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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1939, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO I Qf Interest To wO EN0 -- - -- - -- - -- -- -- -- Weddings Spencer.....»ckinesn LOVELY LAWN NUPTIALS AT BASE UINE BOXE With a beautiful seiiing af pink and white peonies, a lovely June wedding iook place in St. John's Anglican Church, Bownianvile, on Saiurday afiernoan, June 24th, when Miss Norma Clara Dickin- son,ughter of Mn. and Mrs. B. Dcion, Pari Hope, became the bride of Thomas W. F. Spencer, son of Canon arid Mrs. C. R. Spen- cer, Bowmanville. The groom's father perfarmed the ceremony. The bride was attended by ber niece, Miss Helen Stapleton of Port Hope, and Mn. Selby Spencer Miss Leah Bell, daughtero was the groomsman. Line, Darlington, was married The bride looked charming in a Hope, June 5th. Ceremony toc navy blue travelling ensemble home. Ralph Cale, nephew of with white accessories, and a blue and Miss Muriel Moore was bri turban bat with shaulder-lengîh Goodyear Wingfoat Clan. veil. VIer corsage was of exquisite archida. The bridesmaid wore a by Miss Jessie Bryson and during maroan ensemble with bat ta the signing of the register Mrs. match, and wore a lovely corsage Harry McCullough sang "'Be- Of Talisman rosebuds. cause." Music was played by Mr. D. A reception was held at the Millson of Port Hopp, while the Queen's Hoiel where the guests ushers were Messrs. George and were received by Mrs. Barker, Charles Spencer. gawned becomningly in black anc Af ter the wedding, a receptian white and wearing a corsage of was held ai The Newcastle Arms, Talisman roses. She was assisted where the brlde's moiher received by the groom's maiher who look- in a beautiful dress of powder ed charming in a gawn of queen's blue lace, with a corsage af roses, blue with a corsage of Talisman while the moiher of the groaom roses. received in a lovely black and on the wedding trip ibrouglr white suit wth whie accessonies. Northern Ontario, the bride wore Afier the reception the happy -a dress of navy sheer over taffeta couple lef t for Hamilton and Buf- wiih white accessories. On their falo, and are now residing in their return the couple will resîde ini new home ai Barrie. Toronto. The groom is dispenser in the Royal Canadian Arnmy Medical 'akriîW~n Corps at Camp Borden. akril- ls HYland-Barker Barrie, Ontario. - Amid a set- ting of ferns and summer flowers in Central United Church, Barrie, June 27th, Cora Marjorie Barker, daugbter of Mrs. Geo. A. Barker of Barrie, and the laie Mr. Bark- er, became the bride of Clifford Bradley Hyland of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hylanci of Nestleton. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. A. N. Cooper, pastor of the church. The bride, given in marriage by ber grandfather, Mr. William Barker, looked charming in a gown of white' marquisette over taffeta with a veil of sîlk net ar- ranged with a halo of orange blos- soms. She carried a bouquet of Briardiif roses ànd summer chry- santhemums. Her sister, Mrs. Rob&Parker, who attended her as matMr of honour, was gowned in pale blue net over taffeta and car- ried a bouquet of Joanna Hill roses. Robert Parker, brother-mn- law of the bride, was best man, and the ushers were Robert Parr and Bruce McCouley, both of Bar- rie. The wedding music was played The Perfect Th of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bell, Base 1to, James Mitchell Bennett, Port ok place on the lawn at the Bell Ethe bride, attended Mr. Bennett, idesmaid. Above picture courtesy Women's Association Strawb.rryFestival On Fniday evening about 150 people enjoyed a supper given by Mrs. S. R. James' graup of the Women's Association on the lawn of Trinity United Church. The menu consisied orf a salad plate ai cold meat, potato salad, cabbage salad garnished wiih shredded carrot, pickled beet, hard-boiled egg, radish, bread and butter, sirawberries and cream, cake and tea. Duning the supper Miss Lau- ise Osborne and Miss Helen Wil*# liamfs favored wiih piano music. COUPLE CELEBRATE 257H ANNIVERSARY ig S. ie ts r, ýd )f ýd 'S n h e a n A quiet wedding took place at About fifty fniends and rela-j Newcastle United Church parson- tives gaihered ai the home of Mn. age, June 24th, when Mr. Wilbur and Mrs. Wm. Willis, 911 Logan Clark Baskerville, only son of Ave., Toronto, on Saturday even- Mns. Jesse Baskerville and the ing, and celebrated with theni the laie Mr. Baskerville, was united 25th anniversary ai their wedding in marriage ta Miss Helen Bell day. The bride is Mynile Mc- Wilson,,Oshawa, daughier ai Mn. Reynolds, daughter ai Mr. and and Mrs. Frederick L. Wilson, by Mns. Wm. McReynolds, formerly Rev. R. E. Morton. The bride was of Bowmanville. attended by ber sister, Miss Lois An address was read and the Wilson, and the groom by Mr. happy couple were presented with Cynil Karn, Oshawa. Afier a short a beautiful silver tea service. boneymoon Mr. and Mrs. Basker- Other presents indluded a silver ville will take up their residence cheese and cracker dish from the ai the Baskerville home, Base Rebekah Lodge, Bowmanville, and Line, Clarke. Mr. Baskerville is a Miss Mildred Thompson; Oshawa, miember of the United Churcli presented the bride wiih 25 Amer- choir, Newcastle, and bis lovely ican Beauty roses. bride was also a member of the Lnhw~sre rmatbe choir when she and ber parents Ldec a wit rm tbl lived an the Third Lino near New- deoae ih roses, and on whichE castle. was a tbree-tiered wedding cake. _______________ The happy çouple, having just re- turned from their halidays, were Frau Gerirud Schultz-Klink, of- deeply graieful and thanked all ficial leader of ahl Nazi women, who were responsible for such a admits ihat Germans, under the heart-warming gathering. present regime, must lead a bard life and like it. Add ta this the stiflifig of all indivîdual liberty Bakerls H. & S. Club f and the picture cannot be classed 1____ as any tooalaluring. - Brantford The Annual Picnic of Baker'sE Expositor. Home & School Club was held ai Hampton Mentoial Park, lune 23t with an attendance of over f ifty. Duriniz the afternoon a gaine of * j' ~ ~ aseball kept aIl entertained. Later irst ~o n races and contesis for evervone followed. The lucky winners were: 7 vears and tinder. Murray Prescoit,! ** Donald Taylor; 8 ta 1Il years. Don- ald Prescaît. Dorothy Ferguson; 12 A * * to 16 years. Bernice Moojey, jean Ferguson; three leRged race. Mar- n's thPreecoleggnd Wrace r sctt; maest Prescoi and Wirace. resctont; ad Wes Yellowlees; turne race, Bernice Moorey; shoe race. Bernicec A I ~Moorey and. Rager Bruneau.E e While the men put an edge ta their appetite by playing football the £ .L ~ Lladies iinepared supper of salads, salmon loaf. pickles, strawberries,f cake, taris, pie, tea and lejoonade.d No one needed coaxing ta cia theirr part here and when al had eaten asa .0 i *much as was safe the piçnic a7 ended with another bail Ramne. d Home duties called many a.nd with an enjoyable afiernoan together al were satisfied. The final meçting of 3 the year took theé formu of an oystera supper which was beld at HarveyS Harris'. March 24.b, 0f ficers are: President. Mjrs. R. t Gilbert, vice president, Elgin Tay-d Ion: Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. Wes-0 ley Yellawlees; pianist Miss Gladysa Yellowlees. LIOC Churches Join For e Confirmation Service]N ___________________ 3 pig~ ai lIbRev. D. R. Dewdney Presents IE 3ý ipklob-4 .9c'Class For Laying On of Hands t i ,'1<(Intended for hast week) G On Tuesday evening, June 13, ti 32-0Z Rev. D. R. Dewdney, B.A., Recior si lu 2 3 cof the Parish af Clarke, presented 23-«. a class of twelve candidates in n MI l w 9 St. George's Church, Newcastle, r( y~0 frenBsolf aat.A ~-Ib St. Saviour's Church,-Orono, there cangregation. He congraiulate t he people of St. George's an Uthé o bouse of worship. There are fl 1 churches, small or large, that ai 0mare beautiful in their archlte( 1tural limes or more elegant i 1their appointments. It is an bar 0our ta the memory of those wh 1buili and furnished it and a cred, 0to those who maintain it. 0 He recalled in a mosi interesi 1ing way that this year is a notabl a ne in the histary of Canada, bE cause of tbe visit of a reigniri King and Queen to our shore Great good will surely came of i By their kind and graciaus de meanour they bave endeare themselves anew toa ah of us. -W loved them befare, but we noi love them with a much deepel personal feeling. This is a nol able year also for the Anglica Churcb because it is the hun dredth anniversary of the faund ing of the Diocese of Tarant wbdse first Bishap was the re doubtable Dr. Sirachan. Angli can churches ihrougbout the.Dia cese are making plans to celebrat the centenary. Bisbop Beverley pointed au that the Parish of Clarke ante dated the founding of the Diacesi af Toronto by ibree years, ti Anglican church at Wilmot's hav ing been built and fully completec in 1836 and formally opened az Trinity Sunday, May 21, of ihar year. The Bishop carefully explainec ta the confirmed candidates thE significance of the solemn vawl they had just taken and spoki kindly words of advice and en. couragement ta shun aIl evil and seek the good all the days of theix life. He called their attention to a passage in scripture, Heb. 12:2, "Looking unto Jesus," and coun- selled them ta look unto Jesus as a pattern and guide for their con- duct. He quoied and explained the coniext, Heb. 12:1, that they might more fully understand the meaning of the life they should run as confirmed Christians, "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so0 great a cloud of, witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." The choir with Mrs. Jno. Gar- rod at the organ led in the choral part of the service. CADMUS W. A.L ENTERTAINS LADIES 0F YELVERTON At tbe W. A. meeting June 2Oth the ladies of Yelverton W.A. were guesis. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson wel- comed the visiiors. Mrs. J. H. Bell rEad the scripture lesson and spoke on the life of Jesus. Mrs. Ray McGill, president of Yelver- ton W.A., took charge of this pro- gram: Mrs. Ed. Lawson rendered a pleasing solo; Mrs. Dave Wil- son, piano solos; Mrs. Harold Stin- son an inspiring ialk on "Citizen- ship"; Mrs. Lawson a reading "It takes a heap of living ta make a Home"; Rev. C. Ferguson, a vocal- solo. After a guessing contest conducted by Mrs. Clark Wil- liamis, a dainty supper was served. Mrs. Ray McGill moved and Mrs. Williams seconded a hearty vote of ibanks ta the Cadmus ladies for their kind hospitality ta whicb Mrs. Cecil Ferguson made a suit- able reply. There were foriy lad- ies present and all report a good time. Tyrone Ladies Are Hosto To Newcastle Ladies At W.M.S. Tea Quarterly tea af Tynone W.M.S. was held ai the home af Mrs. A. W. Ainis June 14th, with a good attendance. Worship perîod was iaken by the home auxiliary and business conducied. by Vice Presi- dent Mrs. A. W. Annis. Newcastle guesis gave an inter- esting prograni. Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Bowmanville, vice presideni of Eastern Section of Oshawa Presbyienial, gave a few thougbis taken froni the ad- dress of Mrs. H. Taylor on ber return from the Madras Mission- ary Canference, where people of 70 different natianalities met for discussion on the topic "Christian- ity Builds for Tomorrow."1 Two fine vocal duets were en- joyed, given by Mrs. C. Cowan and Mrs. H. Allia. Mrs. J. C. Hancock gave a splendid summary of our study book, "The World in Canada," taking more fully the last chapter ,dealing braadly wiih conditions of today. Presenting the Church as giving leadership in Christ's work, Mrs. Hancock used a poster to furiher ber interesting review were a number of Uic members of St. Savioun's present. There were Impose Fine of $2 also several in aitendance fromClm yFre sister churches in addition ta Uic For hsne Fis cangregation ai Si. George's ta witness Uic ministration of this A bylaw has been adopted in haly ander founded on scriptural Annprian imposing a fine ai two teacbing and observed and canied dollars on bouseholders whose down fnam the church since chimneys take fire thnougb an aposiolic times. cxcess ai soat and wbo cahl oui .Tpose from Newcastle who the-fine brigade. Which brings ta kncli before Uic Bishop and ne- mind ihat Uic chimney sweep wbo ceived bis bhessing and the laying was in Bowmanville two years on of hands were: Dolly Pundy, aga was back in town hast week Jean Gray, Melvin Graham, Roy for a couple days. Ho dld such a Murray, Sammy Breretan, Fann- good job t.wa years aga ho found comb LeGresley, and Richard litile demand for bis services, so Lovekin who has been atiending moved west Saiurday. school in Toronto but ls now wlth bis grandpanents, Mr. and Mns. hI is nice ta be so pon you don't Jas. Caulson. The athens wene realize how unfontunate you are, from Si. Savioun's, Orono. with nathing ta be thankiul for Following Uiecocea i n m a t i o n so far as maney is cancenned. - Blshop Beverley addrewqd thc Brandon Sun. 2- Io t1 t. le a- k, C e.î t t1 't ti ti c 'm il et S i t' n t]l fi: rw g: ai M g: So th' th~ th pil tir in gr, an Se tIi tIi tab lai te dof In ti wi Ili tol anI taI f [s se tha Ch( Go the Ois at 01iallan i *eflI, bas., A. fl.JiSC NichaIs. of Fruitland, Ont.: Fred NichaIs. of Oshawa. Will H. NichaIs. Courtice. The f uneral service an june 21 was canducted by Rev. W. C. Smith, Countice and was largelv attended. Palîbearers were: Messrs. Melville Burns. George Burns. Gordon Burns, EFank Berry. Fergus Kinsman. and William Smith. The floral tributes incllpded a broken wbeel froni the fam ' ly. and many beautiful tnibutes f rom rela- tves and fniencis. Editor Recails Annual Enniskillen Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. StrawberryFestival Orr Jeffery, Clem and Lois, Mr. ________and Mrs. Harold Carpenter and Ever so ftenEdiMarilyn, and Mrs. Henry Carpen. Evey s otenEdtor A. R. ter, at Mr. A. Brunt's. -.. Mr. and Kennedy *of The Peterboro Exam- Mrs. W. Scott, Bethesda, Mr. and iner in bis editorials breaks forth Mrs. W. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. H. into a delightfully reminiscent Whyte, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. vein wben bie recaîls some per- Grabam and family, Courtice, Sonality, event or institution of bis with Mrs. C. Boyd. . . Mr. and youthful days on the farin. He Mrs. Charles McCarthy, Mr. Pat designates these human interest McCrthy and Mrs. Richard editorialg under the heading "As Heard, Woodville, with Mr. and It Was on the Tenth,"1 meaning of Mrs. M. Heard. . . Mr. and Mrs. course the lOtb concession. Here J. Warman, Toronto, at Mr. and is one of these descriptive gems by Mrs. R. McMurray's. .. Mrs. Wm. Editor Kennedy which we are Griffin at Mr. W. Rabm's. .. Miss- sure will captivate the imagina- es Gladys Page, Oshawa, and tion and fascination of any reader Clara Page, Toronto, witb their who lives, or who bas lived in a mother, Mrs. E. Page... Mr. arnd community where the'strawberry Mrs. W. Mountjoy, Misses Marion, festival bolds forth: Willa and Beryl, Kedron, Mr. and "There was an item in the pa- Mrs. C. Werry, Oshawa, Mr. E. per telling that the annual straw- Werry, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. F. berry festival of the church was Bray and Elgin, Enfield, Mr. and to be held under the auspices of Mrs. J. A. Werry, with Mr. and the Ladies' Aid, and that com- Mrs. H. McGill and attended Hay- mittees had been named for the don Anniversary. . . Rev. and oiccasion. It bas been going on Mrs. H. Stainton, Guelph, with bis that way for a long tume. Even on sister, Mrs. E. C. Ashton. .. Messrs the Tenth Concession a good Allaný Wearn and Fred Stannard rnany years ago. with Mr. and Mrs. E. Parrott, At the church on the corner of Chalk Lake. . . Mrs. Thos. Wil- he Tenth and the Broken Front liams, Miss Eva Williams, Caes- Road tbere was a band of ladies area, Mr. Marsball, Mr. Bradburn, but tbey were called the Willing Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wrigbt, Workers, and they expected every Dorothy and Marion, Tyrone, Mr. rerson in the congregation to feel and Mrs. H. Foley, Maple Grove, the same about it when came the Miss Laverne Orchard, Bowman- time for the annual strawberry ville, little Dorothy and Clarence festival. Not even the men were Stainton, with Mr. and Mrs. F. xempt, and it came at a season Orchard. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Par- when the driest old crust in the rott, Cbalk Lake, with Mr. and hurcb couldn't think up an ex- Mrs. A. Wearn. . . Mr. and Mrs. use to get out of it. Haymng had Willis Hunstine and Joan Walker- îot started, and it was hardly ton, with his mother, Mrs. Fuller. lime for thinning the turnips, and. . Rev. M. Sanderson and Roy, bey couldn't dlaim it was time to Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanna- fix the binder. maker, Port Perry, at Mr. W. Wbat they wanted the men for Sanderson's. .. Miss Irene Sharpe, vas getting things ready, and it Mrs. F. Hall, Toronto, Mr. and vas the one time in the year when Mrs. W. Robinson, Kendal, Miss he weeds and grass around the G. Grieve, at Mr. A. Sharpe's.. .hurch yard got well attended to. Mrs. L. Jamieeon and Jack, Mrs. arlier in the season one could Hicks, Pontypool, with Mr. and .0W and then when standing upMs.J McGill. . . Misses Ruby ri îngtbehyms lok ut ueand Wilma Smith, Whitby, witb vindow and see tbe burdocks in Mr. and Mrs. Sid Trewin. :e lane which went around to Wdigblsaernigi rie drivesbed at the back but Weddvige l r inigi riere was no such disgrace when orvlae rie strawberry festival was on. It Plan now to attend Diamond ook scythes and sickles and rakes Jubilee of our church, Aug. 27-28. nostly to clean up the place be- Next Sunday evening commun- ýause the tables were set oui in ion service will be held in our rie back in the space between the church. ýhurcb and the drive shed, and if Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. rained then everytbing could be Lorne Lamb on the birth of a fine icked up and moved into the baby girl. ried. And on that account the Rev A.* E. Harding was guest rive shed had to be made to look sekra h on e',ls )retty respectable and on the onpeake a te ong Mns ls ;unday before the festival no per- o udymrig on was supposed to hîtch a horse The sympathy of the commun- i there. ity is extended to tbe relatives of The people along the Tenth who the late Mrs. Cora Pascoe. rew strawberries provided them Mr. Fred Spannard bas been rid there was no use trying to engaged by the W. A. to refrost ass off anything except the best. the windows of our churcb. ;ending along bernies that were Ouýr Sunday School and Coin- reen on the snout or under size munity Picnic will be beld July ft a person open to be talked 7th at Hampton Park. Everybody bout, and it was pretty much the welcomed. ame witb the cream. Trust the Our scbool yard was the scene illing Workers, every last one of a snappy softball gaine on Mon- E tbem fromn a f arm, and reared day evening wben Union young rsd trained in tbe ways of cream men were defeated by our boys. -ihey'd spot anytbing ibat look- Mrs. C. Sanderson, wbo bas d like skimping and spot it bard. been with bier son, Mr. w. San- bey might even make remarks derson, and suffering from a frac- bout it. tured collar bonie, is able to re- About the only cash expense at turn to bier home at Burkeion. àe strawberry festival was get- The "Miss SimPlicity" sewing Ing a few new candles now and circle was rigbt royally entertain- âen for tbe Cbinese lanterris ed at the home of Misses Clara ihich were strung up in the yard. and Ruby Griffin, Thursday. Next L some strange way the candles and lasi meeting will be held at ad a habit of disappearing about Misses Ruth and Alice Steven- lallowe'en time when the young son's. The majority of dresses lk would be cutting faces in bave been completed for Achieve- Lmpkins and'looking for some- ment day. âing like a candle to place in the Saiurday evening, scboolmates iterior of the scooped out pump- and some friends of Miss Reva in. A few of tbe elders beld thai McGill (bride to be) were enter- e Chinese lanterns were a pack tained at the home of Mrs. 1. Tra- f nonsense and an indication of vell, 215 Monk St., Oshawa. A rorldly tbought creepîng into the humorous address was read by nous business of the church but Miss M. Dalton and Reva was pre- e Willîng Workers were ahl- for sented witb a set of crystal. A .em and tbat settled that. dainty luncheon was served with The finances of the church used Mrs. T. McGill and Mrs. A. E. Bil- Sbe governed pretty much by lett pouring tea. .e success of the strawberry fes- val in June and the fowl supper ter on in the season. If the at- C d u adance had been large tben one a us) new for sure tbere would bea nsiderable applause ai the an- A farewell partv was held in. thef ual meeting of the cburcb when basemnent of the church Thursday ie treasurer reported ihai all ex- eveninz for Rev. and Mrs. H. J. nses bad been paid and there Bell who are leavinz our circîjit forb ,as a little balance left over." Zion church Circuit, Kingston. A- bout sixtv members gathered with Mr. Edzar Gibson. as chairman hs Obituary stated the reason for the, gathering c and the iorograrn w~as given: iano t Mrs. Rboda Mary Burns solo. Ruth Bell; readings, Mrs. T. E. On une19,1939 there passed a- Ellisot Osw~ald Anderson. 'Mrs. Cecil 1 On lue ashrt. lles Rhoda Ferguson, Miss Helen Fowvler and" sy ltr shrtmes H. Galbraith, piano solo. Glen t .ary Burns in her 7lst vear. Born ~r Devonshire. England and coming Gibson and two selections bv Yel- s Canada in her early childhood verton Quartette. Rev. and Mrs. Bell ýr life was spent in Ebenezer and Milton and Ruth were invited to the wmanville districts. She wiLs quiet Headquarters SDomninion Day Specials 1 FOR SETTER PUCNICS I LIMITED for Men 's and Ladies'1 Wear Libby's Pork & Beans............ 2 tins 15 Hereford Corned Beef............. 2 tins. . c Boneless Coal 011 ............. gallon delivered 20C Strawberries At Ali Prices Wldmere's Grape Juice ......... mcd. bottie 25e E. LUNN GROCER Bawmanville r Phone 596 latform and Mrs. H. Galbraith read an address of appreciation. of the faithful and gzenerous services of aur pastor and h is wife and Mrs. Mar- wood McKee presented then. witb a beautiful Cathedral Chimès Mantle Clock. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bell made suitable replies. The ladies served cake and sandwiches and a social tume ias spent together. Sunday monninz Rev. H. J. Bell preached bis fanewell sermon on "Other foundation can na mail lay than Jesus Christ the true corner stolie." Visitons:- Mn. and Mns. Nommami Philp and Edward and Miss Birdie Gibsmi.. Toronto. with relatives bore. Mrs. Gardon McLean, Uxbridze, Samell's and Mrs. W. G. Philp. Mn. and Mrs. George Fowler an(L Helen witb relatives in Wingham. Mn. anîd Mns. J. E. Elliatat-Mil- ton Slemnon's. A number froin here are workine ai the gravel pit on Mr. A. E. Mc- Gill's fan wbere stone is beinR crushed for the biRhway. Even if there was such a thing as anti-worry insurance, we would woirry about paying Uic premiums. - Exchange. r PAGE FIVE dI 1SWIM FOR HEALIN. Ladies' Swim Suits r Latest styles $1.49 up CHILDREN'S 95c up Men's Janzten and Catalina SWIM SHORTS In colorful, snug f itting styles $1.95 up Ladies' White and Colored Coats Reduced To Olear - As Low As I p h 1< k.' I. ENTERTAINER Mesure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile e n ter- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Iiustrated cireular free. Address 628h Crawford Street, Toronto. ae $6*95 Àlff EZFÀ Ev PAGE FIVE 0 0 Ise 2se 2se BowmanviUe Ladies' White and Colored Dresses Wide SBelection - Prom $1.95 up COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN

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