- -- THE CANADiIAN STATES1QAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FOUR in. And Cousin Annabel is sick in1 bed 'witb a cold. so yau must take pitv on me and keen me comnanY. Jane bunng p the receiver. It would, sbe decided. be an excitingi adventnre. But she was fot sure that she liked Frederick Towne.. Evans walked home witb ber. The air was warmcr than it liad been for days. and f aint mists bad risen. The mist tbickened f inaliy ta a f og wbich rotled over thcmn as if blown f rom the igh - seas. Yet tise sea was mites awayi and the foz was boni in tise rivers and streams. and in the meltingz snaws. Thev found it somewhat dfficnlt ta keep td tise road. Tbey wére ai- mast smotbered in the thiçk gray masses. Their voices had a muffled saund. Evans' hand was an Jane's arm sa that they migbt kceen ta- gzether. a oo li"ane." be said. 11 madeaf a of myseif about Towne. Bu9t bon- estv-I was af raid-"I "0f wbat?" ç"That be miglit fail in laye with vou-", t "He's flot tinkinz af me. Evans, and besides he's toaotd-" "Do Yau realy feet that way eabout it. JaneY ? -«0f course-siiiy.", He conid sec ber face-but tihe. words in ber iaugbing loveiy voice gaehm a sense of reassurance. "Jny."l esîdoif I couid oniy bave van ike this aiways. Shut awav f rom the world." "But I don't want ta be shut awav I shonid feel--cagzed-"2 "Not if vanl cared." >t There was in bis tone thse hnsI- ness of intense feeling. She was Umoved bv it. "Oh, 1 know w&at you mean. But lave won't cane ta me like that - shnt in. I hbail waiit If reedam and snhn.TIb gmli over the sea - a ship in funl 5sail - a uvpsv on the road - bnt lil neyer be a gbost in a f ogZ." His hands drapped f rom ber arm. 't"Perbap)s vou'll be a pincess ins a r 'Wbv. Tw,,n cae make vouan . ar "h ovukephrigo r en Towne? I don't like it." :e "Because - oh. 1 think everybody wants Yu-ý And naw it was she wbo caugbt at bis anm in tise mist. and ieaned an it: "Ij'm nat the least in lave witb Fredeciçk Towne. And I shaîl never mnarvy a man I don't love. Evans." Wben theV came ta the littte bouse thev found aid Sophv noddiniz in thse itchen. She aiways stayed wîtb Jane wben Baldv was away. Sa Evans said "Good-night" and start- ed back. He fonnd the nath between tise aines. walked a few steps andstum- bed. He sat down on the log that had trip)ped him. He had noa wisis to go on. His dep)ression was intense,ý Niglt was bef are him and darkiess. Loneliness. And Janie would be witli Fredcrick Towne. He bad for Jane a feeing of hope- less adoration. She wauld neyer b bis. For bow could be try ta keer) her? 111'11 be a Ruli over the sea -,a shlp in funl sait - a Igypsy an'the road - neyer a ghost in a f on." And he was i ust a gzhost in a fogr Oh. wbat was tise use of ever "cfimbinzu unth cini ewave? One must, bave samnething of boue ta live on. A dream or twa - ahead. How longe he sat there lie did nat know. And all at once hlîe was aware of a pale blnr arainst the trevailing gioom. And then he beard Iane's voice olling. lEvans? evW anse pt He answered and she cameut er bim. "lYonr motiser teiepboned - an that vou bad not came home - aid sise was worried" s.She was holding tise iautern uP îta the lengtis of ber arm. In her ~-orange cloak sbe shone through the w Veil of mist. iuminous. "Mv dear." she said. gentIy, "wby ng are vanu sitting here ?" Pl" «Because there isn't any use in . goîng on." ft She iowered the iantern s0 that i shone on bis f ace. What she gaw nt, there frigbtened ber. "Are van f etl f- ingr this way because of me?" sht )eg asked in a sbakinz voice. "Because of everything." er- "Evans. 1 won't go ta the Townc )ni- if van want me ta stay." e- He lookçd up) at ber as she bei es aboye bîm wtb the lantern. SIt îa- seemed ta shîne within and witi. ve ont: like same celestiai visitor. aie "Wonld van stay. Jane. if 1 want cd it?" t s h e " Y e s . "" I d n a t i nt. He stood un. "Idnt at d- Not reailv. I'm flot quite sncb of self isb ig." bis smileý was gbastiy îer- She was ilent f or a moment. the' she said. "I'm gaoingz home with you vas Evans. Wait until I tell Spplhvb id. send Briggrs after me." go Hie tried ta protest. but sbe wa cai f irm. "I'll be back in a minute." She retnirncd presently. the lan She was gobbig. A little nco berent. ,"And von are captain of vaur gail Evans. Von. Not anyon2 £,se'd can't be.' I can be a hein. and 01 I will hliu'ail I can. Van know thal But - I love von ike s. bigz brothe - flot in any other waY. If an: tii should bappen ta van. it woul be dreadfnl for me. jnst as it wanl be dreadf ut if anvthinoe bapllened ta Baldv." ".Jan.îy. my dear. don't,"' for she was clînzinz to bis arm, crii as i f her heart would break "But I do care for vou so rnuch. Evans. I was f rafitic wben your mother teleiphoned. I wasn't quite dressed and 1 made SoPhY aet the lantern. and then I ran dQwn the nath. and looked for vou." He stopped and laid bis baud on! her sljoulder. fler weaknss. ber broken words had aroused in hn a sudden urotective tendérheSS.: "Mv littlee girl." he said. "don't. God helpinz me,. I'm gainaw ta get back And vou are going ta tigbt mv wav. Jane. do vou kniow wben I saw von coming towards me with the dimt lantern it seemned sytn- bol. Hone held out to me - seen througzh a f og. faintly. But a tight. iievertbeless." "Oh. Evans. if 1 could lqye j~ou, I would. vou kriow that." "I lcnow. You'd tic up the broken wings of every bird. You'd $rive crutches to the lame. and food to the hungrv. And, that's the wav vou feel about me." I He had let ber go now. and they stood anart. shrouded in gbostly white. "God belffinz me." be said again. "l'Il get back. Tbat's a promise, Tanev.- and here's my hand upon She gave bim ber hand. "God helffingr us botb." sbe said. He lifted her band and kissed it. Then. in silence. they walked on. until, thev reacbed the house... The Towne car was waiting, and Mrs. Follette in a f lurry welcomed - theni. "I don't sec why you didn't ride aver witb bim." "He hadn't corne. and we pre- ferred to walk"M M "What was the matter.witb you. C .TTHUS "Notbing rnnch. Motber. I'm sorry von were f ussed." He Rave- ber no furthr exf(KAtioE fane nuit on ber slippers and wentM of f in the great car. And then Ev- *E ~ s' e ans said. "I'm going over to Hal- a derys. T'. flot gqna0 lam's." dearal& yaUCfore otenu "Aren't von well, my da?" aokyr = , rWtpo "I want to talk to him." He sawa flP .Of i ber anxious look, and bent and Theni what a trust in inu kissed ber. "Dott worry, Mprnsie, --a flav<>T you've never bu I'm ail riotht." Tmstofd sud malted ope Dr. Hallam's aId estate âdjoined tSSty DourlDbmeiLt Juut the Follette farm. The doctor was reeàkr4lEd famffy Pao1 a nerve sDecialist. and went every am our grocer to give morninZ ta Washington, corning fREE faui4Orvifg iDtl'0 back at ýnigbt ta tbe quiet of bis Yau'flget bath for the PrI charrnin bhorne. He was unmar- ried and waslooked after by men- servants. He bad been mucb inter- Ardao ested in Evan's case. and bad' in The asa fact had charge of it. Shdd .The doctor wss by tbe library f ire, ~ 2 smoking a cigfar and reçadingz a Campy brown boak. He welcomed Evans LirniSed. heartily. "I was wonderinic wben Yon would turu up aRaW" He showed the titie of bis book. "BOS- welI. There was a man. As great as the man be wrote about. and we are iust beginnlng ta find it ont." "Rare edition ?" Evans sat down. "Yes. Got - it at Lowdermilk's mother called f rom the nstairs, yesferday." thongbt vou were neyer cominR."1 "We've oodles of aid books on Our shelves. Ougbt ta selt them, lîife came rnnning un. and ent suppose." ing ber room found ber propped "I wouldn't seli anc Of mine."o44hrplws Hallam was empbatic. "I'd rather ,'Mother." said Evans, and stc murder a baby." lookinoe down at ber. "I4allam wa Evans f lamed' snddenly. "I'd selI me ta seil same of the old boc mine, if I conld get the things I and use 'the manev tao oen an ivant." f ice." "I don't want anythinix as rnncb "Wbat kind of an office? ~ as I want mv books." "Law. In town." "I do. 1 want if e as I used ta "But are yau well enongb. live it." ans?" The doctor sat up and 1aoed at him. "You meanf before the war? " He savs tbat I am. He s .Yes." that I mu$t tbinic that I am w "Good." Muther." "I'm tired of being haif a man. "ýBut-"I IIf there's anv wav out of it. I want "Dearest. don't spoil itw vou ta tell me." doubts. It's my hf e. Mother." The doctor's eyes were brigbt witb There was a look on his f înterest. He knew the f irst syifp- which she had flot seen since toms of recovery i sncb cases. The return. UDlîfted, cager. A iigbl nenrastbenic ciuaiity of Evans' trou- his eyes. lîke the iight wbich1 ble bad robbed himn af initiative. His shone in the èes of a boy. wakingz-up was a 'Prarising. sign. She found it dif ficult ta spe "The tbinoe ta do, of course. is ta "My dear. the books are vojirs. zet ta work. Wýhy don't you open as van think best." an af fice ?", He teaned over and kissed1 "A f at chanèe I'd bave of Retting lifting ber a bit. There was ene clients." as well as affection in the iuick "I think they'd couic." ress. She drew herself awav lau, The doctor smoked for a tirne in ing. breatbiess." "How strongz silence. then he said. "Decide On are." something bard ta do, and 49 it. "Arn I?' Wetl. 1 thinkr I am.1 Do it if voù feel you are gaiiig ta I arn 'going ta conquer the.. w! die in the attempt.- Mumsie." There was sonaetingý inspiring ta His exaltation lasted during Evans in the idea. Hard thinRs. reading of the diary. It was a .Tbat was it. He poured out <lie little book. and the Pages were w -$tory of the past few days. The ten close in bis fine f îrm script. iwful scene wîth Rusty. Tauigbt 1in found thins between the Icaves the for under the pines. "Wai4ed four-leaved claver Jane hads rre than anytbing ta drap ntarelf hinm when be made the fot îifthe river." teani. A rose, colarless. andc 1He was waiking the fioor. back Florence Prestan bad 'given il and forth. lirnping to anctegeOf im. the rug. then limping ta h otber. He drbpued the rose in the wa "Then Jane came. ittle JaneMye'- basket. How could be Ê*verh Von know ber. and she told mie- thonght of Florence? Love wasz wbere ta gzet off - said I was- thingr of bIne eyes and pale9 captain of my sont - He stqpped hair. It was a thingr of f ire in front of the doctor. and sniiled f lame and f ighting. whimsicallv. "Are any, of us cap- Fighting I That was it. Witb tains of aur souls. dactor ?" back ta the wall - and winniigi "P'li be darned if I know.". The For same day he meant ta dactor was întenselv serions. "Will- fane. Did she tbink she couic Power bas a lot ta do wjkIitbings. in t&ewarld and nat be bis? Apj The tronble is when vaur will won't she lovred strength she wouldh work-" it. He bent bis head in bis barc "Mine seems ta be wgrking on bis bands clasped tensely. i one cylinder." Again Evans was was a oraver ini. bis beart. Pacing the mgi. "But that idea Of wholc beinoe acbed witb the agany an office appeals ta me. It will his ef fort. take a bit of maney. thougli. And it "Oh. God. let me f igzht andi is rather a problem ta know where Brintz me back ta the fulIl mew ta zeCt it." of a man." "SelI some of the aid books. Vil Again he opened the book. But btbem." Ilrinedverse,' dronpAedton f it.1 *final admonition. "but I belie.ye yon time. One deadly moment *ben *can do it. And- when th&ngs go butler took mv avercoat Poor De *wrongz. iust honk and l'Il lend van onit not ta dance where there *some rzas," bis, biz laugli bçomed butlers." >* out. as thev stood in the door ta- Antnmn came: "fane and Ii "l- bave a lantern." Evans -picked is makingz ielly and go is Jane. it u)fiom the porcb. vines were a gýreat tangle. Shu When Evans reacbed home b;s amonir tbem we seemed a tisai miles awav f rom the wo.rld. Jane ter Billv Jolins in Tomonto. . . Mms. made berseif a wreatb of grand teaves. and looked like a nvmpb of the woods. I told ber sa and she gazed at me -with those gfreat Rray eves of bers and said. 'Evanis, wben tise gads were voung thev muist have lived like this-witb grapes for their food. and tise birds ta, singz for them. and the lîttle wiid things of the wood for campany. It would be heaven- lv. wonldn't it?' Sbe's a queer kid. Lif e with ber wonidn't be bumdrnm. Sbe's sa intensely herself." "We talked a bit about the war. I told hem, . Isbould go if France neede.i ume. I amrn iz gta wait until thîs countrv Rets inta it. We owe a debt ta France. . ." 1He' stouped' tfiere. andi closeti the book. He did flot -care ta, read far- ther. Oh..'bis debt ta France* had been aid. And after tha± daY withs' Jane amafir the tangled vines tbings bad rnoved fasten-and faster. He didu't want ta tbink of it... (Continued next week) Nestie ton Recent Vîsîtors: Mrs. Georgze Nesbitt aild Mrs. B. Morrison. Toronto. with Mn. and M ,syHrold Nesbitt. . . $liss Vemna McNiv Blacifstock. witb Miss Jean Malcolm. . . Mr. Robt. Campbell witb Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black.. . Miss Margzaret Steele witl1 Miss El- len Emerson. . . Mrs. I. Joblinf witb Mrs. K. Burton. -. . Mms. R. C. Jackson lbas, retumnet f rom vîsitingr in HaIilevbnry- witb hem dangliter. Mms. Archie 'MoifÉdt. .. Rv. H. W. Foiey. Bqwrnanville. witb Mm. and Mrs. Henry Sheffield... Mas- Albert Abbatt. Ottawa. witb ber is- ter. Mrs. Percy Pbilp. .. Msss Edizàr and Raîpli Emerson witb Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. . . Me. and Mrs. 'Jas. Dickev witb Mm. Reid Dickev. . . Mrs. George Hicks and daugliter. Shirley, Toronto. witb hem parents. Mr. and Mms. Wm. Arm- strongr. .. Mms. Emily Eomter. To- ronto. witb Mms. Jas. Wil1igtFion. The induction service for Rev. T. Kennedy in the Pesbyterign Churcis on Thursdav eveningl was weît at- tended. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt on the arrivaI of a son. Service in tbe United Churcli ou Sundav mamniug was well 'îttended when Rev. H. W. Foley's addness was mucli appreciated. alsa the love- iv duet bv Misses Verna McNaity and Jean Malcolm. Rev. J. Fombes will be tbe minister next Sunday morning. Nestîcton W.I. met at the home of Mms. M. Emerson Ang. ie.withi 35 ladies and chîldren p)resent It Nwas Granduiothers' Day. Tbç poram was in charge of Mms. H. Taylor. Mrs. Grandi. Caesarea. eceived a Prize for beingz the aldest grand- tmother and Mrs. Austin Brown, the n)rizd for the yaunocst izrandmathem. Contest was won bv Mms. Bella Richardson. Blackstock. A bearty vote of tbanks was given Mrs. Emer- son and the ladies in charge.- Mms. K. Burton bas atujfered a stroke but is impmoving sa'.ly. Cancer martality, 'w.hich has been sa seriausly iucrcasing ycar by ycar, may have rcached its peak. In 1937, the deaths li Can- ada totallcd 11.961; iu 1938, 11,980 - a difference of anly 19. ,aste- bave' i't a _I j old T A VNVI I y'rnourishment .miIk. gives! 'f. y' things baby noods in bis busi- nos' of growing up. Hoe gets' nourisbmnent, vitaaninu, miner- ais and alts ... ail nooossary elements -. t h a b build utrong boisanad oud bodies. Give him Gei Ras 1 hnoGLEN RAE DAIRY 3885 sfaDOW manvile Miri Ap Uorqaffi/r Gutta Percha Tires are so11 aud reeommeAded by: MCKEEVER & SMITH Ternperante Street Dou=anvllle THURSDAY, AUGUST lOTI!, 1939, 7777P