THURSDAY, MAY 25TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PG EE ---- Carter's Bakery had one.of the SUBSCRBER SAY~ 1Ip Prince of Walest In his ordinayB .S OST TG most interesting Royal Visit wiii- "TheE News Be i dThe teswrve averages 50,000 milef GMATOSO dows in the town on Spturday, ITSSEMBLE woA rke he year so he will be o whnseilydcrtd cks1very famillar ground. S C A AN E S N Lwere on display. In the centre a Again we appeal to Statesman Of Ah Royalt Tovtuir ise exene P NE63larger cake covered with appro- subscribers to give the publishers oladuasmnteK ---priate decorations stoq out in re- your cooperation in seeing that m LoVgisiiauiiU t bmrasneenthyiuwtichByann Sho ens Mis T Brnlian Mstr nd rs D J Camer ad r.ief making a most attractive ex- subscriptions are paid-in-advance. datee hn be ah for fin y lenoMy3,we h n Dulsaevisiting With bier bro Archie Wood. in gîving each customer a lead lafaction that we have adopted ______ _______________ He as u i hesp tri thugla re Jas. ~ mafr e.i He isic arun inite the trait oesil nuder outineos deontrtin the~ Mr. Jas. Marr.Mr. and Mrs. D. Lathrope, Cas- paei ofn ohfc area writnth tis sensible odem pbuscains. Editor's Note - The metropoli- issued. These bands are for postal character which the British peopepyia riigwl epeet MIgr. J. W. Devltt, Moncton, Mr n r.Hr.Wlnms0 i fGetBiansiyue yohrpbiain, tan dailies are doing a great job officiais, telegraphers first aid require of their King and ther NB,3vltng r.adMs .tieton, M.adMs ebWl-ruiers from 1702 until the present >You know, as well as we do, in piaying up the visit of the King workers, itilway employees, tele- seemns little doubt that the Brits, d NMi iiigD.adMs .liams, Haveiock, visited th e ir time, starting with Queen Anne that it is poor business to be. -in and Queen, giving many coiumns phone employees, messengers, air people are deveioping a deep ~Frtoewoejytetrl C. Devitt. Cosn r .Ltrp.and ending with the present mon- arrears. you don't have that san of descriptive material along with force, navy and militia as well as fection for the man who is 1oh0 aigarbtc hr ilb Rev E ad Ms.Fan ortb , M . ne Wtre a.ooe arch. friendly feeling toward y o ui r agsopitrsTeyeendoraipesadcmrmn. nobect for their loyalty adpresne pcauireecsso iedRev. W. A.d Mrd- wins th Ms ane Writtin ts hriste Untir' Saturday, Bowmanviile, home-town paper when y ou read Car much wbich appears on the *I syboliv of thi free traithhg aprie as n Befleill, viieRv .A n iha niaint hitewith the exception of a fewsoeieahweantethut sracatheviuseetos In ail of Canada there are some- Ibejveiistserasofubigonhems.A add Mia. flunner.Street Hospital, Toronto, to see seemed not too well decorated, running through your mind, "1 nd eerain.Btasua, ighieor1800 persons who sound character and wholesom etr ilb is-iepe Bey.F. . an Tvrs. ergs~nTheir Majesties the and but before the weekend had gone haven't paid for The Statesman to get "the news behind the news" are ticketed and identified in this family life which, appeal by fxsnaino uimvmns s and,( dighter are visiting at her Queen. far, almost every store had made this year." in this great event we agamn turn way. There are 400 photograph- the most strongiy to French Camg tobxhre n pig father's,*M. G. Climens, Stayner. Mi. Geo: W. James was in an effort to commuemorate the Accounts are being sent out thisi to The Financial Post which is ers as well as the 1,500 newspaper- dians.bors Miss Xelen Gunn and Mis Mr Barrie Saturday attending the visit of Their Majesties. Len El- week to ail subscribers in arrears. capably represented on the Royal men. There are 7,000 raîlwaymen .Mlce, Morton, Toronto, were the funeral of Wmn. Waiis, co-publish- liott went to great pains in bang- To ail receiving these letters may 'I~ain by Kenneth R. Wilson, As- who have been given special jobs guesWo f Mr'. and Mis. J. A. Gunn. er with J. A. MacLaren of The ing an immense fiag from a lead we suggest that you ease your sociate Editor of The Post. We aiong the route. There are 6,000M deosatnoftus.Leri MWMagae MntihSta. ari Eamne.pie u athr sorywindow troubied conscience by mailing llked his first story 's 0 l we first aid workers--all with their In The Editor's Mail tepormehesm gru ford, visited hier cousin, Miss Ella Congratulations to Miss Thelma and came close to a bit of pro- your renewai to-day. Then weM are taking the liberty of passing serial and identification cards,gaes Mclntyre. Freeman, Mapie Grove, and Miss-f~anity when he was told the fiag ail sing "Happy Days Are Here It on to Statesman readers. badges and bands. Frserpeiin np n Mis HaryFoser heDoreen Perrett, Hampton, on was upside down and the process Again!" This highly-organized systemgrcflhymahuecsso Ms ar otrspent thse hirfrtyarseai had to be repeated unless he ByKnehi.Wlo as a twofoid purpose. .Fii'st, to ThEitr80byecesnmahngal- Mis. 0. R. Jolliffe. ScPebo anontNormal hanging poplto th n d iste sl RO A YC U Associate Editor, The Financial gîve newsmen and those taking The Canadian Statesman.tenc, aihfuam taad weeen i Kngsonasgu s fa Ptorol adToot Nra wanted pople te ditri es l O ARoLBPst part in the arrangements every Dear Sir:;orcie ynsis M.adMsS.LgotsetBy Monday, we believe Bowman- _________opportunity to do their work ef- May we through your column the weekend in Toronto with Cuîîy and J. Mexly Coî Aetvill n ~e was one of the best decorat- (Continued from page 1) ABOARD THE ROYAL TRAIN: ficiently and well. Secondîy to rito n thee auhte, rs E.Ros. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. twsaogteUe -Assembling of Canada's i'rivy exercise a rigid check over every epresse tor th e appe o t an dtegadfnlrodoua Mr'. and Mis. Albert Knight W. Watson, Hamilton. Mrs. Cully . A special feature of the North- muscles. Hundreds of casts weie Councillors to greet the King detail of the vast and complicated onis t the eple cof owatnvedsaytthsatocofe- Vlited, in Toronto attending a remaining for a week. umberland Music Festival in made for arms, legs andi bodies, brought together an unusual as- machinery along the 6,000-mile onthei polendi ctoeraain Li e stlruiotasm ychne wédding of a friend. Mr oadWh b Brighton was the entertainisent with the resuit that in spite of the sott of former plitil ied- route.teplc n h aainLgonhv enmd rmohryas Mif Traine throughon Bowanvll onye theh atr 2.3 p.m.ll D.Sr..T. oarva fTerMa nsota snl on ivia wasweekendguest o Mr. ceved wor Wwdckdyandatailithe ndusicteSuperc-ufered e fromfr thehedisease aathetheet jneijestiesbeeatthuebeca theseChateauk thoserrwho Tseekthpreferredav posi- awawasweeknd uest0f r. cive wor Wenesdy tat e visors, on Friday evening, by In- there are few who are actually Frontenac *as almost entirely in- tions must be equipped not onîy mrigo a 2d ____________________had passed bis- first year exams spector and Mrs. A. A. Martin, defornîed. The Ontario Dcpart- habited by Privy Councillors and wîth ordinary ciedentials such as At ail irles the people assembe at the College of Pharmacy, To- formerly of Newcastle. The din- ment of Health played a large press men. Often it was hard to armnbands, badges and identifica- at the C.P.R. Station reslondd_______________ ronto. ing room and iovely sun porch part in suppying free hospitaliza- tell tbem apart, except that thc tion cards, but individual pase cheerfullv ta ail requests andsg Mrs. George Woods, O w en were beautifully decorated and tion, casts and subsequent in counciliors brought their wives for cach cvent. In tris way the iestions thereby making the diesSE ILS L S Sound, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woods, flowers adorned the tables in both struction te parents, and now the and famnilies. customary "1ganging up" of news- of Chief Constable S. Ventonan Dorothy and Bobby. Weston, were roins. Twenty-four sat down to service clubs are carîying on by Meeting for the first time of men and photographers such as the ex-service mien an duty easyan 5* SP C A S Wedncsday guests of Mr. and Mrs. a perfectly appointed and sumptu- supplying leg braces and other the King of Canada and bis Can- mars most public events of con- pleasant.pesn is: C U Steswn~Te ee epe a 'eALL A PER Geo. W. James. ous supper. The guests also in- materiai. 1 adian Prîvy Counciors sosmlseun ithUiedSaswl, Tehr pncl uisas A lrlarge eriggatreaeringluedof. awse,îatives o Pacludeds apecMi. diDawsoneuene Presidente of o belaParaeliiysis.edis heauniiecupoiiarn A T and fricnds attended the fuheral the Notubrad ui so because ofthe length of time re- t.he whole visit on the people of At each individual point along Canadian Legion were: (1'> The saf cd M.ay 7tan Brnod Rev ciation, adMpbssclsi, N Waollae quired and meusca a ctiviy. t h atad themevs The very fact the îoad, provision will be made ty of Their Majesties; (2) Facilîta ed ay 7thin ranfor. Rv. nd eanCambel, Nwtovile. al ealh ad mscuar ctiity tht te smboismof the Crown for exactiy the number of men inz in every way the sr.hediulese BOW AR ILLE Humphrey Graham, a former pas- A shower was given îkt the Mother nature seems to take ber has been 3,000 miles away bias "assigncd" to each event. Each for the Royal Train; (3) The saf top, was in charge of the service, home of Mi. and Mrs. John Wil- own good time in repairing the been an obvious disadvantage in one knows in advance what events ty of spectators. W aemn atrse Beautiful floral tributes testified kins and Misses Wilins, Courtice, damage which has been donc, bie that tbere is lacking a focal point he can attend, wherc hc will be To the 80 or more veterans wo~o hc ehv to the csteem in which. the de- on Saturday evening, by a num- continued. There is nothing much around whicb Canadians can rally stationed; wbat hie wifl be ex- zuarded the crossinRs and -bridgsi nuho aht ae NUI<SLKlLS ceased was beld. The paU~bearers ber of relatives in honour of Miss that can be donc to huriy along tii times of national stress and pcctcd to wcar. the highest praise is due and esec euortooo .To ci werc J. E. Brock, William Rod- Florence Wilkins, a bride-to-be of the repairing proccss and strcnu- strain. For example, at Qucbec I had ially ta George Meadows of Ne- tt utt aeroa o c J. Pelton and B. Nicol. Interment wcre called to order, Florence and cisc don't sccm too effective The Whtc h rsneo hei e he Ra l passtor n ere be- ate h a ncag fte mrhnlepie aebe ou South Sude next te Hospital was in the Paris Cemctcry. - Wilford took their places beide a injurcd muscles just have tý taie Majesties for a fcw crowçicd ilentheRyald visitr wcr be- eastern section in Durham and(a rdeeAeosdrby s Brantford Expositor. The Martin wdll fillcd table of beautiful pre- their own tume rcturning. wceks will give Canada a new mgar eteailotr Anto et Chief Ventan in charge of the wetvbu 1 ody PHONE 462 family were residents of Bow- sents. The parceis werc opencd The speaker was introdiuccd by sense of its nationhiood, remaîns aboa secTan.tioaren.nttyo manvilIe at -one time. Mis. Mar- and the accompanying verses read. F. C. Vanstone, a director onthe tobe seen. Undoubtedly it will to hear children sing "God Save hemeaetruh ura tinist survived by one daughter Wilfoid thankcd cveryone for Orntario Society for Crippled Chil- fodh tmingofa Cink - ath e f OtherKn"o tcresti l Qudb- <Minnie) Mri.a. D. Burd of Toron- their lovcly gifts, and invited ail dren. F. F. Morris moved the thoughts and minds ofalCaaat0f0d0 te reetas d o much es thc total mieae fu Iy W o diasi the iage unt of the mit to local functionis, Ail arcer ,Omlswihwî ecvr fts ietqaiywl oo Special This W..k to, and one son Camneron of Brant- te corne and sec them in their ncw vote of thanks. ansed intale and argered und sal thhe woyak Trui oAs lots ______________ ford. home. Florence aiso made a vcry A new member, John H Mc-Bie hCmowelho ain sîgcd, iitiaof ada n er ed. h oa ri cosCnd To H cstoersanAfrinda Dr. Lawience Mason, music neat îepîy. The remainder of the Keever, was welcomed ta the club It mayr also arouse in Canadians Each pictfbgah nou n eur policevr and the-aerang ue aedopdt ei criic madl trisnr kindd comment evcning was apent in card play- and initiated by Past President a ncw desire to work for the larg- train bas its own serial number. petople oliceandil the eeaso m m critie,~~~~~io maoe ahi special localn sccdl buted thei share ta theina iune- ofadto t eisrc Purchaslng 6 boxes et Flow- on bis famous music page in Sat- mng. About rmdnight the hostess, Geo. Chase, assistcd by Past Pre- tigo npae scinl~ in adioo a 55-palloae steuc- puep ei f owane havte sconri U N urday's Globe and Mail: "Durham -assisted by a number of young aident Fred Crydeiman who pie- terests. ***of events is publisbed for cacb the Royal Tour.J IUN ii crs wc wlll give FREE yeur County'a eigbth annual Musical ladies, servcd dainty refrcshmehts. sentcd the code of ethics, and Past I emnn odi omn iywt h xc iea he or eytuy ehoce f 1boxoi Fýôers Competition Festival was sucesa- Friends were present from Tor- President- W. R. Strike who pre- frm nen pigoodge iads ta o e t whoae cvrig the excBiea hc ours vile ranc ruo. checeeti bx t lowert ul eda otHp lst wek onto, Oshawa, Maple Grove and sented the badge. Mi. McKeever fromy thel pilgrimagrcadtan Canadians hs h r oerg h Bowan i Brach N. S.'B K ST R or___________ sui inan ofnig R.-eRlsl it r .A rckra du aid their Empire are wortb work- ported ta their prcferied positios R. M. Catton, Lpn.cator; and once more The Cana- Sueinjiin..g fowrh fsome sacrifice; The man responsible. for this S§ecretary Lpn.dian Statesman, which bias just ENGAGEMENTS President R. R.Stevens was in for worthyk of press__________________________________ ---- fr thesecon____________rde te make this effort and sacrifice. Walter S. Thompson. His officiai the Pearce Tropby, one of Cana- Mi. and Mis. Fred L. Wilson, Waerth nsiofhetitie is Chairmhan, Press Sub-Com- dinJournalism's most covctcd Oshawa, wish to announce the en- htvrtegnsso h mittce, The Interdepait mcn t a dia dugb M SON A S RVICE Empire may have been, today its Committee on the Royal visit. He Orstock will be bard te beat prizes, is scrving its district wdil gagement of thcir youngest _______N A S. hope and strcngth lie in comnion reports in turn ta E. H. Coleman, W eddI~ i n Mis. adtuy ypbisiga fntr eset Bakihlc, Cadd ng C keeorJ, t.year. an(rl ypbibn tfi eHlnBl oWlu lie Continued from page 1) action and purpose. Unless Can- Under-Secretary of State, wbo is clnt comctr olumnatre Fesltiali ofe lat Jesse Baskervil, nw ada can find in the Common- the pivot man in the entire under- I tsawdlg ato iue bal M.Mae lark Bntel. castite. lTh eseari e , tata ew-ao human interest stor3r of a man's wealth the best aiswer ta ber taking. t lyM ai CakBl. ate in e June. et teplc upward f igbt against circumatan- destiny, the viait of a King is of Walter Thompson seîved bis yeu'l mk emsae fynbyts ___________________________________________ Mi id Mise. TS Wsn ces and the sad outcomc of a vow ý=~je lasting benefit. Unless eacb prniehp sanwppr hie made. He took as bis text province cai concede that its apr et Strepta ae nwsaper- upisfo ats Bowmanvîille, wisb ta announce Jephthah's troubied words ta bis greatest opportunity for prosper- mn n leetSe. H esfis watsi jbo the engagement of their dàugbtei hrnEgad i is usd o @m ~ n m Ad ~ .Evelyn te Mr. Ernest G. Brown beautdil daughteî, I have opened ity and happiness lies within tewas an asigmmnent to caver Queen ~~ ~S. 8iUflfl W - of Hornby, son of Mi. and Mis y mouth unto the Lord, and I Confederation, there is littie hope Vcoi' uca o h odnW eed Seil LargeSimeE. H. Brown, Bowmanviile. The cannot go back, Judgcs 11:35, tris for sustamned co-operative effort. Times. Hie moved on ta Cape Large ~~~~ marrage ta take place quietîy thc mi reference ta the vow bie had ***Town, Sauta Africa, then ta Aus -SCOOAT H~O Prunes..... ...........2 Ibs. 21c 17th of June. made. ofJpta' ead Bchind .the trousanids of words tralia and New Zcaland aid the rcidpdeleu Del 30Tesoyo ehtaslf n o re-raigcnenngteSuhSaIls o, rea stle....... 2 tns 9cvow is incorparated in tae rituai Royal visit is thc most elaborate 1 For 28 years now he has lived Corncreatl ......2 is 9 GRADUATION IXERCISES of. Masoniy aid the pîcacher on and efficient press liaison service in Canada of wbicb 25 have been ChcNat TRNTYO UID Y s occasion lauded the spirit of ever crcated to handie an affair ofwith the C. raid Trunk and C.N.R. TABSUT Mairshmallow Biscuits 2 lbs. 29c IN_____ONTESA Jeibtrah and appealed te the tria type. pre aveSne12 -- isbe ietro Chic, hre uresofBonanile rehrn efnurses e ru t Sofne nwBowmanville thTCNR.HeheCo T e ad r a thï hita osas Masons been deeply imprcssed by the cf- on boan ta the Dominion Govern-~Fm Iy 2dZ Tomatoes ......... ........ 3 tins 25c Hospital wiil reccive graduation aid honaur trem at ail hazards. ficlency and scope of what lias ment ta handie press personnel Phone 855 LYRCK Wonderful diplomias at the annual graduation To frienda nat of the aider pie- bec» donc ta carry tac stoî'y of for the Royal tour. Mi. Thompson' aesfrtognrt Soap.................5 brs 13c exercises ncxt Tuesday, May 30, sent hie said trere was notring tris tour ta every part of the toured Canada witr H.R.H. tahoew eeîtom 0 Goda ............ as 1e i rnt Unite Cburch. They secret in Masonry except tre world. To record the arrivai tbei'e Duke of Windsor wbcn bie was Ped as . ... . .i S are Miss Catherine Agusta Clark, signs, tokens aid symbois of iden- was over a million dollars wortb Peaces ..................tin 15e Newcastle, and Misa Frances Ruth tification aid that i countries of photographic cquipment. All Vanieties «of Potted ?1at Sinips ono i Gisruti osephine where Christians aid Jews arc Elaborate Details Fog Orno radatin cre-bein . erecue Masons arceis ~~ g'? ~.. ~I mornes will begin at 8 p.m. D.S.T. b eatdinr snemne There is a compicte card-index LT U *~ . u -Rev. Capt. Sidney Lambert, widc- ai ta ine t arc nu e suifer systeni containing the namnes of LE 'S OVERNUIN Fde ~ ]L N l y known .for bis work at Christie and la te f are rce sufr o ver 1,500 newspapermen wbo Phoo 96GRCIRBomavile Street Hospital, Toronto, wiil be wicb Jee of therae andm wiil at one time ai another handie f Phon 596GROER Bwmanfle tre speaker. The general public wih tacu Churwict bpas and some phase of thc trip. This in- will be welcomed. outho this mhusry ahid bachrw ei oing across the country _____outoffils___________and____________ dc the moinl REPAIR Yor CAM ER ______________________________________________________ Rev. D. R. Dewdicy led in tar a oal n h Tan.evory an prayers and thc Oshawa Masonic rwmni h wr aMi uret agtosce serial number. His naine, job, Male QuartetteLfcsan Sun Goaes number and responsibility aeRPI reS eS Down, and Guide Me O Thou indextfcdailn carry, spgeia d crat Jehovah' i dent i fni c t oncads, Cign- CI.aning And Ajustnim WtoatC a Nfew Coats Au Si ur D reshe orchestra played for the sioer Wod, heakd bftey a om-s singng f te hmnBleat Be teCnda one oie rcsTi stefns eo fte Tic that Binds, and for tre Na- T one oie hZ1 h ietsao fteya o itr aigadmi _______________ Anbc atth loe classify these newsmen there 7 IIrwin, aid afteî the. firat year of formas ta f iii out from the Secre- IZ efinsdtahe sm a fempioyment these boys bad earn- tary, Nelson Osborne, or Hubert at 6 p.M. C R ANTM 18H R da total wage of $30,000.. Hooper or from the Town Clcrk. ____________________________ 5 The governinent ta dealing wîth If you are at present unemploy- V Matced etsor ateral-.- ondrfulquaitYtheyouth unemploymcent prob- ed, dan't wait; we do nat promise low prie. le 1m on a co-operative basis, he that we can find you a job, but is RUTSL'PRESCRIPTIONC PCA T Matced etsor atelal - ondrfu qulit hsaid, and tac youth must find def- it not worth a try? 19e to $4.75 f mite assurance of experience with Youth of Bowmanviile give ti afim in tac vocation be chooses, important matter a littie thought. _________in___________assure______________the Let us. like other towns in tac Other SizesN youtaJIn partlcuiar would gain province, show the government tae necessary experience to en- taat we are at least interested in 7 ale hm te undertake a vocation securing employment. 4A WV In conclusion, tac speaker as- and business was conducted b LDMED suied those in attendance that the tac Piesident. An inter-club soft- 9 phnB861OWManvine goVeinnient would co-operate ta bail league was formed aid tae Phomt. 792 DRUO o m nlî tac fulleat extent if tac youth and firt gaine wili be played Friday MW the future employer couid as- nî; 7 p.m. S - ~t.-. -. - j -'-'-4. rr~r~ili~ '~ ,.,,,,.,4k~? ~ ~4.ttt t ~ ,'i*e.~ t~ eW~. -"Ofa t' ,OW , ., ,