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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1939, p. 4

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THURSDAY,AU ST1H,13 -PAeaGE ethr n ahgnYwFOURmeyfstdlui He and therq ý!wa a great uproar- wered, and had accepted for both fI ailtisromte c al-chid wa nt bautdul.saying: Washingto, and would be out on h Perfect Thtr- % I ace' Fred rick the. "Mot her anewas ntfastfl teea- "And they are golng to have a the late train. fumnish Fedrit i the ryeihie rings. «"Aref't they heaveflly, Mrs. picture Of the Inn, and One o Wl>n the atrdaeaoaf her and she would neyer change it. LaramoIre«" yLa aurssbrteihycan etiteohes n hea ternas f er And now I rather lhate ta have it -The sapphires?" Mrs. Lar-Mis anes." tt felbene saDo "Whre haveau MR N different. I warmed this corner more sat down on the couh.Hr ae. egan t feluncomfort- bourD you nweit sbeen Witb the fireplace and the SCeen. evening wmap slipped back, show- ae.Seassh.tld herseif, as fouhrdy ic ev enec Edith always sits in the library on ing ber white neck. Hem fair hair much out of place as a pussy-cat other"tYugldt etrdo Î Athe other side of the hall, but was swept up fromn ber foehead. lin a Zoo. These women and these meme lt ou gat ofgeturid of J' and I prefer to continue the aid cbeeks and pencilled eyebrows. the great sleek animais who minute." Hedrpeitoast Jane's eyes opened wide. "lDon't lain, and she knew it, and arn- Creek cages. Fmedeick did net She was 'gazing athmwh UNSan yor iec dinkyor hasized the effect. "The sap- snarl. But she had a feeling he livaiy cuiosity. "How nioe you T EM PLEcoffeandyu phedik rrires? Yes. They're the choice migbt if Elaise kept at-him mucb look." OIUsuElMyt bogathr aebeno helt"longer. "New suit. Lilce it?" ------_» DA LFuYé tims " ie aughd a he aidit, She went on ta speak o! Elise. It was in the midst a! the hb 'e.Adyuse si ote I ~ ~~~~"wben abo sbssta op- "She is simply hopeless. She has bub that Edith antered. She wallc- boy d left Yu a million dol- day," hae said, abmuptly, "lovely llac frock.Joebutebyhd posite sides o! the hall in lonely tld the mast hectic taies and ail ed in among themn as composedly"cagthepito!em 91the papers bave sent maen out ta as she bad !acad them at the Inni. outi wit had Iimat edtion 'Asiev"es, f oure. Twnewib- Hhexd 0Bd."tlam stata." Wdyan t oti i afIrs babtio thAisevI'ero ore"T"ew - H un Jane iaughed too. "ad adîte Inn." "Hla"sesi,"o on x odmad' eluhd and ed that Hallam wouldn't talk unusual. AdIwatt. do tlxig lia tbt.""Well, they escaiped. T h e y lk az ad"Sbe went explainad. "I've be getting id about Adead.H ihdta Sry"si adcipy CHAPER VII ae o the badha wnta. Hee Thy fiishd thir cffaeandstarted early a"d bave been hung straigbt up ta Frederc n ds-o eo!arare books. I feel al a! the othars wouli godawayt 'I asenlnrI of ommr Thaeveingwra wbch anewas littie Jane Bamnes, bobbad be smakad a cigar. Edith and up at Alexandria." ed hMi. I suppose Eloise iS plutocmatic lin cansequance. Five and icave hlm alone with Jan. How muis h rz? baeu, boyish, siandarJan quaint in bar Baldy teiapboned tbat the tbing "Eloise and Benny anid the soutîng tbe news ta the wold." bundmad dollars, if you pleasa, for 4"Mmls. Laramora," said Jane "Twa tbhsn olr. wore with ber old wbite chiffon cbeap clothes, and hae could sec ne was mare seriaus than they bad Captain dined wtmeSbwaShtukderanlxbis arm. tbat oid laogath, with the scath- unexpectcdly, "makes me thik « wasa! bigb Mdona luaanaaie a ta bado! bis tabla, anticipatad. That parbaps lha had stili telephonng wben I le! t. I "Thera are mare than a llionl ung Rukin inscription. And I'm a! ic l ady o! tSalltot.I dan'et I wilwieacckfrtt waaidfahemihthat Ina did onotlssanctioneadreporters outside. Mr. Bamnes is goig ta open an office, Jane." ka b.BtId.Ihv amouiit if yuwl ebv with a black fur collai. Jane, as no ana aise by bis sida li Uic big battar send Briggs. odle htIddntsntnkepgteia by ,"nW hntnral ev ensu aeutf hs. has been said, lovad clear colar, car, no ana aise te shara Uic gla- "Sa that means l'ni going to it, and that I shouid coma straigbt keigthma a . "Inue.WashhngtanII?"n an w e sedy d dig tigs m ro sda sofh ne m oshndo e Uioudtl y Bt s hre at un and Al e di bte W i n ' id"Y u tObinetc t v aie w mn Bt breakdio e w n ot she brougbt tbem forth iovaiy ta the lifa wbicb was ta follow. cd and said she didn't care. That "Heard o! us, I suppose, at the building, sainie room, whcre 1 woa. Butese elitstifany-em bad taiephoneugho!rEd tosl.plansdbereashe'de «Weli fe hswyaott teye and tremndusly pictur- And sa whn young Baldwint twsgetfnadAxn-sard.thghihrse'bek4WelI eqe a eehndo d it'pa, that you wamc a good sport.", ize-it until wc rcacbed bare, and "Evans, baw splendidl" china." Il isn't wo(btotauaddl Fredaricks "os a lc hr hdlae neTwesII hax't sac ber," sbortiy; "sha then tbay piied out and began ta "Yas. Yeu did il, Jane." Thcy iaugbed at hier, and Editb ians But ifIwx1i rs lna whara polishad floors saamed te mid Uic realization o! bis appar-I ougbt ta know bettar. Setting re- ask questions."'IIl? siIAdadewlnvrbek.ewot whera a grand staircase lad up ta lUs liousehald gads. And ha would woves." bis arm. "ll go and scnd tbcm mealized befare wbat a waiking- Tnpiehlng rsLaranime t"Isn't ta pitn ar? dissolvein pool o!Tgolen ligh, tunitygHarwoudLsac Jne aman bacne, hr heciigswr eele loe eha et"rgsII tld hem how you wouid feel", away." stick I'vc been-ieaniflg onYeu for more vital matters. "'Uncle "'Perbapsbti' i a Adlad mitrîe.Eloise jumpcd up. 111il go witb Hcnccfortb you're thc Lady of Fred, I amn going ouItat Baidy's feel." baicandeeS, wbcrad.Uic. chelingsenwara sea' barsalanudo;HaebadpsentngBmaggs ahiiast incredibly bigh, tha vistas li ilma te bave bar thara befara I almoick "I moe Fe-th thr rrvd11sbouid sac bar if I werc And then Fredarick snarled, fatiguing."pI3ti thasa pcomn ols o! golden iigh Antdr obis anehds.p'a bd fan- yuM. Towxic," said a crisp, "tyhae"Ha was smiing at hem, and she Frcdcrick wasaI once intercst- you won'tbaanyhn" bodbgadsnlnbrougt faltier message Young vic. But nither o! thrni wext, for smiled back. Yet quite strangely d.. "Hem portrait?" "No" a swift rnmory o! anathar blande taher;messa'gehava ta aat din- Adalaida Iunid with a gasp. Baidy entcred, head cocked,,cyca and jnconsistciitly, sha fait as if "Na. A sketch for a magazine "And Y'ihauttatu- andhe;"w' With hem slippercd feat crssed in alight - Jane kncw Uic signa. ini changng bis attitude towards competition,", Baidy cxpiained. and dollars"Teloix i o lheraic-fbura tin vraving n ter wiout tbeTan!og aughtnd front o! hiem, Jane iooked likea a "Thay'vc gone," ha said. IIber, ha had robbcd hem a! soma "May I sac il?"1 ciohes- bt n sivararm r -Ua at !AeadjadNcbild. For Uic firsItua meMrs. toid you I'd get rid o! Uiern, Miss p jela 'I I didnt mid baing a Balde, yearning far solitudel And aboahm retla Schwn," Lbanrih i htwsi.cthyat inea ichlai hfeyic aaroa a oagod viaw a! Town" waki-stick." and EdiUi, gave reluctant con- upper air, & hayugcg "A fat "Lohengri," sTheam and crlabin xdUp"thasa candid gray cyca. They bad lHa nodded tath Ùenial. Ab- «"WellI minded. Aftem Ibis '11,sent. Caa=on, averybody." "l'l ba idtagv9Ucsetht aAftLhegi, qued-cri bigfxe p"e ffect on bhr. Eyas like soîuîely at bis case, lifted aboya walk aoa n ' ohi 0 S vmbdy, jnciuding Dr. Yeu if il ae ak" adBly Unawaaa ! cIis dvatal gas IpyBalagiscar mom e" s a i d hal waeremost unconimon. Fear- tbem ail by the exaltation o! bis womk hard, and play arund a bit. Haflani and Mrs. Follette, made caollY, "u ahrtin tw timaa aro! Ha Uasain s-pycoical hcens, hsave dleas. The giwas not afraid a! mood. Fmeér, Jane tlid berscif, Wili Yeu bava teas it estihck.a"a icgrae tmtFredarick weicomeid hem Jane. -'if il hadn't broken devin ayFledrc yaulsne fri o h ag a xiofther wrd-eri-a eabae n ith 'nett temicd fIrtete"arIi age.emrnn a 'an.Thr "W faCohta H I-vhy sbould I sec hcr?" Fred- nassa p." yau w T eeraem frttttr9riEihan,"osh g said i. ryoung Baldi itn nUce waS UncanSciaus a! is attitude o! found yaur niece."seps.areegyuwr-h ad otY erondescensi dit wfls.l HaatJwas 'Imucb. Iat-llb"Ande. LIk wouidn'lyo sihave a knownael Uiat yau"-he wase sms mg aIahem.Andon'toildnusthade la bar sexise kna w you at onc . Y au a e like like aid t ies." hema sa thal I can feast m y ce a n i, e in . nedUi lu b trcabth nw !course, "o' tjs d eh ae fyu igi e trceb ireat newould ha "Wba wdaver havnat elieed-o! melodrarna if you doxi't? And yaur brother." I"Minus a lot, aid lady." on you? I've drcac o aulin mg nihemsav.Fdeikne geat hsing fr Uilitin e gl. t --ho sa ucb bung onaso lilie."wysoudyucre ormaa Ta em lk.A striig That was the way be bad talk- Uiat chair-in clasc costume. Do dbas aewsîuhn.H aa a geatthig fr te ltte grl. tha semuc hnglnascamtleîngy ho me. ou ai t's tha pair as ey sto loe.thar. "It la cd ta ber yaars ago. The plaintive you know that you werc made for mdasatuky ok i mi g m e .An, r dc kd t s e- p aircas e y o! i an s a d i at atog e t a an s v d b Anend alroo!h btlilil." ot ws onIa gaddass?" I a And lha was intarested. A qucar endod tnaw Waldofran arne aUictrebutiar, ap Ihngbang apenbad bappenedncd iner- ndJalan hlm nen -Fedria e-aitenouncedo i tuc wdh I-aknteerhrt-i IIand tatJanee rmac nodi-a t h e i a s , h c a h e v t l h s t r n h e d n n - o m .f l w rm a n d e d , " t h a t I n , t e c a r r y i l E d i l b ," F r e d a m i c k e x p l a i n a d . H a a n d l l l m e e t y o u . l 'i l p a y f o r tU ic t i c b o y . " ,r d n t e yp(C i! a d y u tereboedwth oeofe ythe Gaiganluan tablas, Uitheof it.a ar?,9d ag -nd bis genial manner. taxi with wbat's lefI a! 'Alice'." -"How aid aie you?" sbc askad is preious arguments. H a bad ofhih ngi.b-backcd' A elie ne Do'chairsra agn.' hm faienlxiloa iUi1111eJaa h taîl aiclvar asticks chairs, Jane noddad. "Make comedy o! "Oh, eally," dlieke "o' atoexrvgn. i. _______________ allinoatefir t gl i yule asataie rng anhs il inslaad o! tragedy." that she and ber friends ougt Nothlng la 100 gaod for,_vou, "Twenty-fivcY c a for sis w i f I l w as e an e"Ya il scolr," Ton li d e . n e asltr std A eade sip h g ouI o ier ta go aI onca. E i iio a i , J n . I a ' a ta a tt IIdan't balaevit. i n wanty- aike al ui b y.An d s ituat- In You secolomamambere d te amseif frean boumwrap was ravealed as alegant and and Eloise at moments like Ibis say il, but you'll neyer kiiow two, and I feel a tousand yeais Thr a ens aYwarnng- longer," Frederick tld Jane. 'II "May I bavea acigarette,, Ricky, leava anyona - aise i i ed a syu cama thmaugb the -"you will always be-ageless." Ii ha migbt bava mairied. Loveier "I'ni crazy about b r iliian I hope you aie as appy ini he la satIle my nerves? Eloise la "Can'I I give you a lif?" abe ask- miat." Sha laughad. "Haw ai a"A7 waenthn aewilim mrew , said Jane; lsoma day I arn prospect as I an." tramendousiy upsetting." Ada- ad Jane, swaally, "you and your His voica sbook a 11111e, but ha Jane?" womeinguisbed , wch er , a!more W00g1 o a a shap and sali II arnhavng a jayous lima. 1 laide was plaintive. boh r"recovered biisel! lin a moment. "Twenty. Yet pe pe take us *ou uo I d T assured social standing. Ha couid theni." feel like Cinderelia aI tbe bal." Jane watcbad bar with livaiy But it was Fedrick wba an- "lHare corne the Townes." Ha for bave bad the pick o! Iben, yat nel But ha knew thal she would Ha laughed aI that. "You're a curiasity. The wamcn sha knaw swemad. "Misa Bainas lives aI rasa as Edith enlerad wilb Young "Sha dosen't ok il and nai- BUcI _______________not pn a ahop. "Yu were lika refreshing cbild, Jane." Ha bad did nt smoke. Baidy's flappars Sharwoad Park. Briggs will lake Baldwin. hrdyo. sneavyird-an anale, par- neyer before called ber by ber did, bultbtey wera abnormfal anîdlber out." After that Evans fallawed The atheran came in anid EdIi ______________________ hapa, with your orange and firat naie. o! a new genaratioli. Mrs. Lama- Sa Adelaide went away, anid1 Baîdy's îalad as a dispenser o! wexiî back ta hem thaughts. Ha Alep autn@ifo ------back." "Arn ? But inant a cbild. mare was aid anough ta ha Janes Eloisa and the lwa maxi, anid hospiality. The lwo o! theni wast 10Yung. She was gladTrsFrd N l She smiled aI hlm with ber chin I'rn as aid aa Uic his." mother, and Jane had a feeling. EdiUi tumned ta hem uncle and1 passcd cups passed tIm bread o! that .... Uid "NoOlxSEy£rsl" Ial moters ..shouldu't amoke.. said, "I'm sorry."\ and butter, passed litîle cakes, 'Thee ! ae.a o n Uaicordtoal Swat ledilxiber bird-lk a.Se "lIn wisdom. I knaw bow tae utnana Ibe les, Adelaide Hem face was white and barJ passed lenx and cream and u- casel. T hae stood, a siender A I.. .. I 0 OPTIaANS ifa.and was Uirelld and fascm OTINSwas reaily having the lime o!fe iiecud et ndhwl r Lraeader xatcw y s esweme slining, and ah o! a gai, coxvrsationai halls asfiuan eflcfmk-V p.m. a ea trle ndfscn mealns, eand o terexi wyfguenhr la opd Mondays 12 noon to 2 . ae by the beauty o! hem sur, dem easanbow ta plan my ware amusing. She ail a britîle sudden she reached up ber ans light as feathema inla Uic air, black bair,l ligbted-up cyc-the ' abot Throgb 7e ~ rauidnga ad gadaly Fedr- Wi drsssand a lot a! Uings and aificial lok, like the Maxi- and put theni about bis ncck and were, as Baidy wauid bava x- 1 ted baskt wlithis burden o!. Uxminatioli and Modern ick began te taon somaething o! tatyo EdiUi doesn't hava ta chu lady in the Museumo ai-she si e etwudpesdi,"i feo i at. odadpri n rel ~E 1I~ Mex Msese othe Ucfascinaton. tîkaot tigi a.break. "somethig ut ae gone ta Tawne étood hacan iakd*m oe N le crgrAfter d e hysti h And ytouaehp."Adthn, and net until then, Casabianca's had," Fre d eri ck atIt. Jane aI is ide said, lTals He auge u i e o-net lika ana o! the animais, aI you aver seen hlm like this?" "«Realiy?"' Fraderick had nae 1L~iwTOI Dowmanville - Ont. tius place - wiUi low-hung <2ry' tinue the suject. "I've a rather teZo 'er g.H a rmn ysfrayhn-u ni e Qinty p PrSsDoi -AU mn OpSlstal chandeliers - pae ruga - wndeful collection a! aring. I nte eJd osyatatv. - aie walls - wiUi one corner me- Wauld you like te look at thani? esnxtl ExprtRepirnineas by a fireplace o! yaliow Itualad s' iBt'epc- the Townes had endad. And Ibat now?" wiUi a touch o! annoy- inmaible, and a huga areen ofcd thani up everywhare." she bad inviîed the Tawnies anid ance. Ote hnsaecmo-noahi. lana was defiant - "and I've place - hnaacbes, necklaces,tIl- Whn1heh1dwrtBABYe as IlEEDSe. aras. Bt thercs romane m thalina, Jane sal vamy stili I athr 1"Ifyou bad known me ail your - id nouriahmeftmlkgvs jewals that wamen bave worn li desk. She was thinking a! Evans. life wouid you cali me wonder- tn~h4- thair eais. You'll sac." She hadn't sean hlm for Ibica fui?" li lnReXl otil i h Ha wenî inta anothen rorni and dy.Not smùce Uic Sunday nigbt Shar lookad aI hlm froni bebind Glen ij bnough back tray.Il waslinedshe bad gone la the Tawns. That ber haîlianints o! silvar. "How !I4 thing bab leeil i ui br u h ak at a . It was . nnd nI 'ihnIr witb vaivat and Uic earilgs were nigbt in the log bad impnassed do I know? People bava te prove..... n . .. osfgrw gup i sa upon inycusion. br strangaiy. She badl fait for thaniselves." I ~unique dispiay. Carneas froni an- Evanis saniething Ibat haçl nothing Dr. Hallani had diven Mis. i:!Wi ..! ourishmetvtns me- cienl Rame, aconns o! human bau ta do wiIb admiration for hlm nmFleteae.Hamrl ddsc . n .-as u eesr intehribetseo tesxisrespect non charni. His weakness ial stuants, but hi ikaçl Jane. And ~ ~Ii~ be&be 00eJIin- tha yhorible faste ! t-e ixtiashad draw xi hem te hbu, as a a - h a had han inîrested enough i "e t ,or'Yrosas in delicate fretted wrealbs then might ha drawn te a child. Evans te want te glinipse hlm lijbussdsudbde.Gv ai -od French jewals - ruhies, His stuggie was, she feit, sanie- bis naw mole. Ii~ Of eý0 905o t. reals aphrUiadsedting whicb abe muaI share. Not Stroiling Up ta the tea-tabie, - t...him GlenRaI e .I.:: emrla,arppbirlet alnd ted as bis wife! No . .. That kind a! be was awaneata once a! a situa- -.-e 00shaw their beauty, and a spak- lova was diffenenl. If only ha lion whicb migbt make for coin- lmng array o! modern thinga, dia- n wauld let bier be bis 11111e sisten, edy, or indead fan tnagedy. Il f mond inplainuý -lon pe- Jne.was videxil thal Towne was ta * dants o! jade and jet - apais , He bad net aven called ber up. niuch atlractcd t10 1111e Jane ER E 1 dripping like liquid lr aogWben sha bad inviled hlm and Bancs. If Jane - ncipmocated, Phone 2665Domail siender chains. bis mother la ta with the wbat o! Young Folletta? ~ Se hng venthai.Townes, Mis. Follette had ans- I saw Mis. Laramare ycsler- As if the narne had bought hem, but lhrec kno ~~. ~ ~ ~ a voice spake froni tbe door. qI neyer tell . .. bt e iu01 '~- wouldn't let Waldroxi annauxice "lAdelaide will, wban I getliber Sha stappcd as abe saw Jane. I will not." à "Oh, yau'me nal aloxie"- Thaxi Miss Bancs will. Do -,This la Miss Bannas, Adalaide. yau kxiow bow yaung yau look, I Uink you mnet b&r brother loday Miss Bannas? I feel as if you'd aI lunchean. EdiUi îalaphoned tell me anything for a stick a! Ibal you and Eloise bad found candy." bar." Tbey raared aI that. And Jane "That's wbat I carne about, ta said, "Nobady even made me do wain you. Eloise bas the repart- anything I didn'I wanl 10 do." ens on bar trail. She'll be aven lin And now Benny and thc Cap- a minute. But the haini wii ba tain iaaked at hem, and looked 'q donc, I arn afraid, befare you can again. What a volas Uic cblld stop he." had, and eyesi "Oh, I'ni esigncd. Editl's coin- Elaise, an the couéli, hugged ing back toxilght. Miss Rainas' hem kxieas and surveyed hem goid bringlng hem." sUppers. "Tbaey are putting my JM E O "Ralyl AeaieLaalx ic ei the paper and Ade-G . J was appasng Jane. A shibby laide'. They saw one on my G . JU E O cbild. Froni Uic Uresbald asehad 'irak-" 1Vu1CamoZ1DE l Rec tontia#Tires had a moment o! jealousy. Rut . Uni. Laraalore crled ouI, d'Ben- Uic moment was pasî. Frederlck ny, why dld you let ber do il?"1 PhMoil', EowiniVil* WILLAED DATI51hB K i d ive tea

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