m THURSDAY, AUGUST 10TH 19391 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO PG EE Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Fløtchei and packaged and ready to be delivered Forestry Association, Montreal. in family spent their holiday visiting to, the ;zrocer. Tollowingz afternoon an interestingz address stated that 0 AL ANISher sister at Lewiston, New York. " S AL tea at the plant the whole couvention public sentiment in favor of conser- SOCIAL AND "ERSON L Mr. nd Mr. G. hoemakr and PERSO ALIR arty was taken on a tour of- the vation in large sections of Ontario I H I N Mlr. nd S.G.ahoemakr and Whirloool Rapids and a see.cial in- is already a mile and a half ahead PHON E 663 Ms .Shoen ake and e ildrn, terview with William "Red" Hill. of the leadership provided and in his FROM THE STATESAIIE L ------ 1Kitchener, are visiting their sis- th an whoa saved a many peo- opniaor membertheofstreunslatpre ti 14. Ralph Ames, Claremont, Molly spent the weekend with ter,. Mrs. Charlie Bickle. THIEF The Crystal Ball Room was the Public sentiment. His remark brought FIFTY YEARS AGO donmknqra mrvmn visifed at home. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nind, Crys- Mr. and Mrs. Monty Allen, scene of the Tropby Dinner at 7 p.m. hearty "Hearl Hears l" from the thr..11rcQaeistkn Miss Éelen Gunn, Toronto, is tal Lake. Buffalo, N.Y., have been visiting the awho to ecoiBn when the various trophies wr r. audience. He also cited the case, of a From The Canadian Statesman, chrefDrllmn' oki holiayig a hoe. r. arod VSleonGenralrelaitives here Mr. Robt. Nichol- otwthsfo u - sented to the winners in several con-. Euronean lumber company' which August , 1889 his ne hldyn thm.DHoiaro oVis tan Gson an d Miss Effietirris returned dont whis k. He showed tesiEditor David Williams of thehabeuoertns70ersa.M.Clece utnhsr- Dr. dand Mrs C W. Slon are is father' practice ith them for a visit. discriminatio rand excellent C41inzêd óBulletin-Ente-rprse who bthda h rsn time a better Courtice: Mr. Luther Courtice ture fomapasnhliy holidaing m urton. holidays.. ,r and Mrs. Otto Mayers, taste in choosing 15 jewel was presented with a life member- stand of timber than when they be- has returned from his holiday atlaksSuo n ice Miss Ruth James has been vis- Hamilton, spent the weekend with Belmont, among the fin- ship mi the association had the plea- gan.trpoRieLk...M.W. r.ad rsAlxTyrae Iting Mrs. L. M. Keith, Toronto. Miss Florence Acheson, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Maynard. Mrs. est watches on the market sure of cutting the Birthday Cake in Main speaker was Hon. E. C. Courtice, Mitchell, has been re- hidaigatelwrsSs. - L. Rowe and son Brenton, To- Stan Kitchen returned to Hamil- to-day. honour of the twentieth birthday of Drury. -former Premier of Ontario. newmng old acquaintances here. shanvnadoteietr .Mr. Gilbert Jones visited rela- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry ton with them for holidays. the association. President Frank and a man who has devoted much- Cartwright: Jno. Axworthy Jr. pints tives and friends mn Buffalo, N.Y. Humphries.Mran s.FncsSto We also appreciate his Burns was made the recipient of a time to encouragingr reforesation and has been very sick but is recover- Ms onN areadMs Miss Dorothy Bedford is visit- MranMr.WlimWto M.adMs.FncsStn thoughtfu;K In breaking -lovely engraved silver trav for his conservation work in Simcoe and ing. . . Our pretty village is fre- Mideatnedhewdngo ing her uncle, Mr. W. H. Barrett, Hamilton, have been holidaying aebc rmtesme col tesalro h w i- capable leadership as oresident dur- other counties. quently visited by a number Of hernee(isJa chro Orono.wthepaetMadMr. in music at Western University, dows• ingr the nast year. The guest speaker His address dealt with history of Port Perry young men on Sun- in Trno ody Mr. Arthur Cully spent the holi- .J ul.Lnc t rSt as oo May we remind him that Don Henshaw of A. McKim. Lim- the movement since its inception 37 daysir.toMr. William Parr is mov- Mran Ms.N E.Gud day weekerid with friends in Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Smith, St. chology. watches, if worn steadily, ited, Toronto. Rave an amazing ad- vears ago and with the jeasons foring 1S nwue nBowaveinnuc h n Belleville. Catharines, have been holidaying. need cleaning at least once dress entitled 'What Can You Do reforestaton. KigS.gagmnfteryugrduh Mr. ad Ms .Sm ,S with his parents, Mr. and Mrls. Port Hope Brass Band will pay a year. We specialize in With A Guy Like That?" During "When I saw the waste lands we Hampton: Mr. Thomas Ward is terIatM.C.EnsRed. . a Mr. J Syons Sd-DucnSih a return visit to Orono Memnorial that type of work and alse, the course of his discourse Mr. Hen- nassed through today and the fine still weak and confined to the Temriaewl7tk1lc bury, are visiting their daughter' Mca mih Park on Sunday afternoon, Aug- In making repairs. shaW gave Various examples of forests I felt like a parent who house. . . Mr. H. J. Hoidge leaves earyietme Mrs. F. W. Nelles. Mr. Byron Vanstone and Mr. 13th. This band is colorful and Deonle who go around beçittling the watches his first child begin to creep, this week for an extended ti Mid Jan el, TrotospntDonald Williams are on a motor plays exceptionally well. Be on Ifohrpsnsaent- deeds of others and finished ui) each but who is not sure the child is not through Manitoba. His wife and M.Abr efo h od the weekend with Mr. and Mrs ttanDetroit and other points hand for an enjoyable afternoon. edIn nehallca eesdar time with the subject of his dis- ricketv. The work is,progressing too., son will stop with her parents un- YadTrorni berCsie H. M. Bell, Horsey St.wMr Ged ogu tcharh sa Mr.Ariga, r.C . ding s nes wPith te, course. He also gave examples of slowly for the amount to be done." he til he finds a suitable place to byte"itra"oMh la Mrs. G. F. Jamieson is visiting Mti erin Critet alar, o- awkr, Ms.A . M. WillamrsC.A d obut busleassmkeithduring peoule who worry about whether stated. . .locate. bn, o vstwt finsi hepitr r. .L pe, atiant i htiH o dpi thl, Mr Jaes.. Willi avesben butpsne hoursiandumein there is goingz to be a war or not Reforestation is undertaken for Tyrone: The masons and car- th hmlad Laer CharmngC . Uhis ft ènospentheeweeken dwitholid ayingWiithmr.ad Mrs. A. sihessrontdor. n o u instead of enjoymez life as it is. The four reasons. first, the production of penters have been busy repairing Mare:Cakh akr-A Mises a Wi tu;.Le it' Kl hre oldofsk t ther taMs .thefot o.Party adiourned to the Rainbow Deck timber to replace our fast dimmnish- the school house. . . One of Mr. Wigg, Oshawa, were guests o Lionel Parker, Horace. Moses Algonquin Park, Northern On- of the hotel where the remainder of inz supplies of lumber. New uses are T. Scott's horses got badly injured S JnsCuc omn Mrs. John Barton. and Frank Osmond are spending tario.ar the evening was spent in dancinv to being found for wood at a rate which mn a barb wire fence recently. . . gb a week's holiday at Norland on ' ITI 's I BU U the scintillating rythyms of 'Tack is increasingz much faster than the Mrs. Sam Pollard Sr. is danger- MrEnetCakndMsSrh Dr. W. and Mrs. Tennant and Shadow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Crawford and his orchestra. olanting. We are being woo1 starved ously ill with congestion of the Lous akr oho omn daughter Winnifred are on a mo- Sigecpe fTeSatesman and r oadPcad on Phone«463 Bomnvle The business session resurmed Sat- Water control is another important liver. v1e to rptoQee.are on sale at this office or local and Miss'Vivian Martin, Toronto, urday mnorningz with committee re- factor in reforesting, because tracts Kendall: Mr. Alex Wannan and Miss Annie McAllister, Toronto,ý book stores at 5c a copy; also at spent the weekend at Limberlost, ports and other discussions. At noon of wood land conserve moisture. vre-| wife of Bowmanville are staying spent the weekend with her sis- stores at the lake. Huntsville, taking mn the sports a complimentary luncheon was given vent erosion. heln to maintain our at his father's, Mr. Jas. Wannan. 3 pO ..PCI ter, Mrs. R. Rtogers' isIeeRolnHmlo and regatta at Port Carling on Vernon Knowles Toronto, when Wm. subterranean streams and wells and) Mr. H. McGill and Miss McGill Mr. and Mrs. Morley Oke spent M.sMarkn Ron,'Staitord' Civic Holiday. Wedding E. Stewart. M.L.A., and Ex-Mayor mnake for fertile soil conditions. They have returned from Califormia, the holiday in Montreal, guests of were holiday guests of Mr. and Mr. T. H. Knight is sporting a of Toronto spoke on "The Influence also nrevent floods in freshet season Mr. Roger Green le.ft town last Hato Wme'Iniuemt Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Oke. Mrs. T. H. Knight. beautiful wrist watch these days Needham-Gould of. the Press On Citizenship." He because soi]lin a forest is never week for a position mn Ingersoll. fia hr uiesmeiga l Mrs. H. A. Farrow, St. Cathar- Mr. and Mrs. W. Alma, Toron- received as a prize for comning noomtedl out that like*a business every touched by frost and never sealed CThe Upper Canada Funtu lotreora akeTusa f ines, has returned home after to, parents of Mrs. Jim Pickard, first in an insurance contest. So On Saturday. August 5th, at the citizen is a shareholder in running from absorbingz moisture. When C. bastsecuredPube connd S othl.iernoatrwihapormo visiting Mrs. Tru Power. aehldyn tte"ao" the next timne you see Tom don't home of, the bride's Parents. CLinton. Canada and it is ui) to each one to thaws come, snow and ice goes sard schoonew Pbic andsSu rts a noe b h ag Miss Kay Cudlip, Hamilton, is King Street East.- say "How are you?" but."Could Ont.. Miss Clara Gould was umited see that everyone makes a success away grradually and through an ab- M.C .Cwe a odhsnme faut n hlrnoe staying with her great-ans h r n Ms acl a-you tell me the correct time?" in marriagre with Harold G.Need- 'of his certamn owers and ability. sortion Docess, lahile -on 1washeit e riving pony to r. Richard hsnt.Foigi h ito ae Misses Allen, Beech Avenue. braith, Kalamazoo, Mich., are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke and hamn. son of Mr. and •u. Mr . n the afternoon a trip through frost thefrst th an is seaff the Moore of Brooklin. andcnstwih ine: Mr. and Mrs. F. Rouse- and holidaying al; their cottage at Miss Irene Wright have returned NeedhaiciBte h thle. ent rnc the courtesy of Buntin-Reid Co.. To- a r d sell the rirst fod rs . igibthamMr ad oonrce:bosfanfgrl.heys daughter Frances, Brantford, vis- Bowmanville Beach. fromt visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur oLane bo a . moher.Mis Donalda roto was xrmad ie t Ol FoEre. levels, Mrs. J. Higginbotham Jr., and anduerFaninTulndB- ited their niece, Mrs. F. V. Ott. The Misses Allen, Beech Ave., Oke and family at their surrmmer CreasserriBowmanvile. cou&in of the te old a )rtsante stirtt tsel Otlher arguments in favor of re- family, Oshawa, Mr., and Mrs. H. triceCag rrs o6vs.Dr Welland, spent the weekend with sant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. frQeemteLuetas oone yM.Ens mt f o e hb ktsand areas and a debatable voirnton Mrs. T. Hoar, Fred Hoar and Tony to 6vs.BueCvry ap her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ball, Richmond Hill. Miss Gloria returned with thernm aius. N.Y. EThestbride, dress d shoun.The varrious atcesentte osbltphtfrests ay av Mitchell are rusticating this week Petr:irs6to8y..Den Cully. ~~~Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilkins frasothldy in a lonar white crene dress with have been found near the sight of somte effect on rainfall. In France,ytesoe fLk cgg alb.Ja ri:by.6t. r. Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Wilson and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mrs. J. Clark Bell and son Ian sheered bolero and wearing a finger- the battle. Some of these things were they have found that rainfall is more The Cycling Club's run this Donl(ht. ebi ri;grs and Donald, Toronto, are visiting .Richards motored to Callander sailed from Quebec August 3rd tin veil. entered the roomi onthe arm pretty well worn but are val.ued for plentiful in forested areas than in week will be to Hampton. 8 t 0ysEhlGlet hre with Mrs. Wm. Clark, Division and saw the quintuplets. on, the Empress of Australia to of her father to the strains of the their historical connections. 'One of waste lands, he said. Towspeople miss the regurpinge os o1 r. r Street. Miss Lorna Clarke is hldy visit relatives and friends mn the Wedding March fflayed by her sister. the interesting items was an old. We must return our waste lands whRobinson.eBob Craig:. Cirl. to Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith and Miss ing at home after having taken a British Isles. It lis expected Mrs. Miss Kay Hanthorn. bridesmaid, was steel helmet and chest plate t.hat had into forests he concluded. And it "Me.adMsMthw n Š..10tn2ae1iyAli u special course in music at Jarvis Bell will return early mn October attired in a full-length blue taffetta been pierced by a. bullet during the doesn't take longz for a forest to Miss Lizzi havegonet en o sRb ysrs1 Street Collegiate, Toronto. buda il ean nE nto irown with gold accessories çarrymg course of the war leaving a big zap- go sufficiently to act as a water- thesbLmyreezaes andelthful oyrF o F Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bellman cniu i tde a bouquet of. Sweetheart roses. while inir hole. The feature that attracted shed. Withmn ten -years, there will ir fMsoafrF e ek.braye2t oePtr announce the marriage of their Twelve Rangers of the 1st the bride carried a bouquet of Amer- the largest crowd was the guard at be sufficient growth and it has been ai fMaster Chars Nichols hs Bob er:s elde vr1 ESeIfAY OR ald Hannah of Bowmanville. with groups from Oshawva and Westnutt. Bowmanville, attended the was dressed in the uniform of an old sits tibe reaped from sucd-,1:efor- hsvcto.-meidlde.Ms odnBetN L agtr lr ae oM.Dn omnil rot'gte cnBat oe.M.Rgadteetac ote ot hsmnooe hr r naclal ee oe oWraNYt pn r ainJhsPalGlet Member Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith, Al- Whitby, are camping on Cameron groom., British Infantry .man. He had an im- Braiead rese y .baitz totaadesaMs.H.on. M; bys Canadian Shoe Re-builder's bany, N.Y., spent the weekend Lake near Fenelon Falls.It is a A background of fern and gladiohi movable expression- on V- face at Princial Freser. Toronto. adW' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AG thrwn4alit e.BbHny Guild with her sister, Mrs. Jim Pickard, two week camp, the girls return- with an, evergreen arch. made a all times while on duty either in H.Proicaorte eTor oteFrr'laisthongblinto kegWMrs. and visted her parents at ' the mng next Tuesday. The local di- lovely settmni for a very pretty wedd- front of his pill box or patrolling Adv oater.andia mn of h asfos- From The Canadian Statesman, peryCn:tmae pn oi IMPORTANT "Manor.". vision is under the leadership of in. A lawn reception was held im- the âlrawbridge. His poker face was tere and aromotedresf osio August 6, 1914Trl:witeoenLois ru: Nelet f et anerus M. ndMr. i. ayar adMiss Grace Werry. mediately following the ceremony, the magnet of many remarks by k kiand k ff bottretaton iB Nelet f ee dngros Mr and MrsGeorge ekington, Capt. and Mrs. Sidney J. Lodge after which the bride and groom left moule tryingz to make him relax his work througzhout Ontario. concluded Salemn: Miss Effle Rutledge b, Petc:bas nIsr Why takre chances'? Donald, Joan and Doreen, spent a and family, Olive,,Helen, Metcalf, for points in the United States. . facial features. After this toutr after- tAmDong toersntre-M. treated the choir to lemronade and en. ee ige uk ot pn Do not experiment with cheap week at a cottage at Gravenhurst, Winthrope, of Briarley Miltary On their return Mr. and Mrs. H. noori tea was served by courtesy of Donig. Wae rent SmceCounty cake. . . Sorry to, hear Of Mr. ReaCn:bnsibotoe. Shoe Repairing Muskoka. Academy, Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Needham _will reside on Carlisle Ave.. the Çanadian Niagara Power Co. at .owand . M r. e o SimcTesu tFler t Cator's 1i11nes.tech1iss Ms o hpa:ods ayo Me elDae A Cll dFred Gale, Mr. Robert Gale, Whit- Bowmanville. Frk rie. aSiM. Sasoel as eosrer B arr e ampbellwil ec'hre gons r.Js utsvugs Your ea ••Glnd1ryn saffMao &b, TMrntBe r.aMss Wood-oMr.and rsiJlHlNeehao in hat thecnealioncenas one Simcoe. who was given creditfor ender.Shisiglreo-byonrud.RnadCmn. LivelhoodDale's.Hardware Store, had theircokTrntM.ad rsGr-Bw nvle and Mr., and Mrs. ýof the best in the 20 years of the promotidn of Simncoe's expansive Solina Station: Two valuable Aot10stdw oaslni eron Lake. esmpB a in s yan were amongi the guests vresent. Bert. Mortlock, associate editor of Dast four years.. the track a mile west of the sta- fortercsadcnet(eepe Depend on. Mrs. Lorne Stevens left Sunday am, se . the Fort Erie Times-Review ad .Musical entertamnment was pro- tion, one belonging to Mr. Fred senewhccocudaotra- ound Hehby M fr aholdaytri ntoWinipe,,M.Mad. Ms.narr E.Bartettarrg frmely f Te Satemanstaf. ide bytheOrooafartete.Nicoll an th oterdo M.hnal nteestng venMoftheW.I Exprinc i bete tan Man., where she will visit friends. and family and Mr. Ed. Haggith FR N "DW L for the assistance iven in making Thos. Clemens, both of Courtice. Experie ente hn Her daughter Ruth is vacationing have returned froâma two weeks' SPEAKS OVER CBC local arrangements for entertaining They say "meet me at the foun- Hampton: Mr. Ambrose Tre- DeptthmainagDobr xperimentin Oakville. trip through the, north country, the editors and their wives at Nia- tain" is being superceded by nouth has purchased the building is hlighson.i hspo We have a complete Cubs - the new toasted whole travelling through Hal i bur t on ' In connection with the unveil- gara and Fort Erie. "imeet me at the flag-pole" at the formerly used by Mr. R. Katerson vine-i atat sn hr wheat ready-to-eat cereal, is mak- County, camping - at Loon Lake ing of the cairn and tablet at the About 160 of the delegates left Canadiah National Exh ib i ti on. as a furniture store. .. Mr. W. R. is abte akto odfr She selè. ing many healthy friends. Get several days and then on through Martyrs' Shrine at Midland, Sat- Sunday morning for a 4-day side trip Small wonder either, because the Allin is improving nicely and will horehnteehsbe o For Footwise People, your free package to-day fromn Bancroft to Hybla, fishing and urday, August 5th, - the C.B.C. to the World's Fair at New York flag-pole is 187 feet high - inci- soon be around again. . . Miss Som ie'HreSosrpr your grocer. sight seeing, returming by way of presented a talk to the National. City where they were entertained by derntally it is made from a single Lily Trenouth has bought the incrae nre hlsCnd' Repars ClledFor nd M. an Mrs J. antl andMadoc to Peterboro, Rige Lake, .Network on the hiâtory of'Fort the Dominion Government and other stiek of Douglas fir - and simply cottage north of the Town Hall preirHreSo.edi h Deaielivaedred. n faMilyavedrerned fromoli-andhaving had a swell trip. Sté.ý Marie, by Franklin Davey dignitaries. cud't e iss ted! Sg-ol-e t from Mr. e:A. . eng.colsumArnaattetanida daying at West Lake, and brought The Statesmnan staff fis indebted MéDowell, Publicity Representa- yourfredathelg-oeths Enkie:A nwcmntNinlExbtonssofu- Phone 625 with them a good catch of fish, to that genial soul Mr. Wmn. L. tive of the C.N.R. year --it's well worth an inspec- walk has been laid at the Presby- isigta svrlcasiiain fifty pounds. Virgin for a beautiful bouquet of Mr. McDowell, who is a native FORESTRY TOUR tion. terian Church and other repairs hav enaddti er gladioli. When Mr. Virgin brought of Bowmanville, reviewed the themn in Friday afternoon he said history of the Fort from its found- (otne ri ae1 that he had read of others bring- ing three hundred years ago by (cnnudrmPae1 jing in potatoes, so he thought he Samuel de Champlamn, and comn- berland forest north of Cobourg, A IS HE ' OM HEAR DR. G. 1. CHR#SITIE would be disrerent and bring a mented on the fact that the cere- followed by luncheon among the L DE !H R O E HN E bouquet of flowers. The gladioli mnonies conducted by Hon. W. E. pines. Speakers included Dr. J. President of The Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, are of various shades, ranging Matthews at the unveiling on B. Reynolds, former President of on Thursday Afternoo», August 17th at the from a deep red to the most deli- August 5th, marked the 300th O.A.C., who stated that mistakes Petrboo Agicltuàl xhbitoncate pink. anniversary of the founding of had been made in many walks of Peteborogh griclturl EhibiionHo-hum! How time flies-and the Fort. life, but that the greatest mistake J vm e 99 on wings of song, too! Day-before- was in .the denudation of the A compact contained in a powder puf.I' Cenêtral Ontario's Class ,A" Agricultural yesterday no house was complete countryside by mndiscrimninate cut- without a piano, yesterday it CONVENTION ting of trees. He recommended a sensation. Contains ten da*s supply ofpodr Industrial Fair seemed that the Canadian Na- that every effort be made to re- does not spill powder, is 'completely sanitaan tional Exhibition catalogue was claimt and restore lands to their Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday nothing but ads. for talking ma- (continued from page 1) original condition. Lowest . may bç washed 100 times. Made possible'b od 'Aug. 1I 6th 'Aug. 17th Aug. 18fth Augf. 19th chines, to-day it is radio, and n.ow tm*aern1oth 1i-on- f Pofso . .Cvnty n- ya' raincle 'ArFa " Adi' it ooklke o-orrwwllbrm vriof oronto,.prsented ai pricOstincale ' irPam' -onêýfe-ë-o"e-son---wh-é hsin huge f ornaces with a temDerature hall, served by the Women's In- aiaBdo.-ð It's a Great Frair - Don't »is It - Spend One Woe typical Britisher and retired Eng. of 5000 degrrees Farbenheit. To ob- stitute and presided o'ver by T. A. 1000 seets Celsee d 5z' - s50 ,Day and Evening. to See It All lish gentleman çAlled at our of- tain the finished aeticle it is nec- Reid, Clarke, Warden of United Ceery Be, oz. - Do T WinaCr You Must Rave Your a sWt fice and greete4 us with a smile essary to treat it with lieuid air at Counties-of Northumberland and t h ol Alumn - - - 2 O To a eCarit and warm wogidà .,of renewed 300 degrees below zero. After. seeiniz Durham - lm o pw and Be On The Grounds To Obtain Ï Car friendship in characteristic Devon the marvellous way of mianufactur- In ikeeping with forestry spirit, flrm5cop po1.7 If You Rave The Winning Number dialect. For a number of years, ingz this fertilizer it is no wonder the head table guests each re- 2fr ,« eokle Mixture AdmssonatGae 5o - Gai San 3o since retirement from active bus- that such gzood results are obtained ceived a "Strobus" bird perched 1 gai.--. 25o -- Admission eat Gaton350o- - -GCa s tGand 35e iness, it has been his custom to by farmers who make use of it, on a pine pedlestal, and A. H. ResedredSat aecto50e -.-.-. . -. Cra ae 35c visit relatives in Canada about In the afternoon the ladies were Richardson presented W a r d e n..A'ssepiee.se Chilren t Gae 1e - - - - Gand tand15e every other year. When the late taken on a special tour of. the Shred- Reid with a wooden gavel, suit- CESCR Children's Day Wednesday, August 16th, Children 5o aitgais M. A. James was living he never ded Wheat factory which. accordingz ably inscribed, and made from CESCR and grand stand.| failed to give hima a call as they to the Statesman advertisingz columns, Scotch pine planted in the origin- MM SMMS Sav 40 onbuyg vee sale tickets, a strip of 4 tickets both were natives of Devonshire is makingz a new breakfastfood call- ai Northumberland Forest m 924 forSave04-Gongado ance o ,ad tnd and found much in common to ed "Cubs" which is meetingz with Siveakers incluýed W. F. Rickard. I fo 1.0-Godo gt r rn sa.talk about. Mr. Major , was in instant ai)oroval. This p)lant proved M.P.« C. G. Mè/rcer. M.L.A. and g 1y eggh x M EVERYONE BAS A GREAT-TIME AT THE town with his brother-inàlaw; W! to be highly interestingr from all re- former Warden M. J. Elliott who PETnaq0aouG RITION. John Harris, and the Misses HarL nöi-ts. They saw how the shredded welcomed the guests an<d extended PETR OOUH E .ris of Agincourt who were on wheat biscuits which grace our izreetings, and several other men UNIED 01GAR S ORE PresciriptionsaSpcat their way to visit Mr. Fred tables at breakfast time were vro- from- Durham. Simcoe and otherAEIYPhn 79Bo m Vle F. 3. A. HALL, Secretary. THOS. BROWN, President. - Brimacombe at Kirby whose fa- duced from the time it was a little o)oints in the p)rovince, hn 9 t her came from Lifton. -kernel of grain until it was. all Robson Black, Managzer Canadian