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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILL;ý ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1939 SPORT -NEWS Royals Defeat Cobourg 12 to 3 As Injured Pitcher Strikes 'Em Ont, 184. Eowxnanvllle Royals wcat ta use this type ai .varfare ta any bhc head of the class ta the Lake- great extent. Johnny Neai and Dave Oèborne shore League on Saturday whca shared the swatting honaura with thcy maltreatcd thc Cobourg Pon- threc iusty waliaps apicce. In- ies by a 12 ta 3 score here. Dave ciudcd ta Osbornc's assortinent Osborne, crippled knee and al, was a double and triple wbiic ne Neal had anc double. The glant toyed with bbc Intermediate e Tex Rickard tced off for a home presentatives ai bbc Caunty Town rua and a single ta break a long ater bbc Rayais had sent cievea hitting draught. Ted Brookcs had men ta bat la a viciaus firat inn- a double and bomer for the ing wblle chasing sevea ruas Panies. acroas the plate. Bob Kent was bbc unsuag bera From that dynamic initial out- ai the canteat. Wlth Osborne un-1 burst until the end, it was a case abie.ta rua for blmsclf, Cobourg1 ai just going tbrough bbc motions. naminated Kent ta take bis placee Evenyone la bbc bail park knew and the' hustliag Robert was sa that the Ponies couidn't catch the tired out iroin running out os-( lcague-lcading Rubbermen. borne's efforts hie was unable ta For bbc iast cight laninga it was get a bit for himscif.1 a very fair sort ai a gaine wibb Daug Campbell gave up twa a bit ai evcrybblag tosaed lato the waiks ta stan. off bbc Bowman- gaine. Doug Campbell, ex-junior ville bauf and after Cobvilie pop- Wbo usuaily patrals bbc centre ped up, Slemon and Bagndl field area, was thc Cobourg nom- singied ta drive la anc runanad lace for bbc job ai facing thc leave the bases ioaded. Kent wast Rayai hitters, but befare tbncc safe on thc first ai Johastan'sa mca wcre out, Master Cambb three errors and twa more ruasc was overjayed ta go bckta scared. Wibb twa out, Rickardt centre-f icldiag. Jack Recy me s singled and Campbell and Reymes came into bbc box and did a fair cbanged places la bbc Cobourg, bit ai work. ine-up. Osborne and Neal prompt-a DaveOsbone ws th hurerby grceted thc second pitcher with J Dave Osbrnc weasd bbc hurlerdoubbes ta total the seven tailies.ç fodrst gh Bamn ie, land e bbc Tbrec scoreles rames ioliaw-e vades t eibt itsat cas bbed befare bbc Rayais pushcd overi of wblch were ai bbc soit varicty. their eight rua ia the fifiib on an1 51111 unabie ta cstagteabis kaon error, a single by Roacb and an afler tarlaightat arti eoe nunsuccessful attcmpt to run Roache Tucsay igb atpra teb down between firat and second. s lanky rigbbbander could not field I h eet ikr a i buata bit la bis direction. Twa i l boeeb îkr a i thc Ponies' eigbt bits were ai titis by a pitcbed ball, Osborne laid aV kiad but they secmcd boabb ta long triple into deep centre andc Neal singied. Tex Rickard ac- _______________________ ounted for bbc final two RayaIs ____________________ruas la bbc cighth wben lhe blast- cd anc higb and far over the leitt Sfield feace scorng Williams, whof had doubled, la front ai hlm. Cobourg picked up their first run la bbc scventh as Biastarahs laid down a bunt with twa out andc bbc bases full, and hie beat it out.t Ia the eigbbb Reymes gat on by1 OSHAWA an error and Brooks dropped bisr OSHAWA orner aver the fence la ici t. Free Parking Phone 1011 Box Score: Friday & Saturday JUNE 30- JULY 1 WARNER BAXTER ln The Return of the Ciscos Kid . wtth - LYNN BARI - CESAR ROMERO' Added - Walt Diney Cartoon "Beach Plenle"llain olor. REVIVAL Friday 10.45 p.m. Hollywood Hotel t Ytrrn DICK POWEL FRANCES LANGFORD. Monday & Tuesday JULY 3- BIS Double Bill "The Lest Horizon Starrlnt RONALD COLMIAN JANE WYATT and "The Awful Tîuth" Starrlng IRENE DUNNE CARY GRANT. Matlnee st 2 PLm. Last Complet. Show Eve 8.30 p.m. fer this show only. Wed. and Thurs. JULY 5-6 "Young Mr. Lincon" 1Starrhagr HENRY FONDA ALICE BRADY MIABJORIE WEAVER. COMING Frlday & Saturday WALLACE BEERY ln "Sergeant Madden" Cobourg AB Jobaston, sa. 1 Biastorab, as. 3 Elliott, 3b. 5 Reymes, cf. p. 5 Brooks, if. 5 McCaig, ni. 4 Campbell, p. cf. 4 Cooper, c. 4 Landymone, 2b. 4 Newton, lb. 3 Totals 3 Bowmanviile AB Neal, 2b. 4 Roacb, as. nf. 3 Colille, if. 5 Siemon, lb. 4 Bagneil, cf. 4 Kent, 3b. 5 Hoaper, ni. 3 Williams, sa. - 2 Rlckard, c. 4 Osborne, p. S R H PO A 0 11 1 0 12 1 0 00 0 1 21 4 1 2 10 0 11 0 0 04 1 1 02 1 0 03 3 0 1 90 3 8 24 11 R H PO A 1 3 51 1 11 2 0 11 0 1 16 1 1 11 0 1 01 1 0 00 0 1 12 3 3 2 10 0 3 3*0 2 Totals 39 12 13 27 10 5 Ruas batted in - Blastorah, Brooks 2, Slcmon, Kent 2, Rickard 4, Osborne 2, Neal 2. Two base hits - Brooks, Neal, Colville, Wil- liams, Osborne. Thrce base hlt - Osborne. Home ruas - Brooks, Rickard. Sacrifice - Siemon. Stol- en bases -Reymcs, McCaig, Rick- ard. Double plays -Blastorah to Landymore; Roach to Siemon to Kent. Leit on bases - Cobourg 10, Bowmanville 9. Bases on bails - off Campbell 2, Osborne 1, Bey- mes 2. Hît by pitcher - by Reymes, Rickard; by Osborne, N e w t o n. Strîke outs - Osborne 10, Rcymes 1. Runs and hits - off Campbell, 6 ruas and 4 hits in 2-3 of an inn- ing; off Reymes, 6 ruas and 9 hits la 7 1-3 innings. Losing pitcher - Campbell. Umpires - Fair and Trott, Osh- awa. John L. Lewis' interpretation is that no person has a rlght to a job and the pursuit of happiness un- less he beiongs to the C.I.O. - Brandon Sun. Ragtsi For Sale We have -for sale 100 good base- bail bats, for hard and soit ball. Come and pick yours out while the selection la large. Prices to suit every pocket. S. J. Jackman & Sons, Bowmanviile. Phone 780. 22-t, 7115 ITAMP 0F QIMLITY -~ p p p p p 1- p n p p p p p n <utta Percha Tires are sold and reconimended by: MOKEEVER & SmIT mm uoeStr'eet DowEMavMOl Merchants WIn Over Goodysars' Flret This Season - 1 The lowlv Front Street Menchant, f inally crashed the viciony calur an Mondav nigbt and in sa doinq tbey knocked off the hîgb-fTying Gaodyear tearn by 12 ta 10. The surpriscd Rubbcrmcn outdid ithe Clenka in cverything excepi the im- portant job af scaring runs. Tbey collected one mare bit. made five less errons and Osborne struck oui eigbt ta one by Masan but the Front Street hunIers did not issue a pasa wbile Osborne was nicked for four. Herbie Calmer startecl an the maund fon the King Street ers but retired in the second inning after Goodyear bad belted him for tbnec zrand slams and four nuns. Dan Mason. the ambidextrous someihing or other. took aven and kepi the Factorymen's bits well scattetred. Osbone went the distançe for the lasers. and waa the victim of iwo four run rallies and anc tbree. Hub Hooper. manager and cltcher for Front Street and Major dama ai tbe league as a whale. was the batting hero ai the nighi as he cnashed oui two bomers and a double in four trips and drove in four runs. Cal- mer and Brougb fan Front Street and Osbarne wiîh twa. Dave Mc- Knighi and Murphy for Goodyear also collected bornera. A walk. a wild pitch and a single bv Wisernan gave, Front Street a run in the f irst. Daýe McKnighit and Osborne put Goodyeans abead with circuit clouta in thein hall and in the second Murphy fallowcd a single bv R. McKnigbt witb anothen four- plV smash ta put Goodyear thrcc un. Calmer bomercd afier James walk- cd in the faunth and wben Rasa McKnigzhi lei Hoopcr'a double.roll ta the fence the score was tied. The Rubbermen again wenî iat the lead in thein balfbv scarna an inficld bits bv R. McKnighi and Murphy and an eran but a four run raîlv sent the clenka well oui in front in the lufth. Wiseman doubled and Cole sinzled and bath scancd an wild pitches. Calmer fonccd James but Hooper smacked bis fimat four baser ta score twa more. The lead was short-li-ved as Front Street gai the juttera and tossed in tbree errons witb a double by Murphy and a single bv Moonecrafi ta take a anc run lcad wbicb tbey increased ta iwa as Osbarne Ilomred in the sixth. Hawcven the Front Street crew wene net ta be clenied and thev carved thernacîves a lcad for the third lime and they made this anc stick. Calmer beat aut a bit and Hoaper hamered. the score was tied. Barnard singled and Bnougb homer- cd and tbev were iwa up. and tbev beld the Goodycar awav fnom the plate in .the closinz hall ai the in- ning. Front Streeit..-1.00 340 4 12 Il 6 Goodyear .....220 141 OId10 2 I Front Street - Masan, as and P; Wiseman ni; Cale 2b, James lb; Calmer P and as; H. Haqper c; Barnard If: liraugh cf and SIc- mon 3h. Goodyear-D. McKnigbî If; Oke 3b: Colwell 2b; Osbarne p; O. Hoopcn c; G. Piper as; R. McKnigbî cf: Murphy lb: Moorecr4fi rf. Umpires-Hobbs and Twçedle. COMING EVENTS Games for the Week lune 29 Basebal July S-Port Hope ýat BoWihan- ville, 6.30 p.m. Softbail June 29-White Rose vs S. Ward. July 3-Front St. vs White Rose. July 1-Courtice at Hamapton. July 3-Zian at SaUina. July 5-Tyrane at Hampton. Cream ai Barley: Soccer June 30-Courtice vs Maple Grave July 4-Salcm vs Providence. Surprise aiter surprise contin- ues ta be the order ai the day in the Town Softbail League. On Tbursday last, the top and bottomn teams, Goodycars and Front Street ta yau,' cngaged la the best gaine of thc seasan and battled eight lanings ta a 4-4 staiemate, thc game being called because of rata. Although errars had a large part ta play in the scorir1g, the game was a pitchers' battle with Herbie Couiner outhuring Good- year's Al Osborne. The league leaders werc oniy able to snare three bits off the clusive delivery ai Calmer, and. Front Street werc only able ta colbect four. Osborne struck out four ta anc by Calmer but the latter anly walked twa while Speedy Ai gave up four passes. Ail thc scaring was conftaed ta the first thrcc taaings and from that time on the twirlers were supreme althougb the Clerks pass- cd up a gloriaus oppartunity ta ciinch thc decisian n ahebscvcnth. Oniy anc Goadyear man rcached base la bbc last five tanings, Mur- phy getting on on an error and being promptly snuffcd out whea he tried ta make second on the miscue. Front Street filcd the bases la the scvcnth an twa xifcld bits and a walk but thc best James couid do was bit a bigh bouader ta* third. Some loose play by thc Good- year defence gave the Merchants a two rua lead in thc first irame. Masan waiked, Osborne erred on Wlaeman's tap and both men scor- cd when Dave McKnight droppcd James' long haist near the fence. The Rubbermcn got those two back la bbc second as Piper walk- ed wibb anc out, R. McKnigbt was safe when Calmer dropped thc bail, Murphy singicd and Wood- ward fied ta centre, McKnight coming aiter thc catch. Once more thc King Street boys wcnt inta the iead as Brough waiked and went thc rounds on a triple by Mcllveca. Oke singied for thc Goodyear la thc tbird. and when Osborne's bit ta leit got away irom. Mcllvecn -bath mcn scored ta give Goodycars their oniy lead ai the nigbt. However, the Front Street boys wcrc nat ta be denied and James straiied and made the circuit on twa errors. Goodycars 022 000 00 - 4 3 5 Front St. 211 000 00 -4 4 3 Goodycars - D. McKnight lf; Oke 3b; Coiweii c; Osborne p; G. Piper ss; R. McKnight ci; Murphy lb; Woodward 2b; Maorcraft nf. Front Street - Mason ss; Wise- man rf; Cale 2b; James lb; Cal- mer p; Hooper c; Brough ci; Sic- mon 3b; Mcflveca.if. Umpires - Tweedie and Cram- bie. League Leaders Fail Tro Defeat Merchants InSeason's Best Gamie Satunday's gamne with the Pan- les was not ai bbc breabb-taking kind for bbc ,Royais sewed it up as eariy as the firsi frame, but it bad its interestiag featunes. It added fuel ta the idea bbat John Neal bas the maklaga ai a fiac second sackcr. Ia bis bbrec gamnes ta date he bas bit saieiy six times wbile making ten appearances at bbc plate. He bas a good cye, rareiy swinging at bad balla and bas pbcnty ai power la bis swing. He lofted anc bigla lato the trees on Saturday that sbouid have been a bomer but staycd in the park for only twa bases. The Keystone base is new ta hlm and be is stiil mgkiag mistakes, but be seidom makes the same anc twice and la gctting betten every time out. Tex Rickard conciuded a long bitting dnaught in dramatic style. The buge backstap blasted out a long borner la the eightb good for two ruas and had a single earlier la bbc coafiict tbat aiso praduced two ruas. He evcned ail, especial- ly tbe Cobourg catcher, by steal- lag second base. Thene bas been nothlag the matten witb bis defen- sive wonk at any time, la fact, bath Witbcnidgc and Osborne havé commentcd on the fine job he la dolag ai baadliag their warcs. Ia addition ta bbc abave qualities Tex la able ta kcep bbc team an its tacs througbout. With bath Witberidgc an d Hooper wanking an Satunday, Dave Osborne bad ta drag bis crippied kace ta bbc centre ai the diamond and toss nine inninga. His tcam mates made bis job ligbt by icaning an bbc offerings ai the Cobourg huniers early and aiten. but the lanky David did-a grand job. It looked as if thé Ponies bbrcw away a grand op- pantunity ta score ruas when tbcy nefused ta take advantagc ai Os- barnc's inability ta field bunts. Don Wiliams annived about bbc second innlag aiten dnivlag 130 miles and doing without dinner and got into the gaine ion the last five inninga. He nicked anc bit but lack ai practice toid in bis iieldlag. Mickey Roacb movcd back in igbt field when Wil- liamsaranived, but the same icit- bander bas donc a fine picce ai wark at bbc short field for two gamea. In Pont Hope he was caaching Neal, coiing out Wibb- eridge wben that wanthy showed an inclination towarda wiidness, and altogether the scrcwball (Roacb ta you) la a valuable memben ai bbc tcam. Toa bad he can't bit. The soitball icague providcd a lot of action for the patrons with the teams represcntîng the top and bottom of the league combin- ing to put on the best entertain- ment of the year. On Thursday night Colmer and Osborne in- EIteh fd ler guewiieffritéioehmof o=&, mpls, aMI> .'ini"ooûIMWIM jsud quiùw in intusu J"». Ue bW b"poS it, or mo n .A Po* IÎgai tedsr Mr D. D. D. PMECRIPTION. dulged in a pitcbing duel deluxe with old Jup Pluvlus forcing a hait after eight inaings. OnhMMoa- day nlght the tluggers bad their turn and the Front Street boys won their first game with homers being as cOmmon as errors. Witb evcry teain boasting a sponsor, crowds being good and the bal being.entertaining It looks lilce a grand sumxner. Only tbing need- cd is for some of the boys wc Picked as ail-stars to came tbro' for us while ,the rcst sort of case off.- Right now,. our cars are slilgtlY tinged with confusion. Jackle Brough and Keith Sic- mon were picasant surprises ta the King Street line-up. Brough accounted for sevea put outs on ThursdaY, nigbt and on Monday ha two mportant bits. Siemon has beca Maklng startling pick- ups around the bot corner and if he neyer gets a bit he la still a swell third-baseman. In the last two inalaga on Thursday, Colmer only tbrew seven balls. .. Scotty Cameron",bas -faund that softbal la far from a sissy game, at least the bal la hard. Umpir- ing at the Cream of Barley on Friday nigbt and unable to locate a mask, be stopped a foul tip witb hla nose ln the iirst innlag and is now sporting a broken schnozzola and not bragglag about it. It was an unfortunate accident and la spite of the way hla Rayais kid- ded him, tbey werc tbankful tbey were elsewhere than in Cà~mron's shoes. The league-leadlag Saiemnites malataiaed their position in this game by baading Caurtice their second deicat of the week, taklagq two extra irames to eke out a 5 ta 4 win. Aiter tying it up ta the' scveath, Courtice matched a Sal-i em run in thc élghtb but failed to score in 'the nlatb. On the1 Tucsday previaus, Providence bad shut out the Courtice boys by 4 ta 0 beblad the sparkllng pitching ai Tixamy Wight. Things you shouid know George Piper la stiil looking for a gold ring hc bast at the public achool two weeks ago ... Anyoae finding a ring on the grounds picase retura it ta thc Goodyear shortstop. . . . George Walton of the Rayais is out of action with a brokea blood vessel . . . . List of Royal injuries- . . . MIliveen's thumb, Cameron's nase, Osborne's knec, Walton's foot, Kcnt's wiad from running out -Osbornc's hits on Saturday, and Roach's pride - he thought he was a siugger... Red Bowman, who alang with Orme Gamsby brougbt hardbal baek ta Bownianviile, was a visi- tar over the weckcnd and took la the game Saturday. He is now la Stratiord and is anc ai thc Na- tional Seniors five pitchers.... Maple Grave gais, caached by Fred Jackman, knackcd off Cour-s tice femmes cight and sevea last1 Wcdacsday . . . . Bad wcck fori Courtice .... Front Street trounc-z cd Newcastle on Friday ... Warm1 up for thc Goadycars. . .. That's, ail.« South Darlington SoftbalI Leagues MEN'S SOFTBALL The leaguie la naw weii under way and ainc-ady same close, wdl pbayed games have beca watched by enthusiastic spectators. Aiter three weeka ai play bbc Salem tcam icads witb three victonies. June 13bb Salemn defeated Maple Grave 16 ta 9. K. Werry ai Salem was bbc heavy bitter wlth 3 ta bis credit, two ai whîch wcre home ruas. R H E Salemn - - - 16 17 1 Maple Grave - 9 15 5 Battery: Salemn - Wcrry and Tardiff; Mapie Grave - Metcalfe and Grabam, Cryderman. Friday evening Mapie Grave was forc "ed ta accept its third de- feat, Courtîce winning 17 ta S. Loose iielilg by Mapie Grave boys praved ta be their downfabl, cieven errons being cbaiked up against them. R H E Courtice - - - 17 13 0 Mapie Grave - 5 7' il Batteries: Cauntice - Peterson and Wilson; Mapie Grave - Met- calie and Nichais. June 2tb anc ai bbc closeat and beat played gaines ai bbc cain- paign was waged beiýween the aid rivais, Courtice and Providence, wben bbc Caurtice lads werc blankcd. Providence played air- tight bail witbout a single error and coupbed with effective wark on bbc part ai their battery Cour- tice cauid anly obtain anc sale bit on bbc nigbt's play. Lau Rundle -for Providence was credited wibb 2 bits, anc a home rua. R HE Providence-- 4 9 0 Courtice - 0 1 2 Batteries: Prov;idcnce - Wight and Rickard;: Courtice - Peterson and Wilison. -LADIES' SOFTBALL South Darlington Girls' Softball League met ai Maple Grave ywhcn these afficers -,ere electcd and ache- dude dnawn un: President-Annie Wilkins; Scretary-Treasurer-Tiel- ma Freeman. Gamea atari ai 6.15 Standard Time. Visitiniz teama supply the umpire ai the plate. and the home teamn the base umpîne. The second and third team will play a twa oui ai tbree Rame senies for the nigbt ta mcci the f maât ieam in a similan series. Ail playofi games wiII be held ai the Crcam ai Banlev Camp. Schedule june- 29-Salem ai Courtice July- 1-Maple Grave ai Hampton 5-Coutice ai Salem 10-Salem ai Maple Grave i3-Hamptan ai Cauntice i7-Salem ai Hampton 19-Cautice ai Maple Grave 20-Hampian ai Salem 24-ManIe Grave ai Courtice 27-Hamvton ai Maple Grave Augzusi- I-Courtice ai Hampton 2-ManIe Grave ai Salemn Ebenezer Township Footbafl League__Standing Darlington and Clarke Football League games are attractiag big- ger crowds than ever. The teams are very evenly matched as shown by the following standing as of Monday, which shows five of the six tcams on even footing with 5 points each. The standing:. Goals Pl. W L D F A Pcs Hampton à 2 0 1 4 2 5 Brooklin 4 1 O 3 6 5 5 Solina - 5 1 1 3 5 5 5 Zion 5 1 1 3 6 5 5 Courtice 5 2 2 1 5 5 5 Tyrone 4 0 3 1 3 6 1 Saturday at Solina a draw game one each was played with Brooklin. At Courtice on Monday night Zion also played to a draw 2-2. IBricks and Bouquets DY NELSON OSBORNE By marking two decisions ip an the right side of the ledger this past week, the Royals 15ushed themsclves into their accustomned spot at the top of the Icague and they Intçnd to stay their for the rest of the season. Yestcrday they were visiting the Cobourg Ponies and they then rest over the holi- day, returniag to action on Wcd- nesday, July 5th, at the local sta-i dlum, with Port Hope as the op- position.; This stacks up as one of the fmnest games in the schedule. Tommy Pointer ls sure to be out to avenge the defcat pinned on him by Lefty Witheridge, last week, and both Port Hope and Bowmanville want to finish on the top of the hcap. *Port Hope have oaly one dependable pitcher and his name is Pointer. There- fore they want to finish in first place and give hlm a rest while the. other teams are wearing each other down. For the same reason, Bowmanville is detcrmincd to oc- cupy the number anc slot them- selves whcn the final check-up is made. Wordcn and Messrs. Bryan. Harry and Sidney Worden. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Brunt, Ta- ronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Oke. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice, Leamington. at G. F. Annis bomne. Miss Marian Stone, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke. Misses Allie Wordea and Rasena Edgar enjoyed a trip ta Niagara Falls Thursday. Mrs. W. Haifacre. Kendq]. witb sister. Mrs. W. H. NichaIs. Mrs. Ross Pearce, 'Mrs. Georgze Pearce. Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewaa4, at Mr. W. C. Cole's and Mr. Ira Peance Bowmanville. CONFINEO ABED BY LUMBAGO In Pain for Weeks Acting on hîs principle ai "when you know a gaod thingf tell your f riends about it,' a man who bas had verv bad. lumbago vains writes as follows: ' "I* suffered f rom lumbago,. and for w;ecks could scarcelv move in bcd. I had treatment, but it did nat ease the pain vcny much. A fniend said. 'Why flot take Kruschen SaIts? Take ' jhm evcey marning, and you'll likeiy get relief fnam that pain in yaur back.' Sa I have taken thcm evenv marning for same time and I am niî fit condition for my work again-thanks ta Kruschen." -C.B. Whv is it, that h*%nbago. backache, nheumatism and indigestion in mLny cases vield ta Kruschen Saits? Be- cause it is a combination of several mninerai salts that are vital for your bodily well-being. Each ai these saîts has an action of its own. Stomach, liver. kidneys and digestive tract are aIl benefited and toned up to a high state of efficiency. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice, ai Mn. A. H. Bnent's and.attended Bnent-Sykce wedding. ,Mns. Viola Smith, wltl; f niendis in Bowmanville. Mns. R. McCullougbh and Mn. 13,edgon McCullough, with Mn. Hugh McCullough. PontyppOlI. .Mn. and Mrs. Earl Stephens and Joan. Mount Pleasant; Mns. F. Rase, Sutton; Miss Eva Yonk. Bowman- ville. at Mn. W. F. Park's. Mn. and Mns. S. Courtice Lea- mington and Grandma Annis, with Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Annis. Misses Nina Hodgson and Lorana Hoapen atiendcd the cookin.g class ai Onono.' .Mrs. J. Lillicrapp., Cannington; IN the good old summer time - that's when .you'l enjoy your Buick even mare (if sucis a thing ie possible!). For now the flowers are ful out; vacation days stretch just ahead; Nature'. at her beet and highways are really happyways, beckon- ing 'yau into the horizon - challenging you with aweeping straightaway and roling his. Get int a Buick and live! TIanilita thse satin-susootis power of that mighty Dynallash Mrs. M. Henry. Blaclcstock at Mr. P. L. Byanis. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens. HampDton: Mrs. A. B. Stevtns. To- ronto. at Mr. R. Burss Mrs. Allun, omaýe.with Mr. and Mrs. James Dudley. Miss Adelaide Annis. Toronto. is holidayingz at Mr. A. W. Annis. Master Billie Dudley is out again. W. M. S. meetiniz will be hçId Julv th in the sunday school room. h This the Reason You AreConst'pated? i youre wondering why rour boweis don't work right. .. stop and think about what you est. Bread, meat, eggs and potatoos. All good nourtshing food .. but lacklng Ini "bule' aiter ii digestive procesa And you need "bulk!" Food that Kiveu the boweis something ta work on.. ta help them move., if it's this lack of l'bulle' that's causing your constipation, Zellogg's AI-Bran la just what you need. bter digesfton a soit mass remains whlch helps your bowels niove. Ia addition, Ail- Bran givea you Nature's I- testInal tonte, vitainin Ri. Eat thia tanteful ready-to-ea± cereai every day. drink plenty of water, and enjoy- happier days AUl- Bran la made by Xellogg I Lon- don, Can. Sold by every grocer. h Straight Eight engine; $ce more scenery, thanks ta Buick's Visibility Unlimited; Take it easy, whether you're riding or clriving, no mat- ter what specd or condition of road. Rememt. ber, too, that there'. a BUICk priced 'within reacis of moat car buyers! Corne on-t-y a dnive--one drive-as tise guest of your McLaughlin-Buick dealer. Will you do it - oday? Convenient termes oniahk General Motors Instalment Plan. ROT NICHOLS COURTICE Bowmanvllle 777= - t Does It Fit? DOES YOUR insurance fit yolur needs, as accurately as your bat f ils your head? This is ý, nughty good lime to find out just wbat "size" insurance you ouglit to bave. May we give you the benefit of our long experience? Je Je.1MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phono 681 Bowma4lfe IST I1 TY(O S B R0M *UP M( A I U1(K EA.F - VIV Tyrone Services wene conducted Sunday by Rev. W. C. Smith. in the rnorn- ing, sacrament of the -Lord's Sup- Der was obsenved. Music Pro- vided by the choir. with Miss Hazel Rundle contributing a vocal sala. Rev. S. Littlewood. Orno had change ai the evening service with the junior choir supplying the music Miss Elsie Oke took the sola part in the anthern. No. 3 Gnoup ai W.M.S. was en- tentained bv Mrs,. Edra Price ai "The Grange" Thunsday afiennoon, cornbining business wiih pleasune. Mission Circle met ai Madeline Tooley's, with Mns. Lloydl Caurtice presiding. Devotional was in change of Mns. Eric Cauntîce. It was decid- cd ta bold a picnic suppen at Mrs. E. Counice's on July 12 and Sunday night supper on July 23, Madeline Tooley spoke on the wanks ai dii- ferent pocis. witb Mns.- L, Countice. Mrs. H. NichaIs and Miss Velma Harris cantribuiinR neadings. Re- fneshmenis wene senved. An enjovable tirne was spent on the lawn at the home ai Mn. and Mrs. Frank Worden June 23 when the thirieenth wedding anniversany of Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Worden and the faurteentb wedding anniversany ai Mn. and Mrs. Len Ha rrison, ai Bradford were celebraied. the tab- les deconated wiih iris and peanies, and laden wiîh many and varied courses served f rom dishes about 100 years aid made a veny preiiy set- ting. The toast ta the brides and grooms were prapased bv -Mn. New- tan Johns. Oshawa. A genenous help- ing af confetti was alsa handed oui, a fier wbicb photos wene taken - ai the zathering. Amang those prgsent ,were: Mn. and Mns. G. H. Landen and daughier Joyce, Mrs. Annie Hicks Miss Rosa., Mrs. Mav Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Newton John, Mn. and Mns. Frank Worden, Miss Allie

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