-THURSDAY, AUGUS'r 3RD, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr.ýànd Mrs. J. Abert Cole and son are holidaying at Norvai., Mr. John Heasman, Petrboîo, vislted his sistei, Mis. W. Souch. '4.Mr. and Mis. Stuat Morton and son Jack have been vlsiting at !J Haxriston. UMis. 'B. H. DIlflig je visiting lier daugliter, Mis. H. C.. Allin, Oakvile. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Windsor, visited with Mrs. Muriel Dunn. SMis. J. S. Miller, Grano, N. Da- kota, U.S.A., is visiting in town wlth relatives. Misses Dorotliy Nichais, Betty Taniblyn and Doris Wright are holldaying at Thurstonia Beach. Miss ArLe Noîtlicutt has been holidaying with lier aunt in Port Hope. Mis. A. D. Carscaflen, Winni- peg, an.,is visiting Mis, W. F. Mr. George Lunney, Colling- Wood,' is with lis daughtcr, Mrs. J. H. Jdlinston. 1Mi. Haiîy Strutt, Scugog Island, lias been visiting Mrs. E. Strutt, Tyrone. Miss Vivian Rowanp% Betliany, is visiting lier. aunt, Miss Florence Werry. 'Rev. j. G. and Mrs. Patterson of Vars, Ontario, visitcd witli Rev. H. W. and Mis. Faley. Misses Darothy. Bîadt, Georgie and Joey Cavefly liave îeturned frini an extensive trip ta Niagara Fails and upper New York State. IMisceIIaneoup GiftsI 7FR TIHE BRIDE 1~4 Silver Servicée Speelal Service for Six Rager.- La Rase Patte n Service for. Eight, Coid Waéter Jug 2 t ize - one , or fUnc best ée gpatterns made - with te gisard - -'Reg. $7.50 for S3El OUR $1.00 TABLE For Silver Specialp Marr's Jewelry Phone 463 owavlel VýMn. sud Mis. J. Lcvctt sud son Jimnmy arc holidaying at George- town. Mie. L. R. Steiumetz, Detroit, lias beeiý visiting lien fataci, Mr. tA. Bcacack., Miss Margaret Sayer ai Lex- ington, Mass., visitcd lien sister, 9Mis. J. Lane. Misa Marie Saivis, Huntsville, la holidsying at lier grandfathei's, Mr. George Calisu. Mn. sud Mis. E. Mitchell and son, Lindsay, visitcd Mn. John sud Miss M. Lumb. Mn. sud Mis. T. J. Carscadden, Keudal, visitcd 1cr siater, Mis. John Elliatt. Miss June Bickle is holidsyiug iwita lier aunt, Mis. C. Upper, at tachir cottage Lake Chemong. Mi. sud Mis. E. Brummell sud daugliter Gwcndolyn have been halidaymng at Gananaque aud TIausand Islands. Mn. sud Mis. J. C. Alldrcad sud sou speut tac weekeud with Mn. sud Mis. H. Gl at tacir cottage Babeaygeon.1 Mi. E. W., Crawford, chief en- gincer at tac Goodyear plant, la on s business trip ta the cpmP- any's plant in Akron, Ohio.' Miss MaryMallary, Blenheim, le visiting Misa Thora Davisan who will retun with lien ion a holiday. Messie. Bert. Johinstan, Jack Dunu sud Jack Gibbs arc spcnd- ing' tîcir halidays camping at 1Midland. Mie. Gea. W. James sud Ruta speut tac wcckend at Basam Lake wita Mn. sud Mis. G. W. Gainer. Misses Ethel sud Helen Morris are holidaying wita tacir aisten, Mis. G. W. Gainer, at Balsain Lake. Thene's racce for cveiybody at tac Sparte Day at Bowmsuvillc Beach ou Auguat 7tI. Came sud jain in tac fun. Miss Ruly Turp, Humber Bay, Toronto, is holidaying wita lier cousins, Misses Arlie sud Aud- rey Nonthcutt. Master Billy Lymer, Oshawa, lihas rcturncd home atter speuding a fcw dsys' îolidays with lis cou- sin, Tcddy Colwell. Rcv. C. E. sud Mis.' Armstrong sud sou Ronald ncturncd ta their lame in Mt. Bnydges atter visitiug tacir aunt, Mie. T. CT. Masan, sud athen relatives., Mn. sud Mie. E. V. Rosi sud Charles sud Bill James spent Sunday at Nonlsud visitmng Mi. sud Mis. W. R. Hill, ianmcnly ai Bowrnanville, now ai Guelph. Mn. sud Mis. J. Rl. Swiudells sud Roy,,aud Mis. t. Chadwick- Rcushaw have icturned tram a matai trip tarough Canada sud tac United States. Miaq. Trurnan Pawer lias becu visiting relatives at Biussels. Mn. sud Mis. Esîl Osborne sud Mi. sud Mia. Clare Allin speut tac wcckcud at Palmecrston. Mn. sud Mis. F. O. .MeIlveen have joincd tacir twa sans, Gil- lent sud Erie, sud are halidsyiug with lier parents, Mi. sud' Mia. A. Asquith, Auburn. Don't miss thc dinghy race le- twcen- Oshawa sud Bowmauville ou Civic Holiday. Thc winune wlll receive the Glen Rae Daiiy Trapliy ou crossing thc finish Uine. Mi. aud Mis. F' C. Vaustone, Town, Mn. sud Mis. B. S. Van- atone sud Miss May Vaustone, Tornto, arc spcnding their vaca- tion at Elgin Rause, Muekoka Lakes. Mn. sud Mis. J. Roy Fergusan sud iaily, sud Miss Lenrioe Fal- lis, Liptan, Sask., aie visiting lier parents, Mn. sud Mis. R. B. Ail- -SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE lies deuce le f -c onutalneid Wltin 7ta prove its awuer sud its value. Reward. Only s waman eau entetain unwelcome visitosais sud-xýake taem teed welcame. Alter a inulas turned down twa or thice opprtun1tles taey beglu ta dodge hm wight,, Wellington St., and num- erous Cartwrighit relatives. Mi. sud Mis. Gea. W. James, William and Ruta, arc attending the convention ai the Canadian Weekiy Newspapers Association being held this wcck at thc Gen- cral Brock Hotel at Niagara Falls, Ont. Mis. Thomas Fissette, Brant- fard, is visiting lier sisteî Mis. P. C. Trebilcock . Mr. sud Mia. Normian Sinclair, Santa Fe, New Mexico, spent Tuèsday with lis sisteis, Mi*. Trebilcock sud Mis. Fissette. Have you got your gift package ai Cubs yet? Caîl at yaui giocci and get a package af tais tasty whole wheat cereal. t muet be gàod because Cube are made by Thc Canadian Shnedded Wheat Company. Corne sud sec thcernariied wo- mcn's rolling pin canteet at the Sports Day pîagnam at Bowman- ville Beach. Ask some af the baye ta îow you acrass the piers, they will be glad ta do At for yau. Bîiug thc whole family ta tac Sports Day at the West Side Beach and join in tac fun. A prize for eveîy dhild on tac beach, along with 50 Yo Yps taat are ta be given away fiee. Chef ai Police Sydney Venton, Mis. Veuton, Donald sud Audrey, arc on a ma'caittip ta Kington aud Ottawa. Night Constable Walter Hall lias taken over the Chief's duties on days, and Wal- ter Hall Jr.-ie lu charge at night. Mi. sud Mis. R. M. Cotton and Helen have returned fioni a montls vacation at taeir cottage1 at Burut, River. "Bob" sys tac weatheî was wondeiful except forj anc week, and he is as brawn as1 a berry.i Mi. sud Mis. Russell Williams,1 Mary Ruth sud John, lXiagara1 Falls, N.Y., arc enjaying liolidays1 here as guets ai Mi. and Mis.1 Frank Williams. Mi. and Mis., Gueînscy Mc- Clellan, Landau, spent the week- end with hie mother, Mis. J. A. McClellan, sud attended tac Gar- den Tes at "Paikwood", tac home ai Col. sud Mis. R. S. McLsugh- lin, Oshawa. Bowmanville Fire Figliteis will attendl the annual convention ai Volunteer Departments wh i cl will be held in Whitby tais week- end and ou Civic Holiday. Tlicre wiil be a dhurch parade sud sev- eral demonstrations whidh will be ai interet ta tac general public. Mason & Dale employee will liald tacir annual stag outiug tliie .wekend at Lawrence Park on Cameron Lake. From tac propos- cd menu, Mcl Dale, Dancy Mai- tyn sud Ab Cully will have gain- cd a few pauuds bei are taey re- turu. Thc Quinte Sun, Trenton week- ly-newspapei, lise been sold ta S. J. McMaster, Toronto, who lias had considerable newspaper cx- perieuce on weckly papers sud laterly was emnployed witli tac United Churcli Publishing Camp- any in Toronto. Miss Margarct White, Peter- bora, sud Miss Helen McGregar, Bowmanville, are on an extended tour ai casteru Canada, United States sud Sauta America. Dur- ing their trip taey will visit tac lattei's sister, Miss Margaret Mc- Gregor at Colombia, South Am- erlos. Mis. James A. Phillips, Mi.and Mis. George Phllips, Miss MÇarion sud Mi. John Phillips, New York City, are epjoying a matai trip taraugli Quebcc sud tac Mari- times. Iu a letter ta lier brother here, frorn Charlottetownp P.E.I., Mis. Phillips writes: We are sim- ply tarilled with oui trip. Thc Gaspe trip le wcll woîth the ef- fait as it 15sa primitive wita tac dag carts sud oxen sud tac faim- ing doue by lisnd. Thc Tqwn ai Whitby's share ai the amount paid ta the Liquai Cantaol Board by Whitby hotels opeiating beverage roome foi tac year euding April 30, 1938, is $394.48, for thc previaus year tac amount was $430.92. Thc amaunt ai $394.48 represents a gallonage ai 32,873 1-3, sud sales ai $52,- 597.30. Figure ,aut for yourscli how a tawu can drink itseli pros- peraus by spcudiug aver $52,000 in beer. Tliink wliat that would mean in food, lotaing sud coni- fofte at the rate ai $1000 a week. A few Maple Grave sud Baw- manville fricude met at tac home ai Mi. Stephen Jcffcîy ta houai Mies Helen Wilkins pilirta lier manrage. Beneatacth archway tastefully decoated in piuk sud white, tac bride opened lier par- cela, ievealing many useful sud decorative articles, by which those wlio gave taem expressed sou, Mn. sud Mis. W.' Saunders, Toronto, wlta Mis. O. J. Hutdhin- sau, Happy Hutch. Mr. W~. H. Car Itou lias taken aven tac store at tac Oasis tor tac coming wcek lu tac absence ai hie EAST SIDE Postinaster sud Mis. Frank Mathesan, Oshiawa, witli Mr. sud Mia. L. H. Peain. Mi. sud Mis. T. Edwards sud Mis. T. Thomas, Toronto, wita Mi. sud Mis. Fisher. Mi. Louis Stevens sud Mis. Delilah Stevens, New York, N.Y., with Mis. M. Cale, Caleraine Cot- tage. Mi. Ken Hoapen, Russell Moi- fatt sud Dick Wright are vacation- ing lu tacir tent on the East Side Beach. Mis. V. O'Brien sud Ted, Mi. and Mie. Pcrcy Murray sud Mis. J. Tutty, Toronto, are iolidaying at Mayiai Cottage. Do't farget tIc Sparts Day and Regatta ta le held on Civic Holi- day at tac West. Side Beach. Pre- paratians have been going an ta make this tac most successful day lu thc hiatary ai Bownisnvillc Beach. Provincial Constable Stanley Palmateer sud Mis. Palmateer, Ellecu sud Elwood, Bancroft, Mis. Cauntney, Frankiord, Mn. sud Mis. Fred Petaick sud Fred Jr., wita Mn. sud Mis. A. L. Darcli, Chet- wyn Villa. Miss Lorraine Davie, Tarants, je vacatianiug wita lier parente, Mi. sud Mis. Charles Davie, Sun- ny Nook. Wcekcud visitais wenc Mi. Harold Watten, Mi. HugI Mc- Keen sud Doîotay, ?&. Tom An- derson sud Mies Isabelle- Ander- son, Toronto. Mi. Tam Rilcy sud Mr. John Whidttakci, Bristal, Tenn., wita Mi. sud Mia. Chane Depcw. TIese boys hitchi-hikcd main tacin lame ta Bowmanvillc sud are on tacin way ta tac New York Waîld's Pair. Thc boys said that taelr luck on thc road was much better on thia ide ai tacefUe than lu their owu couutry. WEST SDE Mi. John Gibin, Toronto, witI Dr. sud Mia. P.S. Ireland. Miss Barbais Rdlider, Bawman- ville, wita Misa Jcan Pattinsan. Mi. Wilbcît ,King, Beavertan, with Vernon sud Bilan Flahcnty. Mi. Rusell Reunie, Misa Gent Grumniit, Toronto, wita Mis. E. Bourne. Miss Ruby Lane, Bowmanvillc, wita Mi. sud Mis. E. Currie at Four E's. Mi. -sud Mis. Spencer Wood, Bowmanville, wita Mr. sud Mia. W, J. Quinn. Mi. sud Mis. E. Brown, Muriel sud Hsrry, Taranto, arc holiday- iug at taci cottage. .Mi. B. Murdhisan, Misa Marion White, Toronto, wita Mi. sud Mis. Rance Dilling. Mise Gertude Harvey, Tarants, wti Mi. sud Mis. Allent Ranris, attac Frendch Dugout. Mis. H. Saville, Francis, Betty, Velina sud Harold, Toronto, arc holidaying at tac lake. Mr. sud Mis. Fred Pundy, Ar- thur sud Velma, Oshawa, are holidaying at tac beach. Misa Beruice Jibb, Cambouru, Mn. Keita Harper, Cobourg, witi Mi. sud Mis. W. Happe. Mi. sud Mia. J. W. Atwell, Mr. sud Mis. A. C. Erz, Toronto, aie staying at Paplar Ladgc. Mi. sud Mis. M. C. Smita, Mcl- vin'sudFieda, Toronto, are houi- dsyiug at Pont Darlingtan. Mi. sud Mis. H. C. Allin, Bar- bais, Babby sud Joyce, Hornby, were holidaying at tic beach. Mi. George Daws, Miss TIcluis Beecc, Toronto, wita Mi. sud Mie. M. J. Moore, Rendczvous Cottage. Mi. sud Mis. D. Camipbll, Mis. F. Fass, Taranto, wita Mi. sud Mis. G. Ness, at Hclzcatt Cottage. Miss Emma Grol,. Misa Vers Pike, Mi. Bruce Bakcwell, Toran- ta, with Mis. C. Bakewell at Cliff - view. Miss S. R. Waod, Master Gardon Clarke, Mi. Bill Ormsly, at Mi. sud Mis. F. M. Nixau's, Onm-a- Nook.1 Mi. sud Mis. Roy Cormsck sud Betty sud Mr. Bill Hackins, Ta- rants, wita Dr. sud Mis. Gardon Milieu. Mi. sud Mis. J. Pcunington, Dorotay sud Margaret, Oshawa, with Mr. sud Mis. H. W. Simpson, Bîseside Cottage. Mn. sud Mia. F. Doyle, Mar- guerite, Benuice sud Pst, Taronto, arc spcndiug tacir vacation at Sandhurst Cottage. Mn. sud Mis. G. Browulie sud Janette, Mr. sud Mis. George Lunnand Betty, Toronto, are va- cstioning at Cedar Creet. Mn. sud Mis. John Ross, Annie sud Murray, Mr. sud Mis. R. Ross, Tornto, with Mi. sud Mrs. H. Masan, Peace Day Cottage. Mi. sud Mis. R. S. Harding, Oshawa, Ms. T. Gillian sud Miss- JeanOnr, Toronto, wita Mr. sud Mia.'A. W. Fox, Daisy Delli. Mr. sud Mis. H. Tiplady, Doris sud George, Mi.sud Mis. P. nccessita-t.ing thùat tac boat corne back and await repaira. This boat was not tac only craft in trouble at Part Darlingtou, Thc Mabeli, owned sud operatcd by Mi. R. Sliepplierd ai Toronto, was just son- Jack who has gone ta, Severn River for holidays. Mis. L. Shaîpe, Bowmanville, sud Mrs. Gardon Tattersaîl, Mon- tical, are holidsying at the lake. Visitors were Mi. sud Mis. Walt. PaScoe, Bowmanvillé. Dan't forget ta, sec the Yo-Yo contest at the annual Sparts Day to- ,e held August 7. Anather at- traction is Marrîed Womeu's Roll- lng-Pin Throwing Contest. Mis. Edmond Baîrick, Part Col- borne, Mi. and Mis. James A. [White sud John, Mi. and Mis. Ruesell Wlatmougli, T o roanto,r ,with Mrs. W. D. Fox, Cave Cot- tgge. - Mis. H. Roche, Mis. L. Lloyd, XiÉ. D. Wifliamson and Joan, Mi. and Mrs. J. Greenwood aud Mr. J. Atkinson, Taranto, at Mi. and MM. L. McElroy's, Camp Cosyc Cottage.c Mi. W. H. Carlton Is experi- a mnenting with a new kind of cx- terlar coating on hie cottage. This coating resembies paint but is plastic and at the samne time is an insUlator. Mi. and Mis. A. Mclutosh,' Mi. and Mrs. William Mclntosh, Rion- ald and Kenny, Mi. sud Mis. Johnc Melntash, Mildîed and Avaline,f Toronto, are lialidaying at Mciii- 1 Mac Cottage.a Mi. Noble Carlton, Mi. Melc McCarthy, Mi. Gardon Dunu, Mis. N. Dunn, Mis. F. Fisk and Rev.r Bob Sneyd, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. W. H. Carlton, Cape Cod Cot- tage on the Cave. Mis. A. Salkeld, Babby and Audr'ey, Mis. F. Bennett andr Nancy, Mis. L. Harvey and Ron-s ald, Mis. F. Simmes and Audrey, Toronto, are spending their vaca- tion at Sunshine Cottage. Mi. and Mis. W. Ramsay, Lii- flan, Gretta and John, Mi. and Mrs. M. Marco, Mi. and Mis. Fred Hayward and Betty Anu, and Miss Barbars Attack, Toronto, witli Mis. E. Durno at Cheeria Cottage. Mi. snd Mis. A. H. Peacock, Betty, Bob and Gary, Buffalo, and June Stewart, Toronto, are hall- daying at Fyvie Cottage. Week- end visitais were Mi. and Mis. E. Wolfe, Mi. and Mis. H. Steiner, Buffalo. Mis. H. J. White, Cecil, Bernice, Gwenn, Helen, Donald and Ken- nethl, Miss Peggy WoolnougliTa- ranto, are holidaying at the beach. Weekend visitais were Mi. and Mis. Jack White, Toronrto, and Mr. Arthur Living, Bowmanville. Mis. L. Head, Landau, Miss Joyce Rider, Mr. and Mis. Haîry Adams, Gertrude, Evelyn and1 Joyce, Miss Velma Martin, Mr.1 and Mis. M. K. Lawson sud Gar- don, Mr. J. Cameran, Mis. R. Murray, Mi. sud Mis. Gandon,i Toronto, wîth Mi. sud Mis. W. J. Dunn and Mis. Lais Cameron. Be on hand ta see the finish of the yacht race from Oshiawa on Civic Holiday, wlcn 'tie winner will receive the Glen Rae Trophy. Thé big week-end staits on Sat- urgay niglit with Gus Reines and hiî Cedarbrae orchestra pîovîding music in Joe's Shuf fle Shed for the annual Beach Association dance. Mi. aud Mis. AUf. Donaghey and Ann, Toronto, Mi. Ernest Flegg, Mr. and Mis. J. Flegg, Mi. George Banc, Mis. George Flegg and Brenda, and Miss Agnes Flegg, Oshiawa, Mr. Biakely Mc- Canu and Miss Grace Flegg, Drummoudville, Quebcc, with Mi. and Mis. S. S4aiples, Chez-Nous Cottage. PEBBLES ON THE SHORE The baIl games over the week- end upset tac icague standing. In the fiist game the mighty West Side tcam weîe put down by the East Side by tac score ai 12-2. Evidcntly tais was the west side boys bad game af the yesr as their liands were tied right and lef t. In the second game Orono Farestry came through with a win defeating the Town Boys 8 ta 6. M on da y niglit Bowmanville Harbour looked like the anchor- ing place ai the Rayai Yacht Club in Toronto. A total ai five bas werc bîought ta anchor between the piers, thîce large launches and two sali boats. This îerninds one of the stories tain about Port Diai- lington years ago when it was the rnost important harbour betwcen Klngstan sud Toronto and pas- senger and freiglit basts made regular cails ta pick up cargo and discliarge wliat thcy were slready transporting. The Cliapel On The Hill was rather poorly patronized on Sun- day due ta the rain just terninat- ing a few minutes before the ser- vice was scheduled ta begin. -Howevei, one of tac nicest ser- vices .of tac ycar was pîesented with tae Bownianvilie Salvation Army canductiug tac spiritual port±in sud Mis. Carlton sud Mis. il Iowmanville-Ot-The-Beach putting out into the laite on Tues- day marniug when the coal ail aud gas became mixed sa that the1 engine weîe somewhat hàndi- capped sud lad ta returu ta port. Esîlier lu the rnarning their gasi stave expladed, giving them s great ecare. No anc wae injurcd. Wedding Slmmi-Farrel A quiet but pretty weddiug was solernnizcd at Tyrane United Churcli Pareonage, July 8th, wheu Susan Grace, youngest daughter ai Mi. Byran Farrel sud tac late Mis. Farrell, Long Sault, sud Ro- bert Simm, sou ai Mis. Robert Sirn and the late Mi. Sirnr, Oshawa, were united lu marriage. Rev. A. W. Marcli officiated. Thc bride wore a irock ai pink chiffon with white accessories sud carried a bouquet ai pink 'roses and bsby's bresth. The bride Was atteuded by hier cousin, Agnes Haaey, who wore a frack ai mauve chiffon with white acces- saries sud carried s nosegay ai piuk roses. Mr. Arthur Richards, Tyrone, was groamsman. c Aiter the cerernany tac happy ' couple ici t amld ehoweîs ai con- fetti sud beet wiehes for a short hancyrnoon ta Belleville. Thcy1 arc now residing ou the faimt owned by Mi. W. Rcynold. The week following tlieir ma- riage s shower wss hcld at tac home ai the bride'e aunt, Mis. W. Haaey, Long Ssult, when tacy ne-r ceivcd rnany beautitul gite. Thec bride sud groom made a fitting1 reply, siten which lunch was served. WEEKLIES MEET AT NIAGARA FALLS' Representatives ai w c e k 1 y1 uewspspers from coasat ta coast,( numbering close ta 300, will ga-j tIen at the General Brock Hotel,c Niagara Falls, on August 3rd, 4t1 sud - 5th, an the occasion ai the Canadîsu Weckly Newspapeîs As- sociatiau's twenticth sunual con-- vention. The thrce-day sessions will be followed by a trip ta New York, wîere members sud their wives will be entertained by vani- ans organizstions sud officiais during their two-day visit ta thei Woild's Fair. Sessions at the Falls will apen wita an iniormal w c I c o i n g lundheon as gucst ai J. G. Johns- tan Associstes, Toronto, wlien the gucat 'speaker wiil be Mn. Louis Blake Duif, ai Welland. Whule the ladies ai thc gather- ing are being entertained toafater- noon tes sud siglit seeing tours on the opcuinig aitennoon, editoîs wiil listen toana addîess by Dean M. Lyle Spencer, Syracuse Uni- versity, N.Y., on "The Weekly Press To-moirow," asud participate lu the discussion ai Circulation Standards for Weeklies at thc iirst ai a series ai forums, led by Mi. Andrew O. Hebb, ai Ncwrnarket. Dinner at the Park Restaurant, as gueste ai the Niagara Paîks Com- mission, wlll cauclude the Thurs- day sessions, when delegates will be privileged ta hear an addrcse by Mi. D. Lea Dolan, Chief Can- adian Travel Bureau, Ottawa. Frank B. Hutchinson, Secretary- Manager ai the New York Pres Association, Syracuse, will lie heard on Friday marning, alsa Mn. Glen Baunerman, Presideut ai the Association ai Canadisu Advertieers, sud Mn. John Martin ai the Massey-Harris Caompany. At noan, delegates will adjourn ta visit thc Canadian Cysuamid Plant sud be entertained ta lunch at that Companys restaurant. Af- Free Delivery Service AT LUNN'S We xnake no charge for delivering goods ta aour cuetomeis. - JuBt telephone your order. - We'll do the rest. Choice Peaches .................................. per tin 15e W onderful Soap ......... ..........................5 bais 13o Sun-Ripe Tomato Juice ..................... 105 oz. tins 25c, Ontario Tomatoes .........lb..... ............................ . 5o O ranges .................. ............................. 2 doz. 25e CASH YOUR LIFEBUOY COUPONS RIRE 3 Cakes for 15c and Coupon - Regular Value 25e E. LUNN Phone 596 GROCER Bowmanville CIVIC HOLIDAY SALE It will pay you to buy for your holiday weekend at your I.DA. Drug Store.* Lowest Prices - Quality Gooda - Prompt Per- sonal Service. - Let us deliver your order. - Phone 792 Now. FILMS Selochrome and Kodak Ail Sizes BATHING CAPS I- se up * PAPER NAPKINS White 60's 9c OUTING JUGS 1 GaL $1.49 FIRSi AID lKITS 500 Value 39C VACUUM BOITLES 39e Vale 27e SPECIAL Lifebuoy Soap 3 for 15e with Coupôin Gilette Blades 6 for 25c Gin Pille Two BSzes 39C se6c UNITED CIGAR STORE AIGENCY1 Skol- --- --40o 83o Nommena -59o Wsxed Paper 100 ft.- - - .190 Wbhiz Inseet Irner - - - 29c-49o Staway - - - - 39c "Tops" WImte Shos Cleaner --25o Arrid Cream 39o - 59o DeveIoping and Prînting' Whenu bae YfjUgI photo Wotk wtlhs ~ are assurel a1 thse fl*ft possible resulta. PROMPT 1SERVICE PALMOUVE ~~~m' 230 'mf -WWu' m 390 Alex M9cQregor Prescriptions a Specialty Phone 7r92 BowmanvilIc 'p i ternoan sessions will be given aven cntirely ta graup forums, led by representative weekly editors across Canada. A visit ta the Whilpool Rapids will be preced- cd by atternoon tes for tac ladies ai the party by courtesy ai thc Shîcdded Wheat Plant. Thc Associations mucî antici- pated event - thc traphy dinner - will be held Fniday evening, whcn winners ai thc variaus cani- petitians will le presented with their trophiesud pnizes. A dance on tac Rainbow Balcany, as gucats ai tac hotel management, will end tac Fiiday sessions. A gencral forum ou Simplificd Coat Systems for Wecklics, led by Wm. Beau, ai Thc Waterloo Chranicle, wiil be featured Satur- day marning, sud ather routine business will be canductcd. At noan, members will gather ion luncheon as guests ai Mn. Vernon Knowlee, with Wm. J. Stewart, C.B.E., ex-Mayor ai Toronto, as gucat speaker. A trip ta the aId Fort at Fart Erie via bus will le made by the entire party on Sat- urdsy afternoan, sud remaiuing aven ion the New Yark trip will end thc day with a supper dance at the Convention Hatel. A gîoup ai aven 150 will leave Sunday maîuing via the New York Central Raîlroad, for New York City, ta enjay twa full days sud thîce niglits at the Fair. Hasts at variaus luncîcons sud teas include: tac Dominion Gav- erunent Departmcnt ai Trade sud Commerce, ai whidh Mr. D. S. Cale, Canadisu Tiade Cam- missioner, la lu charge, tac Do- minican Republic, the World'a Fair Pubhicity Dcpartmcut, Thc World's Fair Management, tac Borden Company, the Tuikieli Gaverument, tac Ford Matai Company and Gencral Matais. Duîing tacir stay in New York, tac graup will 'make tîcir hcad- quartersast thec-Barbizon Plaza Hotel. Ail in aIl, Mi. C. V. Chartera, Mansgiug-Diîector ai the Cana- dian Weekly Newspapena Assoc- iation, las aucceeded lu liuing up s very fine programme ai piacti- cal as weil as entertaininent ev- ente, sud a record attendance is expccted ta celebîste the 20ta birthday ai the Association. Iu spite of troubied times rnany Europcan nations are soliciting langer shares ai Canadian busi- ness sud France, Italy, Switzeî- land, Finland sud tac Netaer- lands are among the mast aggres- sive lu this friendly bsttle ion Canadian trade. Ail ai these countries sud otacîs have large sud iuteicsting dispîsys in the International Pavillon ai the Ca- nadian National Exhibition tais year. BARGAINS At J. W. JEWELL d"BIG 20"y TENNIS RACQUETS Reg. to $1.19 Clearing at ................... 0 PENGUIN AND PELICAN BOOKS The most reading for thse least money. New tities. B ach ............... ...... 200 NEEDLE POINT A popular handwork for sum- mer. Abolut 50 new designe Iust recelved. Attractlvely prie- ed. FOR PIONIOS We have paper plates, cups, table paper, spoons and forks. FOR HOME USE Paper table napklns, towels and toilet tissue. LOCAL RANGERS CAMP FOR WEEK Bowmanville Rangers attending Camp Windsor at Fenelon Falls are Misses Helen Cotton. KCit Starey. Patsv Dustan. Margaret Westaway. Audrey Comstock. Patricia Wilson. Ruth Crydernian. Irene Casbourn. Doris Moses. Elba Caverly, Mar- guerite Gibson, also Miss Grace Werrv as Camp Nurse and lieuten- ant. Misses Betty Betties and Helen Tiqhe will be ioininz their fellow Guides later. Visitors Day will be on .Sunday, August l3th when the girls will wel- corne their friends or anyone wish- inz to sec some real .camp life. The camp is under the supervision of Miss Betty Hobbs. Ranger Cap- tain of Oshawa, Miss Florepce Fit- ches as swimming instructress and Mrs. 'Coomes. cjuartermas&. Practically 70 per cent of ail deaths fromn diphtheria in Canada in 1938 occurred in the Province of Quebec. PAGE FIVE FINAL CLEARANCE. Su m*mer Beacl'wear BATHING SUITS 'sý ocà Ladies' an~d Gents' Ladies' RiPply lvi. suit$ Reg. as high as $395 $L.75 up Prices slashed on all Ladies' Beaohwêor inluding - Oilk, Shorts, lHalteru, Etc., It will psy you to buy now. SUMMER DRESSES In a wide selection of colours and styles - Priced from - $L50 up COUCH JOHNSTON &. CRYDERMAN Phone ne6 LVDIIEDBowmanvle -1 'w