fourth ruis. four square behind the British Editor and Mrs. Geo. W. James 79e >eWright at Mr. S. Trewin's. .. Mr.. Bawmanville got aise af those Throne. and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin ___________ and Mrs. M. Samis. Elsie and Don- tales back i their balf af the Hoiy writ bas' been fulfilled were among those privilegcd per- -- aId. Miss Helen Starks. Enfield, Mr. sainie staisza as Wilianis led off very defiinitely, for in the text, I sans who donned borrowed or N - Feet ___ ~~~and Mrs. J. D. Brawn. Mr. LeRoy with a booming triple and scared thlnk #'s lst Samiuel 10:24, it is rNudmriigsis n ig Brown and Miss Olive Brown, on a bit by Bagiscîl. Aines started writtcn, "And the people sbouted bats (that is the men folk) and c Orono. Miss Verna Ormiston, Osh- the fiith by beatiisg out an intield and said God Save the King.,, saw everythlng that went on i awa. at Mr. R. Ormistands. .. Mr. hit and moved ta second as Roach the_______ i Legislative Chambers. Tbey * and Mns. Eanl Osborne. Mr. R. Os- dropped anc in front ai the plate Flo '* N borne. Miss P. Challis, Miss L. and beat the throw ta first. Col- Must bave swdlled out their chesta lo ' oa-epH lzs Ochard, Bowmanville, Mr. Howard ville forced Roacb but Williamis TAKES. PICTURES wheis Durbani's representative C. S rpTabesSrle Milîson. Miss Doris Milîson, Solina, came through with bis second ex-G. ecradbsauhrPal79 Mr G Ri a M. .Orhad'.tra base knock, a double ta lcft, <Coitinu.d lrom page 1) werc presented ta thc King imd Mr. ay rffn Bwanile o crebthrnnr. anelQuen. Col.'L. T. McLaughlin 87c 2 93 o 5 Mr. G.azelRed aMr . F. Oncards. a sor e b th r er. a gn eil Jo n M .J mead the distinct onor ai being i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. ay rifn.Owanvir.lle ind ask ued the awbn in M mscammanid ai thc Guard ai Horior Mis Hae Pe. rkî. sand.aMr. Seto Wlaskifn ied nchaile.noaiMidland Regiment and local inside the Parliament Buildings. Paper Serviettes- 3 for 2c Lfbo h9 ra T ake Y ou r C hoi e R okdm',Pr errs . Mr. and Mrs. SetWillias wn iht h .Polie r nguard -almost Chief of Police Syd Ventais Ta k e Yo u T C fio ~~ C.eTradmeand ort eryMr. and Mrs. WiUianhe, Bgei ih.ta Aes ecc >abcueth~assisting with the scbool children: Sun Goggles -1504$1203J C Tavelle and Bety, 1 iM r a r le d iit r with toh o ila s lw apbcecrowd was w dll behaved and had is spiits dam pened s am e - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ C.Dalnton saay, M idsHs rgaret wit orbath a blase s. beeeryone was apparentlyi a whist at the station when anc play- Whlite Shoe lqsaers 15c-25 Brown or white, brio or raisin, every loa DalStan oywa Mand Mja . H os E- iggo o xtabse. -good mood. We arrived just a i u ongttse assa thehlob of brad baed inCorbet's bkery s thefield. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Richards, Hope bore at 3 a'ciack an Satur- ern overboad - just is time ta 4e l vrhi. aea Mn. Gardon Beecb, Haydon, Miss day. alwsilbu cac yst> J .BonbdqieaUi moatdolciou brad yu cn bu! Yu'llHila Rihars. MpleGLo.e, iss Miss Lois Yourth, siso itefocus aur camrera, and snap the in Riverdale Park wben lho found Tat hAit Trapu I o Manie Oke at Mn. E. C. Asbton's. . Oshawa secoisd baseman, was the first pictVîr ofa the day as the the spaco ailotted ta bis 40 B.T.S. love itS crispy, cruchy crust and its whole- Mn. Roy Trewin, Lamne Park with winneofaihUicucky draw, a beau- train wont slowî n it way west. by ildwt aes onn y sboy is vce's berets. orlemirnBre rns otn oe ia rgar itrs some nouishing conter. lamousdoctors Mn. and Mrs. S. Trewin... Miss tifui floor lamp. When Uthoe l h.mc ine etr and betg s amkewbo*at TBrde P out , an th wrl oe rconie oea a oe fAlberta Wood, Orono. Mn. and Mns. Oshawa - Sbestowski If; J. Col- alang w w eRosandTrin am ttl hroad and hick-abat tewhîiddle Dve tewrdoe eons raiaon ofH. E. Rundle. Misses Alma and ville cf; Yaurth 2b; Kitchen 3b; east ai the station ail roady (WO i onsesfldaos cid EN .ffWII! D m V I Floenc Rndl. HmponMisesWilon b;Hraynyk ss; McMullen thaugbt> for anythig. The en-* hlm and were soan in the front 695 r U LI U * *.*TES S the most nourishing foodu, and Corbett'a is Donotby and Ella ,Hoskin. Messrs rl; Crombie c; and Fury p. - tire train passed and we swusg row. Nothinig could moveP RtheOI one of te best. ry a loa today!Bert and Glen Haskin, Bunketon, Bowmanville - Amoes 2b; -Boach tecrir ob rprdi ae e.I oete ansof ho out Ty abaitody!Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Mur- lb; Colville 1f; Williamis ss; Bag- Uh icnm r ta en prpared n s thon ray and Allyn, Tyrone, at Mn. M. nell cf; McIlveen -c; Waltors 3b; the King orQen aperao r. oBelnad i aiywr Heand's.. Mrs. R. J. QcKessock, Kent nf; Witheridge and Pbillips A roar went up froin Uic muîti Uihriild because tboy saw Their ___________________________ Miss Ruth McKessock, Mn.-and Mrs. P. tude and sure enougb, Uic King Maiesties tbrec or four tumes. A. L Pascoe, Solina. Mn. Bruce R H E was just caming out the doarway. Ofioe, on Bloor street Uic crawd 'The isow woman, says aise a e ih tessrle CO RBETT'S BA K ERY Brown. Whitby, Mn. and Mrs. Wa. Oshawa 00 0 0-4 6 2The caýiera shutter clckd and I around Mn. Breslin brake througb them, is at homoein politics, iaethoethocSi ri- Phono 890 Bowmanville J. Habbs'. .. Mr. 0. W. Soucb, expression, orsiy ta find that the to within a couple of feothei prAcic hosce Hampton, Mr. G. Riggs, Mrs. E, Miss Boatrice Walsh ai Queen's crowd bad surged in froist ai M car. The Quecis turised and smll- SOnmiston with Miss E. Souc.. . University, Kingston, visited lier as thc train passed and I had ed. Mo is still ià' a daze., "She's______________________________ Mrs. A. Trewin, Haydon, Dr. and aunit, Mrs. J. Cobbledick. takon a beisutiful picture ai sev- the Most beautiful woman I ever Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bawmanville,* Mrs. A. G. Austin Of Calgisry, oral broad backs and latest model saw," hossys, and bis wife agroos Miss Giadys Yellowlees. Misses Alta., is Uic guost ai bier mother, ladies' bats. Most annoying! with hlm. -e. ,.e .is:.. m e Venna and Ella Milîson, Salis wýith Mrs. J. Cobbicdick, at Uic Hydra After writing a stary for Uic Many regrettable things also A KEN OOD B ANKETMn. H. Annis... Mn. and Mrs. M. Apartments. Toranto papers and putting it on occurred. During Uic mornihg, H ~nw i I S A K N O DHLN E -eard and Elgin witb Mr. and Mrs. the wire, I leit for Toronto cx- wheis ail traffic was stapped at _ Frank Hoskin. Oshawa. ..Mn. and etnteme huad fcr.teoredbigutlte _____ IntoadBthee wee icer taisRoyal Train passcd, aise car refus- -n ~UfbD' 'U ~ ~fiMiss B. Ellis and Mn. T. Sykes. To- usual. The city streets wcro aiso ced ta stop and thc driver landed AORTHM2s5 H. Aatemanrente.nille y .J.Dr AL VISIT p Rev ec éetdngd m eettasaisds ai cr h oebadbide n3aUc"Ad.eijos at ME.Sapes nnd s. sntive on thse Press Pilot Train if this was the rigbt day. >Schoob childreis had quite a tir- E. J. Harrison, Toronta. at Mr. H. (Continued from page 1) A kindly policeman, after a lit- gdawthhsefoiCak Stevens'. .. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. teprusoalwdm eTwsi en ihu od l Phil». Bunketon, Mn. and Mrs. F. J. French, Uic citizons ai Quebec dtie pYkrsusoeloet e e taonst e ingfood ha t ad. in h wewhere I bapod tarobtainicrede--baggage car an tUicttip wost and an Ms. L.nM. Jit, MnanrddMns.ligbt for bis mastery ai the laisg-wtuaeI oan d ossib recre ean a- wben it cameUie ta returis, Uiey ** '-Bandfrd L .KetM. n ruagc was perfect. At this funiction tasadpsil eev na-wr nadfeettan ih Brdodand family. Tore to, Miss Her Majesty carried a bouquet af sigismint for pbatograpbing. Daz- woutfo an afforist tain. Wiui- Hazl Wigt, n.andMr. G raesandsa atth bi aoUi en eapreorersrs phtondpersou fod nd ftr haedngbous nn iviorain chnk, Nomor fsdrinkhth Bray and Mary. Oshawa. at Mn. N. Prime Ministor, The I1ight n"Han , wer iting tarou nd, lucsi~on ge th diandUiey badcpccted children ta drink thefrde E. Wight's... Mn. and Mns. H. aurabie W. L. Mackenzie Kin, Ibansld, atn a gpetofc act ionth ddio s ad rw is-ups weidr- becspe i iseommendidm-whnYUsev Stevens, Mns.' R. Walton, Peterbona, while His Majesty sat on thc right ..biSta dar"u oaicadanîi oay fr cdand he dd r- beaue t esytodrive iori home.~oat Mn. and Mrs. G. Whittaker, Osbawa, ai Uic Prime ZMinister. N"Star" an thethe sadrdeceided ta rive home.a Mns. Murnay Grif fin. Bowmanville, lbave as thero seemed to, be ~ano mte hs i arfega.AkaGe a 1jjî-OdraBtb at n. . Rhms. . n.andMrs jAt Uic Battletflds I had a place scarcity ai cameramens and I was, I believe overyoiso wbo sisw atMr.Win hMrut .yBackstok, a wiUhi a few foot ai Uic stqnd migbt be assignced ta watcb Uic Their Majesties was more than routeman for a bottletITdy KENW O Mrwi Moutjo, Backsock atwbcrc Uic King and Queen re- dlock on the City Hall ta sec that sitisficd and will nover farget Uic Mn. R. Giffin's.. Mr. and Mrs. viewed 50,000 scbool children; it it didn't stop. And anywisy, I exporience. If Uic King and Roy Langmaid and family, Salina. was a seui stirring sigbt ta sec wanted seine pictures'for peso-Quecis returned ta Toronto ta- club at Mn. R. McGill's.. Mr. and Mrs. that immense crawd cheer and al us. morraw, a]niast overyonc wouid(1' Ig Nanman Lathangue at Mn. Robt. wavc smail flags; Their Majesties Ail decked out wihUic badge again unden Uic sainie or eveisUL I fl!le Preston's. oee vidontly deeply moved and ais my bat, camera in band, and a bedlibedtEakNictpRA E DA R IWJîSympathv is extended ta Mns. j. wte Kn perda wsigtnic f e lt è worse circunristances. It was glor- IAISaundens and Ms.T. MUic n pekingpeaecüre swsn ai mcd clotfhseo bt 1 ,iaus and I am daubiy happy be- Phene 266& .And you can be Uic pnoud in the deatb of a daughter and sis had sang God Save Uic King and B outvile- h g wfo a ufse.Ihv few picturos ta awnr i bvcysait, ten. Mrs. W. Woadley. O Canada, in bath anguages, but- Uiing. Thoro was stiil no sign ai flcccy, colanful Kenwaod It is with deep regret thiat we there was no speccb amplifionsUiRyaPrt an ic rod Blanket or givo it as a Gift learned of the passing of one of aur ragd* People trcated me with doference for about 25c por week if former boys. T. A. Brown. Ottawa. The ' provicial$ Banquet at alter Uiey had seen Uic card an youstat nw. o i Ui M. ad Ms. . H More t-nigbt was anoUier scene af great my bat, Uic red cbeesecioth, and you tar no. D it he r. nd rs. W. . Moreat-splendeur; words fail ta describe the buge camera, and for a fcw easy way - By joining the By Christmas the Blankets tended the f uneral of T. A. Brown. Uic grandeur, it was a credit ta minutes I bad a lavely time try- yuplan ta buy are paid for . A few of Ennislcillen's loyal - sub- Uic Provincial authonities; Uic ing ta appear isonchialant and sort KENWOOD CHRISTMAS .....-and you've nover misscd iects went ta Toronto ta tee tbe King wane evening clathes while ai city slickerisb. CLUB Uic Morley. Enquire at Uic Royal Couple. Uic Quecis was dressed li inle To make a, bang stary short, I Eac wek oumaie smll Walker Stores for full de- AIl roads led ta Enniskillen Sun- pink. satin encrusted with gald dccided Riverdale Park wouid be Eac wok oumae asmilday afternoon and evening wbere sequins and wore magnificent Uic spot ta sec Their Majestios deposit. It is entered in yaur tails ofi Uta simple, ploasanit large cangregatians attended the jewebs. and possibby shoot a few picturos. KENWOOD PASS BOOK. purchasing plan. Sunday Scbool Anniversarv services. On Wednesdisy nigbt Uic press This decision didn't came untilAi _________________________________ In the afternoon Rev. S. Littlewaod, party bad ta occupy the Pilot about twa ýo'cbock and Royalty Orono, in his msaet the cbild- train which sat along side Uic was due teaiarive there at 2.30. g en. explained the spiritual 'meaningRayal train, in arder that we Rcacbing the park wiUi about 10 * of aIl things pertaining ta rayalty. might beave abead ai the Royal minutes ta spare, I was farced ta Phoo 51 Bwmavile In the evening bis inspining address pisrty, early an Thursdisy morn- bave Uic car in a baneway as urged al ta more whole-bearted sup-ig.teewsnahrspeaoud part aur Sunday Scbaols during tbis Eisroute from Quebec city to The card and other accoutrements _______________________________________________________________________Montreal, it xwas nc bang lino ai acted like a channi. The cnawd ____________________________J L~and witten in order ta catch Uic turc. Aiter it bad been taken, I tesple o at-ad ta .wes you ues.Wth doad ine pet by aur genial Man- cauld easily bave fainted away tesupesyuw tadatoetpro.Withr TendP e M on t Rréoal r. H ate re nsce oV m. oras ecoh n ds ta abo mt t beM adw s. o n e e o NEEGEAOR SERVICE - ALL MAKES aigDrca n lrneV uttikn bu t yhns you 're building a home, repai.rlng or reondeling -To ntAsht ___________________________________Charters; it is bcing writton in thc were shaking so that it took sev- where a battery ai typewnitens are I tried ta cheor as Uiey wcnt by, 1II~~umgaing and Uic sound ai fiity banda Uic beautiful Qucen and Uic D fl Chartitiauam Electrlc can be heardin the distance. 'bronzed Kig, but oisby an cmn- Sheppard & Gi L U mbeo.Ld FLASH- Their Majesties have barnassing squeak came aut. Ev- -'---- St.,.1 ..mq Open Evenings just passed the window and Uic eryane cisc scemed similarby af- Phn71 omive ~aaw-cbeening is ulmpiy deafening; I fectcd.Phn71 had a bock out ta sec Uic procea- Fortunately, Uic tears wblcb Sions and Uic King.le wcaring thse had wellcd inta my cyes receded ~W - s.~ ~T. ~ PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 25TH, 1939