- mu THE 1~CANAM SAflTTJO1A'ANc.Ç4BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FOUR "e- STATESMAN'S THRILLINIl BAI1.L EY' CHAPTER 1 gone throukb college and had some Sherwood Park is twelve miles months at an art school before the from Washington. Starting as a war came on. and that Jane, the somewbat rretentious snbnrb on the youngest. had a sense of thrif t. and main line of a railroad. it was an intensive experience in domestic blessed with easy accessibility until economy. encroachinoe trolleys swept the tide As 'f or the rest of hier. Jane was of settlement away f rom it. and left twenty, slender as a Florentine it hiRb and dry - its train service, page, and f arly pretty. Sl was in unable to compete with mod-ern mo- love with if e and liked to talk about tor vehicles. increasingly inefficient.. it. Young Baldwin said indeed, Proverty values, inevitably, de- with the frankness of a brother. that creascd. The littie suburb 4egener- Jane ran on like a babblinz brook. ated grew less fashionable. People She was "running on" this Nov- Who might have added social Juster ember morning, as she and yorung to its gatherings moved away. The Baldwin ate breakfast together. frame bouses. wich at first bad Jane always got the breakfast. amdé sucb a brave shawiig. be- Sophy. a capable Negro woman, came a bit down at the heel. came over later te help with the The Barnes cottage was saved housework. and to put the six o'clock from the universal lack of loveli- dinner on the table. But it was Jane ness by its simple lines, its white who started the percolator, poached paint and green blinds. Yet the the eqgs. and made the toast on the paint bad peeled in places. and the electric toaster, while yèùng Bald- concrete steps whicb f ollowed tbe win read the Washington Post. He fUe of the two terraces werg, crack- read bits ont loud when hie was in ad and worn. the mood. He was net always in the Old Baldwin Barnes had bought mood. and then Jane talked to him. bis bouse on the instalment plan, He did not always listen. but that and is children werc still paving made no difference. for it. Old Baldwin had succumbed Jane had namned the percolator to the deadly mcnotony of writing "'Philemel." because of its purling the same inscription on red slips harmonies. tbrougb thirty years cf faitbful ser- "Don't vou love it, Baldy ?" vice in the Pension Office, and had Hrbohr ihoeeeo h left the 4.'orld witb is debts behind papoter. wtingobsegraefonithe bim. "Lverwhat?" isgaefut He bad the, artistic temperament "PLoel.at" wbicb his son inheritcd. Julia was "Sillv stuff-"! lice bier mother wbo bad died two "t isn't. I like to hear it sing. years before bier busband. Mrs. "In my present mood 1 prefer a Rarnes1 had obeen unimaginative and hymn of bate." capable. It was because cf lber that She buttered a slice of tQast for Julia had married an architect. and bm "el fcus.yudfe was living in a snug apartment 'in h a. "Wel fcus.yudf Cbicago. that Baldwin junior bad "Who woîilin't ?" He took the toast fom ber, and bunied bimsehf in is paper. se Jane buttered another suice for bersehf and ate it in pro- testing silence - plus a poacbed egg, and a cup of ceffee rich with yellaw creain and m6~ch sugar. jane's thin- ness made sncb indulgence possible. "I simpiy love breakfast," she continned. "Las there anything yen don't love. Jancy ?" with a toucb of irritation. "Wbat?" ja St rengt h for the Future Hfere's sometbing yon eau be sure of : this youngster la getting off to, a good start ini life. The GIen Rue Milk h. drinks supplies calcium and ph<qsphorus tc build boues and teeth - the protein aide body growth and repair - the lactose is helpful in pr.venting digestive dis- turbances - and vitainins guard bis health. Serve it to, YOUR youngters 1 GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 20"5 1Dowumufvle Gu Ip1ea'*a Tires are sold and recomnaended bY: MeKEEVER & SBMT TonuspramS tfft Boanvll "v He 'on" * secins like a* cage. I sometinies lstared ait ber over the ýop of wonder wbat civilization "is. anm- sheet. 'Il like that l" bow. that we clip the wings cf eîW Il WTell, vcu won't taIk to me, yonng eagles. We take our boys d î I sn7t: My fanît if von hate and shut thcm np. and tbey part Or y. Ltfor freedom. Is that aIl that life is world." going to mean for Baldy - eight W' go, it isn't." He laid down the heurs a day - bchind bars?1 r. "But Il11 tell you this.. Janey. 'Iyct I arn trying to keep bim ait it Ar about tbronebh." until the bouse is paid for. I deîî't ie cangbt lber brcatb. then flungr know wbetbem I arn rigbt - but it's - "Oh yau're flot. Be a gaod ail we have - and botb cf us lave it. t, Bahdy. Tbings are bound .tO He hasn't been able latehy to work Tý lyour way if you wait." much at nigbt. he's dead tired. But le gave a short langb and rose. tbere's a vinze cf fer of a magazine T ,'isb I bad Yeur optimism." cover design, and I want him te T Iwisb von bad." . cempete. He says there isn't arnv TI 'ey f aced eacb other, looking use cf bis tmving to do anytbing un- the moment rather like twO Iess hie can zive al cf bis time te il. [ng cackerels. Jane's bobbed hair "0f course you've beard aIl this >hasizcd the boyisb cf fect cf lber before. but I hear it every day. And TI .ght. slim figure. Baldv tow-I k t ak tbings out. I inust net aeber bis black bai match - rte anather uine, deairest. And bers bi cya. oc atcing don't wcrv. Baldy will work like W y and ligbted-up. mdi h odsrkshm 1ne was the f irst to turn bier eves mad Itellmod trikEvs F leteT y. She looked ait the dlock. "i elyuta vn olteT u'll be late." -e grot bis bat and coat and came " ck to hiem. "I'mn a blamed sore I. Give me a kiss, Jane." . be gave it te hum, and clung te nf or a moment. "De0n't ferget Ni. brinz a*steak home for dinner." ,saIl she said. but hie was awarc N the caress cf those clinging [ers. A [was one cf bis grievances that- had te do the marketing - ene- Di id flot depend on Sbemwoed's sin- sminal store - se Baidy witb -as in bis head drove twice a ek ta the butcber's staîl in the T 1Center Market tei bring back T ps. or a porterbense. or a festive tlI maast.E He bad ne time for it in the mcmn-E rhowever. His littie car teckA iover the country mroais andA rogh the city streets and ianded ' , at the Patent Office at a quar- iIA c f nine. There. witb a haîf heur rlunch. lie worked until f ive - it 0 ane. left to henscîf. reàd the per. One beadline was rçepsational. le bride cf a fashionable wedding d been deserted ait the altan. The iegroom. bad -failed to appear. at L cchurch. The guests waiting un- tientiy in the pews bad been in- L med. f inally. that the ceremeny )uld be eostponed. Bbc 1.11 potguantly thé beauty of U B Newspapermen hunting for theE legmoom learned that hie had left and bis mother are to dine with us note for bis best man - and that on Thankszivingz Day? We ought to was on bis way to sontbern bave six izuests te make tbings go. ters. The bride could not be seen. But nobodv will fit in with the Fol- r uncle. who was also bier guard- lettes. Yen know why. sc I needn't- aand with whcrn sbe lived. bad explain.c ted tbat there was notbîng to, be "Kiss bath cf the balies fer me.c id. That was aIl. But society Fiigehrvui bns r oa s ntoo.DlfedSmswas Fiii te on hnsIa o son to anih ew YierkeSm He mnz te have a Christmas trce fer the ,e so of ric New orke. Hekitten. It's a gay if e, darling. s id bis bride were te bave spent "Ever vour own, eir bonevmocfl on bis yacht. Editb "ane." owne bad a f ortune to match bis. otb cf tbemn beicnged te old and The darkness bad corne by the stocratic fanhe. N oder time she bad finished lier letter. ople were talking. She cbanged bier f rock for a thin- rbere was a picture of Miss nier one, wrapped.' hersehf in an cld îwne. a tall, faim girl, in real lace, cape cf orange-bued choth. and went range blesscms. seed pearis-. eut te hock ne bier cbickens. She Pride was in every Iine of lber. bad fed them before she wrote bier ine's tender f ancv carried bier te hetter. bnt she always toek this hast iat first breathiess moment when hock te be sure tbey were safe. lbride had donned that gracions The shed wbeme the chickens weme wn and had surveyed berseif in kept was back cf the garage.. Wben le mirror. "How happy she mnst Jane opened the door. bier oid Per- ve been." Then the final shndder- sian cat. Merrymaid, came ont to ig catastrcphe. bier. and a puf f-baIllef a kitten. Sopby arr ived ait this moement, Jane snapved cn the liRhts in the nd Jane told bier about it. "She'hh cbicken-house and the biddies stirr- ver dare trust anybody, will she ?" cd. When she snapped t1ker off "Yo' kain't ever tell whnt a wcm- again. she heard tbemn settle back te ri wilh do. -Miss Janey. Effen she a sbehtered shumber. rstin' nature, she'lh trus' and trus, The kitteni danced abead of bier, id cf fen she ain' a trustin' nature, and the ohd cat danced toi, as the e wen't trus' nobow." wind whirhed bier great tait about. "But wbat do yen suppose made 'We won't go in the bouse - we m do it ?" won't go in the bouse," said Jane. "Nobody knows whut a mnan's in a sert cf conversatienal -chant, rîine do. wen it cornes to gzittin' as the pussies fohhowed hiem dnwn a amied." patb wbicb led through the pinles. "But ta leave hiem like that, Sopby. She often wahked at this boum - and sbould tbink she'd die." she hoved it best on nights like this. "Effen the Rood Lord let wornen She felt poignantly the beantv cf e w'en men 'ceived. thein,' Sophy it - the damk jvines and the litthe >ocairned witb a chuckle. "dere inoon above thein - the tng of thei ouidn't be a femahe hef' w'en-the wind at hiem choak hike a ictous play- ump sounded." Hem trav was pilcd mate. gbR with dishes, as she stood in the Baidv was net the enhy poet ini ning-mooma door. '" Does voQi-ahi the famiiv. but Jane's love cf beautv ant ride puddin' f o' dinnali, Miss was inarticulate. She wouhd neyer aney ?" be able te write it on paper or draw And there the snbject dropped. it witb a pencil. ut Jane thougbt a great deal about Down the Path she went. thie two tas she wvent on witbh ler womk. oussy-cats like smail sbadows in She tohd lber sister. Julia, about hiem wake. until snddenhy a voice twhen, laite that afternoon, she came eut of the dark. rote lier weekly hetter. 'Il believe it is littie Jane Barrnes!" "The worst of it must have been She stopped. "Oh. is that ycu, o bac hlem f aitb in things. I'd ratb- Evans? Isn't it a beaveniy nigbt?" ýbe Jane Barres witbeut any love "I'r nont sure." tf fair than Edith Towne with a love "Dcnt tahk that way.' iffaim like that. Bahdy tohd me the "Wby not?" ther day that I am net nnattnac- "Because an evening like this is ve! Can't you sec hum saying it? like wine - it goca te my head." .nd bie doesn't think me pmetty. Per- . "Yen are lîke wine," be told er. maps l'mne nt. But theme arc mc'- "Jane, how do yon do it ?" nents, Judy. wben I like mysef-! "Do wbat?" "Baidy neariy bad a fit ýwhen I -HoId the Pese of yontb and joy )ig talent, Judy,. and be i ust slaves hAIaiasfho e. Ynm âway at the aid office. He says1 sort cf a domestic Circle - witb Iat after those years in France. it yomr dogs and chiliens and pnssy- EW SERIý THURSDAY, JUNE 22ND, 1939 1'STARIS TO'DAT A PLEASANT JOURIEY T bave bad sncb a pleasant journey" Said orandmotber, as sbe lavy n ber tonch by the open window ti At tbe close cf a summer day. j 7hen tbe twiligbt was melting slowlY E Awav te the nigbt's embrace, h ,d a glow cf celestial beanty n Lav sof t on the dear old face. 9 b ave had such a pleasant joumney 1" She wbisriered again. so low f bat we knew sbe was busy tbinking i Of tbe days tbat were long agoz hougb worn wcre the aged f ingers, s And wcary the pilgrim f eet, v 'hc wav must have bad some V gladness.h Since tbe memorv was so swcet. t 'ough none cf ber loved compan- ions.a The f riends of ber early prime, ere near with tbeir recellections f And tokens of olden time, 'ougb the graves cf ber bopes and kin-dred t Were dotted along the past. It bas been sncb a pleasant 3ournev," She whispered, "f rom first te last 1" lver a word cf the briars Bv wbîcb ber f eet bad been tom;t lver a word cf the burdens , And trials that she bad b2rne; t rid neyer. tbrougbalý the journey. Had anv anc comiffng-nigb ber )tected tbe smell on ber Rarments Tbat told cf tbe furnace f ire I 'r tbe Lord bad been ever with ber. And given ber so mncb grace C 'bat the sorrows ber heart ba&d t suffered Had left on ber brow no trace. iccep)t the calm. peaceful shining His favor alone can impart. nd that rests like a benediction On those who are pure in bcart. ýnd those who bad beard the story 0f ber sad and eventful life, 1 )f the trouble tbat early Lound ber,' 0f the wearisome toil and strif e. Nere lost in a dream, cf wonder That sbe could so swcetly sa:y, E bave bad sncb a pleasant Iourneyl"1" At tbe clcsiniz boum of the dav. i Iis nat bv vears, tbongb tbreescort And ten o'er aur heads bave rolled, I5 fl ot on eamthly recorg4s The measure cf life is told; But thev bave iived best and noblcst, Who. gentle. and loving, and brave. Have made it a pleasant ieurney From the cradle unte tbe grave. Josephine Pollard cats in the' place cf tigers and lions and leopards. "I'd love te bave lived in Eden." said Jane. unexpectedly "before Eve and Adam sinned. What it must have meant to have aIl those great beasts miid-mannered and vurming under ycum band like tbis kitten. Wbat a dreadf nI tbiniz bappened, Evans. when fear came into the world." "Wbat makes you say that naw. Jane ? His veice was sharp. "Shouldn't I bave said it? Oh, Evans. yen can't tbînk I bad you n mind-"2 "No." witb a toncb cof weariness, 'but yen are the enly ane, meally. who knows wbat a coward I am-" "Evans vou're not." "You'me good tc sav it but that's wbat I came 'novcr for. I amn ne azainst it again. Jane. Sainç 'cous- ins are in frein New York - they're at the New Willamd - and Mother and I went in te sec tbema last night. bhey bave invited us te gzo back w'ith thein. They'.ve a bigr bouse east cf Fifth Avenue, and tbey want us as their guesta indefinitely. Tbey bink it wiil do me a lot cf good- zet ine ont cf myscîf. tbev caîl it. But I can't sec it. Since 1 carne homne - every time I tbink cf f acing eba o ceople" - again bis voice zew sharp - t'L'm clutched bv ,ometbiniz I can't describe. Lt is per- fectly unreasonable. but I can't belp it.', Fer a moment tbey waiked in silence, then he went on - "Motber's very keen about it. Sbe thinks it wiii set me np. But I want te staY- here - and I tbougbt if vou'd talk to ber, sbe'Ii listen te yen. Janv - she aiways dees." "Does she know bow yeu feel about it?" "Ne. 1 tbink net. I've neyer told hcm. L've eniv spilled --qver to von mew and then. It wonhd hurt Mother. no end te kncw how cbanged 1 am." Jane laid hem band cn bis arn. 'Yeu're net. Brace ne ohd dean. Yen amen't dead yet." As she lifted hem bead to look up at hum. the Imeod of ber cap) shipped back. and the wind blew ber seft. tbick bain against bis cbeek. "But L'i talk te vour mother if you want me to. She is a orreat darlingz.' Tbev bad reacbed the kitchen door. "Won't yau cerne in ?" Jane said. "Na. I've got te, get back. 1I oniv man over for a marnent. I have to have a daily sip cf yan. Jane." "Baldv's bmingingz a steak for din- ner. HelpD ns cat it." "Sermy, but Mother 'wonhd be ahane." "When shahl I talk to, ber?" "Tbere's ne hnmmy. The cousins are stayingz on for the opening cf1 Congresa. Jane dean. den't despise me-"' His veice broke. "Evans, as if I conld." Again ber band was on bis arni. -He laid bis cwn over it. "You're the best ever. JaneY," be said. bnsk- ily - and presently be went awav.' Jane. gemng in, found that Bahdy bad teiephened. "Hie kain't git here until seven," Sepby toid hem. "You bad better mun aleng bcrne," Jane told hem. "L'li cook the steak wben it cernes." Sophy was ohd and she was -timcd. Lîfe badn't been easy. The, Fon who was to have been the pmop of hem old age bad been kilhed in France. Thene was a dauizbtem's daugbter who bad zene north and who new and then sent rney. Oid Sopby did not know wheme ber gzranddaughtem got the rnoney. but it was good to bave it wben it came. But it was net enongb, seohod Sopby worked. "I bates to leave you bere ahone. Miss Janey." "Oh. mun alonsg. Sophy. Bahdy wih cerne befome I know it." Jane went throngzh the kitchen to the back daor. tbrowingr an aperais- ingz glance at the thinga in the warm- ing aven. and stcod waitingz on the tbresbeld. hngg!ng bhersehf in the kecnness of the wind. Pmesentlv ber brotbcm's taîl form was silboutted agzainst the silvery izray cf the nigbt. "J tbcnrbht yon were neyer con- ing."sbe said to hum. 'I thougzht so, toc." He bent and kissed ber: bis cbeek was cold as it teuched bers. 'Arcn'.t veu nearly f rozen? "No. Scrrv te be hate, hcncy. Get diner on the table and lI be 7ready-" "I'm afrâ.id things won't be very appetizing." she tehd hum; "tbey've sitiging. Jane drcw a cup of caffee, waited se long. But l'il cook the bot and strongc. and set it at ber steak-"ý brotber's- place. The violqU were Hie had gene on, and was beyond in the center cf the table, the data the sonnd cf ber vaice. She epeiied pnrring cn the bcarth. the fat parcel whicb be bad deposit- Jane loved ber little berne with cd on the kitchen table. She won- almoat passionate /intensity. She dered a bit at its size. But Baldy loved 'ta have Bahdy in a mcod like bad a wav cf binging home unex- thîs - thînga rmgbt once more wtb pected bargzains - a dozen.boxes of bis world. crackers - nnwiehdiy 'pounda of cof- She knew it was se by the ring cf f ce. bis voice. the coche of bis bead - But this was neither crackçers non bence ahe was flot in the îeast sur- cof fee. The bcx 'which waa' reveahed prised when be Ieaned forward un- bore the name of a fashienable flom- dem the old - f ashicned spmeading ist. Witbin were violets - single cnes darne whicb drencbed .bin 'witb - set cff by one perfect rcse and lixht. and said. "'ve sncb a lot te tied witb a silver ribben. telYen. Jane; tbe most amazing Jane gasped-tben aine wcnt te the (Centînued next week" door and called: Cotn'd exwek "Bahdy. wbeme's the steak?" He came tc the top, af the stairs. Ai'm at perfection ina every- "Great guns." he said, "I forget it l" ting, thougb mnrnost things it is Then be saw the violets in ber t!nattainabîe; bowever, they wbo banda. iaugbcd and carne down a aim at it, and persevere, will stcp) or twe. "I sehd a hoaf cf bread corne much nearer to it, than and bongzht-whitc hvacinths-" those whose lazinessand despond- "Tbeyrc hcavenly !" Hem glance ency make thern give it up as un- swcpt np te hin. "Peace cf fering ?" attainable."-Chestei'field. There were gay spanka in bis __________________ eyc. "We'll cal it that." She bhew a kisa te hum fren the tîpa cf hem f ingers. *They are per- fecthy sweet. And we cao bave an omelette.' Onîy if we cat any more eggs. we'l be f Iapping aur wings." 3 "I don't cane what we bave. 1I31 , Hewn bc p h.stairs, aug- on uuauoe eTss ing. Ceefitul Jane. breaking eggs inte a bowh. meditated cn the nnchalance of men. She rneditated. toc. on the A légal lavesment for imystcry cf Baldys mcod. The flIow- Trust Funds f crs were evidence of bigb exalta- tien. He did pot often lend hum- UnçonditionaIIy Guaraaîeed self te sncb extravagance. ______ He carne dcwn prcsent ly and bclpcd carry in tbe bchated dinner.TH tThe' patatoca hay ike witbemed eaves . in a silver disb. the conbread was ST £5KLINlC TIRUSI a wrinkled wreck, the pudding aCO ORT N Ètravesty. Only Jane'a orn'lette andCOPRT N !a lettuce aalad bad escaped the bligbt cf delay. STERIIIITOWM TORONT r Then. too. there waa Phiomel, For Complete Information Write to Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., New Toronto, Ont. t j E14TERTAINER Seoute RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatie e n t e r- tainer, fer your next entertain- ment. Ilustrated circular free.1 Addreas 62b Crawford Street, Toronto. t; . '. -. 1 t Don't wait until winter. BUY NOW. Low Summr Prices on Iblue coal',ithe woild's finest anthract, Save you money on .v.ry ton. phono us todoy. Sheppard & Giui Lumber Co. Mt. Phone 715 Dowmanvine u- 16 i eoale-