PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 1OTH, 1939 Mrs. Horatia Hills, Tyrane, vis- ited Mn. sud Mis. J. W. Glenncy. Mn. Jack Hare, Ottawa, spent thc weekend with Mn. sud Mrs. Percy flace. Mr. sud Mns. Stanley Spratt (nec Betty Cooke), Napance, vis- itcd Mn. sud Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Mns. Boyd sud daugnter, Miss Boyd, Toronto, have been vîsittag their cousin, Miss Hattie A. Ma- son. Mn. sud Mrs. Robt. Crowther sud daughter, Bowmauville, were guesta of .4n. sud Mrs. Walter Crowther;.* Mr. aud Mrs. R. W. Wsltou, Mn. Clifford Pbillips sud Miss Pearl Abar, Toronto, wcre gucats af Mn. sud Mis. E. Thackray. Mns. W. H. Gibson spent a wcek with Dr. sud Mms. Ellworthy at Mrs. A. N McEvoy's cast cottage, Aiadue Glen, Newcastlc-au-tbe- Lake. Mn. sud Mrs. Geo. Farucarnb sud Mrs. Washbon, their cousin fain Floida, visited Dr. sud Mns. Thos. Farncornb, Trenton, au Mouday. Mn. and Mns. Hudson Sfowe sud Mn. sud Mrs. Alsun Barr rnotored ta Kingston sud Camp Barniefield Juiy 30th, ta attend thc Midiand Regimnu banquet as guesta ai Major J. C. Gamey. Misses Lilisu Sinale sud E. M. Blackburn refurued froni Uic Wald's Fair, New York, sud Miss Blackburn was af ber usual posta on Suuday, tesching ber class ta Uic Suuday achool sud stagtag iu the chunch choir. Mn. H. C. Alita had parts ai thrce days withtna sweek af bsud work outaide ai Uic village. Lasf Wcdnesday week be was playing ta Part Hope. Sunday affernuon,J Augusf 6, he was playtag with Orono Band ta Uic park, sud an Civic Holiday be was ta Wifby playing an E flat basa boru 5fatà frmns convention. Reeve C. R. Carveth speut mëit ai Monday aiternoan directing- a. moving picture mnufrorn Toron- ta arouud Uic village sud New- castie-on-the-Lake taktag p i c-1 turcs ai people as he fouud Uiern at wonk or play sud ai local. scenes. Thcy also visited Uic bal park sud got pictures ai Uic bard bal teain, Uic crowds sudtUeic girls' sotball fean. More motion pictures viil be taken Sunday, Auguat 19' as Uic people go ta sud fain church services. i Remember Uic Amnbrose David1 fasily wbo trekked Urougb berei about six ycars ago bouud ion a uew bore nethUi Parry Sotud dis-t trict? Their homses were f mcd sud- lame so Irwin Colwill, Frankj Gibson sud W. N. Buckley put1 their beads fogeUien af Uic fine and affer Uic fsrnily had got sainei wsy ou fa Uic west took their] trucks sud csugbt up ta Uiem sudi taok Uic whole ouffit, hanses sud ail ta their destination. Irwta Clwilasd Rosa Dicknson cal- cd an Uiern isat week wbile an s trip ta North Bay sud found thein wel sud happy sud rnmer-i berng with appreciation fthe1 kindness sbown thein by Uic peo- i pie ai Newcastle sud othen points.j Wbsf might have been a much1 more serious accident betdil Mn.1 McRoberts ai North Clake at the1 intersection af King sud Mill Sts.1 ta Newcasftle, August 4Ui. He hadi been ta Uic C.N.R. station with1 sorne bernies sud had reached1 King St. on bis returu trip. Thisi beiag a fhnough street, be had1 waifed on Mil Sf. wafcbtag care- fully for su apportuuity ta cross.1 Buf a bus, stapped ta let aif sud fake ou passengers af Uic south- wcsf cornuer ai he intersection,1 pnevenfcd as dean vicw of ou-1 coming traffic fron Uic wesf bctag ceeu. Mn. MeRoberts Uiaught the wsy was clear sud started acros wben be was bit broadstde on by a fast travelling car. The aide 'a bis car was badly srnashed sud driven saine distance djqWn the street by the impact bjUýo the surprise ai specatars Mr. Me- RO -. seerned ta have suffered sedr!6us injury. Wmng Commander Guthnie, Mrs. Guthrie sud daughtcr, wbo ilew tram Ottawa ta Newcastle in a Canadian National Defence arn- phibian plane ou July 20, ta visit Mrs. Gutbnie's mother, Mrs. Ca- therine Gidler, terminated their visit ou civic holiday. A Fairchild bydroplane main Ottawa came fon Commander Guthnie about 10 a.m. It came dowu ou the lake in iront ai Uic cottages on Bolton St. sud taxied in close ta ahane in iront ai Mrs. Ida Sfinson's sud Mns. Duncan's lots. Quite a large crowd ai spectafors, a number ai whom had evideutly not dressed for the day,.,aS..cmhand ta sec Uic arrival sud fake aif ai the plane sud witùcss- Commander Guthrie's depature. Mrs.-Gutbnie and daughfcr leit for Ottawa in Uic afternoon by bus. Mn. sud Mmr. Sfrong arld child are continu- tag, their visit with bier mother, Mms. Fidler. The W.M.S. was responsible for the service ta Uic Unifed Cburcb Sunday morning sud Uic- presi- dent, Mms. Norman Allin, conduct- cd if. Miss Gladys Bradley ai Glaveravîlle, N.Y, who is holi- dsytag with ber parents, Mn. sud Mms. J. W. Bradley, gave Uic children's talk sud told Uic sfony ai s liffle deaf boy cailed Ches- ter. Mn. Robt. Sberwta, Orona, gave Uic sddress on Uic subjecf, God's Plan. Miss Hattie A. Ma- son sang before Uic sermon, 'Rock ai Ages', sud later 'Da ta Uic Heart ai Uic Shepherd.' A bas- ket ai lovely gladioli iu frouf ai the pulpif adorned the church. Next Sunday, Augusf 13, sud thc following Sunday, Rev. H. L. Partridgc, B.A., Coiborue, will preacb.- Travellers, visitons sud cifizens, ail could sec that Civic Holiday, Auguat 7, was a gala day in New- casfle ion acrosUic main section ai King St. strctcbed streamers ai ilaga. Union Jacks sud other ensigns were rnucb ta evidence sud a greatfilag was sfnetched from edm ta dlm acrosa the drive enctrance ta Uic bail park. People ta Newcastle didu't gen- crally kuaw thaf Uic village had a ball teain this year. But if accrus if bas sud if carne througb an Monday ta wta Uic fouruarnent. Of course Urougb the carly sun- mer wecks Cccii Wallace bas becn prarnotiug some bard bail, ina- ried men vs single, a pick-up- tean. vs saine nine tavifed tran outside, but Newcastle badn't a tean ta Uic Lake Shore League. Iu iact f wo af Newcastlc's bal players, John Rickad (Tex) sud Geo. A. Walfoh (Sharty), have been paytag with Bowmsuvile Rayais, sud fwa others, Bill Brunt sud Shin Moise have becu with Port Hope. Thcy phayed with their old feani mates ai Newcas- tlc ou Manday sud the tean uotched Ncwfouvillc ouf by anc rni, anc ta noue, in Uieir firsf tilt, sud outplayed Bowmsuville by 8 fa 7 ta the playoti. Whicb ail goca ta show they sbould have had a teain in Uic league. The day was fully rounded ouf by a picture show, af whicb saine popular local films werc tbrown on Uic acrecu, in Uic comnunify bail, fallowed by a dance alsa tan Uic bail, ahi ion Uic price ai anc admission; sud there was s big crowd at bath..j BETTER GROCERIES AT LOWER PRICES QUAKER CEREAL SALE Corn Flakes............... 2 pkgs. 15c Puffed Rice............... 2 pkgs. 21c Pufféd Wbeat............. 2 pkgs. 17e SAVE QUAKER TOPS FOR FREE GIYW S Hereford Corn Beef .......... 2 for 25e Oranges, delicious and iuicy . 2 doz. 25e Club goume Spicesoftal varleties and inany quantlty Core ne l»d See thse Deantiful Dispiay. Phone 596 e LUNN GROCE Bowmanvfle TIME OUT FOR LUNCH Aller vWd tMg DowrnavWle Beach or durlnt an ater- BoQu's shopping, iroP lu st Carters Tes Roorn for a libIt lunch, a beatty meal, an iôe rearn disis, or for food te tase borne. We serve tood food, wel eooked sud serve&. Corm n et-day and try IL. WEEK-END WECIALS dLoyer Cake ..............3 ........... ....... êRR-FAMILY uqr Bowmauvile Baker Daisers for TWO Geucration Bowmanvile. The, WoewtIeIndependent C LARKE 1114 Mn. sud Mns. J. Agg, Toronto, Mn. Oliver Dunie, Detroit, Micb.,« with Mn. sud Mms. Penny. Mn. sud Mrs. Neville Joues, Agincaurt, Mn. sud Mns. Leni Tharnpson, Tarante, with Mn. sud Mms. William, McKatney. Mn. sud Mms. David P. Banr, Betty sud David, Toronto, are vacafloning at Uic beach. Miss Emma H. Dyke, Mr. James E. Dyke, Mn. sud bMm. F. R. What- mough, Taranto, with Mns. W. B. Fox, af Cave Cottage. Mms. W. D. Foie bas neturned frorn a vacation at Black Basa Ia- land, Geongian Bay. Mn. sud Mms. Donald McClead, Mn. sud Mm. M. J. Hutchinson, Mn. sud Mns. W. Saunders, Miss Gladys Hutchinson, sud Mn. Bert Hutchinson, Taranto, wiUi Mra. O. J. Hutchinson, Happy Hufcb. Mms. L. Sutherland, Mn. Russel Sutherland, Miss DonoUiy War- tag, Mn. sud Mms. S. Gage, Misa Grace Sutherland, Toronto, with Mms. A. Myera, Bunny Bunro. Mr. William H. Madock, Lester, Euglsud, .Mns. Sidney Madock, Mns. H. Mornison sud Audrey, Taranto, with Mn. sud Mms. B. Naish at Claver Cabin. Mn. sud Mrs. Wm. McKay, Misa Jean Or, Mn. Bil McCanu, Miss Sadie Hoît, Tarante, Mn. sud Mms. R. S. Harding, Oshawa, with Mn. sud Mna. A. W. Fox at Dais y Delli. J. J. Monrow, V,S., sud Mns. Morrow, sud Glsuiirwd, Toronto, arc bolidaying at Uic Dingle. Mn. sud Mra. John Macntosb, Mn. Murray Macînfosh sud Eve- lyn, Toronto, at Merrimac Cot- tage. PEBBLES ON THE SHORE Large crowds iillcd Jac's "Shuf- îfle Shsck" Saturday night wben t - ec Association annual dauce was held. Gus Heine and bis Cedarbrac Boys supplied the music for the swing fans sud ut- terbugs. Dr. Gardon Milieu was master ai. ceremonies during the uigbt'sperformances sud iio show. ;Menbersfaithe Cheerio Varicty Entertainers suppliid the vcry delighttui iloor show. Miss Eleanor Wager sud Miss Bsrbara Attack did the dancing banors whiie Miss Theima Beach did the vocal parts. Paddy Wclsh ai Bow- manville thriiicd the audience with bis cowboy sangs accomp- anied by himscli on the guitar. Little Audrie Baines ai the beach, the littie Irish soprano, brought many a tear ta the cyca witb her interpretation af, Oid Country sangs. At the bahl gaines over the wcekcnd the two beach teains re- tained their superiar place on the league standing by dcfcating all thc rcst of the teama in the les- gue. The East Side had a narrow escape wheu tbcy uascd out the town teain by il ta 10. The West Side retaincd their top position by easily deiesftag Orono Fores- try. Ncxt wcek's garnea oughft t be extra good as Uic schcdule is drawtag ta a close sud thc foi teama are prctty well buncbed. 1The Chapel On The Hil is at- tracftag bigger crowds every Sun- day. People from ail parts of the beach scnd their children ta th,î Sunday School at 11.30 sud then corne Uiernselves at 12.15 for the sang service. Corne sud eujoy the service ta Uic fullintahUicruatie surroundtags. The boaths that wcrc used for fthc diffenent games ai chance at thc sports day on Mouday have been cut up sud made ittamore sidewslks ta front oaithecoca tages. This sidewalk bas becs growing sud growtag every year and wiil soon rcacb ta the ott itg cottages. Next S unday Bowmnvile Le- gion Band will give a band cou- cert on Uic West Side Beach. This la Uic iirst bsud concert tUiu season. This baud is anc ai the best in Uic couuty sud will be worth heariug. EAST SIDE Mn. Jack Darch sud Mn. Jiix King. Mn. and Mns. Guy Pethick, Toronto, Mn. Geo. Hood, Peter- bora, Mr. sud Mrs. Fzank Cox sud Ronnie, Mn. sud Mms. Clarence Cox sud AbbWc, sud Mns. M. Cor. rin, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Darcb 5f Chetwyn Villa. Mn. sud Mms. E. Gingel sud Joan, Toronfo, with Mn. sud Mrs L. H. Pean.1 Mn. sud Mms. Alex Hanseso sud RuUi, Mn. sud Mms. Wrn Johnafon, Long Brsuch, Mn. sud Mms. Jack Diaxnond sud fsuiily, Swansea, Mn. Charles Mclntyrc, Mn. sud Mms. Jack Allin and Shirley, Mn. sud Mns. Walfer Seterfield, Mn. sud Mns. Joseph ODonndl sud Mms. R. George, Toronto, with Mr. sud Mns. V. O'Brien 5f Msyf air Cottage. Miss Lorraine Davie sud Mr. Harold Wotteu arc bolidaytag ai Bain Beach ta Northeru Ontario. Mn. Hugb McKeeu, Toronto, with Mn. sud Mms. Charles Davie at Suuny Naok Cottage. Mr. F. R. Harrison, Miss Mollie Harrison, Mn. sud Mrs. Van Dorn Poily, Jim. sud Murray, Taranto, Mr. sud Mrs. Wrn. Cale sud Su- san, Leskard, with Mns. W. Cale af Coleraine Cottage. Mn. sud Mns. J. W. Baison sud Jean, Zion, Rev. sud Mns. C. J. Felfon sud Margaret, Irving- tan, N.Y., sud Mrs. H. Sarneils, Oshawa, with Mn. sud Mrs. H. Hagerman. Mms. E. Rundie, Doris sud Wil- rna, Hamnilfon, with ber sister, Mms. Charles Dcpcw. Mn. Tam Depew la staftang a sslvsgtag corpnsy with bis firaI custoner on Sunday. It appeas that Uic gentleman had loat bis fisbtag pale so Uic brave youug gentleman called Tom prornptly dove itt the watery dcpfbs sud netrieved Uic pale. Mr. Bfi Newton, Toronto, is vscatiouing 5f Uic beach. WEST SIDE Grtisby, Englsud, Mrs. Pawson'g b brotheri wha plans ta stay sosie Mr. sud Mrs. D. A. Roacb, Jer- t tine witb theni. Tbey are enjoy. sey Island, England, witb Mrndu ing Uic weekcud 5f 'their cottau.e, Mns. Guy Roach.E "Beach Haven." Visitars wereMr Mr. Guy Roach Jr., la spcndiug sud Mis. Fred Mass, Mr. Ted a iew wceks' boiidays at Kcswick. s Mass sud Miss Grace Stewart, Te- Mn. sud Mrs. J. P. Nowlsu sud routa, sud Mrs. Hobsan, Hlikr. David, sud Mr. sud Mrp. J. Nance, Miss, Helen Cook, Mn. Vlck Toronto, are bolidsying gt the Harvey, Mr. sud Mrs. JaumS lake. Duun, Tardnta, wihMr. sud Mrn..t W. J. Dunn..1 We must 30W good deeds ta-day ci Mr. sud Mrs. Sami Jackson sud ta reap bappincas to-marrow. F buOn.Tbe.ileach Mr. and Mrs. R. Medlejt, Bar- J bars and Bob, Toronta, with.Mrs. f-Donald at Donsida Cottage. -~ m Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Heru-_ and 1L Barbara, Mr. R. J. Ormera , Mr. A and Mrs. J. W. Chspman, Toiïonto,______________ ce with Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield.< t- Miss Minerva Buchian, Miss es Margaret McKibbon, Mr. J.. "-arro, re MrsE. HoIsworth andErp' r [0 Mrs. t.D ilonat vy Cotage. eS Miss Elsie Harding, Mr. Irrank -aScott, Toronto, with Mr.. and, Mrs. 7s R. C. English at Lorraine Cottage. ýe Miss Phyllis Wood, Toronto, r- with Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Lattimer ýe at Veldetta Cottage. )_ Mr. and Mrs. G. Bennyworth, GUIDE NEWS r.Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. R. , Collard and Bobby, Mr. A. Lowe, Congrratulations ta Bowmanville tt Miss N. McKitterick, Miss H. Girl Guides in winning f ive out of r Crouch, and Mr. J. Hill, Toronto, seuen prizes iven at the Oshawa ,y with Mr. snd Mrs. A. Fowler. Girl Guide Camp at Cameron Lake. Miss Betty Bleuman, Mr. F. W. near Fenelon Falls. Thirty-three at- MacGrcgor, Mrs. W. Wager, Miss tende&. Nineteen Guides f rom Osh- ,e Jean Westcott, Miss Barbara At- awa. six f romn Bowmanville. L.eaders -tack, Miss Eleanor Wager, Miss were Mrs. Hobbs, Divisional Com- ýe Gloria Smythe -and Miss Nina misinr u-Cm Supervisor; Il Cremer, Toronto, wth Ifs. E. Guiders. Ruth Coakwell. Eva Swal- t- Durno at Checria Cottage. Iow. Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Coombes aud Ar Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacNabb, Alice Fitchetts; Nurse, Haze Tre- ,e Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Quinn, Owen win: Swimmingz Instructress. Thom- SSound, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce snArod n Berry. In e sirnold.tMaga > Mrs., A. Quinn, Bawmsuville lutesimneet.Mrat 0 Beach,.,is in Toronto. . Sommerscales won.the second prize Mr. and Mrs. Ronald *Hewat and Kav Roberts, third prize. At the Pand Rannie Jr., Bowmsnvllle, are msurd.HlnTi n a holidaying at thc lake. Weekend Roberts won first prize as kitchen- visitais wcre Mr. and Mra. G. E. ware girls: Winona Clarke as cupid, -Mason, Mrs. E. Alger and Ian, won third prize. Oshawa. The Dogweed Tent was awarded ~ aMrs. Edith Rabinson, Toranto, the prize for neatness and efficiencv e isholdayng t te bach Vis- wth iv "ies o atent. Leader. tors at ber cottage were Mrs. Bu- Viviaa( Chalton; Guides. Dorothy ebert Bedford, Miss Theresa Bed- Corfe and Bettyr Stockville of Osh- ford 5àid Miss Peggy Kelly, Ta- awa. and Pat and Winona Clarke, eronto. Bowmanville. e Miss Laina Bakcwcll, Toranto, Winnifred Smith receives ber with ber mother, Mrs. E. Bake- Cook's badge snd Kay Roberts and wel. . Marzaret Sommerscalea receive their Mr. sud.Mrs. L. Fleming sud Swimmer's badge. Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. C. Spots- The award for Best Guide in camp ewood, Mrs. Gillies, Miss Reta Car- went ta Pst Clarke. epeuter, Miss Mamaon. Burnett, Mrs. _________ -Livingstone, Neil snd Mary Aun, iMr. F. A. Siddell, Mr. sud Mrs. Crop Cu>mptton rFeather, Shirley and Rager, To- -routa, E Dawe, V. Dunford, M. Brings High Marks Lynch, J. J. O'Hern, H. Turner, Peterboro, at the Saudlands Cot- The resuits of the Standingr Field -tage. Croo Competition in Oats conducted Mr. sud Mrs. A. Marth sud by Durham Central Agricuitural *June and Mrs. A. Greeve, Toranto, Societv bas been announced by Judgce are holidaying at their sum:rner Gardon Hancock Peterboro. The b orne. resuits show the standingz remark- e Mr. and f4rs. W. C. Moran, ably high sud are as follows: Bruce sud Leonara, Toronto, with 1. R. K Scuair, Bowmanville- 92 Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith. 2. Donald Gibson. Bowmanville- 91 Mr. sud Mrs. Earl Chapinan, 3. N. C. Wotten. Salins - - 901 Pst and Barbara, Buffala, N.Y., 4. Alfred Allun, Bowmsnviile- 90 Swith Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Peacack, 5. W. J. Rowland. Newcastle- 891 at Fyvie Cottage. 6. J. H. Jase. Newcastle --89 Mr. sud Mrs. T.' Boyd, Tomn and 7. Garnet Rickard, Newcastle 881 Fred, Toronto, are balidaying at 8. A. J. Taniblyn. Orono --88 ethe beach. MmIr. J. Baker sud Donna, Osh- awa, are halidaying at Tacoma ROTARY CLUB Cottage. Visitais were Mrs. Thos. ___ Sweet, Miss Joyce Godais, Mm~. A. (Continued from page 1) Gower, Mr. and .Mrs. J. Pluxnb, Oshawa. wbcn such miracles were discov- Mr. and Mrs. J. MeGill, Ôk*oe cred Uiey created a sensation, but sud Bill, Toranto,. with Mr. sud today they are just taken for ciMrs. W. Street, Wene-Verfus.- grauted. Mr. sud Mrs. AIt Edwards sud Neyer lose yaur capacity for Frank sud Mrs. S. Klrkpatrick, wouderment, admidration or ta. Taronto, with.Mis. A. Edwards. quiry, continued the speaker. r Mr. sud Mrs. W. G. Ciuick- Neyer lose your capscity ta dream. shsuk, Roly sud Biily, Toronto, dreains. The rnast marvdlaous iu- are bolidaying at. the lake. Visi- ventians sud happenings ta Uic tors were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. bistary ai this world were farmed Smythe and Mrs. H. Cunnington, by dreamers sud visianaries. The Toranto. debt that humanity owes ta Uic Mr. sud Mrs. G. Frith, Toronto, dreamers sud thc cornmonplacc with Mr. sud Mis. C. T. Ross. is beon ail recognition, Mr. sud Mrs. Edrnond Luttreli h omnlcetig flf suad Danis have returned frornia TecmopseUtg ilt holiday at Lake Rosseau, ta their are Uic thinga that count, hc went cottage Halzcatt. Visitais were an. Stanley Baldwin ta spcakiaig Mr. sud Mrs. Claude Taylor' sud ta Uic farnaus St. pcarge's Society Mr. nd rs.GuyPet.'k T tainLondau, England, spoke an Mont. adMs u ebcT-these tUitgs: Uic souud af Uic ronto.hammer and the auvil ta Uic D Mr. sud Mis. J. B. Roche, Mr. George Hcncssy, Mrs. L. Lloyd, country blacksmitb sbop, th e Mrs. D. Wilki.nson sud Joan, Mr. scythe againat Uic whet stone, the J. Atkinsan, Taronto, with Mr.sight af a tfarin tearn corng andMrs L.McEroy atCrnslo1wly up aver Uic bili lesutag CsdMy . MEry t~ farward in Uic harneas, Uic last CMr. and Mrs. C. rxriffIn, G.ordan laad ai hay corng in at nigbt on sud Ray, Toronto, wiUi Mr. sud Uic f arm at Uic evening twiiigbt, Mrs. F. Doyle, at Sandburst Cat- sud lastly Uicearndl ai the wood tage. sunt summer. These, said Mr. Bald- M.adMrs. Gus Bounsali sud win, touch Uic vcry dcpths ai aur Mms. E. R. Baunsaîl, Bowrn- nature sud carry us back itaa tville, with Mr. sud Mrs. Herb different world. Goddad. I wish ta make Uiis littie appli- Mr. sud'Mis. Mort Murdof, cataon, concluded Uic speaker, Uiat Lindsay, with Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Rotary bas a vcry commoupîsce Williams. structure. Rotary la a common- Miss Sylvia Joncs, Mrs. Roberts Place organization. It bas na elab- and Darothy, with Mr. sud Mns. arate constitution or crecd. It bas E. W. Jones. a crced but thcy arc four vcry Mrs. Edna Carter sud Grace, corninpiace artieles. They are Toronto, with Mr. sud Mis. C. W. foundcd an Uic saytags ai s cer- MatUicws at Idylwyld. tain1 Man, wbo staod by thc shores Mr. sud Mrs. James Gicnday, ai Uic Gallican Lake, and said, Toronto, are balidaytag at their Do unto athers as you would -cottage, Glendoug. Weekend vioi- have thern do unto You." This is .For Sale FOR SALE - WHITE PRAM. Applv Mrs. Percv Gould. King St. West. 32-1* FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE - 3 Hotpoint Jacket Heaters. 2,000 wvatt. 220 volts: 2 Houeywell Ther- mostates No. 64G. Applv nromptly ta Dr. C. H. Tuck, Box 59, Osh- awa. 32-1 FOR SALE - A THREE-QUAR- ter wagon and watering tank, in good condition. Apply David Mut- ton. Bowmanville. 31-2 FOR SALE - FIVE LOADS AL- alfa in stack. also choicî quality mixed hay. Apply Lot 3, Con. 5, Darlingrton. W. J. M. Mgy. 31-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - BUILDING LOTS in good location in Bowmauville. No reasonable of fer refused. Ap- ply David Mutton. Hospital Street. 29-tf FOR SALE-48-ROOMED FRAME bouse, corner Quecu sud Ontario St reef s, ail canveniences. Pro- nertv of late J. H. Freeman, Phone 512. Bowmanville. 31-2* DEATH HOIG - CI~ ~awa. AuRbst 7th~ 1939. D;avà,I ý? t Hoilz, M.D.. in bis 87th year. Card of Thanks G. M. Linton, Betty and Timu wish to exuress their sincere thanks and deeio appreciation to the many rela- tives. f riends and neigzhbours for the acts of kindness. expressions of sym- nathv and floral tributes extended ta themn during their recent bereave.- ment. IN MEMORIAM DOIDGE - In lovingz remember- ance of William George Doidge, who passed away Aug. 9th. 1937: Always so zentle. so loving and kind. This is the memory he l.eft behind. -Lovinglv remembered bv wife. tMOUNTJOY - In memnorv of Fred Mauntjov who Passed away Aug. 10. 1 935: Four vears have Passed since that sad day When vou were called f ronh earth away, Forgotten yau may be bv some. But dear ta aur memory y.ou ever shall be renxembered. -Wife and daughters. Feed Speclal WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Crushed Oats and Fine Oatý bop). $1.20 Per cwt. 0f fer gzo-d'-until Augz. l7th. F. C. Vanstonec Phone 777. 32-1 Mlortgage Money 'Available HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON Bowmanville Real Estate. Special attention ta National Housing Act Loans. Inauire Bradley Bros., Oshawa. Phone 169. 25-tf Alterations BUSY HOUSEWIVES H AV E little finie during summer mpqnths ta make necessary alterations iný their clothes ta keeco theni up-fa- date. The Evîvu Shopw mgkes s specialty of repaiinig and alteninR garments ta confonni wiUi Uic seasan's stries. Try us f oday. You will nof be disapoointed. 29-tf __________________________________ I . - For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - SEVEN roomed bouse with garden on Station Street. Orono. ail conven- iences. Aop)lv Martin Linton. Mar- mora. % . 32-2* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - REGISTERED Holstein bull. Apply Rpy Van Camp, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, Phone 2310. 32-1* For Rent FOR RENT - COTTAGE ON Williams Point. Lake Scugog. froin August 21. Apply A. W. Pickard. Phone 374. BowrLnille. 32-2 HOUSE TO RENT - FURNACE. wired for electric stove, gas, 6 rooms. 8 Libertv St. Immediate possession. 31-2* Wanted WANTED TO RENT - A FARM. 100 acres or more, best of refer- ences. Apply P. L., Drawer B.. Bowmanville. 32-2* IWANTED - CASH -FOR OLD- fashioned china. grlassware. vases. ornaments. etc. Harris. 110 Mait- land St.. Toronto. 32-1 MASON WORK WANTED - brick work. stone work and plas- tering; silso stucea. Phone Breck's store. Burketon, Bawmanville 2334 or Port Perry 193-3-2. *A. G. Skoyles. 31-4* Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL location. Apply F. McIadoo. Phone 894 Kingz St., Bowmauii.ji. 32-1* WANTED - AT ONCE, BOARD and room for school age grirl (10) in respectable home. (Protestant preferred). Ne washing or mend- inz. State full particulars ta "A. W.." Drawer B., Statesman Of- f ice. 32-1* PASTOIR INDUCTED AT NESTILIMON Rev. T. E.- Kennedy, iarmerly of Norwich, Ontario, was lnduct- ed an Thursday evenlng, August 3rd, lIn Nestieton Presbyterian Church, into the charge af Nes- tleton, Janetvllle and Ballyduif. T'he service was in charge af the Presbytery af Peterbara, wlth the itoderator, Rev. J. W. Foote af Port Hope presiding. The ser- mon was preached by Rev. 'J. M. Y'oung af Laketield, while the address ta the minister was given by Rev. D. A. McKenzle aif9n- trevile and the address ta6 theei cangregation by Rev. Dr. A. T. Barr ai St. Paul's, Peterbara. Prier tetaeUicnduction service, supper was served by the ;;est1e- ton Ladies' ÀAid. ilo îan ca prduce great ilinga ýI wh aflttoraughly sin- cere in dealing wlth himeU-J. R. Lowell. Auction Sale I have received instructions ta selI by public auction the houseboid cf- fecta of Uic iste Mra. John Lawnic. Bowmianville. Sale wiil be heid at the rear -of Wm. J. Challis' Garagze, King Sf.. and wiil cautain 2 bed- rooni suites. kitchen furnif une, odd tables sud chairs. book case. sewingr machine, hall rack. dishes, beddinr sud manv ather articles fao numer- oua ta mention. Parties wishing ta put izoods into this sale Inay do se by communicatingz with cither of the undersigned. Sale at 1.30 p.m. D.S.T., Saturday. Augusf l2th. Terma cash. Wm. J. Chailis. Auctioneer. Chas. Mason. Clerlc. 31-2 DANCE Follow the £to0VfA ta Williams Point. one-haîf mile east of Caesarea, every Wednesdav - a -nd Saturday ni2zht. Music b.v Tommy Langley aud bis Swing Baud. Lorne Watson. Mgr. Admission 25c eacb. 32-1C Notice Dr. W. H. Birks' office will be closed August 6th ta l3th. inclusive. Beauty Culture IRIS BEAUTY SALON-. ýPEC- ial Permanent End Curls. $1.50 (Shampoo 25c extra). 2601 for appointment. 32-1* Readings READ»l-GS. - «YELLOW SHUT- ters" >Tea' iÉoom. Bowmauville Beach. M:a;t Side. 30-4* Lost LOST- ON SATUkDAY: A black wallet containnmr çgnsjder- able money. Reward $5.00. Phone 2639. 32-1* Strayed STRAYED - ONTO LOT 21. Con. 4. Cartwright. 15 bead of Young cattle on Aug. 3rd. Owner mav have same by provinx- pro- perty and paying expenses. Mere- dith 'hompson. Burketou. 32-1 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voteri' List, 1939, Municipality af Cartwright. County of Djurbani. Notice is hcrebv given that I have comfflied with section 8 of, the Vofers' Lists Act sud thaf I have Dasted un at mv office at Nestleton. on the 3rd day of Auguat, 1939, thc list of al pensons entitled ta vote in the ssid, Municipslitv st municipal eleitions' sud that such lust remain there for inspection.0 And I hereby cail upol aIl votera ta take immediate proceedinga. tao have sny errons or ommissions cor- rected according ta law. the last day for appeal being the 24th day of Augzuat, 1939. Dated at Nestietan, Auiz 3rd. 1939. WM. BEACOCK Clerk of Cantwrigzht. 132-1 Notice To Creditors. Iu the Estate of William George Onmiston deceased. Al persans having dcaims agrainsf the estate of William GecW Orusis- ton. lafe of the Villagze tEnfield. in the Couuty of Durba1ùi. retired f armer. who died on or about thxe 27th day of May, 1939, are hereby natif ied ta send particulars of same ta the undersigned ou or bçi are the 31sf day af Auguat, 1939, affer which date the assefs of the'deceased will be distnibuted among the parties ent ifled thereto hsavingr regard onîy ta fthe taims' of which fthe undersigu- cd shah diheu have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 4th day -of Auguaf. 1939. Harold Onmiston, Executor. by bis Solicitor, Charles C. McGibbon. 6 King Street. West. Oshawa. . 32-3 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE At Your*"REXALL Drug Store BATHING NEEDS Mhade Hate - - 19o - 25o Shoes - - - 25o Up Cape - - - 15e to 75o Beach BaMl - - 250 Rex-Eme Greaa.les Sidi Cream - - Gypày Tan (a scientifie sun tan oil)- -29c- 590 4U 5- 75o 1K=.- h*1AOK MIL un use 0 We- .LIW L.90 Plcnlc Supplie$ Uuo. Cleaner Vacuum BI. - 29o Tops anid Elays Thermos Blis. -pt. 85o otl ... 5 ........q. $1.75 ids'eila . . . . 50 Utrong Glass Thermos Shu-M& . . . . -15o pli. 81.50 - qts. $2,75 Dixie çiips - - pkg. 100 nehSalh at Pienlo Sets, patesEnlih HalheBll vietles, forks and and IGlass spoons - - - 150 Both for - 39e BayBrowmies -.-$1,10 620 Junior, - $2.40 616 Junior - $ 2.75 620 Buflaeye --$800 uOther Kodaksat aI ghe rime for advauedameu, 'Be sure you bave plenty of freeh Kodak N1hm4or the holiday weekend. - Wbeu theY are exPobed % - , them 10 our store for e boler devolopment by Unque A6rt Studios. JURY0 LONVMLL Phonoe7 BMaiil VETERINARIAN DR. G. R. BOOTH Veterinarlan Small and Large Animal Surgery. Office, 323 King W. - Phane 917Ç Oshawa, Ont. 31-4* J. H. LESLIE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Veterlnary Surgeon Orano - Ontario Phones: Office 92r7 Residence 55r7. D. C. DAVY, - VETERINARY Surgeon. who during the ogst year has been in vartnershin with Dr. J. N. johnston. Port Hope. as purchased the tate Dr. T. F. Tig.he's Veterinarv Practice in Bawman- ville. For tbe present he will con- duct the p)ractice f rom thé Tighe homne. King Street. East. Tete- phone 843. 32-1 Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED I FAMILEX will -start Yau in a* profitable busi- nmss like hundreds of athers throughout Canada. No exc)erience recjuired. We train you. Libéral conumission for sellin g 200 guar- anteed necessities. Meet ait, coin- i>etition successfuly. Ambitiaus salesnien. write for free catalogue and plian without obligation. Fani- ilex Ca.. 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. 32-1 Notice od USE die WAN.T@ADS - 1 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, àOWM,ýNVILLE,. ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST IOTH, 1939 TAGÈ TEN