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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1939, p. 1

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NPle Weekly Wlith Whlch Are Inc orporat ed The BowmanvlUle Nè* The Newcastle ndependent, And The Orono News VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., T]9JRSDAY, AUGUST lOth, 1939 NUMBER 32 LAKE SPORTS DAY PROFITABLE EVENT NETS OVER $200 Mins Allie Bragg, Carlisle Ave., Lucky Winner of 1939 Electrie Radio - Saillng Race Ends When Boats Becalmed Calm weather spailed an ather- wise perfect day for Bowmanville Beach Association's Sports Day on Manday, when the cruising race had ta be canoelled. The boats, competing for the Glen Rae Dairy Traphy, had lef t Oshawa but were becalmed within three miles of Bowmanville. The event will be hcld at a later date. Net procceda for the day wcre* well aver $200 and exceeded last year's total by almost $100. Booths were busy for, several hours but the draw tickets netted les. than in 1938. Procceds willl be used ta pay watchman at thc railway crosslng and for improve- ments alang the beach. Already cottagers have constructed a new board sdewalk, considering it onej * of thc most needed ai thc repaira. The grand prize, a 1939 Gen- erai Electric Radio, went ta Miss *Allie Bragg, Carlisle Ave., Bow- manville,.when Mayor Ralph Day of Toronto drew her ticket. * Features of thc day included land and water races ai many types, and a superb swimming ex- hibition by Miss Margaret Hutton which brought considerable ap- plause fram Uic largest crowd ever assembled at Bowmanville Beach for thc affair. Ail events were held an the West Side Beach. Land Events Girls 13 and under - Shirley Chals, Dorothy Martin, Jean *FIgtcher. Boys 13 and under - G. Purdy, C.' Fletcher, Bob Patte. * Girls 16 and under - B. Spencer, M. Kilpatrick, G. Adams. * Boys 15 and under - G. Dad- son, C. Orznsby, J, Gillen. Ladies' Spot Race - Mrs. B. L. Berry, Mrs. W. C. Kilpatrick, Mrs. F. A.. Dilling. Mixcd Three Legged Race Jini Caxneron and G. Adams. Egg Thrawing Race - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Redinon. Rolling Pin Throwing Contest- *Mrs. Brown. Second Ladies' Spot Race.- Miss (Contlied o aeO FaÉou 48tkHghlandersPipe IaIWill lead The Calithmapian Tbree-Day Egvent Drawn Large Orowd and Pastest Boata In Province. 72-Year-Olji Mau WÙu Speed Race Marc than 5000 persans ta at- tendance, Uic 12Ui annual ne- gatta and sports day at Caesarea pravcd a hlghlight ai Uic civic holiday week-end ta Uiat district. Some ai the fitest and iastest power boata on Uic North Amer- ican continent raced aven tise waters ai Lake Scugog on Sunday, when J. "Pop" Cooper, Kansas City, beat ail camera ta Uic 225 fiat division competitian ta hold intact his world record. Cooper, probabhy Uic aldeat ractag pilot ta tise business, took firat place ta ail three laps ta his "Tops III" despite a' ew close challenges by H. Braden, Quebec, ital"Ariel II." Mr. and Ms., H. Cardwell, Peterbora, were dcclared Uic in- dividual winncrs in Uic regatta with aU campetition judged on point basis. They were awarded Uic association trophies ta addi- tian ta Uic prizes and shielda for event wins. Largest annual regatta on Uic KawarUim. Lakea, thc Caesarca event waa run off under a coni- mittee ai Fred Frayer, chairman; Jack Sues, secretary; E. Glithrow Sr., treasurer; P. J. Campbell, H. T. Seans, E. Glithrow Jr. Miss Iris Robertson, Toronto, Mns. Muriel Dunn and Mn. Stan Dunn spent Civic Holiday at Mid- land and while stopptag off at Oililia an thein return trip met Salvation Army Captain Jas. Sloan who wlshed ta be remcm- bered ta his Bowmanville frienda. FIVE BOYS LEAVE SEAROHUNG WORK UN CANADAS WEST At 7.05 Wcdncsday marning, five Bowmanvillc boys let town an a trip ta Uic vast olien spaces ai Western Canada. Al ai Uic boys bcing uncmployed, Uicy ta- tend ta scarch for positions in a new country. They arc travelling by car, by way ai. Detroit and Chicago. Their destinations are Cutknife and Smeatan, Saskat- chewan. If they are unsuccessful ta these two places, Uicy will tra- vel on ta Edmionton and through thc Peace River district. The boys are Reg Westnutt, Byron Cryderman, Cyril Coombes Clyde Rabtason'and Jack Cami- cran. SWe wish these boys Uic beat oi luck and trust Uiat their courag- cous endeavors will be a means ai putttag Uiem on a new and better road ta, steady and profitable cm- ployment. LOCAL ATHLETE WINS AT COBOURG Wintan (Bfi) Bagnoli again showod his athlctic prawcss at Uic annual Old Boys' Reunion held in Cobourg on Civic Holiday. Bll took iirst prize tan Uic 220- yard run and thse broad jump. This makes Uic third ycar that ho has won these twa events, and Uic cups which are prcsentcd ta Uic winner may become his own property. Ho is making negatia- tions ta mid out if thcy arc ta become his awn porsonal posses- sions or not. Ho placed second ta Uic 100 yard dash, losing by only a small margin. Bill has won Uic cup for this event Uic last two ycars. As well as Uic cups, ho was proscntcd with a'tic for Uic 220 yard run, and a taiet set for Uic broad jump. For placing second in Uic 100 yard dash ho was givon a pair ai braces wIi a combina- tian tic and collar clip. COMRTME MAKES IMPROVEMENTS The foilowing item is lifted from Courtice correspo n d e n cee ',hich we take as an indiéation that business is gaod ta this up and comtag progressive com- munity: "Local improvoments include: Re-patating ai Ed. Pidduck's ser- vice station and store, and George Lowe's cabin and hause; re- shingltag of Thomas Ktasman's vcrandah and roof; a new roof an Mr. Gravcll's -hause; and Uic building ai a new house on Uic northcnn portion of George Vet- zal's farm by John McGregor ai Oshawa Uihecocmpletion ai a large two-storey piggery an George H-art's iarm. The Raad Superta- tendent hai been ta charge ai Uic grading ai Uic road north ai Pld- duck's store ta Uic narUi end ai G. P. Reynolds' fan, and ai similar work an Uic concession road bath cast and west ai Lloyd Courtice's house." AUR FORCE BAND MAY TANS~ PART ROTARY- PARADE *Just before press time, we were informcd that there is a definite =p11uility Uiat Uic widely ac- %caùe Royal Air Farce Brasa Band wlll be here for Uic parade. Arrangements have nat been cam- pleted, but Uic proposition looks moat favorable; The congregations ai St. Paul's and Trtalty United Churches arc holding union services durtag Auguat in St. Paul's Churcis with' Rev. W. F., Banister ýpreaching. !he Rotary Carival Next Wednesday Evâig Coumucil Bans Swim Trunis Bathers Must Cover 'Uppers Indecent Exposure Claimed Citizens -in this district will be This group af fine musicians is Annual Carnival. This year, tiie l 3ned in anather story an this the carnival will be used ta help given a rare treat next Wcdnes- much in demand. fram' caast ta parade cammittee is looklng for- n age. Citizens are urged ta be on crippled children ta became in- day evenmng when they will hear coast and the Rotary 'Club has ward ta the finest parade-eve___ lind early if they wish ta have dependent and respansîble citi- anc of the finVst musical arganiz- been mast fortunatein abtaining staged in Bowmanville. It begins good view places and also to en- zens. Join in this work by attend- atians in Canada, the 48th High- their services for the Calithump- at 7.30 p.m. D.S.T., and will takê ý aurage their children ta take part ing the carnival and by spendmng landers Pipe Band from Toronto. ian Parade which will precede the a new and sharter route as oizt-'] this annual event. Proceeds of frcçly. Need for Restoring Waste Lands Drought Home By Counties Tou Nearly 150 Delegates Take Lengthy Tour and Liste» To Promissent Speakers At Luncheons Ncarly 150 delegates ta the fiat forestry field day in Durham and Northumberland Caou nt i es, an Wedncsday inspéctcd Uic work which had been doni c cnvcrt- ing arld wastcland'inta produc- tive-foresta which conserve mais- turc, deter floods and bcautiiy the appearance af the district. They also toured lands which have not been restored-~and wcre brought ta realize Uic extensive planting which might be donc over a wide area. The pragrani opencd with a tour ai the 1200 acre Narthum- (Contlnued on page 7) Lo&1l Brigade Wins Coveted Cup Firem"s Convention In Whitby 1'oke Pat ini Activities And Awarded Trophy For Best Company of 20 Mmber On Parade Bowmanvillc Fire Brigade taok thc honora at -Uic 38Ui aisnual convention aitise, Firemen's As- sociation ai Ontario for bcing Uic boit appearing company on par- ado with 20 members or aven. The parade and demonstrations werc held on Monday as part ai a four day convention held ta Whitby. Fine companies came from Whitby, Bowmanvillc, Burling- tan, Staniford, Barrie, Thorold, North York, Aurora, Merrmittan, Petrolia, Coldwatcr, Georgetown and Uic Lakeshore district which includgs Humber Bay, New Ta- ronto, Swansea, Uic Beaches and Islingtan, al ai whom took part tan Uic colorful parade. It was anc ai Uic outstanding icatures ai Uic Monday prograni. The parade was.marshalled by J. R. Eickle, oaitUic ire engine company at Woodotock bearing his name, and particlpating banda includcd Whitby Citizens, Cana- dian Legion, Bowmanvillé, mad several others. .1 Fine equipmcnt ta Uic paradé tacluded the brand ncw 800-gal- lois pumper oi Uic Oshawa Fine Campany, sent aven Urough Uic klndncss af Fine Chici Elliôtt and Uic Oshawa City Coundil. Af ter thse parade there was a programzn ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announccd ai Jean Sutherland, daughter ai Mrs. Mary Proudfoot and Uic late A. T. Praudioat, Hamiltn, ta r Bloas Peter Campbell, son ofMr and Mrs. Alah, Campbell, T.oron- ta, Uic marriage ta take place Uic latter part oi August. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe ai Orono announce Uic engagement ai their daughter, Elizabeth Jane, ta Eldan John Gillespie, B.S.A., son ai; Mr. and Mns. J. A. Gifles- pic ai Victoria Harbaur. The marriage ta talce place early in September. in the town park ai fire drills, competitians ini Uichandling ai fine iighting apparatus, foot raoes, company campetitions,: demon- strations ai fire fighting flames ta which ail is involved, and many other events. It was a hat but very satisiactary aternoan,' and cvcry item on Uic program was carried out with clocklike pre- cision. The convention was a harvest for hotels, restaurants, church and other organizations who un- dertook ta fccd Uic large crowd. The convention was braught ta a close Mônday evcning wiUi a street dance and carnivalan draw for, Uic grand ýprlzq, a bond of $200, wyhlch -f"s won by John Grahami, Becond Street, Bowman- ville. LiielngAmbition Newcaute'La"d Itealizegi lu Flight Over Village (D7 Newcastle Correspondant> John Qulgg reallzcd anc ai his early ambitions on civlc holiday, Auguat 7, when ho flew ta a De- Hatviland piano from Toronto ta Newcastle and gave alisis com- panionsand fionda at Uic lake Int and uptawn athrill asthey watched hlm circling aven Uice beach and summer cottages and Uic balh park where Uic tourna- ment was tfulml swing. John is Uic yaVnger son ai Mn. and Mn. ,Wm. jQuigg, Newcastle, and for Uic 1(%ét icw years bas been cm- ployed as gardener ion Mn. Gea. N. Bull, Newcastbe's praiesalonal gladioli gnowor. John hisnseli bas mis a mde quite a success wlU gladioli, but his anc ambi- tion h,,as been ta know all about airpianes and ta ily. In ýll his * pare tume ho bas been .mgking *modela, big and little, and th9y -were works ai art tao, goad craf ts- mmnihip gain i tt their con- struction.- Nobody ever, saw John qulgg wasting Mis tume around Street cornera or foaling away hMa maney. Whenever ho gat enaugis cash on hand he went ta Tarante an Mondmys ta take flying les- sans. Ris was no easy raad ta succeos; ho kept at t and when his folks and ail their Newcastle fionda saw hlim flying averhemd on Monday Uiey knew how mucb detormination and persistene and isard erned money had gone ista Uic nealization ai this stage ai his dreami.' ,But; being 80 stronghy air mindéci ltl litte - ti'îp on Manday wï Jut thUi bëginnlng ai blgger thinga for John. IW 4. 1 marning ho was on Uic boach wli Uic crowds watcising Uic an- ival ai Uic hydroplane frani Ottawa and its take off wli Wing Commnander GuUinie and ho could tell any anc just what klnd and type it was, a Fairchild 71, wc believe ho smld. Later ta Uic day he hltch hiked ta Toronto and earned by plane anound Uirec o'ciock. Then ho flew back ta tise city and came homb ta his folks at "Apple Blasaom" cottage In Uie evening. Fniday evcntag, St. Jaseph's R. C. Churcis held ita annual gardon party at Uic Rotary Park which was an unqualiuied succes from every angle. Ail Uic bootha were kept busy, and many peaple took home valu- able pnizeis.- Thc major prizcs were won as foilows: $50, Betty Jackman, Brown Street; $25, L. J. C. Langa, Elgin Street; $10, R. Frances, R. R. 5, Bowinanville; RICHER BY $200 DRUG CLERK PLANS TO BANK WINNINGS .johnny Gr ahamt Surprised When He la Told on Wednesday That He Won tic $200 Bond at Whltby Monday Evenlng "Congratulations Jahnny," sald Ab Cully Wednesday morning as he walked itt McGrcgor's Drug Store. "What for?" rcplied Jahnny Grahanm. "Why, for winntag Uic $200 Government Bond in Whitby at the Firemcn's Convention. I rcad it ta Uic Oshawa Times," said Ab. "Why I haven't even gat a ticket," said Johnny. But on looking Uiraugh his wal-, let, what dld ho iind but TIMH ticket, and Uic surprise was aven- whelming. To vcniy Uic matter,, Johnny receivell a letter front .L.« F. Northani, Secretary-Treasurcr ai Whitby Fine Company, Wcd- nesday marning, stating that if ho brought his ticket up. within Uic ncxt couple ai days and cor- responded it with Uic stub, Uic $200 was hiii. Jahnny went up Wednesday aitcrnaibn. This is Uic second time money has camet thUicGrahami iamîly by means aif lucky draws. Last year, Mr. George Grahami Sr., i ommonplace Items -In Lii e Count Dlistrict Governor Tells Rotarians J7. Owen Herity, Belleville, Gives Inapirational Addresa At Local Rotary Club On J'riday The average man does nlot ap- preciate the miracles ai modern lie, stated District Gavernar J. ,Owen Herity ai Belleville, when r~ paid his official visit ta Bow- ~anville Rotary Club an Friday. As the President ai Columrbia University se aptly describes it, Uic average man is dcad at 30 and ia buriod at 60, wcnt on Mr. Her- i. Thmrgs like electricity and radio arc taken se mucli for ýsanted that Uiey lase their sig- .ilicanceinta e Uicnddoaiman. S (ContInued on page 10) won thc $50 cash prize at Uic St. Joseph's draw. Tom Lyle àald John Graham the winning ticket. Johnny said he's gotag ta put Ait thUi bank and "Watch It Grow." As Ab. departed he said "Wdll, I'm gaing ta buy a Rotary ticket and maybe I'il get a Gavcrnment Bond, too, as I sec Uiey are giv- ing away three-$500, $200, $100." PARADE ROUTE US SHORTENED FOR ROTARY FAIR Bowmanville Rotary Carnival Par- ade. which in past Years bas buit an enviable reputation as an ont- standing uresentation and excellent entertainment. will this year take a new route through the town's streets. The route will be shortened consid- erablv so that entrants will not be burdened bv travelling over so len- gthv a walk. Startinz at the Public School grounids pret:iseiy at 7.30 p.m.. ït Will a)roceed down Silver Streçt to King. east to the Post Office. north to Church Street. east ta Ontario Street. south ta Kinir. returning west on King Stret to the Post Office. and then south ta Rotary Park. Formerlv. the parade- went dcown Wellington Street ta Liberty and across to King. It oives nromise of beiiwz the f in- est narade ever staned for the event. with the feature attraction the in- ternationallv famous 48th Highland- ers' Bagpio)e Band. 35 strong, f rom Toronto. Thev are withotit doubt one of the finest bands obtainable in Canada and have thrilled audiences from coast to coast as well as in United States. This organization in itself will be well worth travelling manv miles ta see and hear. Thev are colorful bevond imagination and their âûjsic will guarantee it. But that is not ail. Fýllowing closely on their heels will corne Bowmanville Legion Band. Oshawa Girls' Jubilee Band. Orono Citizens' Band and several others. not forgett- inz the Comic Band whicb alays music that will remind vou of Guv Brothers' Minstrels and the days of the Sunnv South darkie show. There is much more. Floats are (cantinud on page 6) Convenion Hsighiights By William G. James Editors and their faniilio *s from aeross Canada and from NeWfound- land attended the twentieth conven- tion of the Canadian Weekly News- paper Association at the General Brock Hotel in Niagara Falls' last week. The convention featuring a superb proizramn of speakers, dis- cussion perioda and entertainment was one of the beat in the history of the association. The meeting giot under way with a receDtion tendered Thursdav morn- iniz bv Frank Prendergast of the Im- perial Ou Company. Immediatelv followingz this the mombers of the association wore gzuosts of a dinner given by T. G. Johnston. and Assoc- iates of Toronito. Mayor Carl D. Hanniwell of Niagara Falls extend- ed a welcomo ta the delegates anrio ta the main address delivered by Louis Blake Duf f of Welland. In- terestinR historical facta and hum- orous sideights wero the main theme of Mr. Duff's speech which Proved entertainingr and beneficial reizardingz the historv of Niagara Poninsula. While the men were having theirj business session with reports -,and addresses by such men as Dean M.1 Lyle Spencer of Syracuse Unveriitv. the women wore entertained by aj drive througzh the residential section1 of the citv. Afternoon tea was.svrvedi on the Rainbow Roof Gardon of tho hotol as gueats of Ronas,Jeck. Man- agrer of tho General lkt Dinner that evniftjýerved at the Park Restauan v couxçtesv of the Niagzara Parka Commission. This restaurant is sa situated that the customors can onioy the marvellous, view of the falis while feastingt on the wanderful cuisine preoared by the manazement. The convojitiajiors wero aRain wolcomed bv Hon. W. L. Hauck. Parka Comniissioner. who uresided over tise banquet. The speaker was D. Leo Dolan Chief of the Cai>adiasi Travel Bureau, who outlined thc noed aofloeeping Canada entirolv Canadian and at the same (Oontlnued on page 7) COLLISIONS COME WHEN JAM IS OVER NO ONEINJURED Two Accidents Tuesday Morning Wrcck Two Cars and bivalve Hlgh Sehool Teachers and Toranto Contractor Three Toronto mon somehow escaped death or seriaus injury early Tucsday morning when Uic car ta which they were drivtag crashed itt the guard rail and turned aver ta Uic hollow at Prestanvale, three miles cast ai Oshawa. The Uircc men ta Uic car werc Abraham Laycisky, Harry Harris and John Tzmochko, ail af Toronto. Pro';incial Officer W. H. Thamp- son ai Bowmanville invcstigated. He reported that Laycisky, Uic driver ai the car, was procecding east irom Toronto ta Belleville. The leit rear tire blew out as Uic car was going down the hili. It carocned into Uic guard rail, tear- ing 9ut six posta and looscning twa mare. It then turned over, caming ta rest on the highway immediately aver the creek. The tria miraculausly escapcd with minor injuries but the car in whîch thcy werc driving was almost a total wreck. Twa Hamilton schoal teachers had their halidays cut short Tues- day marning when their car ran amok at Caurtîce and landed ta thc south ditch on its top. The auto was cansiderably damaged, but the ladies were fortunate in escaping with bruises and anc had twa teeth partiaily knocked out. Traffic Officer W. F. Thompson gave Bowmanville people a thrill when he sped through tawn ta the scene and turned on his shrill siren as a car was about ta cut in from a side street. Alniost ini- mediately, every doarway was fillcd with heads and bodies ai clenks, merchants and customere. The accident, according ta Uic ladies, occurred when their car <Contlnu.d on page 6) Quick Action T a k e n When Complaints of Indecent Exposure Made By Cottagers Signs Wii Be Put Up __ Several camplaints of indecent exposure by bathers at Bowman- ville Beach were answered by town council on Thursday night when, they unanimously agreed that stcps should be taken ta cradicate the condition. Although the matter was re- ferrcd ta Uic police cammittce, a motion was passed favoring Uic erection ai signs warning baUicrs EUiat Uicy must wear tops on their bathlng suits. Scanty trunks or shorts which do nat caver thc upper portion oi Uie body arc taboo. Arrangements for cniorcing the ruflng have not as yct been made and may be leit wiUi beach resi- dents who, upon seeing any case ai indecency or aver cxposure, May be expected ta repart thc matter ta police. Orono Memorial Park was cited as a spot whcrc bathers and per- sans inUic park were not allow- ed ta appear bare from Uic walst up. In Toronto, council has also been asked ta apply strict meas- ures ta enforce proper bathing apparel, anather councillor stat- cd. The ruling is nat definite at Uic present time, but it is beed Uiat children wl not be ýaffect;çd by the new regulatian. Council did not wish ta pass any ruling which. would rcstrxict residents of the local beach because Uiey be- lieved the good will ai suxnmer citizens was a valuable asset ta Uic tawn. NeiUicr did Uicy wish Lta allow indecencyintheUicom- munity which would drive cat- tagers away in Uicfuture. 1 "Bowmanville Beach has an enviable reputation for decency," said anoUier cauncillar, "and that must be prescrved."1 E Mations were also passed in- structing tUic'Public Property Commlttae tu crcct a suitable r"Haspial" sign at Lamnbert and (Continued on page 8) Thieves Break Jeweilery Wido Stealing Watches And Three Rings PREMIER HONORED Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King Libeaas irom every province in thec Dominion, ta thse numben ai nearly 4000, gathcrcd at Uic Royal York Hotel, Toronto, August 8Ui, ta pay tribute ta their Iâberal "Chief" marking his twentieth year as leader oethec National Liberal Party.. Mrs. E. 0. Webster spent Uic holiday with hon mother, Mns. Milne in f>at Hope. I am going homo! Back ta Uic scenes wisich, ion me, are farever redohent ai memanies ai happy chihdhcod, stirring boyhoad, and optlmistic yauth. I am going ta climb Uic bank at Uic aide ai tise highway on "Montgameny's Hill", seat myself on Uic cmcrald lap ai mother canth, and feast mine eyes upon thc glory, ai the breaking, &y as it cinerges from Uic sabe'twalled chrysalis ai nlght, an&,seiai long quiveripg poncils oaivivefying ligist athwart Uic panoramnic land- scape Uiat stretches ta Uie four p9nt ofa atUiccomposa, oven unta ftaiity itaclf. Thon thnough Uic vibrant sum- mer day I shall meet Uiem, and greet Uicm, face ta face, - Uic survivtag canades ai Uic long, long mgo; hail Uiem by Uic aid famillar manlchcers; arm-ta-rm identlfy wihUicm Uic environ- monata which kncw us as young- stem~; canivasa Uic present and Uic paa t, and ta memory, at least, re- icarnate Uic Ennlskillcn which J. Manr Bas Weekend Spoiled When Re. Learne Robbers Took About $75 Worth 0f .Jewellery Thieves again invadcd Bow- manville oarly Tucsday morning, but proved not taa grasping when Uiey took two watches and three rings irom Marr's Jewellery Store window and leit other expensive items alongaide intact. Police are ai Uic opinion that Uicy must have been frightened away by somneone approachlng. The robbery was nat discovor- cd until about five o'clock and residents living aven Uic store heard no aound ai breaking glass durtag Uic night. The quarter inch. windaw had evidcntly been cut with same instrument and thon broken as it was craclçed fram top ta battom leavtag a gap large enough fironencpersan ta insert Uic upper portion af his body. Value ai Uic gooda and Uic window isestimnated ta Uic nelgis- borhood ai $150. Acting Night Constable A. J. Adams and Acting Chici Walter Hall investigmted along with Provincial Constable D. P. Morris, but no aigu ai Uic culris asbec found. tr arrinhis advertisement Uiis week takes mdvantage ai Uic robbery ta, compliment Uic thief on choatag Belmant watches and gives him instructipns on their cane fan boit nesuits. No.2 B W.3. M6 t. 1?r bulked so vast ta aur callow youth. We will halt at the spot whcre- on stood Uic aid toll gate and conjure unto aurselves Uic picture ai "Grampy" Douglas, shuffling ta Uic door ta carpet alippers and flannel nightshirt, with nightcap awry, ta coflect Uic bits ai silver from, Uic early traveller. We will pay our devoirs ta Uic site ai Uic old white fraine school hause, wheue generatian siter generation mbibed Uie rudiments ai educa- tian. We wlll pause where once st Uic Orange Hall and recail oan evening ta Uic seventies, whcn, within Uic little auditorium wc heard a budding dcli - David Rogers - thunder against Uic 11- quor traffic. Wc wlll envision Syl- vester'. ionidry - Uic industrial spark plugai Uic countryside, - a hWe oaiindustry under Uic King be - Richard and Robert. On "The Diamond" wc shall still i d existent the merchandis- ing marts where "Dan" McLeod (Contlnued on page 0)> PETERBORO FAIR BEGINS NEXT WEEK MANY FEATURES Hear Prai. G. 1. Christie ai Guelph Agricultural College, Thursday Aiternoon Tise residents ai rural munici- palities will have an oppartunity ai hearing anc ai the foremoat exponents ai farm 111e and Uic problemi ai tise farmer at Uic Peterborougis Fair, Aug. l7tis at 2 o'cbock. No anc interested in f armlng should miss this address. Visitors wil sec a wanderiul display ai. stock and exhibits in ail departments, a vaudeville pro- gram that is expected wihl excel anything. previousiy shown be- fore the grand stand. Speeding in tise ring by an exceptionaily fast string ai hanses. Canklin's Ahi Canadian Midway that appears at tise Toronto Exhibition, and evcry night a car is given away froc, thrce DeLuxe Chevrolet cars and a Standard Pontiac Coach. Froc car tickets are given with pur- cisases by merchanta in your dis- trict. You can buy befare Uic Fair opens strip tickets 4 for $1.00, saviag 40c on Uic dol lar goad for gate, grand stand or car admis- sion. Miss Eileen and Mrs. Pearl Rasamusen, Mns. Hamry Snyder, Cleveland, Ohio, have been visit- ing Miss F. M. Jewcil. Durtag their stay ail enjayed a three day motpr trip ta, North Bay, Callan- don and Windemere. Miss Jessie Dawson, Toronto, accompanied them. $10, Nellie Shanahan, Barrie; $5, Ednm Bottreli, Toronto. Mns. W. P. Corbett won Uic quilt. The social was a moat en- joyable affair, and the pastor and congrogation ai the St. Jasoph's Churcis wish ta thank Uic citizens ai- Bawmanvllle district for Uieir fine cooperation, and to Uiank all tise who so kindiy hclped ta Uic boothi and who in any wmy as- sisted. a 0 Boat Races At Caesarea Regatta Prove Faut And Poplar Feature Youg 01,1 Wimu Piïd, OiNty Dolars st 1oseph's Chuxch Lau. Social Fidey

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