r - - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1939 I Miss Margaret Wright, Toronto, la vbftliig ler grandmnother, Mis. a. Wetherill. elé. and Mrs. J. A. Awde attend- bd decoration day serriccs at or- Obno on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Toms and faniily, Belleville, visited lits f a- tier, Mr. Jas. Toms. Mrs. Thos. Brown la hnving a new veranda built on Uic front of hor,house on Uic wost hill. Mm. Stella Anderson has hnd a new f1Aslone walk bufit into the main entrance of "The Newcastle Arms> Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Glenney attendod decomation day services at Orono Sunda>' and visiled Mr. and Mis. Harvey Curtis. Mrs. Munro, Brookilyn, N.Y., and Mnr. Marshall, sister of Mr. Wm. Neil, Toronto, sp ont Uic week w;ili Mr. Neil a t is 'Newcastle bouse. Mr. John Quiog was in Toronto taking another flying lesson. Ho wiil soon be flying solo now and expects le gelis license in the flear futu~re. .lira. Wm. Chestnut, Welcome, and dauglilers, Mis. Bickle and lira. Phllipà, Dale, visited Mrs. (3eo. P. Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riekard. Mr. Allan Barr, Toronto artist and portrait painter, and Mrs. Blair were weekend gucsts of Mr. and lirs. Hudson Stowe at New- eastIe-on-lie-Lake. Mr. and Mia. J. H. Jose and Mr. and Mis. Jno. Hendry attended th1e Durhiam and Victoria Counties Holstein Breeders' Associations fWed day at Lindsay. Mr. Johnny Edwards, Queen's University, Kingston, spent a fort- nIght at Mr. W. F. Rickard's, MP., helplng wiUi Uic faim and orchard Weîk and' onjoying a visit. Atter Uic marriage of lier dau- ubter, Miss Norma Dickinson, Mrs. 5jiamin Dickinson, Port Hope, remamned in Newcastle over Uic weekend wiUi Mr. and Mis. Ross Dickinson. Mis Dorotiy Rickard, Peter- borougli, Miss Evelyn Rickard, Port Hope,. and Miss Jean Rickard, Oakvillc, wili frieénds, spent lie weekend at Mr. W. F. Ricknrd's, MP., at "The Grange." Miss MargaetSanderson, B.A., of thc higi dool staff, wiil be going up te thc Departnient of Education, Toronto, in Jul>' 10 i'ead and mark candidates' papers ln Middle School Frenchi Compos- Mlon. Mr. Fred Grahami & Sons com- pleted Uic building over tliu1 weigi scales near thcir coal shedi at Uic C.N.R. b>' putting on Uic È«-EMe Greaselessa 8km Cream - metal 'roofing and siding. Th( frame work had beon up for sev, oral monlis. Local painlers and house decor. ators have ail been tnusually bus3 tii spring and 'rep&ft more activî 1il>' on lie part of urban and runi -dweliors lian for many yenrs pas! in inving Uieir homes brigiteneé up inside and out. fMis. A. E. Mcllow and sor, Retiger and Keilli entertainedE number of Uic boys' young frienc and Uieir mothers at a birthda3 paity on June 23rd. Lalor in thE week Mrs. Mellow and sons werl to1 Napance for a visit. 9 Miss Audrey Brown, bride. *elcct, gand-daugitom of Mr. T. Wi Jackson, was tendered a miscel 1laneous shower by her girl fiendç on June 23rd. Miss Brown lsa member of thc office staff of 1hE *J. Anderson Smith Co. Mrs. Ross Dickinson entertainod June 20th at an aflernoon tea and >recipo sliower in honour oflier sister-in-law, Miss Norma Dickin- son, Reg.N. About twenly-five young ladies were present to offer lhiu recipes and cxtend good wishes to the bride-clect. Mr. Edward Warburton, Osha- wa, son-in-law of Mr. Alonzo Cowan, came down to Newcastle on Uic lake wili lits specdy out- board molor boat and helped to liven things up over Uic wcek- end. Mi. and Mis. Warburton and Mr. and Mis. Colinwood Daniels vliled Mr. Cowan. Congratulations to Mi. Thos. Moffatt on lits 851h birthday June î30li, whon relatives wlll suitably clebrate lits birthday. NexI Sun- day, July 2nd, he wiil be in his usual place aI thc United Churci and assisting as an Eider in lie admiinistration of the sacranient 0f lioly communion. Miss Helen McEvoy, Newcastle- on-lie-Lake, contribuled a num- ber of piano sciections aI Shilolh strawberry festival Friday even- ing. Newcastle Orchestra under leadership of Mr. Stanley Rickard, witi Misses Rita Cooke and Mai. gaiet Peaice. pianists. also pro- videti musical entcrtainmcnt. One of lie cooks in one of lie mon's boarding cars at Uic C.N.R. station was s0 bndly burned by coal oil which' spilled ovor him liaI ho had 10 be laken 10 Bow- manville hospital. His condition for some dnys was critical but those who calied aI the hospita] over thc wcckcnd report Ihat his case shows muci improvement. Mi. W. G. Wells, Icîler in lie Bank of Commerce, lias lefI New- castle and will be relioving at Brighton. Newcastle la sorry 10 - 29 - 59C Gypsy Tan (a. scientific sun tan oil) - - - 45o - 75e Sun laso - - - 150 iSo t$1.95 ELnidish HesiU fSalisand *las, both for ---33c oilwttehe a lads- Qorono b.- -85 - --- 3c,53C .-. -. -. 48e 4 ~ --- 4c,89c 6 for 25o NAIL SHAMPOO Removes Grime. Keeps cuticle so t35~C end trim. c1 b, LOVELL Bowmanvlfle LO W- .-a ist e5 a Is ay he le- ds a he ed id sr n-1 se TI1~ N~wcasteidependent PHONE CLARKE 1114 planneci and werc nul ready to go ------Ver>' sincerol>', 10et Bowmanville 10 pla>' tic Front Tic Pearce Fami]L> of Stîceters. Silver Creek Faim. 0 Obituary LIONSCLUB (Contlnu.ed tram page 1) George Alfred Trenwith, bined lic rubber witli lie bon. Newcastle zinc n waterproof mainceat wac On June 14li an esteemed New- lic resuit. This is corrnmcni> castle citizen, tar advanced in known as lie MacIntosh. .. years nndahead in lenps anti bountis. Ir ed liyatr oewes eeete same ycar, 1840, Hancoclc ol suffeing ite poison of George England and Goodyear of Amer. Alfredi Ticnwili. Ho was in h1ic a, discoveredtilaI b>' using sui. 93rti year and had been a rosident phur and rubbei, an entirely dif. of Newcastle sinco 1925. Ho was feront product couid be matie of stuidy Coinlali stock as weiO Tic use of rubbem lncieascd stil 50 many of Uic oarl>' setlers in more rnpiîly, anti even in receni lie souli wost part of Durham ycars liuge steps have been taker County.interbe nurY Ho was born in Redruli, Coin- ineUscrberofnduslr oig'. 1 wall, Englanti, and aI two years Tisorefrubrrgna] of age wont to Brazil, Souli was in ,the province of Para ir America, wili ils falier, Wmn. Brazil. Tomre was a lime wier Tronwili wio had been appoint- rubber sold ait $3.00 a pound, nom cd a foreman in a gold mine. Dur- il sellsaraound 16 and 17 cent ing lie 18 ycais in Brazil lie per pound. AI Uic lime whcn lie iearnod 10- speuk Spanish and producl was in ils infancy andi ai Portugese fluenîl>' as well as re suci a higi puice, ail sorts ol ceiving a liorougli cducution in rubber-like material came intc Englisi lirougli lie mmnistrations the market. Wiut would you say of le Curci 0fEngant. W if I matie a stalemont like lis? in Brazil lie also learnet i s trade I~ haven't seon fine Pain rubber as a blucksmith and uron workor frfv cr. n insii and on rcturning 10 Englanti when 'We use noliing but fine Para i hoe was 20 years of ugo wilh iustic Goodyear.",This apparent parents and famil', lho secured contradiction is casily oxpînineti. omployment in a large govoîn- Tic English people icalizeti, Mr. mont dock yard. O'Neill said, iaI lis industi>' At Uic age of 24 ho marricti was going aieud rapidly. Hew- Miss Mary Elizabeth Donithorne, ever, Bruzil woulti not lot lie rub- also of Redmuth, Cornwall. In ber out of lie country. An Eng- 1871, lic Trenwith family dccidod llahman stole a number of seetis to comc 10 Canada. George and anti took licm over 10 Kew gar- lis bride locutot inl Hamilton tiens, wicre hoe went 10 work anti whcre hi ook up rilroading witi developcd liese soeds int plants. the olti Western Rallwny. WiUi Ho 100k these plants 10 Brilli umalgation lic became an cm- possessions, andti liceby began a ployce of lie G.T.R. anti transfer- flourishmng rubber lutiustry whicli reti his home Ici Toronto. Whcn orîginateti from lie Para lice. tic G.T.R. becanie lie C.N .R. ho About 60 per cent of the plantoti continuc inlu is position unlil hoe aren in tlic woîid is under BFii superannunteti in 1919, iaving control, anti 27 per cent undter been in railway service in Ontario the Dulci. for 48 yoars. Tic speakci wont on 10 tiescribe To Mi. anti Mis. Geo. A. Tien- tic procossos invoiveti in mnking witi weme born five sons andti hree different types of rubier. tirce daugiters, W. D. Trcnwith, Sevemal spocinions were liandeti Clarkson, Alfreti <deceaseti>, Mis. arounti for members 10 examine. W. J. Richardison, Caledonia, Er- Ho ulso discussedth le ciniacteris- nest wlio diet inl Ohio, U.S.A., tics of compountis. Tic most la- George of Windsor, Mis. Chas. portant part of compoundi rubber Gowans, Toronto, Fred of Netier- Sil i must be built for tie Uses hli, Sask., anti Miss E. L. Tien- for whici it la intontiet. AU wili, Newcastle, who lias ulwnys ings in Goodyear aie dono on liveti wili lier fuUicr. Besides lie written ortiers only. thrce sons andti trco daugitors Tic most important tiovelop- living, deceuseti s surviveti by mont in mecent yeais, lie speaker fourteen grantildren anti nino conclutiet, is lie discover>' et groat grantichiltiren. Tic grand- synliotic rubber. Muchi syntlietic chiltiren botter known 10 Newcas- rubber la boing produceti now lu dle frientis of tho famil>' are Mia. lie Uniîtd States, but at prices. Fred J. Shannon (Alberta), To- five limes higier thun usual qt4o- ronto; Miss Phyllis Trenwith, To- talions for crude rubber. Cortain ronto, anti Miss Doroîl>' Trenwith physîcal cîaracîcrisîics make syn- wio makes her home with Miss E. lietîc rubber suporior 10 nalural L. Trenwili but lins a position ini rubber for man>' special uses, Toronto. Tic>' are tiaugliters of since il doos nol swoîî or tioterier- ticir widowed falier, Geo. Tien- aic when usoti wili gasoline anti wili, Windsor, who lias otten beon oils, anti aiso il resisîs the cor- in Newcastle.. rosive action of electric currents. Tic funomal service lie St. Fuel linos in some automobiles George's Churci, June 17, was at- are being matie from tic new sub- tendeti by a large bod>' of relu- stance, anti all molor fuel hose on tives wlio on foot followedth le U. S. army planes la matie em funeral car from lie Trcnwith synlietic rubber. But for wear home, "Clovermere" on Church anti lard service, no syntlie stroot, thlietance of a block 10cnrpaerubrcmons the cliurch. Many local resitientscnrelerubrcmon. anti olior frientis wore also in at-The speaker was introducet b>' tendance. Inclutiet among lic laI- the ciairman, Rev. W. F. Banla- toi wcre Mr, Clarles Priestman loi, who filleti the vacancy et Toronto, whose name anti featureý' President J. J. Brown, now on have become so familiar to moat île Lions Drearrýboat excursion. newspnpem rendors wîo have rend F. V. Ott movedth le vote et of lis annual sprlug wnlks te Oak- tlianks. ville anti scen s0 mmi>' of iiis pic- Plans weîe tiacusseti for the turcs. Ho wns accompanict b>' comlug cainival, anti a discussion Mis. Priesîman. Alao lu attendi- tooS place rcgartiing the solling et ance wns an olti frienti, Mi. John tickets.' 'Ilnion anti taugîter, Mis. Arthur The club was gladti 1 welcoe Balle>' anti hem daugliter Ruth. back Lion W. H. girks afler ie Rev. D. R. Dewdney conducteti rocent illness. ------ ---------- ( lose Mr. Wells who was well liked by everybody. His home is in Belleville. Re la succeeded here by Mr. D. M. Sutherland of Wes- ton who has been transferrcd from King and College brandi, Toronto. A number of children with their mothers were guests of Mrs. A. O. Parker and Master Seldon at a birthday party for Seldon, June 24. Seldon's birthday coin- cides witli the Duke of.Windsor's, June 23, but takiiùg bis cue from Royalty he changed the date of its celebration. His grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seldon, To- ronto, assisted in entertaining and rcmaincd for a few days. Newcastle Council has provided easy acccssibility from the east side to the west side beach at the lake by building a new foot bridge across the channel. Tic bridge is in two sections wîth an angle at the point of junction on a solld pier about the middle of the stream. The wliolc structure is about 22 yards long and is securely railed. Pedestrians wil find enjoyment in crossing the bridge over the wat- ers and young people are already finding romance on thie railings in the moonligit with the waters rippling beneath and the 11111e fishes swimming and darting about in them. Golden Rule Mission Band held ils June tea on June l7th in thie S. S. room. The room was pret- lily decorated with yellow and white streamers, daisies and iris. Mrs. J. A. Butler and Mrs. R. E. Morton poured tea while lie older members of the Band efficiently served tic lunch. Added features were the fish pond and home made cooking and candy sale. Piano solos were rendered by Kathleen Toms and Joyce Martin. The Band la much indebted to Ms. Harold Toms, Mrs. Morley Sailows and Miss Ruth Honey for their assistance in the kitchen. Thc tea was held under the superin- tendency of Miss Marjory Lycett and her assistants, Mrs. H. C. Al- lin and Mrs. Clarence Allin. Pro- ceeds $23,00. Just for thic fun of it Cecil Wallace and his bail players were hosts 10 a Garden Hill1 team on the local diamond on Thursday evening. Three and a fraction innings were played and then came the ramn, but thc boys didn't go right home, visitcd for a while. Score was about 8 to 0 for the locals when ticelliunderstorm broke. Friday eveming, Front St. Bowmanville sofîbaliers piayed a merry game against a hurrîedly got logether Newcastle bunch ofj diverse sizes and ages. There was4 some misunderslandîng about lhis1 as some of thc Newcastle boys,1 not Uiose in Uic actual game, had1 Uich service, assiated by thé choir ,who led mn Uic singing èf the ehymns. - Tic pal bererd *Ore aU rela- 1tives, W. D. Trenwlth, W. L. Tren- with, J. P. Trenwith, R. G. Mad- dock, Leslie T. Richardson, Fred J. Shannon. Interment was made i St. George's Cemeter>'. During the past nine years Mn. Trcnwiti was blind. Ho iked to have people cali in an.d.chat. He had a retentive memor>' and il was most interesting to héar him Espcak of lis Brazilian 111e and to hear tic flow of Spanish and Porlugese fromn his tongue. He was aiso intcrested-in current ev- ents and cspecialiy 50 in lie ne- jcent visit of Ticir Majesties. An Open Lotter Te Our LMilk. And Cream Customers We believe tint by li time most of Uic citizens of thc village and summer residents are aware that Newcastle la inciuded in a new list of villages and rural arcas in which after June 30Ui flic retail sale of pasteuri.e milk: and creamn only wili be permitted by law. As our business was foundcd on a small beginning of one quart a day about 23 years ago and has expanded and been maintained ahl these succccding years on raw mllk we must on principle retire as milk distributors. On Uic eve of doing s0 wc wish howevcr 10 earnestly lhank Uic man>' house- holders of Newcastle 'and sunimer visitors who have been giving us their patronage. Our relationships as between distrîbutors and con- sumners have been most happy and we have formed personal contacts which wc have grcatiy prizcd. There are reasons, quito distinct from. business ones, why -wo dcep- iy regret Uic disconlinuancc of Uiese relatiorlships. At lit time wicn we quit wc have 85 house- holders as customers, representing around 300 persons. We especial- iy appreciate Uieir having sup- ported and encouragod a, local family enlerprise and a homec in- dustry. We have now made arrange- ments wiUi Mr. R. B. LeGresley who at ieavy expense nas install- cd a completcly modern pasteur- izing plant on hla promnises, and to whomn a Milk Produoer-Distri- butor's license has been granted, to supply hlmn with a portion of oui milk at standard wholesnlc prices. Mr. LeGrcsley la aIso buy- ing our tickets and somne other cquipment and any surplus bot- tics and caps wc have in stock Uiat cai possibly be of an>' use to him. Cards of Thanka Mr. Michael Burns and family wish to thank the many friends for kind expressions of sympathy and the beautiful floral tributes 41i their recent sad bereavement. Reasi Estate For Sale FOR SALE - PRICK HO.USE. 7 rooms. one-haîf acre land. small barn. fruit trees, 2 miles north of Bowmnanville on Middle Road. Ap- ply B. McDonald. Manvers Road, Bowmanville. 26-1* FARM FOR SALE - TO CLOSE estate we of fer the Argue Fîrmn on No. 2 Highway, east of Bow- manville. One of the best farins in this district. 96 acres. clair loam; brick dwellingz. good hip roof barn with Al stablinr; windmill, creek. Must be sold. Write or phgne Lew V. Disney. R*al Estate Broker, Oshawa. 25-tf FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK cottage on Ontario St. T. H. Knight has it for sale and he thinks its cheap. It mult be sold. 1 21-tf For Sale FOR SALE - '32 DURANT Sport Coupe, exellent motor and appearance. Reasonable. Apply C. B. Purdv. King St. E. 26-i* FOR SALE-SAWYER MASSEY Traction Engine, 17 horse power, higzh pressure boiler. in good con- dition. will sacrifice at a real bar- ain for ouick sale. Applir to owner David Mutton. Hospital St.. Bow- manville. 26-2* FOR SALE - MOWERS. $15.00 up: McCormick Deering, Frost & Wood, Massey-Harris; cultivator, M.-Harris; disc harnow, Deering; hay rake, Deering; potato digger, Deering: gas engine, Deering; Deeringz corn binder; McDeering ensilage cutter. 12-A; McCormick grain binder, 6 ft. cut. Phone 597 office: residence 726. L. R Wood, Bowmanville. McDeeringz Agent. 25-tf FOR SALE - BEATTY COPPER tub washer, like new, fr .balance of account. Bargzain for caâh: also hand power washer, cheap. Sec Locke at Mason & Dale's Bowman- ville.26-1 FOR SALE - FOUR BURNER electric range. low oven. bargain. P.O. Box 353. 26_1* FOR SALE - -GOOD CJ.OVER and Timothy hay. in the field, a- bout 2 1-2 acres, Rev. Geo. Mason, Higzh Street, Bowmanville. Plione 723. * 26-1 FARM IMPLEMENTS FDÇR SALE -Reconditioneti mowers. hair ted- tiers and rak-es. thoroughly rebuilt grain bindens. Anyone needing any of these machines should sec them before buying. Also dealers for "Gem" Electric Fencées, price $18-00.. fullir guaranteeti anti equip- peti with batter>' anti in$ulators. W. S. Staples, Massey - Harris dealer. Bowmanville. Phone 781. ,- , , , 25-1 Announcement GET YOUR ENTRY IN FOR the contest of one act fflays to be held by Durham Central Agricul- tural Society, on the twô nights of the fair. Entries to Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. by July 15. Generous prizes. To Rent FOR REN'ý - FIVE ROOM'ED heated upper apartment, wlth ail conveniences. Apply Mrs. F. M. Crydernian. Silver Street. Bow- manville. Phone 2670. 26-1 FOR RENT - HOUSE ON SCU- gogr Street. Apply Geo. McMullen, Wellinsgton St.. Bowmanivplk. 26-1* HOUSE TO RENT - ON KING Street, hardwood floors and gar- aize. Asply M. Thompson. R.R. 3, Port Hove Ont. 22-tf TO LET - 5-ROOMED APART- ment. electric ligbt, 3-pce. bath, and izas, opposite Town Hjall. Ap- ly W. T. Symons. Phone 2251. Z0-tf APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE rooms. Apply Statesmnan Office. 49-tf 'Alteration Dept. ALTERATIONS - MORE AND more people are takingz advantage of the Evlyn Shop's reasonably oriced alteration department. to have their last year's dresses and coats made over to the latest sýtyles. Don't wait. Come in today and sec for vourself. The Evlvn Shop, Phone 594, Mrs. Clifford*Caverly. 25-tf Mowers Sharpened WEST END GARAGE & MACH- ine Shon, King St., sharpen lawn mowers better. You probably have had your mower sharpened at varions places and have flot been satisfied. Let us dlo your moLwer and sec for yourself the wonderful work we do.. Machine work a specialty. Phone 781. Open even- inRs. 23-4; Strayed STRAYED - ABOUT JUNE 1ST one-year-old red heifer. Notify R J. Hodzson. Tyrone. Phone 2323. 25-2* Mortgage Money 1 Available HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON Bowmanville Real Estate. Special attention to National Housing Act Loans. Inquire Bradley Bros., Oshawa. Phone 169. 25-tf Personal MEN PAST 401 - FEEL LIKE whole body run down? Try Ostrex Tablets of 2 stimulants front raw oysters plus 4 blood nerve. body tonics. If not delighted with re- suits first package. rflaker refunds its low prnce. You don't risk a penny. Caîl. write jury & LovelI. and ah gzood druggists. Men Wanted SUCCESSFUL MEN WANTED to selI for successf ul cpmpanv.- Our dealers piogress because we must insure their success f irst. 200 easy sellers, low vrnces. at- tractivelv packed. Quick repeat orders. Permanent connection and steady vear round income for capable men. Several locatities a- vailable iust now. If aual ified to become vour own boss. enouire without cdbligation. -Fàmilex, 'S70 St. Clement. Montreal. 26-1 Trailer For Rent CABIN TRAILER. EQUIPPED with accomodation for four. also outboard motor. Enquire of E. S. Harnden. Ontraio St., Phone 2690. 26-1w Wanted WANTED - A FAMILY COW. Jersey. T. B. T7ested. 5 or 6 years vears old. fresh, apply to M. J. Drawer B. Bowmativille. 26-i* WANTED - Second hand girls' and boys' bicycles or pUs Jack Allin. Kingz Streetý 26 1w Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - LAWN roller. water f lled p r e f e r r ecd. Phone 2334. 261% Chlcks For Sale REDUCED PRICES ON A LlM- ited number of Legzhorn vullets and started chicks, f rom blood tested stock. Albin Clemens. Phone 2433. 26tf Feed Speclal 4 GRAIN MIXTURE COMPOSED of equal parts of rolled wheat, roI- led barlevr rolled oats aimd cracked corn-$1.4b per cwt. Excellent for gzrowinir chicks. 0f fer gzood until July 6. F. C. Vanstone,. Phone 777. 26-1 For Sale, or Rent FOR SALE OR RÈNT - SOLID brick house, bath. f urnace. lights, every modern convenience double garage. Apply T. H. Knight. Phon44 or 68. . 22-tf -AWNID $'1FOR store or residence; Veù 'ù~IYblinds, To conserve gas, lugenious Ja- wood or metal slots; largest selec- pan develops lie ciarcoal-burn- tion at lowest pnices. Esîimalcs Ing mnotor car. Thus, b>' lie lime given without obligation. Apply one lias driven 10 lie picnlc spot, Noticutt & Smith, Bowmanville. lite steak' la dons. - Milwaukoo 23-4 1Journal. BIRTIIS $lof!8 COMING EVENTrS HYetii Anniversary Services will be held Sunday. June 2Sth. at 2.30 anti 7.30 P.m. Rev. M. Sanderson of Toronto. will preaci. Special sing- iniz by lie school under tie direction of Mn. E. E. Staples. assisteti by the Osborne-Wigzht Quartette in lie aftennoon and Mr. jas. Hancock, soloist, of Bowmanville, in the even- ing. Saturday, July Ist, commeppçing at 3.30 a men's sofîbaltournament will be held. - Tea will be served f nom 4.30 until aIl are served. At 8 p.m. a grand concert will .be pre, sented bir the Cowan Concert Comn- pany of Toronto. Hampton Sunday School Anniver- sarir Services will be helti as, follows. Sunday. June 25th, Reir. C. H. Dick- inson, Toronto. will speak at 10.30 a.m. and 7 1).m. Special music by lie school tnoder tie leadership of Mn. T. Salter. Mn. H. Batten. soloist, Peterborough. Special offering, in aid of Sunday School. Saturday, Julir lst, 3 p.m.. League girls' soft- bail game. Maple Grove ys Hamp- ton. 4.30 o).mi. softbaîl game, Mar- rieti men vs single men. 6.30 pým., League football game. Courtice vs Hampton. Supper senved f nom 4.30 P.m. At 8 pan. Betiesda Concert Conipany, f nom near Uxbridge. pre- sents lie followingz programme: Comnedy "In May With Julne". and a musical drama. "The Last Rehear- sal." , 22 in caste aIl in Old Tyme costumes. Admission: Aduts-Tea and Concert. 50c; Tea only, 35c; Concert only, 25c. Children -Tea and Concert.- 39c; Tea only, 20c; Concert only, 15c. AlI services on Standard Time. Holiday-TiinMe WALKE STORES CAN M'L TOUR NIIS JUST ARRIV7ED Tahiti Cloth Dresses *~1 $2,98 -Euh Bizes 14 to 44 Cool, chic pastela and whitea lu Summer'a smartcst styles . . . some with Jackrets, others with dalut>' embroider>' and flower trlm. Your aunimer. attire wen't b. com- plete wlthout euee ofthese smarlt dresses \( 1/- M r Trul>' wondertul value are these snugr fittlug Lastex Swlm Suite. You'll want te go swim- mlng any day uew, se sec these smart suite whlle our steck la complote. Sport Shirts Overals 6$1.00OEs. $1.00 Sparking white and colors too, For sport, overalis are the ln a mannlsh style shIrt waist thlng - Smart bib front with made of mercerized slub cot- white trims on navy drilL ton. Slzes14 to 20. la sizes to 14 and 14 to 20. Phone 451 Bowmanvil&e CARTER'S HAVE THE ITEMS FOR, YOUI PICNIC cookie, littie cakes, rofls, sandwich bread already sHoed thin or thick. aoft drinks,'ice crosm bricks or anying you may wish. made to your order. Bqy them ai (lrte Bakeiry. WEEK-END SPECIALS Doliclous Fudge LAYER CAKE ...................30 sponge LAYER .......................... 21 Plain Sjionge Cake for ,STRAWBERRY SHORTAKE ......lu CREAM PIE ..... ........o FOUNTAIN SPECIAI. Fresh 8$rawberry SUNDA9 ......... ..2 for 25c - RTÉIFAMI-LY 1 Pholie 851 - Bu>' Front fowmanvle flakors 95 flakers for Itwo Goueratleus PAGE TEN Radios S'ervlçyd - RADIOS SERVICED - '-DON'T, wait until you necd them tuis faîl.r have theni readir. F. Crowe, Elgin > St.. Bowmanville. 25-2*, ' Mortgage Sale Under anti by virtue of powers containeti in a certain morltge whici will be produceti u thle lime of sale there will be offered for sale by public auctioni on Tbursday, thc sixîfi day of July. 1939, at 2 p.mi. Daylight Saving Time. aIt tç of fice of- A. J. Lyre, Town Ifall, BéiY-ý manville, bir W. J. Challis. Auction- enr. AIl andi Singular lhat certain parcel or tract of land and, premisea. situate, lying and beingiz ùrlie Town of Bowmianvilk., in the Count>' of Durham and Province of Ontarlo, formerly a part of Lot, Number Twelve in the First Concessiont if tic Township of Darlington andi bW ingr coniposeti of Town; Lot lttliber One Hundned and 'Fifty-four in Block letter "L," f rontingz on the North side of Church Street ini the saiti Town as shown on Plan of the Village of Bowmanville, made b>' John Grant andi repgistered on the 251h day of April. 1852, formerly occupicti bv Canada Slicer Corpor- ation Limiteti. Ternis: 10% of punchase tprice 10 be paid at lime of sale, balance i cash 30 dairs liercafler. For further particulars andi con- ditions of sale upply 10 A. J. Lyle, Town Hall, Bowmianville Dated at Bowmanville this 12th day of June, 1939. 24-3 PICTURES ARE PRICELESS POSSESSIONS ALWAYS BE PREPARED te take them with a good camera loaded with flue film. We eau suppi>' you with the flucat and develop your suapi se liaI every detail efth11e posi- tive picture willbe as your camera saw it. Dou't take chances on treasured anaps belug spoiled durlng develop- ment. This week-end la an ideal time to take pictures while picule- lnt, holldaylng ln distant spots, or while restlng about th1e br uie. Obtain equipment now for taking outside or Inside p dures. The more snaps you take, th1e more you wilI appre- clate their value. SUMMER TIME la troquentl>' the lime when eyestrain becomes noticeabie. Durlng wnter months, most ef us have been tee bus>' te pay attention te miner aliments, but with warm weather and a tlartng sua tacing us ever>' day, we must be lun1the best of heat11te enJgy ourselves. If you are having trouble wlth your eyes If you are bothered with headaches, iet our optemetrist examaine your eyes. Heie l a tralned man wlth many years experience and may be able te belP You. Specials For The Weekend BATHING NEEDS shade Hats - c - 250 ilshoo - - - - 25cup Caps - - - - 15c to75o1 Beoh BaUs - - - 25c Lastex- Wool Bathers LAMB-At Enniskillen. on Monday June 26. 1939. to Mn. anti Mrs. Lonhe Lamb, a daughîer. RUTHERFORD - In Bowman- ville Hospital.. on Sunday, June 25. 1939. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Rutherford, nde Mary E. Mcl- Ion. Clarke a son (Paul Allan). DIEATHS CHASE-At Toronto East General Hospital. June 26. 1939. Minnie May Chase. widow of- D. M. Chase anti mother of George Chase, Bowmanville. age 72 years. DARCH - In Clarke, on Wednes- day, Jnue 28. 1939. Manthia Ann Darci, beloveti wife of James H. Darci, aze 67 yeans. Tic late Mrs. Darci is restink, at Morris Co. Chapel untîl Satunday, JuL i st. Service at Trinity United Cliurch, on Saturday at 2 o'clock DS.T. Intenment aI Bowmanil-le Ceme- tery. FENWICK-Suddenly at his Rome, 85 Wilson Ave., Toronto, june 19, Ernest M. Fenwiclç beloved hus- band o0f Durcilla McClelland, ageti 59 years. son of the late Wr M. Fenwick principal of Bowmanville Higi School. GRIVE-At Guelph Gencral Hos- pital. on Saturday. junç 24. 1939. Eva D. Grive, R. N., dauugjter of tie late Mr. anti Mrs. Johu Grive, of Newcastle, Ontario. Funkeral service Monday at thc resitience of ici brother, Mn. John Grive. 123 Dublin St.. Guelph. Intermcpt at Woodlawn cemetery. STACEY - In Ôshawa. June 23. 1939. Thomnas Stacey. (7 Bloor St. West). beloved husbgnd of Elizabeth Ann Braund. in his Blst year. IN MEMORIAM EDGER - In loving niemory of a dear father William Edger. who Passed away June 27, 1928: A silent thougzht. a secret tear. Keeps his memony ever dear, Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. Ever remembered by family. R UIS E WA N TuA, DS 1 1