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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1939, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE~ ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1939 V LANTERN TEMPLE 1<BAI LEY' CHAPTER U Synopsis Younig. pretty jane Barnes. who lived with ber brother. Baldwin, in Sherwood Park near Washington, *was nlot p)artièularly impressed wben she read that rich attractive Edith Towne had been left at the altar by Delafield Simms wealthy new York- er. However. she still mused over it * when she met Evans Follette, a Young meighbour whom the war had left completely discouraged and despond- cnt. Evans had always loved Jane. Wben vounaz Baldwin Barnes had ridden out of Sherwood that morn- inR on his way to Washington. bis car had swept by f ields which were crisp) and f rozen: bv clumus of trees whose pointed top)s cut into the clear1 blue of the sky; over ice-bound streams. ail shilling silver in the early sunlight. Hie had the eve of an artist. and lie liked thé ride. Even in winter the countrvside was attractive - and as the road slipped away. there1 came a few bia bouses surrounded1 by wide grounds. with glimp)sese througb their hiRh hedges of white1 statues. of spired cedars. of sun-1 dials set in the midst af dead Rar- dens. Beyond these tbere was an arid1 stretch until the Lake was reached.i then the links of one country club. the old buildings af another. and at last on the crest of a h. a view of the citv - sweeping on the rizbt towards ArlinRton and on the left1 tawards Soldiers' Home. Turninz inta Sixteentb Street. he crossed a bridge with its buttresses auarded bv stlle panthers - and it * was on this bridge that his car1 stopped. Climbint out. he blamed Fate fur-1 jausi>'. Years afterward. however. be dared not think of the dii ference TAKE THE "dLEAD" FEELING OUT OFYOUR LEGS Cm M«e. la... [a us d iGt peosie who amther to deth d. eca oxgem hau beeM OoMple telon ffrom *i bsa ut Bau urely i7mOn cl lowli -th- srlag if "w -Wbood lauha red oorpuaes. Bel corpugal are For oxyue-rrlezs gm.carryng oorpnsce. Yor kidneYa, U1VOV tmanmd bowels slow doWIL. Tour aida ga apaie, f5u"bjr ortec fpl. Tour mr what youn eed i Dr. Wlliam. Pink PUIla msee world-Zamouiille bhel» niake mor 1a better red corpwodea and thus lure... th oxygen-carrint Power of puur blood. OtDr. william. Pink Pilatoday et yn drumblt. see for ourzelf bow qnlcdY Iis ta-proven blood-bullder will b lp Rive ion back your p.op. Ou.. . T.. PoilS 0. . K it migbht have made il lus little f liv- ver bad flot iailed him. Once wben he stapped. a woman passed birn. Sie w'as taîl and sIen- der and wrapped upta bo er cars ini nmoleskin. Her srnall bat wgs bIne, I rom ber hand swunn a.arav suede baz. ber feet were in arav shoes witb cut-steel bnckles. Baldv's ciick eyes îook in the de- tails ai ber costume. He rellected as he wcnt back ta work that women were foals ta court death in Ibat fashion. with thin slippens and silk stochinazs in Ibis bitter weather. He fonnd the trouble. fixed it, iumped inta bis car and starled bis motor. And il was j ust as be was movinz that bis eye was caugbt by a spot ai bIne bobbinz down the bilI belaw the bridge. The wornan wbo had passed him was makina bher wav slowlv alonz the slippery path. On eacb side ai ber the trees were bnown and banc. At the foot ai the bill was a thread ai irozen water. It was flot usual at this time ta sec pedestnians in that place. Now and Iben a workman took a shart cu- on an wanm days there Ivere pîic parties - but ta iollaw. thç nough paths in wintcr was a bleak and anduons adventure. He stayed fan a moment to watcb ber. then suddenly leit bis car and nan. Tbe girl in the blue bat bad 'caugbt ber igb heels in a nmot. bad 'stumbled and fallen. When be reacbed ber, sue was sînugghling ta ber icet. He belped ber. and icked ut) the baa wbicb she bad drapped. 'Tbank van 50 mucb." Hen voice was low and pleasinaz. He saw that she was vaunna. hat hen skin was vcny fair, and that the bain wbicb swent aven ber cars was pale gold. but mosî ai aIl. be saw Ibat ber eyes were bunnink, bIne. He bad neven seen eyes Quite like tbem. The aId Poets would bave called Ibern sappbine. but sapphires do not ilame. "It was so sdI> aif me ta Itry ta do il."l she was Protestjng. "but 1 thougbî it mighî be a short ct-'2 He 'wondercd wbat ber destination migzht be Ihat Ibis nemate path shauld lead tc, it. But aIl be said was. "Hiab beels aren't made f or- mauntain climbing-"? "Tbey aren't made for anythipa," she said. lookcingz down at t4e steel- buckled slipplers. "useful." "L-et me belp van np the bill!" "I dan't want ta o on Hie surveyed tbe steep incline. 'I am penfectl>' sure you don't want ta go dawn." 'I do." she besitated. "but I sup- pose I can't." He bad a sudden inspiration. "Can I take vou anywbere? My little f liv- ver is np there an the bridge. Wguld Yon mind that?" "Would I mind if a lufe-hie were Ibnown ta me in mnid-ocean ?" She NUL BUTTERE CHOCOLAT£ MILE said it ligzhtly, but be fancied there was a note 6f bigb hope. Tbcy went np the bill together. "I want ta gjet an Alexandria car." she told bim. "But von are miles away f rom i. "Am I ?" She sbowed momentary confusion. "I - boped 1 miahlt reacb it throuzb the Park-"ý "You migzht. But you mniglht alsa f reeze ta deatb ini the attexnpt like a babe ini the wvood, witbaut aný rob- "Conld I ?" the monnina stars sang. "There's aconkina place in George- town." "Wiîhout the world loaking on?" "Without vour world lookinaaon," boldl>'. SIte hesitated. then told thic trutb. "I'rn runnina away-" He was cager. "May' I belp?" "Perhaps you wouldn'î if yau knew." 'Try me." He belped ber imb bis cçar, încked the rua about ber, and put uthe curtains. "No one can sec you an the back seat," he said. and. drave to Georgetown on the wîngs ai the wind. He branabt cal Ice ont ta bher f rom a neat sbop where milk was sold and buns. and bot drinks, ta malar- men. and conductons. Il was a dlean litîle place. f resb as paint. and, tbe bultened raIls were bnown and cisu. "I neyer tasted anythinay so gopd." the nunawav tld Baldy. "And now I arn gaina la ask you ta drive me aven the Virginia side-Il el the trolley Ibere." Whcn at ast he drew np at the lilîle way station, and unfasîened the curlain. he was aware that she bad apened the suede bag and bad a raIl aI buils in ber band. Fon a marnent bis heant f ailed bim.. Was she gaoina ta of fer bim mone>'? But what she said. wiîh' cbeeks Ilamina. was: "I baven.t anything less than ten dollars. Do 1yan îbink the>' wihl take it ?" "Its doubîful. I bave oodles ai change." He held ont a bandinl. "Thank van 50 mucb and - yau must let me bave yanr card-" "Oh, please-" Her vaice bad an edge af sharp- ness. "0f course it must be a boan." He banded ber bis card in silence. She read the name. "Mn. Bannes. van bave been very kind. I am tremendouslv igratelul." "Il was flot kindness-but now and then a princess passes." For a breatbless mQment ber amazed ahance met bis - then the cana aif a bell beralded an apvroacb- ina car. As be helped ber out 'burriedly she stumbled aven the rua. He cau0ttber up, illed lier ta the gronnd. and matianed ta, the mtar- man. The car stapped and she mounted the steps. *Gaod-bv and îbank van sa rnucb." He stood back and she waved la bim wbile be watcJied ber ont ai sigbt. His work at the affice Ibal marn- ina bad dreanis fan an accompani- ment. He went ont at hnnch-time but aIe nothina. Il was aI lunch- tirne that be bonahî thc violets-pay- ina an unthinkable price fan tbem, and nol carngl. Il was aller ailfice thal Baldv car- ried the ilowers to bis car. He set tbe box on the back seat. In the hum>' ai the morninz be badl for- golten the rua wbicb still lav wlîere bis fair passenger bad stnmbled aven il. He picked il np and sorne. thina droppcd lrorn ils flds. Il was the gray suede bag. hall open, and sbowina the ral ai bills. Benealhi the ral af buils was a srnalh sheer bandkcercbiel, a vanit>' case wilh a pincb ai nowder and a wee pnufL a new check-book-and' negligvyithy aI the verv battom, a ring-a ring ai i J. '"Would 1 mindi f a 11e-Mune were tbrown ta me i mid-ocean?" iîîs ta periorrn the ast melanchol>' rites. Wbaî made yau tbink ai sncb a thing?" He saw at once bis mistake. Hen voice lîad a toucb ai inigidity. «I can'I tell van." '*Sorry, be said abnuptly. 'Tou1 must iorgive me!' She melted. "No. il is I wbo sbonld be forgiven. It must look1 strange ta you-but I'd nather na- explain-"1 On the ast steep risc ai the hilI be litted hen aven a slipper.y pool. and as bis band sank intcIte soit f un of ber wnap be was consciaus ai ils luxur>'. It seemed ta bim that bis mustand-coloured coal fairly sbouted incongruit>'. His imagzina- tion swept an ta, Raleigh. and the velvet cloak wbicb migbt do the situation justice. He smiled at bim- seli and smiling. 100o, aI ber. icît a lînahing sense ai comina circum- stance. It was because ai that smilc. and the candid. boyisb qualiîy ai it. that she trusted him. "'Do you know," she said. "I baven't bàd a Ibhinz ta eat Ibis munning, and I'm frigtfnlly bungry. Is there anv place that I conld bave a cup) ai cofce -.. wbere van could bring il ont ta me in the 1car?" sucb enchantment that as il lay in Baldys hand be doubted its reality. The hoop was of Platinun.. slender, vet stranaz enougb ta bear up a carved moonstone in a circle of dia- monds. The carvinir sbowed a deli- cate Psycbe-witb a butterflv on lier shoulder. The diamonda blazed like small sunis. Inside the ring vas an inscription -"Del ta Editb-,--Forever.", Del ta Editb. Where bad be seen those names? XVitb a sudden flash of illumination. be dropped tbe ringz back into the baa. stuffed the bag into.bis pocket and made bis way ta a newsboy at the corner. There it was in startling bead-1 lines: Edith Towne Disappears. Del- afield Simms' Yacht Said ta Have Been Sighted Near Norfolk I Se bis Passenger bad 4een tlhe mncb-talked-abont Editb Towine - deserted at the moment ai ber mar- riage. He tbonazht of ber eyes af burninz blue- the fairness of ber eJcn and hair- the touch of bxaughtiness. Simms was a cur, ai courselI He shonld have knelt at ber feet 1 The thiniz ta do was ta. ,gel the baz back ta ber. He must adver- tise at once. On the wingzs af this decision, bis car wbirled down the Avenue. The lines wMhb,, after mucb deliberation. be »ushed across the counter of the newspaper office, would be ambigzuous ta others, but clean ta her. "Will passenger ivbo left bag witb valuable ç,çntents in Ford car caîl up Sberwood Park 49." "Is she really as beautiful as Ibat ?" Jane demanded. "As wbat ?" "'Her picture in the paper." "Haven't I said enougb for you ta know it?" Jane nodded. "'Yes. But it doesn't sonnld real te me. Are yau sure you didn't dream it?" "I'll sav I didn't. Isn't tbat the prool ?" The azray baar lav an the table in f ront ai tbem. the ringz was on Jane's linger. She turned it ta catch the ligbt. "Baldy," she said. "it's be'vond ima- gînation." "I told va-"! "Think ai bavina a ring like Ibis-"l "Tbink." f iercely. "ai bavinzaa lover who ran awavý." "Well." said Jane. "there ar7e some advantages in beiniz - unsougbl.1 I'm like the Miller-ess ai Dee- 1 "I care for nobody- No. flot I. Since nobody Canes- Far me- 1" She sanz it witb a ligbt boyish swing iz b er body. Her voice was1 inlisb and sweet. witb a tçiuch of buskiness. Baldv fluniz bis scarni at her. "Jane aren't yau ever in earnesî ?" "Intermittently," she smiled aI Business Directory Legal DL.G. V. GOULD, B.A'";LLD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmnanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary e olicitor for Bank of Montreal lVoney to Loan. Phone 791. Bwmanville, Ontario. L. C. MABON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immnediately east of Royal Theatre. k Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Simon Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowsnanvile. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. House phone 888. X-Ray Equipment in Office. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. Morris Co.' Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. CaIl Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer Ltcensed Auctioneer ELrER WILBUR Hampton, Ont. Speclallzlng hi Fanm, Llventock, Implements and Furniture Sales /' TERMS MODERATE Phone for Ternis and Date tot flownianville 2428. "Lest We Forget"' A. H. BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer in Monuments, 1'ablota, Marker@, etc. In Granite and Marbie. Buc et ai alil9 hUma. Clean, quicg, suret WIY cheap. Aâk your Prut- MORTHE IUr4 ihim. came over and tucoed ber arm in bis. "Baldy," sbe coaxed.. "aren'l you gaing totell ber uùcle ?" He stared at - et. "Hier, uncle?' Tell i i wbat ?" "That Yau'vé found the bag." He flunaz off ber anm. "Would van bave me turn traitor?" "Heavens. Baldy. this isn't melo- drama. It's canmmon sense. You can't keep) that bag." III can keep) it until she ansWens my advertisemetit." "Se av neyer see yaur adver- tisement and the mane>' isn't yaurs, and the ring istà't."1 He was traubled. "But she trust- ed me. I can't do it." Jane sbrugged ber shouldens. and began ta dlean away the dinner thinas. Baldy belped ber. Old Mervmaid mewed ta go aut. and Jane opened the door. "It's snowing bard," she said. The wind drove the ilake5 across the tbresbold. Old Merrymaid danced back inta the bouse brigbî- eyed and round as a muf f. The air was freezing. ~'It is zainz ta be a dreadful niabt.' Yaung Baldwin. beavy with aloom. prapbesied. He tbougbt of iEdiîb in tbe stormn in ber buçkled sbaes. Had she fonnd shelter? Was sbe friabtened and alane samewbere in the dark? He wenî into the living-room, wbence Jane pnesently fallowed bim. Jane was knitting a sweater and sbe worked white Baldv read ta ber. He read the fulil account ai Editb Towne's f ligbt. Sbe bad eane awav eanly in the marnin. The maid. taking ber breakfast up ta hber. bad faund tbe room empl>'. She had leit a note for ber uncle. But be bad flot permitted its publicatian. He .was. thev said, wild witb anxiety. "'I'll bet be's an aId.. tyrant." was Baldy's comment. Fnederick Tawne's picture was in the paper. 'II like bis face," said Jane. "and be daesn't seem sa frigbt- fully aId." "Wby sbould she mun awav f ram him, if be wasn't a tyrant ?" be de- manded furiausl>'. "Weil. don't scold me," Jane was as vivid as an anaole in the midst ai hen orange woals. She laved color. The living-room was an expression ai it. Its f unni- ture was old-fashioned but flot oId- fasbioned enough ta be lovely. Jane had. boweven, modified its lack ai grace and its duit monotanies by covers ai chintz - trapicaj birds against black and white sînipes - and there was a lamp oi dulitbIne vatterv witb a Cbinese shade. A lire in the coal grate. witb the alaw ai the lamp. gave the raom a look ai bunnishcd brigbtness. The kitten. curled up in Jane's lap. played caz- ilv witb tbe tawny tbreads. "Don't scald me,'. said Jane, "it isn't my fanît." "l'm flot scahding. but I'm worried ta death. And you aren't anv belp, are vou? She looked at bim in aLstonisb- ment. "I've tried ta belp. 1 told van to caîl up." Young Baldwin walked the floar. "Sbe trusted me."t "You wan't get anywbere witb that." said Jane witb decision. "The thing ta do is ta tell Mr. Towne that you have news ai ber. and that you'll give it oniy under promise that be wan't do anything until be bas talked it over witb van." "That sounds better." said young Baldwin, "bow did yau bappen ta îbink of it?" "Now and then," said Jane. " have ideas." Baldv went ta the telephone. Wben he came back bis eyes were like gray moans. "He pramised ever>'- thina. and be's camina aut-"2 "Here?" "Yes. he wauldn't waiî until ta- morraw. He's wild about ber-"2 "Weil. he wanld be." jane mien- tallv surveyed the situation. "Baldv. I'm gaina ta make same cafiee. and bave sanie cheese and crackers." "On a cold nigbt like this. l'II sav be will: anvbadv wonld. " Baldv belped Jane get outthIe ronnd-bellicd silver pat the pitchers and trav. The yauna people bad a sense ai camplacency as tbey ban- dled the aid silver. Fredrick Towne could have nathinia ai mare distin- guîshed birtary. It bad behbangle1 ta their great-grandmother. Dabney. who was really D'Anbig.c. and it bad araced an emperar's., table. Eacb piece bad a monogram set in an enaraved wreatb. The bia trav was so beavy that Jane lifted it witb difiicultv. so Baldy set il for ber on the little mabogany table wbich tbev drew up in front ai the f ire. There was no wealtb now in the Barnes family, but the old silver spoke af a time wben a vanka hast- ess as black-baired as Tape bad dispensed lavish bospitality. Towne's toue showed a touch of Irrlatinn. like that. It isn'î fair. We'vç ah- ways been the best oIf fiends-rnare ike brother and sisten tbaîî niece and uncle." "But flot like Baldv and me," said jane ta benscîf. "not in tbe leasi ike Baldy and me." "Of course Simms ouabt la be shat." Towne told tbemn repeatýdly. "He ôuazht ta be hanged," was Baldv's arnendment. Jane's needles clicked. but she said nothinz. She was dyvina 10o tell Courtice asked tbem. and Tawne had ne- Died promptl>'. "Certainlv not. Tbere's noîhinaz we bave ta sav that van can't hear."' Sa Jane listened wltb al ber cars. and madified the opinion she bad fanmed af Frederick Towne frorn bis picture and from ber iirst. glirnpse af bim. He was nice 10 talk la. but be migbt be bard-ta, live with. He bad obstinacv and egotism. "Wbv Editb should have donc! it arnazes me." "She wvas hurt," she said, "and she wanted ta bide." "But people seem ta îhink that in some way il is my lanît. I don't t leads in accoleotion . it leads in hill-sclimbing. and it also leads in- sales! ADANEDKNEE-AC11ON Frlctdanless Ccii Springs; Double- Actinp Shock Absorbers; RidU rmore ways thon one, this flueet, handseme Stabfllfrsr; Shockprcof Dual Croas rChevrolet, the ace purformer of the low-price Steering. (*Availabim on Master e-. a- ,&.- a-& 1S-9 & L-#- O.DLx o isnl field, s the irst car or rhs sandi les first ln sados, topping ail ether cars ln public demandIltles first ln ail the many thldgs whlch speli valuel lts first ln acceleratlon - finit ln lmil-limbing - finit ln ail-round perfor- nonce wltliscoomyl And wth ail ths things te recommend it, Chevrolet deserves t e buf rst wlth you ond yow' fornuy, If you want te gel the most for your money when you buy your new car this year. Choos. the car that is first ln sales and first ln velus-choose a new 1939 Chevrolutil iaW anonthly paymenft on the Generol Mators insfoiment Pion. Mei onIy Iow-prlc.d car c@mblnlng ",AU THATS DESTAT LOWEST COSTI"J C-i,,a STEERINO COLUMN "Vacuum assist", supplies 80% of ahlftlng effart. Simple, positive design. Avallable on cil modela at aid>' $13 extra. CIEVMOLE1'S FAUOUS VALVE-IN4IEADSIX Volve.ln.eod engines have mode ail world record-on land-oe wter-aond in the. air. PERFECTEM Qav-ele HYDIUUC BUES Maximum effect with minimum pedal presure . . . Emergene>' Brake Lever under the. cowl et driver'. loft. Bowmanville 1 UYFRMA USNES LE ..YORCE VRLT'*ELR these bloodthirst y males what she tbought of tbem. What good would it do ta shoot Delafield Simms? A woman's hurt pride isn't ta bt' bealed by the thought ofa mWrpns dead body. Young Baldwin brought out the bag. "It is one that Delafield Rave lier." Frederick etated, "and -I casbed a check for ber at the bank the day before the wedding. 1 can't imrajz'ne wbv she took the rilpa with ber." "She probably forgot ta take it off. ber mind wasn't on rings." Tane's voice was warm with feel- ing. He loaked at ber with some cur- "Oh. ber beart was broken. Notb- ina else mattered. Can't youi see? Jane swept tbem back ta, the mat- ter of the bag. "We tbougbt yau ougbt ta bave it, Mr. but Baldy bad scruples about rçvealina anythinz be knows about Miss Towne's hidina -place. Hç fiQels tbat she trusted bim." "You said you bad advertised. Mr. Barnes?" "Well. the one thinR is to aet ber home. Tell ber thiat if sbe calîs you up.' Frederick looked suddenlvt tired and old. Baldy. leaningazaainst the mantel. zazed down at him. "It's bard ta de-v cide what I ougzht ta do. But 1I feel that I'm rigbht in qivinaz ber as chance f irst ta answer tue adver-b tisement."s Towne's tane sbowed a touch ofa irritation. "0f course you'll baves ta act as vou tbink best." And now Jane took tbings in ber own bands. "Mr. Towne. I'm gaingz ta make vau a cup of coffee." "I shall be very grateful," be smiled at ber. Wbat a charminiz cbild she was!1 He was sootbed and refresbed bv the. atmospbere tbev âieated. This boy 'and girl were a f riendlv pair and he loved bis ease. His own bouse. since Edith'.% depar- ture. had Ïbeen f unereal and bis friends bad been divided in their cbampionship between bimsclf and Edith. But the Young Barneses were s0 pleasinaly responsive with their ligbted-up eves and their littie air of makirw bim anc witb tbem. Edîtb had alwavs seemed ta put him quite definitelyon tbe shelf. With little Jane and ber'brother be bad a feeling of cqualitv of age. "Look bere," be spoke impulsive- ly. "mav I tell you aIl about it? It would relieve my mind immensely." To Jane it was a tbrilling mo- ment. Havinaà poured the coffee Before Doing Your Painting Let us quote prices for lead and ail paints, mlxed ta any deslred shade. This type of paint ls cosd- ered by mass> usera as the moat economileal and satlsfac- tory on thc market. J. H. ABERNETHY Concession St. - Bowmanvile Phone 431 4 FOR TOUE CONVEIENCE A FuR iLno of Our' Produots CREAI MLKTICKES - May Be Purcha8od At - Allia's Mlk Dar (Opposite Balmoral Ilotel) 13osrs 8*am. - 12 p.m - Open Sundays GUi4RAE DAIRY Phome88 omnll C HEVROLET ROY NICHOLS she came out f rom bebind ber bat- tlement ofi silver and sat in ber chintz chair. She did flot lcnit; she was enchanted by the talje that Towne was telling. She sat ver>' still. her hands folded. the, tropical birds about ber. To Frederick she seemed like a bird berseif - slimn and lovely. and' with a voice that, sang 1 (Continued next week) .eor You nsu -enul 77 ý -ý, THURýSDAY, JUNE,29TH,ý1939 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEý ONTARIO Bu»t*in this-,warmth and fragrance he expanded. "Wbat a charming room," be said. and smiled at ber. Jane felt pcrlectlv at case wilh bim. He was. aller alI. she *reflect- cd. only a gentleman. and Baldv was that. The anly dilference la>' in their divergent incarnes.. Sa. as the twa men talked. she knitted on, with the autward cf fect oaI olacidity. "Do you want me ta gzo?" jbe had NOW"Oiwmm

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