qý ta be invited ta the greatest social LITE BECGINS AT 70 CHRISTUS CONSOLATOR function ever held li Washington, The D.C. that Iif discussin and Beside the da knelt for prayer, . gossp cn etakn asa rle f 4d fet aresnceas I prayed; measurement. 1,400 people chos- Loi It was Crssadigtee 'V iS lT' en out oai these United States a -of" H s ied stand id, "Bero R Y L V S TAmerica, from a reparted 50,000 afraid." applioants ail ai whom thought they had real claims. The British . Lard, Thou hast conquered death, By S. Y. DORNAN, C.W.M.A. Represenitive Embassy, within whose walls is we know; on the Press Pilot Train the only bit "ai aid England" in Ttoeaan alt, ad the U.S.A. is a wanderful place;Tlaoewhdidnhurg. 1111 Eelaae overng h. Vsit f Thfr is known as the million dollar H mldadsi,"ei o Fit eeeCvrn h ii fTer mansion and is accupied at thi dead." Najeties 10 Waahington 'and time by Sir Ronald Lindsay and '.Alep" then, as Thyself didst New York Lady Lindsay, the British Am- -"i basdr n iswi; h1tafl Yet Thou canst lift the lids that Washingon, D.. - Thquite extensive and the place la ee Wahntn ..-Te usual the Armny, alang with President verybéatiful rvignalogm i Pracde fo illawed since we lef t Roosevelt; i the second car was lime ai autos ail with distinctive mnprisoned eyes from ours Quebec, was altered during the Jffei Majesty alang witlx rs stickers an the windshields i or- early haurs af Thursday marning, Roosevot; then followed a dis- der ta secure paasage thraugh the He smniled and said, "HI-e doth when a car an the Preas train de- tingulahed party compased ai the pî e ns s velaped a hot box and this delay- Rayai entourage accampanied by digit ai o the city; the grounds wak teto ap ede ed us whlle the car was taken off the dignitaries ai the President's are very lovely with a prfsow~adlokuo oefie the train; this gave the Rayai train party. Overhead there were fility- aAnshaoektres and shrubery. dawn ai Blue and Silver a head lead two United States baxmbing planes ommsadiaus manues =wreouRetrehint, arhert0ta and this was nat overtalcen; we in formation and following the the lawns and deliciaus ice cold __________________ reached Washington a few min- royal procession were five hun- reireshments were dis pe ns e d;ce utes behind the Royal Party but dred cavalry. This magnificent 1these lncluded, (oh"Hewhy should0 0 1 li time ta witness the spontaneousteeicue,(hwysol avenue, one ai the finest I have tell a2l). Millianaires and multi- Col. Edwy Whiite H e.ie n ai,"ei o reception accorded Their Britan- ever seen, was one solid. madt ai millonaires, political chieis, cler- af Coral Gables, Florida, wrîting Alas! Too well we know aur loas, flic Majesties, in this, the capital, dazzling calor; the Union Jack ical dignitaries, ambassadars irom irom Chicago, III., on June 2th, Nor hope again aur joy ta touch, oftegreat Amerîcan Repuîlc. mnged wi heSas adseveral uropean cu lres, nI h tema et ecos Old Sol was on duty and register- Stripes; the immense crowds traiantenecm du -UHte the str ai fde"There rssa ed a temperature ai araund 90 li wbîch lined the bath sides dense- selected and careiulîy scrutinized City that day irom Indianapolis such." the shade wltb a distinct humid- ly, gave a very enthusiastîc greet- list ai guest. A squad ai secret and leaving next day for Milwau- eoublvdsem sf ity whicb was very oppressive. ing ta Their Maiesties. Theca police hdsace h pcOskeH lsswt hscmet r Excellent arrangements had been with the King was surraunded bhaou d s earcbédtthe aiauske.H oofwt ti cme T he elovied e emed ta ff mnade at this side of the Interna- foot byogrcunin previus ta the arrivai a 72 oda- liebeginsat 70" iewey-tafe tianal border for the canvenience tepoienplncothes n n get n havigfi quite n the omelandai Dur Albeit with Thee we trust they ai the press; supplied with a new apace bad qtecar.Tieptaionpsatisfied that fia "reds"' were ham wisb you many more happy are.ive yo Foika ththe neartSee thisgtire thae gavey yre set of arm badges and lapel but- a h wtohfcr hi otonaanthehe function was givenin thebirthdays, Edwy. tans, we ca-minigîed witb aur the WlangonPresaClub whlh Mjetia recHeried n ad AdIamNW"u O T O * Am rica couins i th iouth h s vey ki dly een lace atreceptin n their arrivaI wit ver important task and give e a Lod b w shi we no estate ian effort ta do justice ta the disposai ai the pres eaetersie.Sotyatrarvlwee ly press readers thekno thi mmaabl ad latri a- itting writing in a room 13 stories bath the King and Queen walked lights af the concluding days ai that they casion. Standing at the approach above the street and it gives a audthgrnsan mlled teRyltu.I inn hry Stili walk unseen with us and ai the Union Depot, where Their wanderiul view ai this llhrt af the awith the Norndsleep narthe oyalnder Infar away'rty Majesties were greeted by Presi- city. tmyb iiteett wed it the guests, speaking ta many I do sa with same regret. It bas Thee,ThsRylM te nipd Gr iewl to It aybe f ntres t rad-ofthm and enjaying a restful been a great experience and a Nrsepnrwne a wy dent and Mrs. Franklin Delana ers ai this stary, ta knaw týat h eidwîhti eyifra ra oo arpeet the He smiled and aaid, "Abide in your car up ta 220 feet quicker on wet slippery roads. Roosevelt, I had a gorgeaus sight; press tramn was accorded Royal gatbering granted them. As I C.W.N.A. an this mast important me.", It 's bult with Rayon Cords which combat 1he terrifi' the greeting was decidedîy sincere privileges and passed through stoad close ta His Majesty I nat- asigilment ever given a weekly and augured a wonderîuî time Customs without inspection. The iced that he is about five îeet publaher; however, I will be very Agilwolaneprata- hatoht- atedrvgadgadaaisboots w b i l i n t h i g r a t a u n t y . u s h R o a l a r t y w e r m e o n t h e A m - e i h t i n c h e s i n h e i g h t a n d l a n w d e l i g h t e d t a r e t u r n t a m y w i f e i n g -a n g e l c a k e m a y h a v e a d e m o n A s o n l w n ing in press cars at a speed ai 65 enican ide ai Niagara Falls by mare bronzed than at any pre- and family from wham I have disosiio gives yuaanazing high mileage -an a lwg milel perhourr weo eachdwbearScretryda Stae CodeliHuelviauytimfI hvetnticeohlmebee absnt oriivesweksmith1__have________________ slentride Camsentndfserths suer-sfe tre tday Tr'easury Building,' where a spe- and Mrs. Lindsay and a number ai in a esyt was a uerb pidufrp.sn eola iahaoia cal stand ave us a clear and un- ather afficial citizens ai the U.S.A. white very pic mtur squ ewai ttlnp.e n O INO hiterrupteciview dawn Pennsyl- The reception was entlrelyifor- thefoandpobat ita e match e ws__for__________ Litt e Ik n vanla avenue, tawards the capi- mal and taak place at the station t focal poditine picure lfors tal; with the White House in the platiorm under a pawerful arc preaent than men. It was a, very Busines irc8 yby background at aur rear. Fiity-two light, while a bright crinisan car grand gathering and cancludedJONC M W DL tanks iallowed the maunted police pet decorated the center ai th juat before a severe thunder ------ A OtO AM S E escort and the Royal car was oc- apace where the receptign took shower came up. [+O.RN C.pyriRght)A ON R YAAS E cuidby Hla Majesty, li the uni- place..WahntnaMotVeonLilC tpd G p = f Cmmaner n Chef o I as oe ofthefew ressmengave a very splendid display but M.L G. V. GOULD, ]B.A., LL.B.' it was limited ta a arnaller number Britr oiioNtr akN.1 than the other functions. One aif Bar oner, 35olicitr, Iotary alk No. the moat impressive functions, onePhn31 On you - you whoae income - T Â E I LO Â C with a historical background, was Rayai Bank Bldg., Bowmanvlle M~ay nat be more than $100 a the laying ai a wreath on the montb - la iocussed an im- tamb ai Washington; thla was a W. R. STRIKE nmense amount af solicitous very dramatic moment when His Barrister,- Solicitor, Notary thought - as intense as a loy- A D U I Majesty entered the sacred place Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal er's. This inquiring, eager, E alane and staod where sa much. af oney ta Loan. Phone 791. solicitous tbought ai you la by G eJX I S the history ai the United States Bowmanville, Ontaio. advertisers - by literally hun- Vulcanlzlng and Rc ito gTir holda an important place; those -Recondltlonlngs f tem wh no h icdnt fth .C.*SNBA Phone 467, Bowmianvillie WILLARD BATTIERIES foundation ai this great country Barrister - Solicitor You may cail it cuphoard ______________________________ will appreciate the very dramatic Notary Public - Etc. lave, if you choose; yet it la event ai this laying af the wreath. Law in ail its branthes. really finer than that, for- Another incident in this the Office immediately east ai Royal there lsa conscientiaus effort capital of the greatest republic i Theatre. on thé part of advertiaera ta- the worîd, was the presentatin Phones: Office 688; Home 553., do thinga which will be a Oshawa Mlan Rte-elecouted D i r e et o r ai the membera af Congress and- compliment ta you - this Dasràc the House ai Representatives; 404 DOfa wtDuistrictbecivnes.Agricutural Societies in a il w ere* lin ed u p an d tbiey g av e D . L C E I T' t u s e t i a e s n e a very im pressive greeting ta DR. J C. D VoTT 'bu s e t i caxres s-ng ut ra u p se n r lai n t Their Britannic Majesties, Aqsltant: Dr. E. W. Sisson thought ai you eng express- r10 Ated n The final function tooic place at Gradluate ai Rayal Dental Coi- sedtsnotrefin ea a ay Sersi100 At ted ntre Lstng cutu ralipurses eaint "Doyaufeufha taailthegirs?"the British Embassy, where Their lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee iso rs, n tabl - nthe packag-s essionsatrPeterboo LasI gat recepof "D o elta c l h ilMajeaties gave a dinner in honor BIdg., Bowmanviile. office hours n ipaut h kgs Week when Geo. Hfart, n araetis er8%a " O n ly th e cn e s w h a b in g S w e e t C a p ." , a i P re s id e n t R o o e v e lt a n d M ra. 9 a .m . ta 6 p .m . d a ily e x c e p t S u n - f oa i p n f u e ,c a n y o ilee tr e s -O h w,,a n M d n t e r l s ' h n 2 % o t r c Roosevet; theliat a învitd day.foodprouec au setietitex-O aa Aan aita gate neceipta on hanse races, guoeawve ry- hels ort.Phoe 0.Houe pne88. pneased in the designs ai na- Director tions and 75 % on pnizea. A ques- Te Roal ry hertWah Pg- X-ye 7u0lp uethiOfone8. dios, mator cana, furniture toniehdbe ett gi Th oa at etWsig -a qimn nOfc. and furnishinga. Also in the ctunalin etd eensekn tardi Piot at rai idnh eadonc e -Fuea ircos designing ai advertiaementa. (Continued from last week) cituormaionsonetis sben bMrd Piltraiith____onc__________________M._Crrll,__meti o t infarolmain ond tis asubjetMr. SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES aiter being neiegated ta the second _____________th_____ **ytht iewoldhae or poiinfra7whusasw n uEA IETR fineat artista ta make their objection, aaid there was nothing iike tnatrhetwondheare tered Washington, due ta a bot Service, any hour, any day. products and thein advertise- ta prevent breedens ai athen live- E. W. Webben, president af the "The___________________in _______________________ NebYonkexteded thuoer- F. F. Morris Co. menta very attractive. They stock from adapting the same plan Oshawa faim, was elected secre- oua reception; it was a very spec- sModemnM.tor Ecspmenand rh- empdoththentartoskilled anti- taculan sight ta travel in the de- bulance and Invahid Car. Cal sasancame and cst ahem- an caeainwt anbadtr-naueadtedsrc irom Frt Hacockhonere4heiror__734,__ Assistant___ 573.__ them make thein producta Agriculture. frMjesties wnt oa r theide betten and cheapen. The trutb Mr. Tuily opened the aiternoon Msty erWanton" afte e- A cto rl that advertiaera are a veny session with a talk an the value ai Auctine érlarge and genenous cantnibu- ing the train at Red Bank xi the trt orclua eeo- feddy tarelua ar.H State 1 New Jersey. The short Licensed Auctioneer mtat.onclua eeo- te"ic n ht"(oaen YourPain ng trip took about two hours and as ELDER ILBUR * stated that ten societies are spon- » roaheute ateraiintinog nt We who live in Englisb- soring "Black and White" field - Let us quote pricec for lead and New York city, the entire part y SeinigI a ,Lvsok paigcutisaewn ayo h otPryfis oil paints, mlxcd. ta any destred gat a wonderful view ai the 'sky- pcalan nFaLvste, seaking outness yadre wa- ays tis yer. TR. D. Moon, syere lime ai New York, Statîn Island Implements and Furniture Bal"es s deuiybeed y adve nts- tryaitePotPen fi, aup sought ta be extnaandinarily plaining that the Holstein bneed- writer bad arrangements ta meet Phone for Ternis and Date faf. grateful ta aur national ad- ernthere$40atheAsatoneeivda 'This type or paint lu consld- frienda aIt tis point we leit the Bowmanvllle 242R. vertisers aur great netail es- gata 4,teAscainpi er d y an u er a fic$60 and the entry o e a moaecobynomal sed uastihfe- presparty and after the crawds ________________ tabliahm[ients for thein tnuly $5y0 motanf 15.Teypie ejms cnmcladstsa- cleared ta permit walking, as wonderîuî services. $85.50,aoutta i$185. sathe pnîze tory on flic market. there were fia means ai transpar- ta hepaidr auedta$2448.5 te0.a tation, we entered Broadway and «Lest Wc Forget"l Life ion ua in Engilli- tarebea was the$58.50. passing tanough the iam'ous finan- sekn onre stee-... cial district ai the city, Wall - A. H. BOUNSALL dapleaictri es la turemn- Creat oft eaby old bythe Doeate da1yerihdb arget andthe wor done bythlSetu s.H B R E H treet, we made contact with a Designer and Dealer in advertiaers. ia ndDm erov gitcltura aiet sister-in-law and bier husband monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc.inmpvngletckntadi Concession St. - Bowmanville (Dacton and Mrs. H. Rass Magee), in Granite and Marble. hliga xiiin r eh Phone 431 witb this lady and gentleman we _____the_____________________in enjoyed a very lavely visit. The * Eye ig tEuCaLioO terested in Herefords and Short- Raya paty nceied gret oa -orna because tbey seemed ta be _________________________________________tion from millions ai spectators Acdmat apue lar btother breda ar. an the way ta the Wanid's Faim £HA EFfiim wbere they inspected Ibis gzreat..........................................tfh may cause acular symptoms and on racîng hamacs. Il is a nc ai the Faire. dmA- Brmpto Cntrelal fficetinM II I j it is alSa a fact hat ocular erros bet attractions w've got. We jeiBra & S N fmptant rmeeaelYthis eoncan cause nenve troubles. This ex- loptO unn aels J J IlS A~ fl MO tain îal eda îclyfor It h ve plaina thforeaan why orrectn y ar, and i went ve surprising -Fo zv ,r u~ a' & ~ I j' 4 a a ncu e cw h ur fn tca reiefothe e rvero ua yble. i ng l e llana Royl tain lea es ion theCan- ' b a flkly f i a u eie a tc n r e to be. I s Chas. Cowling, treasurerhoai tac INSU A N CE A G E N S owama arde an t zct no Cn - eved i a och rpee k. found that many cases are more P ete nbo nough Industrial E hii-Uney Cra Phone 81 turatmo Ieaanvidnigathseada, lah eachbepackt. avorably examined without tac tin, spoke On budgeting the in. onyOre am eain th prî, Yi e- 10CINTS PER PACKE use Of drugs. Druga in certain ance af an exhibition. G. A. Bre- at SerbrakeQue. whec F ank iD Cets Grocers, Gmoil cases being detrimentai ta vision then, Narwood, led the subse- £ ~f at SerbrokeQue, whre Fankand some cases the effect is last- quent discussion whîch braadened Burns, tac genlal President î 10om Wl. y PAY MORE? ing. out into the ratios ai expenditure KenIville, N.S., wilU take aven Ibis 1141 WILSON FLY PAO CO., Haultoi Ont. (ta be cantinucd) on attractions and regular agri- Ring and Silver Streets group accepted an invitation ta hol> d their 1940 mneeting at, Port Penny. COMBAT RHEUMATISM Rheuma" s fu toaud by, ude sdd M &e. m" m mfL i is bl qmiy shud be ezlvactsd b, the ddnysIf Liéqlait, sd Plnu te help ,eU* rhef im;; by .epàm =J e u i d u a h g o d d " i u L T a L e vqutarl Do W iny Pila-ot6allà «mmu d»1 lavnt. ihy n«oy. 106 Dodd'sKidnoy Pills le*d and learu why experi. utra conifort of ii mr >al Agent for Illustrated hoolilet te inoration as ta feras, retur an eaper, the "Triangl*Rout,,'u also details of W.etward Ho aud ExperiIAcres. CanadaTour. peedy dlvery, send parceu by nadieu National Epress. Zaadin National EXpress eru for salety and aonrmenS. NAION[ AL ±~ JN CNAD I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAMVTTT il' fl1'J'I'ADTr~ THURSDAY, JUNE 22ND, 1939 f'r'p! - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIMI E: