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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1939, p. 11

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THO(RO)No NEWS. SOCIAL A ~1'~ Orono Park will be the scei the Drumhead service next -day aftennoou. Dr. and Mns. Manning and iLly are settled, in their apart In Kumrite Inn. Orono Deconalion Services b. held at the oemetery Sur lune 251h. Friea& -are glad 10 see Mir 3twU,(nee Mary Reid), w 'here %on the Wast. Mn. and Mns. Frank Roskir -~Joan, Oshawa, visited at M H. Wood's. Mn. and lins. Russell Wilsoni fanily, Oshawa, visited with 0. W. Scott. t-.r. and Mrs. Floyd Cuttcîl, àa1Ôvisited Mn. and Mrs. S. -tel. Repairs have been made tc I. A. Clarke's house aften. the which was reportedinl last i Miessrs. John and Bob K. Toronto, visited Mn. and Mni IL. Keane. Several Oronoites, membe: St. Saviour's Anglican Chi wene conirmed by the Bishc Newcastle Tuesday night. I. . O. F. meeting was hel Orono last Wednesday nightv three candidates had the1 dlegnes conferred ou them. Mn. Neil Poter and party in Toronto and called on'M Mercer who was in the hos and aise on Mrs. J. Wannan. All tests are over at the C Now for the depatmentals, iU students are unlucky enoug have to tny them. Mns. Hector Stewart is :from the West visiting friends relatives in Toronto and rounding district. lira. W. N. Roskin and 33urketon, and Miss Jean Wr Blacksteck, visited at Mn. IR Wood's. Mn. George Rowe let thisN for Presqu'ille Point whene 1 engaged. with Skip Vaughn'î echestra for the summner, mon .lMessrs. Norman Bruton, don Bruton and friend, and Bruton took a trip 1 liid Sunday to see Çed1. Copies o! Tue Canadian St inan and Onono News may, be chased at Tynell's Drug S Orono, or at The Orono 1 OffiS. linS. J. R. Cooper, Mns. .Auu'trng, Major J. C. Ga :and Mn. O. W. Bolph attended district meeting o! the Agr tural Socleties at Peterboré. Mr. and lins. R. Best Stella, and Mn. O. W. Scott1 in Peterbono Tuesday and ci on li. n.ud lis. W. K. Sloant Mn. and Mrs. Arthur S:i MWarkham, were i Orono lur, -the former attendlng lodge th:1 latter the presentation 10 X. Stark. Mn. C. J. R-ughson quletlyc bratecl is birthdayliouday, gecelà' congratultilons f r ma,ây.] attaining his 92nd n atone. Congratulations te Mn. and: K. Gansby on the bbth O! a George Douglas, on Miay 23. and lir. Gamsby expect to r -here arouud July lst with t four cblîdren. Mr. and lirs. Syd Ruglison Glen, Miss Jean Cornish, Mn AIfleld, lins. St. Clair, 14sa ley, and Mn. Davldso, allso! ronto, were Sunday visitera -Mr. C. j. Rughseu, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Awde .Uimny, Toronto, vlalled Mn. Mns. I. Winter has been vism ln Oshawa. Mrs. Wm. Deline was talci the hospital Fiday. Miss Ethel Davidson, Mfarkl visited Mn. and Mns. W. J. Si 1Mn. H. Mercen is home fror hospital. ,Mns. R. Fuller is home fron hospital. 1Mrs. Fred Lorriman has a ken an. Messrs. John and Fred Tan were on a trip dowu East. Mr. W. J. Riddell spoke at:b tonville Men's Club lune 141l Mns. James Wood visited sistei. Mn. Cole, Victoria, B.C., wi town last week. Xrý and Mns. R. E. Logani in Tornuto. lins. G. Marin visited her ther-, Mn. Tuos. McNeil. Wonk is uow being doue on achool fb-e protection tank. Mrs. Hammer, Torouto, vù Mr. and lins. E. J. Hammi. Mn. E. J. Hamnu has beei Bass Lake. Mn. Keith McElroy visitei grandmnothen, Mna. D. Noble. Mr. and Mns. L. A. Dent vt ln Toronto. Mie Edua StuIt, Grafton,% ed frienda héne. lins. J. Wannan has reli home from the hospital. Oshawa Timues has enter team n uOnono softball leaguv Three o! our young girls pose entering traiing aI Wl uext September. Mr. Wm. Stutt waa able to th1e bail gamne Tuesday night1 lis nurse's car. Mr. and lins. Shaw and fa and Mrs. H. Mercer wers in route Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Stark and fa and 'Misa Davidsou visited McKay at Starkville. The Misses Deline, Toronto, viaiig their gnandpanents, and lins. A. Clough. -- I 7-i - ~* THE CANADIAN STATE'SM'AN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, JUNE ISTH, 1939 PAGE ELEVEN MIDDLE AND UPPER *l t PARK ST. W.A. SCHOOL REPORT Life For Unrortunate Made Happy TO HOLD PUCNUC hND .PERSONAL The following studentofd-TruhM orySyBr.omNes of CMikdowshp-.A ONJULY 1STH 40r16 _______tesandng . of Park St. Church met siting Mrs. Chas. F. Awde. Their son n m sbet esd hi heMsncbetrnhl WeddingUno extensive repairs to his large Stutt presiding. Miss M. Davy Neil, who has been visiting his Allin, M. - Lit. II; Anc Hist II big night Thursday, one whlch ClarkteUno barns. We understand a new barn readinthon rip eaer." aReora ~ ograndparents, returned home witli Ard, K. - Agr. 3 11; Lit. 3 Ii. *wifl linger long in the memory of ___ S t eeetdsono h amreigiven b y rea.MisspL.rAI them. Forrester, R. - Agr. 3 ILh 0mmer rmOhwa hpa-takTeeae a number of cases of tenanted by Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. lin, Fin. Sec.Mr..Dikoan h esr.Caread alrT- Goode, R. - Agriç. 3 IL Newcastle, Bowmanville, P o r t Teea t a essrs rotowrke tan Tda a klrT- Tmln .-Arc Hope, Orono and other places, who Decorated with summer flowers measies in our secton. A number of the boys from Corr. Sec. Mrs. Neil F. Porter. itr j ng ragmnsfo h nap Tea n, G. - Li. 34;Cop ttne1tethrn. and ferns, the home of Mr. and Miss Lorna Clarke returned to here are planning to join the Boy Committees andcavsrs ee nheing arnof t o the 8t Tr nto rop- enof G it . 1 C Oshawa degree teaxn instafled Mrs W. J. Stark, Orono, was the hier school on Monday after bemng Scouts in the near future. Such a appointed for the festival. Rev. BomSoushhoar ging tf thamp __ToantD. - Comof 3 11 these officers: I. P. M. - Lawrenice setting for a pretty but quiet wed- laid up with the flu. worthy organization will be- of S. Littlewood gave a report on the BoyScotswhoaregong o cmp Wannyte D. - Agri. 3 ILr A I. Allen; W. M. - F. B. Whyte; Sr. ding Wednesday, June l4th, when Miss Leona Curtis visited hier great benefit to these lads. trustees' meeting re church re- n the here some time in July. Oronoites Wy' Wardene.4 1;Fr their parents, Mr.landeMrs. Arthu Mr. Leslie Reid, Toronto, has pairs which are at present at a wilgv hmahat ecm.Fr. C. II; Lat. C II; Latin A 11. 1Warden - Allen Hall; Jr. Wre asm dgte Ramic e then, r.Atu emeigw Brown, O. - Lit.a heartFr.eC. Ie; [J Fred Lycett; Chaplain - J. C. Ga- wsmridt amn lthrCurtis, tEtrrs been spending holidays with War- standstill. The next meigwl Lbro- A letter has been received by a Anc.H. I grc mey; Treas. - O. W. Rolph; Sec. - arasno Mr. and Mrs. H ntrrs. denT. A Rei andwiebeaicconuy 8h friend here from Marguerite Mill- Cse . -Anrc. 4HILt Dr. Neil Colville; Sr. Deacon - JimFfP. Chapman. Rev. S. Littlewood r n r.H Suhad Some of our sport-minded citi-________ nblyn s o f Bowmanville, a former Case, E. - L ist. 5IL Tanmblyn; Jr. Deacon - R. Rosbor- officiated. daughter Eileen spent the week- zens motored to Newtonville Com- rsnt of Orono,. whot.5 H end with their daughter, Mrs. munity Park Saturday night to hersisteo r, Mrs. Lesli visitmng Cooper, A. - Lit. 5 1; Comp. 5 ough; D. of C. - E. J. Hamm; Inside The bride, given in marriage by Harry Bailey, Toronto. Mrs. Bail- watch F. Gilrner's old time base- ROYAL ENGINE OFF New-l coruvser. Mrg erie Webb, in II; Fr. Authors I; Fr. C. II; Lat. Guard - R. Stutt; Organist - "R. lier father, wore a graceful gown e rtnd wth themforavst alta rbtey gr Vac.vr edMitrte gceeritean is thrill- Authors II; Anc. Hist. II. Geen; Sr. Steward - C. McLaren; of white chiffon with all-over eyrun îtmo îî.bî emdu h on en's TO WORLD'S FAIR h e heithte nicene ,aaso with Cooper, M. - Comp. 5 Il; Fr. A. Jr. Steward - C. B. Tyreil; Tyler - shirred jacket. Her finger-tip veil Mr. James Nixon now has his teamn 7-5 . This winning team, ____ 1 lleravitng for Maureen. She is 1. S. E. Allen.. was held with a halo of orange barn raised ready for the cernent. composed of such basebaîl veter-.6 Montreal, June 14. - The giant laigfrhome this week. Dva, H. - Agric. 3 IL. The brethren adjourned to the blossoms and she carried a bou- ans as L. Savery, Mac Irwin and 40"lcmtvofheCnda as inl Orono citizens were well sup- Morton, A. - Agr. 5 1; Geom. 5 1; counicil chamber where a feast, quet of roses and lily of the valley. -ohrsoesmeftecasNational Railways, which last plied with music Saturday night. Lit. 5 1 prepared as only Orono ladies can Only immediate friends of th~e r w ' that made them popular in days week finished its task of hauling were Two different religious groups Morton, M. - Alg. 5 1; Geom. 5 1; prepare, awaited them, with the families were present. Following____ gone by when a rousing basebaîl the Royal Trai to the Niagara fperformed one after another, Or- Lit. 5 1; Comp. 5 11; Lat. Aut. 5 11. Women's Institute catering. the wedding supper the bride and Mr NranSmNetn- Te ho e n wd ere aorg as rneontre d eal. igt, was sent ýrf-ono Band played for some tîrne, Patterson, R. - Lit. 5 1; Comp. 5 When the inner man was satis- groom left for a motor trip vlviMsitedrwith her sisNton- Th. ekstaki n out the ies frt the rait aysopl ts erefo and Moffatt's dance hall was n I; Anc. Hist. A.Ils. fied W.M. F. B. Whyte called thue through the Eastern States and Fred Couch Sr.vste poles and the electnicians are busy final polishing up before going on ýn the full swing. Each of the religious Yeo, A. - Geom. 5 1 nc it gathering to order and proposed the New York World's Fair. For Mrs. Geo. Stephenson ite wiring houses along the way. ehbto tteNw Yr groups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wore navy pefreiwil h adXI h 9s o h ig ndte Heîigtebieoward Gibson~, Lockhart's. Watch for the lights f Crooked World's Fair this week. There it was playig - although some dis- Whyte, C. - Alg. 5 1; Geom. 5 1. toast 'to the Grand 'Lodge. The sheer with touches of pink and a Mïrs. ciifford Brown was in Co- Creek.wilepacdo th dsly isited tance away - and, in addition to _________ latter toast was responded to by beige coat. bourg. ilb pacdo th dspy hyrms, vocal solos, vocal duets, W. Bro. Howard Toms o! New-~ Mr. and Mrs. R. Gimblett and ,< tracks of the railway exhibit and en at were given by various members INSTITUTE HONORS castle, who, after congratulatig Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gimblett, La~ke S o e lr ewl lohv lc fh ri oftepromn ru.Orono Lodge on their banquet and Chamiber Commerce Maple Grove, visited Mr. and M rn re, h e wil ave place !onor hia d hiso!tepronnggu. MISS K. STAR K the officers on their election, spoke Me odyNgtRGrhmtruhu he on fJu. PRIOR TO MARRIAGE on the ains and ideals of Masonry. . e @ia ihtR rhm n We weîcome Mr. and Mis. Chas.truhu h mnh0 uy _____Mr. Archie Brown adhsm-Alrdt u eto.Te r locomotives o! the same type in Hstd DM APPN INSFrheNTrtx iHei to onc orasd tfatthe church The Chamber of Commerce ther, Mrs. J. Brown, visited Mr. residing on the f amowned for- useo althe 00NainlSytemétare _______ wee'ks Miss Kathleen Stark was in making Ide-happy for the un.-- eeting Monday was slimly àt and Mrs. Tom Woodlock. . merly by Mr. F. Bone. visît- houed nhraprah fortunate, and impressed the ie eddadpet uhruie Congratulations to Miss Bessie Atheatrnermiyoou among the most powerful and red From The Orono News oft marragenwhe folloing I- of acting on the square. Reports were giveli by H. A. Law who graduated from Oshawa section preparations are bemg n ortheabennuein ails. ioneg lre une 11, 1914 stîtute Conenion uursday shen Bro. J. C. Gamey proposed the Clarke and N. F. Porter on the Hospital. Mrs. Geo. Law attended made for the removal o! the Lake! unlartail eric traiy. cove g-o spesCentitnh a resdsh toast to the installation teain, trip to Toronto to see the King the graduation on Friday evening. Shore roadsevifunthen north.oi red a Harold Rickaby, an Orono boy, oasiler lte by mebes of which was responded te by W. and Queen. Several comnuttees Mr. Geo. Stephenson and Mr. dShored ry rnorhn ichl 10,000 té 14,000 miles every month, e. teaching at Barrie, was operated the Onono society of which she is Bro. H. Knight. Mr. Knight ex- were appointed to look a! ter Fred Couch spent the weekend at have been ili with the mesies. tance btaw ee iMn theaeadia- on for appendicitis at St. Michael s pressed their pleasure at coming. things whîch will be made public Red Stone fishing.tac ewnMnralndV - Pur- Hospital, Toronto, Sunday. Ris a directon. He also congratulated the offloers in due course. Mr. Melvin Graham was i Visltors: couver. They have been covering hitby bo_____Prey_________n to MOshawa. sokMn. teandk oMrs.g lBob Graham withdOshwa. t.hndsrbigob mahnthly t miigleagey mwithouthou y ther, Percndy eRickbn to eM rs.Rlhdspoke fo hs- t n o eing elepte dedal ofgea Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred. a hitch ever since they were put to e th iyMna ngtseeee Mis Styadakhe r he esoem tork, ep nth idel o Ma-with relatives at Pontypool. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Allin with into service two yeans ago. They fromn Mr. Saul Williams, Hampton, sonality and friendliess. Mns. J. be better men and better Cana- Xa~I.'.acl Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner Mr. and Mns. Leslie Alldred, Ma- are noted for their smooth per- has been appointed Returning Richardson presented the gif t dians for being Masons if they did and Sam visited with Mn. and pie Grove. formnance and favorable comment amily Officer for West Durham for the with a few well chosen wonds. so. The Tweddle famîly, Toronto, Mns. Brock Pethick, Newtonville. Miss Etta Holmes, Oshawa, with was made by membens o! the aTo- Provincial election, June 29th. While Miss Stark was opening Messrs. Donald Hamm, Jini spent Sunday at the f an. M. and Mns. H. olatap.eton, ya artyi on theexarrivaent Mn. William Barrett has ne- the narcel and collecting her Tamblyn, Carlos Tamblyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Woodyard, Mr. a, NwtndlM. o t an- o! theNbagar Fel neathe mallnner aiypainted his residence. thoug'hts a brie! sing-song was in- LeRoy Brown !avoured withi a Orono, visited at hier mother's, ro ke C ee tin's. h hc twshnldb n Mr. Mn. Chas. Baxter, Toronto, was dulged in including "For she's a brass quartette selection. Mns. E. Underwood. ____ isAnbleHnnPny ineman J. P. W oohadcock a n- inthe village.* jolly good fellow." Miss Stark Tue toast to the visitons was Mn. and Mns. Art Mercen and Ms nael edy ot-gnmnJ .Wocc n o, are Miss E. G. Tucker visited in the made a neat speech thanking the proposed by W. Bro. Reg Geen. tamily, Campbellcrot, at Mn. R. Mn. Hurban, Toronto, spent the pool, with Mn. and Mns. John Fireman R. Bunt. Mn. City. ladies for their gifts and good This toast was neplied to by W. Wilson's. weekend witlu his wîfe and young Hendry. Designed by John Roberts, Chie! Mn. and Mns. Black, Coîbonne, wishes and assuning thern that she Bro. Mitchell o! Port Hope who Miss Edith Empringham is vis- son Eddie. Mns. Norman Gartshone, Pick- of Motive Power and Car Equip- visited Mn. I. Winters. would try to keep up the~ wonlc. expnessed a hope that the yean iting lier sister, Mns. E. Under- There has been considerable ac- ering, with Mn. and Mns. Sam ment, the 6400's follow a stneam- ne o! Mrs. Chas. Doncaster, Toronto, This made a finislulng teuch té would be most successful and wood. tivity on the county road here. Powell. ling plan which makes them a Sun- and daughter, Mns. Elgin Wight, a perfect day - not only as fan as happy. Mn. and Mns. George Smith, Tue road is being widened and a Mr. and Mns. Harry Wade, Port stniking and beautiful example o! Bowmanville, visited ne 1 a t i v e s weather was. concenned but for W. Bro. Geo. Hart also spoke Stankville, Mr. and ýÙts. Lorne chloride preparation applied. This Granby, Miss Jean Pern and Mn. modern motive power. Tuey are f am- here. profit and enjoyment because the briefly congratulating the officens Paedon spent Sunday with Mn. makes a firim surface as well as Wm. Morley, Browrn's, with Mn. more than 94 feet long with ten- Lment Mns. Ed Birch and daughter, convention had indeed been de, and thanking the lodge for their and Mns. Milton Robinson. acting as a dust layer. and Mns. B. Jaynes. der and have driving wheels 6 Mns. Gilliland, Mrs. John Birch îight!uî. invitation. Mn. Arthur Thompson attended Raymond Gilmer, who lias been Mn.. Leonard Buckler in Bow- feet 5 inches in diameter. They 3wrnl and two little dauglters, Cannre- W. Bro. R. E. Logan favoured Conference at Kingston. i attendance at Niagara Col- manville. are the largest stneamlied loco- aday, vale, Sask., are visiting their aunt, with a vocal solo, with Miss Jean Mn. and Mns. Hugh Hoye and legiate for the year, is home for Mn. and Mns. B. Jaynes and motives ini the British Empire. Mrs. AI! Chapman O ooSftalr Logan at the piano. daughten, Oshawa, at their daugh- the summer holiday. Billy with Mn. and Mns. H. White, ~.M Hon. James Duf, Mnister o! rn ofblesW. Bro. E. E. Patterson o! Orono ter's, Mrs. Cecil Tebble. Mn. Reg. Falls spent Sunday Elizabethville. Mn. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, ho is Agriculture,~ will speak iu. the DW" F@ rty welcomed the guests and moved a -A -few inuthe conimunity have virithig His e s sten, ns.. arow n.and M . C. wBlntonand le.M . spnt he eeedith n.a town hall June l9th, in the inter- Score 189 FridaY vote o! thanks to Orono ladies for thue mesies, also some with septic M.W.Hl a enmkn n n.S oela avle r.N obeik Liadest of J. H. Devitt, Conservative .___ their catening. Ithroat. WR.cniae rn a itroe oety Tue closing toast - the Jr. War- We extend sincere sympathy to __ Mr and cni A. SitOrorn no as vFictoyovnFore 18dens toast - was pnoposed by Bro. Mrs. Wm. Canscadden whose sis- Sask., visited Mn. James Stark. to F. Lycett o! Oshuawa. ter passed away at Midland. n and He brought greetinga to old fr1- Jm Wood pitched neal good bail Interspersing the toast i s t i Mn. ends here !rom Mn. George David- for the !irst five-and-a-half iii- bright music was sung, with W. son.Bro Gee atthe ian andallStarkville son. ~~~~~~ings and was nelieved by Powers Bo ena h n l Bu!-, -Died: Colville - In Hanwich, for the rest o! the game. Clough joined heantily in-the songs. ToeH Ee !D.Jme ovleNaeptce o he!rtfien il" ot o wdigfo inc fine Ded 3 ea Hokige- Cbortw e caughtortheoughot. ve Newtonv - e and strawberry festivals. Let us Mn aged 30yeans. Inand Vance Cooper for the~ last alb ap n eoc htw issue. June 1th,, William Hockridge, Forestny was blanked in the Recent Visitons: Miss Isabel are alive. Our beloved Majesties anfonmerly o! Orono. first three; secured one through Bruce, Toronto, at home.. Mn. will soon bid adieu to our fair s. A. Winter in the 4th; five through and Mns. Robb and Miss Carol Canadian shores. May God bless Port Hope Winners Couvier (homen, Ogden, Cooper, Brooks, Montreal, wvith Mn. and and protect them on their journey nso! InTeni M tces Neale, and R. Wood (homer), in Mns. R. J. Rowe. . . Mn. J. T. home. ýurch, the 5th; two thnough Couvier and Peance, Perth, at home. .. Mn. and Mn adMs.Fe Wioe a An With Orono Club Ogden in the 6th; one through R. Mns. J. Stark and Donna with Mns. Perrytown, visîted their daughter, op at_ Wood in the 7th. There would I. Stark, Starkville. . . Mn. and Mrs. Warren Carson. A pnt enjoyable afternoon was have been another in the 4th Mns. L. Saveny, Elgin and Jim, Mn. and Mrs. J. Davey, Toronto, Id i pn ue7hwe-otHp through Major butle a put out with Mn. and Mrs. W. Savery, called on Mn. and Mrs. Jack Hal- whlen Tennis Club, 1938 cup winnens, at home plate. Starkville.. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. lowell. third had a tournament with Orono Orono secured f ive in the lst Moase, Lindsay, with Mns. G. W* Mn. Wm. Robinson is havîng his Club, defeating the locals in most through J. Wood, Watson, West, Jones. .. Mn. and Mns. C. Morris house wired for electricity. were cases. Results are as !ollows: Powers and Withenidge (homer); with friends in Toronto. . . Mn. A gang o! men have been wonk- r. H. Men's Singles - Roy Colville, two in the 2nd thnough Patterson and Mns. A. Bandy (formenly Miss îng on our county road and we rpital Oronoi de!eated F. Colins o! Port and Watson; one ini the 3nd tluro' Edna Millson), Cowanville, with will soon have one o! the finest Hope, 2-6, 6-1, 6-1. Powens; one in the 4th through Mn. and Mns. L. E. Millso... Mn. roads in the county. .C.S. Ladies' Singles - A. Armstrong, Pattenson; nine in the 5th through Ronald Burley was in Toronto on Mn. and Mns. Geo. Weatherilt, if the Port Hope, de!eated Viola Noden, Witheridge, Myles, Clough, Little- business Thursday. Lindsay, visited at Mns. John Mc- eh to Orono, 6-4, 6-1. wood, J. Wood, Watson, West, Saturday evenig a bail game Kay's. Other visitons were, Mns. Fb-st Men's Doubles - L. Marsh Powens and Witheridge; none in o! much interest took place be- Morton and son Bob, Sixth Line, hene and E. Wynne, Port Hope defeat- the th; and the 7th was not play- tween the negular teamn and a Mn. and Mrs. Moffat, Mn. and Mns. S and ed Aib West and Mac Snmith o! ed. West got out at the home tamo! old-timers consisting o! Jas. Stark, son and daughters, --~ sur. Orono, 6-4, 6-4. - plate i the 2nd on there would such playens as Roy Smith, Frank from Onono, and Mn. and Mns. '»~--- 2nd Men'sDobe-M.Bn have been anothen score. Gilinen, Tupper Johnston and Wil- Wilfred McKay and son Gordonr, u ' gard and E. Quantril, Port Hope, Tue 5th was a particularly in- lis Jones. Old-timens won 7 te 5. Newtonvîlle. -*-' EllaGa terestlng and exciting innings. Congratulations to our W. I. Mn. and Mrs. S. G. Hallowell ' " ihtde!eated J. Cornish and J. Gay ... rih H. no 03e6-2, 6-1. Twice thene wene three on bases. who won 2nd prize in quite a Miss Norma Hallowell and Mnr. i- .t H Ldis' Doubles - G. Harvey Tue fb-st tinue Littlewood made a. large class on their antique dis- Claude Henry motored to Toronto, v--- and E. Rickard, Pont Hope, de- one base hit allowing Witheridge play at . the District meeting in, bringing Miss Beulah Hallowell week feated Betty Rowe and Allie Muir, who was on third to get home. Orono. home for the weekend. ie 's Orono, 6-0, 6-3. This left thnee on bases still and We have just leanned the in- Mn. and Mrs. Russell Savery s or- Mixed Doubles - M. Adams and Patterson batted but got out on teresting !act that one o! our citi- motored to Detroit. 1lt tls. Douglas Wells, Orono, defeatecq M. fb-st - but Myles and Clough who- zens, Mn. Dave Denault, was born -Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Saveryi 1 / ' Gon- Devine and D. Millson o! P ot wene on second and third got at Callander and while there his and faMily, Newtonville, visîted Mns Hpe,6-, 64.home. anyway, shortly !ollowed famlly docton was the noted Dr. at Mn. Wm. Savery's. lland by Littlewood when the next bat- Dafoe. Mn. and Mns. Laurence White SCOUT NEWS ter got up. Many o! our villagens Who Miss-: and 'famnily, Maple Grove, cale ýates-____ Lowern an wr m ed seehng the Klng and Queen at on Mns. Ross Hallowell, taking hier pires for the game. Score by inn- Toonto weut te HiamiltonadtEiabhvletvstter pu- About five were absent due te mngs: viewed them. ents, Mn. and Mrs. Ed. White tore, mesies at the Scout meeting on Fonestny - - - 0 0 O 1 5 2 1 Mn. and Mns. Cecil Robinson Mn. and Mns. Shutka entertarn lews' Monday uight. Tue 2nd and 3nd Onono - - - 5 2 1 1 9 0 O and Miss Betty Stapleten visited ed a numben o! guests from Osh- e patinrls a id aistnettchen-barnng Mn.Ad nF rac=.Hal -In T- awa.

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