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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1939, p. 11

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Miss Helen Spence is visiting nics, etc., but tue farmers and vil- lure. lagers with gardens appreciated it The veterans collected around as things wcre beginning to be- town last week. come dry. Mrs.. J. R. Winter, Winnipeg, Mrs.. Mark Wood, Port Hope, Man., visited at Mrs. I. Winter's was in tue village. and is now visîting in Toronto. It Mrs.- Haw,, Toronto, is visiting is 1h years since Mrs. Winter was Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walshu. here. Orono Tennis Club expect to be Miss Ruth Logan, nurse in train- luosts to Kawartha Crees, June 24. ing at Bowmanville Hospital, is Miss Ethel Stark is home from on two weeks holiday. She cx- Osluawa for h.lidays. pects to spend the last week in Mr. and Mrs. Irvine, Toronto, Belleville. visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Payne. Rcv. S. Littlewood will be tue Mr. Frank Peate is laving lis speaker at the Decoration services hous Sunday at Orono Cemetcry, hous which the band will play and Mr. Wmi. Brown, B.A., M.A., head the march from the armour- visited in Toronto. ies. Miss Edra Best, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. John T. Doherty her mother, Mrs. H. Bcst. o! London, Ont., announce tue en- Rev. S. Littlewood has been laid gagement o! their daughter, Vera up this week. Jean, to Mr. James Jolunston Gil- Miss I. Allin is again having fillan o! Calgary, Alberta, s o!o trouble witluhe& throat. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gîlfillan, Mr. . MIsaa, Tront, sentOrono, Ont., the marriage to take Mr.e . McsaaceTorntospen place July lst in London, Ont. Co ut wa hel her Tueday Orono was well populated Sun- Coh ut was heluc aruedayday. Visitors came 'by buses, wituJudg O'onftr i chage.trucks, cars, bicycles and shanks' Misses Tourjees, Toronto, visit- mares'to be at tue Drumnhead Ser- cd Mrs. McPluerson. vice. The committees are to be Mrs. W. Cowan is visiting in leartily congratuflated on the suc- Toronto. cess of tue undertaking. Miss Mildred Henry, Toronto, Mr. J. J. Mellor occupied tue visited friends lure. pulpit o! Park St. ChurcIf Sunday Several from lure visited Mr. at. botlu services and preaclued two. and Mrs. McGill last week and stirring and tuouglt-provoking report tue former in poor healtu.* sermons. In tue morning lue told Mr. A. Tlllbrook, Bank of Com- o! the digging of wells b y Jacob inetestafis elevig t Pats-who reconstructed tue works o! mere saf, I rliein atPltts lis forefathers which luad been ville. destroyed, comparing tuis story Miss Nancy Jamieson visited witu tue present time in Clarke her grandnuotuer, Mr5. C. G. Arm- townshuip where survcyors are be- strong. ing sent to remedy tue damàge Col. and Mrs. Percy Jobb and donc by present as well as past dauglter Jean, Oshawa, spent citizens, as far as forests and Sunday at Mrs. A. Henry's. watersheds are concerned. In tue Mr. and Mrs. Virtle Wilson and eveninglue told o! Christ being lamily, Bowmanville, vishited Mr. troubled - but not worried - wluen and Mrs. F. Duncan. it came near the time of His cru- Mr. ackCobbedik, oronto, cifixion and luow He bent His will istMr. andM.N Cobble- to God, emphasizing the fact that vsdi M.anck. .Cobe we must be meek and submissive dick. .to the will o! God. Both address- Pleased to see our old time resi- es were muclu appreeiated by the dents, Messrs. Crnforth and Beal congregations. on Sunday. Mrs. Douglas Carruthers and baby, Gait, are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Milison. e dn Mr. and Mrs. Os Cowan enter-____ tained Monday night in honor o! Mrs. H. Stewart o! Kelstern, Sask. Wlnter-Spence Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B. C. -Rosborough on tue birtu o! A quiet wedding was solemniz- a daugier. cd at Bownuanville Tuesday, June Mrs W alh ad MssF. ob2Qth, when Helen Spence was bdikstdMrs. JendMse Ph Cob- united in marriage to Mr. Gordon bledick i onite rs oephCo- Winter, son o! Mrs. Isaac Winter bledck i Bowanvile.o! Orono, wîtu Rev. S. DJavison Mr. and Mrs. R. Sluerwin, Mrs. officiating. The bride was attend- C. Moon and Mr. and Mrs. J. cd by Miss Hazel Winter, sister o! Eagleson vsited in Peterboro. tue groom, while Mr. Nelson Cou- Middle and Upper departmen- vier, Orono, was best man. Other tais are being tried at O.C.S. tuis guests included tue bride's bro- week.. ther, Mr. J. Spence, and brother- Mrs. E. Hopkins and Mrs. F. in-law, Mr. Chuarles Saunders. Gilbank, Peterboro, spent Sunday Following the ceremony the huap- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson. py couple le! t for a short trip Miss Jean Logan has appeared wthi destination undisclosed. On before Oshawa public several Ohernour they will reside in times this month to render piano solos. A number o! our citizens - are busy painting their homes and L c4-~ ' 1 . generally improving their resi- Lockarfs Sc oo dences. July meeting o! Women's Insti- The No. 9 school section annual tute will be a picnic or cisc a pîcnîc was held at Cream o! Bar- trip witu picnic supper at the con- ley Camp, June hOtu. Despite clusion o! it. Ithreatening skies and showers in Mr. J. J. Mellor spoke at tue tuýe carly part o! tue day, the pic- Decoration Services at Pontypool nmc itself was not marred by rain. A large number, better than 100, Sunday, tue services bcing in turned out, representing almost charge o! Rev. F. Riding. every famxly in tue section. Somne Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lane and former residents o! tue section sons Bob and George,' Oshawa, wluo attended were Mrs. W. Arm- visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sher- strong and family and Mrs. Gra- Win. ham, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mrs. L. A. Dent is on the sick Dickson, Orono, Mr. Stanley Rick- list. Her daughter, Miss Editu ard, Bowmanville, Mr. Henry Bo- Dent, R.N., has been waiting on wen, Newcastle; also we were her. plcased to have witu us Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart, Keistern, Sask. Mrs. Tucker and Joan, ncw resi- is visiting friends in Orono. She dnso! our section. During tue reports chances favorable for good afternoon a baIl game was enjoy- crop intli~ wet tus yar. ed by tue men and the children's Mrs. J. Eaglcson entertained licioswandè runof.Ants5.30 a de some friends to tea in honor o!fevd n bnatspe a Mrs. Wm. Haw o! Toronto Who is evd In tue evening a number tue uesto! rs. . Wash. of arusng contcsts were cnjoyed the uestof rs. . Wash. by botlu adults and chidren. The Mr. George Smiith, formcrly of gathering broke up at dark with Bank o! Comnuerce staff, was 'n cveryone reporting a most suc- town and attendcd the bail game cessful outing. Tuesday niglut. 1 Due to tue fact that ncxt Sun- Mr. R. M. Ainslic and pupiis O! day is Decoration Day, No. 9 Sun- Bowmanville Higlu Schooh held a day School held its* final service picnic lucre Thursday afternoon, for tue season on Sunday, June 18. somewhat inter!cred witu by a The service was hcld early so short sharp shower o! rain that it would not conflict witu tue The rain Thursday spolled pic- Drumhead service at Orono. STORY 0F HOLDUP TRAM WORK 07 SUPREME COURT BUILDIN( ENTIRELYFALSE Orono Maui Admit. Givlng Police Wrong Information - Sentence Sugpenci Pleading guilty to a charge of -~. giving false information to the police, Lawrence Klein, of New- castle, driver for an Orono cream- ery, was placed on one year's sus- pended sentençe by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Oshawa police court Tuesday morming. Klein is charged with "report- ing falsely that he was held Up and robbed by unknown persons, whereby injury or mischief was or was likely to be occasioned to the public interest." The report made by Klein to the police was that two young men had held him up at 3.30 Sun- day mornmng while he was walk- ing on Ritson Road South, a littie south of the C.P.R. tracks. He fur- ther stated that they had relieved hlm of $34. Inspector Herb Flintoff, in com- - pany with Provincial Officer W. H. Clark, arrested Klein early Monday evenmng in Orono. In court Inspector Flintof f stated that, l'after an investigation was .- made I was led to believe that the accused was flot held up, and the information he gave was justa Althog story." Klein was intervieweltin ug still a skeleton of turc has been erected by the con- one Orono when he admltted he had orange painted girders the new tractors, who have used 2,350 tons in( given false information. He told Supreme Court of Canada buià n its construction. The building ner the ffiersthathe ad eening lredy as bcom buld-occupies an area of two and three andofcir that wehdbe n led as bece a impos- quarter acres immediately adjac- Her drilnin OYfre ing sight on Ottawa's sky-line. cnt to the Justice building, and 20, "Have you any Ste-work of the $3,360,000 struc- when completed in 1940 will be Exe offer?" asked Magistrate Ebbs o! Klein. 'II was up drinking and that's V ail, I guess," Klein replied. P icpe o o e aieM v m n "You don't have to come to Ou Oshawa to drink," said his Wor- tlnd y T ro t grc o ship. O___________Tor nto___________ m 'II have a lot of friends Up here i________________the and that's why I came," Klein inst said. Charles F. Chambers, director Newtonville Men's boyi "You have no further explana- o h ooeatv evcTo- ra tion than that?" asked the cadi. ronto, was guest speaker at the Cu cn lBe alor III was intoxicated, I guess Women's Institute meeting Friday JuIy 22 A4t Cobourg Mr. That's the only reason I have,'; afternoon, outlining the birth, _____prci replied Klein. growth and principles of the co- Newtonville Men's Club met Scot Crown Attorney Alfln Annis operative movement in a most in- June 14, with W. J. Riddell, Or- pointed. out that the accused was teresting and instructive manner. ono, as guest speaker. There wasan a married man and hiable to lose Mr. Chamnbers pointed out that a fair attendance. It was decided s05 his job if given a jail term. He in Sweden, in which this 'nove- to postpone the picnic until July said the Crown would be satisfied ment is highly active, capital was 22nd and to have it at Cobourg. G if the man were placed on a sus- not willingly co-operating but was A committee was appointed to G pended sentence, and made to pay forced to co-operate with the look after the sports. This picnic AI the court costs. ' movement. He also pointed out will take the place of July regu- "An investigation has been that true co-oiperation is based on lar meeting. A resolution was made, and in view o! the crown the Washdalc principles and that passcd that the secretary write to asking for a suspended sentence, the United Farmers is not truly the trustees of the community ' I am placing you on a suspended co-operative. He intimated that in hall at Ncwtonville to see if ar- Mrs sentence for one year," his Wor- Canada men at the head of the rangements could be made for a scen ship told Klein. Provisions of the government have ability but not meeting to be hcld for making day sentence are that the accused must vigion and that therefore the plans for the hall's future success. the report to the chief constable in movement is not flourishing as it Mr. Riddell's talk on "To Thine Fi Oshawa once a month, and pay is in Sweden. O)yn Self Be True" was very arci the costs of the court for his case. The following facts were gîven mucli enjoyed and gave the menm- e by the speaker: The profits from bers much food for thought. Re- f10m co-operative store are divided ac- freshments and social haîf-hour refr Orono Tennis Club cording to purchases made by brought the meeting to a close. in t _________________ serv Played At Peterboro each member, and they are in- aih OrnoTeni Cubme ufactures tare forned; lar DIM AND DISTANT woo urn ensClbmmesfamilsmat ge prhssweri were guests of the Quaker Tennis fadhen e an iger p rcasels HAPPENINGS yo1. Club at Peterboro Wednesday scre lro arger risapierta ____Ann last and had a most enjoyable jscure fropmanyratherathans From The Orono News of Belt aripe Rsut of the tournament provide a real democracy whereas JuUC 18, 1914 D Mren': ige .MPesn the regular government does not F. J. Hall and, L. T. Edwards acco Peterboro, dcfeated A. West, Or- lo h vrg ent o- served on the Petit jury at Co- witl on, -4 86.trol suclu tlings as are necessary bour. His Honour Judge Ward Row Lades'Sin6-s4,. C8ePetr-for living, i.e., food and clothi n "jeddu Lades'Sinles- 1. ClePetr-each person has only one vote and boro, defcated M. Overend, 6-0, must vote tluemselves if the* de- Annual district convention of Ai 6-1 Mns.obls sR Cl ie to have a voice, instead o! West Durhamn Women's Institute Ha'N and D. Wcs, onole,- R. feate H vote by proxy and accot!ding to was held lucre Friday. The Farm- Ho%% Ctgand C. els, lliano, 6-2, 6-2. the number of shares one owns. ers' Institute convened at the CutingandC. ullvan 6-, 62.Study clubs are being formed in same time and aU were entertain- 2nd Mcn's Doubles - B. Young different places to go into the cd by Orono branch. GR and M. Clarke defeated J. Cornish matter and teaclu the citizens the Chas. T. Miller and Harry Pin- Trd and P. Winter of Orono, 7-5, 6-1. benefits of it. Those who go into der, Toronto, spent the weekend Ladies' Doubles - D. Wcese and this movement are assured of witlu their people here. E. Kirn defeated M. Knox and M. their capital and interest and that About thirty pupils are writing Adanms, Orono, 6-1, 6-1. the capital is not deteriorating or on their Entrance exams, with A( Mixed Doubles - N. Stewart being "watered." Goods are of Miss Wise presiding. Coli and G. Nîchols defeated V. Noden best quality and o! fair price. The Miss Clegg, Toronto, is a guest Coi and M. Smith, Orono, 6-2, 6-1. movement is not iýelgious or poli- o! Mrs. George Smith. cxcr tical in any way. Fred White and Orville Heard, envi The sekernthe drbed th Oshawa, were guests at Mr. I. Clar Kîrby Softballers speain o e n eer dure Winter's. Garr Defeat Oshawa By ing the industrial revolution (af- MFarr Ossawr anEstswie lo Score 0f 12 te 7 ter two men had failed) through Misse shiawand Ettie Witer. clBer ____the efforts of a group of weavers. MresHiamnd Ardu linetths ch forlas wek) 27 people wîth a year's rent paid Mekr. aStn reetsv lefthereluecu (Intended frls ek n $90 in cash started a store wilendforsoetie wetehe uis Witu Walker on tue mound and carnd fourkds f rciewlspn so tm wth P Lowery at the receiving end, Kir- arryngou r re 'n <th~ocerîe, brother. exac by won over Oshawa Times 1 2to no m terearedanyblosndsa Marriage: Stewart - Thornton - have 7in Osluawa's first appearance in capital. -In England alone $105 -Athersdn otebie'te Orono Softball League. Oshawa 000,000 are païd back annuaîîy t' parents, Orono, June l7th, by Rev. and was blanked in three innings o! members.O R. A. Whattam, Viola Beatrice, al*t tue seven - 2nd, Srd and Mtlu-.. younger daughter o! C. J. Thorn- on secured one in the lat, turee in After telling o! the breaking o! ton, Esq. M.p., to Mr. Joseph Ors the 4th, one in the 5tu, and two in a margarine trust in Sweden by. Stewart o! Ceylon, Sask., former- have tue 7th, one o! which was a luomer. the cooperatives he went on to ly 'o! Blackstock. tlug Kirby caught two seemingîy compare Sweden and England as Marriage: Patterson - Staples - scho impossible catches which kept the far as interest rate and prices o! At Lindsay, June lOth, by Rev. H. perh Oshawa team from getting more. tlings in cooperatiye stores were Bryant, May, eldest daugluter o! thei Kirby was kept down pretty concerned. Mr. Richard Staples, Pontypool, sors well in the first four innings, sec- Nova Scotia's movement was to Mr. David Herbert Patterson, stuc, uring two in tue lst, none in the started by a Roman Catholic Leskard. Ar 2nd, two in the 3rd, and one in priest but now protestants are in - Reev the 4th (homer), which made it too and it is making great luead- each member giving their main tS tluem just one -ahead o! the Osh- way, tue speaker said. impesion of t u oyl viszit. expe 'AT OTTAWA ."~ ' ~ News of Clai S Cowanville Sunday School has been set back te the original time o! 1.30. Churcu will lue held at 2.30 as usual next Sunday. W. A. met at the home o! Mrs. Chas. Cowan. Plans were made for a strawbcrry festival. Mr. Morton, Mrs. A. Perrin and MIrs. Wes. Stringer are the committee in charge o! the program. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer with Mrs. Edwards, To- ronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. B. Crossley with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Orono. .. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley with Mr. and Mrs. Westol Stringer, Orono. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lonsberry and son o! Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hughes. ..Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomson, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook and baby, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Perrin. Kendal i o! the !inest public structures There was a large attendance Canada. The building, the cor- at churcu on Sunday. Wc hope ýr stone o! which was laid by to see a large attendance at church next Sunday, it be'ng Rev. er Majesty tue Qucen on May E. Beech's farewell sermon, be- ýwilh house tue Supreme and fore lue leaves for luis ncw charge cchequer courts and their staffs. at Roseneatu. Mr. Swarbrick rendcred a solo, A Stranger o! BOY SC UT NE S Ga.Youn~g Peeple's Union Thurs- day evcn'ng was in charge o! T'he Boy Scouts met Monday Fred Cornish and Clarence Bell. lut witu about 25 present. Ex- Scripturc reading was taken by as counted for the majority o! Mr. Swarbrick. An excellent top- eabsentees. Usual games and ic was taken by Mn. Cornialu, "The tructions were enjoyed by. tue Places We Go." A rcading by Miss ,s. The Scouts are te be conS- Margaret Seen, and a solo by Mr. tulatcd on their rapid progress Swarbrick completcd the pro- :ng every lime o! the work and gram. rMellor luas cvcry riglut to be Mr. and Mns. L. D. Bell and oud o! tuese boys. They are family and Mrs. George Thomp- Dking forward to tue Toronto son attended tue funeral o! W. outs coming down next month, Barnsey o! Welcome. Id citizens hope tuey wiil sec Visitors: Mr. and Mns. Harry mie inter-Scout bail games. Farrow and Shirley, Bowman- ville, witli er' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thertie... Mr. and Mns. ROUP 1 W.M.S. Elmer and sons, Carmel, witu Mn. kFTERNOON TEA Is Samu Bryson. .. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Honcy, Milliken, and Mr. R. Van- HUGE SIJCESS nato. with lier motuer, Mns. A. _______Jackson... Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T'he lovely home o! Mn. and Tweddlc and friends, Toronto, at s. A. A. Drummond was tue their farnu on Sunday... Mrs. R. ene o! a dchightfuh event Thurs- Keene and son, Hamilton, with ,' a!tcrnoon when Group h o! Mr. and Mnrs. M. Soper. eW.M.S. hcld an a!tcrnoon tea. Kendal W. I. met in tue library Following a leisurely. wahk June 14th, witu Mns. R. Mercer ound tue spacieus grounds to prcsiding. The roll call, "Dishes eand admire the shrubs and made witu milk" was answered )wers, the guests were servedi by cvcryone. The old woollens fresluments on the veranda and for sluupment to tue Chesley mills tue house, the planned outdoor to. be made into blankets, must be rving being interfered witu by in before or at tue next meeting. hcavy shower. Mrs. S. Little- July meeting is being defcrred )od poured tea and the waiters frem July 12 to July 17. Groups re assisted by four o! tue were re-arranged. The N or thl unger generation, Carol Staples, group is in charge o! Mns. John ina Staples, Shirley Porter and Patton; the village group in tty Linton. charge o! Mrs. L. Martincîl; and )uring the afternoon Miss Doris the soutu i charge o! Miss K. hytc !avored with several piano Stewart. Instead o! tue usual cordion solos, Mrs. W. C. Lynch topic Mrs. R. Mercer led a dis- th piano solos, and Miss Betty cussion o! tue various topics un- ve and Mrs. Lynchu with piano dertaken by the West Durhuam In- ets. stitutes. Progranu for tue coming zmong tue guests was Mns. ycar was made eut. A tasty lunch tw o! Toronto, guest o! Mns. was served by Mrs. Wannan and >ward Walsh. her group. RANT REFUSED Newtonville Oé ORONO SCHOOL AT JRE S SSIN lusfae.E. L.Beecu will preacu ATJUE_ ES IN____aewl sermon Sunday, June. 25tu, at 7 p.m. standard tinue. At Accord'ng to a despatch from 11ha.m. Mn. J. J. Mellor will bourg reporting the Counties preacu at tue Sunday Scluool An- incil sessions last week, tue îtivcrsary. emplary and in many respects Mn. Bruce Elliott luas purchased viable village o! Orono in from Mn. Franik Law tue building arke towmship, home' o! Orme wluich was formerhy tue Store and isby, no indigents, mo debt and Ice Creanu Palor and is busy tear- Et o! otuer vintues, aise Warden ing it down and trucking it away. rt Reid's municipal tewn, wvas Mn. D. Denault is crecting build- ased into the dog house by tue ings for storing coal, cement,j oils Committee o! tue county lime, etc. Watch Newtonviile .ncil. tamephr . grow. Possibly htmapo is in- Mr. C. Morris luas luis well al- j ct and out of joint. Schoois most dug and cxpects to comu- 'e usually been associated witu mence luis house soon on luis lot idea o! imposing discipline just east o! tue United Churcu.1 *correction, Oromo alomg with One o! tue pioncera o! this dis-1 the otuers, but now the boot ÎS trict, Mns. James McCullough, tue otuer Orono foot, and passed to rest at her home lucre i me Gamsby's fellow ratepayers June 16tu, in her 88tu ycar. The 1 ve been told to go and stand in' funeral service was lueld at the Scorner. In brie!, lucre *is a 'home o! Mr. Bert Samis on Mon- 1 LolI tuat is bcing disciphined, day and interment was in New- haps retributively according to tonville Cemctery. Deepest sym- ideas o! justice entertained byf patuy is extended te luer dayghter, 1 ne boys whom tue harness Of, Mrs. Bert Samis, who s0 lovingly 1 dy galas. and* faitufully attended her dur- %nd tue super-disciplinarian is ing luer illmess, and te her sons, ve L. H. Wiison o! Cobourg- Mn. Leslie MdCullough at homec seems tuat school boards are and Mr. Bert McCullough o!fZion, ýected te sulumit early in March 'Hope Tp. PTEA i ~4- ~ - I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THUR.SDAY,'JUNE 22ND, 1939 rke Township fully decorated. Misses Gladys Pearce and Mary Lane served at tue lovely supper whicu followed tute ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Beare left on a honeynuoon to Ottawa and otuer castern points. Upon their return tuey wilh reside at tue groom's beautiful farm home near Greenbank. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Willis Joncs whosc father, Mr. D. Mcrrill passed away at luis home at Warkworth, June 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Joncs, Mrs. Henry Joncs, Mrs. G. W. Joncs and Melville attended tue funeral o! Mr. Merrili at Warkwortu on Sunday. Recent Visitors: Messrs. Charlie and Everett Stapleton, Orono, witu Mr. Hugu Stapleton. Mr. W. McCullough, Betuany, Mrs. Jas. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. N. McCullough, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. George McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walsh, Ot- tawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mor- nis. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce and Mamian, Miss Evelyn May and Mr. Ross Gibbs witu Mrs. Smith, at Belleville. Mrs. Hassen witu her daugluter, Mrs. J. Smith, Chathamu. Mr. and Mrs. J. Davey, Toronto, witu Mrs. Rutuerford. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rutherford and Audrey, Toronto, witu Mrs. Hos- kin. Miss Rena Hoskin witu Miss Lois Wood, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. W. Uglow, Mor- rish, witu Mr. and Mrs. C. Walkey. Mr. and Mrs. George Thonupson, Mr. John Ehuuer and Miss Kath- leen Randaîl motored to Oshawa. Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. C. J. Mitchell, who bas been under the doctor's care, is improving. Miss Marion Peters, Port Britain, luas been staying witu her. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Moses Heard who celebrated tueir 49tu wedding anniversary June 18th. Their clfdren, Mrs. Cecil Deane (Bertha), Toronto, Heru. Norman and Leonard, Port Hope, and Wes. o! Bowmanvillc, witu tueir families, gatuered at tue home o! tue younger daugluter, Mrs. Clinton Brown (Gladys) on Sunday te quietly celebrate tue occasion. Mr. Robt. Martin went te Peter- boro te hear Dr. R. Manion speak at tue Conservative convention. Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry at- tcnded tue Hoistein-Freisian pic- nic in Lindsay. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Peters spent Sun- day witu Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mit- chell. Mr. and Mrs. B. Jaynes, Bullie and Bull Taylor spent Sunday at Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alin witu Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alldrcad, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin, o! Brighuton, witu Mr. Robt. Martin. Miss Audrey Jaynes, Tweed, witu Mrs. W. H. Jaynes. Mrs. Milton Brown wltu her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bowler, Oshawa. Oshawa Defeats Orono SoftbaHers Tuesday Night Orono took tue short end'e! a 15-11 score at tue seftball game witu Oshawa Tuesday nigut, go- ing haywire in tue 3rd innngs, when Oshuawa secured 12 o! tueir 15 runis and Orono was blankcd. At tue end o! tue 2nd innlngs [t looked as if Orono was gong te win, for Oshawa was blanked in the first and only sccured 2 in tue second while Orono got 4 in tue !irst and h in tue second. Then came tue tuird, and witu Oshawa running around tue bases like nobody's business 12 runs (twè o! tuem, home runs) werc secured by Oshawa chiefly due te bad luck on Orono's part when Oshawa had at two different times luree on bases. Orono took eut Jnm Wood, pitcher, and put in Jinu Powers te try and stemu tue flow o! runs. Finally Oshawa was retired, but it was tee late for :rono te catch up, espedlally wluen she was blanked in luer part of tue mnnungs. As for tue balance e! tue game we will just take it as read, but THE ORONO NESws. PAGE ELEVEN

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