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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1939, p. 9

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THURSDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1939 PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mi. and Mis. Curtis Hall, To- renta, visited here. Miss Betty Rowe visited ini Hamilton and Guelph. Mi. and Mrs. Henry Yonker and Fred visited relatives here. Miss Belle Watson, Toronto, visîted here. S Miss Viola Gilfillan, Hamilton,. visited Mi. and Mis. J. J. -Gilfillan, Mi. and Mis. C. M. Horswell, Toronto, were in the village. Mi. Ken Hall, Toronto, visited W. J. Hall. Mr. Robert Keane, Torontovs ited Mi. and Mis. A. H. Keane. Mi. and Mis. Thompson visited at Kum Rite Inn. .Miss Amber Morton, Bawman- ville, vislted Miss Edythe Truil. Miss Ruth Logan hs visîting in Belleville. .Mi. Harry Davy and friend, Te- ronto, vsited his sisters. Mi. and Mis. F. Duncan visited at Garden ý1ir. Mi. Roy Cornish, Part Perry, visited relatives here. Mr. John Millson, 'B.A.Sc., visit- ed Mr. and Mis. H. A. Miflson. Mi . Charles Shaw gave a blood transfusion fer his sister-in-law. Mrs. Robert Ross (nee Eileen Sterling> was in Orono Sunýday. Mis. Wm. DeLine is eut ai the hospital. Mi. and Mrs. Leslie Samis, Ta- ranto, visited here Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Delbert Gibson, Oshlawa, were Sunday visitors. Middleton family picnic will be held Saturday at Claremont. Miss Florence Harris, R.N, vis- ited here. Mr. and Mis. W. K. Sloane, Pet- erboro, visited Mi. O. W. Scott. Kirby iost a league game with Oshawa Tuesday night by 11-7. Misses Tourjee, Toronto, spent Sunday here. Miss Louise Cewman, Toronto, was in the village Sunday. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Kincardine, hs at her home here. Miss Helen Case is holidaying at her home in Aurora. Miss Pat Hooper, Bowinanville, visited' Miss Ruth Logan. Seats have been erected at the bail diamond in the park. Roads were treated -for dust ThursdÉ . Mi. > Pifider and son Harry, Toronto, were in town Friday.' Council meets next Tuesday, SJily 4. Mis. J. R. Cooper attended the ratepayers meeting Friday. The Fais family held a big picnic in Orone Park Saturday. Mi. and Mrs. Prothera, Toron- te, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent. Mr. and Mis. C. French and Mr. and Mis. L. Beal visited Mis. T. McComb. Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Limbert, Parry Sound, visited Mrs. R. H. Brown. Rev. S. Littlewood is eut again and able ta take the service Sun- day. Mi. and Mis. Elgin Seymour and Joan,_ Toronto, visited Mrs. Gea. Seymour. Mrs. R. Ransberry and family, Montreal, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan. Oshawa Collegiate and North Oshawa schoois enjoyed a picnic here Monday'. Mi. -and Mis. Edger Thornten and iamily, Milbrook,, visited Miss A. Thornten. Hooper-McFeeters picnic w a s scheduled !or Wednesday in Orono Park.i Mi. and Mis. Harold Seymour, Toronto, spént Sund.ay with rela- tives here. Mrs. Francis Hall, Toronto, h -visiting her brother, W. H. Robin- son, Kendal. .Mrs. Arthur Austin, Calgary,g spgnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hloward Walsh. Mi. and Mis. Lamne Brysan, Ta- rante, Mi.,and Mrs. Roy Bryson,1 Hamilton, visited here. Mr. J. J. Mellor preached anni- -versary serviçes at Newtanville Sunday. Master Douglas Lycett, Oshawa, ls visiting bis grandmother, Mis. '. Winter. A gang of men went through town Tuesday morning, filling in9 cracks in the highway. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan will be attending the wedding ai their son, Jim, at London on Saturday. Congratulations ta Miss V. NO- den who passed the Tt year passj course at Toronto University. 1 SLEEP Ana AWKE REFIESMEI t. y osowssudva w l-I~over haacety h eey . guas = te tel4 Dodd'sKldiiy PU THE SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE 40rl6 Miss Rosaline Gamsby, Tarante, were in tawn Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Clarence McMul- len and Mt. and Mis. Neil mc- rMullen, Toronto, were in town Sunday. Mr. Gardon Suggitt, Tarante, was in town Sunday. Mis. Sug- gitt and Nancy returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. D. Found and Mr. and Mrs. L. Keats and children, Tarante, visited Mi. and Mrs. W. E. Davey. Mm. and Mrs. Raymond Chap- man have returned fram their honeymaon and are now settled at their home in Kirby. Cards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chapman by friends here and they reported Lhaving a wondemful trip. M. and Mrs. Edmison and dau- ghters, Mr. George Thamnton, Pet- erboro, were guests ai Miss Au- gusta Thornton. Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood and Manley were in Ebenezer Sunday evening, where he took the anni- versary services. Park St. Union expect te hold their campiire a week from ta- morrow ('Friday> night. Cars will leavee church at 8.30 sharp im- mediately folewing the bahl game. A number attended Dr. Part- ridge's recital at Bownianvulle an Tuesday night, Messrs. A. A. Drummand and A. J. Knox, and Mrs. W. C. Lynch taking part Mrs. C. Tamblyn, Woodbridge, Mi. and Mis. T. J. Carscadden, Mis. C. Thompsan and son, Mi. Arthur Thompson, Kendal,,visited Mi. and Mis. J. Eagleson. Aniong winners at the coeking scheol in Bowmanville we notice thiee former Oronoites, Mis. G. Geheen, Mrs. E. Hoar and Mis. T. Power. Schoois will ail be closed 'this week, Entrance being the hast. From new on our staff ai teachers will be enjaying a well-earned rest, and Oronoites teaching in ather places will aise be home. Mi. Charlie D~oncaster,* Miss O'Neil, Mis. C. Mtthews, Mi. and Mis. Gea. Taylor, Mis. Mils, To- ronto, Mi. and Mis. John Neais, Cobourg, Mi. and Mrs. Car; Hall and baby and Mis. McDonald, Coîbomne, were visitors at Mi. and Mis. Wm. Seymoui's. Mi. and Mis. Charles Mowat and Jim, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. W. Duffy and, children, Newmar- ket, Mi. and Mis. George Joil, Toronto, were in Orone Sunday picnicking in the park. Women's Institute catered ta the teachers and others connected with the school ai Oshawa Col- legiate, in ail numbering 40, at their picnic Monday aftemnoan in the park. Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Glass, Mm. .Milton Rôbinson, Kendal, Mr. and Mms. Scott and Miss Staples, Ce- bourg, and Mr. Archie Wilson, Lifford, were Sunday visitars with Mm. and Mms. E. Evans. Congratulations ta M. and Mis. Syd Rutherford on the birth ai a bouncing boy on Sunday. Mrs. Rutherford was nee Ma±y Mellor, daughter ai Mm. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor ai Oono. The tennis tournament did nat mateialize. Peterboro pl1ay er s gave the town the once over on Sunday and played a few friendly games with players from Bow- manvilie and Orono. Peterbore won the mai ority of the gamnes. Next Satumday hs July lst - oui nation's birthday. Let ail citizens put out ilags and show their loy- aty ta King and country. Patriot- ism should be more pronounced now that many citizens bave seen Their Majesties. The annuel District Orange Ser- vice will be held in Shlloh Church on Suniday, July 2nd, at 2,30, S.T., when Rev. John McLaghlan, the new minister ai Newtonville Cir- cuit for the next conference year, wili be the speaker. He will speak on "A Great Heritage." Miss Myrtle Smith treated ber Sarents, Mi. and Mis. Rowland mith, ta a trip ta their old heme towns over the weekend, Mrs. Smith at London and Mr. Smith at Wingham. Miss Myrtle Taxnb- lyn accompanled them. Mr. and Mis. Dave Stephens,q Lindsay, Mi. and Mis. .W. Glenney, Mr. W. N. Buckley, New- castle, Mis. R. A. Delve and Mr/i John Delve, Oshawa, and Mi. and Mrs. John Buckley, Bowntanyille,j were Sunday visitars at Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Curtis'. Thirty Scouts attended the reg- ular meeting Manday evening. No. 2 and Na. 1 patois did good work in the stretcher bearing That she ma3* enjoy many years ai wel-earned est amid happy surraundings and the literature she esteemed se highly hs the wish of the many who benefited by ber instruction, and by whom she hs held in se high regard. Continuation School Resuits Following hs the list ai promo- tions et te Orono Continuation Scho'el. Bath successful and un- successful candidates may obtain their individuel reports frem Mi. Reslioreugh. Furtber Departmen- tel results wiil be announced in August. (I denotes lst Class Hon- ours; II, 2nd Class Honours; III, 3rd Clas Honaurs; C, Credit). Grade IX te Grade X Carol Staples I, William Col- ville I, Robert Cooper II, Bemniece Colville Il, Lenara Wood 11, James Ard II, Ruby Allin* II, William Boyd C, Calvin Dunni C. Promoted on year's work - Ro- bert Ceathem, Eleanor Ransbemry, George Walters (except French). Grade X -te Grade XI Donald Staples I, Jean Merder II, Glenn Tamblyn II, Margaret Flintof II, Enid Bowen II, Kath- leenî Simpson II, Jean Forrester II, Richard Morton III (except Latin), Rgth Lunn C, L or e en PrMannngC on year's work - Ed- ne Biilings. Form III te Form IV (Languages) French - Mildred Ailin C, Kath- leen Ard III, Herbiert Duvali C, Rut Goode III, Helen Harness II, James Linton C,* Manley Little- wood C, Grant Maffat III, Gloria Richardson III, Franklin Tamblyni C, Gwen Tennant C, Doris Wan- nen C, Lois Wood II. Latin - Herbert Duvali C, Ruth Goode C, Helen Harness III, Man- ley Littlewood C, Grant Maif et III, Eileen Morgan C, Ronald Pet- terson C, Gwen Tennant C, Lois Wood III. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS Prom The Orono News of lune 25, 1914 Mm. L. T. Foster ef Standard bank staff is on bolidays. Miss Viola Gilfillan h yvacgtion- ing et hem bother's, Mr. J. J. Gll- fillan. Mi. Fred Long, Vermillian, Alta. hs visiting with bis little son and parents. 1Miss Winnifred W il1i am saon,' Normal Scboel, Toronto, is home. Miss Elme Dobson, who bas been in the West about a year, hs now visiting MrÉ. Thas. Vinsan et Granger, Alte. Mr. Harold Rickeby, who was eperated on for appendicitis tbree weeks ago, eturned home Mon- day. His sister, Miss Bertie Rlck- eby, accompanied him. Mis. Jas. Laing, Clarke, is visit- ing Mrs. A. Henry. Miss Berthe Waddel h home irem Calgary, Alte. Miss Aime Pester, Tarante Gen- emal Hospital, hs home. Mis. D. Noei holidaying et Port Elgin. Miss Rheda Riley, Oshawa, is visiting et M. Couison Quinney's. Mi. Monroe Jerome, Toronto, visited bis cousin, Mis. S. Cutteil. Mrs. Norman Rickerd and littie daughter Winnlfred,- Newcastle, yisited ber moter, Mms. A. A. Gamsby, Lintonhumst. Mm. Chas. Aiken, Mis. Thos. Quinn and daughtems, and George, Inez and Nana Travelle, Oshawa, visited Mm. M. L. Travehle. Mm. and Mis. J. Twomey and the Misses Powers, Fenelon Fails, weme guests of Mm. W. S. Gînîsby. Mr. Wes. Thornton and deugh- ter, Mms. A. Somerville, visited in te ity. Mm. Dalton Mommew, Tamanta, is home. Science hs resourceful. It ceuld net pry open Pullman car win- dows so it alr-condltioned the train. - Whlt's Wlt. ODRONO) Finer Points In Art 0f Cooking EXplainedBy Home Economist MERITEO TRIBUTE TO FAITHFULTEACHER (Editarial in The Kincardinie News) Living in one community for a decade, one makes a marlcote cammunity jand ispol.How- ever, it hs doubtful if any persan established herseif more firmly in the affection of the people of Kin- cardine than did Miss Viola Gil- fillan, who has ended twenty years as a member of the staff af Kincardine High Schooi and has now retired from the profession of which she was such an illus- triaus member. She would be the last one te want wards of praise heaped on ber and on her werk. The many young people who passed threugh the high scheol and benefited by her training are, in Othemselves, far mare glewing tribute than any mere words could passibly be. In ber retirement, Kincardine High School and the tawn of Kin- cardine have suffered a loss. Miss Gilfillan net only was a teacher, in the highest meaning ai the term, but she aise gave generous- ly of her time and talent te Kin- cardine Public Library. The lave of English which she had was passed on te the students who came under her instruction and in many of them she imbued some of the understanding and knowledge she possessed of ail that hs beautiful in oui literature. When she determined a year age te retire from teaching, the Board of Edifliation wisely pre-. vailed upon her ta remain an- other year and cemplete twenty years âs a member cf the teaching staff cf Kincardine High School. New Eoonomy Bise --7ic (Deuble the Quaitit,) Two Bison - - - g«. SMc Park St. Sunday Scheol room waz crowded Thursday afternoon for the opening of the two-day caoking-school conducted by Miss Leta Small, Home Economist of Moffatt's Limited, who was assist- ed by Miss Thelma Myles. of Orono. , a Following a few words of wel- come by Geo. E. Chase of Bow- manville who introduced Miss Small, this popular lady, who won s0 many friends last year, demon- strated the cooking of an aven dinner consisting of meat loaf, baked potatoes, beets, and rhubarb and strawberry puf with marsh- mallow topping, also a white cake with jelly icing, an upside-down cake, and savoury sandwich bis- cuitâ - the latter being encifcled with bacon. Between times Miss Small explained temp er a t ure, autamatic control, described the Moffatt ranges, etc. Following the class Mr. Chase announced the winners of the prizes, the tickets being drawn by Miss Marguerite Milîson, Bew- manvile, farmerly of Orono. Al- though there were people present from ailier places, including Baw- manville, ail wmners were from. Orono, the lucky ones bemng: Reading lamp, Mrs. Fred Tamb- lyn; dresser lamp, Mrs. Lawrence' Haoey; bed lamp, Mrs. Charles Bebee; meat loaf and beets, Mrs. Wyven Reid; pineapple upside- down cake, Miss Augusta Thorn- ton; strawberry and rhubarb puif, Mis. R. Smith; baked potatees, Elsie Rowe; white cake with jelly icing, Mrs. Newton Cobbledick; savoury sandwich biscuits, Mrs. James Dickson. On Friday the room was again crowded with enthusiastic people from Newcastle and ailier places, as weil as from Orono. For dem- onstration that day Miss Smail made salmon pie, onion. and cheese shortcake, fresh strawberry creani tarts, uncooked leman pie with meringue, a fancy salad with lettuce, tamatoes, c uc umib e rs, green onions, celery, cheese roiled in chopped nuts, radish flowers and parsley, and brolled grape- fruit. Nine pri7es were given away an Friday, the tickets being drawn by Miss Gertrude Hooper. Lucky winners were: Reading lamp, Mrs. J. Richardson; dresser lamp, Mrs. M. Harrison; curling tongs, Miss L. Aflin; lemon pie, Mrs. W. Le- geer; fish pie, Mrs. G. L. Flintof; brailed grapefruit, Miss Mary Somnierville; salad, Mrs. M. J. Taniblyn; onion shartcake, Miss E. Burgess; tarts, Mrs. H. Murray. Miss Small thanked ail the la- dies for their presence and inter- est, and expressed the hope that she would be here again next year, which hope is also held by al Who attended the classes. Park Street W. A. Strawberuy Festival Annual strawberry festival was held at Park St. Church, Orono, June 28th, under the auspices of the W. A. Orono Band pravided music for the spper haur when deliciaus strawbérries with sugar and cream, bread and butter, cake, tarts, and tea, were disposed of in great quantities. Pupiis of Mrs. W. C. Lynch, as- sisted by local talent, pravided the programn under chairmanshîp of Rev. S. Littlewood. Piano solos were given by Isabelle Clarke, Orville Chatterton, Muriel Reid, Kathleen Simpson, Armand Hol- lingsworth, Jean Turner, Lois Turner, Howard Coatham, Helen Wood, Howard Wood, and jean Patterson. Mrs. A. A. Drummond favored with vocal solos, Mrs. Lynch with piano solos, Miss Kathleen Simpson and Mrs. Lynch wlth plana duets, and Miss Betty Rowe and Mrs. Lynch with piano duets and vocal duets. This varied program was fol- lowed by pictures shown on be- hall of the Upper Canada Bible Society by Mr. Allnutt, dealing with mission work in Africa. Kendal Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichais, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aldsworth, Courtice, Miss Ruth Hamm, Bowmanville, and Mr. Gardon Bruton, Orono, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Wm. Haif acre, Kendal. it is w ell ta make a goad start - and it is aise well ta remember that it ih the finish that really caunts. FIGNI KIDNEY ACIOS NBEws LARGE CROWD ATTEND DECORATIONSERVICE Beautiful weather braught a large crowd from near and far an Sunday ta take part i the Decor- atian Day service at Orano Ceme- tery, presided over by Mr. H. J. Souch, president. Prayers and scripture were giv- en by Rev. D. R. Dewdney, rector cf St. Saviour's Church, Orona, while the address was given by Rev. S. Littlewood, pastor af-Park St. Church, Orona. Orono Band marched te the cemetery and played for the hymns, and alsa favored with another selection. Rev. S. Littlewood's message proved ta be both apprapriate and chailenging. Speaking first of ancestar worship, he pointed out that we were net here ta warship but te honour the memories af thase wha have gone on before us. The law "Honaur thy father and mother" was, he declared, usually applied ta them while they were living, but it might be extended te those who have fallen asleep. We can honour them, he intimat- ed, by living the right type of life and by remembering their sacri- fices, and, continued year after year, this would mean Christian lives would be lived by all. We bring flowers ta decorate the graves of aur laved anes, but we shauld do mare, was the challenge thrown out by the -speaker. wha Cowanville Mr. J. J. Mellor, Orono, will take the service at Clarke Church next Sunday. Our pastor is preaching anniversary services at Leskard. Mr. Erwin Farrow and daugh- ter, Mrs. T. Stevens, motored ta Welland. Mr. Farrow's mother re- turned home with them for a visit. Mrs. A. T. Perrin Is spending the week in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook. Mr. Frank Parker has been vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker, Lakeshore. Mrs. Parker is very ill. Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Wilson and family have been camping at the creek on Charlie McNeil's pro- perty. Visîtors: Miss Viola Hollings- worth, Toronto, at home. . . Miss Dorothy Scott, Newtonviile, with Miss Velma Cowan. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mr. Leslie Reid, Long Brarnch, and Mrs. M. Stewart, Kelstern, Sask., with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. .. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Strmn- ger. Hints For Homebodies Wrltten for The Statesman By JESSIE ALLEN BROWN There are worse things te cook by than a gaad oil steve. They have their disadvantages, but then what hasn't? One of the worst messes in the werld ta dlean up can. be made by these same« stoves. If you have ever let the wicks get too high and have them smoke, you know what I mean. Some- times yeu have ta play a regular game of kitchen checkers, to get everything cooked for dinner at the same moment, and the plates and dishes warmed, when you have only three burners and can- net use the aven. We used an ail stove when I was a youngster and I can. stiil see the kettle going on ta boil water for the vegetables, on one burner, and the other twe heating the aven. The oven came off and the dinner plates and vegetable dishes were tucked in and they would be warmed for serving. Another quick trick was ta pour the water off the vege- tables into the vegetable dishes, ta warm them. I have used ail- stoves since then seveiral different years in summer cottages, and I have neyer baked better cakes than in a ceai-ail aven. At home we always kept a couple of bricks in the baclc-kitchen and when we wanted a hot oven fer pies or biscuits, a brick went on top cf each end of the oven. This held it down closely and se less heat es- caped. More and more people are usmng electric stoves but ta others the ail stove is a real blessing. Rot Biscuits Old potatoes are a bit tasteless FORESTRY WONS OVER KIRBY IN SOFTBALL FRIDAY KCirby was swamped in the game with Ferestry Friday night, being blanked in four of the seven inn- ings, and securing enly 3 in the flrst, 2 in the third, and 2 in the seventh, one of which was a hem- el', Of the seven, three were by Wright, one being a homer. And ahl this in spite ai there being a change of pitchers twice, Walker being replaced by C. Cooper in the third innings ar'd Cooper by Dick Morton in the fifth. Lowery caught threughout. Middletan pitched a real game for the Forestry, with Roy Winter catching. Maybe the new maroon sweaters with white trimming and blue crests had something ta do with it, but there was ne holding back the Forestry players wha scored in every one of the six inin- ings they played. The seventh lnnings was net played - or rath- er their hall afi it - as they had the last try (sînce Kirby went te bat first). The third innings was particu- larly good, since i they scored 7 runs, and might have scored more only for a fly caught by Davey of the Kirby team. Ahl in ahl, it was a real game although rather lop- slded as te score. Score by innings: Kfrby - 3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2 - 7. Forestry - 4, 4, 7, 1, 3, 3, 0 (net played) - 22. -Umpires - Plate, West; bases, Payne. Uemnprance Executives 'HoId Meeting In Orono: Executive of Durham Branch, Ontario Temperance Federation met in United Church, Orono, on Tuesday night. An encouiaging repart of variaus meetings held was given by Rev. H. W. Feley, who was tendered a vete af thanks. Discussions were held re- garding membership i nc re a se, ways of interesting youth in the cause, haw much the cause should be preached from'the pulpit, etc. Rev. S. Littlewood, Rev. Foley, A. J. Knox and R. Osborne will make plans fer a convention in Orono the i irst week in October wlth prises for public speaking. Rev. W. C. Smith was appainted cenvener ai publicity. Lake Shore, Clarke Ladies from the community met at Mis. W. Helines' te arrange for the festival. We welcome back ta the section Mr. and Mis. R. Alldred who are occupying part ai her parents' home, Mi. and Mrs. L. Allin. Mi. and Mis. Fred Parker are serlously ill. Sunday School was withheld June 25th, due ta Decoration ser- vices. Leonard Lawlor is il and un- able ta attend school. Congratulations ta Mr. Wlbur Baskerviile and Miss Helen Wil- son on their marriage. Visitors: Mi. and Mrs. C. Darke, Port Britain, with Mi. and Mrs. C. J. Mitchell.. . Mr. and Mrs. R. Bane, Mfs. B. Day and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown. .. Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke, Toronto, with Mis. J. Baskerville. B ey. and Mis. Stanley Osborne of Eaton Memorial Church, Te- ronto, with his cousin, Mrs. G. Martin. . . Miss Annabelle Hendry, Pontypool, with Mr. and Mis. John Hendry. . . . Miss Mildred Brown in Kingston, . . Mr. Leon- ard Buckler with Mr. and Mis. J. Patton. Kendal. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Selby and family, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell. Starkville Shioh' anniversary and straw- berry festival was a good success with fine weather. The Newcastle Orchestra was weli received, as were ail the numbers on the pro- gram. Rev. E. L. Beech preached his fareweil sermon Sunday. We wish Mr. Beech and his family every success and God's blessing in his new field ai labour. July 2nd the Orangemen of Clarke will attend Shilah for di-i vine warshlp. Mrs. H. L. Trim is giving a strawberry tea in hanar ai Shilah W. A. Congratulations ta Mi. and Mrs. Sidney Rutherford ai Crooked Creek upon the arrivai of a littie son. Shiloh Young People gave theirj play at Kirby Monday, and aise "Regulars." Mm. A. Redknapp hs erecting a new sun parcb for Mm. John Couch. Bey. E. L. Beecb preached bis iarewell sermon Sunday evening ta a large congregetion. Menday evening the congregation held a iarewell gatberîng for Mr. and Mrs. Beech. Fuller accaunt next week. Congratulations te Keit Bur- ley, Alfred Redknapp and Stanley Lott who pessed their Higb School Entrance an their year's womk. Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Sharpe, Barrie, wit Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie... Miss Mabel Mea- dows, Millbmook, witb Mm. and Mms. George MeCullough... Mrs. Morton Stewart, Keistern, Sask., and Mr. Leslie Reid, Toronto, witb Mm. and Mis. George Stepletan Jr. ..Mm. and Mrs. Harry Vickems and family, Toronto, wit Mm. and Mis. L. E. Milison. .. Mm. and Mis. W. A. Loecjiamt, Bruce and Flor- ence, Niagara Falls, N.Y., are visit- ing hem parents, Mi. and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster. Matrimonial bonds are not ne- -gatiable. declareèd that we should aumie Gîve Me Charlle McCarthy 'and new ones are mather expen- the responsibility they assumed in Woman's love of tragedy is dii- sive, se let us substitute hot bis- the home and conixunity. We, as ficuit for me ta understand. They cuits frequently. They are sure ta Canadians, are far better off -than îairly walaw in sorrew and sad- b e popular with the family. You other nations. H-uman lie 's In- ness. Look et the way they flock niaY think they are a lot of trouble sufficient in itseli. We need the ta sad pictures, and enjay a good ta make but they really do not grace of .God, and if we want to dry? I seldam have the radio take long. Just time yoursehf be happy we must trust God who turned on in the day-tinîe and 30sernoe day and yau wiil lie sur- is ail sufficient. He closed with the de not foilow the radio serials. pised te mid they take yery lit- thaught that when it cames tirne I bear women talking about thern the longer than peeling potatoes. for the present generation ta die and m ak i ng I like ta make themn sherter than we should make prepartion in their pl~ the standard recipe and s0 use iaith and hope so as te be ready they wih e tmare butter. If you want the bis- forauretmna hoe.home ta hear cuits for shortcake, use the 4 ___________ their pet dra- >ý tablespoons ai butter. The smal mas. We have ameunt ai sugar seems ta give ClarkeFé Union had a visitbr flavor yet does net make them ALA L~who loves these set Haying hs the erder ai the day radio has been 4 tablespeons baking powder with crop an average one. t un e d in si1 teaspon sait School closes Thursday. Miss that accasional- 3 or 4 tablespeons butter Clark, aur teacher, wil attend ly I have heard about 2-3 cup mllk summer school et Toronto. them. Such un- ~ Y Sift the dry ingredients, rub in Congratulations ta Mm. Robt. If a p p i n e s s! ~ - the butter. Add the milk gradual- Thompson who ceebrated bis They speak in jesie oAllen- ly, mixing while adding. Make 89th birthday. slow sad tones Brown them as sot as you can and stiil Mrs Ev Alin s vsitng eror they are excited and gasp, or be able te handie. Turn on -a daughtem, Mis. Roy Cornish, Port i my wildly, or sali - just general forebreasrods anekeasmoth. Perry. Ibasom-heaving. Wel, it may be orai the dresithlcake smand Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mis. ail rigbt if you like it. Personaily lcut withea loured hctte. Bake Reesar and thiee children, Mark- that is net my idea ai a goad time iaha oenof450d cere. Two bam, at hem parent's, Mr. Gea. te listen te people in the throes of tings hte reembofr40 Mae asoitw Cain. . . . Mis. Hector Stewart, distmess. Give me Charlie Mc- as pasiblre e, d ae as lit Kêhlterrn, Miss Staples, Portage la Carthy. lj as possible. n ade sltl Prairie, Mi. and Mis. Fred Larri- Pasteurize MUislosibe man, Mis. Beckin, Tarante, Miss Opponents ef pasteur i z a t iîo n Mamie Archer, Bowmanviile, at seem ta think if milk cames from WVhat we are airaid cf now is er. andJ Mihs Hael, sha. o an accredited herd, pasteurization that aiter the King and Queen er ad Mis HzelOshwa, at is net necessary. That anly means have gene aur Canadian prablems Mm. Gardon Power's. that the herd bas been tested and are gaing te look dingier than iound free from tuberculosis, but ever. - Toronto Saturday Night. it gives ne assurance that it is Cupid is wise. He leads the Brown's free from germns which cause sep- couple ta the altar and then quits ______tic thioats, typhoid, or undulant the game. Orangemen wil walk at Siob fever - ail nulk-borne diseases. Cbumch on Sunday, July 2nd, at bthen thieaes ually epidem- E 2.30 p.m. standard time. Rev. Mi. bic hnd when itrseposiblletape- the speaker, vent them, it seems foolish not ta Mm. Fred Coucb bas beencn do se. The enly change by pas-An encnteurization hs the loss ai vitamin . Eh iinecfta b is bed, the result of a C.Thsvtmn ebeondi kikfo es.alh resh foods and the only time ~. . . . By Mi. Ailan Clark bas been work- w r p alc ti nteda ing Archie Brown's iarm. 0fwintreman thn ac ies hfdeCH.u Visitars: Mms. Stewart (nee ofwitr n hnayfehfo ,HTc Mary Reid), Saskatchewan, Mr i.1 replace it, orange or temata Optometrist Leslie Reid, Toronto, Rev. Herbert juice being the most and Mrs. Snell, Mrs. F. Wbeeler, u5ed. Eeih Mis. Wydman, Messrs. John and The Old Bathroom ...........S>ecWeist Andiew Unîbel, Toronto, Mis. Old batbrooms are discouraging ..............Dimney Bidt. Winnie Wannacatt and Joan, Bow- in cantast te the hovely, colorful, <p.p . manville, Mr. nd Mis. Tom Wood- new ones. Taps, expased nickel (p.P . hock and Douglas, Bond Head, pipes, and toilet seats seem ta be OSHAWA, PHONE 1516 with Mrs. Jerry Brown and Ar- the shabbiest. If one cannat ai- chie.. .. Mm. and Mis. R. Graham fard new fixtures compîeteîy, new Number 87 with Mm. and Mms. Reuben Payne, taps ahane make a big difference.F Newtonviile. . . Mm. and Mrs-. R. Duil leaking nickel pipes can be eF loating specks; I wlll anhy just Bmanch, Pauline and Russel, Mms. rubbed lightly with fine steel reer ta as I have cevered this Clarence Turner and son and Mi. wool and they wiil shine like new. topic very fuhhy in an extended Bill Clarke, spent Sunday aiter- Medicine cabinets are invariabiy article some time age. I will me- noon et the Creem ai Barley Park, tua smail. One of the most con-I vert back ta some ai these again, Bowmnvile...Mi. Stanley Gra- venient things we ever had, is a however, as I amn requested froin bam, Newcastle, witb Mm. and steel utility cabinet.* Somnetimes tie te tinie ta explein their sig- Mis. C. Turner. . . r.tear sdithktcnbu nificance ta those who did not Arthur Bedwin and babe, Mi. and ours is for bathroom use and ithaeteoprutyo adm Mis. Chas. Bedwin, with Mr. and bomses suficient teweis and wasb- other articles on these subjects. Mrs. Fred Parker, Lake Shore. cloths for daily use and the bulk: It wil only take a short while, ier ai the bathreom supplies which however te sufficiently examidne chutter up the medicine cabinet, the eye and decide if the case is A malbathroom may have ne asimple or a seriaus one. Newto vill exta space for a cabinet but a Certain disturbances of the di!- shaped board in front ai the win- gestive system have been known Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden, dow may be used for a dresigta have a symptom of this nature. Mr. George Stone and Miss Stella table and will take up very eittl Certain errors of vision have this ýLitle Kedal moore toNia spce.Onefiend bas shailow aise as a symptomn. Then again LittllsKendl, mtoed ftahNia- pa. One rsson etiethere are a few very seriaus dis- garalFmisnand eained or e cpardl uitaosae nieseses whose symptoms have those ilMinationget night. whas allofaian ocular nature and it does Mm. Gl 3 eor Mcl lghbas The CoaI-Oh1 Steve - net pay te neglect any. To have voabe3yerodcltilwt Summaer brings inta use many the eyes exanîined perodically is leAw.h al aei tep coal-ail stoves - or paraffin as good eye-insuranoe. SAta th bilgtae i eprks they cail it in the Maritimes.[ (Te b. continued)

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