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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1939, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE lST, 1939 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ~~~ ~PRETTY PRINCESSES AND A STATELY QUEEN AT BLOSSOM FESTIVALNetto O ~F Interest To 00eknd M:eraelt~rLsi PeteW ih. MssteaRo, *.= .------ -tttt -t JO t .=t- t iA.list of weddlng gifts. A glance etsp '.QU le arid .x la k to kthese "1numerous and costly gifts" Mr.oh Wilasndsn Co peKr id A lc soc of fifty years ago shows the silver wadwthMs elaJbn.Jn i' pcl ret among the moat pop- etill. Ms a.Wlimsnw Celebrate Golden W edding In E * uiargiîts. sw eavhils f-hmefrt Pr r nams w wondered just howvll..Ms HaodNbits mnyJ thseepe are stili liv- h Early -in Mardi this year the of 1"MYIor", Hil Road, Theydon ig viltedher sster MissMarys:l- editar received an lnquiry from a Bois, Essex, England, ini which he peT arofTronto s of Mr. Wclm ..Mr. inire lier1 gentlemanin England that if The intimated he was married. tae n-P. Pearce of London, England, ta visiighran, r.Mrae Statesmean circulated i Cart- nie Milne li Blackstock, May 22, Miss Annie Milne, eldest daughter Fa«i...Ms lfodHt n wrîght Township he would like te 1889, and they were going ta cele- o Mr. David Mile <of Blacl<s<>ck, n*.USwhhe insert anoietowa brate their golden wedding in late of Dundee, Scot'and, on Wed- sistr r.Cei isn a London, England, May 22, 1939. nesday, May 22nd, 1889, at six Srie Sna feno a klnd of a notice he wanted to pub- We take from the tenor of Mr. o'clock li the evening was one of tknb e.H .Bl.Msr hs owvrtiscristy~ Peac letter that he still pas- the mast happy and sociable ev- tan adLeadJbinsn a satisfied later when we aganr ses ses a youthful spirit and is ents that has yet occurred in aur ifde"i tPy toSre es" ceived a letter from aur Egli;j blessed with the happy faculya xdt h crmn okpaeWhihwsmc prcae.R corespndet, r. . H T.Peaceseemng the humarous side of if e. at the residence of the bride. corsodnt r .I.T ereTo prove this we quote excerpts The presents ta the bride were H.Fe"wlprahnxSuay from his letter: bath numeérous and handsome and Anme fIsiuemnbr «Your paper is the one I wish were as follows: Mr, W. H1. Pearce, etvîeoFray ta place the notice cancerning a gold watch; Mr. and Mrs. Mûrtie, e sn~tyo tecfmnt wedding li which I took a part - bedroom suite; Miss J. Milne, sul- in fact, I was one of the principals ver butter cooler; Mr. Charles T. is etne aMs ereJhsi nearly 50 years ega. Sa you will.Pearce, graomsmai, silver cake thù et fbrmteMs noO p tice it is out Golden Wedding, basket; Miss Ellen Mîlne, brides-N W ~ ~ ~ ~~ad what a wedding, what a time! maid, silver pickle cruet; Mr. F._______________ Adas they say over here in some Gray, pickle cruet; Mr. Robert The Annapolis Valley, Nova the blossoms is jayously celebrat- when the Festival Queen is crown- sam time. We are indebted te the FI T I 0 99 parts, "What e ta dot" On my and Miss L. Parks, silver cruet; Scatia, in the Land of Evangelifle, ed in beauty, music and pageantry ed at Grand Pre Memorial Park. Kexitville Advertiser for the use Doctoring and caddlng a ulck f Toont an id thetrasnt ar. ptche;Rb.Felcytbut has become' equally weflApple Blossom Festival. Amang cesses and the stately Queen in Apple Blossomn Festival Number, funcei epnuv a ef s another one until the evenmng.Sa Preserve dish; Miss Cairncross, known through its vast apple or- the features of this gorgeous fes- the beautiful setting sa comman about which we miade éditorial uncomfartable. Seize this appor- rwetwtmyfenhowasivricecut;M.AHoe chards. Each year the comng of tival is the coronatiaxi ceremony i their realm during apple blas- comment last week. new Clir e accompanying me, te a livery sta- nd Miss A.. Williamson, lemonade______________Pec ToeasaerKnsWE TD R M HEC LA ale on Queen St. in Toronto, hîred set and bracket; Mr. and Mis. T. Christian -cience eae*,* pa *.Lr in'sWE T UR A et the a horse and buggy and drove tea inpa burderp Mr.adMs And Kingdom of Cod nints Frr omebooies. trra. over the Commons en- INSTITUTE ANNUAL motf- Whitby, changed horses there and Bartley, silverter knife; M. tac and the Queen's Crown motf- then on ta Blackstock. What a Jas. Field, china egg dish; Misses Wrltten for The Statesman o'rer the Senate. When these are DIST.. CONVENTION O H W v o r able day! and 4fter 50 years nlt a day Ida and Mary J. Parr, pair. of Paul Stark Seeley. C.S.B.. of B. lighted et night they stand out____ tem n toa long. The marage knot was vases; Mi. R. Venning, parlor Prîn rgnMte uc very cleerly. Every window inPhe101rePrkn hltr. tied by e Scotchman, ('what a tie!) lamp; Misses Montgomery, crystelThFrsCuchfCrit nB- JESSIIE ALLEN BROWN the Parliament Buildings had the Annuel District convention of a Presbyterian, Rev. Alex Mec- fruit dish and crurnb pan; Mi.TeFis hrho hit nBs lights turned an and the whole West Durham Women's Institute Laren of Enniskillen, and ta this James and Misses Meggie andc ton. M4ass., delivered the following ~ayth kat til ols. .. tmk miy illamon pir f ileraddress in the Regent Theatre, Osh- Aftermath effect wes very beautiful. The will be held in the Town Hall, Frdy-St da yo wllbeabe a ak tisenapkin rings; Miss M. Wood, china awa. Sundav afternoon. every wk aftrdth etth visit. it shows it up as nothing else hs ning at 9 a.m.'standard tume. veyitrsignotice, ninybe caffee st;Mr. R. and Miss J. Sickness seenis very reaî n ve, orItehrt Ra vst .w tF e m or.Ial s oo-ightend gandOonTh u elarayne 8, bginaJJN more aniusing than sanie of the Johnston, silver nepkin ring and day human experience, but Jesus one thing every one was sa tired and beutiful. Perhaps the loveli- will include the District Presi-OD U Hollywood edventures." haîf a dozen of teespoons; Mi. knew it wasn't in God's kingdom et they were fairly numb. Then we est effect of ail was the Chateau dent's report by Mis. J. Thickson, sarn Ths wr lltefacts Mr. Wm. and Miss Maggie Boe, hall ail and sa wes destructive. He wee llbus . .rgnoeso Laurier. It looked like a castie Ii Bowmanviile, the report of the Those ere al thedozen of silver dessert andsugar healed thousands of sick People wr s oprgne Fairyland. The roof of the Cha- federated delegate, Mis. J. Baker, EENRPWL Pearce gave us te write up his s n;Mis. Sophia Hooey, crys- easily and quickly with Mjnd-power, how often we had seen the King tenu, like thet of sanie of the Saline, and other reports.RBR ON soen Wddnmor p e wpar tel cheese dish; Mr. and Mis. A. the power that Roverns Gad's king- and Queen; how dignufied and sin- Governnient Buildings, ir of cap- cedoeate tics oporta theymi le nNain h alen nesand ta.dam.ChrisanSceinnce. 9ii t ere the King haid hooked; how per, and as it weathers it turns Addresses will also be given by GAI LE celebatd tices chort thmiey WmLeen, lne ablen cloth; Mi. da.hereiseinscience: 9ngti beautiful the Queen was and how green and the aider it gets the areésnaiefo thfdr- ORstn in niarriege in England. forks; Mi. and Mis. Kinsman, . naturel; who laid the honor cf greener t ix. The roo<f was flood- ti~ ep, rsnG.tiveld nieder- MaissseyCrt COMOM Nj Hwevr, eAfeChi.ieareiwitecScteranecMisesS.cndi Chistanrciece racktng etspektg t thni.Ohwel, yu hghtd a wel a th ret cash Grta olasd hohielspek o "Hcke Chmp ET LSNand his blushing bride cf fifty E. Corfield, crystal tee set anid was called ta a humble home te hel> know, you pro- building and the whole thîng was girls' wtirk. years ega will receive a pleasant hall a dozen napkins; Mis. Gar- the wife, who hail been suffering fer bably have been idescribably lovely. For. several__________ surprise and a genuine laugh don, linen table cloth; Grand- some years with Ralîstones. She was daing the sanie iglits before the Royal visit, ev- Be t ar or when they see reproducedf here- rnother of the bride, dining roorn turninz te Christian Science after thing. Yeu nev-, r: ca i ttwamuthave been s lenFia at 0.5pm .PLUMBER wedding which appeqred in The and Miss Lena Boe, whisk holder; ment. When the practitianer arrived cameras un your Connauglit Place and the adjac- Phone 2684 -- Bowmanvillie Stetesman May 29, 1889. lI those Miss Mesure, plush pin cushion; the woman -was in ureat distress and life. They wereen Major Hill Park and Nepeen Recent Visitors:'T s days it was net an uxicommxori oc- Mr. and Mis. Hall, parler lamp. ber husband taa was Rraaning with in action even Point, where there were five Mran Ms.Wse Oe, r.Srrg ýcurrence ta publish the complete After the ceremony an excel- pain- and lving on a bed near by. A the week before thousand colored liglits. I wish al r nd Mrs. W ley r e petSu-MLr.GAL ______________________________________________lent meal wes served tealal the dog tied on the f ront porch was taking pictures wlia are reading this could have adywt Mrs . an T Mnr sThoSn guýtafter which the party turn- howling. For a moment the discord- of the décors- seen it, as you would liaVe been abbis. ickrnd. .Mss erichSENERTRCY ed out for a drive ta Ceesaiea, ant picture seemed almost ta aver- tiens and t h e proud of your Capital city. RPhis iMrBceng. d. Miss erna _______________ wliere a pleeàant tume was spent whelm the Practitianer. Then she bul di n gs by tJly Phick. Mr. BrceWoydPetick, To- a~t the shore of the beautiful Lake turned ber thought f rom the testi- d ay a nd b y hcpmnt, sohly ac e otac. wt r n Mr s.FlS. Peth T- Mo.-T e. W d f1 Scugog. On returning ta the monv of materiel sight and heering n i g h t. It was 1cpmnsldypce etwt r n r.F eh C ool, C3risp, and 1'resh i ouse, the remainder of the tme ta the spiritual idea of God and His difficuht ta get Jessle Allen 31/ cups sugar ick. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Branton. was spent in ail kinds of amuse- ever-vresent kingdom of Mind. 14fç, weted on in the Brown % cup vinegar Miss Gladvs Page, Oshawa, Miss M. JN 4, nints ntil he we na hous. an Lov. Thee cae t her thouRht camera supply stores. . . . Neyer h eup water Russell. Rochester, Miss F. A. P.age, EWR .RBNO t ~~~~~~~~~~~this statemefit f rom the Christian egain cen it be said that Cana- ½btl iudpci otn iie r.Et ae at Science textbook (p. 489), "Outside dians can't cheer. The scliool green caloring Mr. Thomas Hall, Brooklin, Mr. h the material sense of things. ahl is children were trained ta cheer. Wasli the mint and peck solidly and Mrs. lames Ormiston and Hellen W d ighermany." Confidence. fearlessness. They were lined up and cheered mnto cup, using bath stemis and visited Mrs. Burgmaster. .. Mr. and ~ Cnesoso Il Bron-Lakepeace began ta f iii ber consciausness. delly as the maunted soldiers leaves. Press with a spoon or Mrs. E. C. Ashton and lune at Mr.Nai ... A quet wddigetasapace n b the niateial ense s antevil noise. . . . What a wonderful ter and sugar, mix well and bring Mrs. Wm. Veale, Toronto,,aet Mr. A. P St.uGetîge Church, Newceste ic yth a trial s estin, asontradicto thlng it is for a King, who is ta a bail on the hottest fire. While Oke's. St.E Gog' h h-Nwatepitelliugein . o radcinpabl e r ha end îetiring by nature, the nixtuid is coming ta the bail A number froni here attended theFRN SLEE R on-na .ig My2n, fitllgne Gd n icpbeto ea wife, who sporftàneausly add the colaring natter until the Anniversarv services at Burketan on GOG ADR 'H ll s hen Miss Elizabeth Eileen (Bet- of having a place in His perfect does the naturel and winning desied shade is reached. Wlien Sunday.PALL AS t) Lk n r Afe rwkîngdoman perfect man, ever gov- thing. .. . The Frenchi Canadians the mixture bails add the pectin Our svmpathy is extended ta the , both of the Lake Share, Clarke, erned by the farces of intelligence I have spoken ta are very mucli and bring ta a full- ralling bail, f riends of the late George Ormiston. hr.-F .-S t were united in niarriage by Rev. and Love. She renieined for an haur delighted over.the visit: They-aie tlien bail hard for % minute. Re- Enfield. D. R. Dewdney, B.A. The bride holding steedfnstly ta the divine faîct pheesed thet the reception in Que- nove froni the fire, skim and Our anniversary on May 24th was jjj~8-1 ware lier travelling costume, a that autside the nieterial sense of bec and Montreal was sa enthus- strein ta remove mint. Pour ixito a decided success, the weether being WEEK-END SPECIALS navy blue teilared suit with plik things ail is harnîanv and reelizing iestlc. They were touclied be- jelly glasses and seal. ideal. In the afternoon tee was serv- Uno p~fjS accessories. She was attended by thet igadless evil cauld flot intrude cause their Majesties used tlie Heavenly Foodi ed until ail were entirely satisfied. In Grapefruit Mis. W;. T. Lake li nevy sheer inta the harmoniaus kingdom cof God Frencli language ta speak ta them 2 eggs beeten sepaietely; 2-3 C. the eveninez a bal game, Saline vis Juice........................tin lc hptouches of white, and Miss and His man. then and there pres- publicly and ta chat with their white sugai; % teaspaon. vanille; Enniskilien was played, the home BRAASAWC ti IC MagUtOverend cf Toronto who cnt. Within that heur the wf a people. They feel it s going t speck cf saît; scant 1/2 c fleur; 1 team beiniz the wînners. At eight-JELM RE 21 s.wore powder blue with navy sc- compfletely heaied cf gallstones and make for a better understanding tees. beking pawder; 1 c. dates, thirtv Oshawa King Street UnitedAKMTMRF Pork and Beans'.. ...........3 for 25c edssa r. WT. goomkes atotend-ffoth ubn c nascs ehe a etente rnl adte eng ut in pieces; 1 c. nuts chopped. Church Youniz People presented theirGEREPETN by . . Lke bothr f or hitvveers. The dog was peace- lish speaking people. . . . What a Beat the egg yolks until thick popular Minstrel Show. A large Toaethe bride. The happy couple left f uliy sleeping on the porch as the strein it must be te be diessed, and lemon calored; add sugai crowd was in attendance. Juce.. . .. .. . .. .. . .U S mmediately after the ceremony practitioner left. A turbulent sea hail looking et one's best ? and on par- gredunlly beating nfter addition.________________________________ Juic .................... U SC for e trip down the St. Lawierice been stilled by lmmanuel, the truc nde, all one's waking moments Add vanille. Stir in sifted dry in- and acîoss the new Ivy Les bridge idea cf God. creetion. and man, real- for weeks et a tume. Even thougli gredients. Fold in stiffly beaten u . One Regular andi One Large ta points in the United States. ized in the God-empowered think- the Queen lias the loveliest Of 'egg whites; add the dates and Exceis ln u i y Rinso ........................ for 25C They willniake their home et inz of the practitianer. She thought clothes and the most adequate nuts. Beke in e buttered 8 inchi "The Cabin," Lake Shore rond. , dif ferent1v from. the dlaims of mat- help, yet it is a strain, whicli any square pan in a slow aven cf 300'. Popped ter. She praved in a definite degree woman -cari appreciate. It lis an Cut in squares. This is a silly Wheat ..................1 -b. bag 25e yo .Inttt that God and His kingdom were ordeal ta be an view over sucli a name for a very gaod recipe. It (GLASS TUMBLER FREE)> ________tut there and His power wns.goverining long periad and we elIlave and seemed just as silly when I fist Pur Trae omn'sIntiut mt he individuehities of menu, womnen. admire the King and Quiten for made it aver twenty yeers ega. Pure yroneWomens Intitut met .IndaIl the lesser ideas tnuLe ani- laivng the courage and the will- Regardless o its name,I often 2 bs 1c t the lionie of Mis. Goodman, mal kingRiom with the farces oi Love ingness ta undertake it. Daubt- meke it. Lard .. .. 2 s. 1ewlth e goad attendance. and intelligence, which- naturallV less they enjoy seeing the people The president conducted the produce health and pence. and realizing their intense loyelty 60 andi 40 Watt business when arrangements were You begin ta find the liingzdom and love, but beîng humain, they Buls .. fr 2c DM N,~â I P 3 o~ n nefor e strawberiy social the within by changing your thinking. must elso welcone the stretches "Hall the world daesn't knaw Bulba ... 3 for latter pa c f June. It was decided !o oYou turre te anb hwemd u.the aw iesknow wht ta uy abes a lac f owers eu go on finding more and moe of crhu orwhnte e emiaw us. o the aîwies," art g m Iite hurcalse pae-dloecra the kingrdom as you continue ta out of the public eye. they have on the radio. - Radia ln bednroni in the parsonage., change vour thinking. No one cen The National War Menoll Pcoel OrangePe 11b. 34the taken charge cf by the& Alice fryes It is thrilling in its *-uO 2 3cIJackson Bahd. The warship ser- @o, eatyan w my l J -pru Fu--oEgg Mauh and Chick Starter vice cansisted cf quiet music, cal o u ainl a eoi femos SetiCorulu he ollohigI awarship, and hynin, and Miss WHY MOT SEE TeCptle lh Grant Bras. faOBBe onI tefloigvr- Pickerd led in prayer. The afier- TeCptla ih eties: Golden Glow, Early Leamsni, Wisconsi No. 7, ing was taken and the Làrd's AlIIed Opticient et Alex Otw si slgie for the Longfellow, COmpton's Early, Barly Rochester. Frayer repeated I unison. A Mcregor's Drug Store, Royal visit is a picture, sa beau- hymn closed tlie worship service. Mondays 12 noon to 2 p.m. tiful that it is a pity it could nat Minutes were rend and fees teken. about a Thorough îie be lighted sa, nîl the tume. They JI R R Y A L NThe pragrani opened with a sala Examînetion and Modernhaveied ldlhatndnWest H A R R Y A L L IN ~ ~~~by Mary AIldread; Doris Alldread Eye Glames. hacv!9'onea Qel euy o ig hiectue. Thre BowianvIle avd ay Ba reading, "June"; Blocks and the Pence Tower are a aa hn 87-38GROCER Bwafl n a o playeti a piano sala. Quaty Up - Prices Down - AUl Tbînss Optical flood-lit and it brings outth a a a Temeig closed wl e aplcnlc Toronto Recelins fie19Ygea ue euyo hi rhtcue hr lunch served on the dhurcih awxi. Is e large jewelled crawn on. the -

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