i - ---'-'rr--- rrIW.. - - - THURSDAY, AUGUST IOTH, 1939 THE CANADIANSTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPG NN TIMORDNNIEWS Frlends Honor Orono Softballers Fn ' ForetyWnsFo Miss Mary Knox B3Y THE OLD BOX STOVE Defeat Oshawa Fie omedAy ULdged Kiry1-Tuda SCA AN ESN LPrlor To'Marriage WX Score 9-5 Thur*s. By Leskard Players Te A most enjoyable event took One of the best softball games pa-f place at the home of Mr. and was staged between Orono and No fooling! You neyer had a night, an& sarsutKryi Forestry lost to Bowmanville Miss M. Millar, Toronto, is guest Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Enniskil- Somebody sent me a letter the busl of Clarke township. Here's Oshawa Tbursday nigbt, whicb golden wedding day like the ane defmîitelyot oetyetr h thisweeend aiMr.andMrs HoardWals. ln, n MndookAgus 7,whehothr dy, nd orhelog tme ow fwmnr oo-5.ttheahoestenlcal wo 9-5 WasoncauMtrh.c Mr Heekih Dufy nd layfasas heleamyonove Miss Donna West bas returned Miss Ethel Stark vlslted friends about 40 af the Tamblyn aunts, it was bard to get it into my tblck ther' n org siab foran Oreonan owtey o Kirby Fbiswh dinhe layu"April's Kry1-esasx nig a ±rom Burllngton. in Hmiton. uncles and cousins gatbered to ha utwa twsalaot oe honour Miss Mary Knoxç, bride- ba utwa twsalaot in all of Clarke township than team were plate and base umi- 'ple presented in Orono FridayhoebyVceopr.Tiwa Orono Band wiil give an open Mrs. Delve and John, Oshawa, to-be. Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Orono, It was not because of the writing the folk he was among. Ail he pires respectively. Score by inn- nigbt under auspices af the Orono the only u ntefis nig air service Saturday nigbt.. visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ctur. made an ideal chairman and for it was typewrItten one spaoe had to do was to state bis wants ings: Boy Scout troop. as Kirbywsbake.I h Mr. Roy Carnish, Port Pcrry, tis. called on thc honoured guest to ta a line and twa full pages af it. and thcy would have been sup- Oshawa i 0 1 0 i 0 2-5 With one guest drunk with second Foetyws lne n vlsled rlatves ere.Mr.and rs. ingcottandcame forward ta the seat of bon- 1 couid read it O.K. but I could pled gladly. It was their big day Orono 0 i 5 2 0 1 x- 9 bard dcder, the golden wedding Kirbyscredto n h hr Mrs. Fred Cowan is in Peter- family af Toronta were guests af our, aiter wbicb Miss Olive not for a long time get thc angle and countryfokgtralexcupeavnteusaqarlsFrtyscrdfieoKrbs bora. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson. Bronaif()rano read an addreus. from wblch Uic authar was writ- clted about sucb days for no anc (wbicb made tbem the talk of the one, and c h orbtre(n Mr. Jack Cobblcdick, Toronto, Dont forget thc softball play- The bride was presented by Mrs. mng. I dan't know if it was meant gots such a kick out of a day off DUM AND DISTANT town), Uic minister being so0lier- a homer yR od>t ib' was home. ails wbicb start to-nigbt (Thurs- R. Ormiston witb a silver relisb for a long-winded complailit or than ruralites. Tbey didn't even vouas buryin o arrying Uiczhao- Fif bl ib eue n Miss Enld Bawen is home from day). disb and matcbing mayonnaise a spasm ai fault-iinding or just know there was a lonesome HAPPENINGS wvo u in ot kynwbther beapr-f orstywa lake w h Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin, Mi- disb. She made a neat reply, dawuigbt cusdiess, but it was strnger in their inidst. They fit py couple (and incidentally get- througb rgt nUi ît n Jim Tmblynbas is mlk tr c visited ber mother, Mrs. tbanking those present fortheir ail about the lack ai bospitality sure cvery anc could look after From The Orono News of ting a biff in Uic eyc from Uic last Forsrygtfu<acab - IsaimWntr gftslynbethwsbs. n ic artaisom tontycklkhiniseif and if they didn't know AUgust 6, 1914 biewoamd tUcgom r by R.WodanKibscud painted Isacatntattractivdely. she. o h atafnm ontyfl rdelat, ut at eatthe gcoupl etbe. hegm wacaldo most atractvely.Mrs. W. J. Stark bas been visit- The ioilowing programi was en- toward a stranger within their their way about it was a very adlsbtntlat h opetre Miss Lilian Fowler is visiting igfinsi oot n Mark- ioyed: Selections by thc Brass gates. The writer could not seem easy tbing ta ask and if he was toa Married: Parson - Bell - At thc being threatened witb eviction account a akes Ini Havelack. igfinsi oot n Quartette comprised ai Carias ta get enougb or thc rlgbt kind of sby (?) ta ask there was Uit rv-hteds aroaeOoo, Aug- and separatian unless thcy could There wr eyiwectn wshome. A Sunday Scbool picnlc ai Brown and Glen Tamblyn; piano aelc awoko i necessary in Uic creck. He cauld bave had Mr. James Parson tai Miss Fiossie occasion. an inferirt oplxfa i Was Newcastle people took place in solo by Glen Taxnblyn; piano sala, privacy ta attend ta bis natural noise or quietness, plenty or littie, Bell, ail of Newcastle. Grandp4 Hezekiah Duffy (Ray- iirst. ilywr adiapdas The Agnews ai Peterbaro bave aur park Tuesday. Mrs. Milton Stainton, Ennisklllen; want. He explains that be wand- just as he chose, but he did not Dîcd: Henry - In Newcastle, on mond McDonald). and bis wife by theos i1akr h i a beencampng ii Orno prk. Mr. Fred Hancy, ai California vocal solo, Mrs. Lloyd Asbton, ered about like a lost saul in a make a good chaice. If this good August 2nd, Samuel Henry, aged Martha (Mrs. Hartwell Lowery) OnUiRoaArFrc.H - Mis Vila ililln, amito, ws i twn Tuesday. Old friends Haydon; and community singing crowd and no anc cared a boat frlend ever camtes ta aur town- 41 yccrs .adtermi mrlaPn ee ewudsyta i a vlaited Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan. were glad ta sec him. wt ureteacmaiment. about bis being there. twsasl gi n ilmk i Mr. Zol Hall, Chicago, Ill., 15 ackter <Eli AMoarld)a nyvewhradcieUcblsdn' Miss Ward, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peaeack, Deicious rcfresbments w e r e strange letter and makes an aid wants and wishcs known Uicy will visiting bis brother, Mr. E. Hall. prepareçi for their daughtcr Eliza- cnjay ItelmoetaUispc- at Mr. John Tamblyn's8. Elizabethville, and Mr. Milton served. hick like me wonder if he hadn't be supplicd. His daughtcr, Mrs. Warr, i x.bt Ms rybrduhe tors did wthn t nis s Miss Danis Whyte is baldaying Robinson, Kendal, werc visitors liad a toucb of envy or bcd a littie By the way, did you ever know pectcd later. Aprix- l TrevMiss (en aBi), agteir pcal bnaca i yr in Tronoronto.r. nd rs. .MEans tindwih smeoeE.n Euvawns, iMamor inhspiablKplcexian Mr.Fran Knx, bo i taonnson ome (HrryDave), is base itawa by ayig "oa. Miss Greta Mercer is visiting Mr. Vernon Saunders and Mr TENNIS NEWS ta be let baose sa bie picked on a city? If a feilow wanted a drink a summer course at Uic O.A.C., wffe Etta (Edna Billings), April's We've her1isyig"o"t Miss erle irtueBowmnviil. Artur Smth, oront, andMissthese. innocent folkc in a littie ai watcr on Yonge Street wherc Guelph, bas been appaintcd prin- two suitors, ricli cand bad temper- a goose btntt obti M.adMsN.FPotradHelen Orr, Clarkson, were guests Doublesbnlttce wy mdUcwudh o cipal ai James street school, Oril- cd Meredith Van Courtney (Nor- workedanwy Mr. and Mrf N.rF.aPorer andA.____________The___________oftheDoubles__in lia, at $650. man Bairstaw) and poor shy Ted Scorebynig: Shirley vislted at Babcaygeon. ai0 .ad~ A anea h eut iUcDulsn Miss Bennice Tucker, stenogra- Carter (Bob Chaters) ta be pre- Forestny--i O41 Mrs. J. R. Cooper and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lion, Uic Tennis Tournament held at pher in Minister ai Militia's office sent at Uic golden wedding cele- Kirby - --02iOi3 McKay are an bolidays. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linton and Orono this weekend are:v ~n u u at Ottawa, came home for bali- bration wbich includied the re- Batteryi aety-Naept Florence, Marmora, visited rela- Powera and Smith defeatedotI w h n Miss Marjarie Keats, Chatham, tives here. Wintcr and Mcîlveen, 6-4, 6-2. NeCws ofC arke o n h days but bas since been summan- peating ai the ceremony and a cher, Maocthe;Kby-C ia guct ai Miss Beatrice Hamm. . aows vr qie va owrsad mihgo abec d back ta duty. huge feed. A neighbaur, Mrs. Cooperan Matnpitces Mn m.Wler a be roows ey uetpae aes n nit tabe The war is nearer home. Ca- Daggs <Gwcn Tennant), and ber Lowcry cthr Mar.ing ic PatOfe.hsbe Monday. Why not next yeàr bave from West and Col:Iisb. -------- bourg battery commanded by Ma- brother Rev. Elbert Phippa, a UmIptrs-Wto tpae Mantn .g.teos f.fce.ah arm- coie? hre- street fair for SCou and aie6-, -3 T nt. ih r.an rs Toj or J. W. Odel bas been caled out newly graduated minister (Angus Mcîlveen tbss MrcAd. . conl, or-chiehCoa and Dve,64 -.Ot.wt Mr. and Mrs. Th. Burk- ta procecd ta Quebec on Friday. Louckes) play Uic weddlng march The pa-fssatt-ib erly o O.C.S staff was i Orono Mr. ad Mrs.M. Alln and ells ad Col.llTheemarniagarkeaifiMiss NandMr.eaandrspe.nion.n Tthearceremofnyis (Thue addy).foThtheecteaonis(Twill Miss Margaret Dickaon is home *family, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. D. Springham and Lycett, 6-3.1 Mr. and Mrs. George Clark. Kendal. Wells Rae, daughtcn of Rev. J. J. co t -OhaaOnn ad :from summen course. Duffy and family, Toronto, visite(i Powers and Smith defeated We are sarry ta base Mn. and with ber aunt. Mrs. Fred Smith... Rae, an aid Orano boy and a for- Ail Uic characters took their cOPet Thest andse wCornwniashs 63,aa7 M5. Sinford and faxily from Miss Hazel Reid with cotusins et mer president of the Bay aiprs0ibtseilmninFaty the t hors es wbicbhavon et ns. clsac Wells and Calville defeate our neighborhood. They - lntend Port Burwell. . Miss Lumb. Wqstoil Quinte Mthodist confcrcnce, took should bc made ai Uic excellent th as ae eebv en The gils have returncd iom Seymour and Winter, 6-1. alnfo England in September Hospital, with Miss Kathleen Ran- place in Chicago, Uic groom being pontrayal af Grandma and Grand winnig honorsat other centres. their ten-day vacation t Mrris'Wells and Coville defeated y Hos.pe, aleon M.andonsot.otgead otime.eru oer n Sih -4 -. Mn. Swiniord bas been warking sistel'. Mrs. Aubney Unry. Ottawa. . Elizabeth, Ill. an-law. HocPate. rs Gron Murit and Nancyime Singles Uic Marchmcnt farm. 9Mn. and Mns. Chas.' Bebe, Orono. Mn. Nelson Bragg bas retunned Betwecn acts Mn. A. J. Knox, Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Harsweil, and Miss Prout attended Uic Sug- Round 1 - Winter defcated Mn. Archie Watson bas return- wtir n n.Lno iîo.hmefo h iy isEîe idl nsa ecnrVstos ne-nio etFenlanDavies, 7-5, 6-3; Grady gat a bye; cd ta. Kingston citer holldeying.. Misses L. Clark and Jean Woods. Mrs. F. M. Camplin, Toronto, imentoal tri fos hc enemc Tnno witb nn n.C Tantwni onWdns iFa y Powers deieated McIlveen, 6-3, with Mn. Alex Watson. He alsa Cnaaked Creek, with the latte's visiting Mn. Ed Pinden. Brown. .M.an s.RWo- da.FI.10-8; Colville defeatcd Cowan, visited Rochester. irrandmother. Mns. Chas. Reid. . Miss Lena Renwick, New York, cnjoyed. a.T Miss Betty Rowe's S. S. clesa Editor Frank ManinRsn,6,6-;pinhndeatdL- M.Lvningtn thrsbin Mrs. Clark and son. Buffalo. with and Miss Edna Renwick, Victoria: The thanka ai the Scouts was hm oot.Ms .Smswt plan tai bave a picnic in Uic park Mani., called on relatives hene. c-1, 6-1; J Cnhb byeeA est withMr.Lrngck Cooper aincm Mr. W,.Cullen's. B.C., are home on a visit. tcndcrcd by Scoutmaster J. JJ Mr. andMn.LsiAli. .e- tomra.Wm. H. Mayse, Oshawa, accom- bet.l;Mrs. E.by; B.esWhattam andCooer daugemh- 1Mellor wbo announced t ha t keent andMsulpax o Anumber ai I.O.O.F. members panied him. Ronr2-P ies defeated Miss Leona Curtis lis borne slck. bn.eri i t.altnbrk mh ter Miss Wbattam, arc visiting et aoud 45bd been taken in. Harns. Tnno r r.F attended Uic services at Port Hope Mrs. A. Henry, Miss Beulah Cornisb, 6-2, 7-5; West dcfcated Recent Visitons: Miss Fergu- bn nbsfo.Mn.J. L. Whattem's, Oshawa. Cata hratn:HzeihHn. RcmndHl.wihMs and Cobourg Sunday. Hallawdil, Mn. L. Henry and Mn. Smith, 6--2, 6-2; Grady got byc; son, Rochester, et ber sister's, Mns.- Decoretion Day services will be Mrs. David Bradley and daugh- Duffy, Grandpa - Raymond Mc- Kingstne..MsM.Tnd Miss E. Eppa, Mns. Sisson and L. Halawcil took in Uic World's Colville dcfeted Spingbam, 6-1. Alex Watson. . . . Misa Mamaon hcld et Newtonville Cenieterv Sun- ter, Hamilton, and Mn. Oscar An- Donald; Menthe Duffy, bis wife - Mrgo. nd Tc rs.Trno Miss H. Wiliamson holidiayed eit Fair et New York. Round 3 - Powers Ï é Rîckaby, Toranto, with Miss Eil- day, Agst 13h et 2 p.m Stadar rs Bowmanviîîe, visied r. ennyp. acken Uic eld -AnarEla M-Mn. R. Wt.Pmrkwt n Beavertan. Some ai the boys wbo were West, 6-2, 6-1; Calville defcated Bcelngsucb. . . MnH. . ad Mns. r i e. A nted choi W..llae and I . aretDonald; Elizabeth Duffy Trevis - and Mni onHndv .Ms Messrs. John and Bob Keane encamped here wlithUicetroop ai Gnedy, 6-2, 6-1. BligLaad tH .SuH'se. Mepcted Rev. W. G. Bke aindMiss Grey; April Trevis - Lenora Cern and eivioat.M.B and relatives from Toronto visît- Bay Scouts from Scarbona are Calville and Powers pe of .Mns. John. Rickeby, Mn. H. J. Rr.MOliveri. e prti baucb and Mss Elicen oucb et th cenemony.Grimsbv and Niagzara. Gordon and Bail; Hamen Duffy - Herry Devey; Oivr. M.PeTcut n.Ga cd Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mrk.ga anctMÉ .erhiday. US. etweck. RsliwU gvnMn. Fred Brlmacombe's, Kirby. A igroup of our Young people en- John Gibson with f iends et Scan- Ette Duffy, Homer's wlfe - Edna cPîtt'. Trt. e .C .Mt Mrs. 4b Henry and son ai Mon. , ~M. ad R J. n lMr. nx ce.-. . Misa Ruth Fagg, Bowmanvllle iôffl -. aweinen roast et Willow ibora. wbile thene they visited the Billinga; Meredith Van Cauntney chand s... n . n n. .Gb Kelso, SEL., arc vistlng Mn. and R on n n m aî Hospital, is halidaying et Mr. Gea. Beach. Thursdev eveningz. New Toronto Island airpont and rich and bad tempered - Normanenfail.ocht'.whM.ad Mna.W. . Sttt.soni eajayed a pleaitant ouig etFg's found it most intenestiniz . Ricerdo Bairstaw; Ted Carter, a nising Mns. W.Aes...M.nd ns Orono Band goca tai Manvers Bawmanville Beach. Brown.s A numben ai aur boys played Turton with Mn. and Mca. Chas. Young man but incahenent when A. A. MrinadeniyBibt Station Sunday ta supply music Mn.M . Uic W eat b euned in Onano Band Sunday et Uic Kendal Gibson. .. Mn. and Mrs. Tucken et April iS araund but who finally wtMns. ro Main.M.ad frteDecoatian Service. trom teWs where enoyd Rct'Vsor- park. thein home on the third line, and gains courage fram a glass on two a Ms ncWik.Toot. r.N ion Uici ________________reativsi Miss Mary Gibson netunned ta To- ai bard cider, in lave with Apnil, Gnaoe iknn.Ms mi Port Hope Band wll give a Saskatchewan. Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Jemieson Visitons: Miss Donothy Swar- ronto with Miss Joan Tucle... but top pon far April's mother's Simpson adBhLvry sea concert ini Orono park next Sun- Msn.W.J asnaGog ns al. hingo Frro wi r and la brick, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. Austin Lenmer. ec- satisfaction - Bob Chaters; Mns. with Mn.eiMs S oel. day citernoon. Msr. .JGatoGereuldWlintnFrrwad ym.St r fl Jas. SwV>bick... Mrs. W. Thon- companied by Mn. and Mra,. Chas. Daggs, Uic nelghbour who pîcys Mn. GeoreJ s.Ltbie.Aa. Dr. and Mrs. Neil Colville and G l, Gordon Watson, ail of Or-' Mn. and Mns. Tom Woodlock and ___ tell and Mn. and Mns. Harold Hunten. wbo were weekend zSses the wedding march - Gwen Tell- bas neturndt h et Roy an Mns.A. Chaman e oy-n~o, and Harny Klngscatt, Toron- Douglas with Mrs. j. Brown and Visitons: inspecton and Mrs. A. Thenteil and Donna, visited in enjoyed a moton trip ta Kingston ta nant; Rer. Elbert Phippa, ber bna- Mn. Rb.MntnecEe eiu edahtfihd crltTwe M ie.aedititt A Martin, Brighton, and Jack Wbitby. . . Miss Dorothy Cross- see the new Tbousand Islands Bridge iller and Uce officieting ministen -1i1irv hn ongt1i bc Mrs. St. Claire and Misa Hed- andsecuncd six piokerci. Colon, a_____Joh________.._____ lcmf izhtenededrnec h pe wwene et Red Stone fishiniz. Mn Wilfred Walker, Toronto, et Cathccrt's. .. Mns. Wm. Censced- blut. Donna and Doreen. St. CathJacos ley, Toronto, were gucats et Mn. Miss Mamaon Brown, Osha, Miss Ellen Alldnead . Oshawa. witb MÏ&. S. G. Halloweil's. . . Misa den and sans had dinnen witb Mr. eines. with Mn. end Mrs. H. C. C. J. Hughsan's. Mrs.- H. J. Werry, Mrs. J. R. Or- eltienee. Edna Farrow and friend, Mill- and Mns. W. Elliott on Sunday... Powell. .. Mns. Annis. Scanbono. *lwu .wuUwiwnf onssaay, panataerfordewh n ailln, vs t. JetMnaind ns- r.and Mrs. BrC. Pethi.gk with brook, et Mr. Victor Farrow'a. .. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Farrow and with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gibson. E e ight EdL ucaieGLUIfoot becam nage ndcbne onhlidy, lansto alc in he. Browll n' s. da r n r Mn TrmanClaTrkne dviitnsMiss Noule Sbutka and friends, Shirley, Bowmanville, with Mn.. . Mn. and Mns. John Winnett and adh *World's Fair. J. D. rw'M. TananClr id.vstosTrnto, at M. Sbutka's., When and Mns. W. Thertell. . . Miss Miss Mary Wemp, Toronto. with And bow. ByUctmEhebne .a Mns. G. Cobbledick's bouse bas Mn. and Mrs. J. Eaglesan, Mns. aven the weekend. about to ntum Uchir car tà<>k< ire Mamaon'Grenbas returned ta Mn. and Mrs. Barchard. . . Mran Efficioncy' reueired h e pade taan beon impnovcd with a- coat ai G. Buttera, Mrs. E. Searle, Mms. near Newtonville and was bunn- Oronoaltier visiting Mns. A. Jack- Mrs. W. Brunt and famil.v witb Mn. paint. M. Cooper and Miss K. CoMbile et 8.15 ion Keane's. Bawmanville cd.. . Mr. and Mns. Jas. Stark ai son. .. Miss Frede Tremaine with and Mrs. Russell Robinson. Eize- B How T epB ta Miss Ruth Lawden, Toronto, picnicked et Uce lake eti1New- Trinity Young People wiil be i- Ncwtonvllle with Mnà. I. Stark. Mrs. Milton Robinon... Mn. E. bethville... Mn. and Mrs. Cecil C.I.Tuck FeshI .H m vislted Mr. and Mns. Chas. Low- castle an'-Civic Haliday. vited and provide the progmain. . . Mn. Lavenn Farrow was i Davies, Tononto, with Mr. and Mallev and family with Mn. and don. -Mn. and Mrs. Charles Shaw and Mn. and Mns. Wm. DeLine en- Peterbona Sunday. . . Mr. Reg. Mns. W. Cathcart. .. Mr. and Mns. Mrs. James Malley. Pontypool.. . Optometriat No matrhwnodbite e Mosans. McKinnan and Uceir George, Mr. and Mns. Harald joycd a trip ta Trenton. miss Boultan, Newtonville, wlU fri- Arthur Bell have returned home Mn. and Mns. Toe Hennis and Mn. Eyesighif be wben ucacicaesludb familles vislted Uic McKinnaui Hooey, Wilda and Bill, spent Uic Adole DeLine, wha bas been visit- ends... Mr. and Mna. Bort Tnhn, citer vislting Mr. and Mna. L. D. andi Mns. Busten Hennis. Too ta.Se 3 ant ianxly t Klrby. baliday et Niagara Falls and ing ber gnandiparcnts, Mr. and Mna. Silvon and Mr. Etwel upent Bell. .. Mr. and Mns Wm. Wan- with Mn. and Mns. Harold Dean... * pciM tae avo reti t wet eiiu Mr n r.T ent, rBuffalo. Mra. A. Clougb, wcnt home wiUi Sunday et Uic lake. . . Mr. and nain, Kirby, with Mr. and Mn5. Mn. and Mns. Henb Oizden. Osiwa. Disney Bmis. favcoul. Bte hudb tn i Toronto, visited Mr. and Mns. F. Mr. and Mns. Johnson, Frank Uiem on Uceir rcturn trip ta Ta- Mrs. Warren Carson and iamily Wm. Pattersan. S. witb Mn. and Mns. Ed. Dean. *(opP. O. 0) f ood. hibhae isintadu B. Whytc. and Ralph, Calgary, are vlsitig nonto.i Penytwn... Mna. R& Bougen Mn. and Mrs. T. TweedleSn,____o 'f lavou si edl bob Mn ad rs F B Wyte and with Mr.,and Mrs. R. H. Brown, Mr. and Mns.' Mort Bietchens with Mrs. J. McKy, whilo Mr. an Mr and Mrs. Jack Twede, Nbr9 orcinfaon.I ekp DrM.and Mns. Herb Murray havig nturned frami a tripclown and daughter Dawn and MissSmith vlstcd friends iTow oyco no hn, havse ntun ae ta owanville in a coee otie nb eti sDotria dy, h Pntyro . east. fleen Hodsan, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton manville.Tontatespdhgawk As a goncral mule Uce ordinary the par(mn ae i bc ti Mpn. aundayMn. M. Ao.inTa Newtonviile girls playcd Orono Nusaey, ail ai Mount Victoria A large cnawd ettended thc ice at their summen home.c-i home symptams ai erran and strain are purchasid MntapetUcw kndwU gilAust2buasnotice Ferm, Hudson oights, Q e namsocial on Mr. Ross a Heo- MiseAnmie Thompson Recent Visitons:nconzdadngrsnasnd Tebtpletaeebtei Mm. nd os. R. Me eç. had nat been sent ta Uhi ocais visited Mr. and Mns. Evcmett well's lawn. Ail bcd a good Urne fnom Summer Course et Hamnil- Mr. and Mrs. Hollingswontb. Mn. rnliefi Ssaught. The significance thc neferatr foei n vu Mados. . A. Mor, albç n, juat e hurrldy-picked-up and Brown, Grand Vicw FanlI. and enjaycd Uic music by Part tan. and Mrs. T. J. W. Strin*r and ai these symptama due ta an emnor able the utrsohdb tndi Mr.W .Moe obre schooig-up-aidcS alee resulted. M.adMs o aa o Hope band. Thone was a good attendance et Mn. and Mrs. Westoh Stninger witb ai refnaction on totaeUicmproper as coola acasosil.Bte vlsiting with Mo. and Mos. Ken M.<.W ct c~c mmntaMr.iand M n C.oy ap, . Mo. Lew Hailoweil and Miss cburch Sunday when an excel- Miss Phyllis Hollingswonth. Gnev- accomniodiative function on mua- melts çucl tbg eprtn nethMr.isb0.WWs.GScoatd rday n d werntut îhn g woîMrUC.Mn On llBeuleh Halloweil, and Mn. Leslie lent sermon was given by Rer. enhust.. . Mn. A. T. Perrin. Hem- de cnomaly are qulte aciaus. and duinte awebe.iUc ne GMos R. MWeMn n oS .MstCecilfSott ecico. r.ad byGaen t t'u h aecured r.14 eU < Henry ai Sask., attended Uic Mn. Bunnen ai Bowmanvîlle. ilton. et home: also Mn.-and M ns. Uncarccted hypenopia or fa- absenceofaefieto.Ucu- Mshe R.nwi n, M . and Ms. J . gl- rienimacott, tebompa, nb a Mos. Lapplane isb 17" tlng World'a Fair. Evenyone cnjoyed themacîves Howand Cook and daughtcn. Laura. aîgbtedneas in addition ta produc- gsini ie atcacr eue san ne h Petrbor Mrtrday twaMo. and Mrs. S. G. Hallowell, et the W. A. picnici Kendal Mr,. Perrin has retunned with them ing beadeche iS e common cause ly anoudeahpito wrpd Mon. eeiMcEteb ay and oleg toncd hbu dawn. The scnearning and justifiable Mr. and Mos. Lew Halloweil and Park on Tuesday. ta Hamilton for a week. . . Mn. and of fatigue and nenves. butter taeeUiwapni lc. ehMcleti an bis gand nathege Mr. and Mos. Elgin Seymour awearing citer she bcd ianded it icxily, Mo. and Mri. Sld Halao- Young people ai Kendal held a Mrs. G. Thomson and son John. To-- The algbt is fot defective but Then ttepit necako chumcaled n hs gandmoterand Joan and two frienda, Ta- sufficed i that particular Uine far well and daugbten, and frienda bail game and weiner roait he i ronto. with Mr. and Mns. W. A o con ftefriheies Mos. D. Noble. onta, vislted Mns. George Scy- ail day. bcd a deligbtiub picnici Omono park Friday vecning. There was Ri. isE ed.Ln .a con i i asgtdcs then cotieadcvrwfha M. and Mos. E. Ropcn ,Toronto# moun and M. and Mrs. William M. James Parson, Barrie, wbo, Park. about a bundred present. wt MsBros raa n' utrmanormal n inay ionsta te eic] e onwi tn visitedMajor nd Mrs J. C.Seymou. is infils 9th yea and __________A________sulW.eeA.g Rfid's..W. AMn.iend..MMr..aW.Mr I W treinaincither oonheUiccaccommode- in Garniy. Miss Eusobla Walker, Devil's bis soni Oshawa, was et Uic W. A. was beld et Mma. Lew Hal- Farrow. Newcastle. with Mn. and 'tian or Uic eye muscles. Fre-a the a aOrodwt~.usdi Mr. and Mos. W. M. Miller, Lake, North Dckorte, and ber cou- park Sunday. A musicien of mccl lowell'a Tuesday. Locldiart's School Mns. Erwin Farrow.. Mn. and 'quentiy it le truc that samte pilleUicalopotoi2cui att Ohwvsted with Mo. and sin, Mr,. J. E. McGahey, Toronta, note ithe palniy days ai Orme -Mr.LanonMillon. N1nil halcal weaknes wil5 gallon ofuttbriligwtn ae i Mrs. 'enneth Gamsby. Mn. and Mos. Bensan Dunn, h-Gemaby and Uic late C. G. A nswth. and: Rs.a. Cownvî. dimuuthbutter witofUc cahd bniee the pla Mr. Wmn. Hall and sans Bill and awa, visited Miss A. Thamnton. stnong, Mo. Persan waa an inter- NeyrtonvPille Holiday Visitos:Beua Mitchell Mn. and Ms .Hakihi. Port Hope. Ithat al parts ai Uic boy wil naot rn.i JackTomans,.vs..ed.i--Mo. Oer_2_ wemep -es &t.etUe etpâ and attentive listener othUicMn. and Mns. Berait'hM-rs.Stn Porte. .- Mn. and fiunctian hi barmny. Then it I nieifncarfostie in, i I