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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1939, p. 6

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Peterborough ArclualEhbtou Wednesday Thurisday Friday atrday A39- 16 ABU. 17 Aug.18 aug. 19 ln euah prises, for stock, tam producta and other exhibits. Fm Cm chiez AwayhFi" - One lac* Mogt , 3D.Lie hemroet. - 1 Standard Pontiac Ak fer Prie Car Tickets weever you make a purchae.. Visit the. Fair Thuray, Avuut 17, and heur Dr. G. L Christie, INraident et the Ontario Agrieultural Coflege, Guelph. Fine Grand Stand Performance and clean and attractive midway. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN PARES From BO WMAN VILLE Aug. Il - 12 and A.M. Trains OnIy Aug. 13 il. »»EN», Hamilton, Brantford, London, Chathsam, Sarnia, *L11 C&taJn igr Falls, Ont., Buffalo, and ail intermediate ......ust 4 -5 ... Te Bramupton, Guepa, Gd!rch, Owen Sound, Southampton, and au 1» teiate pointa beyond Drampton. Te Meaford, »UIS ai,.Penctant, North Bay and ail intermediate p.ia~ beond jSsnO, Vsy Sound, Burwash, Sudbury, Longlac, =eraIlb sSuo ,gaore. zlêoi aI~oq~j 47aJ Local Stations Belleville-Whitby Inclusive. Sec handbfls 1)ft fl particulars or secune information fr-om Agents. T243B CANADIANjjCANADIAN NATIO-NAL P A CIF1C PAGE SIX SPORT NEWS Royals Lose Final Scheduled Game To Port Hope Score 2 - 1 Saturday Bowmanviile Royals finished their home portion of Uic regular Intermediate Lakeshare League schedule by dropping a game to Port Hope by a 2 to 1 score. This second dcl cat was administered on Saturday and it put an end to the eight game winning strcak built up by Uic Royals. For eight stirning frames At ap- peared as if Dave Osborne and his high hard ones would furnish a coat of whitewash for Uic Port Hope Ontarios who have reccntly emerged from a seven game los- ing streak. But two doubles and two singles zoomed off the potent war clubs of Uic invaders inaa disastrous ninth inning and Bow- manviile were unable to taily in Uic home hall. Second-baseman Potts, a fresh-j mnan member of Uic Ontarios, bounccd his third hit, a line double over Uird base to open Uic raily and promptly scored when Edwardson inserted his second bit. Osborne cut off Uic Urow to Uic plate and nailed Edwardson gong itta second. Dawley popped « harrnlessly to Walton but Brunt laccd a double ta left centre. Hilis groundcd to Slemon and Uic dan- ger appearcd over but Uic bal took a bad hop and glanced over Slemon's shoulder and Brunt scored wiUi Uic wxnning marker. Tommy Potater hurled Uic first seven stanzas for Uic visitors and gave up five hits and Uic lone Bowmanviile tally in his first start in a month. Out with a sore anm, Uic Peerlcss Potater was back ta perfect forni and except O1SHAWA1 Pree Parking -Phone 1011 Friday - Saturday ÂUG. 4- 5 JACK DENNY Radio'. Nol Comedian and hi. Radio Butler Rochester ln ,,man About Town" wfth DOROTHY LAMOUR EDWARD ARNOLD PM HARRIS Added - Color Classl "Pisyful Polar Beurs" REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 pem. "The Last Gangster" Stmrrng EDWARD) G. ROBINSON ROSE STRADNER Mon. - Tues. - Wed. AUG. 7- 9 "The Man ln The Iron Mask". Starring LOUIS UAYWARD JOAN BENNETT' Thurs. - Fri. - Set. AUG. 10 - 12 'Tarzan Finds a Son' Starring JOHNNY WEISSMULLER MAUREEN O'SULIVAN Ion Uic sixth, bad the Rayais wcll unden control. Bil Brunt worked thc final two sessions with Bob Kent gettnggtUic only bit off bis senvices. Walton îined a bit off Potaten's shin te open Uic lUfth and was sacificed ta third by Siemon, aI- ter stealing second and sconed whcn Potts fumblcd on Williams' grounder. Pont Hope Hudson, If. Johnston, 3 Brown, se. G. Wakely, Patts, 2b. Edwardson, Dawlcy, cf. Pointer, p. Brunt, p. His, c. Totals Bownianvil] Waltan, 2b. Slemon, lb. Willianis, sE Rickard, c. Roach, nI. Bagneil, cf. Kent, 3b. Box Score AB R H PO A E 5 0 110 0 lb. 4 0 1 2 2 1 4 01 12 0 nI. 4 0 0 1 0 0 lb. 4 0 215 1 0 37 2 12 27 13 2 le AB R H PO A E 4 1 14 10 s. 40O0 1 2 0 3 00 41 0 4 01 10 0 .4 01 5 10 4 01 00 1 R. Hoaper, IL. 0 0ou1i0u0 Osborne, P. î402 28 0 (a) Camenon 1 0 O O O O Totale 33 1 6 27 13 1 Runs batted ta - Edwardsan, Ruls, Williams; Twa-base bits - Potts, Brunt; Sacrifice bits - Sle- mon; Stalen bases -. Waltan, Wil- liamis, Bagneil; LeIt on bases - Pont Hope 8, Bowmanviile 7; Bases on halls _ off Pointer 2; Strike-auts - Pointer 5, Osborne 4; Rits - off Pointer, 1 run, 5 bits in 7 inninge; off Brunt, 0 nuns, 1 bit in 2 innings; Winning pitcher - Brunt. Umpires - Turpin and Gibeon. LOCAL ALL-STARS TRIM COURTICE BY SCORE 17 TO 3' The Town League Mll-Stars got their baptism under lire on Tues- day night and they carne through with flying colors, trimmtag Uic Courtice teani 17 to 3. Not one of Uic Courtice runsi wcre descrved as MI Osborne, Ace1 Richards and Johnny Semple, ta that order, served up an assort-i men t of pitches Uiat had Uic visi- tors buffalocd. Only seven hits werc pried from the trio af Bow- manville hurlers and all three runs werc scored while Richards was on Uic mound. However, threc errons wcne mixed up wiUi Uic pair of runs counted ta Uic fift and Uic four>ch error made by Uic Stars produced Uic third run. Bowmanvile started off wiUi a bang by scnrtag five runs in Uiir initial turn at the plate. They added two more in Uic second, Urec in cach of Uic third and fourUi and scored Uieir final four in Uic fitth. Thcy were held away from the plate in Uic sixth. Dub Piper, Johnny James and Bun Moone led Uic hittcrs with Uirec apiece. The two Pipers and Moore had homers whilc James had three doubles and a walk for à record of . tree out of four. Glen Pickcll of Uic Courtice team providcd Uic fielding fcaturcs of Uic game wiUi thnec dazzling pick-ups and throws. His lbst ef- fort came just after he tare a finger nail loose from its moor- tags as he wcnt right over ta second ta get a bail and thnow it in Uic same motion. Courtice - J. Gay 2b and p; Peterson p and 2b; Vtason 3b; H. Gay lb; Pickcll ss; H. Osborne If; Courtîce rf; Wilson c; Chesebor- ough cf.- Al-Stars- Bagnèll and G. Pip- er ss; D. Piper and Oke 3b; Os- borne, Richards and Semple p; James lb; O. Hoopen and H. Hoop- en c; Colwcll 2b; Moareand Lit- tle If; Breugh cf; R. McKnight nI. Courtice 000 021 0- 3 7 2 Al-Stars 523 340 x -17 19 4 Umpires- Tweedle and Hobbs. SofUaII Playoff In, Rural Longue .UleBenefit Game First af Uic playoffs ,in Uic South Darlington Softball League will take place Saturday, August 5th, 6i p.m. Standard Tirre, at Uic Crcam aI Barley Camp bctween Salem and Courtice. Pnaceeds af Uic game will be ta aid af Scotty Cameron who had bis nase broken sevenal weeks ago wbile umpiring a game. YOUNG PIGEONS IN CLOSE RACE Bo wmanville Racing P ig eoan Club flew their lirst young bird race on Saturday, July 29, fnom Stncctsville, Ont., 56 miles air lime. The, weùUien was veny warnm and this slawed the birds up, with Uic following resuits: L. Richards- 1 hn, 56 mins, 29 sec. F. Battreli 1 hn, 56 mins, 47 sec. L. Richards- 1 hn, 56 mins, 48 sec. F. Bottnel - 1 hr, 57 mins, 9 sec. Pepsi-Cola Boys Chalk Up Win Over Goodyear* Handing Uic patcbed up Good- year Rubbenmcn a sound 16 te 10 lacing, Thunsday night, the Pepsi Cola squad went a long way ta- ward bcating off the stirring bid bcing made for a playaff spot by the trailing Front Streetens. The ex-South Ward crew went into an eight run Iead ta Uic finst two Inames and Uiey wene neyer ta danger af being avertacen. Johnny Semple pitched eigbt bit ball and was backed up by hie team-mates. Semple is stili troub- led by wildnees as bis cigbt walks would testify. Snub Piper taok Uic mound for Uic second time in bebaîf cf Uic Goodyear but Uic Pepsi people likcd bis offertag ta Uic extent af fil teen bits and they sconed at least once in evcry tntag. Al Osborne, bandicapped by a cold, moved from Uic burlcr's position aven ta first base with Murphy looking aften second in Uic ab- sence oI Bent Colweil. The f an- cd defensive ability oI Uic Good- years whicb bas been a patent factor in their victories this year failed Piper on Tbunsday'nigbt, ten errons being committcd be- bind him. Only Hub Murphy did 'any con- sistent clouting Ion Uic lasing Rubbermcn, that warthy picktag up two doubles and a homer in four times at bat. Bates, Little and Hailman ail coilected thnee bits apiece for Uic soIt drink crowd, Hailman tacluding two bomers ta hie assontment, and Bates maktag anc grand slam drive. Semple appeared ta wcaken somewbat in the later stages of Uic contest, as Uic Factonymnen did most of their run-making in Uic final Uince inninge, made up aI two i te Uic th, four ta the sixt;_, and Uiree in Uic seventh. Pepsi-Colas - Bates c; Little nI; D. Piper 3h; Moore 1f; Osborne lb; Haîlman 2h; Knîgbt and Hunt cf; Rundle as; Semple p. Goodycars - Hart 3h; Oke ss; Murphy lb; A. Osborne lb; HOOp- er c; D. McKnight If; G. Piper p; Moorcraft cf; R. McKnight rI. Pepsi Cola 441 231 1 -16 10 4 Goodyear 001 024 3 -10 8 10 Umpires - Tweedle and Hobbs. Ollers Defeat Goodyears 9 To 2 in fMonday's Game Twirlinoe a bnilliant four-bit brand of baIl. chuckv Ace Richards pitcbed the White Rase Qilens into a tic for finst Place in the Town League on Mondav as lie decisioned the Good- vears 9 ta 2. The Rubbcnmen buncbed haîf of thein bits aiter twe werceout in the sixth inninoe-ta praduce bath of their runs but outside of that muIid flurry. the husky White Rose nieundsman held the heavy bittinR Geodyçars un- der coniplete contraI. *Meanwhile the Hodgsanites took nather kindly ta the of lericgs of AI. Osborne wbo was niaking bis first appearance on the mound in two weeks. Five runners scampered acress the Plate ini a f urious f iEst. inninsr. with twe more being added in the second and the final pair scoxing in tI1e fountb. The East Enders gave Richards iît edged support througzhout. MLan- ager-first baseman Large committed the onlv f umble. dropping an easy f ly in the f inst inning. The Factory- men wcre guilty af four errors and did not look like the teani that bas headed the leagzue ail season. Aiter Osbonne startcd praceedinge by gzivingz up two walks. Fnank Blunt pumped a homer inta, left f ield. Lange and Rice bath scratched bits to the infield before Depew dropped a double inta short left f ield ta drive thern bere. Freddie Mutton followed Bird's bit with a p)owerful borner inte straigbht centre f ield in the second stgnza and the same .two players repeated thein performance for the final twe tallies in the fourth. It took a waîk te Osborne and a 6ingzle by Oke ta set the stagre fan Celwell ta drive a double right aven fimet base for the two runs gzathered bv Goodycars in the sixth. Lineups: Geadyears - Wctodward, 3b; Heoper. c. Osborne, v; Mur- phy. cf; Oke, lb; Colwel. 2b; Piper. ss: Moorcraft and D. Mc- KCnight. rf. R. McKnigbht. If. White Rese-Bagneil anji Dilling, se: Bird. cf: Blunt. If: F. Mutton. c. Largze, lb, Rice. 3b; W. Mutton, 2b: Depew. rf; Richards. p). Goedvears 000 002 0.-2 4 4 White Rose 520 200 x-9 12 1 Umvires-Hobbs and Twecdle. THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO HARVESTINe' 1»THODS REVOLUTIONIZERD g-otctCiprCmi fti neetnDemonstrçition aI Massey-Harris Uic farm aI T. A. Russell. Report appeare on1 IBricks and Bouquets BY NELSON OSBORNE OI Jeeeight game winning stretch fhe Royals has finaily been broken and here is onc guy who is glad of it. Not that we wouldn't enjoy seeing the gray-garbed Cameronians win them ail, but after having toa many victories chalked up onl the right side of the ledger there is an inclination to, ease off, especially when sev- eral of these wmns came in the easy way. With two games leit ta play as this is written, one last night in Cobourg and one ini Oshawa, the Royals have taken part in four- teen games. Thcy have won ten, tied one and lost thrce, which is w igba I n aneiage. They wil danitcyfiih i frat place axi writadb whilcCobourg an d P rt H pe ie for the right to meet the first placers. This wiil be the third or fourth ie in five years that the Royals have finished the stretch run in first place and they have won the league play-offs f ive times in the lest six years. The only interrup- tion to the Bowmanviile mono- poly of the title was two- years ago when Oshawa took, ail the honors. Tis year the boys will be bat- tling for their second straight titie,. but the -going will, be-tough. For one, thing, there is need of more batting power. That was vcry evident on Saturday.when six hits was the best thcy could do in nine innings. The thrcc out- ficîders of the Ontarios only handled four files bctween thcmn whîch means, that whilc the Roy- ais were nat striking out, neyer- theless they were flot able to get the bail out of the tafield. Two of the six hits were of the inlield variety while the other four were ail of the one base kind. On the other hand, the pitching is above par, although in Tommy Pointer, Port Hope has one of the best in the league. The local de- fense is alsa quite steady and it will be better if Williams is avail- able ta play short. This would let Roach remain in the outfield and would strengthen both depart- ments. Saturday's bail game was one of the best played here tis year. Although hits wcre flot plentiful, there were a lot of hard hit balîs and some spark]ing fielding'plays. Dave Osborne had a busy day, handling ten chances himself bc- sides striking out four more. Be- tween times Dave laid down a perfect bunt and rapped a hit into; right for a record of two in four. Only one Port Hoper essayed to steal second and he was picked off easily by Rickard. The at-, tempt came at a time whcn there was a man on tbfrd and two out. In the same situation on Wednes- day against Cobourg, Packard twice tossed out would-be pilfer- ers. At one stagc of the contest Bat- urday, thc diamond looked -like a hospital ward. Slemon swung at a hlgh pltch and threw out his arn. This was thc flrst tiine he has done It this year. While- Wil- liama was foilowlng thc lnjured Slemon'is directions and ptfttng Uic vagrant membcz back in its allotted place, George Walton was stretched out at second base get- tlng trcatmnent ta relieve thc cf- fecta of catching an elbow -tI his short nib. An tanin g or two prior, Rlckard had been hit above thé knee by a foui Uip. T'were a bad day. Siemon laid down a perfect bunt on Uic first pltch allter get- tlng his limb returned to its pro- per location. Ed Wltheridge tucked away an- other easy win on Wcdnesday last, touaing five hit ball against Cobourg while Uic Boyals used seven hits ta, make six runs. Dow- manville seems ta, harbor a band of opportunists who can make use of evcry break and thcy staycd truc to form by drlving Archie Campbell ta cover in thc third. Archie was lnlined to b. wild and when he dld get thc bail ta Uic given area, Uic boys drove it back hard and fast. However, the streak has been broken, and with the playoffi at hand, it behooves the team ta, get down ta, real business and etart another run of victories. There is a meeting In Cobourg Wednesday (lest night) for thc purpose af straightenlng out Uiceplayofs and It is llkely. that Port Hope and this page. Harvesting Grain With Combine Proves Great Labor- Saving Device Large Atteudance of Farmens Sec1 Latest Types of Cost-Reducing 1 Machines in Operation 1 The case and simplicity'cf har-i vesting grain with a "Clipper"i combine was demonstrated ta bundrede cf farmers and many other intenested people, including Uic editon aI The Statesman, on the Dufferin Street farm aI Mn. T. A. Russell, President cf Uic Maseey-Harris Company, an Wed- nesday, July 26tb. To those familian with Uic ce- tablisbcd routine cf barvcsttag1 grain crope, cuttîng, stooking,1 pitcbing and hauling, and finallyJ thresbing, . .. the ail in anc ac-i tion aI Uic combine with onlyi twa men required te do Uic worki seemned Uic height of perfection. Reductag Uic number aI opera- tiens te Uic banc minimum aI course naturalhy bringe about a very substantial saving in Uic costs. There is no twine ta buy, there je ne expense for labor in stoaking, there je no Uresber's bill te pay, and notbing extra is added ta Uic bousekeeping cx- pense in pnavIding meals for lange Uiresbing crews. Anather feature 1-.4.ommenav +ha+ Id as demonstrated in Uie "Clipper" and Uic Tracton required to oper- ate it can be purcbascd nowaidays at a.. cost aven twelvc bundred dollars lese than it took ten ycars ago ta buy equipmcnt aI similan capacity. In addition Ia Uic combine, Uic One-Way Dise' Seeden was ta op- cratian. This machine je anothen instance o.f wbat Uic modern agni- cultural implement engineer is devcloptag ta reduce Iarm work and expense. It prepares the soil and plants Uic sced, doing in anc openation wbat fermcrly took Uiree or four. The man who uses Uic Onc-Way Disec Seeder to put in bis cnop dae away with Uic separate jobs aI plowing, discing or cultivating, harrawing and seeding. With sucb cquipment as is now-, adays available Uic larmer is inaa better position ta carry on bis operation with a wider margin fo rft, and many anc finding it Uic moet 'practical solution te Uic present day prablenis of farm- ing. Nestleton appeals ta mnany is that Uic cx- Service ta Uic United Cburcb change oI work with ncighbors Sunday mamning was well at- wbich elten cames at most in- tended. Bey. H. W. Foley, Bow- opportune ies la net requircd. manvile, wil preach next Sun- Insofar as Uic ecanomical aide day monning. Bey. D. M. Stinson aI Uic method is conccrned it is is baving bis bolidaye ta Auguet. cstimated Uiat Uic actual eut-af- The social on Friday nigbt was pocket expense witb Uic combine much enjeyed with a good pro- method is about equal teon lesgrani, cake and lemanade. than Uiecocet cf binder twine with Uic regulan method cf harvesting, Sonry te report Mr. Robert and that Uic farmer can enve up Campbell feUl off bis bicycle and ta $1,50 per acre aven Uic aid brokre bis let armn in two places. method. Congratulations ta Miss Grace Crawford (Icnmerhy aI Nestîcton Aiso Uic new type aI cambine and now of Toronta) on ber re- cent marniage ta Mr. Willned Sut- series an Saturday with Uic win- ciffe oI Toronta. nen meeting Bowxnanviilc ta a There was great' excitemnent on thre of five senîe as soon as Uic Wcdnesday whcn Mn. P e r c y firet la finisbed. Because in Tom- Philp's bouse caugbt on lire Ironi my Pointer they bave a betten Uic chincy.> Glad ta say Uic Sitcher than anything Cobourg quick work aI the telephone and ave tao ffer, wc are cailing Uic ncigbbors soon got it.under con- Ontarios to open Uic finals in tral but samne aI Uic roof was Bawmanvil eone wcek Iram Sat- badly burned. urday. Yes, wc Uink they can do Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Sameils, Mn. it in two straiglit. and Mne. Kcnncth Sameils at- tendcd Uic Mountjcy pîcnic at Notbing niucb dloser than the race Hamptan on Wcdneday., in the softbaîl league. could be imi- ey. D. M. Stinson visitcd Mn. agined. In thein final Rame of the and Mns. M. Emerson and lamily reRular schedule, Wbite Rosr. wbo on Sunday. were fficked ta finish in third Place Mns. Henry Sheffield, Robent when the season started. puîled ut> and Christapher, are spendfnig a into a tic witb Goodycars. To-night, fcw weeks with Mn. and Mrs. Front Street. who have tnailed the Anche Moffatt at Haihcybury. pack aIl vean can tie for the Iast Mrs. Stanley Malcolm ententain- playof f spot by trimming South cd ber Sunday Scbool class aIf Ward. girls ta a picnic at Caearca on Thursç y. At hi stgeit oos a i Whte Glad ta report Mn. Wm. *Bea- RoAr the taeitebksas ifroviedcock la able ta be home freni To- toe care ge ta to eirpayens e tarento, baving gane Uinough a ser- Uievca ame aclteichpars ioueailv ious operation. th oth e.Ae ihrs i thc igIMisses Ruth and Marie Pnoutt bth ik the ravein thsaleuare are spending a fcw wceks wîth sbutimese bad eiuget. n r their parents, Mn. and Mne. John someimeshar to et.Proutt. Mrs. Sarah Gilebnist, Shanty To-niRht's Rame bas a lot of "ifs" Bay, la visiting ber sister, Mise te it. Given central, Sempfle shauld Mary Malcolm. breeze home te a wîn but if thr, -ing Mn. Robt. Ewers, Part Penny, Street outfit gret some 'Ditchingc. they visited Iniends at Nestietan. may pull a surprise. Ail ' ar thev Miss Margaret Stecle visited have looked Rood and bad in pelîs. friends in Toronto. When in a bad mood. tbey couldn't beýat-a--team- a-I te-y-ar-olds, -but when thev are - good. thev piuht be able ta taire the measune of Sammv Wilson's Pepsi Colas. To date no word bas been reccived bv vour correspondent as ta wben the playaf le start in the local leagzue or wbcn tbe ail-stars. wiII have a chance te sbow their waree in O.A. S.A. warfare. Did you know ? - the tbnec gzaies dropped by the Royale thîs year have ail been before the home town throniz. . . Alex Coîville was an bal- idave last week. . . Wonder if bie found hie lest battingr eve. .. The crowd abserved two minutes silence and the Ravale wone black armbande on Saturday in memony of Dr. Tigbce, father cf anc of Lh players. ..Dave Osborne bas been teachinR Roach how ta croucb at the plate witb beneficial resuIts. .. How about showicgz a fcw more Dave...: Courtice trimmed Geodyears in an exhibition tilt Iaet Friday. .. . Wise- man Pitched fan Rubbcnmen... Providence had an easy tume with1 Mapfle Grave on Friday. .. Bigz basebal tourcament at Newcestle on Civic Holiday. .. Royale, Part Hope.1 Newcastle and Newtanville entencd. I ..Sunderland and Newcastle-bave1 bye into Intermediate pîavdowns...1 Sunderland sanie place that çouldn'tj find anv pDlayene after gettipg intoi Lakeshore echedule. .. Moral: Get on O.B.A. executive. - J.S helps. Ennirmlskillen Recent Visitons:' Mn. and Mns. William Clemence Sr.. Coldwaten. Mich.. and Miss Benniece Stainton at Mn. Williamn Staintn's... Mn. Jas. Hepburn. Penoka. Alberta. with bis pew. M'r. Russelîl Ormiston. .. Mns. C. Stephens. Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. R. Gibbs. Tynane. Mn. and Mns. F. Panker Mns. C. Gray, Fairpont. N.Y., with Mns. Burgniaster. .. Miss E. Soucb witb ber brother. Mn. C. W. Soucb in a Taronto heipllaI afid faund bim in a vcry citical con- dition. .. Miss Grace Werry, Bow- manville. wjth ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Weny... Mn. and Mns. Thomas Robbins. Mn. WM. Pearce, Pickerniw. at Mn. Wesley 'Oke's.. Mn. and Mrs. C. Meuctjoy. Toronto, with Mn. and Mne. E. Staples.. Mise June Ashton with bîer sieter, Mrs. 1. Travell. . . Dr. Jobn Brin- cacomb, 'Dr. Wni Brintiacamb, Indiana. U.S,. Mn. H. Bfrd. Hamil- ton. with their cousin. Mrs, Win. Okr. . . Mne. K. Masan and sans. Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Mcîdo;. Bowmanville. with Mn. and Mne. J. McGill. . -Mn. and Mrs. R. L t.uke. Kedron. Mrs. G. Gibsan and Dougr- las. Mrs. B. Luke and John, To- ronto. at Mn. H. McGill's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Wîn. Clemence Jr., Nancy and Dick. Coîdwaten. Mich,, at Mn. .W. R. Moare's. . . Mn. and Mns. J. HURSDAY, AUGUST 3PD, 193 ROYA L Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. AUIG. 3 -4.5 Tyers and Mrs. Griffith. Toronto,. at Mr. T. M. Slemon's. We arc cxpectinz al aur aid tifle frieîîds from a distance ta attend our Diamond Tnbilee and we wish them to droip a' une to aur 5ec.. W. H. Moore. se that ail niav be bil- letted. Mr. R. Smales. Toronto. sang a solo at cburch on Sundav evenn which added greatlv to the'service. Solina Recent Visitors: . Mr. Jas. Walters. Peterbora. at Mr. John Kivell's. . . Mr. and Mrs. N. Stacey. Dorathy and Alan, Mrs. H. Cawker. Miss Laura Cawker, Mrs. Minns. Miss Dorothy Cawker. Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth and Miss Lulu Reynolds. Hamniti, at Miss Mary Hagarth's. and Mrs. R. Pascoe's. .. Miss Myrtle Hall, Bowmanville, with Miss, Muriel Langmaid. . . Mrs. J. Ir Rundle. Mrs. R. C. Scott and Mrs. B. G. Stevens at Mr. Burney aaoey's. Nestleton. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Norton and family. Lacust Hill, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's... Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry with Mr,. and Mrs. Jack Brooks at their cottage at lCed- roc. .. Mrs. Howard Couch. Misses Mariory and Ileen Çouch. Bpwman- ville. at Mr. Maurice Baker's.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmnaid and f anily at Mr. Rass Pearce's. Eben- ezer. . . Mr. arnd, Mrs. Hilton Tink and fainilv. Ebenezer. Misses Kath- leen. Margaret and M-aion Tink. Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Pçrcy Dew- cIl. Whitbv. at Mr. H. E. Tjnk's.. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke and John, Toronta. Mrs. Will Mountiav and Master Orley Brooks. Ke7lran. and Messrs Don Quick. Ian Bell. Bow- nianville. Mr. and Mts. N. E. Wright. Enniskillen. at Mr. S. E. Werry's. . . Miss Ida Reynolds. To- rante. at Mr. Jack Yellowlees'..! Mr. W. J. BraRz and Douglas. Wap- ella. Sask.. Mr. Chas. Bragg and Miss Maniorv. Winnipeg, Mac., Mrs. F. S. Bragg acd Miss Rowena. New- castle. at Messrs Jack and àfaunice z Baker's. . . Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hanmpton. Mrs. Arthur Thenipsen. Tarante. Mrs. Frank Thonipsan. Kedren. Mrs. L. C Snawden,. Maple Grave. Mn. Chas. Howsam a nd Mary. Part Penry, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Yel- lowlees and Miss Gladys. Miss Ida Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Yel- lowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis at Mr. Albert Austin's. BewdleL,. Miss Ruth McKessock at Mr. Percy Dewell's. Whitby... Mr. anid Mrs. J. B. Cation and Vera. Mrs. W, C. Cation. Miss Jean Inwin. Brampton. Miss Jessie Yellewlees. Oshawa. at Mr. N. C. Yelowlees'... Mrs. R.> E. Anmstrong Mr. and Mrs. James Armstronge. Maple Grove. Miss Ruth Armstrong. RXN. Western Hospital. Torante. Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooev and baby Barbara. Nestîcton. at Mr. B. G. Stevens and Mr. R. C. Scott's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Charlton McBride and family, Peterbore. 'Mn. and Mrs. Howard Hall and f amily, Tarante. at Mn. Gea. Wbite's... rand Mrs. John Kiveil with frn- ends at Orno. Mr. S. E. Werry bas purcjhased a new tracter. Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Miss Ruth attecded a sbower at Mr. E. Elliett's. Oshawa, Friday everting for Miss Mae White. a bride-te-be. Mrs. Richard Pascee. Mrs. Eva Fletcher. Dr. and Mns. A.. Cbisbolm and Florence enloyed a trip through the Thousand Islands. Rev. George Waugh. Tarante. ac- cupied the nulpfit hene Sunday in the interests of the 0r tario Temperance Federation. Rev. R ckhaý is on hol- idays. Rev. Harding. Enniskillen, will preach here at Il a.m.. Sunday. "He who foresees calamities, suffers them twice over."ý-Por-' teous. i"Nothing iSso5 wretched or fool- ih as ta anticipate misfortunies. 1 What madncss !S it ta, be cxpcct- « ing cvii before it comes."--Seneca. ExceUlAnt Acconmpanytag Program of Comedy, News and Short Bubjeots Matinee <livio Holiday and Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. SCorne to the. Royal Theatre where it la always cool, where the sente anc luxun- lously coemIen ta bleanul where entertalument la ni Its beat.. DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC TRAD E m IN DARGAINS 1 MAJESTIC ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, A49.00, Reflulabed and cheched, Guarauteed ---- ---- -- --- 1 BEACH, 6% CUBJO FOOT, 1937 MODEL,890 Refinlshed - Guaranteed - -------------8 00 1 LEONARD, 6 CUBJO FOOT, Ifff Reflulahed, Cheeked and Guaranteeci--- - 19-0 1 HOSTESI, 6 CUBIC FOOT. Reflnisbed, Brand New 129almaL.00, 3 GENERAL ELECTRIC, 6 Cuble Foot, Fac- tory Rebuilt, Reflulshed, Fui! Guarantee, Look 190 Like New - Raeh --------- ----190 1 GENER&.L ELECTRIC, 6 Cublo Foot, Brandl 1 FRIGIDAIRE, 1938 Model, Dmnaatr New Guarmat.e of à years, fuil equlpmeut - BveS..10oor.onthis gdialgerator. 6 ICE BOXIES Upwards froua--- 1 STORE ZsIzE EIERATIR&,195 2 - 16" GENERAL ELECTRIC FANS, f Rebulit.- Each - --- -------- - 1 FINDLAY COMUINATION COAL AND f ff ELECTRIC RANGE, New Elementa 69à . 1 FINDLAY COAL AND GAI COMBINATION RANGE --- ---------- ----- -- 490 3 GAS RANGES, Each ------- 5.00-- - ---- 1 McCLARY CONSOLE MODEL GASRANGE, ' Looks Uke uew, Reg. $85.00 - Sale 1149-.50U 20 QUEBEC COOK RANGES, sonie wli Oil5nt Bumner. - Upwnnds from ..--a-- - --- --- --U - 5 0 2 ANNEX BEATERS,45 Eaeh -------------------------------------------- *5 1 L A U N D R Y ST O V E - - - - - - - - - - -------- --_--- ------ 4 .9 5 Molel Kitehon Cupbonrds, etc, at CleauaOut pries&. Trade-in Raugettes, Hotplates, Irons, Toasters, 50 RECONDlTONED RADIOS - Consoles, ' Mantels, Battery - Upwards front 1~~ .95> 4 REBUKT WASHERS, Upwands froua--- .50 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. S AUG. .'7 - 8 - 9 , 6m . %%, 1

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