À - THURSDAJN 2N,13 JUNE SESS ".!aied Reports 3 Day Sul.. Counties Council. Held At Cobou Estimateci expenditures of $256,- Major MacNachtan saîi "The a 327.58, less the surplus of $7,934.68 orsdpasscaounts supposedlyt from last vear, rcducing the budget paici bv the government. and w( ta $248.392.90 ta be provideci for by back onlv 55 per cent. Possibly! a county rate oi 7 milîs, two-tenths of them wouldn't be correct. b of a miii less than last year, wyere dfri.cieous 8,0." va itemizeci bv E. L. MacNachtan, clerk1rdc]u- and trîasurer, ta the cauncil af'the Couinty Road Mileage Unitedi Counties of Northumberlandi Reeve Charles Carruther!i,1 and Durham at the opening of their lingtan, proposeci that no cxtem June scssions at .Cobourg last week, bc made thm5 vear ta the miieag presideci aver by Warden T. A. Reici. the county roaci system. In 1938 "Paring tlîe estimates for this year council assumeci 36 miles. witl- as cioselv as we dan, I thjnk you can mlorc miles pending aof which strike the rate at 7 inilis," Major miles had been approveci. MacNachtan saici. "It is not as close "Darlingzton got some extra tr as we coulci get, but there is anc age last ycar, but I am wiliin5 item of $17.802 that has turneci up throw it into the Pot with the resi in connectian with the rebuilding that we'll have none acideci. If of the caunties home that must be took a vote of the ratepayers of f inancedci ether by issuing cebeigures coutities I think v'on wouldi or takine it out of the current rates. them apposeci to anv more cou 1 don't think you are disposeci ta roaci expenditure this vear.In1» borrow money for that Purpose by aur first countv roaci debent issuinz debentures. andi s0 I have j»- matures, andi with that paid ai: cludeci it in the cash payments far think it would be timne enai the year. With the moderate equal- Most of the new mileage will ization of asscssment in these cou»- volve a great deal af recanstruet' tics andi aur tax rate gaing down anci that is expensive, this secms ta be a gooci time ta dis- pose of tbis overbanging amount that Comimission's ReA.rt has flot vet been taken care of. Reeve J. C. Cummiskey. Manvi Àtwas the intention of the council submitted the report of the cou t6 pay for the cost of reconstruction r a a di s commission recommend out ai the insurance in tbe aid builci- that two miles ai township raad ing. but the amount afinsurance icîl Manvers be assumeci, that the ri short bv $17.802 whicb has been lcît j» South Monagba' f rom Pct since then i» the capital account. borough-Part Hope highway ta VW The actual expenditure has bec» lace Point bridge be vateci on vaid. but 80 f ar it bas remaineci a council, that proposeci county ri boakkecpiniz entry'in the capital ac- extensions n Darlington, Brigh count, andi it bas ta bie met by the alici Murray be flot repommcn( council." at present. Most ai the detais ai the budget State Medicinse Resolutios Approi statemnent were: ta be spent op cou»- A resalution ' "urging andi cnd< ty roacis. $100.000; administration af- ing" state medicine and recc justice, $16.000; registry offices, $1.- menciation ta the counties council 8W0: »rintingf. stationery and adver- its leisiation andi byiaws cjm tising, $2.000; maintenance ai cou»- Tuesdav aiternoon with copies ta ics home. $12,000. an increase ai îorwarciecita the provincial« $2.000; campletion af pqyment aificcicral members andi ta al ai cast af rebuilding counties home, cuty councils j» Ontario for tI $17.802.61: counties ilau, $6.500; childciaoval welfaire. $9.000, -ah increase ai about apreval $200 council sessions andi commt- cev Percy Gooding aif Brigli m- eeings. $6.500;, salaries,. $3800; township introduceci this subject schools. $9.800; debentures anci in- widespiread discussion andi det teret. $87.629. indigent patients, throughout Canada andi the Uni $12.000; intcrest on bonds, $4,000;* States. His motion praposec t] oth er items. $265..a resolution enciorsingz andi urgi 1 state medicîne be prepareci for "Ater thc struggle this cauncil bas next session ai the cauncil." haci for the last te». years we bave "You hear a lot ai taik about st at last Rot aur heacis above water,"mecne" aiiBveGoig Major MacNachtan remarkecl, "andci cnl"busais aIl o.it mo 1 don't think there je any ratepayer tou. G"vurnment s a dain moth in these United Counties who can t.Gvrmnsaedii oh tcriticize the expenditures vqu hav about it. Wc are pavinz biz bills make thi yave. the hospitalization ai indigent p ta mke hisyea." ents. These are people who ca Policy of Economy pay far medical attention. andi it The report ai Oscar Hudson & fair that thms burden is imposeci Goimpany, auditars, for 1938 comn- People, many ai whom have menteci çn "the -furthcr imnprvemcnt struggie ta pay their own hospi in thc financial credit ai tiiese cou»- anci doctors' bis. tics" andi the surplus ai $7.934.68 "Mdc it isn't fair that the h:f fram last year. The n)ragrC$sive savings ai so many me» andi woi mains ai Uheic-ast five ycars have shaulci be wipcd aut by- doctors bec rflet inj successive budgets fijteen or twcntv minutes. One nr liée ren ielc in sucessive budgzts. I know has baci ta pay hospital bî PEmcnt ai thc îast instaîment ai andi surgcon's fees of $700 that j, $26.000 out ai the current receipts about put him out ai business.' for lait vear bad finaîly disposeci is the type ai citizen who bas1 af an aid liability ta the Department much self respect ta appeal ta of Higbwavs for expenciture on pro- communitv ta pay his bills. Only I vincial bigrhways. That debt hbas Sundav another man on a reni been paid inj full, andi the pplicy ai iarmi showed me his hospitai tigrhtening Uice belt baci brought the coctor's buils for $270. He's anoti rcward ai a seven miii rate for this ai the samne type, too prouci ta Io year. for public assistance. I84 Do;Âarlington, 251 miles andi en- Srv1 - i i ecuiy Probabîv few af the memes Coiborne. $3.386,60 plus $514.84, iJII~W '« For lare£ourert Tickt ie. pl Hitpe. t91ad21Ca ,1; 5Sanice 247;,knew that this road's outiet ta Pet- ttl$.914.Apply ta Your noarest Ticket Agent. Hoe 11ad 1;South Mona- rborougzh bas bec» clased ta traf fie Hastingzs, $2.268,00 minus $468,62 ghan, 7*a) 1 aitn, 141 ___j____ for ncarlv a year. with no assurance l=ain $1.799.38. & and 25; Haldimanci. Il amld 16à; that it will brpircanir-p- Mibrook. $2.008,30 minus $219.86. suggest bow and in whai form it PRESIDING OFFICER tion. and on Reeve Whittington's ed in the near f uture. In good faith leaving $1,788.44 to be levied this might bie applied. Mention was 'made motion Warden Reid' was instructed and vieldinoe to the South Monaghan year. to health insurance as in Great Brit i to reappoint the f ormer committee petition that was begun in Fred Newcastle. $2,228.10 minus $456.26, ian. but it was feht that details Y that deait witb this question to go Waterman's time. the council. after Ieaving $1.771.84. shtions.ie 4,f06.o3thtotal rnmebe.coliect- into it again with the roads coin- reecting the Carruthers Rsture of Total lev, by 7 mi rate, $248.. ____ soul beief tothegovrnîens39290: deductions, $9,613.64; addi- Lui- CretTxLv opemittee. economy. assented on a division of tos$4267,ttltib olc auoibe Th ecinanc xcmmee Tacked re oFr rnho g u-18 té 15 to raising the status of the ed Ththac cmitetake is year, $252,985-89. rahrkot rbimwe tcnture Chamber Wallace Point road. Sho edçO H W ,e g e t s i d e r e d w a v s a n d m e a n s o f c l e a r in gT h n o n e e t m d a P e e - I s u l k l h t t e r L c i -p - P o e 1 0 1F e P r i g some ut) the tangie that resulted îast year - Teanucmn a~a ee- I suiki htter~ o- This Y ScholLevies orHAWAo ut a through mistakes made in the cal- borouzh bv H H. H aa. Presi- mission wili spend any money' on Doses onear's lies fo shar ol u- Poo111Fe kn tr i cuatin ofthecouty lvy n ' den oftheOntario Chamber of the South Monaghan road until the scbooi areas were Passed by by-law. nubrof municipalities. Some Agriculture, that a*meeting of dis- fo h eea aeo rd Y -S tra municipalities paid amounts in excess trict fariners is to be held at Cobourg biebabenaceuP an o aat Nom te eeriraeof3Frdy - 24uda D ar- of t e c rrec ie y. w iie th e s pa d ~ * o th te n ativ da e of J ui 6th for serv ice. B u t th e o fficial a pp ro v al m ils as fo llo w s : -l N 3 - 2 aonts mrrc lo.wher ha olthhe uros ofexinin th cai-bas been 2iven to the widening and Ainwick. $1,060.70; B r i gh t on TRN e sof aebenh ae ber through the formation of local puiig fti oa oetme-onhp. $,34 Clarkergh, he Afer ength dascusoi a branches was briefiy discussed bv and gzetting two odd miles out of the $2,687.07; Cava». $4,917-99;. lak, inG AY 14are ha h eomedto of teA ictua Cmiteofhecouncii this sesson was no cinch. $4,262.32; Cramahe, $3,955.25; Dar- i 14 theatdtreoioed and the rcmed tax o Count.es Councii. mebr When Reeve J. C Cummi*Iey, liirgto», $7,682.27; Haimand, $5,- £'Rose of WasingtonU io te aditos b folowe an th taxber ofchairman of the Roads and Bridges 429.77: Hamilton. $6,127.01; Hope, levies eçualized this year. Warden It was moved that ail mof Committee .read bis report on Fni- $5,686.85; Manvers. $3,416.49: Mur- S nue T A Rid oite ot tata evreconimittee attend the proposed or- day afternoon, Mr. Carruthers trott- ray, $4,750.16; Percy, $2,842.55; Sey- S uare ml-T.o A handic p oultd obe piae n i.sanization meeting. ed out bis "no more county road mour, $4,524.41; Hastings, $1,488.47;wtl sts municipaiitv if it were called upon Six.or seven counties bave aiready miieage tbis year" resolution for its total, $64,908.82. AL JOLSON. you to repav $5.8M which it was short organized branches of the chamber, third or fourth appearance. .and the iast year. He asked that repayment Mr. Rutherford said. and local farrn- forced a second reading, with each May Borrow $195,500 Added - Color Cartoon find be spread over two years. This ers should take an interest in it clause beinz voted on separatelv. Another bv-iaw limited the cou»- "iousewife Herman." unty question was referred to the counties -anîd also have somte voice in the ties' borrowing to a total of $19.5,500 ______________ i94o solicitor for an opinion as to whether W .A î direction of its Policies "to see that Afount Pleasant Road to, meet current expenditures untilRE IA ture such action is aiiowable. adnTA.Ri thev are on tbe right track. The Proposed county road to the Year's taxes are rcceived. E I L if I Reeve C. Carruthers. of Darling- Reeve of Clarke Township who E. A. Summers and Ian McLeod, 'Mount Pleasant fromn the-easter» Miss Helena McMahon waa -ria at1.5 pm ugh. ton Township, chairman of the fi»- presided at the June gsessions of agricuiturai representatives for Dur- boundary of Cava» received ail the pointed countv road secretary ata F at104 pm in- ance committec, stated that he bad the United Counties Council orbain and Northumberland respect- consideration its sponsors hoped for. salary of $1,200 as required by the" ii T xfs ion. no idea how the errors occurred, and Northumberland and Durham held îvely, recounted to the committee These road accessions bave to be won Department of Highwavys.- 'h eas the auditors bad also been unabie their activities iast year. espcciaily by strategvý. certainly flot bv frontal ____________ to f ind a reason. Some municipal at Cobourg last week. in promoting junior farmer activît- assauits. Starring levies had bec» high. whiie others ies. Grants of $100 to each countY Reeve T. G. Sbield of Cava». was RLICtL CtJANOLENNSCTT iers, had been too iow. Ainwick, 6 and 51; Percy, 171 and for this work were renewed. no doubt entirely satisfied with the l c so kJA BENT iflty "It is very unfortunate that this 141. Cramahe, 16 and 124; Sey-. Support Elincounýcii's direction to the road com- ing should happe». I bave no idea how mour. 181 miles and entitled tQ 16, An Elgin County resolutionug mission to examine this road as it YugPol' no n h Monday - Tuesday 1» it occured. The total of the levies Brighton. 131 and 121; Mqrray On.rz leaves North Monaghan and crosses YugPol' no n h road which were above the correct figure 151 and 131 miles. inz the Provincial Government to bis township ta Mount Pîcasant. Sunday Sdhool met June 7th for .JUNE 26 - 27 ýte- ws 9,63.4 wileth toalof hegraxît $1,000.000 a vear to scbools un- Improving the whoie road ta, a a social evening i» honour of Rev. u n te-wa 9,1.6 hieth otlofte A Prince Edward County resolu- tii the subsidy reacbes 50 per cent. county status will bie a Senefit flot and Mrs., MerilI Ferguson. Rev. H. ES N E D Vl- levies that were short of the coyrect tion asking the provincial govein- of Ontario scheoi costs was endorsed only ta Cavan and North Monaghan, N.BelLSONcare fLhebilestd î i ones was $14,206.73. It is a most ex- ment to increase to 75 per cent. the by the Schoois Committce.bu asotecyofPtrrug and vrayer. a piano duet by Mrs. I roaci traordinary actthat the amount subsidv on the cost of keeping cou»- Meuers er or J.eell tok chrgePftthebbblestud htnr..caie theexc amount ned- t" oasopn otaff inwcer ebpsw r esented, with a especiallyfo winter tratfjç. The Tabiez Wright and Miss Lois Larmer l itou ed. Tws oesm-çexat t.he r as oen riî i l. statement of Payments this year by Commission's report is not due until was enio3red; Miss Vivian Sadier "L t Freedom'Rng d id . The oneys ut be eithers enosd the Council ta, schools attended by the November sessions, sang "Abide Witb Us." Supt. Earl Ring years rate," commented Mêio r E. L. Cotnmittee Reports Pupils f romn the United Counties. Drelsoewrso ecm.M.VRII RC ved- MacNachtan, counties clerk. The Goodinz resolution drafted by High Schools in the counties: ex fAhe Manv es e coin-oad an r ts eron ave veArither-VITRINIABRUEN ou- Reeve Carruthers declared that the Legisiation and Byiaws commit- Bowmanville, $6138; Campbellford ext ft he cos smitec's rccçîm- estals oife » rocy a Ten LIONEL BARRYMORE b uherrors were preventible. Al tee urgi»g the governments ta Pro- $8.691; Brighton. $2,988; Cbugmls Wfra inasum tonftship owed Rr baes a afts~, garn-EDWARD ARNOLD. munîcîpalities shoulci check their vide for a systemi of state medicine $6.836; Coiborne. $4131: Newcastiemlesfra nMnesTwsi.tos rs akt n as ra ttce figures when the levy is receiveci was uhanimously' adoptcd in the $1.342: Port Hope, $6.925.' the constituency of the chairman, ments of grass and brass. etc.. Con- Added - Pote Smith lu beReeve Chris. Cummiskey. This road, tests ;fnd lunch brought a fine even- Double bivlnt. anc f rom the county offices. It is a committee's report. Copies of tbis Continuation Schools, Grades A now maintained by the township îng ta, a close.________________ :her simple matter ta multiply the assess- resolution are ta bie sent ta ail the and B in the counties: Blackstock. xed rmVe aet h itra oe' ntt e ,as off t e cont concis n te ) $,51, asteto. 2,14. ilbrokcounty roaci north of Janetviile. Me. June 7th at the home of Mrs. Jas. Wednes. -.,Thuraday iir the ciphers. be snid. vince. ta the provincial andi federal $3.711; Warkwortb, $2559; Wooler, Cummiskev declared that hg sbould Strong. Mrs. Cecii Ferguson, Pres- JUNÈ 28 - 29 Mio imnter of ealth aentin the r 85 not be accused of special interest in ident was in charge. Scripture lesson ofmuTshemunipaetes and te a-îimetar mmîerrerentingthe High Schodls outside counties: this road because ît was more velue was taken by Mrs. W.Hoskin. This 'M adofor Each flther' moe u ts heft tv wii bae tamel u the cunis Belleville. $104; Havelock. $108; as a link with the Cartwright hîh- Programi was enjoyec. The star o ted yerare pavment on their levy îast Purcbase of an additional eightY Lindsay, $1,772; Norwood. $600; way. the Union Jack by Mrs. C. Fergu- with tha Yar reas follows: Alnwick, $346.- acres for the extension of the coun- Omemee. $276; Peterborough. $1.298; Thc vote on that clause wa 27-10 son: a splendid report of t1k Girls' - CAROL LOMBARD- !iat 12; Brighton township, $146.99- tics' reforestation arca in Northum- Port Perrv. $58; Oshawa, $1,465; for assumption of the road by theCofrneiGuphwsivnb JAMES STEWART. the Cartwright. $1,240.82. Cava», $659- berlandi was proposeci in the report Trenton. $2.115; Stirling. $86. counties. After those reversais of the cieae.Ms Grace Mauntjoy; ________________ te78; Clarke. $5,886.82; Darli»gton, of the -reforestation bv Deputy-recve Continuation Schools outside Of the economy measure he - had qreadinz "Sing Care Away" givcn by $3.61. Haldimanci, $7 15.03; Ham- Woodiev of Hope. counties: Broaklin. $92.' Frankford, seriously acivocateci. Reeve çaarruJîh- Mrs. T. Smith: an addrcss by Mfiss ate ilton. $142.29. Hope $1,151.79; Mur- "You bave bec» talking about $1.074. Lr oe atemjrt n a ee. Purpie Hill, teacher, on the new in er ____________riy nd ad ray, $1,559.68; Pcrcy. $889.39; Bow- adopting the roaci from Wallace Vocational Schools: Peterborough, no commcnt when the commission"s course of study was given; a short nts manville. $909 58; Coiborne, $51484. Point to Peterborough- Port Hope $809. Belleville, $129; Oshawa, $879. recommendation that proposeci sec- talk was given by Mrs. Alla» Moore, ing Municipalities andi the amounts by hizhwav as a countv roaci for tbe a v isi0fora from hre Institute. A for which thev overpaici the 1938 levy last f ive vears. andi ail you have donc The statement incluues the daîuy tions o township rod in Darling- vîtstor S hin y rleyile aretrmhe-7,; Mnes is ta put it off f rom anc vear to the cost % of counti Pupils attcncling ton. Murray andi Brighton be not Acnt esttngas o ys. Withlbert $177.8re: CSouthMon.04gb an 380v e xt aciReeRo bttntnthose s'ool. mrneof them are approveci. One of tbem was j isn Arch tis $1eym; ou th$62.49; ampbe$338r80 of Sth Monaghan. RoyWI tin youn uoteci as follows: Campbcllford, own bailiwick. andi singing.ý on Symor, 62549; Campellord ofSouh Moaghn. I tinkyouSt. John's A.Y.P.A. met at Mrs. 0»$773-31; Cobourg, $2,151.73; Port shoulci decide on it anc wav or' the 54c; Brighton. 37c. Blackstock. - 83c; Truck drivers of the county roacis Fred Willan's June 8th. Miss Vera ) Hope. $2.931.70; Brighton village, other. lil be satisfied if v'ou take Casticton. 63c; Millbrok. 45c; departmcnt recciveci a f ive cent an Forder. Pres.. was in charge. Mr. S. ital Mil- vte4n.98 . oncl s te oa War *th. 56c; Wooler, 13.7c; hour ncrease in wages-40c frteJfeygv h il td.Po $1349;Hastings. $46862; ÉMiii8c; voteloin th7s8c;uncîr- as thrivlicru68.;3Hcfor the Jxeygv h il ta.ro brook, $219.86; Newcastle. $456.26. commission has recommenciec andlBleiaeok 4 -c arwcidiv rc.3cfrtegramn took the formn of a Seth Park- fe's let us know wherc wc stand." Lindsay. 36c; Norwood, 34ci Omne- G. M. C.. andi 30c for Fard drivers. er night andi the singing of his hymns ne» AskCotiousAudt Rev CarutersofDaringonmec 30c: Peterborough, 57c; Port Warden Reidi himsclf pointcd Out was enioyiec. A good illmer were men sk Cntious uditReee Caruthrs f DalingonPerry. 54c. Oshawa, 69.9c: Tren- that William Joncs., valuable repaîr present. in Members of the finance commit- haci braught up) again his resolution ton. 44c; Stirling, 46c; Brookliîî. man. haci bec» overlookeci. Sa- it was nan tee were unanimous j» - their opinion that the counicil do not assume any 52. Frankford. 54c. moveci that Mr. Joncs' hourly wage juls that the counties baoks shoulci be more mileage of county roaci this iust audited at regular intervals through- this vear. Vocational daily costs: Peterbor- be incrcascd. from 45 to 50 cents, ough. 50.8c, Belleville. 56c; Oshawa, except during the wintcr wheji he is Being a fanatic may be merely He out the vear. The committee agreeci "I know that most of the mcm- 56.7c. engageci in driving a snow plow. His "A o the steps to success. ~II I tOO ta ask for a cantinous audit by bers can come here and present pa o htwoki ettoteds A feasible as weil as raticonal the Oscar Hudson andi Campany in place gooci reasons whv thcv should get Minimnum Wage Law Pacret fthe wroais c omis sio e hee vatofipo emoety in gen- IW Co II st of the vas.Terly au ditcare ilout 1 oecut od ieg o hi A resolution by Dcputy-Rccve C. No action was taken on a Cart- eral and the achievement of a ted he ast Th ne prcedre illnotmileage." saici Reeve Carruthers. " G. Morris. Bowmanville. Deputy. wright reQuest for a wvig-wag at the nobler race for legislation, - a * . antmk ul fase and cost anv more than at present. can do it for Darlington, but I thiik Reeve J. B. Ewart. Cobourg. urging Burkcton C.P.R crossîng. Orace having higher aime ofna mo- okSîgtDifrec we shoulci consider the finanrial end rtheeProvincial overnmept ta enac of it for this Year. My point is that legislation providingz for a minimum Pian Field D-ay tvs MryB crEdyoeaa i life ifYour draue dow Adiustmen of expeditbye constipation. Youron mtroubles may Aad r d us enoth aibe xend itd ur - n w ilb aie o oe mlsta wage for men encountereci questions, The No. 4 zone Reforestation As- be due to nothing more than a diet irdbrdge i Nothmbrlaîdanc Dr-we can readilv pav for imProvilig. doubts. and some opposition. sociation is planning a forcstry fîied . * deficiency of bulk .. eating fooda uch hamn. the twa areUs being considereci and niobodv will be put ta n2uchin "Are you going ta appiy it to day in the uniteci counities hssm MII 1 1ich do not provide the "bulk" iso separatelv left a difference of only canvenience if we Rive the whole sam swîîa iyidutis? er twl ikl eblistOrnom liiUI MF andi $144. Major MacNachtan, clerk andi program six manths' boist." frsa wl sciyidstis"me.I il iey ehl a r needed b the bowels for reguiar say reaurer infrmed the counil.Reeve Mallory inquireci. on August 9th. The councij made a ___________If_____________________ s Briesrrinfom the counc ssei. With proiecteci roadsisnj»Cava» "You arc encroaching on a sub- grant of $100 to hclp finance thîs . . omoment. f counsuiirfo, gth usBrdgs n h coutls e 228 ny ram andtemand Manvers townships aiready me»- i. tw'ent, ged pn' devent. the firt of its kind ever held thcauste ofonsttio b eat ng $222.61 in Northumberland, andcioShelci anizCummsssiosked that Depîuty-Reeve H. R. Sirett. C sa'- in this part af the province. c,,,MIoscip rnh elg' L. are other bridges on boundary, roacis teCruhes .ltinb g ahe. General Tax Levy ]W.n ~BIRAN every day for breakfast mnd cn ost $426.53 in Durham an 662teCartesrsluinb gî in Northumberland. The totaîs wcre deferred until the roads cammittee Reeve Rvan. Port Hope, said the This ycar's budget was ratificcerndgpetyo ae.AL $629.41 on Durham bridges andi repart was before the counicil. Industrial Standards Act enableci b, by-iaw at $248,392.90. to bie raised ÂBRAN contributes to the needed $1.3 in Northumberland. The 'I think some of the members are eplyeay d mloyees in a»v in- by a 7-mili rate on the equalizecij - "bulk" and iii a rich source of )ns, $91 fvo7fDuhmw.3ri3t igl i. u m îln dustry toanaplv for a code of practice assessment. nauesnttiltocVimn 5k marffin thn averoDrnm amt ays 50 per t waît unti a Fiat". Carruth- and wages tabie p ut into cffec$8 nt Ticunyrt f iî wt ~Bi. Try ALL-BRAN and aehow not 288 nd he iovenmen pas 50perto wit nthat industr.y.rrth- Iatcan'try I say hoay ow t iis hedouny .rce orrectingit atcent. of that amount, leaving onîv crs agrecci. working out gencrally. but I know it additions or ceuctians cçL "T$44fo aui&stm t i arl Rebates Up Aqain is in farce j» the barbering indus-errors in last year's tax payments k o el was comouteci and passeci by by-law ort "The s ikismairate isrhad Reeves Calver of Campbcllford t'y" Mr. Ryan saici. as follows: II ( OE N A iustmcnt," Reeve C. Mi. Carruthers andi Kellev of Hastings moyeci that Reeve L. H. Wilson, Cobourg, Aî»wik $3650pls 34.2 si.the towns andi villages receiving roaci doubteci that- labor was j» favor of to ckl 4,04 694.30 pu 362 .,s A lFKu I saici. rebates be paid bv December 15 ecd the minimum wage. 'Thev are a- toaM4014.$,8.0pu Reeve P. Gaoding, Brighton, en- vear and that the Highwavs Depart- f raid it might become the maximum Brighton Townsbip, $8,78570 plu quireci*about what secmned ta him a mentbeoiie tthtcfct if it wcnt into cf feet."l $146.99, total $8,932.69. comparativciy high cost of the This proposai openeci up an oId An amenciment by Reeve Caiver Cartwright_ $9,339.40 plus $1,240.82 Chiidren's Aid Society at $9.000 with ovrhanginnz problem relateci ta the proposcd that the legisiation andi total $10,580.22. onv 1200 orte autesHoeagreements betwcen the counties and bv-laws cammittee consider the min- Cava», $13,090.70 Plus $659.79 , which had a much larger number of urban municipalities respecting the imumi wage idea andi report in Nov- total $13,750.48. inmates. He said the socicty shoulci paving of urban connecting links i» ember. a convenient six months' Care $1.910pu $5862, omredcUchoswenei beinesigtei.the counitv roacl program. hoist. It carricci bv 37-2, only the total $2Ï.283.92. bother the men folks about putting . Counties' clerk MacNachtan. cx- "The Hastinzs andi Campbellford mover and seconder voting against Cramahe. $8,670-20 minus $75.04, up the acreens and storm windows. plaineci that more than $5.000 af olciageeets have expired" Reev'e it. ttl$.9.6 i ae ometirmyb dut age Pensions received. through in- Calver said. "and we want our re- To Studa, Resource. Darlington, $19,261.90 Plus $3,61, cd to a permanently affixed meta) mates sol i added tote Cu au»- ashw nur iacl state- frame-and from thc Inslde. Since ' tics Home receipts, incrcjsing the metRfrth er sreeet n Rvan, Port Hope gave notice total $19.265.51. tegasadare aesaeae REPO'RT 0F s *~I) * An $8300 Dfference Referring ta the auditing ai criminali iustice accaunti, bv the council's auditors. appointeci spec-1 ificallY for that purpose. andi fot1 Oscar Hudson & Company, saici thatt thc total ai the dlairms agzainst the1 Provincial gzovernment amounteci ta $18.458,49. but ai that sum anlyJ $10.W.?12 baci bec» approveci by the1 gzovermcent for refunci, or only 55 ver cent. ai the amount claimeci, "Our system ai auditing criminal justice accounts must be ineLficient,"f These citizens are nat only ba hit. almast impoverisheci bv su expenses, but in their taxcs they a' have ta pay for the hospital a medical costs af indigents. Is that is nat fair anci it is time for ta tell the governmcnts abaut w! has became a seriaus anci pressi neeci. Na protests ai any accounta -beinz made. We're ail dciojg nathi like a lot ai dumbelîs."' Subsequently the leisiation cor mittee carricd out its instructiai praposinz that the cauncil coulci a for state medicine anci neeci n I Li.-Saveri For HOMED Keep Up The. VALUE Evory cent Mlat you SAVE! on your homo for repaira Inmuiation and Improvementa cornes back to Yeu with intereat t1VarliBh Interest la tie actual reog- Asphalt aile valueor of 71Whomo Tile and intereat in lia increaaed Ilvabilty. Moroover, you'U Pp finit tiat aur prices meet cernent closot compttian. Sidiilg SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. Phono 715 Bowmanville -' - -, .- - r - ----~-~, SAVE! Ohiaigle laooflng lloorlng Lnber Cernent Nifwork ------e ,~q r m q THE CANADIAN STATESý&AN. BOWMANVILLR nwTl&,PTrb wp_ ý Pho» 715 wqwoml "W,-îýj NITED- COUNTIES ýcou 4w