12,000 l'eople Weekly With Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News.# The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News ORONO NEWS On Page 9 NEWCASTLE NEWS On Page 10 VOLUME 85 O M NT,,, MTP rTTDn VTTkL- od 1JDbWTI ATTTTY'(~,ADI rlvj.lrIlxnC¶TN AY. JUTTT lt- l) Moeiug Pyramids Feature At Trçiing School Disp1ay Over 100 Boys Partîcipate Massed Dlsplays O I Miarching and. Drils Make Colorful Scene On Beautiful Grounde Wednesday Over 100 lads from the Ontarlio Training School for Boys enactcd- as fine a prograni of divcrsificd athletic entetainnient Wedncsday afternoon as many local pensons even had an oppartunity ta sec. Unden Uic direction of Instruc- tan J. Earl Cunningham the little youngstcrs of ten and twclvc yeans opcncd the show with a dis- play of maze marching, exccuting dlfficult and intnicate manoeuvres with evident case and an entire lack of error. Their part of Uic entertalament concluded. wi~t h competitive stunts which pravidcd cônsiderable enjayment fan the large group of spectators. Instnuctor Gardon Lowry took charge of tic gymmastîc tcam's activities on Uic high bar and parailel bars., Without fear and shawing plcnty of skill, members of Uic group acted i pains, plac- ing .Uicmsclvcs in ail sorts of posiiions duning the mavements, but kccplag a constant rhythm and timlag throughout. Mass marcblag, calisthcnics and Danish fundamental and correc- tive exercises followed with near- ly 80 boys takig part. Thcy marchcd gracefully and alcrtly around Uic large markcd area and fimishcd in rows for thc exercises, whicb wcre donc with precision s0 that Uic entine graup appearcd te act simultaneously. Tumbling dcmonstratcd another phase, ofeth physical tralalag be- Izig g ven Uic boys at Uic school and then Uic littie lads rcturnnd for some group games, fallowed by spectacular displays on Uic box hanses. The latter wcrc cspeciaily intercstinýg because of the height attaied i the forward flips from thc sprig board. Pynamids that moved pravidcd HEADS CONFECRENON Rcv. P. L. Jul Bev. P. L. Jull of Braoklin was clccted President of Uic Bay of Quite Conference of the United Chunch of Canada durlag sessions at Klagston this week. He assuni- cd office an Wedncsday. anothen unusual feature toward Uic end of Uic program. 58 boys performcd the finst with the cen- tre portion, Uiree on four boys high, mavlag about in a circle while Uic ends remaincd station- ary. The second brought 71 boys ito the picture and was another mioving PYramid. This time, two spokes moved around Uic centre portion and marchcd Uinough cach othen as Uiough they wcne doig a dril slagly. The flaal pyramid was present- cd I front of Uic flag pale and provcd Uic mast colorful of Uic lot. As Instruétor Cunninghai gave the last cammnand,, Uic flag (Contlnued on page 7) Cartoons Iflustrate Unusual Talki Mr. W. Morehouse Pregents CAMPFIRE MEET Inereati Discussion. Prize CLOSES SEASON laseM s ented Âwards FOR Y. P. UNION And Missionaries ___ Welcomed Trinity Young Peopjls Union closed their sprmng session with a Trinity Sunday School Anni-: campfire service at Creazn of Bar- versary held last Sunday lived up ley Camp on Monday night. Memi- to advance notices when it was bers gathered at the church and predicted the program wou1çj be proceeded on foot or via the 1u1 and unusually interesting. "thumb" to the camp. There was a large côngregation 'A softball teami captained by present. The teachers and mcm- Louis Dewell and composed of bers of the Sunday School oc- both boys and girls, defeated a cupied seats in the centre of the tcam captamned by Bert Johnston auditorium. by a score of 18-1l, despite the Mr. Wlter Moorhousc, on the efforts of our pastor and umpire, teaching staff of Jarvis Street Col- Rev. Mr. Davison, to kecp the legiate, Toronto, and Superintend- score on even ternis. ent of Islington United Church Followmng the bail game, mcmn- Sunday School for over 20 ycars, bers adjourned to, the campfire to was the special speaker at the take part i a slng-song led by morning service. It wa.s his first Susie VanCamp, and a worshlp1 public appearance i Bowmnanville service conducted by Jack Dunn and hie captlvated his audience, and Gertrude Dewell, and a quar-r both young and old, with his tet composed of Don Mason, Trev.t simple and impressive utterances Davison, Bill Hutchinson, Keith whxch were illustratcd by the Siemon. speaker skilfully sketching çar- The speaker, Mr. J. J. Mellort toons on a blackboard. o rngv h ieo ue chre of t.esvice , and rh asElizabeth. "It was siÉnificantr chargeof J.h C.rcv n itt that I chose this toplcý,, Mr. r assisted by Dr. J .DvtiSp Meilor proceeded, "due to thet ertutendent. peec forKn n ue The choir loft was occupied by iprne of ourheingeandkersoep members of the Prlmary Class in rnsypthe seaker okeu who sang a chorus with Dr. T. A. ueath very symathticlly of u Partridge-at the organ. The teach- Qeenbacndutever human tway ers, Mrs. Elmer Cox, Mrs. J. AI- bert Cole, Mrs. J. E. Houckand trip to Canada. He pomnted out Miss Ruth Ives, also occupied many touching soenes which hada seats in the choir. Other musical tàken place in Ottawa and To- i numer inlueda vca soo yronto when the Queen visitcd t nMes icudhcd a v "ocal ol o b with ex-service mpn whom shea iss Ruh Jâe, "C oi eltOhad scen in hospitals in England t Hlm (Hndl),anda ioln sl-and South Afrîca. Mr. Mellor0 Mr. nbyCa. H. Msn sitn closed by sayig that we ought r SMprintandent, onbeAsfsofthet to be vcry proud to caîl ourselvesn Boaerdpreento ed ao the ne sulbjects of a King and Queen ir preseted he Bnnerwhose every ideal was Christian f =wr~S to the classes having thc a'nd humane. bcst attendanoe at Sunday school and church, memory work and col-. A vote of thanks fromn the Un- ri lection. The prizes wcre books for ion to Mr. Mellor was extended it each pupil. The 'wining classes by Bert Johnston. Garnet Rick- Il and their teacher are: ard, Presbytery Recreation Con- Il Senior CIass _ Mrs. S. Davison, vener, led i a variety of enjoy- teacher - Marion Challis, Violet able games. Barrett, Louise Hobbs, Jean Da- A bounteous lunch, consisting veý,' Ruth Purdy, Bernice Sep, of sandwiches, chocolate milk andc Doroty Smalè, Ada Dusenbur, orange was served by Uic social Velmna McKnight, Jessie Scott, commlttee, following which Don- Dorothy Nickerson, Joyce Large. ald Mason was appolnted to make Intermédiate Class - Miss Doro- arrangements for the softball team to compete at Hampton on <Continu0d on page 7) June 3. Darptyard Golfers Return Home ALftî&-SeeingManhattan's lest oy MLaughli of Burketon, anteUicchampon lady.pltch r hapion horsshcpîlcher, re- !Ucwrdadh aeotvc- turnedhm ody rmpri torlous. The McLaughli boys re- cipatiri in international mathe= prt a wonderful tripi whlch * at WashingoDC., and Nwtc saw a lot of New York's sky York Çity. Games at the Capitol scrapers and show places, includ- werc rcported in last week's is- Ing Uic Wold's Fair. But with ail sue when our lads made a dlean- Uic! glamour, noise, rush of traffic ui>. In New York Uic Canadians and excitement of Uic bright broke even in the contests which Illghts of Broadway they wcre wcrc playcd at varlous club in Uic bath agreed there was no place z ity. in one game Roy was pitted like home. Thr.. Pires in Week WIth SlightDamage Threc fines wihi aweek and little damage is the score of Bowmanviile's fire dam- agcs reccntly. Last weck, a h chinincy fire in Uic South Ward called out Uic brigade, but there was littlc damage. On Saturddy afternoon, Mrs. J. Fletchcr's house on Church Street threatcncd to become a senlous blaze when the roof caught on fine, but ncarby neighbours had it under con- trol before Uic reels arrivcd. Citizens wondercd what Uic subequent blasts from Uic hall siren meant during Uic balance of Uic afternoon, but there was sanie difficulty with Uic alarm and Uiey îndicated that rçpair men werc at work. Tucsday afternoon thc third alarm was sent in froni Crcam of Barlcy Camp wherc a coal oil stove had burst into flames and almost overcomc Alf. Shrubb's daughtcr. That to was cxtinguished Jbefore fire- men arrived within a fcw minutes. IDLE RI CE HELPED BY PUBLIC DEBTS ROTARIANS LEARN Rcev.. Dr. I. P. Bowles. Departs Prom Religious Subjects and Discusses Monctary Prob- lemis of Country Scugag's sage philosopher, Bey. Dr. R. P. Bowles, Ex-Chancdllor of Victoria College, Toronto, i his annual visit to Uic Rotary Club agaîn\ amazcd Rotarians' at their Friday luncheon when he discus- sed monetary matters and correc- tive measures, propounding ideas which he admittcd wcre some- what outsidc Uic field of mi*nis- tenial endeavour. The basis for lus address evi- dcntly began on a trip te western Canada where he found many young people discussig Uic ques- tion of what bank money was and if Uic banks could make more of it when they wanted to. They fig- urcd Uiat whcn a debt is contract- ed a credit is also set up with Uic resuit that at- least, 90 % of.'our moncy ug tnothixg but credit. - t .aa....n, .z. L.~.. , k.t - -- -, NUMU1EdC22 AP L2,BL >SO WEEK IN DURHAM COUNTY F11ké elcf ity' W ý lièw vi can be donc with it, but we don'i -know what it is. It is descnibeÈ as currency and firns which gc broke- go ito liquidation. Tht making of mancy is simpl3r en. dawlag some kind af propenty be it matenial or iteilectual oi psychological wltb Uic power tc pass alang fram, anc te another. Mnyis Uic "passig along", al- Uiuhfrcquently there is nathlaî visible ta move. Thie conception 0f mancy ih havig a mast fermientlag and yeasty cffect on peoplc's minds. Same will not bdlieve moncy h lacrcascd with cvery boan the bank niches. They dcny that a bank boan is any different frors a pnivate boan, but you and I can- nat take anyanc's note and turn it ito money exccpt by uslag moiley alrcady i existence. But P~anks arc cndowed with this func- tion. They take a note, make a deposit 0f it and then boan Uic maney. Thus, thcy are cnabled te boan Uic Govcrnmcnt a hundrcd and fifty millions on a morning's notice without cncraachig on their deposits, because the Gov- ernment Trcasury notes become at once deposîts in Uic bank and Uic entire transaction 15 but a picce of baakkceping. The bank runs Uic risk that the Treasury notes may go bad, the samne as Uiey' run a *risk: with Uic security o! a pnîvate ladividual. A bank boan is a guarantcc that my credit is goad moncy in Uic markets of the nation and of ail nations. The social creditor reasons that if Uic bank can take this man's and that man's credit and canvert Lt lato mancy, then Uic state can take its credit and do likcwise and distnibute it taits citizens, but thcy farget that the state does nat own much cxcept Uic post offices, railways and highways and it bas no ownershlp in pnivate propcrty in a dcmocratiecocuntry. There- fore, it bas littie credit. When it is considencd that uuancy is a creation of Uic banks, it throws cansiderable light on the meaning and significance of the public debt. In a very real <Contlnued on »tbe 7) OSHAWA FAIRWILL FEATURE PARA E BIGGER THAt4 EVER Cituzens in West Durham and Bowmanvillc have been attractcd ao Oshawa Botary Fair year after rear that they have become ta thlak Uiey are almost a part of this big show. You are always ssured of a gloniaus cvcning froni tie time aur awn Dave Tod staris te big street parade till Uic grand draw is mpilde for the car - which is a 1939 Buick Sedan this 'car. Who wouldn't spend twa bits ta help Uic Crippled Child- ren's Fumd with a chance of wla- ig Uic Buick all for 25c? There'll be novelty enter tainment, new attractions and booths galore. Sa pack Uic wholc famnily into Uic lvven next Monday amd Tuesday, June 5 and 6, and take 'cm out1 fnraau cvenlag of fun and fnolic1 'Oshawa Rotary Pair.j Il ti ai t ti Y rt ni S Ji fi tc t .e It was expccted 4àiat next week-end would seen Sunday slowly wending their way through L_ find Uic apple blossois i Durham County the back concessions and side roads of Darling- orchards at their best, but old motiirnue ton and Clarke Townshipsin he i orchard dis- sortof pt on ove Uicpropet histime. cts enjoying this annual panorama of nature 0 sot.o pu oneove th prphet ths tme.arrayed in its gorgeous outfit of pink and white rFor, and behold, from last Sunday tli Wed- apple blossonis. The blossonis are more abun- ncsday Uic apple trees blossomcd forth in ail dant than usual this ycar which may or may 9 eirbaut and glory - and what a sight! flot be an idication of a bumper crop of ap- However many local and out f town cars were pies - "The King of ail Fruit." Catchei's Thum Bladly DislocatedChid deu Hoo1 Drings Tie Game To Sad Conclusion ' CobetsUBakerydalmost 1 week, when Johnny Cattran, Tony Xcflveen Fafla To Put times in the seventh only to have son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cat- Glove on Day. Oeborne's the Eastcrners tic it up. tran, Centre St., rode his bi- Sped Bil.Bot Tenia Bownianville presented a make- cycle ito Uic side of one of L Sped all Boh Tama shift lime-up withr Bob Kent on is bread wagon horses. John- Rafly To Score third, Ed Hoopcr at short, and ny fdil from Uic whcel direct- Seven Rima Roach, Colville and Rickard i ly under thc horse which the outficld. Siemon was on first. reared ito Uic air i a wild Aftcr Mcllveen was hurt, and in- frenzy, but didn't move ahcad A grand total of sevený runs cidentally the iast batter of thc a foot. Ncîghbors stood by i streamcd over Uic plate, hi Uic gaine was' up when the accident a panic until driver Hubert more than semi-darkness that occurred, Witheridge volunteercd Hooper jumped from Uthc surrounded the stirrig sevcnth ta catch, and hung on desperatcly wagon and rescued Uic young- innmng as Cobourg and 'Bowman- ta the third strike. Osborne faced ster fromn his precarious posi- ville Royals battled to an eight- only two batters and pourcd Uic tioni. all stalemate last night ini Co- third strike past both of thcm.__________ bourg. Mcllvecn startcd the Royals' But Uic gamne was a severe loss first rRlly by smngling over second. to Bowmanvllle as Tony Mcllvecn, Kent was safe on an error after Uic fightcncst man on Uic club, Phillips had waved at a thirdRedn A d ih g stuck his right thumb in Uich way strike, and bath runners tallied as n ihn of one of Dave Osborne's fast ones Withcridge, hitting for Ricard1'S and suffercd a double dislocation. pounded thc first ih for a Lo e nthIfuslast Dy A local anacsthetic was necessary double. Ames, Roach and Colville before the thumb could be set. all sigled ta drive in the other 0 oa a Tony* wiil be out for some tume, two runs. D ahO oa a if not for the scason. . Witheridge also hit the fîrst Bowmanville hit safely in only pitch i the scventh tû start things two innings, but Uiey scored four off, the drive being gaod for a Aftcr suffering fromn a stroke runs i each of Uic fifth and sev- single. Ames and Roach duplicat- for four days, Frcdcrick Willis enth innigs, both times coming ed thc effort, Uic latter's safety Goddard passcd to his eternal rest froi bchid and taking a lcad.1 drivig in Witheridge, and Sle- May 21, 1939, in his 63rd year. Phillipa hurlcd good baîl for Uic mon and Hooper came through He was son of the late Mr. and Royals until thc last frame whcn, 'w'ihbits ta chase homne Ames and Mrs. LeBaron Goddard, Elgin, in a hurry to get Uic gaine over Roach. New Brunswick. "Dcac" as he before it was called for darkness,! Bowmianvillc - Ames 2b; Roach waens, amiay nwn teoai ay Cobourg began to hit him rather If; Colville cf; Slemon lb; Hooper finshdagna esnlt frcely.i and kindly disposition. -ss; McIlvcen c and Cameron rf; He was an cmploycc of the Cobourg took a three run lcad Phiilps and Osbornc p; Kent 3b; Goodyear Tire & Rubber Comp- i the futh, and afer te Royals Rickard rf and Withcridgc rf and any for the past seventeen years.c sugd ioa aro àed h ic ce . Born iElgin, N.B., January, 1877,t f lfhth UiPnies scored two unRHE he marricd Laura Falle of Belle- eand runs hthe Cixt t go one Bawmanvilllc 000 040 4- 8 9 2 ville in 1899. Aftcr their mar- Up.Bow anvil se df u Cobourg 000 302 3 r0 iage, thcy returned to New Brunswick, and later locatd i GRADUÂTES FR01! BOWMÂNVILLE HOSPITAL Bowmanvillc where he was cm- ployed with Uic late F. A. Haddy, grocer, in the store now accupied by W. C. Cavcrly. In 1922 he be- gan working at the Goodyear plant whcre he had been employ- cd as shlpping clerk till the time of his passig. Fishmng was anc of his grcatest joys and a pastime i which he dcrivcd much recreation and pleasure. Books werc another hobby in which he found consid- erable enjoyment and satisfac- * . ~ tion. He was a member of Uic Ma-E - ~, -'~'~-~sonic Lodgc and I.O.O.F. in New * ~'~ *:Brunswick and the Eastern Star Lodge here. The membens of the thre gaduteswcr ~ o ltter lodgc attcndcd Uic funcralr Graduation exercises for Bow- he rdae ee(e of their late Worthy atron ia manvile Hosîtal Schol af ight)Miss Catherine Agusta body. In religionhe asaB- Clark, Newcastle, Miss Ruth Jas- tist. A Conscrvative enpliish Nursig wcre hcld pi Trinity Un- cphie Fogg and Miss France-s ited Church Tuesday evcning. The Ruth Simipson, bath of Orono. (Cofltinued on page 7) Illness Drings People To Cod Padre Tells Nurse Graduates At Aimual Exercises Tuesday. MORE MEN NEEDED The use eev IN HOME MISSIONS Prizes Durlng Im- presive Cerèmonly. SAYS LADY PAS1TOR Reception Follows lin Rcv. Lydia Gruchy, Ffrst Odled Three nurses, none of theni * Woman Preacher ln Canaa fromi Bowmanviile, wcegradu- Addrcsses Congregatlon at atcd fnom BawmnanvillcHopita1rs St. Paul's During W.M.S.. School of Nursing, durlag lm- Anniversary on Sunday pressive exercises la Tninity Un- ited Church on Tuesday evening. Bey. Lydia*Gruchy, Secretary of Thcy werc Miss Catherine Agusta the Dcaconess Order of the Unit- Clark, Newcastle, and Miss Fran- cd Church and the first waman ces Ruth Simpson anid Miss Ruth ta be ordalned into, the ministry Josephine Fagg, bath of Orono. in Canada, was the spccial speak- The thrcc graduates,acop er at the annual missionary ser- anied by student and graduat vice under the auspices of Uic nurses drèsscd la immaculate uni- W.M.S., held in St. Paul's United farns, entcred the church and Church Sunday marning. taok 'their seats at the front of In Miss Gnuchy's addrcss she Uic auditorium. Mnrs. Florence cncentratd her Uiughts on the SryUi, superltendent of Uic bs- mission wak being donc in the pita, accompanid Uim and sev- homland, that s Canada, by the eral speakers paid tibute ta ber United Church. Especially notable untirlag efforts on behalf of Uic is the activity going an in the nurses, patients and Uic hospital. drought areas of Uic West, where President J. O'Neilli he i the missinares arc carrying- chairman's address, oulined thé- God's work among the strcken changes which have been madei people. She also mntiond the equipmcei~t at the hospital duing- work donc by the marine missions, Uic past fw years, icluding 1a the missionaies on Uesc boats nw beds, enovated wards. He along the coast being always ac- xpressed gratitude te those who tive la spreadlg the gospel. had given money on goods to aid the hospîtal. Among those men- She statcd there was a nccd for tioned wenc Uic late Mrs. Manra twcnty-two men and twenty wo- Hobbs Who bcqucathed $1,000 to men ta f111 the vacancles la the Uic hospital, and Uic Lions Club mission forces. She dwclt some which pnovided matenial for their timc an Uic Wakaw district, Sas- ward. katchewan, in the heart of Uic Mn. O'Neill spoke of Uic com- drought area, where Dr. Scott has mendable record of Bowmnanville donc and is doing wondenful work Hospital and of Uic high standard in the Unitcd Church hospital of nurses which have graduated there. Wakaw is the centrc of Uic under the supervision of Mrs. mission district. Smyth. The speaker aiso mcntioned the Bey. Capt. Sidney Lambert, splendid service that is being car- padre Of Christie Street Hospital, ricd on among the sluni dwellers Toronto, gave Uic mai addrcss of in the cities of Uic, eastcrn portion the evcming which. provect bath (COntjnued on Page 7) * Continued on Page 7)11 Service Clubs Duy Fine okr -Durhoe iine CM>_erseg wOMENYS MOODS Sixteen ]Boys ]Reccive on&.%g ANALYZED DURING Bach from RotaiY and Lions INSTITUTE TALK, And Purchaae on. Othoe .Bowmanville Womens Institute -hmev met at the home of Mrs. H. Con- nons May 26Ui, wîth President In Uic spring of 1936 forty-five Mrs. F. Baker la Uic chair. Mrs. purcbned wcanling Yorkshire pigs F. Jackman in cunnent events wcrc brought te Durham County s poke of Uic visit Of Our King and under Uic supervision of W.- p. Qucen which has Uhilled ail aur Watson, Ontario Live S t o c k hearts and given us a new feeling Branch, Toronto, and E. A. Sum- of îoyaîty. mens, Agnicuitural Representative. Mrs.Jackan iso resetedThese werc distributcd te twcnty Mhes. Jgacman ahlsopesed afarmens. Each year a large per- Uic progand iwich slacludedA-centage of Uic pro gcny of th esc splndi an fltin soo b Ar9god.sows has been purchascd by thur Cully; a flac piano solo by breeders la athen caunties. In or- Miss Joycc Luxton; and two de- der ta hald a fair Proportion of llghtful vocal solos by Mns. Alex thes uendpg iUccut Colvlle.it was decidcd ta forn a Boys, Mrs. J. Thickson la her officiai Swlae Club with each menuben te capacity as District President, neccive a pair of purebncd York- spokc of her visits tao ther shine Pigs fromn six ta ten weeks branches and rcfreshcd aur mcm- of age. ories an Uic nules and negulations The Bowmanville Rotary and of Uic Institute. She also nead a Lions Clubs gave excellent co- splendid paper on Women's Moads operation wîth this pnoject by Palatlag out that what wc cail purchasing anc of Uic pigs for moods are' rcplly characteristics, cach boy at a cost of $9.0o per such as the woman of gencrous pig. The boy paid for Uic other moad who is neyer happier than pig of his pair. In Uic spring of when giving ta some one, or the 1940 each boy mnust ncturn a woman who is always cleanlag wcanling sow pig from anc of his and makes life very uncanifont- litters te be passed along ta an- able fan those wha arc farced ta othen boy who i turn will neturn live with her, or the camplaîning woman who finds nothing good in (Contlnued on page 7) anything or anyone, and polatlag out the best maod or character of all is Uic charitable one, which ENGAGEMENTS loveth al Uiings, fongiveth al____ things, and seekcth no cvii, as ex- Mn. and Mrs. L'. D. Sykes, cmplificd in aur Divlae Master, Hampton, annaunce Uic engage- who set us an example of love and ment of their daughtcr, Elinor tolerance that wc would do wcll Margaret to Arthur Gordyn Brent, ta follow. son of Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, Mrs. F. Jackman thanked ail Tynane, Uicenicrriagc to take who took part la Uic prograni, place Uic latter part of June. then with the help of hen graup Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bome, served a very tasty lunch. 988 Morrison St., Niagara Falls, Ontario, amnounce Uic engage- ment of thein eldest daugbtcr, Mothers anc the anly goddesses Marion Moncnief!, ta Mn. Louis la whom the whole wonld be- James Scott of Toronto (farmierly lieves.-Anon. Bowmanvillc>, cidest son of Mn. A floating mattrcss has been and Mns. Bobert T. Scott, Bcd- dcsignc- for# fshe -me , dItw-----S- t.C th nis, O t. M r -Hamilton Spectator. Church, Niagara FalIs, Ontanlo. African Mlisionaries Welcomed Dy Trinity Congregation Sunday Fam.d FinancWe To Address Rotary Mn. C. H. Carlisle, President o! Uic Domnion Bank, who through illness had ta, cancel bis speaking engagement at the Rotary Club several weeks aga, bas sufficient- ly recavcrcd ta address the Club at its regulan luncheon at the Bal- moral Hatel, Friday, June 2nd, at 12.15. Members of the Canadian Club and Lions Club are again lavited ta this function ta hear Mn. Carlisle whosc subject wili be "To-day and Tc-morrow." One 0f the auistamdimg and memonable features o! Uie service Sunday mornimg celcbratlag Tnin- ity Sunday School annivcrsary was Uic congregational receptian and welcomlag home te Bey. and Mrs. Mcrrill Ferguson wha arc an furiough from. Uic mission fields of Africa. At the close o! Uic regular ser- vice Bey. S. Davison, pastar, turn- cd Uic meeting aven ta the officers o! the Womcn's Missionary Soc- iety after invitlag Bey. and Mrs. Ferguson and their littie daughtcr Helen ta the platfonm. Mrs. C. W. (Continued on page 7) -J L - - - ----------- 'kTTTitffin"" ebý