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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JUNE 22ND, 1939 Burketon- A number from here attended the Decoration Day service at Blackstack Sunday. ouel '*,Association entertain- ehu sbands Thursday even- ing at home of Mi. and Mrs. N. T. Plans were made for dtI ,a social. .Msses Betty offfldndRuby Bailey gave read- ROYAL ITHEATRE BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fni. - Sat. JUNE 22 -23 -24 - Amd - J.. F. Brmwn Il 'FIirting With Fate' Natinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JUNE 26 -27 -28 it' WRTE îahFLRENCICEO MINA BEIREL UN ROTNERFOI KENI IAYLOU muSaNTEBUN ]Rat Levibe Short Selected Subjeota Mâtine« Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. - I vAb. - - - 20C, lb. 19e a. oh.- - - 39C~ Phono 867 - 8sa lng., and alsa music. Luncb was served and a vote of thanks ex- tended to the hostess. Mrs. C. Sanderson is getting along nioely. "Sewlng Pals" of the "'Cottons May Be Smart Projeet" met at the home of Mis. Francis Swain, with 14 present. Roll eaUl was answered with IlTrimmings I have chosen."l A letter was read from Miss Eadie. Plans weilodiscussed for program ta be ,:ýgi#àn at next Institute meeting.- ySewing Pals. Next meet-nghé hall, June 29.' Our regular Sunday Schaol and Churcb services were held Sun- day morning. Recent Visitors: Mr. T. Breck, Toronto, at bis home. . . Messrs. N. Avery and R. Taylor, Einfield, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Moffat..- Mr. and Mis. Wm. Haskin, Bow- manville, Miss Elaine Ormistan, Bobcaygeon, with Mi. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin... Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackleton, Elwood and Keith, Zion, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wil- son. . , Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hos- kin and family attended Kedron anniversary on Sunday. . . Mrs. Wm. Rahm, June and Biily, and Mr. Harold Wilson, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mrs. A. Wilson., Tyrone Recent Visitors: Mrs. W. Minard and Mrs. G. Minard. Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Brooks and Floyd, Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks. Miss Janet Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bain. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Trewîn. Bowmanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryant and Mrs. Wyatt. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Lit- tle. Dianne and Jimmie and Mrs. J. St. Andrews. Oshawa, at Mr. R. McCullough's. Mrs. Reg. Elliott, Kendaj w~itb Mrs. Gussie Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, Miss Catherine and Master l3ruce MacDonald in campany with tbeir cousin. Mr. Fred Burney witb re- latives in Cobourg. Mrs. Wm. Bradd and Master Bul- lie. Toronto. witb Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dudley. -Mr. and Mrs. S. Hodgsob and iamily, Nestleton, Mr. Don Tbomp- son. Columbus. witb Mr. and Mrs. Les. Tbompson. Mrs. Wm. Henderson, Bowman- ville. with ber sister. Mns. A. W. Annis. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Arnold. T3- ranta. visited ber mother Mrs. Wm. Hugbson. Mary and Arnold returned home aiter visiting ber grand- mother. Mr. Gerald Bradd and Mr. Wm. Bradd., Toronto, ai Mr. las. Dud - le's. Deputy-Reeve A. W. Annîs at- tended Caunty Council at Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens and familv. Mount Pleasant. at Mr. W. Taylor's. Miss Mvrtle Brooks and Mr. Les- lie Sleigbt. Toronto, ai Mr. Leslie Brooks'. Mns. Archie Virtue was in Toronto an Mondav owing ta the seriaus Pll- ness af ber sister. Miss Reta Carr wbo is Toronto General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Beckett, Bow- manville. ai Mrs. Laura Virtue'5. Mr. Wesley Taylor and Allyn with lriends ai Sutton. A number f rom here attended the Drunibead service at Orono. Pupils ai Tyrane scbool played a zamne of soitbal with Long Sault pupils at the latter place Jupe 15th. Score 42-38 in favor ai Tyrone. Mîssionary Progran aaiSunday Scbool witb Supt. Mrs. D. Parks in charge. wvas as follows: story for the cildren by Mrs. A. Hilîs; study ai Africa. Firsi Canadian Mission- arv. T. Currie by Mrs. D. Parles; solo by Mrs. Thea. Down accam- nanied by Mrs. R, Virtue. Repart ai the work as given at the conference in Kingston by Mr. A. W. Annis. Many a good saior bas been wrecked on the sea of matriniony. "Not failure, but low aim, is crine.-J. R. Lowell. Corner Store SpecialsI GROCER (500 sheets) Fresh Vegetables Fish For Friday 19C Bowmanville Solina Recent Vi sitars: Miss Lillie Dobson, Oakwaad, is visiting ber cousin. Mrs. Isaac Hardy. Mr. Will Ellis,. Bowmanville. spent the weekend at Mr. Chas. Blan- chards. Mi~ss Lena Taylor. R.N., Bownian- ville. spent the weekend dt, %gr. E. R. Taylor's.;1 Mr. Geo. Hogarth. BA~>., Toronto, is suendingz the summner witb bis sisters'. Miss Mary Hogq;rth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Mr. Russel Balson. Part Perry, ai home. Messrs Thos. and Frank Jones, Souris. Man.. Mr. Bob Robinson, Ashburn. Mr. Luther Hancock af Hamilton, Miss Mina Hancock, To- ranto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard. Mrs. Harry Stinson. Miss Vera and Mr. Norman. Enfield. Mrs. L. Williams. Toronto. Mrs. H. Purdy and son. Hardy Jr., Larder Lake, ai Mr. Narval Watten's. Mr. Roscoe Baker. St. Marys. spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Hume and Miss Mary, Baw- manville. Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Osbawa ai Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke. Kedron, ai Mr. S. E. Werry 'S. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder and Evelyn at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Part Perrv. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard attended the funeral af Mr.s. John Ashton in Taronto Wednesday. A number from bere attended the Pascoe family re-unian at Hampton Park which is reported in another column. Mrs. Frank Law. Mrs. Clifaord Peters. Mrs. Annan. Mr. and Mrs. Jae Watson, Messrs Chas. and Richie Watsan. Mr. and Mrs. las. White. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley White and Donald. Toronto, Mr. Malcolm Lawv. Cherrywood. Miss Brummel, Whiîby, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mîcheal. Mr. John Micheal and i riend and Master David. Disney. O-sbawa, at RMr. Gea.. Whiie's. Mr. E. R. Taylor had a succes- fuI raisinze on Saturday puttingr a bit) roof on bis barn. Missianary pragram Sunday marn- ing was in charge oi Mrs. Jack Yel- lowlees wbo read a chapter from the stucly book. Miss Pearl Leach fav- ored witb a vocal sala. At the church service Rev. Bury ai Janetville. oc- cuvied the pulpit and gav*e an ex- cellent sermon, îaking for bis subiect "Why not try God ?" Mr. George Werrv sang a solo verv acçeptably. Courtice The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended ta Mrs. Tbomas Kinsman in the death of her nia- ther, Mrs. M. Burns, Bowman- ville. Congratulations and best wish- es are extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown, nee Florence Wil- kins, on their marriage. Botb the girls' and boys' soft- bail teams froni here won the games played at Bethany on Sat- urday, while the football team, at Courtice, also carried off the honors, the score 2-0. Sunday School Executive met recently when it was decided to hold the annual picnic on or about July 8th, alongside the creek on the property of Mr. Cecil Adams. Miss Madeline Tooley was host- ess Wednesday evening ta the members of the Mission Circle of Ebenezer. Sunbeam Mission Band held a picnic an the schaol grounds. The Junior group was in charge of the short prograni. A nuzaber of par- ents and ex-members were pres- ent. Sports committee bad ar- ranged these items: running races for ail;. walking race for the la- dies; a sack race; three legged races; a relay race and a wheel- barrow race. A baIl game was enjayed by the seniors,- boys vs girls, and the smaller children played ganies. A pîcnic lunch with .orangeade was served by the leaders, assisted by the ladies. Local improvements include: Repamnting and reshingling of Jack Smith's bouse; enlargmng the stone building on the property lately purchased by Eric E. Lilley into a serviceable barn; the tear- ing down of one of the barns on, the property occupied by L. Bar- rabaîl, and the building of sev- eral small outhouses that will be part of the piggery planned on this farni; the painting of Mrs. B. Cochrane's bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber have moved ta Mrs. A. Allen's W. Have the Giftm for H'er See Our, Speciala Silver Pieceau o Glass and China Dlnnerware, open stock - Pletures - Pottery Lluens. Sumimer Reading 100 new tities iust recelved ln "Pengulu" and "Pelilan" books at 20e .ach The beat of readiug for the least money - Fiction, Mystery, Crime, Travel, and Hunsor. Je W. Jewel' Flo-glaze Dealer Phone 556 llowmanville DISTRICT MANAGER Recent Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baulcb. Mrs. Belle Reaves. Jim- mie and Ruth, Port Hope, were visitors an Fatber's Day with Mr. C. J. Kerslake. .. Mr. Ewanrt Creeper and sorn. Mr. Jack Creeper. wbo bas been visitinq ber aunt, Mrs. J. Cal- well, Jr.. returned home witJi them. Mrs. Colwill accompanied them ta Owen Sound. .. Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Robinson and iamily visited ber mother near Millbrook. . . Mr. and_ Mrs. Will Heard. Whitby. visited Mr. and Mns. T. Wray and attend- ed their 25tb wedding anniversary celebration an Saturday. .. Mrs. J. G. Burns. Mrs. G. Adcock apd An- nabel visited friends at anetville.. Mr. Clarence Woodley and Master Jimmie visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman. .. Mr. Chas. Jqhns and daugbters visited relatives in Peere bora. .. Dr. W. R. HornL Part Ho-lpe. visited bis moiber wbo is ili witb pleurisy. .. Mr. H. Winter- burn. Toronto. at H. Hlwell's.. Miss essie Hogarth. Bowmanyile, visited ai home. .. Mrs. K. \Vinten- burn visited friends in Bowmanville. ..Mrs. . Bennett, Bowmanville, visited relatives. Rev. Drury ai Janeiville,. preach- ed acceptablv on Sundajv evening takinz for bis theme: "Wby Not Try God ?" Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mutton attend- ed the graduation. ai bis sister. Miss Mary Mutton, R.N., Oshawa. We congratulate Miss Doreen Per- reti on beingz engaged as teaçber for Kendal scbaol. Weddingz belîs are ringing in aur communitv. Hampton Anniversary Services wilI be held on Sunday at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p).m. witb Rev. C. L. Dickinson ai Toronto. as the special speaker. Special music by the school assisted bva soloist from Peterboro. Congratulations ta Mrs. R. Kat- erson who celebraîed ber 9Oîb birtb- day on June 2lst. A pleasing event was held an Sat- urdav eveninz. July 17tb. in the park where a picnic supper bad been plan- ned it beinz the occasion ai the 25tb weddinct anniversarv af Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. About tbirty in aIl, includinR relatives and a few close neigbbors bad gathered ta spend a few bours wiib tbem in a social way and ta aller congratulations. After aIl had partaken ai a splendid repasi Rev. W. Rackbam in a fe\v well chosen words made known the pur- pose af the gathering and called on Mrs. W. G Doidge ta read a iew appropniate lines; and Misses Acy Norn. Eileen Wray and. Jean An- thistle presented Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray witb two occasianal chairs. and a gitai silverware. Mr. and Mrs. Wrav expressed ibeir tbanks and appreciation. it being a complete surprise ta ibem. Canigraitulatory speeches were oiiered by a numben ai iriends present. Salem Severai from here attended ai1i versary services at Long Sault aànd Maple Grove Sunday and the regular service here was withdrawn as was the S. S. Y.P.U. meeting june 17th opened with the President in the chair. Pro- gram in charge Of Mr. E. Doidge included: bible readiniz bv the lead- er; topic given in sections b3, Miss J. Newman. Mrs. L. Squair, Mrs. L. Richards and Mr. W. Taylor. piano solo. Miss M. Collacutt; violin 5ejec- tion. Mr. C. Collacut; reading, Mrs. F. Cator. Missionary collection wvas taken up). Attendance 15. .iss B. Cator i5 in Toronto Hos- pital havinz undergonle an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. R. Francess is quite ilI with erysilpelas. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator anid son. Toronto. called on his iparents, Sun- day and in company wîth them at- tended Mattle Grave Anniversarv. "Bouncing Baby Is Born in To- ronto Street Car"ý-news heading, Or should it read that a baby was borninl a bounclng Toronto strget Beacon-Herald.' Enniskillen' Receni Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin at Mr. S. Mafat's. Nesîle- ton. and attended anniversary services and Decoration service at Black- sok... Mrs. Mabel RoFan, Miss Annie and Richard at Mr. W. Camp- beIl's. Nestleton. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Page, Toronto. at Mrs. E. Page's'.. Mrs. J. Stone's, Columbus. Mr. W. Ashton. Olds. Alberta, with Mrs. Thos. McGill.. . Mrs. Qsborue. Miss May and Mr. E. Osborne-and the Misses Virtue, Toronto, guests af Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Harding..~. Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard and ýlin with Woodville and CanninRton frn- ends. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. j.5.lemon, Toronto. with Mn. and 'Mrs. H. Annis. .. Mrs. Win. Chester. Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Redknapp and Alred. Mrs. Win. Whittaker. Mrs. W. C. Lane. Miss Mary Lane, New- tonville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lenty and Bobbv. Port Hope, Mrs Wm; Sheppard. Zion. at Mr. S. Pethick's. ..Mr. Bungess, Miss Mgrris, Mrs. Greamone. Orono. at Mr. J. Mc- Gibbs'. .. Miss Freda Hugtes and Mn. Frank Lovett. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McPherIson, Mrs. W. J. Hughes. Mns. Frank Taylor and Miss Nora Devlin. Carleton Place, wîth Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Austin.. Mrs. R. Ashton. Miss B. Wickett. OIds. Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. W. Columbus. and Mr. Wesley Ashton. Virtue. Tyrone. at Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton's... Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto. with her mother. Mrs. A. Virtue. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Tyers, Toronto. at T. M. Slemon's. We welcome ta aur village Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Harding who have vurchased the Miss M. E. Virtpie estate and have had it remodelled. The "Miss Simplicity" Sewing Circle met at Miss Alice Ashtpn's whben ten vaungz ladies were present. Rev. A. W. March preached here Sunday eveningz. as Rev. H. Lackey took annivensary services at Long Sault. W.M.S. met June lStb at the home af Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin. with Haydon W.A. as -guests. President Mrs. H. McGill presided. Mrs. Ai- f leck ai Oshawa, was introduced by Mrs. M. Hobbs and spoke on "The Price ai Peace" ta about 50 attentive ladies. Her address was rnost in- terestîng and belpiul. A splendid program was iresented by Mrs. S. Trewin's group, prayer by Mr. Manch. scripture by Mrs. J. A. Werry, Mrs. W. Staintan. Mrs. E. Page. Mrs. C. J. Austin. and prayen by Mrs. R. Ormiston; piano sala by Mrs. R. Gardon; vocal duet by Misses Audrey Tbompson and May Trewin: vocal sala by Mrs. L. Ash- tan; piano solo by Mrs. C. Cross- man. A social time was su)ent and a dainty lunch served. Those wbo have relatives buried in the aId Anglican Cburcb Cemetery. east of Enniskillen. will be pleased ta learn that the grounds are under- going a thorougb renavatingz proress. Neibbors. iniends and relatives are ai lenig their services masi willing- lv and already several successlul bees have been beld. The stanes are being careiully piaced in onie square together and everything will soen be A' in readiness for thie erection af a new fence, the corner vosts and bzaces of which ai-e already cemented in place. Mr. Herb Orchard, Mr. an3 Mrs. Herb Lodîngz. Miss Reah and Mr. Kenneth Loding. Applegate, Mich., visited the former's brother. Mr. Frank Orchard and niece. Mrs. Mil- ton Stainton. Mrs. Fred Heddon and Miss Lois Heddon. Columbus. Mr. Kenneth Heddon. Kitchener visited the form- er's uncle. Mr. Frank Orchar.d. Blackstock Miss Eva Parr and Mis. Robt. Parr attended the Bell Telephane convention in Windsor and visited frîends in Detroit. Visitors: Mi. and Mis. Arthur Bailey and Mi. and Mis. W. A. VanCamp with Mi. and Mis. Nor- ton VanCamp at Listowel... Miss Lulu Wright and Miss Dorathy Fainit, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. Osmond Wright.. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fitchette, Millbrook, with friends. . . Mi. and Mis. Cecil Hyde and Patsy, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. Ira Argue. . . Mr. and Mis. James Moody, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mis. Chas. Venning. ..Mi. and Mis. Leslie Mountjay and Mis. Alfred Henry with Mis. Annie Franks at Peterboro.... Mrs. Harrison, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mis. O0. V. Shaw. Mi. and Mis. Albert Wright were honoured on theik 25th wed- ding anniversary June l7th by re- latives who gathered at their home. Mi. Carl Wright was chair- man. Recitations were given by Keith VanCamp, Edith Wright, Lola Stinson and Merle VanCamp. Pearl, Kathleen and Darothy Wright entertamned with selections an violin and piano. Mis. Percy VanCamp read an address and Mr. Osmond Wright presented a beau- tiful tri-light floor lamp ta Mr. and Mis. Albert Wright who thanked the gathering very kind- ly. The remainder of the happy evenmng was spent in games and lunch. June 15th St. John's W. A. met at the home of Mis. Jas. Farder, Nestîcton. The rail eaUl was ans- wered with a bit of history of the Anglican church and many inter- esting facts were disclosed. W. A. decicied ta assist the A.Y.P.A. in a festival. Mis. Fred Haniilton, who had charge of the program, conducted "Treasure Trail" ques- tions and answers, which was greatly enjoyed. United Cburch W.M.S. met at the home of Mis. A, Johinston on June 14th. Mis. H. J. Bell took the bible study. Prograni was in charge of Mis. Johnston's group. Mis. J. Eiliott gave a reading. Piano duet by Mrs. Jabez Wright and Miss Evelyn Sanderson was enjayed. Mis. Russel Mountjoy took chapter 3, "The Church Reaches Out" from the study book. Mrs. Earl Dorreil read a letter from the Dominion Presi- dent, Mrs. Forbes. An address was read by Mrs. Jabez Wright, and Mis. Jno. Jobb presenfed Mrs. Bell with a lavely quilt, the "dah- lia pattern" for ber valued ser- LADIES' COTTON 1 BOUCLE PULLO VERS Sultable for wear wlth dressy ciothes as weil as slacks and shorts. Smart pastel shades. LADIES' PULL FABHIONED CHIFFON SILIK ROSE Rlungless - sllk to top - ail newest shades for suimmer. ATTRACTIVE ALL WOOL LADIES' BATHINO SUITS lu one or two plece styles . . Plain or fancy weaves .. with %& akirti or sklrt- less . . "Bra" tops and novelty back straps. $1.49op -u.2.989 INFANTS' KNITTED COTTON suNf SUITS - DIATEIO SUITS and 250. LADIES' 2-PIECE COWLING SELLS THE BK6T And Serves You Well We will deliver City Dairy Ic. Cream or Soft Drinks immediately miter cmli. 13PECIAL TRIS WEEK 115o Hollywood Wave Sotý 200 Velvetta 10o Curloomb Cluming Tissues Bath for 9c 20C REE 1 large Glass Tumbler wlth F E 1 lb. English Health Sait 39 Chase 's NERVE F00» 49e Glant KRUSCHEN: 69C Bile BEANS 47e FAMIýLY» SIZI 7qc VACUUM lop,- AV - BOTTLES __________ 29C SPECIALL PRICES Dodd's PlUs 27c SUN Fellow's Syrup 87o GLASSES 100 A.S.A. Tabs. 19o ,i Lb. Absorbent 29o lr5 - 1.25 100 A.B.S.&C. --------9c Wampoils GRAPE SALT 50 -1.00 Tat ANT TRAPS SAJ, HEPATICA 30c 59 -1.15 Bathiug CAPS 19C - 79e AR» CREAM 39e - 59e NOVA KEL? TÂBLETS Are Guaranteed To Prevent Ray ]Pever Throe six. .......... 79C - $1.39 - $2.79 We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses to Tour Entire Satisfaction lu Fit, Quallty, Style and Price. "'«P. R. LPUWLIN DkPmDB vices, ta the W.M.S. Decoration Services were held on Sunday with Rev. E. P. Wood in charge. Beautiful flowers were placed at Uic Cenotaph by variaus organizations and the different cemeteries visited. Brown:s. Recent Visitors: Mrs. Eîdswartb Caswelî and iam- ily. Newtonvilîe. witb Mr. and Mrs. Cliii Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham at Mr. and Mrs. Annsely Richards' in, Toronto. Misses Wylma Farrow, JTeen Per- rin. Audrev Brown and Ethel Simp)- son and Messrs Bill Morley, Ray Brown and Sid Brown attended the Field Day at Bethany. Miss Audrey Brown pîayed on the Nçwcastle Girls' Sofibal team. Miss Laura Crokiord with ber Parents ai Bnacebridge. Mrs. Roy Branch, Mn. à.nd 14rs. C. Turner and Sam, Mr. Melvin Graham in Lindsay. Mns. Geo. Stephenson attended a recipe sbower fan Miss'Norma I5ick- insan ai tbe home ai Mn. and Mrs. Ross Dickinson. Newcastle. Mrs. Winnie Wonnacott and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Tona Woodîock and Dougzlas witb Mrs. J. Brown and Archie. Better a wamnan wb rosy [cheeks than a mani w! t'a rosy nase. M MEN'S SHOWERPROOF SPORT WINDDREAER wlth ful iength zipper fasteners. Ail new summner shades. $3.95 value. MEN'S PRE-SHRUNK SLCKS. of llghtwelght washable outlng serge. Neat checks - sporty stripes - cream and white grolunds. Cool and easlly laundered. $61.79_ MEN'S ALL WOOL SWIM TRUNES wlths half bltch white beit. Built lu support. 8018tSAXE QUALITI 79 MENS TAN BARGE *SHOE wlth extra hgavy crepe rubber soles and solld leather insoles. .62d4,9 ISPECIAL VALUE IN BOYS' PLAT SUITS - SLACHS - SHORTS1 ALL WOOL FAIMERETTES and brlght Sport Shirts. .9Sp c , GIlET FANNfEL LONGS Fîve pockets - belt loops - sizes 28 to 32. 61.159 SUMMER S. PO R T WEAR IN GROCERIES A ]Real Buy - Pure Lard ................. 2 Ibs. Dr. PhlUlps' Grapefruit Juice 18 oz. lOC - 47 oz. 29e Dole Pineapple Juice, 71/'oz ....... 3 for 25c 12 oz ....... 2for 25e 26 oz. -tin 23e - 46 oz. tin40 Tea, black.......... 1/21b. 34e - lb. 68c Our OwB Orange Pekoe Tea.............. lb. 65e EVERY POUND GUAERANTEED - CUF AND SAUCER FREE Dr. PhilhIp' Blended Orange - Grapefruit Juice .... 2 for 25e Ahylmer - Bread and Butter style Wafer Pickles............. Ige. jar 20e Aylmer Catsup Ise5 1? Kleenex 2 boxes- 25c Lge. box- 29e RAjRY ALLIN HEADOUARTERS FOR SUMMER SPORTSWEAR THE ARCADE THURSDAY, JUNE 22ND, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Gordon F. Osborne The Empire Life Insuranoe dom- pany wishes ta announce the ap- pointment of Mr. Gardon F. Os- borne as Manager of the Oshawa district and is makmng his 'head- quhrters in Bowmanville. Mr. Osborne has had marked success in his chosen profession and bis many friends wigl be pleased ta hear of his well deserved promo- tion. bouse near Maple Grave. Master Glenn Reynolds bas been under medical care. Miss Madeline Richards and Mr. Wm. McAdams, Oshawa, visited ber uncle, Mr. Wm. Stacey.. Mrs. Jobn Carswell, Manitoba, and Mrs. Pooley, Bowmanvifle, visited ber cousin, Mrs. Robert Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young and daughters, Toronto, and Mrs. Hol- brook, Oshawa, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antil. Hampton

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