PAGE TWELVE TH-AN D AN S AT--N--W---L----IO'rn R fl Y TTM~ 2 D.13 The, Newcastle Independent PRONE? LARKLE 1114 Mr. Geo. Gray is again in Chris- summer flower show will be held tie St. Hospital, Toronto. August 23. The District Show is Mii. Percy Hare has been visit- at Woodville August 12. ing in Windsor and Detroit. Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Beech Mrs. Percy Brown is home from and chlldren and Miss Hazel Reid, a week's visit in Rochester, N.Y. Newtonville, were Monday even- Elizaeth ookeing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miss Elzbt ok, Pitts- Glover. burg, Penn., is vistmng ber brother, YongldeofS. eres Mr. W H. Coke.Church held a most enjoyable tea Mrs. Catherine Fidler returned at "Half-a-HiUl", summer home of Monday to ber cottage at New- Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Horrocks and castle-on-tbe-Lake. daughters, on Wednesday after- By a slip of the pen Mrs. 'R. P. noon. Butler's grartdson Dick Anderson Mr. A. S. Houston is at bis was mentioned as Fred last week. sumimer cottage at the lake. Mrs. We meant Dick. Houston bad hîm brougbt down Horticultural Society's annual from Toronto in an ambulance. % ~NOTICE We would like ta Announce the Opening of Newcastle Dalry On June 3Oth, 1939 Pasteurized Milk and Cream Early MKorning Delivery . . . Order Barly R. L.GRESLEY, Proprietor Phono 1130 Patronize Home Products I BUY WITH CONFIDENCEI AT YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE BATHENG NEEDS ilbade Hsts - - 19e - 25oci Shoes Caps - - - - 15o to 75c i Beach Rex-lime Greaseles 8km Cream - Gypsy Tan (a scientific sun tan ail) Sun Glasses - - - . - - - 25c up Bais - - - 25o - - 29c-59e - - - 45c -75c - 15C ta $1.95 Picnic Supplies P"ie2Jej Vacuum Bits.- - 29c Thermos Bits.- pt. 85c .... qt. $1.75 Strong Glass Thermos pts. $1,50 - qts. $2.75 Dxie Cupi - - pkg. 10e Picnic Sets, plates, ser- viettes, forks and spoons 150 Fer Finer Pictures Try our Photo Finihing. Done by Unique Studios. They excel in producing perfect prints without blemishes. - Prompt Service. ELIZABETH ARDEN Presents Her Special Treasurette A t .......................$ 2 .9 5 A treasure chcst of beauty con- tainlnt elght Elizabeth Arden Essentiais for the tare and at- tractiveness of your complex- ton. JURY U LOVELL 7M e -.aDMf Sto-re Phone 778 Bowmanville He has been quite unwell most of the winter. Mr. F. S. Cuttell, Buffalo, was a weekend gucst of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Stowe at Newcastle-on- the-Lake, Mrs. Cutteil remaining in Toronto with her mother, Mrs. Geo. H. Carveth wbo is quite un- 1 well. S Mrs. W. H. Anderson and son Fred, wbo spent ten days at thei] 1home in Newcastle, returned tc Windsor Sunday, picking up Mr. Anderson in Toronto where he underwent an operation, and tak- mng bim to Windsor witb them. Mr. Hubert Anderson is attending to the business here. E Mr. H. C. Houston, Imperial Bank Supervisor, Toronto, and Mrs. Houston have rented "Tin. turn", one of Mrs. F. S. Cuttell's bouses at the lake, and are oc- cupying it for the summer. Mr. Houston is a brother of Mr. Ar- thur S. Houston who built a cot- tage on Mill St. south last ycar. Newcastle and Lake Shore Bcdf Ring started June 17, according to schedule although no one seemed to bave a beef ready for the open- ing. Finally Sam Powell and Clin- ton Brown of the Lake Shore came to the rescue and contribut- ed the first beef although thèy were listed No. 15, to put their beef in the ring on Sept. 23. Mr. Alec Prout is dolng the butcher- ing at Mrs. J. F. Osborne's. A number of young people and aduits from Newcastle and vicini- ty attended the Junior Farmers' Field Day at Bethany, June 17th. Among the prominent personages in attendance from here wcre Mr. WF.Rckard, M.P., and Mr. T. W. Jackson of His Majesty's Mail Service, Veteran Bailiff, Parades Marshal, Ticket Colector, Play Actor and Producer. The girls' softball team and a pick up tcam of Newcastle boys took part in the tournament, each winning two games and losing one. Miss Marion AllUn attended the Teachers Convention of the In- spectorate of South Simcoe, part of Peel and York, which took the form of a 4-day trip to Ottawa. The schools were visited and the Ottawa teachers, who had just re- turned from their- convention where they bad visited the schools in New York and the Worlds Fair could not have been more hos- pitable to their guests. The Mu- seum, the National Arts Gallery, the Dominion Archives, Experi- mental Farm, Parliament Build- ings alî received their share of inspection. Miss Allin was includ- ed in the group of teachers from Peel County who were entertain- ed to dinner by Gordon Graydon, M.P. for Peel. Mrs. Black, M.P. for Yukon, and Mr. R. S. White, M.P. for East Montreal, were also present. Five Groups Meet Sanie Evcning United Church Y.P.U. dramatists rehearsed their play "Black Gold" Monday evening in anticipation of taking it to Maple Grove on Wcd- nesday evening. At the same time but in anotiler place The Stanley Rickard Orchestra were practis- ing for an appearance at Shiloh Church. United Church Parson- age Committee met to complcte plans for their tee at the Parson- age. Municipal Council held a special meeting in their chamber to discuss roeds, and Horticultural Society met in the Library - ail on Monday evening. SENDS GIFT 0F FLOWERS TO QUEEN Reccives Letter of Thanks Mrs. R. B. LcGresley, Newcas- tle, sent Qucen Elizabeth a box of flowers, lily of the vaUley and white narcissus, with some spnigs of the Copper Beech trce which was brought from Scotland as a sapling. She also encloscd pic- turcs of Mr. and Mrs. LeGresley's two sons, Farncomb and Balfour, in their cassocks. Mrs, LeGreàley was gretified* to receive within a few days a letter written and signed by Lady Catharmne Sey- mour tbanking Mrs. LeGresley for the charming box of flowers on behaif of Her Majesty. Her Ma- jesty thougbt the flowers were extremely prctty and wes inter- GUARANTEED MARSHALL VENTILATED IN THE JUNE SALE SPECIAL AT .... $ 14.75 ... Ail Sizes In Stock Regular $21.50 Value in heavy Damae Tick- Iig, aide handies, but- ton t»f ted and venti- lators. FuIly Guaranteed by the Famous Marshall Mattress Co. Ltd. and F. F. Morris Co. Ue o ur display of Marshall Gliders and sum- mer furniture.,for camp, cottage, ' Here 's how Marshall Mattresses anid verandah. provide proper rest" Fî te MORRIS CO. PRONE 480 BOWXANVILLE ORONO1 Df as Is. a- ig ir to r. ie ýg il d L- IS 0 d e 1FOR SALE - ROWBOAT, FLAI > bottom. iood condition, very safe Six dollars complete. Apply Lesli( Darch. Bowmanvillc Beach. 25-p FOR SAL.E - 1929 OLDSMOBILl Coupe, in good condition, cbeap Applv C. E. Allun, p)hone 2198 25-1 FOR SALE - A, METAL-.,ICI box. Apffly to Miss Greta Wicketi Phone 842. Bowmanville, 25-1 FOR SALE - HAY RAK.' i' good workingz condition, Apply W 1. S. Rickand, R.R. 4. Bowman- ville. Phone 2218. 25-1 FOR SALE - M.-H-. MOWER E No. 21. and wagon' also purebreè . Holstein cow. due in October, L Applv A. A. Gibson, R.R. 2. New« castle. Phone Clarke 3904.' 25-1l' FARM IMPLEMENTS F_0£ SALE -Recondtioned mnowers, hay ted- ders and rakes, thoroughly rebuilt grain binders. Anyone needinR env of these machines should sec them before buying. Also dealer5 for "Gem" Electric Fe;;ées, pnicc $18-00. fully guaranteed and equip- ped with battery and insulators. W. S. Staples, Massey -Harris dealer. Bowmanville, Phone 781. 25-J FOR SALE - AWNINGS F0R store or nesidence; Venetian biinds, > wood or metal îlots: larzest seec tiOn at lowest prices. Estimates g iven without obligation. Appy Northcutt & Smith. Bowmanville. 23-4 HAY FOR SALE - 55 ACRES of mixed standing hay. Person Durchasîng ail may use barn for storage. Apply Lot 33, 'Con. 7, DarlinRton, on Phone 2428. -24-2 Real Estate for Sale FARM FOR SALE - TO) CLOSE estate we of fer the Argue Firm on No. 2 Higbway, east of Bow- manville. One of the best farms in this district, 96 acres. clay loani; brick dwelling. good bip) roof baru with AI stabling; windmill, creek. Must be sold. Write or phone Lew V. Disney. Real Estate Broker, Oshawa. 25-tf FOR SALE - STORE PROPER- tv, excellent location. Apply H. D.. Drawer B, Bowmanville. 24-2 FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK cottage on Ontario St. T. H. Knight bas it for sale and be tbinks its cheap. It must be sold. 21-tf Seed For Sale FOR SALE - QUA-NTITy 0 Buckwheat. Apply Edgar Prescott, 7th concession, Enniskillen. Phone 2261. 25-1* BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE - Apply M. Martin, Tyrone. R.R. L 25-1* Help Wanted WANTED - GIRL FOR JULY and Augzust at summer cottage, plain cooking. Write to Mrs. C. B. Lyons. Caesarea, before july lst. - 25-1 GIRL WANTED - FOR GEN- eral housework. Must bc capable. Sleep in or out. Four in family. Phone 854. 25-1 Readings READINGS - "YELLOW SHUT- ters", Tea Rooni, Bowmanville Beach, East side. 22-4* Strayed STRAYED) - ABOUT JUNE IST one-vear-old mcd beifer. Notif y R. J. Hodgson, Tyrone, Phone 2323. 25-2* Mortgage NMoney 'Available HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON Bowmanville Real .Estate. Special attention to National Housing Act Loans. Inqluime Bradley Bros. Oshawa. Phone 169. 25-tf A bousehold necessity is onc that no family can afford to be1 without - unless it bas one., 1 Somne ren are unable to believe 1Word they say. A marn isn't necessarily bonest >ecause he is poor. Human nature sets a man up as judge of his neighbor. 1ested in the photographs and con- veyed her thanks for the loyal sentiments which 1prompted Mrs. LeGresley to send them. '1 l et- ter of thanks was dated 4t June and bore the post marks, The Royal Train, and Sudbury. Carda of Thanks The family of the late James H. Freeman wish to thank the Bow- manville Hospital staff and :Dr. SIemon. friends and neightwrs for their kindness and svmnpathy during their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kind expressions of sympathvý and floral tributes in their recent bereavement in the death pj their littie son. For Sale FOR SALE - ONE HAY LOAD- er. Phone Bowmanville 2375. 25-2 FOR SALE - MOWERS. $15.00 up: McCormick Deering, Frost & Wood, Massey-H-arris; cultivator, M.-Harris: disc harrow, lUeering; hay rake, Deering; potato digger, Deering. gas engine. Deering; Deerinir c'rn binder; McDeering ensilage cutter. 12-A;, Phone >597 office. residence 726. L. R. Wood, Bowmanviilie, McDeeriniz Agent. 25-tf HAY FOR SALE 1- AlrROX- imateiy 31 acres of standing -mixed hay. Ready to cut within one week. Appiy to Purchasirng Department of Goodvear Tire & Rubber Co. 25-1 OKE - In Oshawa. june lSth. Cecil. T~. Oke. beloved husband -of Lil- baen J. Conmoy. PASCOE - At Toronto East Gen- eral Hosp)ital on Wednesday. June 2lst, 1939. Mrs. Cora Argue Pas- coe. widow of Chas. J. Pascoe, beloved mother of Mrs. Hazel M. *Babcock and Mrs. J. A. Aiken- hcad and sister of Mn. K.- A. Gaudin. Mrs. Pascoe is restiug at the Trull Funeral. Home, 1111 Danforth Ave., for service on Fmi- day at 3 o'clock, D.S.T. Interment et Hatmnton Cemeterv on arrivaI bv motors at 4 o'clock Standard IN MEMORIAM HARRIS - In iovinz memory of Edith. beioved wife of Barnett Harris. who passed awav lune 22, 1937:- Two vears are passed and over Since Tesus called her home, To be one of his chosen. To siniz around His Throne. And jve were left in sorrow To carry on the strife. How we miss thee. loviniz mother, Loviniz friend, and wife. -Sadly missed by husband. child- ren and brother. VAN DYKE - In lovinoe rnemofv of Mrs. George Van like. who passed to her rest on june 22nd. 1938:-, In our heants vour memory lingers. Sweetlv tender, fond and true, There is not a day. dean mother. That we do not think of yoix. -Your lovinz daughtens. Lela and Elva. Chicks For Sale FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS. White Leghorns and Rorks, sexed or mnixed. blood tested f lock, sjred by R.O.P. Cockerels, started .pul- lets. Albin Clemeus, Bowmnanville, Phone 2433. 21-tf Livestock For Sole FOR SALE-PUREBRED YORK- sbire sows. one due in about mouth, others later, gzood bacon type. Av- ply Wm. Hayes. R.R. 2. Newcastle. 25-1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - 3 purebred Yorkshire bnood sows, two 8 months and one 14 months old. From sows qualified in Ad- vanced Registmy. W. J. Rowland, Newcastle. Ont. Phone Clarke 1902. 25-1 Auction Sales On Wednesdey and Tbursday, lune 28 and 29th et 1.30 p.m. D.S.T., Mmi. W. C. Dumble will selI at hem residence. "Heathcote", King Street, East. Cobourg, aIl hem bousehold furniture. consisting of mahogany, rosewood and walnut *furniture, liv- ng rooni. dining room, porch, ver- andah. kitchen and contents of 10 bedrooms. aIl of which will be sold without reserve. Tennis caslu J. A. N~oble, Auctioneer. Cobourg. 25-1 The. undersigned bas received in- structions f rom Miss L. Hedgzes. Mill St.. Newcastle. to seli by pub-1 lic auction hem bouse and lot, and ail the household cf fects. Sale to take Place on the permises. A few of the articles are one player piano, cost $700.00; one melodion, odd chairs. smaîl tab!es, dining table, ex- tension, arid chairs; contents of 3 bedroonis. contents of parlor, kitchen utensils. dishes. glassware. oil stove, kitchen range, Rarden tools and many useful articles. Sale at 1.30 p.m., D. S.T.. Thursday, Jtrnc 29th. 1939, Terins cash. Joseph Coulson, Auc- tioneer: H. C. Bonathon, Clerk. 25-1 The undersgned bas received in- structions f rom the Executors of the Estate of the late W. B. Mutton, Auna St.. Bowmanville, tLo selI by1 public auction ail of bis household cf fects, incuding dining-room suite, rockinR chairs, sewingz machine, radio, 3 .bedroom suites, kitchen suite. stove, lounRe, elcctric washing1 machine, dlock, dishes and cutlery, also wheelbarrow. mason tools, ce- mneut mixer, 1931 Ford car, 1929 Ford truck. Sale will be held in the shed at the near of W. J. Challis' Garage, King St. After the ebove is sold we will Proceed to the resideuce1 of the late Mr. Mutton where wili ,be offered for sale a large quantt of lumber. also the bouse and lot.. Ternis cash. Sale Saturday, June 24, 1939, at 1.30 p.m., D.S.T. Wm.J Challis, Auctioneer. 2- BIRTHS LARM ER - At Nichoils .Hospital, Peterborougzh, on Tuesday. June 2th. to Mr. and Mms. W. H. Larmer, (nec Mabel Beech) a daughter. Shirley Marie. SWITZER - At Mimico Beach Nursing Home, June l9th. 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. K. Switzer (nee Catherine Pinc.h) a son (Kýen- neth Bruce). YEO - In Bowmanville Hospital. on1 SundaX. June 4th. 1939. to Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon E. Yeo. a son (Edward John Morzan). D)EATH.S BURNS-in Bowmanvilie. on Mon- day. June- l9th, 1939, Rhoda Mary Burns beloved wife of Mn. Michael Burns. aize 71 years. Interment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. HOBBS - In Toronto, on Wednes- day. June 21st. 1939. Eliza Jane Hobbs, widow of the late William H. Hobbs ae 78 years. Funemal f rom F. F. Morris Company Fun- eral Chapel on Saturday. June 24. at 2 o'clock. Intermeni Bowman- ville Cemetery. McCULLÔUGH-In Clarke Town- ship. June l6th, 1939. Lorinda AI- vina Samis. wife of the late James McCuilough. in her 88th vear. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - SOLID brick house, bath, furnace, lights, evcry modern convenience, double zaraRe. Appfly T. H. Knigzht. Phone 565 or 768. 22-tf LOST - A BALL GLOVE. FIN- der pflease leave at Statesman Of- f ice. 25-1 LOST - A LARGE 6-CORNERED nut with left hand thnead. off a circular saw mandrel. on the pave- ment between Hampton Church and my farm, on Saturdav. l~une l7th. Finder please return to the undensigned. A. E. Biliett, Hamp- ton. Phone 2557. 25-1 Position Wanted Wanted PHONOGRAPH WANTED - used portable in good condition. No records needed. Phone 810, Miss Elba Cavenly, Concession St. 25-1 WANTED - SECOND -HAND bicycles and parts. Jack Allin. IValues At Luan's Phone 855 Mowers Sharpened WEST END GARAGE & MAC- ine Sbop, King 'St., sharpen lawn mowers better. You probably have had your mower sharpened at various places and have not been satisfied. Let us do youn mo.wer and sec for yourself the wonderful work we do. Machine work a specialty. Phone 781. Open even- To Rent TO RENT - HOUSE ON CAR- lisle Ave., newly decorated. Apply to owner. Mrs. L. B. Nichois. No. 20, Carlisle Ave., Bowmanviiie, or Phone 405. 25-1 FO'R RENT - HOUSE ON SCU- izoi Street. Apffly Geo. McMullen, Wellinzton St., Bowmanville. 25-l* HOUSE TO RENT - ON KI NG Street, hardwood floors and gar- agze. Apply M. Thompson. R.R. 3. Port Houe Ont. 22-tf TO LET - 5-ROOMED APART- ment. electric iight, 3-pce. bath, and jas, opposite Town Hall. Ap- ply W. T. Symons. Phone 2251. zo-tf APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE rooms. Apply Statesman Office. 49-tf Alteration Dept. ALTERATIONS - MORE AND more peopfle are takiniz advantage of the Evlyn Shop's reasonably liriced alteration department, to have their iast year's dresses and coats made over to the iatest styles. Don't wait. Come in today and sec for vourseif. The Eyvn Shop, Phone 594, Mrs. Clifford Caverly. 25-tf -Notice ADAMS FURNITURE C O M- pany customers wiil be caiied on persoiaffly by Oshawa-Bowman- ville Representative.' Write to Adams Furniture Co.. Ltd. Attn. W. H. Builick. 211-219, Vonge St., Toronto. 25-1 MRS. BRANTON, )S H A WA, wili be in Bowmanville, on Fni- day. June 23rd. For appointment Phone 574. 25-1, Quaker Corn Flakes........... 2 pkgs. 15c Oven Fresh Cocoanut Fingers Biscuits ... 2 lbs. 27e Cartqr's Offer You Thé finest baked, goods available, super lunch counter service, soda fountain specials, ice cream, pieute sup- plies, confectionery, and many other useful articles to satisfy appetites and quench thirst. e LUNN 30c 25c 25C Bakers for Two Generatýon9 MIDDLE AGEDREFINED WO- man desires housekeepinir pjsition. Comfortable home appreciated, moderate waize. Write Box M.E. UM c/o Canadian Statesman. Bow- I. U manvlle 25lU lFOR manvile. 25WATED- HOUSbeWRK W.ANTED - BY.P. c/o Statesman office. » 25-1* WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Shur-Grain, 17% Pig Starter, $1.80 per cwt. Offen good until June 29th. F. C. Vanstone, Phone 777. 25-1 Beauty Culture IRIS BEAUTY PARLOR - PER- manent waves. $1.95 up: machine- less waves. $5.00. Phone 2601 for appointment. 25-1* Active Men Wanted GET IN ON THIS BIG MONEY making opportunity now with nat- ionally known concern. Excellent proposition for sincere, dependable man. No experience pqecessary. We assist in selling. Finest fast selling line of necessities tveryone -rich and Poor-must baye. 900 mnen succeed actually to, make good living. For details and catalogue free. Familex. 570 St. Clement. Montreal. 25-1 Radios Serviced RADIOS SERVICED - DONT wait until yoli need themn this faîl. have them ready. F. Crowe, Elgin St.. Bowmanville. 25-2* Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of powers contained in a certain mortgagze wbich will be produced et the tume of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on TÉumsday, the sixtb day of July, 1939, et 2 p.m. Dayligbt Saving Tume, at tbç office of A. J. Lyle, Town Hall, Blow- manville. by W. J. Challis, Auction- enr. AIl and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises. situate, lying and beingz in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham and Province of Ontario, formerly a part of Lot Number Twelve in the First Concession of the Township of Darlingtou and be- ingz composed of Town Lot Nripber One Huudred and Fifty-four in Block lettçr "L," f ronting on the North side of Churcb Street iu the said Town as showu ou Plan of the Villagze of Bowmauvilie. made by John Grant and regZistered on the 25th day of April, 1852, formerîy occupied bv Canada Slicer Corpor- ation Limited. Ternis: 10% of ýurchase price to be paid et time ofsale, balance in cash 30 days thereafter. For funther particulars aud con- ditions of sale apply to A. J. Lyle, Town Hall. Bowmanville Dated at Bowmanvilie this 12th day of June, 1939. 24-3 HEALTI Make Our Store Your fleadquarters For SWIMSUITS Ladies' Swim Suits Latest Styles $1.49 Up CHILDREN'S 95c up Men's Janzten and Catalina SWIM SHORTS In colorful, snug fitting $1395 Up Ladies, White and Colored Coats Roduced To -Olear - Ai Iow, As, Ladies' White and Colored Dresses Wide Belection - Prom $1.95 up==k COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN,' Hedquartero for Mem'. and Ladleu' Wear IPhonoe 88 Bownfvfle / Fry's Cocoa ................. /2-1b. tin Siced Pineapple .................. 2 tins Choice WEEKEND SPECIALS Strawberry Layer Cake ........ Fillcd and iced wlth strawberry coneoction. Fresh Strawberry Pie.............. Oid TIme Lemon Pie .................. THE CARTER FAMILY Buy From Bowmanvile Bakers 19C 19é READclýid UISE WAN.TBADSI ý 1 - 1 THE CANADIA-N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TFIURSDAY. JIJNE 22ND, M . owmanville Mi 0 9 Phone 596 $6095