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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1939, p. 8

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n A r.r rtrfl.r PjAGE IEH SPORTNEWSI Locals Drop Second Straight As CobourgPonies Defeat Royals 4-1 Bowmanville Royals dropped Street tied that team for the ]ast their second straight game and playoff spot. their fourth tilt of the year when A combination of wildness on Gordon Smoke pitched the Co- the part of starting pitcher Horn, bourg Ponies to a 4 to 1 victory indifferent piaying by the Pepsi last Wednesday in Cobourg. Cola team and some timely hit- moeting by Front Street sent the lat- The Ponies laid down a mk ter into an eight run lead in the screen that was too effective for initiai turn at bat. With this mar- the slumping Royals as he gaveg twoknth Man te Up niyfou his nd t ws olyartists coasted along on a fine because of his own wiidness that pitching effort by the ambidex- Bowmanvile did any scoring. trous Billy Mason until the sev- Ed Witheridge joined the other enth when the aroused Sof t Drink three pitchers who have worked supporters pounced on the tiring for the Royals this year by losing Mason for nrne runs. However, one gaine. The stocky southpaw since Hub Hooper and his gang allowed only two bits but the had kept picking away at Semple Royals had the jitters in the first for runs in every inning except ixmmng and three errors plus a the fifth, ail this ciosing rally did waik and a safe bunt sPelled was cause a bit of excitement. Cames of the We.k Thursday - Front St. and Pepsi Colas. Friday - Varcoes play All Stars. Cobourg plays Royals. Saturday - Courtice plays Salem. YOUNG PIGEONS FLY Bowmanviile Racing P ig e on Club flew its second young bird race August 5th, from Guelph, 72 miles air uine, with these re- suits: F. Bottreil - 1 hr, 55 mins, 54 sec. F. Bottrell - 1 hr, 56 mins, 24 sec. L. Richards - 1 hr, 56 mins, 54 sec. Bricks and. Bouquets BY NELSON OSBORNE Per John M. ZaMes This week Richard (the Lion Heart) Osborne, otherwise known as ",Snoop and Scoop", bas for- saken us and thîs column for a brief vacation in Detroit. As there are many items of interest, we shall endeavaur ta pass out the piff le until bis return. The town softball setup is a iruddle. Alter twa months af do- or-die struggling, two teamns fin- ish tied for first place and two others are tied for third. Front Street came tirrougb with a clout- ing bee last week ta stay in the fight with Don Mason burling the full gaine. On a Iew occasions he bégan ta tire and the Pepsis smasbed the missle pîenty but not enougir ta overcame the large .ead the merchants piled up-in the opening chapters. At the moment, Front Street appear quite formnid- able, but-then, perbaps we could be prejudiced. White Rose puiled a surprise attack on Tuesday nigbt by de- feating the slugging Goodyearites rather badly aithougb minus their ace hurler, Richards, wha bas started ta work in the rubber plant an the 5 ta 2 shift, more or Iess takig him out af the gaines ini the pîayoffs. (We're not saying a thing). Bill Brown took bis place and came througb nîoeiy except bar an abundance af wallcs. Biggest surprise af the evening was Goozey Osborne whase aI- Ierings couldn't cross the Plate. He daesn't olten bave that troub- le. Man Mounain Colwell witli bis "back zither" bail replaced hum. Goodyear bave now dropped ta second place alter ieading the league ail season, and White Rose take top mug alter battling lor battanr spot at the first af the summer. bre uns. Neither teain could lay dlaim The other Cobourg marker was to fielding wizardy, seven errors a real one as Doug Campbell being marked against each side, ri drove the bail high and far over but the losers were guilty of sev-0 the left field fence in the fiftb. eral mental errors that were not i! With one out in the last hall Of recorded.0 the lirst, Rolings outsprinted a For six innings Mason fed bis e bunt for one hall of the Cobourg screwy bail to the Pepsi Cola l total of safeties. Kent miscued on sluggers with telling effect, limit-f the next batter and Witheridge ing tbem te five hits until he tiredf passed Brooks to fli the bases. in the final framne. Perfect play b Dave Osborne lumbled on the would have held the Beverages next bitter and one run scored kings away from the plate untile and then Witheridge entered the the fifth when Dub Piper slam- spirit of tbings by erring on Mc- med a homer into right. Caig. The third run scored on a After Bates drew a walk to fielder's choice. oe h itLtl n ie The Royais threatened mildly opgednte Dfilt opLtteand HPiper ini the fourtb when Osborne and crased and Duccepsind Haimans Roach bit to put two men On Moore singled, Hunt was safe on with one out but Bagneil and a bad toss, Knight beat out an in- a Colville were unable te get the field tap and Front Street thenf bail out of the infield. A hit by madle the initial put out of ther Rickard to start the second had mnning. Bates delivered the finala been nunfliied when Roach foi- blow of the frame, a long triple.s lowed by hîtting into a double Jackie Brough led the hitters1 play. for the night with two doubles, a In the sixth Smoke lest his con- triple and a single, witb Hub trol entirely as he hit Osborne, Hooper on his heels with twa sale walked Roach, bit Bagneil and bunts and a double. Every man in1 walked Colville to force in a run. the Front Street Uine-up had at Bowmanville - Walton a n d least one hit and only the 'ninth Neal 2b; Slemon lb; Osborne ss; batter for the Pepsi Colas miAssed Rickard c; Roach rf; Bagneil cf; hitting safely. Colville If and 3b; Kent 3b and Front Street - Mason p; Rundle Cameron If; Witheridge p; Tighe rf; Brough cf; James lb;1 Hooper batted for Slemon in 7th. c; Mdlveen If; Harrison 3b; Cole Cobourg - Johnston ss; Rollings 2b; Richards ss. 2b; D. Campbell cf; Brooks If; Pepsi Cola - Bates c; Little ss; Reymes 3b; McCaig rf; Cooper c; Piper 3b; Dunlop lb; Halinian 2b; Newton lb; Smoke P. Moore if; J. Cowle and Hunt cf; Bowinanville 000 00 1 0 -i1 4 Knight rf; Horn and Semple p. Cobourg 300 010 x - 4 2 1 Front Street 842 401 1 - 20 18 7 Umpires - Matthews and Keilar, Pepsi Cola 100 120 9 - 13 12 7 Oshawa. Umpires - Tweedle and Hobbs. MERC AM S'rEAM Fireworks or pyrotechnis were MERCH NTS'TEAM a contribution -teoaur -enjoyrnent TrRIM PDEPME BOYS fram the Chinese of centuries ago BY SCO-%~AMRE 20.13 and through the intervening ages in most gala occasions. Among the most dazzlingly beautiful AMter trailing the pack for the pyrotechnic displays to be viewed entire season the surprising Front anywhere are those wbîcb clmax ,streeters waited until the final the nightly grandstand spectacle gamne to advance to a playoff at the Canadian National Exhibi- position. By trauncing the fading tion, which this year includes the Pepsi Cola team on Tbursday pageant "Utopia"' and the famaus night by a 20 to 13 count, Front Royal Canadian Mounted Police. ROUND TRIP TRAVEL, BARGAINS From BO WMAN VILLE AUG. 18 -19 -20 TO OHICAM ' $13.10 H SI AUG. 18 -19 TO WINDSOR $37 TO »ETROIT 60 1 ckets. Pavs, Tramut Limits andIi nfvmt"onfvom gent. CANADIAN Ask for CANADIAN NATIONAL HE"db"'l PACIFUC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIALI SOT DOr#,S TIC NG SPECIAL! r-.AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE UC GRAPEFRUIT SPECIAL! BREAKFAST FRET'S COCOA SPECIAL! DOMNO 8OAP CHIPS' 1:-1b. 14-n. Tins u09C 3 o.Tins ZOC T-in 1 9c 29 MLy VUEEALI RICHMILLO CRI$CO -- 210 COFFEE MO : 5 DOMINO DOMINION PEANUT BLACK TEA 250 B U T TER - - II -o z dZ3* UIAUPM OGO MORMN1G EALY MONING Maumalode?- "'m-330 COFFEE --~ 190 DAu 3O ITZ SALAD I'VÔRY - - ML 10* DRESSING- LMDNDOY SO» DOMINO SAKING SUNLIGHT "9* POWDER - - 1TIB-3 W OISH - f î< INFANTS DMUONT .os U IIANDY Imi SEED ';Z' 140 AMMlONIA rfe 05 FRESH VEGETABLES, CIyHeart .-.-.-.-2 for 19e Large Lettuce H«eda - -«ch Se ,09Wu« Bantem Corn 2 do«. 2ric voin« effective laurs., V., Sot., Auçi. 10-11-12 C)ul [.1:. 9 THURSDAY, AUGUST IOTH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATES'MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Newcastle Bal Team Wins Championship At Tournament Mon. Newcastle won Its own tal tournament on Monday by de- leating Newtonville in thre pre- lîminary i-Ô and Bowmanville in the finals 9-8, tirereby winnig the $20 prize. Bowmanviîle played Part Hope in the opener after waitig for a couple of hours far the easterners ta arrive. When they did put in an appearance. they lacked sev- erai men and Iielded nothing like their regular lie-up. The resuit was that Bowmanville walked over tirein easily 12-0. Newtanville put up quite a bat- tie with G. Kimbai hurling baff- ling bail against Newcastle, net- ting himself nine strike-auts in fîve innings and allowing only one bit. An error in rigirt field during the first inning gave New- castle its only score. Brunt pitch- ed for Newcastle and had two strike-outs and allowed live bits. Fartunately, ire settled clown in the pinches. The final gaine was a wavering struggle witb even the crowd un- certain who was abead bal the time. Bath teains bit freely and dropped grounders, fies and thrown balla without regard for runners or bitters. The 1cms said about it the better because bath teams did themseives no credit. Newcastle emerged the ultimnate winner because they came tbra' ini the seventh wiren Grahamn knocked out a single and Glover with two out drove a beauty over left field fence ta bring, in the winning caunter. Tex Rickard, catching for New- castle instead of Bawnianville Rayais, ran inta taugb iuck when be bell at irst during the second gaine of the afternoon, giving bis right shoulder a bad wrench. He stayed in the gaine although suf- Iering cansiderable pain a n d showed bis Bowmanville adver- saries that there was still enough 1 i TYRONE FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, June 5, 1889 Tirrougb the coluins af The Statesman we'd simply make it known, That in Durham's noble caunty is the village af Tyrone; It's directly north af Bawnranville in sigirt af Blue Ontario shore, And the daiiy mail is carried by the active Billy Moore. Varions trades are represented in this tirriving littie place, And its people in no manner lack essential ineans af grade. Look at aur irandsame churcir witb its tail and pretty spire, AMd its pulpits Iilled as they are billed by Kenner and by Dyer. Thre S. A. toa, bave busy been in searcbing alter souis, And as tirey sought they nicely caught the stalwart Wmn. Sproules, Their work bas been a noble one, deserving af ail praise, They strive ta save the erring one and lure ta wisdom's ways. Tuck Gardiner, tao, is still on hand new bouses for ta build, While Jimmy Bingirai the painting does, thaugir perhaps ire caný nat gild, And as an agent ire is bere Siady witb ireart and hand To take a irst-class mortgage on hanses, stock or land. This world is ail a fleeting show for man's illusion given, Still first-rate goada can now be had Iroin aur east-end merchant Stephen, Clemens is bis other naine; be's most civil and genteel, And wbile in Manitoba saw the lamented Louis Riel. Lîfe is flot a.n empty dreani and the grave is flot its goal, Sa if you wanit a wagon built just interview Mat. Cale, Who still continues on iris wark in that sbop -sa antiquated, But wirere work is done surpassed by none and is much appreciated. As ta the Uine af boots and sboes we're seldoin in a lix. Manning and son are working on and sa is Joirmny Hicks; For Johnny is a business man and ire and bis dad together Can make if they choose goad boots and siroes and out af Iirst-rate leather. Now Geordie Welcb ire runs a forge; as ta tire other one, It's run in style, oh don't you sinile, by Mr. Emmersan; And day and nigirt they can be found at tireir respective beilows, And take tire twain just ail in ahl they are pretty decent Iellows. The lofty Samuel Bingrain, too, though f ar from being a sage, Conducts a trade, and money iras macle in Yaunie's aid cooperage. The number af barrais turned out by hum is something quite sur- prising, Yet ire would nothing lose did ire diffuse a little more a dvertising. But if a butter tub is wantecl or a barrel for beer or wine Just make it known wben in Tyrone ta the noble Jobnny Ryan, For ire's a cooper af repute and with brains not ligirtly laden, And ire moved iast bahl with kit and alu froin the ancient village Haydon. Postinaster Welcb is neyer slack ta answer business calis, And make in style for young or old, coats, pants and overails. And thougir engaged in work like tis, iris home the fact discloses, That ire bas a love for nature's beauties in tire borin of lovely rases. The liquor seller now iras power, by virtue af a license, To sell ta Jin, ta Tom and Dick, the most virulent af poisons. Sa wonder then need not be flt nor any great surprise Wben we make it known that in Tyrone tirere's a tavern kept by Moyse. In active sports we still possess the famous Gladstone nine Who rubfled up the Beavers' fur and macle thein squeal and whine. Wiren duty cals they'll neyer Ilincir ta take tire diamond field, And only wiren defeated fair will they consent ta yield. Now, as we write the moan noUls on for tire moon is nat a siceper, And it sireds its ligirt sa clear and bright an the store af Thomas Creeper, Who keeps on irand a large supply af tirings mast necessary, And you will talce your bain, your eggs, your butter, tub and dairy. And oir, bmw proud aur people are in iraving èuch a mayar, As him wira naw sa ably fills that important civic chair. Mayars can be found fia doubt ta-day indifierent, good and bad, But in tire second mentioned ciass we may sureiy put aur Dad. Our country is a noble one, it extends froinsirore ta shore, But the ireaviest teainster in Tyrone is known as Josepir Moore; Long, long he's teamed througb summer's beat and winter's fleecy snows; Yet bis noble borin is well supplied with matter adipose. With magic toucir, Oie Bull produced music thrilling and entrancing. But Gilbert Bingirai is the lad ta make you ledlîke dancing: He iras far years thre fiddle scraped at social bail and party, And gave deligbt toalal arounci af the witciring power aofnrelody., Victoria long in England ulecl, i Russia Alexanders, But a prince among millera ere resides, iris naine is Mr. Sanders. The improvements macle oAi1the Tyrone Mili bave taxed the skili af man,e. And at any irour you dan jWt goad flaur as well as chop and bran. Many years have passed and gone and ciranged is aur condition, Since Iirst we met with tire memmy set in tire aid Tyrane Division. There was Hugir McKay and Mr. Gray and Cirarlie Keitir, tire boy, With Windatt, Younie, Vanstane, too, and Ebenezer Roy. And ta tirat Division there belonged tire genial Samuel Burden, Witir Mahaffy the sailor, and Welcir the tailor, and Gib and Thomas Jardline. Saine are living yet to tell of the pleasant iraurs then spent, Sanie bave gane as we allMnst go, far 111e is only lent. Andi now, ye people of Tyrone, tirat village elevated, May every bigirt and joyaus ha pe be Iully cansummated, And may yaur noble baseball nine be af vict'rys the achievers, And when the day af trial camnes take the peits rigirt off tire Beavers. The Endl. l 9) South Dariington softball lea- gue are also baving a bit of tie-up trouble witb Salem and Courtice battling for playoff position. They have one game eacb and wili play the final on Saturday nigbt at Cream of Barley Camp at 7 p.m. D.S.T., with the wanner advanc- ing ta the playoffs next week. Courtice came througb on Tues- day with an 8-0 win. Cobourg Juniors squeezed out a 2-0 hardball victory over Osb- awa on Saturday in the first of the Lakeshore playoffs. Smitb, a curve ball artist, was on the mound for the winners and buri- ed a grand brand of bail. For the losers, Romanînski was also in fine orin but suffered from loose support in the pinches. Ticker Crombie, stalwart Bowmanviile born backstop of the Oshawa team, is willing to wager two ta one that Osbawa will take the series. We wouidn't know, but are of the opinion that Cobourg has a bit ton much on the bal for the Motor City lads. Last night', Cobourg Intermed- iates and Port Hope opened their season and if Pointer is in formn, the Ontarios sbouid take the ver- dict in this preliminary set, but it will go three gaines. This means it wili be another week before the Royals get into action and it behooves the boys ta get in a lot of heavy practice. On Monday, the Royals watched 20 bucks fly over lef t field fence in Newcastle while they juggied 1 and jiggled around on the field 1playing a brand of stumblebuin basebail such as we have seldom 1 seen or want to see. Tbey had the 1 gaine won s0 many times it was sad. Blame could be placed in Iseveral positions, but alter ail it was not a scbeduled battie and tbey did play well in the prelimi- mnary struggle. Newcastle, on the Iother hand, took advantage of al jfree gifts and hammered Wee David quite hard. The boys seemed to feel that qthey could wait until the last inn- mng to start playing and could spot Newcastle several points just 1 ta make tbings interesting. Oh, Swell, what's 20 bucks? ,TbisW Friday there may be, un- jless arrangements fail, a game between Bowmanville Softball Ail-Stars and Varcoes of Oshawa, 8 and on Saturday the West Side boys will tangle with the saine Ail-Stars, without fail this time. Incidentally, Abner Tweedle and Horace Hobbs, unires de luxe, are working up ta te point 1 when some of the boys who argue too vociferously wýill be retired to Scool off on the bench. It nearly happened Tuesday, but it may be even dloser next turne. To-night the Front Streeters 0 and Pepsi-Colas wrestle at the Spublic school with the winner taking undisputed titie of third ~place in the league and a chance Iat the playoffs. Better be on hand. il Bowmanviile Ryas will give battie to Cobourg Juniors in an exhibition gaine here on Friday, at 6.30. Regular admission price. w - strength lef t to throw them out at second. Dave Osborne was considerably handicapped for the Royals be- cause he was pitching to Ticker Crombie, flot the regular back- stop. Ticker tried hard, 'but found there was a big difference be- tween catching Snake-Eye and his Junior Oshawa hurler. Sev- erai times pass balîs added to Newcastle's count and Osborne was a littie leery about throwing much stuff which might baffle his catcher as weil as the batter. Junior Farmers ReadY For Ont. FaIl Fuira Over 1500 Boys Lad 1200 Home- maklng Club Girls To Take Part In Competitions at Clama "A" and "B" Fairs With Ontario flu fairs and -ex- hibitions just around the corner, some 1500 Ontario Junior Farm- ers and 1200 Homemaking Club girls, the latter sponsored by the Women's Institute Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, are prepar- ing for competitions that are al- ways features of Ciass "A" and Class "B" fairs. According to R. S. Duncan,'*lir- ector of Agricultural Representa- tives Branch, who is in direct charge of the Junior Farmer movement in Ontario, there is even more interest in, Junior Farmer competitions this year than last, when a new high for boys' club work was established. Class "A" fairs include Peter- boro, Ottawa, Toronto and Lon- don, while Class "B"l shows are held at Barrie, Brampton, Belle- ville, Port Arthur, Kingston, Gait, Woodstocki Leammngton, Lindsay, Renfrew, Ricbmond, Sixncoe and Stratford. The Junior Extension program for boys at Class "A" fairs is un- der the direction of Mr. Duncan 1and bis assistant, A. H. Martin, while the county agricultural re- presentatives are in charge- of the "B" exhibitions. Officiais of the 1Women's Institute Branch are-in .charge of the competition for i-girls. White Rose Lads In First Place Defeat Goodyeurs Wbite Rose took undisputed titie ta first place wben they smothered Goodyear on Tuesday with a 24-8 score in a gaine filled with befty slugging on one sîde and a bevy of walks for bath teains. Due ta Ace Richards' absence, the odds were much in favar of the rubber men, but that was be- fore the game. Bull Brown toak the mound for thre Hamburg bounds and looked mighty bad in the first when be walked the first two men without a qualin, bols- tered a little wben Feather Bird caught the next two out on long drives ta centre and almost pass- ed out when Osborne smacked a borner for the third run. Buck Large caught the next man ta conclude a bad start. Osborne was miles froin home and walked the Iirst twa men to make the situation siightly even- er. Mutton flew out ta leIt for thre first out and then the balloon broke. Three more walks forced one man in, a couple af short bits brought a few more runs and Fred Mutton finished Osborne by sinashing a borner ta lef t field scoring three more. Colwell took over hurling duties, but alîowed one more run before the side was retired. Total caunt for White Rose was eleven runs. The tenor of the struggle re- mained the saine throughout thre fiasco. The Goodyearites came througb with twa in the third, one in the lourth and twa in the seventh, wbile White Rase stayed off the scoring caiumns until the Iourth wben they notched two and followed in the filth and sixth with a suin total of eleven addi- tional counts. Little Feather Bird in centre for White Rose played a large gart i stopping any rubber rush y pulling clown five sailers at tumes when they were most need- ed. Hle sbowed pîenty of activity and abîlity ta caver graund and catch Iroin alnrast any angle. White Rose had 24 runs, 22 bits and ane errar, wbile Goodyear totalled 8 runs, 4 bits and one errar. Batteries: Goodyeqr - Osborne, Colwell and Hooper; White Rose - Brown and Mutton. The man who makes many plans seldoin puts any af thein into execution. The man of one plan may .nat be entertaining sa- cially, but he usually wins suc- cess, and a successful man is ai- ways good company. What Iew pedestrians there are leIt in the country shauid be land- ed by saine enterprising automo- bile manufacturer with the slo- gan "Buy a car in self-defence."ý- Calgary Herald. ENNISKILLEN - AS I1REMEMER IT By Joe A. Osborne, WliaisbUizK, Va. At the request of Editor Geo. W. man and your mr'i os James of The Statesmari 1 have just the same." tried to lit the veil of the past The lady paid against ber wifl three score and nearly ten years but smiled as she paid and apply- and peer behind it to bring back ing ber quirt to the horse swiltly some of tbe scenes of my early cantered down the road. This old childbood, when my father, the toîl gate, once a Iandmark, bas late Alexander Osborne, taugbt I understand, lonlg since passed the village school in Enniskillen. away with the years. Modern As I look back I cari clearly see vehicles bave Ion g ago given way in my mind's eye, the old frame to the horse and buggy of the school as it stood east of Scugog sixties and seventies. Street and nearby the home of my I also remernber the first bi- parents. I can also remember cycle or velocipede as it was cail- some of the churches - the Meth- ed, when it had a very large odist and Presbyterian - the. lat- wheei, some four feet bigh, with ter which I attended as a child. a smail wheel in the iear. It I have no recollection of the pas- looked to me like a precarious tors of these churches as I was thing to ride upan and I thought too young ta associate their con- the boy upon it was quite a hero, nectian with the cburch. but I bad fia wish to try a ride Like other boys I enjoyed play- on it. ing with the boys in the neighbor- My chief pleasure was to meet hood, among thein being George with the Hutchison boys at the Bingham, James Hutcbison, and back of their lather's store a d Thomas Swain who lived north of get pieces of sugar cahe .whlch the village, also Natban and Ro- came in the hogsbead' of sugar bert Little and Ed. Virtue and sev- from Cuba and Sauth America. eral other boys whase nameshv~e They were like candy canes ta siipped fram memory.- me and a treat ta a sinail boy. One incident stands out in my We did not bave sucb a. variety recollections of Enniskillen and of candy in those days. that was a conversation I over- The aid swimming bale in the heard one day at the aid toli gate creeks in the surnner and sieigh- on the Scugog road just niortb of rides down the bill west-aI the our home. I had been playing village in the winter. macle up around the toîl gate one day pur principal amusements. I was watcbing the toil keeper letting tao yaung ta pîay.many gaines, clown the bar and coilecting toil but enjoyed watching the aider from travellers as they passed boys at play. clown the raad and through the Nothing wouîd please me mare gate. I had olten wondered why than ta be able ta visit the aid the man collected maney froin town again and make the ac- peaple wbo passed thraugb in quaintance af the sans, daughters carniages, wagons and an horse and grandchildren of the boys I back. Wben I asked my father once knew-. I wauld dearly love wby the people bad ta pay money ta be with the good folks af En- ta travel be told me it was ta niskillen, wben they gather ta collect money ta keep Up the raad cqelebrate the anniversary af their as it was especiaily.graveiled for cburches, as I know they stili have :trafflc. that liame spiit af bospitality as It was an this occasion I saw ~aI yore. It wilI be another get-to- lady caming towards the toil gate gether such as the aid West Dur- froni the north an horse back. bain Boys' Reunion heid two Wben sbe reacbed the gate, the years ago at Bowmanviile whicb ;keeper put clown the bar acros I was very happy ta be able ta .the road and she stopped. Ina attend. rather imPeriaus voice she asked I extend my felicitatians. and why the bar was clown as she was congratulations t alal. I will miss ,on ber way ta town. The teil the fried cbicken, cakes and g'od .keeper pointed ta a painted sign tbings wbicb the ladies knaw baw wbicb bad the tariff Painted on it to prepare, but as we cannot ai- for the various vebicles and asked ways contrai aur destiny nar cari the lady ta read it and see the we be different places at the rcharges levied. The lady loaked sanie tume! I will close this kat the sigri and read the item rambling-letter even if it bas no >whicb was suppased to refer ta bearing on the cburcbes and their b er mode af travel. What she read history, with the hope that some- Swas "Man and barse - 10c.11 iei the near future I wil bave . "But this does nat apply ta me," the pleasure of visiting with yau said the lady. "Please raise the aU. gate. I am a waman and this is Joe A. Osborne. .a mare." WlimbrVrii - This answer seemed to stump WlimbrVrii -the toil keeper but be was obdur- "Wbere th~e corn and taters grow" -ate and said, '«I cannot alter the land Colonial days are revived rates. You take the placeofa ia again. 1 1 Il 77 Manque' . 9

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