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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1939, p. 5

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THURSDAy, AtJGUST I7TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE ENNISKIL LEN non AS I REMI Ennlskillen Physilans writcr's teeth (for dcntistry was ààBIHypyNM is Vse t part of a medical practice at En- Enlkle I imers ]By Dr. C. W. Slemon, niskillen), but who eucceeded in n_______ldTler Bewinanvmfe getting the crowns and lcaving Upon hietorical treasure travel EditOr's Note:- .We ère greatly the roots for came anc esc to bent, I journeyed yesterday ta St. indebted ta Dr. C. W. Siemon, work out. Dr. Graham, wha later Thomas ta contact a couple of who on aur requet, bas contri' went ta Calgary, was anather as- larcstin anwho odnce had teir buted Uic followlng article, ini sistant well and favorabl1r re- but tS a fn ar rw oun nieln, keeping with thc sres "Enniskil- ceived. that my ol nd ieloeo rrowfand len-As I Remember I, on Ucmyodtnheevdfrcd Doctors who have rcie te Dr. Mitcheli's two baye have Rev. David Rogers, hmd, same hilltop village during thc past made names for themeselves, Ai- wecke mgo, euffered a second century. Dr. Sieman wrote thle fred being Président of UiecCm- stroke and le naw in precarious article while on his halidmys in ada Life Assurance Ca., and cniin Uic wilds of Haliburton District, H Naturmlly no visitors are allow- but he assures' us he will be Harold$ Manager of Uic Weting- ed and so the privilege wms denied home li time ta attend Uic Gold- house Electrlc Ca. at Hamilton. me of once again combmng with en Jubilée Célébration at Enni- hlm the pages of a pmst which ekillen an Auguet 27-28. We re- Dr. W. Lammim he was wont ta recal Sa vividly gret we have nat electros of ail D.W ammnaotti and entertainingly. It was a neyer Uic Doctors mentioned in~ thie time started practice for a year erndng lesreman, isoi the w iitts article, but are using those ini aur a nlklnbtmvdt rn l ai hfiUcsii possession. tEnsilnbtmvd o - Bowmanville li 1887. A long chapter mlght be writ- ten cancerning Uic Physicians and Dr. L. Potter Surgeons of Enniekillen, for it While Dr. J. C. Mitchell was has been the home of a medicai ll iiga rcD.L maxi for at lemet a century. tllingathbrcD.L The Doctor aI today may well Patter who awned a farm a half- blese Uic pioncer, wark donc in mile east of Uic village, establish- Uic develapment of tUicocuntry, cd a practice there. Dr. Patter had for Uic gaod roade, the snowplow, great succees, especially iniUic Uic hospital, and greateet of ail tretment of pneumamia. Many Uic automobile has rendered hie long nights he would cit by the work much casier and not sa cir- bedeide of hle patients and gen- cumscribed. erally would "pull thein lhrough'". There has been a tendency a- He, 100, laler went ta Bowman- mong Uic médical men from En- ville where he established him- niskillen ta leave their home an self for mmny yemrs. the hilltop and ta gravitate ta Bowmmnviile where Hiigh School- Dr. F. C. Trebllcock facilities have always been ex- DrF.CTebcckofB - cellent.manville, fresh fram College, suc- Dr. S. C. Hiler ceeded Dr. Mitchell at the brick Very few settiers around En- résidence li 1902, and for f ive niekillen can remember very years conlinued géneral practice. much about Uic first Doctors who He had higher aspirations thaxi eslabliehed a practice there, but that of a country practitioner, many can remember Dr. S. C. anid left in Auguet, 1907, ta take Rev. David Rogers Hillier, who for many years a special course in - Engimnd on wethercd Uie rigors of winter Diceace of Uic Eye. Later he of yauth secmed ta have laken and the bad roade ta establich a has established a fine practice in permanent abode and whosc large country practice, before he Toronto, and has his offices at dancing, lmughing cyes and Puck- wenlta Bowmanvilllc and wherc the Médical Arts Building. îsh humor badè defiance ta en- his widow stili lives. One wintry croaching time. nlghl corne Cartwright farmers Entering Uic ministry in 'the called hlm by telegraph ta go out...............early seventies of imet century, at on a ten mile drive ta set a broken . . . . a turne whcn a Methadist ixcuin- ieg. When the Doctar arrived at . -'>f bent neyer gaI fully unpacked thc place, he found it was a ~. ,~..befare he had ta move on, David roter's leg Uiat wme broken. ~~Rgr ucsfly crc Gravely Uic Dactor madc some......: ~...~mmny fields and icI t behixid hum eplints, set Uic fracture, then lurn- throughoul Ontario a trail of ing an Uic jokers, dernandcd his .......* .~ fervent friends who will unitéein fée of ten dollars, which Uicy de- prayers for hie wdll-bcing. cide tapay ortwit, aler . .~In 1849 at Columbus, Ont., qumkixig under the menacing cx-..~. . . . . .hr eitrdi i it pression of Uic Doctar.................... coiumione, Wm. May, wha about Dr. S. C. Hillieir's uncie was in'~~ pracice ame ear befre hm ~1873 faund himself-in Enniskilcn at Enniekillen, and Uic twa work- 4nthemlyfmyahrSi cd lgeter fr anumbr ~Mille. He was a résident af Uic yearshill top metropolis fortwo years Dr. J. W. McLaughiln aur pathe crassed unlil yesterday, Their followed Dr. J. W. Mc- . when I called upon him aI hic Laughiin, who built Uic precent ....... home in St. Thomas. Dactr'crecdene an wh mmc ~I would commend hlm as a pro- suof per candrdmte norfeature oft o. hie Irk. He later went ta Bow- ... i prcadatfrenomntf man i le, cnlcred into the part-' nerchip ith Dr. A. Beith and hmd cd ta Bowmmnviile, following Uic hie résidence on Becch Ave aid traditions of the former mcd- ical men, and bath Mrs. Sieman and aur famiiy Urouaghly enjoy Dr. C. W. Siemon Uic 111e in the aid haine town. He was cuccecdcd in Auguet, 1907, by Uic writcr %who carried an frain then till Nov., 1920. Dur- ing these thirteen ycars maxiy cx- periences, médical and oUirwise might be cited but I muet not digrese far. But living ever in anc'e memory, arc Uic football games, Uic Christmnas entertain- ment, Uic choir, Uic Sundmy . School clase and Uic community ~ life of Enniekillen. One of my .. . . - médical cases, was that af a young lad who wms aperatcd on at hie home north of Enficld, for an ostea-mydlitis of Uic icg. Daiiy tripe in the extreme héat of July was ncceesary as no anc ýat Uic home would attempl the dressing. The boy gat better and I gat pid a set of hjarnese for a farm team, and a "jmg" of hay, with a bushel of muety beane thrawn in for good measure. Dr. J. C. Mitchell But cuch thinge would nat hap- Dr. J. C. Mitchell came ta En- pen now. In summer Uic trip and niskillen about 1880 anid for 22 dressing could naw be donc in years workcd there, and was anc hour instead aI four. In win- Idiown far and near. Hé waei anc ter the boy wauld be huctlcd off aI Uic few country Practitioncre totahic hspital Dr. H. Ferguson who became Président of Uic On- Five years afler starting aI En- Dr. H. Ferguson, cntcring hie talao Médical Association. He niekillen, and Uirce daye mter firet practice afler graduation, was a great S.S. and Church aur con Haroid was born, aur lit- eucccedcd and helci Uic fort for 18 workcr anid even mpired ta enter tic red R.C.H. automobile wae ycare until November, 1938. Uic politicai field. He wme uxi- bought (a carl of célébration). It During these yemre Dr. Fergu- succeceful in hie ttcmpt ta enter was a good car for Uic lime and san endeared himself ta Uic hearts Uic Provincial Hauce, but shortly there werc only three otheres of Uic people. Startîng _in a quiet, aller was appointed ta Uic Ontario Uic township. But il was not the unassuring wmy, he won the con- Mental Hospital at Toronto and purring car aI présent day. One. fidence of the people, far Uicy 1.t4r-aI.Brockvill. carricd ia s nnpreire, but .if you 1smjw in hlm nac who wcor. n au mmS peciai iow faresg oal for travel Dr. C. J. Austin succeeded hlm Irln parler cars quoted an requeit and has, froin ml reports, been JOHN LENZable ta carry on Uic same stan- Hamneau Repair Good geint Aug. 24 te Sept. 9 dards of work, Uit others pre- Boots and Shees Retura Limit- - Sept. 13 ccding hlm have donc. We bespcak for hlm success hie work, and Kin" Street - Bowmanvilie CANADIAN PACIFIC a happy community 111e for hlm- ________________________________________________self and hie wif e. EMBER Il the eighth wonder. Nmnety years of age, hearixig and sight perfect, he walks fram ane to three miles dailyl wit step brisk and elastic, and wit eyer a day's ilinese in sixty years, he bide fair ta b.- corne Ennlskillen's first ex-resi- dent centenarian. He drives 1918 own, car and had juet returned from a three hundred mile jaunt, acting as hie own chauffeur. He whlxnslcally pleaded guilty ta a bit af difficulty i retaining naines, but hie ability to quote, verbatim, chapter after chapter of "The Book" is unimpaired. HMe repertaire cavers 58 selected chapters of the Holy Scriptures and he is a welcome visitor at any gathering where church 10v- ers prevail. ,Leaving: Enniskiilen he drifted to St. Thomas and for many years *was engagcd li the milling business. Disposing of that he cmbarked in merchandis- ing in London, flnally retiring ta the Sainted City where he and his goad wife peaccfully -walk through the eventide of life. I could flot extract from him any promise to be with us on the 27th and 28th, but - the leaven is workixig. I was flot able ta see Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, widow of my aid school boy fricnd who died' about twa years aga. Harry's father, Tom McLaughlin, awxied the farm west of and adjaixiing the village which was later se- quircd by Nathan Byers for whomn many a summer day I bound the golden sheaves pf barley and by attrition absorbed a poultice of beards. "Billy" Mille. St. Marys, Aug. 14,39. Recollections 0f Enniskillbn Ministers And Their fFamilles By Mis. Katherine Argue Gaudin Cedarvilie, Mich., Aug. 8, 1939. Mr. George James, Bowmanvile, Ont. Dear Friend George: I have been readmng and enjay- ing the incidents and pen pic- tures by farmer Enxiiskiiien re- sidents, and having missed corne numbers, arn wandcring if any- one has spaken af the minietere and their familles, as far bmclc as I cmxi remember, wha accupied the little parsanage, later awned by the late Henry Rogers, and fal- iowing that, the ones who resided in the large parsonage, now the home af Mrs. Thos. McGill. My first recollection was of the Finn famiiy, which cansisted of 10 or 12 children and their par- ents, living ini the small parsan- age. A young minister, wonder- ingly asked, where tlxey put thera ail at night, and Luida, an older dmughter, said, "wc get them asieep, then hang them Up on pegs." 1, believe corne af the fam- ily are li Manitoba and Alberta taday. Then stili a very young child, I remember Rev. Geo. Stephenson anid family, anid Rev. Samuel Saltan. Later I think came the Tayiors anid three naines stand out, Frank, Abbie axid Hattie. Possibly before same of these were the Larges and Howards. Later when Hampton anid En- niskillen becamne a double circuit we had Rev. Rabert Saxiderson (1889-91) at Enniskiilen, and Rev. Robert McCullough at Hampton, co-pgstors. After they were div- ided, with Enniskillen, Enfield and Mt. Vernon comprising oneJ circuit, we hmd Rev. D. Scott1 Houck and Rev. Samuel Rorke-1 the latter giving a lavely young daughter, Luella, (now home on furiough) as a missianary to Japan.1 Later came Rev. Siman Cruick-1 shank around 1900-1903-, whose 1 eldest daughter, Eva, a teacher,' marrîed Byron McLaughlin,an died, ieaving three childrEn I believe Rev. Rabson followed and he, I believe, was succceded by either Rev. Thos. Snowden, or Rev. J. A. Jewell-two of whose family, Mrs. Daisy Cruickshank, and Dr. Rocs Jewell, reside in Toronto, and Mrs. Chas. Tanner at Lmkefield. Then came Rev. Ernest Haney, a young mani, with thelr baby boy -Melville. Their ather son will be ordained next yemr, and le giv- ing full tlxne this year with the Oxford Group. Then came Rev. Harry Wilkin- son, aIea a very carnest young pastor, with their firt ' baby, Vernablle-naw a teacher. Af ter a very consecrated ministry, death called hlm in March of this year, while stationed at Bridgeworth. The writer, several weeks mgo, had the great joy of being visited by Mrs. Wilkinson, so brave in her bereavement, mnd Rev. and Mrs. E. Honey. In 1919 while Rev. H. Wilkinson was stili pastor, my husband, Frederick W. Lee, died. I sold our store business and home and left the village, fter living there from 1901. From that date I ar n ot so certain of the names of the pas- tors, nor the date when the lovely new parsonage, a gift of Mr. Geo. W. McLaughlin, Oshawa, was built. AUGUST MOON Hanging like a disk of cliver In the evening's eastern sky, Filling earth with haîf-tone gloaming As you rise to zenith high; And yau change ta chromish yel- low, Gilding ail the standing grains Ta a golden shade af richness Like a sunset sky retains. Then your caf t rays Ides the fruit trees, In the August orchards, whcre, Hang -ripening,' in yaur night- glaw, Peach and apple, plum and pear. And the grapevine, heav'ly laden, With its turning-purple fruit, Waves its limbe and thraws you kisses, That's its welcoming salute. And the late f lowers in the garden Next you tint with lunar gold, Asters, Balsame, Cosmos, Zenias, As their thanks ta you unfold. Then you peep through ail the windows At wee kîddies in their beds, And you drop your moonbcam biessings On their little sieepy heads. In the moonehade of the elm trce, On a garden seat that's there, You turn blind eyes, but you licten -To a pair af loyers there; And now, George, yau will be Aýd you don't withdrmw yaur wondering about my present ad- moonlight dress, soamn expîmnation is in As you harken ta Ihern croon, order. For you knaw how yaung heats On July 301h I lcft Toronto for love yau, the Canadian Soo. Here I was met You, ald darling, Auguet moon. by twa cousins, and wms escorled -RALPH GORDON. by them acrace the ferry ta the 628 Crawford St., Toronto. American Sao. From there I trmv- ellcd by bus ta Cedarville, (31 framn Ontario la Michigan, where miles) on the northern Michigan Ella and Beatrice were married. Peninsula, where I was *met by Dan, Uic eldeet, and a surveyar, two aid friends af girlhaad days, dicd in 1919. and finished my journey by motor i arn living i hopes of being boat (anc and a hall miles) 10 bmck in Canada in Uic near La Salle Id., one af Les Chenemux future, in lime ta attend Uic Dim- group af 35 isimnds called "The mand Jubilee af my aid-home Snows." About 30 miles distant church aI Enniskiilen, Aug. 26-28. are thc Straits af Mckinac, con- Yussneey nccting Lake Michigan and Lake (MYouKhrs sinrgelyadin Huron. This group af islands, (r. ahrn ru adn situated la Lake Huron, with its huge rocks, channels, bays, caves and gioriaus waads rcmind anc af ObiulLary aur Muskoka. These islands comprise m "Na- Rev. Isaac Snell, Tarante tional Park" of health and happi- ness, withixi easy reach by stcain- Rcv. Isaac Snell, 65, active for ship of Chicago and Detoit many years in Uic former MeUi- (about 8 hours) or by auto fram adiet Church and later the United five adjacent States. They arc Church af the Bay aI Quinte callcd the 1000 Islands afi'Mich- Conference, died Aug. 141h, aI igan, and with their numerous hic home, 339 Cranbroakc Ave., protccted water lane; the Venice Toronto. He had been ill three af America. And here, an lavely ycmrs. La Salle Island, I am guest of Mr. Snell was born in Uic the laIe Rev. and Mrs. Robert Township af Mona, wherc he re- Sandcrcon's fammly-Ed, Ella and ceivcd hic public schooi education. Beatrice. He attcnded high cchool in Or- Il might be of local interest ta angeville and normal school aI- aider readers ta kaow Uimt Ella Toronto. Following neary six and Ed mttendcd B.H.S. and years of teaching he entered the Whitby and Port Hope Madel University af Toronto, graduating Schaole, and bath taught la Dar- in 1894. Ordained la 1894, he lington and Whitby Townships. servcd a number of charges in Uic SIn a recent issue of your paper Bay aI Quinte Conference. He (under Uic Dim and Distant Past servcd as minister aI the United -t-50 years ago) you spoke of Ella Church at Bimckstock anid Cam- as a B.H.S. student and a silver bray amoag other places, rctirmng medallist la Elocutian aI 0. L.C., i 1936 because afIl11 health. He Whitby. had been a recident aI Toronto Ed., who wms born ln Uic par- since. canage at Brookiin, Ont., later Mr. Snell had hcld important took a medical course at Detoit, offices in the Bay aI Quinte Con- (whcre hic brother, Herb, is stili ference.- He wms a member af practieing medicine) and for over Prince Albert Lodge, A.F& A.M. 30 year chas been a surgeon there, Surviving are hic widow. Sybil wiUi X-ray and electro-Uierapy Comnstack Snell; twa brathers, cquipped offices. George aI Toronto, and Robert of 'Several years mga he retired Ailieton, and twa sicters, Mrs. and le now cngrasced in the re- Mary Moffatt and Mrs. Anne building of hic summer home- Milliga, bath aI Allistan. Stoney Crest Ladgc II, which I Mr. Mansan Comstack, Baw- should like ta briefly decribe. manville, is a brother-în-law aI Situatcd an a high, racky crest, Mr. Snell. this unique, iow and rambllng iodge is builtoaI ilmestone, split by Uic builder, and from th~e trees on Uic praperty, cul and hewed. et to It has such fMatures as clone fireplaces and chimncys, hand- Recent Visitors: mmde doars and lurniture, builîSi Mr. and Mrs. Kenaeth Samelle buxike, and the interior finished and famiiy with friends aI Janet- wi Michigan kaatty pine. WiIh ville. .. Mrc. Jas. Malcolm, Part ils maay windows faciag Uic Pcrry, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Job beautiful waters af Uic channel lin. .. Mrs. Peter Wright is home and currounding woodc, the ouI- from Port Perry Hospital and look is gloriaus, while wîthin are vicîting her dmughter, Mrs. Rae books galore, souvenirs of native Malcolm, Yclverton. .. Mr. El- and many clever articles af hand- mer Wright, Toronto, wiUi friendc iwark, in copper and wood. at Nestîcton. .. Mr. R. McGiil, The Sandercon famiiy mavcd Cochrane, wiUi hic cister, Mrs. Jas. Williamson. .. Mise Jean Malcolm with Mies Verna Mc- Nally, Blmckstock. .. Mrs. R. Williams and Mies Doris at Nest- leton. .. Miss Jean Allaway, Oshawa, with Miss Ellen Emer- son. Threshing le the order of the day and the grain is turning aut exceptianally well. Mr. Frank Emerson has returxi- cd from Port Perry Haspital where he underwent an aperation an hie foot. A number of Institute Ladies motorcd ta Janetviile on Thurs- day ta visit their Institute. It be- ing the occasion of their 23rd an- niversary. There will be no service in the United Church next Sunday. Remember the W.A. and M.S. meeting at Mrs. R. W. Marlow's Aug. i7th. FamilyRe-union McDonald Famlly More than anc hundred mcm- bers of thc McDonald family were present at the seventh annual pic- nic hcld at the Cream of Bmrley Camp on Civic Holiday. Prizes were prcsented ta the oldeet Mc- Donald present, Mre. Rebecca Mc- Donald Wilson, Keene; the young- est, Edward Charles Woad, Bow- nianville; the largeet faxnily pres- cnt, that of Roy Chapmnx(four- teen children), and the family cominig the longeet distance, that of Ernest Freeman, St. Catharies. The next reunion was arranged ta take place at Presqu' Ile Paint an Civic Holiday, 1940. Officers were re-elected as fol- lows: President,, Neil G. Mc- Donald, Willowdale; secretary- treasurer, Miss Muriel McDonald Reddick, Brighton; hanorary presidents, Mrs. Ella Fortune, Keene; Mrs. Robert Wilson, Keene; Mrs. Melissa McDonald, Coiborne; Mrs. Catharine McDon- ald, Toronta; Sam McDonaid, Norwood; Clarence Walker, Col- borne. Committee included: Neil, SPECIALI INf PICKLES* MIDDLE SCHOOL RESUITS ARE OUT We wlsh to'congratulate the pupls of the middle school classes on their fine resulfa. Wl 1h school opening not far off may we remind yen that for the et resuits you must have thc best echool supplies. This year aur stock ls bitter, better, and more complete Uian ever before. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY LADIES! We Invite you te Inspect oui yarn counter. We now have hi stock over 25 different types ef wool ta choose from. Prlced from 10e to 75e per bal JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE ]Phone 651 Bowmanvlie1 Muttan and Ira Purdy, Bowman- vile.- No man is sa poor that he can't allord ta smile occasioamly. - *-m-u~m~oe~mo 4UIilihlI I LYMNVALLEY I THINSHELL p SIG PEARS SODAS SA DOMINO BLACKIC ox SALAD DRESSING 32= 9 DOMINION PEAMWT DOMINO PALE DRY GINGE BUTTER -Z 150 AIE B.t. 100 RICHMELLO ja SPECIAL SHORTENING COFFEE 1-b.25* JEWEL Cite SPECIAL BULIC READICU? H ENZ -White, Cé.,M_;alt MACARONI lb. 030 VINEGAR 'il«. 13,0 SPECIAL SHRlIPU FANCY225 SPECIALI CHASE AND SANUORN DATED COFFIEE Po 34c MILD IACHEESE 2lh 29c CHROICE PEAU 2 ~15c SPECIALI PEERLESS WHEAT PUFFIS moi.1 9c Caifonl Head Lettuce Blueberries 2 Ibs.25e VALUES EFFECTIVE THURS.. FRI., SAT., AUGUST 17, MU,19 f r -. PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, AtJGUST 17TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 28-ox, 1 9 C jar,

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