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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 22ND, 1939 SPORTNEWS Cobourg Juniors Trim Royals 7-4 la Lakesbiore Game Last Wecl. Caigfour ýruns acrosa the ed with a single and then after plaena hectic third innin, tIe two were retired, Roacli scratched Cobourg Juniors went intaa ed a -hit to the shortstap and Coi- they neyer rellqise as they ville iaced a double ta deep lef t trounced -the Bo Mvle Royals centre. 7 ta 4 in a Lakeahore League One more run was added in the game here last niglit. sixth when Slemon and Osborne Aithougli the Royals collected got infieid lits and Neal dropped thse sanie number of bits as their a single inta short riglit. The yaung r pponents, they failed to final run was counted in the sev- u e tIl te sanie advantage. enth as Roadli got a life on an Max Smth tossed up a round- error and Coiville shot his triple hause that fooled eight of thc ta deep centre field. Bowmanviile batters and Hooper ber. struck out the same number of Cobourg 104 002 0 -7 10 2 Cobourgites. a Rownsanviile 00f2 001 1-4 10 3 OnIy Alex Colville and Dave Batteries: Cobourg - Smith and Osborne, who covered the short- Zealand; Bowmanville - Hooper, sOP tèrritor like thc dew covers Nichais and Rickard. Dixie, were able ta garner more tan anc lit off the elusive serves of Smith. Colville lad a double Local Goodyeàrs and triple in four trips and drove LB oTrnoU in haif of thc Bowmanville runs. Ls oT rnoI The Cobourg -teani presented a Double 'Header sparkling brand of bal and in- stead bf appearing aWed at being The Bawmanville Goodyear lost a i thc company of Uic exaited, pair of tougbh decisions ta 'the To- they seemed ta revel in it. In fact ronto Branch an Saturday wben they we sametimea wondered which drapped bath ends of a double- teani was suppoaed ta be Inter- header 10-9 and 8-7, tihe games being niediate and which Junior. pîlaved in New Toronto. Singles by Lucas and Bateman It was arRinally planned ta play with a stalen base thiown in pro- onlv a single Rame but because the moted a run across Uic plate in first one was campleted in ssjch fast Uic opening stanza for Uic. sur- tume. the twa teams mutually agreed Prisn Juniors. Four more came ta pflay a seven inniniz affair as weil. in ni Uic third. Catcher Zeaiand A run in thse last haîf of thse nintis apened wli a single and Bateman decided the first tussie w&hile thse drew a walk but was snuffed outBa anilbossadatarn In a fat double play. Wilkins, rowailn tise bssentareai the ai- Mitchell and Woods then hit and alintesvthfm otea- pitcher Smith put his game on ter piece ta came within one rup af ice with a rousing double, tyig the caunt. Cobourg's other two runs came AI Osbarne pitched bath gaines in th sixh fra onsingles by fer the lacals. givinR up a dozen bits Wgodls and Zealand and twvo er- in the anener and nine more in tise rors. second haif of tise double feature. Bowmanville crashed Uic scar- Bowrnanvîlle made tiseir iits caunit nig colûnin with a pair of talles in bath gaines as they anly made six in Uic third inning. Nichais open- ini the f irst izare and two more in ~' r-P ..teeth kept bright end attractive with the help of WRIGLEY'S GUM. L 'jfGEl SOME TODAYI tnc second. Osborne cou nia est ta belp bhis cause by getting fîve ai tise iits. Bill Oke had a double end boni- en in tise finst encaunter and a triple in tise second ta take down the distance isonours. An opening inningr bit ai wiidness by Osborne gave tise Toronto team e tisree nun stant and they added two in tise fountis. two in tise sixtb and singletons in tise lest tisnee cbukkers. Bowmanville twice tied tise count. getting tisree nuns in tise tiird an twa waiks and Oke's round tnippen, anc in tise seventis end f ive in tise eigisti. In tisis f rame, Colwell foi- lowed a walk ta Piper and e bit by Osborne with a home run. Thnee errons produced tise fourtis apd fiiiti tallies ai tiss nlly. In tise second tussie tise loalaI mb- beninen raced intoa etisnee-nun lead witis Osborne pnoducing a thnce-nun circuit claut. Haweven tise Toronto ganz made four runs in tise second ta tic tise score. anc in tise fourtis, dittoed in tise f iftis and finisised with two in tise sixtis. A double by Cunninghsam scared Piper in tise second and tise latter tripled tise score wisen Moncneft bit in tise. sixtis. A triple by Oke and infield iits bv Osbonne and *Hoopen plus an ernon menuiectuned the final twa nons fan Bowmenville in thse seventis and Hoopen wes Qn second wisen tise lest man wes tbnown jout. In twenty-aeven innings f aillube- tWeen tisese twa tearn tisere was bast anecrnnin ecisgarne diii enence. Bawmanville 003 000 15q-- 9 6 6 Toronto 300 20Z 111-10 12 3 Second gamne: Bowrnenviiîe 310 001 2-7 8 2 Toronto 040 112 X-8 9 0 With Uic exception of clocolate carameis Uicr's nathing swecten ta a girl Uian iovc's young drcam. SPECIAL! DESSERT 2 PHARE NUGTT-b25 SIALFMON ES25 WUT Purro 2 -,1 7c UoAPFrLAKre s -tw29c SIIRRIWF'5 GCO MORNING 9 MMRNAADE.% SPECIALI CNASE & SANDORN 16 corral m me35Bc MAUOT 21 INUET iwW NOBWGIAN 0.011TOTR SADIEN'~:lot Salmon Plomb CAMTELOPgES... TMW NOIACK FLEISCHMANN'S TEAST * CAKE .each 15Ç snow Whue t CAUFOWWS....head Lads From The South Defeat WhIte Rose B. H. 5. ATHLETES QUALIFY FOR CAMP As a resuit af a track meet held in Port Pcnry May 20Ui, Uic fol- iowing athîctes frani Bowman- ville HigI Sclaal have Uic pnivi- lege of attending Uic Ontario Ath- lctic Cammission Camp et Lake Couchiching: Miss Mary Emmett, Jr., Murray Grant, Jr., Bill Brown, Sr., andi Don Masan, Sr. Junior ginls' camp will bo belti the firat two wecks in July; junior baya' camp the lest twa weeka of July, and tihe senior boys' camp thc lest twa weeks in Auguat. B. H. S. Principal Io New President Track Association Principal L. W. Dîppeli waa ciected thc new presîdent of thec Intcr-Sclooi Tnack Association et( e meeting heid in Whitby Highi Scisool on Saturday. Mr. E. Mcé-i Lelland, Port Penny, wes eiccted Vice Pncsidcnt, wbile Mn. G. C. Calmer was eppointcd Secrctery-% Treasuner.S Thc inten-achool track meet will1 bo helti in Bowmanville an Sep-I temben 20, when BowmanvIlllc,a Uxbridge, Port Penny and Wliitby l Higl Scloois wlll compete. ' 1Games of the Week 1 "GO PLACES FOR,," On H.ctlc Climax Aiten two weeks of nathen dismel bail. Souths Ward eand White Rase steged tise best gaine ai the vear an Mondev night when the Soutis Wand snsothered a thneetening lest inning uprisiniz by tise White Rase ta teke the banaurs by a 5 ta 4 score. Whetiser it wes the f açt tiset thse South Ward are ta, be garbed in Pepsi Cala sweaters or bast thet bath meains thaugbt it was tume the fans saw a goad game. thse resuit was the saine. Eech squad collected _kven hits wbile Semple whififed fine ta a pair by Brown. On the other hand Brown anlv gave up anc walk to four bv Semple. White Rose committed tisree errons and South Ward two. It must be the weathen. White Rose had picked up a tisree run lead bv tise second inninR but last it ail in tise tiid as Brown exoerienced bis anc bad frenie. A streak ai wildness an thse part ai Joisnnv Semple Rave tise Oilens tiscir f irst score, as he gave up tisree pass- es in the initial stanza. Sempe stnuck out these ide in tise second round but an infield bit by W. Mutton epid a four fflv swat by Bagnell were mixed in for two runs. Bobbv Bates apened tise Pepsi Coliens third witis a borner, Little and Piper followed with bits and bath scored wisen Bird let, Piper'si drive go tisrougis him. A single byi J. Cowle and three wild pitches gave tise Soutis Wand a lead in tbe fountis and tisev sconcd tiseir winningz run in the f iftis on an error eften two were out and a single by Halîman.. White Rase went down thse bard wav as tisev scored once in the sixth and ised a runner on third with onlv ane out in the lest inning. but ta no aveu. An enror. twa outs and a safe bunt bv Brown pronelled tise run acrass for thse Service Men in the sixth. Line-ups: Soutis Wend-Bates and G. Cowle. c; Little, cf; ]Piper, 3b; Dunlop. 2b:- Osborne. ss: Moore, if; Halimen, Ilb; J. Cowle. rf and Sein- pIe, p). White Rose-Bagnell and Cooper, ss: Bird. rf; F. Mutton. c; Tighe. 3b; Large, lb; Blunt. If; Raby and Depew, cf; W. Mutton. 2b and Brown. 1p. Soutis Werd 003 110 0-5 7 2 Wite Rose 120 001 0-.4 7 3 Umpires: Tweedle and Hobbs. Boys From Garage Trounce Merchants Score 20-14, Thurs. The stationaitv Front Street sluR- gens kept tisein record unblemisised on Thursdav nigist as tisev bowcd befone the surprising Whsite Rose crew 20 ta 14 in that kind ai a gamne. Tise Hamburger kings onIy. scored in four innings but since tisey sent ten men aven the plate in the finst farne and eigist more in fthc fi tis, it was enough. Front Street also scored in four dii ferent raunds but their biggest splunge was a six-run raliv in tise cosing svesm. and an Tisursdev nigist. six runs an inning was an insult. Aften p)ractising strenuouslv for tise pest week. Joisnny James strade ta tise maund for tise Menchents with tise Iiiht of conciuest in bis eve. However ise cauldn't pitcis witis bis eve. in iact in tise firat inning be couldn't pitcis at ail as tise Whsite Rose swatsmitss fell on bis ai ierings witis mucis gusta. Ali tred out, it took tise East Endens until thse iiftis ta, get tiseir sîghs readjusted and aiter enather million runs bad zone inta tbe records. the nigist-isanded Don Mason came inta thse box and southpawed tise OQers into submis- sion. Ordinenilv Mason witis isis rigist hend but when in tise box he serves tisern iom tise part aide. Scnewv but it worked. Bill Brown. an tise senving tee for tise Hodgzsonites, was nat honing perfect bail non were bis teemmates cavering tisenselves witb envtising but fombles in tise f ield, but thse Front Street rciused ta back into a victonv. Freddie Mutton was tise bi bitter of tise tvening, slapping out four isits including twa horners and a triple. Wiseman erabled tbree bits for tise Clenka. Line-ups: Whsite Rose - Bagnell, ss: Depew. rf; F. Mutton. 3b; Large, Ilb: Brown, P: Blunt. If-, Raby, cf; Diliig. c and W. Muttan, 2b. Front Street-Mason, ss and 1); Brougs. cf: Wiseman, rf., lames. p) and Ilb:-Cale. 2b;- H. Hooper, c; R. Hooper. lb and ss; Barnard. 3b and Sheehen. ni. Whsite Rose 1001 081 0-20 15 7 Front Street 130 400 6-14 14 1 Bricks and Bouquets BY NELSON OSBORNE With thc Oshwa Juniors post- poning their game against the Bowmanville Rayais due ta in- ability.ta get their home grounds,é the last week's campaign againat Junior competition was mighty disastrous for the Rayais. Last Wednesday Cobourg Juniors carne ta town and took aur Intermed- lates over the ropes by a 7 ta 3 1score. And what la more, the Jun- 1 ors were full value for their win.c Ed. Hooper was hurling his first game for the Royals andt blew hot and cold in his efforts.8 He gave up four runs in the thirdr after a double-play had appar-É entiy pulled him out of a hale.1 He then proceeded ta make thsec Cobaurgites go out in order inf the next twa frames before run- ning into trouble in the sixth. Bawmanviilc coilectcd the sanie number of lits as their yaunger opponents but failed ta make thc sanie use of tlcm. Only Alex Coi- ville and Dave Osborne wcnc able ta get marc than anc lit. Calville connccted for a double and triple whiic bath of Osbornc'a bits were of Uic anc base varicty. The long and lanky David playeti shontstop in this game and madie an excel- lent job of it, being thse pivot in Uic only twa-ply killing. Foolial basc-running by Uic Royals nullifieti their chances of ciaiming a wmn. Bill Bagneli was Uirown out by plcnty wisen le tried ta stretdh lis single into a double. John "Wimpy" Neal apoileti an otherwise bnilliant ap- pearance hy getting nipped off first in thc sixth. Going inet third for Welton, who was spiked carlier in Uic game, Neal came up with a great fielding play, tIen et bat le showed a gooti eye and dropped e single belinti first le- fore spailing it ail by gctting carcless around first. This weck Uic teani entertains Cobourg Intermediates on Satur- day and pay Uic rctunn visit on Wedncsday. In tîcir aniy other meeting tîla yer, these two squeds piayed ta an cigît al dnaw. Three additions bave been made ta Uic Cobourg Ponies aince lest scason. Doug. Campbeill as moved up fram Junior nanks ta patrol centre field dnd he plies a patent bat on the atteck. Jack Newton, known ta many local fana since lie bas been summcning et Bawmanvilie beach fan years, is puiiing off fency plays anounti first base, and aid reliabie Anchie Campbell is again witb tise teani and acrving up soutispaw alants in lis aId bcwildcning style. Manday night wc passeti up wîet turneti out to be tise bout softbell game of Uic ycar ta visit Miaple Leef Stadium anti sec Uic Leafs make Ton y Lazzcni's In- augural e success by tnimming Uic .eague-leadlng Rochester R e d WVlngs by ô te 2. Several tumes we DOMINION DAY JuIy i, 1939. LOW RAIL TARES: Between &iH points in Canada and te, certain destinations in United States FARE AND ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP Junc 22 ta 29 Basebal Sat.. June 24-Cobaung Intermed- iates at Bawmanville, 3 pin. Wed.. june 28-Bowmanville at Co- bourg Int. Softbali - Public Schnol june 22-Gaodyear vs Frpnt Street June 26-Front Street vs Goodyear Cneam aif Bariev June 23-Salem vs Countice Junc 27-Providence vs Maple Grave Soccer June 24-Brcsoklin at Solina June 26-Zion at Caurtice June 28-Saline at Tyrone 0Wd Birds On The Fly Bawmanville Racing Pig"eon Club flew its eiglth old bird race on Saturdey, June 17, framn Mont- pelier, Ohio, 345 miles air line. This proved ta be another hard race, only a few birds, reachiingi home in Uic day. Following fa Uic result: F. Bottrdl l11Ira, 11lnmina, 7 sec. F. Bottrell 12 lira, 16 mina, 33 sec. The iast aid bird race of Uic season will be flawn againat Uic Oshawa Club froni Danville, Ill., 528 miles, on July lat. Because Uic Rayais w e r e saundly trirnned by a Junior out- fit and looked bed iniUic gaine, fans are quite convinced Bow- manville las no teani thIs year. They seeni ta farget that the week before Uic same Rayais came out of Port Hope with a 4 tao 0win and only loat by à 2 ta 1 score in a previaus game. Because Bowmenvill as won thc league titie so often in the pest few ycars, wc received fia breaks frani the league this year. Admittedly thc tean isfanot as strang as in former years and in- field worries are numerous but we are rather diseppomnted and disgusted thet the local fans are niding Uic teani insted of get- tmng in behnd it and rootmng Uic boys home ta anather tîtlc. We still have a cookie that saya Uic Rayaiswill be Lakeshore champ- ions in 1939. Girls' Softbal League Organlzed Enter Thr.e Tennis May Be N.O.N. or Larger Representatives of Newcastle, Ncwtonville and Orono Girls' Softball Teanis met in Orono on June 14t1 ta discusa plans for Uic summer scason. It was dccided ta formi a Icague of the three teama but lef t it open for other teamas ta came in if tley desired, pas- aibly Hampton and Maple Grave. Gea. Crowther, Newcastle mana- ger, presidcd. Misa Lena Kinibaîl, Newtonville, wvas elccted presi- dent, and Miss Gladys Pearce, Ncwtonville, secretary. Newcas- tic, representatives present wenc Jean Banathan and Margaret Pearce. Hanorary Presidents arc: O. A. Gamaby, Orano, George Thonipson, Ncwtonvilie, Reeve C. R. Carveth, Newcastle. Ini Uic cv- cnt of any Cher teams joining Uic league Uiey too slauld lave Ion-' orary presidenta. The faliawing schedule of games, subject ta revisian slouldi the league be enlargcd, was drawn up: June- Wed. 28-Newcastle et Orona. Juy- Mon. 3-Ncwt'ville et Newcastle: Fni. 7--Orono at Newtanvlile. Mon. 10-Orono et Newcastle. Wcd. 12-Newtonvîllce t Orono. Fni. 14-Newcastle et Newt'viiie. Mon. 17--Newcastlce t Orano. Wed. 19-Newt'viilc et Newcastlg. Fri. 21-Orono et btewtonville. Mon. 24-Orono et Newcastle. Wed. 26-Newtanvil e t Orono. Set. 29-Newcastlce t Newt'villc. For catchera wc would stick strictly ta the Goodyear tcam. Red Hoaper is aur number anc choice and lis understudy wauld be tbdt demon of Uic diamond, Bert Colwcll. Al Osborne and Jolnny Semple are sure ta be twa of Uic pitchers and wlen le bas control we like Jolnny Semple as Uic nuniber anc cloice, aithaugl Osborne lias been marc steady ta date. For thc third choice we wauld pick Bill Brown, maily because of lis grand per- formance on Monday. Norm Horn woulcl be a candidate for a mound position if le would pey mare attention ta lis coacli. Red-lcaded Jalnny Jaem es would caver firat. He las a lot of power et Uic plate antI is e sure catch in thse field. For second, Uic only cboice is Bert Colwcll. In apite of lis girth, Bert cavera mare ternitory than any other ni- val and is a pawerful bitter. For shortstap wc pickcd a man who, et one time, lad not plaed there aithougis we bear le covercd that position on Manday nigît. Park Osborne is Uic man. A canny lit- ter le ifalaso a better then aven- age ficider and is alwaya in Uic game. For tird base, it is a tasa up bctwen Bill Oke and Herb Cler. Bath lit a long bell, and bath lave tîcir off moments in Uic field. Then, taa, it ia vcry lard ta kcep Ted Begnel and Frank Tigle out of the infield. Bath arc lard andi frequent bit- tersaend arc abave tise average in thc field. er would have ta be dropped and wouid probabiy be decided by a flip of a coin. I wander how many will be Uic officiel ail star team. Incidentally there is a rumor araund Uiat a strong team frani Toranto is caming down ta play thc ail-stars on July lst. Courtice teams made their presence known at Uic Junior Farmers' picnic on Saturday at Bethany when bath the ginls' and baya' tcams won Uieir respective taurnaments. It was Uic second year in a row that bath have won and in addition Uic boys are Uic defending champions of Uic rural saftball league. The ginls trimmed Newcastle in Uic final on Satur- day whilc Uic boys walloped Sel- cm 10 ta 6. Gond Vinsan lit a lamer for what praved ta be Uie wsnning run, and later Harold Os- borne clauted anotl4er with two men an just ta malte thinga cer- tain. Tickets good going any tinie Friday, June 30, until 2 p.m. Sunday, July 2, 1939. Re- turn Lixnit ta leave destina- tion, flot later than midi night Monday, July 3, 1939. 'rimes shown are '*Standard" MINIMUM SPECIAL PARE - 25e Full ParticuIars from any agent Canadian Paclflc heartily wished that many of our fans who love to run down the Royals could have been present. The Red Wings were apparent- ly having,a off night for ie and again they let throws slip thraugh their legs and conunitted other misdemeanors. Once the, centre-fielder threw ta the wrong base, thereby giving Schuster an extra base. Jack Sturdy had\ one wild thraw ta first in an attempt ta complete a double play and if a local player had donc the samne he would have been castigated liberally. Sturdy did flot even draw an error. Twice he let baUls thrown from, the outfield go thro' his legs and along with the rest of the teani, looked far froni what league leaders should. Rev. W. C. Smith wa in change ai marninz service an Sundey. S.S. and eveningz service wes witisdnawn in fayoronaMple Grave ennivenr. sany. Sundey, Jonc 25tis sacrement will be observed in tise m&'ning and Rev. S. Littlewood, Onono. wili ad- dresa tise evening service.- Starting Juiv 2nd tise S.S. session wili be iseld in tise marnng. Joîr 6tb e cambined p)icnic will be held et Ornn Park with tise Benean Clessaend Sý.S. tek- ing part and tise W.M.S. W.M.S. met jonc lStis and opened with e poern by President Mns. A. J. Gay. Wonsbip pcniod apened with vocal sala by Hezel Rundîe; prayen by Mrs. A. J. Gay; bible lesson by Mrs. Devlin; discussion an le6son by Mns. EsIi Oke; bible lesson read bv Mns. R. E. Osborne and discus- sion bv Mns. K. E. Countice;. prayen unden iederasip of Mrs. A. J. Oke; topîc. "Canada end tise Refugee Prableni" witb a reading by Mns. A. J. Oke; piano sala by à1rs. Cecil Wonden: topic discussion bv Mns. Beaucisemo. Tise canmittee in change oi peck- ing bale ta be sent awey, met at tise home ai Mns. W. H. Nicisols Fn- day evening eand ettended toalahinec- essenies. Treil Rangera met et tise home ai Relpis Found and opened witb Cel ta Wonship given by tise menton. De- vatianai wes given by Wesley Oke, folîowed bv e neading by Bob Rundie "Etiquette in St. James Palace"; moutis argan tria bv Pete Kickko, Eddie Rivett and Clarence Higgîins, neding bv Jeck Peence. A bountioos lunch wes senved bv Mrs. Found and Moriel. Sympethv is extended ta Mn. W. Hl Nichols in tise bs a i$ sisten. M ns. Michael Borns, Bownian.ville. Synlpatbv is extended ta ibe feni- iîv ai Cecil Oke, Oshawa, wba peass- cd ewev jonc IStis. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. NichaIs wene Sundev gucats with Mn. andi Mrs. Ernie Folev. Maple Grave. Mn. and Mns. Aylmrne Hazzelwood, Toronto. were weekend guesta ai ber parents. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Peance, Mns. Hezzelwood nemaininiz for tise week. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Cale. Waterloo, wene guesta ai Mn. Blake Oke's on Mondav. Miss Hazel Rundle. Bowrpanvilie, is eiaviniz bolidava. unden tise par- entaI roof. Zion In tise autficld, Don Masan wouid raam the centre pastune Recent Visitons: and wouid leati off at the bat. He Miss Emma Killen, Toronto, is has a gaod eye in bath spots and holideving et home. la fest enaugis ta go a long way Mn. and Mrs. Haroldi Collins and eftcn e bail. He la also e sure Doneen. Mn. and Mns. Arthsur Col- catch. In left field would be Dick linette and Berkeley, Toronto. et Little and ini igît wouid be Bob Mn. Fred Cemenotn's. Bates. AIl tîrce men arc fat, arc Mn. and Mrs. John Shackelton andi aune catches and know what a bat Keitis. Mr. Eiwaad Shackeltan ai fa for. In reserve we would like Wlsitby, attendeti Decorqtiqn ser- ta sec Frank Blunt anti Dave vices et Bleckstack an Suncley and MacKnight. ..viaited et Mn. Art Wilson's. Burk- eton. Thene fa my teeni. One infielti- Mn. and Mrs. Lothon Pascoce t Mr. W. R. Young's. Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson and Doris. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rab- bins. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Mr. L. Morgan attended the Siseep- breeders' Picnic at Guelph Q.A.C. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pagre. Mr. and Mrs. Kent and sons. Uxbridge, IýLn. and Mrs. Hopps and Viola. Oshawa, at Mn. A. Ayre's. Mrs. Wes. Cameron. Jack and Joyce at Mr. Delbert Flintoff's. Ked- non. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. GlaspeJl at Mn. Everett Mauntiay's. Kedron. Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Balson. Mr. Frank Pascoe and daugistens. Miss Irene Pascoe at Mr. Foster Snaw- den's. Kedran. Mr. Harvey Baisan and Miss Jean Balsan at Mn. H. Foley's. Mapie Grave., Mr. and Mrs. W. Hulatt and Vic- tor. Oshawa. at Mr. Raosell Per- kins'. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshanks at- tended the Holstein Picnic at Lind- say. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Westlake at Nelson Fice's. Mn and Mns. Tom Mantin and familv at Mr Ed. Parker's. Kedron. Misses Pearl and jean Leach, Solina. at Mn. Norman Leach's. Mr. and Mns. J. W. McMaster, Mn. Alex McMasten. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Navlor attended tise McKit- trick-Byers Re-union et Green's Park. Greenwoad. Miss Jean McMaster. Mn. Tas. McMasten. Toronto. at Mn. J. W. McMaster's. Mn. and Mns. A. T. Stainton. Mn. 'and Mns. Ali. Ayre and sons at Mn. Ross Lee's. Kedron. Mns. J. W. McMaster attended Graduation Exercises et Toronto East Genenal Hospital. Mn. and Mns. Russell Robbins and Ruth et Mns. H. Allin's. Bownan- ville. Decaration Day will be iseld et Zian Cemetery on July 2nd. Sundav School and S.5. No, 12 icnic On Satunday. June 24th at Gea. James' Park. North Oshsawa. PAINFUL TOJENO A JOINt Hospital Case of Rheumatism The value of perseverance witb Kruscben. in the treatment of sonie cases of rheumatism. is prov- ed by this man's experience. He savs: "I was abroad for over seven vears. When I returned I began to suf fer froni rheumatic pains - particularly ini the feet and arms and I was eventually taken into hospital: unable to mave without izroaning with pain. When I left' the hospital after twa .months, I was somewhat better. 1 was reçgm- mended to Itake Knuschen Salts, have taken them .continuously. and until now Iarn entirely f ree f rorn vains. I would flot be without my Kruichen Salts for anythingc."-M.B. Two of the salts in Kruschen are effectuai solvents of uric acid the excess of which 's decidtedly inlunjous. They swiftlv djil the sharp) edges of the painful crystals - the cause ai vain anld stiffness - and convert theni into a harm- les solution. which is then ex- Pelled through the natural cjiannels. "Aim at the sun, and you mnay nat reach it; but your arrow wiil flY far higher than if airned at an object on a level with yoursef.- J. Hawes. "High aima form high charac- ters, and great objects brlng out great minds."ý-TrYon Edwards. Bats Fer ISale We have for sale 100 good base. baIl bats, for hard' and soft bail. Corne and pick yours out whilc the selection is large. Prices ta suit every pocket. S. J. Jackman & Sons, Bowmanville. Phone 780. 22 -t Comiortablo Cows Givo More Milk sà% ed slanedfor 5h. a TOlUs. ooR,« etsil times. Wesel Padis, equiposu DORECT FROM FACTOBY TO CIJUOMES Seed fWrC«ale»end PH4Ss TUE PIOLAR PEOPLE .LIMITID Rutabshed 1861 Had Offie - 0.Mw., OW Vis and Dat: Cobourg Juniors kept an victary trail by beating their tawnsmates on Saturday. . .. Salemi trounccd Mapie Grave on Friday ta land an top of Uic league. . . . Mapie Grave,' like Front Street, arc winless.... Goodycars are trying ta arrange an exhibition game with Varcaca of Oshawa. . .. Doubie-header be- twecn Uic two Goodycars an Sat- urday took leas than twa hours ta play... Moase Ecciestone, man- ager af Goodycar hockey teani, did Uic umpirlng... . AI Osborne las a singed chcek as a result of feeding Bernie Thornton wiUi a slow anc. . . . AI is lucky ta be alive as thc bail bounced off lis chcek ta Calwdil wlo threw Tharnton out by teni feet at ..Bcst fun of week is watching Young Men's Club on Tuesday 'nigîts et Uic public sclool.... Intermediates' defeat lest Wcd- nesday in no way traceable ta umpires. ... Till next wcek, nuif said. Haydon Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mns. S. Woailings and Beatnice, Mrs. C. Montgomrney, Mns. F. Asiston and famuly, Tononta. Mn. and Mns. L. Asiston and Mary Lau. Bnockville. Mn. and Mrs. S. Wool- lings and famuly, Larder Lake visit ed et Mn. H. Asiston's. Miss Rutis McNeil. Mn. D. Fon- taine. Toronto, visîted et Mn. A. Mc- Neil's. Miss E. M. Wenry. Toranto, Mn. and Mrs. R. Ornàston, Enniskiilen, visited et Mn. L. Asiston's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards visited et Mn. W. H. Lanmer's, Soutb Mon- egisan. Mn. and Mns. C. Saper. Henmony, visited et Mn. R. McNeii's. Mn. and Mns. W. Gif fier. Pick- ering. visited et Mn. T. Mountjoy's. Wornen's Association wes enter- tained bv Enniskillen W.M.S. at tise isome ai Mrs. S. Tnewin Thursday eftennoon. Programme was inteneat- ing and e bountîful luncis was senved -by Enniskillen ladies. Ebenezer, DON *CHRISTIAN 1MooS ST. N., ELECTRIC Open Egvenings OSHÂA.k _________________________________________________________ ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES From BOWMWANVILLE JUNE 23-24-25 - To - OTTAWA MONTREAL QUeI~ $5.10 $7.30$10 STE. ANNE DE BEAUPRE "~ $11.0 First train tram Bowmanville-10.12 P.m. lune 23rd. Return Limit - lune 26 Tickets neot good on 3 P. m. trains lrom Ottawa and Montreal. TO *THE MARITIMES - JUNE 22NID AUl Canadian Pacifie Stations in New Brunswick Ail Dominion Atlantic Ry. Stations in Nova Scotia. - Return Limit - Leave Nova Scotia points nlot later than June' 28. Leave New Brunswick points nlot later than lune 27. Not Good On Train Leaving Montreal 3 P.m. Puil particulars and Handbill tram any Agent POOL TRAIN SERVICE CANADIAN I AN-ADIAN NATIONAL I'PAC11PIC Althougl Front Street arc Uic anly squad without a win iniUic muhalial loop, thcy continue ta furnish many surprises. They have a firat baseman wha las twice essaed a pîtching raie and who fa a sweil custodian of Uic initial sack. They lave a fine centre-fielder who plays e goôd game et slartstap and tIen sur- prie verybody by bemng a (upaw twirler as weli. Naw ail thcy need ta do fa surprise Uic Goodyear by teking Uiem ta- nigît and again on Monday night. The executive of the softbal league las made arrangements ta pick an ail star team frani Uic lop and enter in the O.S.A. play- downs. With this in mmnd, anc nigît whcn sleep was far away, we began mulling over wlo wc would pick on this teani if wc lad Uic pick. Here fa aur teans and after seeing, meybe yau arc muglty glad that the executive fa doing Uiechclosing. Fiftecn men will constitute thc team, made up of twa catchera, three pitchers, five infielders and five outfield- ers.

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